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11:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

RJ: Mos Espa.

Posted by The ForceFor group 0
The Force
GM, 209 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 9 Jan 2016
at 17:53
  • msg #1

RJ: Mos Espa

The sleepy hamlet of Mos Espa quietly endures the sweltering heat, just as it does every day. The populace is about half human, half other species. A group of jawas walk down the street, chittering to one another. A human male and a ranat sit in the shade, conversing quietly. A felician negotiates the price of a thubu loaf with a sullustan merchant. A gamorrean trundles by you, snorting some sand out of its impressive nose.

You are standing outside the storage area when you see a Jablogian in a dark-coloured imperial uniform marching busily down the street. He seems to be heading towards the shipyard.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 13 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Sat 9 Jan 2016
at 19:08
  • msg #2

RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy is well dressed in tan shorts, blouse and head scarf along with stylish glasses.  This could possibly be considered 'out of place' but she has always 'stood out' and so doesn't mind a little attention from time to time.   Her pale skin is tinted with appropriate cosmetics (suitably sun-screened) and her pink hair, whilest mostly hidden, does peak out from under the headscarf from time to time.

Spotting the imperial uniformed Jablogian, she motions carefully to the others so that they too spot him.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 70 posts
Sat 9 Jan 2016
at 19:56
  • msg #3

RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki eyed over the stylish lass with slight disbelief for a second, the young Sorlock blended in the with the Outer Rim Rabble quite well after spending much time on the move. However if she was drawing attention to herself then that simply meant less eyes on him, which suited him just fine. Catching her motion, his eyes followed to land on the Jablogian in a uniform.

Ikki watched him march towards the shipyard "Someone has something to tell us. Walking around in a uniform in plain daylight." He mutters to the others as he moves his arm around to give the impression of a casual conversation. "I'm going to tail him, let's see whats going on." He told the others his attention, hopefully he could blame the whole mission on the Empire. He still needed to find out how Jabba's men knew each other from others but this had fully grasped his curiosity.
The Force
GM, 213 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 03:47
  • msg #4

RJ: Mos Espa

With his ponderous walk, the short & tubby man stomps towards the shipyard. He doesn't look around much, so tailing him is fairly easy.

You reach the shipyard just after him. The rodian steward meets him at the gate.

"Hello, Scuzis. Which one is it?" the jablogian says. The rodian points inward, at your ship, and buzzes.

"Thank you. Won't be long."

The rodian goes back inside his sheltered hut, and the imperial stomps into the yard.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 14 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 08:06
  • msg #5

RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy is still loitering with apparent intent near the storage area and doesn't see or hear any of this.
Jeron Rist
player, 15 posts
Speak and act in memory
for those who have fallen
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 19:42
  • msg #6

RJ: Mos Espa

Jeorn followed along with Caddy, ready to play the part of bodyguard or boyfriend, depending on which way she decided to go with it. He stayed at her side, one step back, as she walked along. He gave her a very shallow nod at her motion to indicate that he'd followed what she saw.

"So, m'dear, how'd you like t'play this?" He smiled at her, as he watched the shipyard out of the corner of his eye.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 15 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 08:23
  • msg #7

RJ: Mos Espa

"Play?"  She really had no interest in playing anything right now - she was far too nervous!  And yet she offered Jeron an alternative, "Let's wait and see what Ikki uncovers."
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 74 posts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 23:06
  • msg #8

RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki gritted his teeth as the Rodian pointed the at the ship and spoke to the Jablogian. If only he knew what he was saying. Reaching into his utility belt and retrieving his comlink as he leaned against the wall to look more casual. With a short buzz of static he patched himself through to Caddy's, speaking into it ++Officer is moving to our ship. Tailing.++ With another short crackle he turned the Comlink off.

Pushing himself off the wall, he flicks his collar up in a small attempt to both protect his neck from the sun and cover more of his face. Moving slowly he weaved inside of different vehicles. He tailed the Jablogian all the way to the ship, who didn't even looked concerned about his surroundings. Once he stopped, Sorlock found a place to hide and watched him carefully.

22:51, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 5 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1B 1D with rolls of 5(P), 4(A), 1(A), 3(B), 7(D).  Stealth.
The Force
GM, 218 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 23:22
  • msg #9

RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki follows the imperial over to the ship. The imp takes out a datapad and begins carefully examining the ship's hull near the landing ramp. He types notes into his datapad as he examines.

The imperial uses a portable printer to create a flimsy. He affixes it to the ship's landing gear and has a final look around. Plainly not noticing his young stalker, he sets out from the landing yard again.
The Force
GM, 220 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 07:40
  • msg #10

RJ: Mos Espa

Noting the chubby creature's slow walking speed and unhurried pace, Ikki grabs ahold of the flimsy before continuing his tail.

The note is an instruction to the ship's master to attend the Imperial Customs Office within 48 standard hours or before leaving the planet, whichever comes first. It instructs them to bring a full list of crew and passengers as well as a cargo manifest. The location of the office is provided.

The imperial seems to be heading back in that direction now.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 17 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 08:34
  • msg #11

RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy will wait a moment before quietly replying, ++Is he up to anything?  Need me to intervene?++  She begins walking in the general direction of the ship which will no doubt cross her paths with the uniformed individual - something she'll capitalise on depending on Ikki's response.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 76 posts
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 12:58
  • msg #12

RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki clicked his tongue as he stops tailing the Officer, there would be a better time to steal that when they arrived at the officer. Switching his comlink back on after reading the note as Caddy buzzed through to him ++He wants to see all our crew and cargo before we leave....Might want to make a good impression when you go past. I'm coming back to meet up with you.++ He points out that first impressions were important.

The young spy left sufficient distance between him and the target before walking after him towards his teammates. They'd discuss what to do from there and his plans for making the Imperials take the blame for the heist.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 18 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 13:55
  • msg #13

RJ: Mos Espa

++Have I ever not made a good impressions?++  A rhetorical question of course and she smiles as she looks up at the now approaching Imperial having checked that Jeron is close to by.  Walking quite deliberately towards him, "Oh... just the person I was looking for!   My name Caddy Manitu and we just landed and I wanted to check that all was well with my paperwork, that my dock duties were paid... you know, all the good stuff."  Her voice had changed becoming maybe a little airier, a little softer, as she attempted to quite deliberately charm the officer (or, indeed, make herself a mark should he he be so inclined).  Either would work in this instance and the latter could be dealt with later - after all, Jeron was here for a reason!

[Charm using 1A 2P please.  To ensure his temperament tends towards the positively and is less riled up about whatever misdemeanour he believes we have committed :-)]
The Force
GM, 225 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 05:58
  • msg #14

RJ: Mos Espa

"Ahem. Good day, madam. You are responsible for the..." the Imperial checks his datapad, "'Sunset Shimmer?' Good. Registered... here on Tatooine. Welcome home. Let us see, then. I'll have your papers before you leave, if you please. Cargo manifest, crew compliment, names of any passengers. As well, I'll need to log your previous stop and your next intended port of call."

"And finally," he adds. "The travelling tariff. One hundred Imperial credits, payable by note from any credit institution recognized by the Imperial Galactic Bank. Or the bank itself, of course."

He gives a little cough. "Of course, if you would prefer to settle in cash," he says, emphasizing this last word and making a little pause, "There is a pleasant discount available. Yes. Only eighty credits, if paid in cash."

He looks you in the eye for a moment.

"Make sure to stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, or you'll end up with skin as pink as mine."

The Imperial attempts to shuffle past you murmuring 'good day.'
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 19 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 00:28
  • msg #15

RJ: Mos Espa

"Why thank you.  It's good to be back."  She then pouts rather prettily, "I do so despise the all the paperwork.  Cargo, crew... honestly.  It's just me and mine."  She then gushes, "I'd be every so grateful though if we could dispense with that hassle.  And I'm sure I'd be able to provide the fee in... cash?  Maybe you could keep an eye on me over a nice cold beverage while my retainer retrieves it?"  A lady of my calibre could hardly be expected to carry such quantities of cash around with her, now could she?

[OOC: Playing on the success she is hoping to garner a better deal where their details are effectively ignored for the sake of the cash and a little time with her.  Their instructions were, after all, to be discreet.  She will, of course, expect him to buy the drinks and, if things pan out, she has her eyes on his datapad as it could lead to discovery of the cargo ships that have landed and the possible description and location of the cargo she is after.]

[If you require a Charm or indeed Negotiation role following on from the conversation, the roll is 1A 2P in both cases.]

The Force
GM, 227 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 03:47
  • msg #16

RJ: Mos Espa

The Force, on behalf of Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu, rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2p 2d 1s.  Charm.

The jablogian's type is more likely to be a sullustian than a human, but Caddy is the queen of laying it on thick. Without a word, he extends his arm to take hers, and leads her off with his customary waddle.

"You must understand that Mos Espa is hardly akin to Coruscant in culture, but perhaps we can find something suitable."

While the Imperial and Caddy are occupied, the rest of the team have plenty of opportunity to engage in further investigation.
Jeron Rist
player, 17 posts
Speak and act in memory
for those who have fallen
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 17:43
  • msg #17

RJ: Mos Espa

Jeron stood back a bit from Caddy, close enough to be considered "with" her, but not close enough that Imperial would feel threatened or anything. He had his arms cross over his chest and a slightly disinterested look on his face. He kept moving his head slowly back and forth as he watched up and down the street, clearly playing up the bodyguard or muscle role. But for the moment, he let Caddy do the talking.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 20 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 19:24
  • msg #18

RJ: Mos Espa

Before taking the jablogian's arm she looks to Jeron, "Best run along then.  And don't get lost in the dock the way you always seem to!"  While her words seem light, her eyes are urging Jeron to head for the docks and to nosey around.  Maybe he can find out where their target's ship is docked?

That done, she primly rests her arm on larger man's arm and is lead away from the docks.  "I'm sure you can."  She smiles, "Now, tell me about the docks.  It must be fascinating!  See all the visitors.   You must meet all sorts.  Tell me, tell me... have you met anyone famous?"  A leading conversation point but she hopes now that he's treating her well that he'll relax and speak freely.

[OOC: And I'll use my advantages to give Jeron a blue on his next roll.  ed.. blue being a Boost dice!]
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 80 posts
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 16:04
  • msg #19

RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki approached the scence, Caddy was laying it on thick and managed to sweet talk the Officer. Surely this was a chance to get into his office. They couldn't have a massive base out here at least. Walking swiftly passed Jeron, muttering as he passed "Evidence" Hopefully the older man would understand he was going to forge some evidence for them to plant.

Walking fast enough to past the Officer and Caddy, he offered them both a nod of the head. In politeness and in praise to the Temptress for succeeding as he made his way to find the Imperial Office.
Jeron Rist
player, 18 posts
Speak and act in memory
for those who have fallen
Mon 18 Jan 2016
at 21:11
  • msg #20

RJ: Mos Espa

Jeron raised one eyebrow up at Caddy's dismissal but stayed in the role and gave her a nod. He quietly spoke in a raspy voice, "As you wish," before turning and leaving her in the capable Imperial hands.

He returned to the cantina to see if he could overhear or drum any information about the cargo of Jabba's they were there to acquire.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 25 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Mon 18 Jan 2016
at 22:52
  • msg #21

RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy acknowledges Jeron's departure with a slight nod of the head and mostly ignored Ikki as he passed them by though he might notice that her eyes certainly did follow him as he passed.
The Force
GM, 234 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 19 Jan 2016
at 14:31
  • msg #22

RJ: Mos Espa

Streetwise would be an excellent choice, yes. 1D 1S, 1B for every 10 credits you spend.

Jeron ends up back in the cantina, which has filled up a bit. Locals do not mix with spacers, it seems, but there's plenty of people looking glum and down on their luck.


The Imperial office is a building with two offices, one for each of two different services. One is Justice & Grievences, and the other is for Customs & Immigration. There are only a few rooms in each office, at least half of which consists of two reception areas.

The office for Justice is full of people, half of whom are in uniform and half of whom are in desert wear. There is clearly an argument going on between the sides.

The Customs office is comparably empty, with only a few clerks sitting at terminals, working and chatting.


Caddanra is treated to a short dissertation on the importance of regulations in a small town with a fluid population. The officer escorts her to an open-air cafe under a cabana, where he orders a pitcher of hubba gourd juice. It costs forty credits, half a day's wages for some people.
Jeron Rist
player, 20 posts
Speak and act in memory
for those who have fallen
Tue 19 Jan 2016
at 18:12
  • msg #23

RJ: Mos Espa

Jeron spent money, spreading around free drinks, getting people 'socially lubricated' while starting with small talk and story swapping before moving on to asking discreetly about Jabba's cargo and ship.

"Oh, there was this ONE, she was a firecracker! Carrying QUITE the cargo, if you catch my meanin'! She stole my heart...right after she stole all my money!!" He laughed and took a drink.

OOC: Spending 40 credits. Maybe the 2 Advantages to either get more information, or keep people from getting suspicious about the questions he's asking so word doesn't spread?

11:10, Today: Jeron Rist rolled 4 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 4B 1D 1S ((5(P), 1(A), 6(A), 2(B), 5(B), 4(B), 3(B), 6(D), 6(S))).

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