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11:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

RJ: Mos Espa.

Posted by The ForceFor group 0
The Force
GM, 447 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 23 Jul 2016
at 04:09
  • msg #324

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Although the Stormtrooper sergeant and all his men do indeed surrender, it seems that the Defiance has not left them entirely.

"You may have beaten us, Rebel scum," he spits harshly from his knees. "But there are a million more stormtroopers, ready to die for the Emperor."

You collect the stormtroopers' weapons to keep them from attacking further. However, something tells you that it's time to get off Tatooine. The sooner, the better.

Your ship is still landed only a few hundred meters away.
player, 118 posts
W08/11, S10/12
Sat 23 Jul 2016
at 04:16
  • msg #325

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Dienton rises to his feet and jogs to his companions, he was forced to step lightly around the rubble, but was by their side in moments.  He cut Caddy's bonds, allowing her free movement again.  He checked them over, no life threatening wounds that he could see, a good days work really.

He moved behind each trooper and fired several stun blasts at each one, putting them down so they would not need to fear pursuit, looked at his companions "Time to go right?"  and quickly moved towards their ship.  He was done with this planet and wanted off.
This message was last updated by the player at 04:17, Sat 23 July 2016.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 153 posts
Not just a pretty face...
2 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Sat 23 Jul 2016
at 13:18
  • msg #326

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy thanks Dienton for cutting her free before looking at the defiant Sergeant.  She stops Dienton from shooting him though and speaks with Dienton still threateningly standing behind the Sergeant, "I think you have us mistaken, Sergeant."   She smiles, "A message for your Masters, dog.  The Huts are not pleased.   Tell them that if they meddle again, that the 'deal is off'.  And that includes meddling with our transport on the way out."   She glares at Sergeant to make sure he understands before nodding to Dienton... unfortunately she's standing a little close and while the Sergeant goes done, some of the discharge hits her and she's knocked back and when she stands, it's rather unsteadily.  "Let's get out of here...."  If Dieton is close enough, she'll rest a hand on his shoulder.

Using 3D - post 507 in the OOC for a Deception vs a 'Trained Opponent' for 3D 1A 2P.

14:06, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 4 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3D 1A 2P.  Deception.]

This message was last edited by the player at 20:17, Sun 24 July 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 245 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 24 Jul 2016
at 02:21
  • msg #327

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Forim guns the engines and swings the vehicle around to aim toward the trooper who threw the grenade.  As he guns around the corner, he lets the back end swing around hitting the trooper.

He says into his com "On my way for hot extraction"

21:16, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 3A.  Rolling Planetary.
No difficulty rolled.  Probably 3d to ram someone?

The Force
GM, 449 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 24 Jul 2016
at 03:17
  • msg #328

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Forim flattens the last resisting stormtroopers. He drives the speeder into the Summer's cargo bay. Then he ascends into the cockpit.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 157 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2016
at 22:51
  • msg #329

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki collects both his and the troopers weapons that are thrown around the breif battlefield. Before getting into the speeder with the others without the rush of battle the slashs on his back throbbed with a hot pain. As soon as they got into the ship, he placed his weapons in the speeder along with the others and made his way to the Dorsal cannons "Just to be sure..." He said to the others but just by looking at him he didn't look in top shape.

OOC: What weapons do we get from the Stormtroopers? Just for inventory.
The Force
GM, 450 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 25 Jul 2016
at 00:43
  • msg #330

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

The Rebels don't have time to do a full strip-search on the troopers. Six blaster carbines, a blaster pistol, and a pair of fibroblasts is the sum.

Soon, the Rebels have gunned it into the sky. Immediately, the ship's sensors begin registering contacts.

The Imperial Dreadnaught has closed on the planet. From its nearer position it has deployed TIE Fighters. One squadron is escorting the ponderous capital ship. The other has broken by flights to blockade more of the planet.

The Sunset Shimmer has entered upper altitude when three TIEs are in them.

++Rebel craft, this is Diamond Squadron. Change course to 115, 223, 77, and reduce your speed by 25 percent, or you will be fired on.++
player, 120 posts
W08/11, S7/12
Mon 25 Jul 2016
at 02:14
  • msg #331

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Dienton primes the cannon and yells into the comm "I vote we gun it, lets get out of here!"
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 158 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2016
at 22:15
  • msg #332

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki follows suit, preparing for combat hoping Forim can prevent them from being blown out of the skies.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 155 posts
Not just a pretty face...
2 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Wed 27 Jul 2016
at 23:07
  • msg #333

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Caddy settles to bandaging herself and searching the small med-kit for any sort of stims.
Forim Luk
PC, 246 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 28 Jul 2016
at 03:22
  • msg #334

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

++Hold on!++ as he spins toward the ties and throttles it.  Just after they make their course correction Form dramatically changes their course hoping to buy them a few extra seconds.

++We can't outrun ties forever.  Someone get on the sensors and keep an eye on their cruiser++

22:21, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A.  Rolling Space.
No difficulty rolled.  Use any spare advantages to put them out of position when we blow past them.

The Force
GM, 451 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 28 Jul 2016
at 20:10
  • msg #335

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

The TIE Fighters were expecting resistance. However the modified freighter cuts a tighter curve than they anticipated. Their formation scatters for a few seconds.

The Shimmer gets a few precious milliparsecs away before the TIEs get their act together. Their short-range lasers are firing at maximum range.

Forim is forced into a dive to avoid the hail of energy, but the ship is unharmed.

1 setback to all piloting and gunnery actions.
Everyone else take an action or at least indicate that you're doing nothing.

Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 156 posts
Not just a pretty face...
2 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Thu 28 Jul 2016
at 23:08
  • msg #336

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

As the ship yaws, Caldy staggers before wedging herself into a bunk before continuing searching.
player, 121 posts
W08/11, S7/12
Fri 29 Jul 2016
at 01:49
  • msg #337

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Dienton's stomach lurches as the ship rolls and bucks.  He keeps his eyes focused on the starry sky, trying to keep his lunch down, then a flash of white  . . the Tie streaks across his scanner,  Dienton swings the turret towards the target, using his nimble fingers to guide the controls . . . . he fires!  Streams of light flash through space, impacting the fighter with incredible force, breaking it up into smoking fragments.

Assumed this was a standard tie with 2 armor and 6 HT Threshold

2 successes, 1 advantage
Damage 8

Forim Luk
PC, 247 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 29 Jul 2016
at 02:33
  • msg #338

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Forim continues to jink and juke making their ship harder to hit

21:27, Today: Forim Luk rolled 4 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A 2D ((7(P), 5(P), 7(A), 4(A), 8(D), 8(D))).

Upgrade 1 difficulty dice to Challenge dice, also upgrade difficutly to shoot the ties by 1.

Just reading what the non combatants can do
CoPilot can make a 2D piloting check to lower my difficulty..
Anyone can make a 3D dicipline or leadership check to give the gunners a boost
3D computers to hack their systems, spend 2 advantages for 1 strain, or reduce defence of one zone.
2D computers to jam their communications

Forim says calmly into his comlink ++let me know when they are getting closer in range, Ill line a shot up for everyone++
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 159 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2016
at 21:18
  • msg #339

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Ikki copies his fellow gunner and swivels in his seat and hits another one of the ties, not destroying it but damaging it alot. However the wound on his back was causing him alot of pain, he was being too rough on his control panel as well, overloading part of the system.

Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 2d 1s with rolls of 6(A), 3(A), 3(A), 7(D), 8(D), 6(S).  Shoot Ties.

6 damage

Spending 2 Threats to give myself another Setback next check and 1 threat to add a strain to the ship.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:19, Sun 31 July 2016.
The Force
GM, 453 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 2 Aug 2016
at 23:56
  • msg #340

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

The Force rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2P 3D 1C.  Tie attack.

The remaining TIEs are not put off by the counterattacking laser fire. They hum and close in formation, firing all the while.

Some of the laser blasts strike the Shimmer's shields. The ship rocks with laser dissipated energy.

In their haste to get closer, the TIE fighters have yet to comm for assistance! Only belatedly does their Flight leader summon aid. Your sensors detect that other TIE fighters are now being dispatched towards your position.
player, 122 posts
W08/11, S7/12
Wed 3 Aug 2016
at 00:07
  • msg #341

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Dientons fingers twitch as the ties streak across his field of vision, the ships movements are making it tough, but he would defend his ship!  He lets loose another volley as soon as he is able to lock onto the next fighter, again it explodes across his field of vision - he grins.

As the tie splinters he hoots into his comm "Yeaaaa haw!  Hey Forim, get us out of here, we cant outrun these guys at sublight!"

2 Success - Damage 8
2 Advantage - Pass boost to next friendly action.

Bounty Hunter, 171 posts
9/12 strain
10/13 wounds
Wed 3 Aug 2016
at 03:49
  • msg #342

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Onyx flips switches anticipating Forim's next move.

Onyx rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 3a.  copilot.

Unfortunately he does more harm than good, and the ship suffers for it.

ship takes 1 more strain
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 157 posts
Not just a pretty face...
2 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Wed 3 Aug 2016
at 07:05
  • msg #343

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Having taken a moment to settle herself and feeling the immediacy of the need for her to help the ship, Cassy heads for an open terminal and sits herself down.   Hacking isn't her 'speciality' but she figures she can sow a few seeds of confusion in the enemy and looks to transmit various conflicting signals about position, numbers and so forth in the hope of confusing the less capable fighters approaching them (after all, she figures, they can't all be carrying heavy duty sensor equipment!)

[Attempting: 2D computers to jam their communications

3A, 2D, 1B (courtesy of Dienton)

08:57, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 3 successes, 4 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 3D 1B ((1(A), 4(A), 6(A), 7(D), 7(D), 5(D), 3(B))).

So she succeeds well, but 4 threats are quite hefty.  So that's a blue to the next action of the enemy against our ship - and a black for our ship's next action.   But the signals *do* work so they are confused.

The Force
GM, 454 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 6 Aug 2016
at 20:04
  • msg #344

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

Caddendra taps in a sequence into the ship's comm and smiles with satisfaction. She's pretty sure that the impromptu jamming will keep the enemy from communicating.

The TIEs fire their lasers again. It boxes the Shimmer into place, cutting within meters of the hull.

The ship's shields overload. Now there is nothing but a thin layer of metal between you and space.

The ship's navicomputer beeps. You have escaped Tatooine's mass shadow, making it possible to effect a hyperspace jump.

Likely you will want to make only a short hop at first, to escape pursuit before jumping out of the system. These are fairly easy to calculate.

The Force rolled no successes, 1 threat , 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2p 3d 1b.  tie attack.

1D for a microjump. 1 setback for doing it fast!

Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 158 posts
Not just a pretty face...
2 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Mon 8 Aug 2016
at 23:30
  • msg #345

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

What could Caddy do?  She could only shudder as their shields fell and lazer fire quite literally skimmed their shields, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

She can only continue to jam the enemies communication (which she now seems to have a solid handle on, tweaking the comms to confuse!) as they hopefully make the first micro-jump.

[OOC: 00:29, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 3 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 2d ((3(A), 3(A), 7(A), 5(D), 1(D))).

I tried adding the black but just got another threat.]

This message was last edited by the player at 23:33, Mon 08 Aug 2016.
player, 123 posts
W08/11, S7/12
Tue 9 Aug 2016
at 00:57
  • msg #346

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

The tie fighters just kept coming!  Dienton had destroyed two of them, he wasnt sure how the rest of the team was doing, so he did all he could at the moment.  He had started as a healer, but had long ago accepted that he was now a soldier.  He fired and another tie exploded into fragments, sending a shower of sparks across his vison.  His gun began to complain at the stress.

3 success 1 threat
9 damage, 1 system strain

Took two setbacks to ensure forim has a clear chance at the astrogation check

Forim Luk
PC, 250 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 9 Aug 2016
at 02:53
  • msg #347

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

"We need to straighten out for a sec, get me an .." Forim starts as the tie explodes and he sees his opening.  He straightens out the ship and fires the hyperdrive for a split second.

21:48, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 1A 1d 1S 1b.  Punch It Chewie!
+1 Advantage for being Duros.  Flipped a Destiny.  Spending all 3 advantages to give us enough time to jump out again before they show up.

They fall out of hyperspace in one peice.  "Calculating second jump, give me a few minutes to do this properly.  Stay focused." he says to the crew
The Force
GM, 455 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 9 Aug 2016
at 23:47
  • msg #348

Re: RJ: Mos Espa

The ship lurches and the stars jump. Everyone not in a shock chair rolls, struggling to avoid falling.

A moment later, you re-enter real space. The TIEs are nowhere to be seen. Tatooine is distantly visible, no brighter than most of the stars. It is nearly lost in the light of the binary stars. Strange constellations greet you.

Long range sensors detect the dreadnought and its vessels half a light year behind you. It seems to be gathering up some of its vessels before pursuing. The TIEs cannot make even such a short jump, as they lack hyperdrives. The dreadnought could only pursue you if it left its fighter escort behind.

You don't stick around to find out how long it will take. Only a few minutes later, you have leaped back into hyperspace. As soon as you are away, the immediate danger has passed.

Soon the Sunset Shimmer's transponder codes will be known all across the Empire as a Rebel vessel. However, you have accomplished your objectives.
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