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, welcome to [SotM] Sentinels of the Multiverse

10:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by OblivAeonFor group public
GM, 8 posts
The Creator
The Destroyer
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 03:37
  • msg #1


Keep these in mind and you'll do fine:

  1. When in doubt ask.
    If you're stuck in-game or out-of-game, not sure how to react or feel like there is anything preventing you from posting, either drop a line in any OOC chat or send me a PM. If you don't get an answer within 24 hours, poke me in the GM poke thread. While I may not update every day, I do keep an eye out for PMs and questions.

  2. It's your character.
    I spend my day trying to figure out plot lines and run encounters. I do not memorize character sheets. If there is important information pertaining to your character (like how you have dark vision so you don't get the dark penalties I posted) it is your responsibility to bring that up, not mine to remember it. You are the advocate for your character, it is your job to give them every advantage they can have. If you have questions, see Rule #1.

  3. If you have to leave, drop me a line.
    If you're going to be absent for longer then a week, or your RL schedule means you're going to be busier then normal, or school is starting and RL has to be adjusted...whatever the case, drop me a PM before you disappear for longer then a week. If you haven't posted in a week I will view you as an AFK player. I will then begin to NPC your character if they are vital to the plot, finding a replacement player, or working them out of the story. If you disappear for two weeks without prior warning, don't be surprised to find that you no longer have a character. This doesn't mean I can't work you back in, but it would ALL be resolved much better with a bit of forewarning. Even if you don't KNOW but just THINK you might have difficulty posting, see Rule #1: When in doubt, send a PM.

    If you have not logged in for a couple of weeks I may mark you as (AFK) after your name. If you have (AFK) on your name I am NPCing your character through encounters and you are at risk of either being replaced by another player OR being killed off for dramatic purposes. To remove (AFK) all you have to do is come back and post.

  4. If you take too long, I will advance the story.
    PbP can be slow enough without spending weeks/months trying to create a plan. I've seen this happen game after game after game where when the party has to make a decision nothing gets done and the game grinds to a halt while people just mill around without anything to do. When you are ready for the scene to advance you can notify that clearly by writing in an OOC line at the bottom:


    This will signify to both me and the rest of the group that you're ready to move on. When the majority is ready (or I get bored :P) the game will advance. I will post a default plan and if the plan hasn't changed before then, then that is what you're going to be doing. If you don't like it you'd better speak up and get a new plan in the works before I get bored and hit the fast forward button.

GM, 9 posts
The Creator
The Destroyer
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 03:40
  • msg #2

IC vs. OOC Drama

I really hope that everyone gets along but just to cover my bases and provide a heads up to you, my beloved players.

Through the actions IC, player characters can very easily come into conflict and some PCs may become bitter enemies of other PCs.

I am A-Okay with that kind of drama/conflict however there are some very strict rules to adhere to for PC vs. PC conflict (be it verbal, physical, other).

  1. Don't take it personally.

  2. Leave it in the game.

  3. When I have to take a side, EVERYONE LOSES!

I encourage players to open up an OOC dialogue whenever you take a PC relationship to another level, be it friendship, romantic, or enemies. Make sure that you and your fellow player are on the same page about how you expect the scene to progress. I will be observing everything (although it figures that the weekend I take off is when all sorts of drama flies around) and if things get out of hand I can and will reset the whole scene. Massive amounts of posts will be spontaneously deleted and I will step in and give an official ruling.

Everything is handled on a case-by-case scenario but just know that if I have to step in and adjudicate consider the brown stuff to officially be hitting the fan and I will have a hair trigger on the ban hammer so if you do disagree with my ruling you had better be EXTRA polite about it both to myself and the other players. If you throw down I throw you out, end of story.
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