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12:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M3: At the Ship.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 1
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 347 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 16:11
  • msg #69

M3: At the Ship

See the action off in the distance, Caddy turned angrily on Vodo, "How dare!"  Her outrage was obvious.  "We had a deal - and you'd set your thugs against my ship!"  While her words are aggressive, her stance is not and if Vodo wants to 'back down' he should have ample opportunity to do so and 'make things right' if he wants to rush off and stop the impending fire-fight.  "You'd better sort this out and pronto!"

[16:09, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1P 2d.  Negotiation.

She'll regain the earlier lost Strain as she hopefully gains the upper hand in this clash of wills.]

[OOC: Don't forget there's a second comm message that was lost in the time Sync... where Caddy comms:  ++"You'll not be able to get everyone inside the ship.  And besides, I wouldn't want," a quick head count x2, "pairs of feet dirtying my decks.  Maybe you could select a couple of trusted individuals to join you?"++]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:12, Sun 12 Mar 2017.
The Force
GM, 700 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 13 Mar 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #70

M3: At the Ship

Forim Luk
Caddy Manitu
Seargent Sengel
Ship thugs
Dome thugs

Forim is currently Engaged with the thugs outside the ship. From the ship's gangplank, Roger is at Short range. From the Pressure dome, Caddy is at Medium range from the thugs outside the ship, and Engaged with the ones all around her.

The thugs open fire on Forim with their simple slugthrower pistols. A hail of bullets strike all around him. The hail of bullets is so fierce that it suppresses any counter-fire against them.
Some of the thugs take cover behind the crates of cargo, making it a little harder to aim at them.

Seargent Sengel is struck by Forim's blaster bolt at point-blank range. It throws him back, and he shakes his head to clear it. He draws and fires his blaster pistol at Forim. The flash of the blast dazzles Forim's sensitive eyes.

The Force rolled 7 successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 8a 2p 2D.  ship thugs ranged (L).
11 damage pre-soak.
Ranged attacks on thugs from the ship have 2s.

The Force rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1D.  sengel Blaster pistol.
8 damage pre-soak.
Forim has 1s to next attack.

Vodo narrows his large round eyes as Caddy speaks. "It seems that my colleague has decided to take what he wants from your ship." He fold his arms. "If there is anything left after they are done looting, we will decide how much you still owe us."

Backed by all of his men, Caddy realizes she is going to have to be much more threatening to win this battle of wills. She does note that the thugs are distracted by the gun battle raging outside. With their focus divided...

The Force rolled 9 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 7a 1p 2D.  Thugs coercion.
9 strain pre-soak.
Caddy gets 1b to next action

Roger, take an action, then it's a new round and everyone gets an action.

B1-P3 'Roger'
Droid Pilot, 18 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 00:46
  • msg #71

M3: At the Ship

Uh oh, that’s not good.  You really shouldn’t be here…
Roger takes aim at the nearest thugs as he moves closer to the bulkhead for cover, steadies the pistol and fires several bolts into the fray…

21:43, Today: B1-P3 'Roger' rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1P 1D ((6(A), 7(A), 4(P), 4(D))).
Total damage - 9
Use advantage to pass Boost to Forim Luk

This message was last edited by the player at 00:53, Tue 14 Mar 2017.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 474 posts
Flight Officer
1/12s 6/13w
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 01:19
  • msg #72

M3: At the Ship

Forim retreats quickly as the hanger erupts in blaster fire.  This did not go how he had hoped.  Bolts slam into him almost knocking him off balance.  Dropping to a knee, he sights on the leader once more hoping that the thugs would stop shooting if their leader went down.  Luckily the gun is built well, and its advanced features mitigate his recovering eyes.  Blaster bolts shoot by him on every side, however Forim tries to remain calm.  To think he thought about selling this awesome blaster.

As the shit hits the leader hard, and he spasm right into a second bolt that Forim had shot in his general direction.  "Surrender now and you might live!" he shouts as he stabs himself in the neck with one of his stimpacks, the other arm shifting his blaster to aim the remaining thugs.  His eyes go wide as the drugs work quickly to boost his adrenaline and start working on fixing some of his internal bleeding

This new armor was already starting to pay off.  Without it, he would be dead on the ground, he was sure of it.  It still hurt mind you.  A lot.  But he wasnt dead, and he hoped those thugs wouldnt realize that he was close to dropping down.

TLDR: two hits on the leader
14 damage presoak
12 damage presoak
Triumph to demoralize the thugs - send them running for cover and blow their next turn?  If not perhaps I hit a grenade on the leaders belt, causing it to explode and taking some minions with him thus turning the tide of battle!
Maneouver: Aim
Maneouver: 2Strain + Aim
Action: Shoot

20:59, Today: Forim Luk rolled 6 successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A 1D 3B.
Net: 14 damage presoak + 5 advantages.
Spending 3 advantages to activiate criticale
Spending 2 advantages for a free maneuver -StimPack baby!

21:02, Today: Forim Luk rolled 77 using 1d100+10.  Critical!
Overpowered: The target leaves himself open, and the attacker may immediately attempt anotherfree attack against him. using the exact same pool as the original attack.

21:04, Today: Forim Luk rolled 4 successes, 3 advantages, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A 1D 3B.  Re rolling with the correct dice pool.

Net 12 damage presoak + 4 advantages.
Spending 3 advantages to trigger a critical
Spending 1 advantage to recover a strain

21:06, Today: Forim Luk rolled 49 using 1d100.  Crit 2.
Head Ringer: The target increases the difficulty of all Intellect and Cunning checks by one untilthe end of the encounter.

The Force
GM, 704 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 01:44
  • msg #73

M3: At the Ship

A rapid volley of close-range blaster bolts slams into Sengel the sergeant.  He is blown away, thrown limp against the dusty surface of the Moon.

The thugs are demoralized.  Aside from the losses they take from Rogers' blaster bolt, the sudden onrush of violence against their erstwhile leader leaves them with little confidence in continuing this battle.

The thugs run for the comparative safety of the dome.  It will take them a few seconds to reach it, especially since, in the thin atmosphere of the Moon, they can hardly catch their breath.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 353 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 11:55
  • msg #74

M3: At the Ship

Caddy wilted internally as her every effort earlier seemed to amount to... nothing... in the face of group of thugs and their apparently mindless desire to loot and pillage.

She's about to retort when the gunfire blasts out.   The droid shoots and hits and.... Forim takes a heavy blast only to reply in kind... impressive!  The thugs scatter and flee!

Turning once again to Vodo, now a picture of anger, she bars her pristine teeth, "I warned you Vodo.  I'm not one to be picked on.  You clearly see what we can do.   Your pea shooters and pathetic muscles mean nothing to me.   If you even consider crossing me again, I will have every one of your men hunted down and slaughtered like the dogs they are.  Now run along and join your men and think yourself lucky that I am not making an example of you.  Do you honestly think with such an obvious 'loss' under your belt that you'll be able to maintain any sort of standing and respect either with your men or indeed on this rock!"

She shakes her head, "I'll be leaving.   Make sure to have the weapons we handed in delivered back to my ship and the port authorities notified of our departure - or I'll have to come and speak to you again.  And I won't be as 'nice' when I do!"

At that, she turns, motions to Ikki and Kliss-Meen, and then purposefully stalks off towards the ship - double time.

[OOC: Feel free to roll whatever you need to :(

* Double Move
* 2 strain for a another move.]

This message was last edited by the player at 11:59, Tue 14 Mar 2017.
The Force
GM, 706 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 17:07
  • msg #75

M3: At the Ship

Caddy and Kliss-Meen pass by the thugs, who stand confused as she walks through the dome doors. The other gang of thugs running the other way allow her passage while trying to avoid being blocked in their heedless fleeing.

Caddy is all the way to the ship's landing area before they realize what is going on. Distantly through the thin atmosphere the Rebels can hear shouting. Vodo is grilling out the remaining thugs on letting their prize walk away.

Caddy is halfway up the gangplank before the thugs mobilize. They come running out of the dome, waving weapons and firing their short-ranged pistols in your direction.

Dokus Gree the chevin and Stuthee the chandra-fan are still outside the ship. They had hidden from the fight and are trying to take cover. Now they stand amongst the unloaded cargo. Both are asking the other what to do now. They look panicked.

Next round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:45, Tue 14 Mar 2017.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 478 posts
Flight Officer
1/12s 6/13w
Tue 14 Mar 2017
at 17:27
  • msg #76

M3: At the Ship

"Caddy" Forim says worriedly "Is this the guy?  Are we clear to leave?" as he moves toward the ramp to get cover if needed.

Providing cover fire, he takes a shot at the approaching thugs, but at this long range, his stun blast dissipates before reaching the targets.

Maneuver: Move to Cover.
Action: Shoot
Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A 2D ((8(P), 10(P), 1(P), 2(A), 3(D), 8(D))).
NET Miss + 3 advantages.

2 Advantages to preform a free maneuver - stim pack.
1 Advantage to pass a boost to the next character.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:58, Tue 14 Mar 2017.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 354 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 5 / 10 Wo
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 00:55
  • msg #77

M3: At the Ship

Caddy's reply is a little breathless as she continues running for the ship, "I certainly hope so!"  On seeing the Dokus though, she'll briefly slow to call out to the pair, "The offer is still on Stuthee... Dokus!"  Come with me if you want to live....  "You can stay here and try and claim the goods - or get on board and leave this rock with us!"

Under the covering fire, hopefully Caddy, Ikki and Kliss-Meen will make it to the ship and up the gangway.
B1-P3 'Roger'
Droid Pilot, 19 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 01:22
  • msg #78

M3: At the Ship

They’re coming back again!” Roger raises his pistol again, loosing another volley into the thugs.   Blaster bolts slam into chests, and bodies fall as he looks over his shoulder, “You’d better hurry up, I don’t like the looks on their faces!  I’ll close the hatch when you’re on!

22:16, Today: B1-P3 'Roger' rolled 2 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1P 2D ((4(A), 2(A), 7(P), 5(D), 3(D))).
Total damage: 8 pre-soak

The Force
GM, 709 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #79

M3: At the Ship

The chandra-fan and chevin don't need to be told twice.  They hustle up the ramp at Dokus Gree's lumbering pace, as he shields his small friend with his mighty body.

Once everyone is on board, Roger hits the gangplank controls and the ramp slowly rises.

The two inadvertent recruits stop to catch their breath almost immediately once inside. Kliss-Meen runs towards the aft of the ship, out of sight.

Indicate where the ship you are going, and what you're doing.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 17:03, Wed 15 Mar 2017.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 482 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 01:52
  • msg #80

M3: At the Ship

"Caddy, You keep an eye on our guest.  Roger, you keep an eye on those two" he says pointing to the new workers.

Forim takes off at a run toward the cockpit and fires up the engines.  Putting the ship through a quickened cold boot and then takes off.  He sets a course for orbit, trying to get out of the gravity well.

Firing up the sensors, he takes a quick look at what trouble he might have as he pulls out of range of the handheld blaster fire.

21:51, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b 3a 2d.  Sensors.
Spending advantage to notice something interesting.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:53, Wed 15 Mar 2017.
B1-P3 'Roger'
Droid Pilot, 20 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 17:01
  • msg #81

M3: At the Ship

Roger looks between Forim and Dokus and Stuthee, and back again, “Roger, roger!
 He walks towards the two, “You might want to come and find a seat, we could be in for a busy ride.
Roger leads the two towards the common area and lets them get strapped in.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 355 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 5 / 10 Wo
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 19:32
  • msg #82

M3: At the Ship

Forim was in motion and in his element and so Caddy happily followed orders (though only after glaring at Ikki given he'd let the Kliss-Meen go!)   As such, she'll make her way after him (with Ikki) to ensure that he doesn't get up to anything untoward.

Assuming they find him and that Ikki ensures he's doing nothing he shouldn't be, she'll settle down with the tablet in hand (where Kliss-Meen can see but not interfere) and quietly ask herself (allowing Kiss-Meen to hear), "So.... Just what do we have here?"

[OOC: She's trying to deceive him into revealing something of interest!

I rolled 3D as it is a named PC and I rolled 1B as I have the tablet and he does not

19:29, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2P 3d 1b.  Deception.

I'll use the advantage to notice something of import about the tablet.  Do I get to apply strain to him with successes?]

The Force
GM, 710 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 20:31
  • msg #83

M3: At the Ship

Roger gets the two new pathetic life forms stowed away safely on the ship.  It requires some effort, as the restraint straps are designed neither for the tiny chandra-fan nor the enormous chevin.

Forim drops into his spot, and dials up the sensors.  He quickly detects the signal is being broadcast from somewhere in the dome.  Quickly decoding it, he works out that it is a call to pursuit against the Sunset Shimmer.

Caddy finds Kliss-Meen in the ship's engineering section. He is in an uncomfortable stare down with Hypno the R2.  The droid whirrs menacingly, and the Gran glances backwards guiltily as Caddy arrives.

Caddy notices, on the pad, that there is a few torn pieces of flimsy pasted to it.  There are a few pieces of text written on it in Gand.

Caddy doesn't know Gand, but she knows just enough about the alphabet to know that the writing is wrong. Some of the letters are written in such a way that they cannot possibly be a pronounceable word.  It must be a code.

Kliss-Meen shrugs. "That's my last data pad. I wasn't carrying the others when you found me. I bet that's the one you want, though. You want my back door program, right? For the Imperial encryption?" He grins a big, toothy grin. "Yeah. That encryption was some of my best work. No way are you getting in without me."
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 485 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 22:23
  • msg #84

M3: At the Ship

Forim pushes the ship to orbit saying on the intercom "They have put out pursuit on us, however no ships in the air yet.  Only a matter of time.  I am running the numbers for a quick hyperspace jump out of here.  We can decide where to go once we are out of the system."

He plots a short hop to a random system out of here.

ooc: I originally rolled 2 failuers with 3 advantages.  When looking up in the rulebook what that meant, I realized that I should be rolling 1D not 2D for a quick hop to the next system.  lucky me.
18:19, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1D 1B.  Astrogration - with proper difficulty.
Net: 1 success, 3 advantages.  Spending advantages to have us jump into hyperspace before they can get a bead on our direction and thus are unable to follow us.

The Force
GM, 712 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #85

M3: At the Ship

Half a squadron of cloak shape fighters is on an intercept course with the Sunset Shimmer.  However, the ship is already on course out of the system.  The small Moon does not project enough of a mass shadow to hold the ship for long.  As the fighters enter long range with their blaster cannons, the Shimmer jumps into hyperspace.

After a short time, the Shimmer enters a nearby system. This doesn't last long, though. Before your ship is much more than a blip on their sensors, you're gone again. Possibly there was pursuit. You'll never know.

Not long later, you return to Ember Base. The ship is escorted in for a landing, and you are debriefed. Kliss-Meen is searched, thoroughly. Then he is escorted to the detention area.

"Hey, I thought this was a job offer," he calls weakly. His Rebel guards ignore him, and decline to say anything as they haul him away.

Two Standard days go by, and you get the chance to train and reflect.

Stuthee and Dokus Gree join the Rebellion. They are pleased to be around sapients that treat them with respect, and who offer fair pay for hard work. As Dokus Gree puts it, "It is pleasant not to worry about next meal. And not to be hit if you are standing in the wrong place."

Roger and Forim Luk gain 5 xp. Caddenra gains 10 xp.
10 Personnel Duty.
5 Support Duty.

Spend Experience on any Skills or Talents.

Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 357 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 5 / 10 Wo
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 11:25
  • msg #86

M3: At the Ship

++"Well done Forim!  Awesome flying once again."++

"Thank you Hypno."   The oddity associated with that droid still left her a little on edge but she was generally a polite person and the droid had been useful.   Maybe her concerns were unfounded?

Now, with the mission effectively over, Caddy will tinker with the tablet during the short time she has access to it but will hand it (and Kliss Mein) over to Spec Ops when they come for him.  "It certainly is a job offer but I suspect they just want to ensure you are who we believe you to be - and to ensure you aren't going to run away and cause trouble like you did while working for the Imperials, and for the mine, not to mention running off to engineering?"  She doesn't push that.  "Of course, cooperating fully will ensure they are more lenient."

Then, at the base, she'll spend some downtime relaxing, recuperating, considering the mission and what she might have done better, and she'll keep a special eye on Dokus Gree and Stuthee.   THe odd pair seemingly having gained a small level of her affection.   Beyond that, she'll spend time studying the hilt she recovered and practicing with her blaster.  THe unfortunate 'reversal of fortune' she experienced in the mine is yet another reminder that she needs to be able to hold herself proud in a fire fight.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 486 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 15:06
  • msg #87

M3: At the Ship

Forim spends his journey patching himself up and talking with Roger about his history and getting to know the droid a bit better.

He intorduces himself to the hacker at least, since no introductions were made once again. "Forim is the name, Welcome to the Rebellion" offering his hand to be shaken.

All in all, this was a very easy mission for him.  He was really just the chauffeur.  He had expected to be called down once the others had done the preliminary scouting.  Extra help and muscle for securing the hacker.  Ahh well, it seems Caddy managed without their help.  One of these days that girl is going to get into a situation you just cannot talk your way around.  Forim is surprised that those thugs were not shooting her as they followed her back to the ship.  It sounded like they were about to do so when she commed him at least.  Better to be lucky rather then good he thinks to himself

Back at the base, he checks into the med center to have them look at his poorly prepared bandages.  He sees the hacker sent to the brig and says "I did too, I'll look into it for you.  Hopefully this is just a security screening to make sure there are no surprises.  Although these guards are less then friendly.  Even those two hanger ons are getting better treatment then you are." very confused.

He seeks out the General to ask him why the hacker is being treated so poorly.
The Force
GM, 715 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 16:25
  • msg #88

M3: At the Ship

Rieekan is in a moment between meetings, so he has time for a quick question. "Kliss-Meen worked for Imperial security under high security for more than a decade. He only left when he stood to gain more by selling out. We can't be sure he isn't a spy, or being tracked. Besides, he's a Slicer. Give him a power socket and a glow lamp and he'll install a virus in our whole system."
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 487 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 16:35
  • msg #89

M3: At the Ship

"Perhaps" Forim says "But in our original briefing you said you were giving him a job, and a 10,000 bonus for the algorithim.  Are we going back on that, or is he just going to be debriefed and scanned before being given the job?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mind lying to someone to help further the cause.  I am just wondering what changed your opinion since our first meeting."
The Force
GM, 716 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 16:39
  • msg #90

M3: At the Ship

"You're not cleared for all the details, but it wasn't a lie. We want to have skilled former-imperial slicers. We need to verify him first." Rieekan is pulled away by his aide, and becomes immersed in something else.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 488 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Thu 16 Mar 2017
at 16:45
  • msg #91

M3: At the Ship

Forim offers a crisp salute "Thank you Sir" as he turns away to handle some more important thing.

Making his way to the brig, he says to the trooper in charge "Can I have a few words with Kliss-Meen?  I do not have to be alone, nor do I need to be in the cell with him."

ooc: For expedience sake, I RPed the trooper, edit below out  if you have any objections.
The trooper hesitantly nods yes and says "You have one minute"

"Thank you trooper"

Forim makes his way to the cell, trailed by the guard.  "Hello Kliss-Meen.  I talked with command, and the offer is still on the table.  They just need to debrief you, and scan you for anything the Empire might have placed on your person.  Merely precautions for our safety.  Nothing I can do about your arrangements, but I wanted to give you a friendlier update then what you have received so far."
The Force
GM, 717 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 00:30
  • msg #92

M3: At the Ship

The rebel trooper has been given strict orders not to let anyone speak to the prisoner.  However, the rebellion encourages a significant amount of initiative amongst its soldiers.  Bridging this order would probably result in execution amongst the imperial forces.  The trooper will probably get away with a modest razzing.

Kliss-Meen looks at Forim balefully, and says nothing.  He sits in the spare room that is his cell and drums his fingers on his new bed.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 489 posts
Flight Officer
11/12w 11/13s stims:2
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 00:50
  • msg #93

M3: At the Ship

Forim shrugs and then leaves the moping hacker to his moping.  He nods to the trooper and says "I guess I am just wasting my time.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Let me know if I can do you a favor in the future" with a smile.

Making his way back to the ship he starts looking it over.  There are a few couplings that need replacing, a few coolant lines that froze and need replacing.  Nothing major, but the work needs to be done.

When Caddy makes her way past the ship, Forim wipes off his hands and comes down.  He says "I never found what happened on the ground there.  Mind filling me in?"

ooc: I did not read your thread - I like to try to keep IC knowledge IC :)  Would love a description of what happened last adventure.  I am happy to reciprocate!
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