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Golarion & Shackles Information.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group public
Dungeon Master
GM, 6 posts
Fri 15 May 2015
at 22:54
  • msg #1

Garund Map

Map of Golarion

Warning - this is HUUUGE

Map of the Shackles
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:52, Sun 02 Apr 2017.
Dungeon Master
GM, 45 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 21:52
  • msg #2

The Shackles

Major Settlements
  • Drenchport (small city): The largest settlement on Tempest Cay has a
    notoriously unwelcoming reputation. Despite this, several faiths have prominent
    holy sites here, including those of Besmara, Gozreh, and a newcomer known as the Deluged God. The stern but aloof free captain called the Master of the Gales claims the community as part of his territory.
  • Hell Harbor (small city): One of the oldest pirate ports in the Shackles, the home of Free Captain Arronax Endymion feels like a Chelish port town, complete with its own opera house, prison, and pervasive diabolical ornamentation.
  • Port Peril (metropolis): The largest city in the Shackles, Port Peril rests upon the mainland and serves as the port of call for the Hurricane King, Kerdak Bonefist, and his ship, the Filthy Lucre. Almost anything can be bought or sold in this dangerous port, from plundered Chelish goods to ancient magic from the depths of the Mwangi Expanse.
  • Quent(large city): The second-largest city in the Shackles sprawls across the northern coast of Motaku Island. A thriving port, Quent has developed a reputation as a place of raucous but fair trade and readily available information. Free Captain Tessa Fairwind rules over the city, and her powerful fleet makes her the Hurricane King’s only true rival.
  • Slipcove (small town): Home to the Free Captain Jolis Raffles, this settlement on Bag Island is home to a resolutely independent population of halflings. From this port, Raffles’s followers plague any slave ships that dare pass through the region.

Major Islands
  • Bag Island: Home to the highest concentration of halflings in the Shackles, Bag Island has become a bastion of the anti-slavery movement and freedom is of highest priority for the inhabitants.

    Notable Settlements: Slipcove* *(1,400), Beachcomber (1,140), Rumbutter (795)

  • Besmara’s Throne: Worshipers of the pirate goddess Besmara are expected to make pilgrimages to this holy island at least once in their lifetimes. Those who manage to navigate the treacherous inlets and strange creatures that inhabit the misty isle might win a sign of the goddess’s favor—a blessed Besmaran pearl.

    Notable Settlements: Queen Bes* (1,115)

  • Cannibal Islands: The violent natives known as the kuru make their homes in these dense jungle isles. Those few who have escaped the lands whisper of unspeakable sacrifices and the inhabitants’ inhuman Blood Queen.

    Notable Settlements: Banukmaud (120), Ganagsau (215)

  • Dahak’s Fang, Dahak’s Horn, and Dahak’s Tooth: Narrow straits separate these three islands, upon which dwell a variety of draconic creatures. Dahak’s Horn, the largest of the three, is home to one of the Inner Sea region’s most infamous dragons, Aashaq the Annihilator

    Notable Settlements: Dragonsthrall (1,070), Heslandaena (1,110), Yelligo Wharf (245)

  • Devil's Arches: One of the first major islands explored and settled by Chelish explorers, the island is covered in Ghol-Gan ruins. Every ruined city contained a a great gray stone arch devoid of any carving s or decorations which prompted the name of the island.

    Notable Settlements: Hell Harbor (9,230)*, Mezdrubal (1,010), Pex (835), Tyvas-Devas (690)

  • Firegrass Isle: Named after a fearsome battle 200 years ago when four Chelich pirate-hunters cornered a buccaneer who ignited his hold of volatile alchemical powders to take down three of the Chelish ships with an explosion from his own.

    Notable Settlements: Goatshead (470)

  • Glengarnie Chain: A small chain of 13 islands at the Northwestern most point of the Shackles. Most are nothing more then barren rocks. It is said that the because of the treacherous waters and spears of ancient coral, nobody comes to the Chain on purpose but nobody arrives by accident and the Chain is nicknamed the Rocks of Fate.

    Notable Settlements: None

  • Hesmen's Grotto: When the Eye of Abendego erupted to the North, a spiteful water spirit named Blue Hesmene emerged from a portal to the First World has since converted the island to her own cruel playground. Over the years she has acquired vast wealth and this fortune has attracted adventurers throughout the years but of those who land on her shores, few return with little more then their lives and horrific nightmares.

    Notable Settlements: None

  • Kepre Dua: A secluded enclave of elves makes its home here, in the town of Alendruan Harbor. The inhabitants are zealous worshipers of the goddess Calistria, and allow no non-elves to set foot upon their sacred home.

    Notable Settlements: Alendruan Harbor (1,255)

  • Mgange Cove: A large settlement of Mwangi pirates make their home on this island where juju magic is said to be very strong.

    Notable Settlements: Ngozu (695)

  • Motaku Island: The largest and most geographically diverse island. Most of the island is still untamed and the deadly Motak jungle claims many lives every year. The four major settlements and their inhabitants stay close to the sandy beaches.

    Notable Settlements: Quent* (12,560), Bogsbridge (995), Lilywhite (780), Rapier Bay (1,340)

  • Nalt’s Island: Eel Skull, the ruined fortress of the mad smuggler Nalt Tarbow, lies upon this island. Within are said to be treasures of fantastic value and power enough to drive any owner insane.

    Notable Settlements: None

  • Pangalley Atoll: Stronghold of a pirate Black-Eye Benbem who was so notoriously violent that he was banned from even the rough-and-tumble Shark Island ports. He used this as his base of operations up until his first-mate slit his throat.

    Notable Settlements: Fort Benbem (60)

  • Raptor Island: Aside from the few residents of Fort Holiday, this island is the domain of primeval creatures, particularly brightly feathered deinonychuses.

    Notable Settlements: Fort Holiday (97)

  • Raugsmauda’s Reach: These cave-pocked islands of black rock serve as the home port of the pirate-lich Raugsmauda and her corpse-crewed ship, Naiegoul.

    Notable Settlements: None

  • Rhampore Islands: Rakshasas have infiltrated this holdout of Vudrani sailors, transforming it from a harbor for honest traders and pirates into a bloodthirsty den of killers and slavers.

    Notable Settlements: Ghrinitshahara (1,390), Halabad (710), Kora (900), Vezhnu (585)

  • Shark Island: The second-largest landmass in the Shackles, this once-prosperous island has been all but conquered by marauding sahuagin.

    Notable Settlements: Ollo* (7,340), Blackblood Cay (915), Raketooth (1,275), Vilelock (470)

  • Shenchu Bay: A group of free captains called the Wise Council of Three rules over this enclave of mariners from the distant lands of Tian Xia.

    Notable Settlements: Cho-Tzu (1,230), Haigui Wan (995)

  • The Smoker: The largest active volcano in the Shackles, Mount Keeba is home to three otherworldly oracles—Cenabal, Raeke, and Zhaegog—and their cabal of owlmasked servants.

    Notable Settlements: Plumetown (1,130)

  • Taldas Island: Looking as though a slice of the Taldan countryside had been transplanted to the Shackles, the island was recreated in that nation’s image to indulge a former pirate lord’s aristocratic wife. The land’s courtly traditions continue today.

    Notable Settlements: Little Oppara (1,365)

  • Tempest Cay: Lashed constantly by storms more days then not, this island is constantly besieged by weather thrown off the Eye of Abendego.

    Notable Settlements: Drecnhport* (9,690), Downpour (420), Drowning Rock (525), Maidenspool (875)

  • Ushinawa Isles: A shogunate from distant Minkai claimed these islands 2 centuries ago, and continues its noble rule from Genzei, City of Lanterns.

    Notable Settlements: Genzei (1,318), Robu (690), Zeibo (785)

  • Whyrlis Rock: Spires of gnashing rocks circle this island, the site of an ancient battle between the sorcerers Raugsmauda and Gray Whyrlis. Ancient and powerful magics are still rumored to be buried somewhere on the island.

    Notable Settlements: Chalk Harbor (895)

  • Widowmaker Island: This island is known as a den of gambling and blood sports, and its most popular and populous site is the town of Arena, which hosts savage
    battles of all sorts in its giant coliseum.

    Notable Settlements: Arena (1,190), Falchion Point (975), Myscurial (780)

  • Yoha’s Graveyard: Named after the Pathfinder who infamously lost his life here, this island bears vast Ghol-Gan ruins, including a ziggurat dedicated to Moxix, the Drinker of Human Hopes.

    Notable Settlements: None

Pirate Lords
The following are a list of the major and influential Free Captains of the Shackles.
  • Alahandra Boisich - Cloudburster's Dream - Chalk Harbor (Whyrlis ROck)
    Runs an elaborate slaving operation out of Chalk Harbor and uses the slave labor in excavations on Whyrlis Rock.

  • Arronax Endymion - Tyrannous - Hell Harbor (Devil's Arches)
    A Cheliax exile that has turned Hells Harbor into a minor mirror of Cheliax society.

  • Avimar Sorrinash - Blood Moon - Ollo (Shark Island)
    A wereshark who has carved out a settlement from the otherwise sahuagin-infested Shark Island.

  • Bedu Hanji - Semudarogah - Rampores Isles
    A rakshasa known for brutal massacres, Bedu is also a well-known music lover and entices performers for musical competitions.

  • Bradesmar Wache of Mediogalti - N/A - Maidenspool (Tempest Cay)
    An old pirate lord who has since retired to Maidenspool. Rumors throughout the Shackles say that he is haunted by the ghost of his deceased wife.

  • Lady Cerise Bloodmourn - Come What May - Quent (Motaku Island)
    Once from a noble family from Galt, she started out by joining Tessa Fairwind's fleet and has risen enough to join the pirate council.
  • Chan Al-Huao - Minkai's Grace - Shenchu Bay
    A Tien pirate and part of the Wise Council of Three of Shenchu Bay.

  • Jieh Hui - Black Night - Shenchu Bay
    An elder Tien pirate and part of the Wise Council of Three of Shenchu Bay.

  • Lo Shei Wen - Serpent's Tongue - Shenchu Bay
    A Tien pirate and part of the Wise Council of Three of Shenchu Bay.

  • Delemona Burie - Winsom Lass - Lilywhite (Motaku Isle)
    A devotee to Cayden Cailean and joint ruler of Lilywhite.

  • Little Shaggard - Mollusk
    A devotee to Cayden Cailean and joint ruler of Lilywhite.

  • Hardluck Masse - N/A - Pex (Devil's Arches)
    A semi-retired old pirate lord that has a legendary temper.

  • Havalas Grudd - Scylla - Oyster Cay (Mainland)
    The bloody feud with his former lover, Wide Olga, is the source of great amusement for the rest of the pirate lords.

  • Hemdak Wavebaiter - Strange Mercy - Colvass Gibbet (Mainland)
    A rising pirate lord who is seeking alliance with the Hurricane King by putting together a group of adventurers to investigate the Temple of the Ravenous Moon in a bid to turn the fabled treasure over for the Hurricane King's favor.

  • Iolandra Maxeme - Lion's Reach - Little Oppara (Taldas Isle)
    The granddaughter of a minor Taldan noble and co-ruler of Taldas Isle. Iolandra often spends vast sums on bold and reckless plans.

  • Petrina Maxeme - Fearless Steed - Little Oppara (Taldas Isle)
    The granddaughter of a minor Taldan noble and co-ruler of Taldas Isle. The more practical of the pair, Petrina actually runs the island's operations while her sister is out on her reckless adventures.

  • Jolis Raffles - Chains of Freedom - Slipcove (Bag Isle)
    Former slave turned freedom fighter, Jolis was once a terror to the slave trade in the Shackles but time and success has caused him to grow content with the wealth of Bag Island.

  • Hurricane King Kerdak Bonefist - Filthy Lucre - Port Peril (Mainland)
    Commander of the largest fleet and holder of Port Peril, the largest city, Bonefist is the most feared and most well-armed pirates in the Shackles. Although he is not well liked by the other Free Captains he is too feared and powerful for them to oppose him.

  • Longbeard - N/A - Mezdrubal (Devil's Arches)
    Ruler of Mezdrubal, this giant 6'5" man is known to be obsessed with fashion but his large frame does not allow him to fit into the finer clothing found in the Shackles forcing him to to wear ill-fitting but luxurious clothing.

  • Mase Darimar - Wavecrest - Drenchport (Tempest Cay)
    Part aquatic half-elf, served underneath the Master of the Gales and became a powerful druid of Gozreh in his own right.

  • Master of the Gales - Kraken - Drecnhport (Tempest Cay)
    An incredibly powerful and mysterious druid, he has the power to rise much higher however seems oddly content wtih teh battered town of Drenchport.

  • Mauril Breakwater - Banshee's Wail - Raketooth (Shark Island)
    One of the treacherous co-rulers of Raketooth, their constant fights with the sahuagin tribes on Shark Island have left the pair bitter and unpleasant.

  • "Baron" Benigo Palpathe - Water Nymph - Raketooth (Shark Island)
    The other co-ruler of Raketooth, constant backstabbing and treachery have given the pair, and the port, a nasty reputation.

  • Maxevale Janis - Motaku Maiden - Rapier Bay (Motaku Island)
    A man with a fearsome gaze that can stop a rival cold but seems to lack ambition or direction.

  • Nisia Gbele - Bloody Cudgel - Vilelock (Shark Island)
    A wild and reckless barbarian known for being completely unpredictable.

  • Panewa Oala - Desperation - Queen Bes (Besmara's Throne)
    A once renowned sailor who has been stuck running Queen Bes for over a decade. Known for his blood-red eye patch.

  • Tessa Fairwind - Luck of the Draw - Quent (Motaku Island)
    The second most powerful pirate in the Shackles, Tessa is known for fairness and guile and many speculate that she will soon be challenging the Hurricane King for the throne, assuming she can find enough allies willing to stand against him.

  • Wide Olga - Beckoning Nereid - Oyster Cay (mainland)
    In a furious feud with her ex-lover, Havalas Grudd, the two are wrecking havoc in Oyster Cay.

Other Free Captains of the Shackles

  • Adis Vraisdottir - North Wind
  • Antal Armskeep - Darkbow
  • Aurora "Cyclops" Jane - Ravishing Ruby
  • Barnabas Harrigan - Wormwood
  • Bent-Beak Charney - Bold Folly
  • Bethany Razor - Barnacled Bitch
  • "Big Blue" Baolo - Kiburo Nguma
  • Black Bogrum - Redcap
  • "Bloody" Abrafo - Bahari Laana
  • Coal-Dark - Screaming Reaver
  • Constanza Purgote - Constanza's Whim
  • Darcy Shade - Darcy's Pillage -
  • "Dancing" Darla Madile =- Besmara Winks
  • Donovan Montogmery - Trident
  • Elenore Nine-Lives - Pharasma's Price
  • Falken Drango - Tartas
  • Femi Ekua - Marjani
  • Gortus Svard - Devil's Pallor
  • Gregory Bonedeuce - Pride
  • Houkna Bewul - Black Dragon
  • Isabella "Inkskin" Locke - Thresher
  • Jacob Razor - Razor's Edge
  • Kaden Deran - Chimera's Teeth
  • Kamshika Heavyhand - Baleful Glare
  • Lardi Riverbane - Bonny Witch
  • "Lucky" Lars - Vorsfang (ap2)
  • "Mean" Steebyn - Rough Customer
  • Merrill Pegsworthy - Bonaventure
  • Noila the Knife - Harm's Way
  • Opal Barner - Sea's Largess
  • Ozrin Casault  - Hellblood
  • Pendahl of Rahadoum - Baalzebul
  • Pierce Jerrell - Salty Flagon
  • Poltur - Sullied Strumpet
  • Quick Crowley - Wave Wraith
  • Ralit Kallinash - Bonny Chance
  • Raugsmauda - Naiegoul
  • Satekai - Red Fortune
  • Simeon the Vain - Blushing Bride
  • "Slasher" Z'gark- Skullduggery
  • "Sweet" Wilihem Poore - Red Courage
  • Terry Perrin - Albatross (rc82)
  • Thomas Garell - Thunderstrike
  • Varossa Lanteri - Magpie Princess
  • White Hollis Dobilo - Stormrunner
  • Wyatt "Gills" Atterton - Kelizandri's Favor
  • Zavis Flashwell- Promise's Bounty

Ghost Ships
  • Deathknell
  • Lamashan Tempest
  • Mark of Yunnarius
  • Nightclaw

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:53, Sun 02 Apr 2017.
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