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10:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission 4: White Gate.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 1
Jospi Renning
Human Engineer, 14 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 09:19
  • msg #15

Mission 4: White Gate

Upon finally being escorted from the prison cell they had been keeping them all in for the past two days, Jospi was in a foul mood.  Their lieutenant had displayed a tendency toward bullying or otherwise ignored her team members.  That left him sitting in a room when he should have been working on the ship, going over all of the systems, effecting repairs, making upgrades and "requisitioning" additional power and fuel cells to extend their range (if only in case of their having to make a fast break from their objective).  As they finally arrived at the ship, some mechanic began explaining to him what he and his crew did to the ship, as if their work came with a warranty.

Waving him off, the engineer beelined it to the engine room.  Letting the doors close behind him, he dumped all of his gear in a corner and began going over everything himself.  Within moments the Duros came on overhead and started a pre-flight checklist.  "Great!  You do that, pal.  Let's go ahead and get moving without taking the time to make sure the engines are even bolted to the frame."  He shouts back; to himself as he had not bother activating the comm so his response could be heard.  His head was deep into the workings when he heard Luk's call for assistance in the lounge.  Muttering, he grabbed up his slicer gear and headed fore to find out what was wrong now.


Arriving in the lounge to find Kraken already there with his own rig, the Corellian gave the Nautolan a head's up and asked, "What's crakin'?"
Jurell Delgar
Human Teras Kasi, 56 posts
W: 16/16, S: 12/12
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 13:54
  • msg #16

Mission 4: White Gate

"What the...?"

Glancing from the R2 unit to the spliced wires of the access panel on the computer terminal and back again, Jurell shifted his weight back slightly as he stepped back on his left leg.  He knew enough not to underestimate droids--especially ones that could infiltrate and pull off sabotage like this.  They were often not just any droid.  The last time he had underestimated a droid, he had two ribs broken for his mistake.

"I found the answer to the computer problems!" he called out back toward Kraken and Forim without taking his emerald eyes off the droid.  "R2 unit over here looks like he's spliced into our system and causing all of this.  Made a new access port and everything.  Either it's malfunctioning--and that would have to be one hell of a malfunction--or we've got a saboteur on our hands."

Eyes narrowing, he lightly punched his right fist into his open left hand in a partly threatening manner.

"Now then, little guy, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be here," he said darkly.  "So, you should probably tell me what your objective is and who sent you, or I can find out directly from your memory core after I rip it out with my bare hands.  I don't take very kindly to someone sabotaging a ship that I am on."
The Force
GM, 738 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 14:10
  • msg #17

Mission 4: White Gate

Hypno's head spins around in a credible impression of 'who, me?' It bobs on its wheels.

"[Language unknown: Estantous, tinwerven nechne. Ce nc Ch m T, mawineng norea ieerivss undstasetera ri adur Inereawil Icaeveman. Art Ho oer str sondinnotwer anndfoevek?]" the droid beeps, buzzes, and whirrs.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 525 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 13/13s stims:0
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 14:38
  • msg #18

Mission 4: White Gate

Forim responds over the com "That is Hypno.  It was a droid we picked up on one of our earlier missions.  It had a very nasty habit of causing us no end of trouble.  Command wiped its memory and assigned it to our ship.  Keep it in your eyesight, I am going to grab a restraining bolt."

Turning to Roger he says "You have the helm.  Shout if you see anything." as he gets up and heads to the ships stores.

ooc: In Caddy's inventory for group loot, I see a restraining bolt.  I am assuming since it is still there we kept it, and I know where all of our common stores are held on the ship.

Grabbing the restraining bolt, he goes to the droid hoping to affix it and shut it down.  Then the crew aboard can crack its memory banks wide open and have a look at what it has been doing...

ooc: Some time will pass, so I will let the GM / Jurell interact while I am doing this.  Let us know if the droid does anything.
The Force
GM, 739 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 16:36
  • msg #19

Mission 4: White Gate

Hypno the R2 wheels away from Forim as he approaches with the restraining bolt.

"[Language unknown: Virdayenc Nofipa, In a n ileearatpe trekll! I tersomith houtin-hasugh e ave Aspaoupr ll Litour om Weneinpl peter ntemenmen ekwhni. K nt dayverterave itprwa llla U isplei atitionceing u ngsi N wa henaic? E ecall ive ho ll ingectart. N ress cenirichll m oveterres iou loinha ersthuforthaast est unelck e undinente!]"

The Force rolled 2 successes, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p.  No reason.
Flipping a Dark Side point.

Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 528 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 13/13s stims:0
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 21:03
  • msg #20

Mission 4: White Gate

Forim says "You are under no threat of violence or memory wipe.  However, the Slicer could not have installed that data access panel back there in the little time he has been on the ship.

This is a precaution.  I know that you had a life before the Rebellion and that your memory was at least partially wiped.  Perhaps there is some malignant code within your processors that we were previously un-equipped to handle.

Lets run a full system diagnostic and sort out what is going on.  If you are cleared of wrong doings, then you have my word we will remove the restraining bolt.

I am just worried your past life is coming back to haunt you, and the rest of this crew
Zeic Plirr
Sullustian Commando, 8 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 21:08
  • msg #21

Mission 4: White Gate

"You guys need any help down there.?" Zeic asks over the comms. He reaches for his ion blaster.
Xyklo Voozul
Verpine Soldier, 23 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 21:21
  • msg #22

Mission 4: White Gate

"... with a slave born skin and eyes of green,
She danced her way to the skies less grey,
And there'll be no more tears from Ryloth dreams,
No more fears,
No more cheers,
No more...

Hey...   is everything ok?"

Xyklo finally realises there may be some trouble and ceases his inane and terrible singing while practicing in the turret.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 379 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 23:40
  • msg #23

Mission 4: White Gate

The restraining bolt is, most certainly, still in the stores and exactly where Caddy left it when they loaded their supplies.   She doesn't comment about Forim leaving his post though she does raise and eyebrow... and will slip into his seat as he leaves.  Hopefully she'll be able to keep an eye on things while he is away.
The Force
GM, 741 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 00:15
  • msg #24

Mission 4: White Gate

Forim clamps the restraining bolt on Hypno and it shuts down. With a last sidelong look, Forim returns to the cockpit.

Kraken has had plenty of time to work out what the program does. Essentially, it creates a set of shutdown codes that prevent the ship from doing all sorts of mobility-related things. With this program in place, the slicer could shut down the engines, disable the hyperdrive and prevent a jump from being calculated.

It is easy enough to delete. Now, onward!
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 532 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 13/13s stims:0
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 01:34
  • msg #25

Mission 4: White Gate

Forim de-activates the droid.  Giving Jurell the caller he says "Make sure he stays observed from here on out.  Let the computer people do their thing and look into his systems.  As I said to him, I don't want it damaged"

ooc: Assuming at least a nod

Forim heads back to the cockpit and waits for an update from the hackers.

"Have you decided the best course of action mam?" he asks Cassy as he takes the helm back from Roger.
Nautolan Slicer, 23 posts
W:14/14 S: 10/10 Stims: 5
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 05:57
  • msg #26

Mission 4: White Gate

Looking up to Jospi as he entered the cockpit, Kraken points out the warning error codes his splicer gear had picked up. "Some malignant piece of code active in the ship's computer.  Old members say its likely the Astromech droid Hypno."

Doing some quick scans, Kraken confirms it was the droid and managed to shut down the malignant code before it could do any real harm.

"Jospi, I was planning on checking the sytems for any updates that were skipped and ensure the computers were good.  If you want to get started on that, I'll work the astrogation and join you when I'm done, if you need help." he offers.

Looking to Lt Luk, Kraken nods, "I think we are good to go now, here are the astrogation plans, you are good to hit the hyperdrive."

Sorry, got done camping but was burnt out by the sun, literally as I had a huge sun migrane.  Feeling better now.
'Kraken' rolled 1 success, 4 advantages - Computer finding the hacker (Little Droid - Hypno )

+2 to the Pilot- (Astrogation roll)
+3 (Self) Arrogation and Computer rolls 

Jospi Renning
Human Engineer, 15 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 08:17
  • msg #27

Mission 4: White Gate

"Belay that order!  Do not activate any other systems."  Bellows the Corellian engineer.  "If that astromech was able to slice the computers, it could also have sabotaged any parts of the engines or drives.  We need to make a full check inside and out.  We could be carrying anything from transponders to explosives and we don't have a clue."

Turning to the slicer, "Kraken, you'll need to go through the computers.  I have to begin going over the engines and other systems internally looking for anything else that may have been sabotaged."  So saying, he stalks off to the engine room and begins a detailed search for anything out of order.

OOC: I'll roll once there is a difficulty assigned.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 382 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #28

Mission 4: White Gate

Caddy looked up as Forim returned to the cockpit where both Roger and her were seated and where Forim can still hear the 'bellowing' via the comms.   Caddy may not be directly involved, but she is certainly appraising the situation, "You seem to have things well in hand, Forim.   You may wish to discuss this with Jospi though as he has pointed out a valid concern... though I am surprised at his mannerisms.  I was not away we were aboard a pirate ship?"   She laughs lightly.   "While  you're doing that, maybe Roger can plot us...."  She's clearly out of her depth here as she scans the map of the outer rim for any name that catches her eye... and fails to spot any.   Hoping to be 'helpful', she selects a station that looks about 'half way' and in their 'general' direction.  "Here?"

13:32, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 1 failure, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 2d 1b.  Astrogation.
13:31, Today: Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu rolled 1 failure, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 2d.  Knowledge: Outer Rim.

Summary - 2B used to give myself a blue Astrogation dice.   So that's 2B for you Roger.  Bail me out of this mess please! :-)   Feel free to correct me - I am under no illusion that I'm good at this kinda thing and I'm quite glad the dice failed me!

The Force
GM, 742 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 14:29
  • msg #29

Mission 4: White Gate

After a thorough diagnostic of the ship's systems, the crew determines that there is no other sabotage or interference with its operation. The mechanics of the ship are tuned to optimum levels.
Nautolan Slicer, 24 posts
W:14/14 S: 10/10 Stims: 5
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 15:15
  • msg #30

Mission 4: White Gate

Kraken, shook his head as Jospi doubted his ability to use a computer, stop a virus and check the computer, however it never hurt to have someone double check.  He may have missed something, so kept his thoughts to himself..

As Caddy begins to make Astrogation checks the Nautolan watches her to see how well she did.  Once she was finished, Kraken smiles, "Not bad, however you forgot this astroid field here Ma'am.  I've also completed an Astrogation plan and given to Lt Luk, if you wish to review." he says nodding to the plan he had given Lt Luk a few moments before.

Astrogation Roll

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
12:36, Thu 23 Mar: 'Kraken' rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1p 3a 2d.  Astrogation.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:15, Sun 26 Mar 2017.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
Human Diplomat, 387 posts
Not just a pretty face...
13 / 13 St -- 10 / 10 Wo
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 22:05
  • msg #31

Mission 4: White Gate

Caddy looks around, startled, possibly having missed Kraken's arrival amidst the muddle of events and attempts at astrogation, "Oh... Thank you Kraken."  She looks at the screen and then bites her lower lip.  "Hang on a minute.   What about that asteroid there...."  That asteroid quite literally in the middle of nowhere?

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC#115: Hmm. We had a metric ton of unused advantages there. Caddy may know quite literally nothing about this sector of space or indeed how to navigate it, but there will be various bits of information on these worlds. Backwater worlds require 'something' ... that something is probably retrieved from a nearby-ish world/worlds/location. Would it be a huge stretch to find intuit a path from A to B and use to locate a suitable freighter to 'commandeer' (maybe a distress beacon resulting in a hijack or something like that?)

Basically I'm asking if I can use some of those advantages to see a 'piece useful information' - in this case an economical reason to approach the planet we want to. I am concerned that doing something 'covert' will be spotted considering the forces they had assigned to this place. Doing something 'dangerously legal' is more my style :-)

This message was last edited by the player at 22:05, Sun 26 Mar 2017.
Nautolan Slicer, 25 posts
W:14/14 S: 10/10 Stims: 5
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 22:55
  • msg #32

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu:
Caddy looks around, startled, possibly having missed Kraken's arrival amidst the muddle of events and attempts at astrogation, "Oh... Thank you Kraken."  She looks at the screen and then bites her lower lip.  "Hang on a minute.   What about that asteroid there...."  That asteroid quite literally in the middle of nowhere?

Kraken, embarrassed to tell the Lt the asteroid was no where near his path simply nods.  Looking to LT Luk, Kraken shrugs, "I think its getting crowded in here.  Call me if you need help."

Leaving the now crowded cockpit, Kraken makes his way back to his room to do some systems check on the ship and get to know the ship better, mechanically and electronically.
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 538 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 13/13s stims:0
Sun 26 Mar 2017
at 23:08
  • msg #33

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Seeing Kraken get up Forim says "Can you check on the programming of our errant droid please?"

Looking to Caddy he says "Mam, that first jump that Kraken plotted is to a neighboring system.  We have not decided our approach."

He takes a quick look over the vector that Kraken plotted and it looks good enough to him.  Not the approach he would have taken, but they do not look dangerous.  He plugs them into the hyperdrive.

Speaking over the intercom he says "First jump into hyperspace in 10 seconds ... 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Jump.  Relapse in 10 minutes.  Everyone who wants to discuss our approach vector to the target, please meet Lt Manitu in the lounge."

Turning to Caddy he says "I will stay here in the cockpit and listen in over the intercom.  I can plug in searches to the navicomputer and give you options as you discuss.  Just let me know, Rural, Populated, or somewhere in between.  I can program the specific path."

"Roger, you can stay here with me and help me run the numbers"
B1-P3 'Roger'
Droid Pilot, 24 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 00:50
  • msg #34

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Roger nods to Forim, "Roger, roger.".
He deftly co-pilots, waiting for the others to leave the cockpit.  As his fingers move over the controls, he looks to Forim, "What if the saboteur wasn't Hypno, Captain?"
Forim Luk
Duros Spacer, 539 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 13/13s stims:0
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 01:36
  • msg #35

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

"Flight Officer" Forim corrects, "not a Captain yet"

With a large sigh he says "I dont know.  I am hoping we have at least one other programmer who can verify.  Check and double check the work.  Maybe I am biased, but that little droid is the spawn of something evil."
B1-P3 'Roger'
Droid Pilot, 25 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 03:02
  • msg #36

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

"Roger, roger, Flight Officer it is, sir."  He looks back towards the instrument panel, "Captain Caland had me programmed with an enhanced skill package, as well as upgrading my neuroprocessors and data storage. He'd included several skills he thought would help him in his, er, grey business deals.  Slicing was one of those skills, sir."
Jospi Renning
Human Engineer, 18 posts
Flight Officer - Engineer
W: 14/14; S: 12/12
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 06:45
  • msg #37

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Having thoroughly searched the engines and hyperdrive, Jospi toggles on the intercom to relay the negative findings.  He stomps back up to the lounge area and drops into a seat.  When the Nautolan comes back from the cockpit, the Corellian nods to him.  "Great job finding that malicious code and cleaning it out of the computers.  Just remember, the engines are hyperdrive aren't simply computers; they're physical machinery and that can have other kinds of traps.  Cycling up the hyperdrive before securing it could have had us spread across the system."

Smiling, he offers, "If you need any help with the droid, let me know.  I do need to go to the hold to check out the jury-rigged access point that Jurell spotted."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:22, Mon 27 Mar 2017.
Xyklo Voozul
Verpine Soldier, 24 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 07:28
  • msg #38

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Xyklo had been straining to peer over his shoulders to find out what the troubles were. As Luk's voice crackles through the turret comm speaker, he relaxed. The flight officer carried an air of disciplined control that Xyklo found reassuring. A moment later the viewport from the turret became a swirl of light rendered through the hyperspace continuum.

Smiling he reached down to set the gunnery console back to idle, and flicked a switch on the datapad in his coat pocket, silencing the lilting vocals of the Twi-Lek folk music. Xyklo moves quickly to the Shimmers lounge, taking a seat if there's still one free when he arrives.

"Everything ok? Got the feeling we were having some difficulties back there." He asks, to no one in particular.
Jospi Renning
Human Engineer, 20 posts
Flight Officer - Engineer
W: 14/14; S: 12/12
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 12:54
  • msg #39

Re: Mission 4: White Gate

Jospi acknowledges Xyklo as he enters the lounge, "Hey, Xyklo, yeah, you missed all the excitement.  Someone, or something, had inserted some kind of code to track us and or stop us cold in our tracks.  Kraken caught it.  We searched the engines and couldn't find anything else, but that held us up until we could be sure."
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