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18:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC]  Redhaven Guildhall

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 341 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 13 HP: 10/16
Wed 24 May 2017
at 14:10
  • msg #255

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Dellas went to bed early and today got up early. He jumps from one of the arm chairs and greets his big sis and Narthian "I know! She doesn't look like someone who can convince people without a mace but she's a silver tongue." He gives her a sly grin before sitting with Narthian "Abby and I shall sell the trinkets and other things we don't need and get some coins... do you want to join?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 205 posts
Wed 24 May 2017
at 16:52
  • msg #256

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Haazheel joins the group and breakfasts. Wen he sees the job openings, he remarks Both have their appeal; the lower one is...unusual, acting as nannies perhaps? But what sort of children in what sort of circumstances? A powerful mage, maybe? Anyway, I speak Draconic and I'm a passable cook. I confess, though, that I'm braver in the face of overwhelming odds, when the odds are on my side. And "payment in spells" seems cheapskate in a way.

He does, if it's alright, go with those buying and selling.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:53, Wed 24 May 2017.
Elf Rogue, 125 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 24 May 2017
at 18:44
  • msg #257

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

"I'd prefer the caravan over children," Lantamori added as she joined the tail end of the conversation and sat down.

"There's a good chance that nothing will go wrong with a caravan, but something always goes wrong when dealing with children.

"After breakfast I'm headed over to the smith to see about commissioning a chain shirt.  If anyone wants anything from Ironheart, I could ask while I'm there if he has it and how much."

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 270 posts
Wolf companion
Thu 25 May 2017
at 03:18
  • msg #258

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Dellas Nump:
... He gives her a sly grin before sitting with Narthian "Abby and I shall sell the trinkets and other things we don't need and get some coins... do you want to join?"

"Yes, if you don't mind the company."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 285 posts
Thu 25 May 2017
at 12:33
  • msg #259

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Bruenor walks into the hall, stretching and yawning, and drops onto a bench near the others.  He must not have realized how much these latest adventures taxed him...he needed a bit of sleep.  Well-rested now, he greets the others.

"Good morning, all! What adventure awaits us next?"

He glances around the room, hoping to place a breakfast order...his stomach rumbling.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 30 posts
of Yondalla
Thu 25 May 2017
at 15:48
  • msg #260

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

"A dreadfully exciting day of haggling, probably followed by shopping.  Not exactly freeing a village from the threats of an ambitious small god, but one does what one must.  There is an antiquities place that will likely take the cloth of gold crown and some of the other art objects.  I know they like to sell them to the rich and noble in the larger cities to decorate their homes.  And what doesn't sell..." Sir Aberlayne waves her hands at the eclectic decor of the Guildhall, "Ends up here for free.  Every Guildhall worth their register hasn't had to pay for a stick of furniture or most other incidentals.  The Guildhall in Port Lyalee's entire building is built from donated loot."

Sir Aberlayne looks around and finally spots the stack of bowls on a table next to the fireplace.  In it, porridge is bubbling away.  She goes to spoon out a bowl, topping it with some fruit before returning and popping a spoonful into her mouth.

"Yum.  Anyways, Feld's Antiquities is where we're going to sell most of the arty things.  Hopefully he'll be open by the time we finish eating."

While there is no one in the common room serving, on the table by the fireplace, in addition to bowls and the porridge over the coals, there are hard-boiled eggs, bread, and fruit, along with small spigoted barrels of water, small ale, and what smells like berry juice.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 342 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 13 HP: 10/16
Thu 25 May 2017
at 23:53
  • msg #261

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Dellas put his hand on his sister's shoulder and with his other arm he slowly waves it in front of her "Just think about all the gold you can donate to the temple." clapping her softly on the shoulder he adss "Finish up and we can go.." Looking at Haazheel and Narthian he smiles "Of course, let's start our shopping and selling day today."
Elf Archer, 363 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 27 May 2017
at 04:39
  • msg #262

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

After helping himself to some of the porridge, eggs, and fruit, Averdante brings his breakfast to the table and joins the others. "I must agree with Lantamori where children are concerned. The pair in the Fen were quite enough trouble, and the notion of dealing with such like when confronting overwhelming odds does not entice me."

He had his own errand to run this morning, and suspected four people going along to convert their goods into coin was probably close to becoming a crowd that would hinder the process more than help. Although, perhaps after he'd changed, he might explore the antiquities shop on his own. He rather wondered what humans might consider an antique.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 31 posts
of Yondalla
Mon 29 May 2017
at 14:44
  • msg #263

Re: Returning from Fen-on-the-Fen

Sir Aberlayne tosses down the rest of her porridge efficiently, and pushes back from the table.  "All right, I'm going to clean up, meet those who are going just outside, and let's get the day started!"

OOC:  Those out and about please move to the "Redhaven - A soldier's town" thread.
Dungeon Master
GM, 489 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 02:45
  • msg #264

After a day in town improving the economy

After a day spent around town, selling what wasn't needed and buying what was, the group can return to the Guildhall common room later that day.  There's a smell of stew in the air, porridge and fresh bread too.  The pair of orcs are back, their fox companion on the table between them as they argue over a large communal bowl of stew, waving chucks of bread in the air for emphasis while they talk.

Gimble the Glib's group isn't in evidence, nor is Althenaria and Damphos.  But the woman in red leather, the gnome with the dangerously tall hairdo, and the halfling with a fondness for knives are back, all sitting at a table nearer the job board, all in intense conversation.

It looks like Thala's job (transporting live cargo to Albon) and Rellos Farmer's job (investigating a cave that opened up in a field) have both been taken off the board, while a new job has been added:

Looking for rare animals, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Contact me for further information. ~ Lord Belidon

The serving woman Valia is not in evidence, but a human woman with a motherly aspect and ample curves (along with an axe scar along with side of her head) is wiping down a table and nods cheerfully to you all.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 347 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 13 HP: 10/16
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 12:31
  • msg #265

After a day in town improving the economy

Dellas arrives a bit later then the others and looks for Haazheel "If we have time, maybe we can exchange some spells tomorrow? I'm interested in your magic Missile spell." He looks at the others "Do we have a day for the magical gifted to exchange notes or would you prefer to take the next job? I've noticed that some of the jobs we saw yesterday are already taken."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:32, Wed 21 June 2017.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 32 posts
of Yondalla
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 13:19
  • msg #266

After a day in town improving the economy

"Well, we probably should if you wizardly sorts want to exchange magic.  Remember that time you tried to copy a spell on mule-back from that ice wizard and ended up freezing your boots on your feet by mistake?  I don't want to see that again," Abby says, grinning.  "Those of us not working with otherworldly forces can perhaps investigate some of the other jobs.  We're eight Blackguards and an Ironguard, so we can command some good prices.  That caravan job, for example, we might be able to field just with ourselves.  And with an exclusive contract, we might be able to swing a few more perks.  Usually on a caravan job being fed is part of the deal, but you never know if you're going to get the same slop day-in and day-out.  We could make some requests about food or accommodations, along with our fee in coin or goods.  There's a bit of leeway available, if you know the right questions to ask."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 305 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 13:24
  • msg #267

After a day in town improving the economy

Farian comes in soon afterward, a small smile on his face.  He places several bottles on the table, at least one for each person.  They're all glass bottles marked with Pelor's sun symbol, full of faintly shimmering liquid, like sunlit water.

"Holy water, just in case we run into anything else like we did in Bolthaven.  I thought that would all do us some good," he says in greeting.  "I had some rather enlightening conversations at the temple, too.  I was trying to understand more about the crow and where it or its power may have gone.  Suffice to say, there are some scholarly scrolls that speak of the places where gods live, and the home of the small gods is... chaotic, as each one covers so small a sphere.  Us bringing the crow down won't have any religious curses coming down on our heads, you'll all be happy to hear."
Elf Rogue, 128 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 20:00
  • msg #268

After a day in town improving the economy

Lantamori picked up her bottle of holy water and wondered what it tasted like.  She ignored the thought and stuffed it into pocket.  She'd put it in her pack when she got around to it.

"Let's check in with the caravan and see when it's leaving,"
Lantamori suggested.  "That will let us know how much time you may have to swap spells."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 209 posts
Wed 21 Jun 2017
at 22:46
  • msg #269

After a day in town improving the economy

Haazheel squares his shoulders. Yes, Dellas, let's. He turns to the others. This will take several days, more's tiring and exacting.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 275 posts
Wolf companion
Thu 22 Jun 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #270

After a day in town improving the economy

"The caravan job sounds fine," Narthian says. "Thunder and I are ready to get back out into the open spaces."
Elf Archer, 368 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 22 Jun 2017
at 22:44
  • msg #271

After a day in town improving the economy

"Let's look into that caravan job," Averdante agrees. "I'd like to do a bit more traveling -- but if we have the weight to insist the food on offer is decently edible, I'm in favor of starting there." He looks at the paladin and adds, "I'd like to come along and listen." It'd be best if he didn't say too much; he seemed to offend some people at times.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 348 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 13 HP: 10/16
Thu 22 Jun 2017
at 22:53
  • msg #272

After a day in town improving the economy

Dellas looks at Farian and the holy water "Thanks and yes, it's good to hear that we won't be cursed for all eternity. Did you learn something about a god's personal items or belongings? We still have the feather..." Dellas puts the holy water on his belt "Seems like everyone wants to do the caravan job. Alright, quickly ask when they'll leave so Haazheel and I know when we have to finish.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 274 posts
Sat 24 Jun 2017
at 17:11
  • msg #273

After a day in town improving the economy

Volsh returned to the guildhall and collected his share of the loot.  He looked at the others, and was pondering Brildeben's words.  Was it right to bring them into his problems?  They were all good companions, but truth be told he was not sure that vengeance was something they would find palatable.  It was not their village, or families that had been slaughtered.  This was not a good cause per se, they would be saving no one, perhaps they would put an end to an evil, but not for the sake of goodness.  Of course, he would never know if he did not ask.

"I have perhaps an alternative to propose.  It would involve a journey, but the only payoff is whatever gold I can offer.  I need to travel to Fort Cross to find a soldier there named Harken Luden.  He may have some information about those who destroyed my village."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 276 posts
Wolf companion
Sat 24 Jun 2017
at 19:16
  • msg #274

After a day in town improving the economy

"A hunt then?" Narthian says to Volsh with a grin. "I am guessing that the caravan may be going to Port Layalee, the timing seems right for that distance. If it does, we should pass through Fort Cross."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 210 posts
Sat 24 Jun 2017
at 22:34
  • msg #275

After a day in town improving the economy

Haazheel looks at Volsh and then around. "Friendship and justice weigh more than gold...yes, maybe we can combine the two possibilities."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 09:20, Sun 25 June 2017.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 349 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 13 HP: 10/16
Sun 25 Jun 2017
at 00:30
  • msg #276

After a day in town improving the economy

With surprise Dellas looks at the giant of a man, with his muscles and magical weapon and armor it seems unlikely that he would need help of someone small and weak like Dellas... though he guesses that Volsh needs Dellas' magic more than his body.
"Well, we would probably be very lucky if the Caravan leads us there, a strange coincidence indeed. Maybe there is another way to make money? My research needs gold, nonetheless I'll come with you but how about Abby?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Sun 25 June 2017.
Elf Rogue, 129 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 25 Jun 2017
at 21:23
  • msg #277

After a day in town improving the economy

"Let's find out where the caravan goes," Lantamori said as she stood up.  "I don't suppose we all need to go.  I'll see if Master Steelhead knows where someone can contact the caravan master."

The elf proceeded to find said proprietor and propose her question.
Dungeon Master
GM, 490 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 26 Jun 2017
at 14:54
  • msg #278

After a day in town improving the economy

Those interested can go talk to Master Steelhead about the caravan job.  He peruses the description and nods.  "I'll send one of the boys for Master Deyna.  Fairly certain she's at the Trader's Guildhall down the road, so sit a while and she'll be along."

It takes about an hour when a halfling woman arrives at the Adventurer's Guildhall.  Barely three feet high and wearing exquisitely-tailored and impeccably neat traveling leathers, she looks to be of early middle age for a halfling.  Her light brown hair is cut quite short, and she wears a short sword and dagger that look well-used and cared-for.  Her eyes are bright green, and she wears emerald earbobs, at least three in each ear.

She hops onto a seat at your table and regards you all frankly.  "Master Deyna.  So, you're the Company with No Name.  Master Steelhead said you're up-and-coming and have tackled some interesting jobs so far.  This will hopefully be less... original foes, but there will likely be more of them.  I had hoped to leave in three days, and this will likely take, at minimum, two weeks, barring weather or needing to pause to heal or reprovision.  I'm going south on a shortcut from Redhaven to Stone Bridge, dropping off a load at Fort Cross, picking up some things there, then heading south to Port Lyalee on the trade road.  Once we get there, we can negotiate further for another trip, seeing how things have gone.  I can offer you provisions all the way, shelter in the wagons in bad weather, and three hundred gold apiece, a quarter now, quarter at Fort Cross, the remainder at Port Lyalee.  I expect you to guard the caravan against all foes, enemies, raiders, bandits, beasts, and thieves, mount watches at all hours, kill or drive away foes if need be.  I'll expect you to lend a hand at getting our wagons or mounts out of tight spots on the road, if necessary, and help in patching people or animals up if anyone gets sick or injured.  I have an herbalist and sawbones in my crew, but Master Steelhead said you have a Peloran priest, so he's far better than my healer.  Do we have a deal?"

Master Deyna cocks her head, inviting discussion, or a counteroffer.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 211 posts
Mon 26 Jun 2017
at 19:16
  • msg #279

After a day in town improving the economy

[I think Dellas and Haazheel are busy.]
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