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Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley.

Posted by DM ShardFor group archive 0
DM Shard
GM, 300 posts
Sat 19 Aug 2017
at 14:52
  • msg #1

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Date: 6 Marpenoth (October)
Location: Departing Bryn Shander toward the Dwarven Valley


The adventurers make final preparation for their trek up the winding trail leading into the Dwarven Valley, a cleft of earth yawning away south of Kelvin's Cairn. Here, the few but proud dwarves of Clan Battlehammer mine beneath the earth in search of the meager lodes of ore the great mountain concedes.

The trail up the slopes leading to the valley is perhaps 10 miles long and quite treacherous on account of the gale force winds that buffet travelers from the west. Local guides suggest these winds subside once one reaches the shelter of the valley, but that is of little consolation when one is hiking along a snow-covered trail with significant exposure one either side.

Departing Bryn Shander, the party treks northward over fresh snow, Hengar and Arnan leading the way. The snowshoes Hengar suggested before departing prove to be quite helpful, making the going a bit more manageable. Still, for those unaccustomed to wearing them, the first few hours prove to be quite comical. Needless to say, there are several glorious misadventures on account of the adventurers' unfamiliarity with their footwear. In any event, the group makes good progress along the trail, the slope of which is quite gentle in many spots.

In fairer weather, covering the 10 miles could be easily accomplished in a day, but given present conditions, it will likely take the better part of two. Toward the end of the first day's travel, the party sees a hunter's lodge up ahead, a suitable place to make camp for the night.

The lodge is built low to the ground, its turf roof protruding about 5 feet above the surrounding ground. Hudge drifts of snow butt up against the lodge. The entrance to the lodge is a dug-out stairwell leading into the earth, a common feature in these parts to escape the howling winds. At the bottom of the stairwell, the party can see a partially opened doorway. No light spills out from the doorway and save for the whipping wind, the adventurers hear no sound from within.

Numerous humanoid tracks are seen in the fresh snow. They seem to come from the direction of the Dwarven Valley and terminate here, at the hunters lodge.

The group is presently about 100 feet distant from the lodge, which sits off to one side of the trail.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 242 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 02:18
  • msg #2

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

~Sharindlar help me with these shoes!~ Dal thought as she trudged through the snow.  She was thankful that Grim liked to go ahead of her and broke most of the snow for her.  Dal couldn't help but grin when she noticed that Grim was having just as much trouble with his snowshoes as she was.  The grin, however, was wiped from her face when she, once again, tripped over the shoes and landed face first into the snow.  The cold of the snow brought her back to the present and she was happy when they saw the lodge.  She wasn't happy to notice the tracks but was silent while the others made up their minds what their next action would be.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 185 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 15:17
  • msg #3

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan had used snowshoes before during times of heavy snowfall, so he did not suffer the same breaking-in period of awkwardness that those of his companions who were not used to wearing the contraptions did.

And given the conditions, he was not disappointed in the group's progress during the first day's journey. He had served as a guide before, and compared to many of those whom he had led into the wilds, he found himself well-pleased with the pace at which his companions were adapting to the rigors of far North during this time of year when Auril held sway.

He was pleased to see the hunter's lodge ahead of them in the distance, judging it to be a good place to rest after the trying conditions that they had faced during the day's trek. However, his initial reaction turned to caution when he came close enough to the building to note all of the tracks, and the fact that the door had been left open to the elements.

"'Tis rather cold to be leaving your front door open," he observed to the others. "And there seems to have been a lot of foot-traffic for this time of year."

"I should ease up there -- cautiously -- and take a look. Hopefully if Trouble has already been here, it has moved on. But we should not count on that."

This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:20, Sun 20 Aug 2017.
player, 141 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 16:16
  • msg #4

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

At first Kira had fought with the snowshoes as well, cursing as she ended up face-first-butt-up more than a few times.  Eventually she got the hang of it though, shushing along instead of trying to make regular steps.  They were all quiet for the most part, focusing on the trek but once they neared the lodge she perked up a bit.  "Just a little further," she said to Dal, giving the dwarven lass a big smile.  Noting all the footprints though, and then the open door, her enthusiasm faded quickly.  "No going alone," she said to Arnan.  "And the others shouldn't be too far back either," she suggested with obvious suspicion in her voice.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 259 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 21 Aug 2017
at 20:09
  • msg #5

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim invokes his paton's favor and conjures a ball of flame into the palm of his hand, lighting the way forward.

"Aye. We'll be just behind you."

Produce Flame
Thane Harkensen
player, 141 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Tue 22 Aug 2017
at 02:45
  • msg #6

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"That don't look good," Thane deadpanned upon seeing the tracks leading towards the sod lodge.  "They go in, but don't come out?" he asked as if to clarify the situation.

He readied his flail and shield, and put himself between Morgrim and Arnan.  "That's a pretty neat trick!" he whispered back at flame-handed dwarf, although he dared not ask how it was that the very real flame wasn't crisping up his fingers...
OOC: Thane will follow behind the 'scouts', keeping about a 10' distance.  Close enough to respond quickly in case of melee ambush or whatnot.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 187 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Thu 24 Aug 2017
at 14:41
  • msg #7

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan nodded silently  as his companions each expressed their support -- mayhaps he was already getting himself into a mind-set that embraced silence and stealth. Or, mayhaps the laconic outdoorsman didn't see the need to speak when a nod would suffice.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Arnan nocked an arrow and glanced at Kira, nodding towards the hunting lodge. Putting the time that he had spent hunting in the wilds to good use, Arnan crept forward quietly, using all available cover . . .


10:32, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17. Stealth Check.

player, 143 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 24 Aug 2017
at 14:55
  • msg #8

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira knew the value of being quiet so had nodded in return, drawing her new silver rapier instead of a bow since they were likely going to be in close quarters if the poo hit the fan.  Of course that quiet wasn't so easy in crunchy snow but she was trying her best.

09:52, Today: Kira rolled 14 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 9.  Stealth.  >.< Ugh!
DM Shard
GM, 301 posts
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #9

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan and Kira stalk up closer to the hunter's lodge, each navigating their way as silently as possible through the huge drifts off snow between the trail and the lodge. The rest of the party remains some distance back, content to allow the stealthier members to do their work but still close enough to quickly lend aid should it be needed.

The pair approach the ajar doorway and cautiously peer inside. It is quite dark within the lodge, though the light from Morgrim's outstretched hand does provide some illumination. The lodge is perhaps 20 feet deep and nearly thrice as wide, consisting of what looks like a single large central open room around a hearth and a private chamber on either wing. A single doorway permits entrance to either of these chambers on the east and west wings. Both doors are likewise partially open.

The doorway Arnan and Kira are peering into opens into the central hearth chamber. It is sprasely furnished with a few benches, tables, chairs and cooking implements, but little else. Kneeling before the cold, unlit hearth, Arnan and Kira see the shadowy figure of what appears to be a dwarf, her back turned to the doorway, seemingly unaware of the adventurers presence. The dwarf sways a little from side to side, but is otherwise motionless...
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 246 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 02:59
  • msg #10

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura took the rear position and followed the other three.  She had considered calling them to halt a bit so that she could cast Bless on the three in front but then figured if they needed the blessing, they'd be in combat and she probably wouldn't be able to concentrate.

Dalgura held her weapon in one hand as her other hand clutched her holy symbol in case she needed to cast a spell or two.  She tried to move quietly so as not to give their position away but, as always, she wasn't sure she succeeded.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 189 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:05
  • msg #11

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 9):

The circumstances left Arnan very suspicious of what appeared to be a Dwarf standing inside the hunting lodge. But if all were as it should be, why would she be standing in the dark, with an unlit hearth, after leaving the front door open to the elements? If not for the rumors of Dwarven zombies that they had heard back in Bryn Shander, Arnan might have been taken unawares -- but now he was very much on his guard.

Although, he supposed, mayhaps 'tis possible that she reached the cabin just ahead of us, and has not yet had the time to do anything more than just look around.

His arrow still nocked, he leaned over and whispered in Kira's ear, "Ready yourself. I am going to call out to her -- or, mayhaps . . . it."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 15:29, Sat 26 Aug 2017.
player, 144 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:15
  • msg #12

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira watched the figure in the dim light, chewing her bottom lip as she thought about the tales of dwarven zombies.  The way 'she' swayed sent an atavistic tingle along her back as she thought this was either one turned or one who had seen something so horrible it was being swallowed by the void inside.  She'd seen plenty of people traumatized to that point but it never got any better to witness the madness.

Thankfully she felt Arnan's presence move closer else she might have jumped and squealed when his words tickled her ears.  Even then there was still a tiny flinch and she turned to look at him, her eyes and nod telling him she was indeed as ready as one could be when facing a possible undead.  Her blade tipped much like her head and she placed herself in front but to the side to give him room to shoot if necessary.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 190 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:24
  • msg #13

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Kira (msg # 12):

As soon as Kira had nodded her readiness, Arnan turned back to face the shadowy figure.

"Hoi," he called out in a calm voice that carried well enough, "we mean you no harm -- if you mean us none."
DM Shard
GM, 302 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #14

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan Aldwynne:
As soon as Kira had nodded her readiness, Arnan turned back to face the shadowy figure.

"Hoi," he called out in a calm voice that carried well enough, "we mean you no harm -- if you mean us none."

The female dwarf ceases shuffling and turns her head slowly to the left in a jerky manner, as though suffering from a really sore neck. Eventually she cranes her neck enough to take in the caller at the door, her dull gray eyes looking but not seeing. The soot-faced dwarf wriggles her nose and moves to stand up, grabbing hold of the mantle for balance.

Now standing, Arnan and Kira get a better view of the female dwarf. Her wool smock trimmed with fur is scorched and frayed and her flesh is burned in several spots, the right side of her face being little more than a pink wound. There is sadness and confusion in her dull, unfocusing eyes. She stumbles forward a pace or two, one boot missing, hands outstretched toward the adventurers. She motions to speak, but all that comes out is a strange gurgled moan, her throat unable to form words.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:37, Sun 27 Aug 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 191 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 15:21
  • msg #15

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 14):

Arnan stared at the pitiful Dwarf in front of him. Was this the way that zombies looked and behaved? In truth, Arnan had no idea, for he had no experience with such creatures. He hesitated to shoot his readied arrow, for fear of injuring someone who -- while obviously not quite right -- had reasons other than being a zombie for looking and acting the way that she did.

"Let's back out and let the others have a look," he suggested to Kira.

"If she, it . . . whatever . . . follows slowly, well and good. Let the others get a look at . . . her. If she attacks us, you know what to do."


Readied Action:
Arnan will shoot his nocked arrow at the female Dwarf if she/it attacks Kira or him.

11:13, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 23 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 16. Readied Attack (Longbow).

11:14, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 6 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 3. Damage (If Applicable).

Note: Unless Kira disagrees, Arnan will back out of the doorway slowly, keeping his eyes on the Dwarf/zombie. If she/it does not attack, his hope is that some of his companions will be more knowledgeable about zombies than he himself is. :)

This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Sun 27 Aug 2017.
player, 145 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 15:42
  • msg #16

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

She didn't know why, but an incredible sadness flooded through her as the poor thing turned and reached out to them.  Something inside her wanted to reach back and console her but the threat was too great and she was already backing up slowly, almost bumping into Arnan.  "Yeah," was all she managed and backed up with him.  "Dal ... Grim ... I think you might be better equipped for this," she called out to them.

Like Arnan, Kira will be ready to defend if they are attacked.
10:38, Today: Kira rolled 23 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 18.  Ready Rapier.
10:39, Today: Kira rolled 6 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 3.  Readied Rapier Damage (if applicable).

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 247 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 17:38
  • msg #17

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dal shook her head.  She was sorry that the creature was not the glorious Dwarf that her heritage called for.  Dwarves loved their heritage and seeing something being torn from her tore Dalgura's heart.

"What I can do calls for them to retreat or run.  She has no place to go if we stand in the doorway.  I'm not sure how she will react in that case."

Dal then moved to where she could be easily seen which, she thought, would give the others a chance to prepare for whatever might happen.

She held up her Holy Symbol of Sharindlar and in a loud firm voice started her prayer.  "Holy Sharindlar, help this creature who has been prevented from her eternal rest.  I know it was against her will.  No Dwarf will voluntarily allow themselves to become what she has become!"  Dal pointed her Holy symbol at the creature and continued to speak firmly.  "GO! Return to your roots of the earth!  You are a Dwarf and by all the good Gods this is not for you.  This is not where you belong nor where you should be!"

Dal, in case this Dwarf didn't understand common in the state she was in, kept up her Prayers alternating speaking it first in Common (so her comrades could understand) and in Dwarvish.

Channel Divinity:  Turn Undead
Each undead that can see OR hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.  If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.  A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move so far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you.  It also can't take reactions.  For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving.  If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

DM Shard
GM, 303 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 23:23
  • msg #18

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura's voice stirs something within the scorched dwarven female...zombie. This last fact there can now be no doubt as her face twists into something monstrous and unholy. The dwarven zombies hisses and flails its arms about as though batting away a teeming swarm of gnats.

In the adjoining room, the party hears similar sounds followed by a loud crashing noise. The zombie in the central stumbles away from the adventurers and forces its way through the partly opened doorway in the far wing of the hunter's lodge. The door slams open with a loud bang and recoils on itself as the zombie disappears out of vision into the room, perhaps joining others of its ilk.
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