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00:15, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley.

Posted by DM ShardFor group archive 0
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 267 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 15:11
  • msg #44

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Ignoring the zombie looming over him, Morgrim snaps at the legs of the zombie menacing Hengar, trying to drag it off of its feet...

Attack: Hits AC 13 (pack tactics) for 8 damage. DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
11:09, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 8 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 2,3.  Damage.
11:09, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 13 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 8,8.  Attack, pack tactics.

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 255 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 22:46
  • msg #45

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 44):

Dal looked around and noticed one of them was sneaking up on her brother.  Perhaps they didn't sneak but it was a sneaky thing to do anyway.  Dal pointed to the Zombie and shook her head.  Oh no, nobody was going to sneak up on her brother without paying the price.

"Oh Mighty Sharlindar, please help me defend my brother and show that zombie that it made a mistake going after him.  He's my only brother and he is helping others so please shine your light into the Zombie and show them that he made a mistake in attacking an Ironhammer no matter what form they are in."

Sacred Flame:  range 60'  target makes a dex sav throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.  Gains no benefit from cover for the saving through.

If they fail the save:
17:40, Today: Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 6 using 1d8 with rolls of 6.  Don't you sneak up on my brother - Radiant Dam.

Thane Harkensen
player, 150 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 01:12
  • msg #46

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane had to take a moment to reorient himself.  The beds, the downed zombies, the less-than-optimal lighting all conspired to get him out of the fight.  He saw Morg-Wolf come to the aid of Hengar, and that's what he decided to do, too.  He maneuvered quickly to get in a flail-swing at the zombie, but he was too close to a bunk.  The flail head nicked the wooden footboard and was completely robbed of its strength...
Move: advance into melee with Hengar's zombie.
Attack: Silvered Flail vs Hengar's Zombie
21:05, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 7,9 using 1d20+5,1d8+3 with rolls of 2,6.  Melee vs Zombie (AC8) (Silvered Flail). Missed by one!  Put some hurtin' on that footboard, though!  ;)
Other: Protector benefit upon Hengar.

player, 153 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 02:53
  • msg #47

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Flying beds and body parts didn't seem to bother Kira as she moved around, working with the guys making wicked stabs in hopes of routing the undead before someone got hurt too bad.

21:49, Today: Kira rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17.  Silver Rapier
21:50, Today: Kira rolled 9 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 6.  Damage.
21:50, Today: Kira rolled 4 using 1d6 with rolls of 4.  Sneak Damage.
Total damage = 13
*hugs Arnan*

Arnan Aldwynne
player, 200 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 15:17
  • msg #48

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan shook his head in annoyance at his last arrow having failed to do any damage, then got back to work.

He picked a target, then drew and shot smoothly, as he had done a thousand times before. The arrow sank deep into the chest of a Zombie, and Arnan found himself wondering if these creatures felt pain . . .


11:00, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14. Ranged Attack v. Zombie (AC 8). Hit.

11:00, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 10 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 7. Damage (Longbow).

Note: If the Zombie that attacked Hengar is not dead by the time that Arnan acts, he will try to help finish it off. Otherwise he will target the Zombie attacking Morgrim.

Thanks, Kira. :)

DM Shard
GM, 310 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 17:05
  • msg #49

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The last two dwarven zombies lash out at the adventurers to the last, but eventually, they too join the fallen littering the floor. In the end, one wing of the hunter's lodge is thrashed from the brief, but violent struggle in close quarters.

Six zombies are scattered throughout the room, a faint reflection of their formerly live zselves. None of these dwarves appear to be Helda Silverstream, so perhaps there is hope she yet lives. None of the zombies are carrying anything of value and are not dressed for cold weather or outdoor excursions. Yet somehow they wound up here, several miles from dwarven homelands.

A survey of the lodge reveals a good supply of firewood and a small stock of other sundry items. The second wing of the lodge is in far better condition and is unsullied with zombie gore. All things considered, the lodge appears like it would be a good place to make camp for the night.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 256 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 18:32
  • msg #50

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 49):

After the battle, Dalgura looked over at the zombies and held up her holy symbol one last time.  "Dearest Sharlindar, thank you for your guidance and assistance.  Please guide these fallen brethen into your arms and protect them.  Their recent actions weren't their fault and now they deserve to bathe in your comforting radiance and arms...Amen"

Dalgura took a big sigh and then turned to matters on hand.  "Anybody need healing or their arrows mended?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 268 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 00:36
  • msg #51

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

All foes now slain, Morgrim hesitated before regaining his normal guise, instead putting his wet muzzle to the floorboards and snuffling his way about lodge in search of other smells apart from the overwhelming miasma of death and decay...

Perception: Scent.

Has anything else been in the lodge recently apart from the zombies? Any other interesting smells?

20:33, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 13 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,8.  Scent.

player, 154 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 00:44
  • msg #52

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira wiped the mess off her silvered blade on one of the zombie's clothing before resheathing and looking at the others.  "I think we should carry them out and make a proper funeral pyre.  That way no one can use them again," she stated, obviously respecting the remains but not trusting them to stay down.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 201 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 19:00
  • msg #53

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The arrow which had missed its target during the battle and had slammed into the wall of the cabin ended up with a cracked shaft, and Arnan took it over to Dalgura for "mending", as she called it.

He turned to Kira as she made her suggestion about burning the bodies of the now-dead Dwarven Zombies in order to prevent them from being "used" as Zombies once again. Arnan turned to the Dwarven cleric and asked, "How about that, Dalgura? Do these bodies need to be given to the flames?"
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 257 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 19:20
  • msg #54

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Arnan Aldwynne (msg # 53):

Dalgura thought on her teachings but couldn't remember reading anything about putting the zombies to the flames.  "I do not know if it would help or not.  My teachings did not specify on that subject but it couldn't hurt.  Of course if their monstrous creator is around than those flames might be seen.  If you burn them, then they probably can't come back as zombies but they might be able to come back as skeleton.  If we consecrate the land they should be unable to be used.  Let me think more on that topic."

In the meantime, Dalgura will mend any of the arrows that are brought to her.
Thane Harkensen
player, 151 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 13:10
  • msg #55

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"I guess Dalgura wasn't kidding when she said you can turn into a wolf," Thane deadpanned at Morgrim once the fight was over.  Thane wasn't sure how he felt about Morgrim's strange ability.  "You're not a were-beast are you?" he asked somewhat accusingly, his eyes flashing back and forth between Morgrim-wolf and Dalgura.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 270 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 14:30
  • msg #56

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim briefly paused his snuffling search to peer at Thane, his eyes shining by the light of the ball of flame that continued to hover just above his forepaw. The great wolf shook its head, gave an utterance that sounded something like the bark of a huge hound, and then went back about his business.
DM Shard
GM, 311 posts
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 21:50
  • msg #57

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim does not detect any recent living scents in the hunter's lodge. All indications point to the fact the dwarf zombies came down from Dwarven Valley, which would verify the stories the party heard in Bryn Shander about zombies fleeing the dwarven homeland and wandering along the trail leading to town.

This group of zombies are the first the party has encountered, though its possible others are buried beneath the huge drifts of snow along either side of the trail leading to the dwarven homelands.

In any event, the party still has about a half day's travel before reaching the deep cleft at the foot of Kelvin's Cairn, the site of Dwarven Halls of Clan Battlehammer. But that likely won't happen until day break, for night has now fallen over the land.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 271 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #58

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Sitting back on his haunches, Morgrim lifted one of his paws, heaved his great barrel chest and then shook from tip to tail like a dog fresh out of a cold stream. What began as a lupine form however quickly receded into the hairy dwarf formerly known as Morgrim. The druid stood up and cleared his throat.

"No living thing has been through here in some time," he announced. "They must have wandered onto it by accident in the storm, poor things."

"As much as I want to press on there's no use pushing through the dark. We may as well clean up house and settle in until dawn."

Arnan Aldwynne
player, 205 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Wed 6 Sep 2017
at 23:55
  • msg #59

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 58):

Arnan watched carefully as Morgrim became a Dwarf once again. While the Dire Wolf was fearsome in battle, Arnan still felt a little uncomfortable around the creature.

"Do you -- as Morgrim -- have full control when you are in your wolf-form?" he asked the druid.

"No need to beat around the bush, I suppose. I am asking whether we need to be concerned whilst you are in that form," he added. "For example, if all of our foes were to fall early-on, might you still be feeling some sort of blood-lust?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 272 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 01:01
  • msg #60

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Well Thane's got enough meat on his bones to go around," Morgrim said with a straight face. "The rest of ye' could stand to eat a bit more. I've seen ground squirrels that would make for a better feast."

After a moment's pause he broke out in a broad grin. "Only kidding. No, I'm no were-beast. 'Tis a gift from Marthammor Duin. Next time I'll turn into a wee bunny-rabbit and ye' can sweat over keeping all the carrots safe."
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 259 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:12
  • msg #61

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 60):

"Roast Rabbit is pretty good Grim.  You might want to think twice on that."

Dal grinned at her brother.  "I do know one thing.  I want you to turn into something furry and big when it starts to get cold at night.  I can use you for a blanket then."

Dal looked over at the others and shook her finger at them, starting with Arnan.  "And shame on you all.  You've traveled with Morgrim; you've fought side by side and was saved sometimes by him, and NOW you are wondering if he can be trusted?  He's a DRUID!  I'm a cleric and while I love the big lug, I wouldn't turn a blind eye if he turned away from good.  I'd track him down and kick whatever furry but he was in when I found him."

Dal harumph and stomped her foot before she pouted at the slight to her brother.
player, 156 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:37
  • msg #62

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira looked at Dal and shook her own finger playfully at the woman.  "Don't be pointin' and poutin' at me.  I wasn't questioning.  Of course I've seen a lot of messed up stuff in back alleys," she said.  "Not everyone's seen stuff like that though and it's better to be safe than sorry.  Besides, I'm more squirrel than rabbit so I wasn't worried about him eatin' me," she added with a cheeky grin.
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 34 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 09:46
  • msg #63

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar interjects into the friendly banter by adding, "Some of us have already seen were-creatures active in these parts," this a reference to the dwarves' encounters with wererats. "Beasts not unknown in these parts..."

The barbarian then briefly relates his people's legend of the Wolf and the Moon, the wolf a fierce warrior who took the noble moon for his wife. Their love was strong and passionate, but also destructive. It is from this pair that all lycanthropes are said to come.

While relating the tale, Hengar busies himself building and stoking a fire in the hearth.
Thane Harkensen
player, 152 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 13:25
  • msg #64

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane shook his head at Dalgura's finger-waggling rebuke.  "You'd look at me weird if I turned into a bear, even if I told you once that I could do it," he replied in defense of the concerns that had been aired.  "It's one thing to say it, another thing to do it, and seeing it for real the first time is, well, a bit unsettling," he continued in pragmatic tones.

He gave his attention to Morgrim.  "I'll get used to it.  Thanks for answering the question."

Then he stretched, took a drink of water, and sighed while looking at what else was going on.  "Kira, I'll help you get these corpses out of here.  We need to get them downwind or downhill, maybe dump them all in a gully.  Sound fair?"
OOC: Thane will use Second Wind (1 dice) to heal up his wound from the zombie.
09:22, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 11 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 9.  Heal: Second Wind. Healed all 5 damage, back to full hit points.

player, 157 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 14:28
  • msg #65

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira bobbed her head in agreement.  "Aye, stronger arms and back are appreciated," she stated then after a quick thank you to Hengar for starting a fire, she  proceeded to grab up a blanket from one of the overturned bunks and spread it out next to the body of the female they had encountered first.

"I'm sorry," she murmured as she carefully pushed the body onto its side so she could shove the blanket as far under as possible then moved to the other side to do it again until she was laying on the blanket.  It would be easier to drag the body that way then trying to grab an arm or leg.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 206 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 00:54
  • msg #66

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

As far as Arnan was concerned, Morgrim's answer had satisfied his concerns.

He began to help Thane and Kira with the bodies of the now-dead Zombies, having no intention of justifying his questions to Dalgura or anyone else.
DM Shard
GM, 314 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 17:43
  • msg #67

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar soon has a healthy blaze going in the fireplace and the party eventually clears out the lodge and settles in for the night, which passes uneventfully.

It is expectedly quite chilly in the morning, gusty and clear, though clouds in the distance suggest conditions could change later in the day. Wanting to reach the Dwarven Valley before storms, the party elects to set out shortly after rising. Each member girds themselves to depart the lodge's warmth and eventually steps out into the cold, the crunch of snow beneath their boots.

The rocky vegetation-sparse road ascends along a spine leading up to Kelvin Cairn's waist. Mercifully, the party is spared from the wind's full force along the way, as large stretches of it are sheltered by a high rock wall built precisely for this purpose. Sections of the wall have collapsed here or there, and it is at these points the adventurers' truly gain an appreciation for the region's namesake.

Several hours pass and the party soon sees the beginnings of Dwarven Valley up ahead. The valley itself is a wide cleft extending off Kelvin's Cairn, running roughly northeast to south west. At its widest point, the valley spans at least a mile, a deep chasm of snow-covered scree piled at its bottom. A series of walkways nearly circumnavigates the chasm, these connecting numerous tunnels which lead into either the western or eastern dwarfholds. The two walkways merge at the south spur, which is some distance ahead, but there does not seem to a similar connection along the valley northern end. It's possible one exists, but none in the party can see it, and their attentions are more directly occupied by an angry voice that cuts through the silence.

"Halt! Don't come any closer! You best just turn around and go back where you come from!"

The voice comes from a helmed dwarf standing within a stone guard outpost along the left side of the road. The guard outpost is situated such that it offers a commanding view of the approaching road and moreover, designed in such a way as to resemble the surrounding rocky terrain. But it's obviously there and within it, one angry dwarf.

OOC: The party is about 60 feet distant from the guard outpost
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 273 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 23:41
  • msg #68

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim briefly stopped short, hitching the thumb of one hand behind his belt while he waved amicably with the other. "Ahoy there!" he called back enthusiastically.

"He doesn't look dead," he continued loud enough only for his immediate company to hear.

Morgrim started to walk toward the outpost at a leisurely pace, ignoring the order to turn back.

"I am Morgrim Ironhammer! We've come to call on Helda Silverstream! Did she reach the valley safely?"
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