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02:38, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley.

Posted by DM ShardFor group archive 0
DM Shard
GM, 300 posts
Sat 19 Aug 2017
at 14:52
  • msg #1

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Date: 6 Marpenoth (October)
Location: Departing Bryn Shander toward the Dwarven Valley


The adventurers make final preparation for their trek up the winding trail leading into the Dwarven Valley, a cleft of earth yawning away south of Kelvin's Cairn. Here, the few but proud dwarves of Clan Battlehammer mine beneath the earth in search of the meager lodes of ore the great mountain concedes.

The trail up the slopes leading to the valley is perhaps 10 miles long and quite treacherous on account of the gale force winds that buffet travelers from the west. Local guides suggest these winds subside once one reaches the shelter of the valley, but that is of little consolation when one is hiking along a snow-covered trail with significant exposure one either side.

Departing Bryn Shander, the party treks northward over fresh snow, Hengar and Arnan leading the way. The snowshoes Hengar suggested before departing prove to be quite helpful, making the going a bit more manageable. Still, for those unaccustomed to wearing them, the first few hours prove to be quite comical. Needless to say, there are several glorious misadventures on account of the adventurers' unfamiliarity with their footwear. In any event, the group makes good progress along the trail, the slope of which is quite gentle in many spots.

In fairer weather, covering the 10 miles could be easily accomplished in a day, but given present conditions, it will likely take the better part of two. Toward the end of the first day's travel, the party sees a hunter's lodge up ahead, a suitable place to make camp for the night.

The lodge is built low to the ground, its turf roof protruding about 5 feet above the surrounding ground. Hudge drifts of snow butt up against the lodge. The entrance to the lodge is a dug-out stairwell leading into the earth, a common feature in these parts to escape the howling winds. At the bottom of the stairwell, the party can see a partially opened doorway. No light spills out from the doorway and save for the whipping wind, the adventurers hear no sound from within.

Numerous humanoid tracks are seen in the fresh snow. They seem to come from the direction of the Dwarven Valley and terminate here, at the hunters lodge.

The group is presently about 100 feet distant from the lodge, which sits off to one side of the trail.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 242 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 02:18
  • msg #2

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

~Sharindlar help me with these shoes!~ Dal thought as she trudged through the snow.  She was thankful that Grim liked to go ahead of her and broke most of the snow for her.  Dal couldn't help but grin when she noticed that Grim was having just as much trouble with his snowshoes as she was.  The grin, however, was wiped from her face when she, once again, tripped over the shoes and landed face first into the snow.  The cold of the snow brought her back to the present and she was happy when they saw the lodge.  She wasn't happy to notice the tracks but was silent while the others made up their minds what their next action would be.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 185 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 15:17
  • msg #3

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan had used snowshoes before during times of heavy snowfall, so he did not suffer the same breaking-in period of awkwardness that those of his companions who were not used to wearing the contraptions did.

And given the conditions, he was not disappointed in the group's progress during the first day's journey. He had served as a guide before, and compared to many of those whom he had led into the wilds, he found himself well-pleased with the pace at which his companions were adapting to the rigors of far North during this time of year when Auril held sway.

He was pleased to see the hunter's lodge ahead of them in the distance, judging it to be a good place to rest after the trying conditions that they had faced during the day's trek. However, his initial reaction turned to caution when he came close enough to the building to note all of the tracks, and the fact that the door had been left open to the elements.

"'Tis rather cold to be leaving your front door open," he observed to the others. "And there seems to have been a lot of foot-traffic for this time of year."

"I should ease up there -- cautiously -- and take a look. Hopefully if Trouble has already been here, it has moved on. But we should not count on that."

This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:20, Sun 20 Aug 2017.
player, 141 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 20 Aug 2017
at 16:16
  • msg #4

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

At first Kira had fought with the snowshoes as well, cursing as she ended up face-first-butt-up more than a few times.  Eventually she got the hang of it though, shushing along instead of trying to make regular steps.  They were all quiet for the most part, focusing on the trek but once they neared the lodge she perked up a bit.  "Just a little further," she said to Dal, giving the dwarven lass a big smile.  Noting all the footprints though, and then the open door, her enthusiasm faded quickly.  "No going alone," she said to Arnan.  "And the others shouldn't be too far back either," she suggested with obvious suspicion in her voice.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 259 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 21 Aug 2017
at 20:09
  • msg #5

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim invokes his paton's favor and conjures a ball of flame into the palm of his hand, lighting the way forward.

"Aye. We'll be just behind you."

Produce Flame
Thane Harkensen
player, 141 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Tue 22 Aug 2017
at 02:45
  • msg #6

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"That don't look good," Thane deadpanned upon seeing the tracks leading towards the sod lodge.  "They go in, but don't come out?" he asked as if to clarify the situation.

He readied his flail and shield, and put himself between Morgrim and Arnan.  "That's a pretty neat trick!" he whispered back at flame-handed dwarf, although he dared not ask how it was that the very real flame wasn't crisping up his fingers...
OOC: Thane will follow behind the 'scouts', keeping about a 10' distance.  Close enough to respond quickly in case of melee ambush or whatnot.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 187 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Thu 24 Aug 2017
at 14:41
  • msg #7

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan nodded silently  as his companions each expressed their support -- mayhaps he was already getting himself into a mind-set that embraced silence and stealth. Or, mayhaps the laconic outdoorsman didn't see the need to speak when a nod would suffice.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Arnan nocked an arrow and glanced at Kira, nodding towards the hunting lodge. Putting the time that he had spent hunting in the wilds to good use, Arnan crept forward quietly, using all available cover . . .


10:32, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17. Stealth Check.

player, 143 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 24 Aug 2017
at 14:55
  • msg #8

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira knew the value of being quiet so had nodded in return, drawing her new silver rapier instead of a bow since they were likely going to be in close quarters if the poo hit the fan.  Of course that quiet wasn't so easy in crunchy snow but she was trying her best.

09:52, Today: Kira rolled 14 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 9.  Stealth.  >.< Ugh!
DM Shard
GM, 301 posts
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #9

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan and Kira stalk up closer to the hunter's lodge, each navigating their way as silently as possible through the huge drifts off snow between the trail and the lodge. The rest of the party remains some distance back, content to allow the stealthier members to do their work but still close enough to quickly lend aid should it be needed.

The pair approach the ajar doorway and cautiously peer inside. It is quite dark within the lodge, though the light from Morgrim's outstretched hand does provide some illumination. The lodge is perhaps 20 feet deep and nearly thrice as wide, consisting of what looks like a single large central open room around a hearth and a private chamber on either wing. A single doorway permits entrance to either of these chambers on the east and west wings. Both doors are likewise partially open.

The doorway Arnan and Kira are peering into opens into the central hearth chamber. It is sprasely furnished with a few benches, tables, chairs and cooking implements, but little else. Kneeling before the cold, unlit hearth, Arnan and Kira see the shadowy figure of what appears to be a dwarf, her back turned to the doorway, seemingly unaware of the adventurers presence. The dwarf sways a little from side to side, but is otherwise motionless...
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 246 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 02:59
  • msg #10

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura took the rear position and followed the other three.  She had considered calling them to halt a bit so that she could cast Bless on the three in front but then figured if they needed the blessing, they'd be in combat and she probably wouldn't be able to concentrate.

Dalgura held her weapon in one hand as her other hand clutched her holy symbol in case she needed to cast a spell or two.  She tried to move quietly so as not to give their position away but, as always, she wasn't sure she succeeded.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 189 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:05
  • msg #11

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 9):

The circumstances left Arnan very suspicious of what appeared to be a Dwarf standing inside the hunting lodge. But if all were as it should be, why would she be standing in the dark, with an unlit hearth, after leaving the front door open to the elements? If not for the rumors of Dwarven zombies that they had heard back in Bryn Shander, Arnan might have been taken unawares -- but now he was very much on his guard.

Although, he supposed, mayhaps 'tis possible that she reached the cabin just ahead of us, and has not yet had the time to do anything more than just look around.

His arrow still nocked, he leaned over and whispered in Kira's ear, "Ready yourself. I am going to call out to her -- or, mayhaps . . . it."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 15:29, Sat 26 Aug 2017.
player, 144 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:15
  • msg #12

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira watched the figure in the dim light, chewing her bottom lip as she thought about the tales of dwarven zombies.  The way 'she' swayed sent an atavistic tingle along her back as she thought this was either one turned or one who had seen something so horrible it was being swallowed by the void inside.  She'd seen plenty of people traumatized to that point but it never got any better to witness the madness.

Thankfully she felt Arnan's presence move closer else she might have jumped and squealed when his words tickled her ears.  Even then there was still a tiny flinch and she turned to look at him, her eyes and nod telling him she was indeed as ready as one could be when facing a possible undead.  Her blade tipped much like her head and she placed herself in front but to the side to give him room to shoot if necessary.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 190 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sat 26 Aug 2017
at 15:24
  • msg #13

Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Kira (msg # 12):

As soon as Kira had nodded her readiness, Arnan turned back to face the shadowy figure.

"Hoi," he called out in a calm voice that carried well enough, "we mean you no harm -- if you mean us none."
DM Shard
GM, 302 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #14

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan Aldwynne:
As soon as Kira had nodded her readiness, Arnan turned back to face the shadowy figure.

"Hoi," he called out in a calm voice that carried well enough, "we mean you no harm -- if you mean us none."

The female dwarf ceases shuffling and turns her head slowly to the left in a jerky manner, as though suffering from a really sore neck. Eventually she cranes her neck enough to take in the caller at the door, her dull gray eyes looking but not seeing. The soot-faced dwarf wriggles her nose and moves to stand up, grabbing hold of the mantle for balance.

Now standing, Arnan and Kira get a better view of the female dwarf. Her wool smock trimmed with fur is scorched and frayed and her flesh is burned in several spots, the right side of her face being little more than a pink wound. There is sadness and confusion in her dull, unfocusing eyes. She stumbles forward a pace or two, one boot missing, hands outstretched toward the adventurers. She motions to speak, but all that comes out is a strange gurgled moan, her throat unable to form words.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:37, Sun 27 Aug 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 191 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 15:21
  • msg #15

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 14):

Arnan stared at the pitiful Dwarf in front of him. Was this the way that zombies looked and behaved? In truth, Arnan had no idea, for he had no experience with such creatures. He hesitated to shoot his readied arrow, for fear of injuring someone who -- while obviously not quite right -- had reasons other than being a zombie for looking and acting the way that she did.

"Let's back out and let the others have a look," he suggested to Kira.

"If she, it . . . whatever . . . follows slowly, well and good. Let the others get a look at . . . her. If she attacks us, you know what to do."


Readied Action:
Arnan will shoot his nocked arrow at the female Dwarf if she/it attacks Kira or him.

11:13, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 23 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 16. Readied Attack (Longbow).

11:14, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 6 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 3. Damage (If Applicable).

Note: Unless Kira disagrees, Arnan will back out of the doorway slowly, keeping his eyes on the Dwarf/zombie. If she/it does not attack, his hope is that some of his companions will be more knowledgeable about zombies than he himself is. :)

This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Sun 27 Aug 2017.
player, 145 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 15:42
  • msg #16

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

She didn't know why, but an incredible sadness flooded through her as the poor thing turned and reached out to them.  Something inside her wanted to reach back and console her but the threat was too great and she was already backing up slowly, almost bumping into Arnan.  "Yeah," was all she managed and backed up with him.  "Dal ... Grim ... I think you might be better equipped for this," she called out to them.

Like Arnan, Kira will be ready to defend if they are attacked.
10:38, Today: Kira rolled 23 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 18.  Ready Rapier.
10:39, Today: Kira rolled 6 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 3.  Readied Rapier Damage (if applicable).

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 247 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 17:38
  • msg #17

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dal shook her head.  She was sorry that the creature was not the glorious Dwarf that her heritage called for.  Dwarves loved their heritage and seeing something being torn from her tore Dalgura's heart.

"What I can do calls for them to retreat or run.  She has no place to go if we stand in the doorway.  I'm not sure how she will react in that case."

Dal then moved to where she could be easily seen which, she thought, would give the others a chance to prepare for whatever might happen.

She held up her Holy Symbol of Sharindlar and in a loud firm voice started her prayer.  "Holy Sharindlar, help this creature who has been prevented from her eternal rest.  I know it was against her will.  No Dwarf will voluntarily allow themselves to become what she has become!"  Dal pointed her Holy symbol at the creature and continued to speak firmly.  "GO! Return to your roots of the earth!  You are a Dwarf and by all the good Gods this is not for you.  This is not where you belong nor where you should be!"

Dal, in case this Dwarf didn't understand common in the state she was in, kept up her Prayers alternating speaking it first in Common (so her comrades could understand) and in Dwarvish.

Channel Divinity:  Turn Undead
Each undead that can see OR hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.  If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.  A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move so far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you.  It also can't take reactions.  For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving.  If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

DM Shard
GM, 303 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2017
at 23:23
  • msg #18

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura's voice stirs something within the scorched dwarven female...zombie. This last fact there can now be no doubt as her face twists into something monstrous and unholy. The dwarven zombies hisses and flails its arms about as though batting away a teeming swarm of gnats.

In the adjoining room, the party hears similar sounds followed by a loud crashing noise. The zombie in the central stumbles away from the adventurers and forces its way through the partly opened doorway in the far wing of the hunter's lodge. The door slams open with a loud bang and recoils on itself as the zombie disappears out of vision into the room, perhaps joining others of its ilk.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 261 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 01:39
  • msg #19

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim followed close behind his sister, holding the flame high above the palm of his hand to light the way forth. He watched the creature recoil from Dalgura's divine radiance with a sombre expression.

"This bodes ill for what we will find in the clanhold. I fear for Helda and her kin."
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 193 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 15:40
  • msg #20

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Well, that answers that question, Arnan thought to himself as Dalgura's prayer revealed the zombie for what it was. The scout was impressed by the power that the cleric wielded, having never seen its like before.

He turned to Morgrim as the Dwarf voiced his concerns over what they might find at the clanhold. "I suspect that some of your people fell during the first onslaught -- victims of surprise and uncertainty at what they were seeing, much as was the case just now with me. But you Stout Folk are nothing if not stalwart in defense of your holds, and I suspect that we shall find Helda and an iron-hard group of survivors grimly standing firm against this . . . threat."

"But as for the here and now, we need to deal with what is beyond the inner door of this cabin. Has anyone yet determined whether silvered weapons are required in order to do hurt to these creatures?"

player, 146 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 15:55
  • msg #21

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira watched Dal and when their fears were confirmed, her usual little smile faded and she chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully while the others spoke.  The sounds from the other room made her shudder and she was just glad they weren't coming after them.

"Much as I hate to say it, easiest thing would be to burn 'em all.  Just set this place a'blaze and none of us get hurt," she said then gave a little shrug.  "Of course that means we don't have a warm place for the night and future travelers won't either," she added pragmatically, figuring they weren't going to go for her idea.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 262 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 18:35
  • msg #22

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"The cold is as much a threat as the dead, if not more so. We're better off to run them out and keep the shelter above our heads."

"As for silver - well, I suppose there's only one way to find out."

Morgrim turned and beckoned Thane to follow.

"Come on, big boy. Lets go crack some heads."
DM Shard
GM, 304 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 21:49
  • msg #23

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim leads the way toward the doorway the dwarf zombie fled through, drawing up just outside of the adjoining room for a quick peek. Inside, six dwarf zombies mill about in a sparsely furnished room outfitted with several bunk beds and a few footlockers. One of the zombies growls when it makes eye contact with Morgrim, but the undead monster seems unable to draw any closer.

OOC: Zombies are about 20 feet from the doorway.

Zombies, 6
AC: 8
HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22, 22/22, 22/22, 22/22

PC        AC    HP    Insp  Spell Save  Conditions & Notes
Arnan     14   20/20    1      NA       AC 16 w/ shield
Dalgura   15   17/17    1      13
Hengar    12   22/22    1      NA
Kira      14   15/15    1      NA
Thane     18   22/22    1      NA
Morgrim   15   19/19    1      13

PCs are UP!

This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:55, Mon 28 Aug 2017.
player, 147 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 21:53
  • msg #24

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Slipping along behind the guys, Kira watched as they snarled and thought about how they didn't much like Dal's goddess' power.  "Can you maybe keep them stirred up and they sort of take each other out trying to get away from you?" she asked Dalgura.

Just tossing out a suggestion before anyone gets closer.  Of course, wish I could use that last roll that was readied as I have a feeling when I roll again it won't be as nice.  :P
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 249 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Mon 28 Aug 2017
at 23:28
  • msg #25

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura shook her head at Kira's question as she readied her weapon.  "Once attacked they will no longer be frozen in place and I don't remember in my studies that they fight each other."

Dalgura nodded to the others.  "I'm ready...I'm ready to bash them or show them Sharindlar's radiance.  I cannot think of them as Dwarves any longer.  The only hope they have will be to destroy them and saying prayers for them.  Then perhaps the Gods will let them rest.  The Gods will know it wasn't their fault.  They need to be put to rest.  It won't be easy but they deserve to rest."

Dalgura let the others advance into the room first since her spell had a range of 60'.  Dal had debated on whether to use the warhammer immediately but knew she could easily swing it into her hand if need be.  She had done it with her regular weapon often enough.  She would hold it as secondary.  First she would call upon Sharindlar to send her radiance at the closet one and hoped it would help.

Sacred Flame:  range 60'  target makes a dex sav throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.  Gains no beenfit from cover for the saving through.  If they fail the save:  Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 3 using 1d8 with rolls of 3.  Show zombies the light!
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 195 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Tue 29 Aug 2017
at 19:34
  • msg #26

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan looked thoughtful when Dalgura said that the zombies would no longer be held at bay by her magicks* once they were attacked.

"Mayhaps we should cut down one or two at a time, and let the others continue to be held in thrall by Dalgura's magicks until we are ready to deal with them," he suggested.

Since no one seemed to know whether silvered weapons were needed to effectively fight these creatures, Arnan elected to use the arrows with the silvered points. With us fighting in such close quarters, it's not like I'm going to lose any arrows that miss, he thought, not that I'm planning on missing. These shambling creatures don't look to be especially agile.

Arnan positioned himself a little behind Thane, but in a position where he could target the zombies without putting the Luskan in the line of flight of his arrows.

"May as well get to work," he remarked calmly, much as if he were discussing a bird that had just flown by, or mayhaps a cloud formation. He targeted the same zombie that Dalgura had just now attacked with her magicks that brought down a column of sparkling, radiant light upon the creature.


Arnan will move so as to position himself in a spot behind the front-line combatants, but where he has a clear line of sight/line of fire (not sure what the proper phrase is for bow-and-arrow shooting -- "line of fire" doesn't sound quite right) on the zombies.

Action: 15:22, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9. Ranged Attack v. Zombies (AC 8). Hit!

15:23, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 5 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 2. Damage (Longbow).

Note: Arnan is attacking the same zombie that Dalgura previously attacked.

* From Arnan's (IC) point of view, Dalgura's Channeling Divinity is magicks. :)

Thane Harkensen
player, 145 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 01:09
  • msg #27

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane hadn't witnessed what a cleric could do to undead creatures before, so he was surprised when Dalgura's divine "attack" caused the zombies to collectively retreat to the further room in the hunting lodge.  "Let me get up front," he told Dalgura as the priestess cast a beam of light at one of the zombies, pressing past her and stopping abreast of Arnan.

The burly fighter hurled a throwing axe at the nearest zombie, perhaps even the very one that Dalgura and Arnan had already attacked.  Thane then readied his flail for what he thought would be an inevitable counter-attack.
Move into position (at the front of the party)
Attack closest Zombie
21:02, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 21,7 using 1d20+5,1d8+3 with rolls of 16,4.  Throw Handaxe at nearest Zombie (AC 8). Hit for 7 slashing damage (steel)

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 263 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 02:25
  • msg #28

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Right beside yyyrrroooaaah!!!!" Morgrim's promise tapered off into a roar as the druid surged forward beside Thane and landed on all fours, a wolf the size of a pony with fangs like daggers and eyes that gleamed in the half-light of the lodge. A ball of flame continued to hover atop his paws as he awaited the zombie's inevitable counter attack...

Bonus action: Shapechange, dire wolf
Action: Readied attack on any Zombie to close in melee range.
Hits AC 23 (pack tactics) for 12 piercing damage.
Zombie must save DC 13 strength or be pulled prone.

22:24, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 23 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 18,17.  Attack.
22:24, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 12 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 5,4.  Pack tactics.

DM Shard
GM, 305 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 10:09
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The party advances on the mob of dwarven zombies milling in the lodge's bunkhouse. Arnan, Thane and Dalgura combine their attacks against the zombie that fled through the door, but are unable to bring it down. Having been attacked, the zombie regains its abject hatred of life and strikes out at Thane, bashing the warrior with a heavy fist.

Meanwhile, Morgrim and Hengar combine against another, the pair defeating their foe.

Behind these, the other zombies growl lowly and look for an exit. Finding none, they back themselves into a distant corner and continue to growl and moan.

OOC: Thane was hit for 5 points of damage.

Zombies, 6
AC: 8
HP: 7/22 (Thane), 0/22, 22/22, 22/22, 22/22, 22/22

PC        AC    HP    Insp  Spell Save  Conditions & Notes
Arnan     14   20/20    1      NA       AC 16 w/ shield
Dalgura   15   17/17    1      13
Hengar    12   22/22    1      NA
Kira      14   15/15    1      NA
Thane     18   17/22    1      NA
Morgrim   15   19/19    1      13

PCs are UP!

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 265 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 11:42
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Turning away from his kill Morgrim leapt to Thane's defence, crashing into the zombie battering the warrior and striking it down.

Action: Attack hits AC 25 for 8 damage

07:40, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 8 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 3,2.  Damage.
07:40, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 25 using 2d20+5 with rolls of 2,18.  Pack tactics.

player, 148 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 12:12
  • msg #31

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira moved in with Thane and Morgrim, doing her best to work with one or both of them.

07:07, Today: Kira rolled 21 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 16.  Attack on Damaged Zombie.
07:08, Today: Kira rolled 4 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 1.  Damage on Damaged Zombie.
07:09, Today: Kira rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Sneak damage as zombie is engaged by Morgrim or Thane.

Pathetic damage rolls ... absolutely pathetic!

Edit to add for first round of attacks:

16:11, Today: Kira rolled 8 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 3.  Silver Rapier.  BARELY HIT!
16:11, Today: Kira rolled 4 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 1.  Poke.  SERIOUSLY?
16:11, Today: Kira rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Sneaky Poke.  SERIOUSLY?!?!

The die roller officially needs kicked in the nads!!

This message was last edited by the player at 21:13, Wed 30 Aug 2017.
Thane Harkensen
player, 146 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 16:41
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane gaped in astonishment at the huge wolf creature that the diminutive Morgrim had morphed into.  Had the beast not started attacking the zombies, Thane would have considered it a threat, even though Dalgura had already told the party of Morgrim's special ability.  Thus was the fearful reputation of Dire Wolves!

"Nnnngh!" Thane exclaimed as he took a hit from the wounded zombie.  It was taken down before he could counterattack.  "Uhhh, thanks?!?  Since you're so handy, stay close by!" he told the beast, then strode forward to engage the next closest Zombie in melee combat...
Move into melee against nearest Zombie.
Attack with silvered flail.
12:31, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 19,6 using 1d20+5,1d8+3 with rolls of 14,3.  Melee vs Zombie (AC 8) (silvered flail). Hit AC19 for 6 damage (silver, bludgeoning)

Thane will use his Protector fighting style for the benefit of whomever steps up to fight adjacent to him.  ["When a creature that you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.  You must be wielding a shield."]  He can only do this once per round, since it is a reaction.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:39, Wed 30 Aug 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 198 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 19:07
  • msg #33

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 29):

Arnan came very close to pissing himself when Morgrim suddenly disappeared right in front of him, and in his place stood a huge dire-wolf. The outdoorsman had spent all of his adult life battling such beasts, and to have one standing so close to him made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Arnan was unsure whether the beast was still Morgrim, somehow . . . but from the looks of things, the wolf was, at the very least, an ally.

Arnan was pleased to see that an attack against one or two zombies released only those monsters from the thrall of Dalgura's magicks. That was how he had understood the cleric's explanation, but it was good to see that the theory held true when put to the test.

That certainly makes this fight more manageable, he thought to himself.

Keeping Dalgura's comments in mind, Arnan shot an arrow at the zombie that Thane had just attacked. The shambling creatures did not seem to have the wit to try and avoid oncoming arrows and wore no armor, so Arnan felt confident in his shot. As expected, the arrow struck its target with a solid "thunk".

14:56, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8. Ranged Attack v. Zombie (AC 8). Hit.

14:57, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 7 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 4. Damage (Longbow).

Note: As referenced in the post, Arnan attacked the zombie that Thane had previously wounded.

Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 33 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Wed 30 Aug 2017
at 22:30
  • msg #34

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar steps into the room and focuses his attention on the zombie Kira had previously peppered with arrows. He slashes his axe and tears savagely into the creature's mid-section.

OOC: Hit for 8 points of damage.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 253 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 01:09
  • msg #35

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura still stayed in the back since the zombies could still see her and she could still see them.  She was glad to see that the group was working well together.  She saw that Kira had moved in between the better Dalgura raised her holy symbol and again petitioned Sharlindar.  "Oh Mighty Sharlindar, please shed your radiance once again and show these poor souls that they can once again be put to rest.  Let your radiance guide them on the journey."

Later, when Dal would look back on these encounters, she might realize that her prayers and petition to Sharlindar could have been worded better.  Dal knew that her Goddess loved her and she loved her brother, even though he chose another for whatever reason, and felt that Dal and her companions would be triumphant with Sharlindar's blessing.  That was probably a good thing since she was sure Sharlindar was still shaking her head in confusion from her last conversations when Dalgura almost died.

Sacred Flame:  range 60'  target makes a dex sav throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.  Gains no benefit from cover for the saving through.  If they fail the save:  Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 2 using 1d8 with rolls of 2.  spread the radiant love ?  :).
DM Shard
GM, 307 posts
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 02:17
  • msg #36

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim bites into one of the wounded zombies and shakes it to death, eventually tossing it aside in a broken heap. Meanwhile, the rest of the party focuses their attacks on other zombies, the room now a roiling cauldron of activity as bunks get overturned and smashed, zombies fly this way and that, and through it all, the adventurers pressing the advantage.

One zombie gets smacked around pretty good, at the end of which, Arnan skewers it with a well placed arrow. By all accounts, it should be dead, but it rises from death yet again, its undead fortitude refusing to allow it to just die.

Zombies face off against Morgrim, Hengar and Thane. Thane parries away the zombie's advances and helps protect Hengar against a second attack, but both the druid and barbarian are scuffed up in the fray.

Meanwhile, Dalgura attempts to scorch a zombie with radiant light, but the battle is moving too quickly and none of the zombies will hold still long enough for it to be effective.

OOC: Morgrim and Hengar are hit for 5 points of damage each. I accounted for Thane's protector fightng style on one attack against Hengar.

Zombies, 6
AC: 8
HP: 0/22, 0/22, 1/22 (Thane), 14/22 (Hengar), 22/22, 22/22

PC        AC    HP    Insp  Spell Save  Conditions & Notes
Arnan     14   20/20    1      NA       AC 16 w/ shield
Dalgura   15   17/17    1      13
Hengar    12   17/22    1      NA
Kira      14   15/15    1      NA
Thane     18   17/22    1      NA
Morgrim   15   19/19    1      13       Dire Wolf (AC14, HP: 32/37)

PCs are UP!

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:17, Fri 01 Sept 2017.
Thane Harkensen
player, 149 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 17:36
  • msg #37

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Why are these things here?" Thane exclaimed as he warded off the attacking Zombie.  "Do they just happen or something?" he called out, his voice sounding disgusted at fighting things that by all rights ought to be dead.

For his part, Thane stood his ground and smashed the zombie to his front solidly on the head, hoping to put it down for good...
Move: None
Attack: Wounded Zombie
13:29, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 14,6 using 1d20+5,1d8+3 with rolls of 9,3.  Melee vs Zombie (AC8) (silvered flail). Hit for 6 damage
Other: Use Protector fighting style to benefit Hengar.

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 266 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 19:21
  • msg #38

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The dire wolf tears through the ranks of the zombies, barrelling them aside and tossing their broken bodies about like rag dolls. As one falls, it turns on the next, rallying to Hengar's side and dragging the dwarven dead back to the grave.

Action: Attack Zombie (Hengar), hits AC 15 (pack tactics) for 15 damage.

15:18, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 15 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 6,6.  Damage.
15:18, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 15 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 10,6.  Pack tactics.

player, 152 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 19:32
  • msg #39

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira worked with the others, finding an opening and giving a good jab in hopes of helping these poor beings find their final peace.

14:28, Today: Kira rolled 21 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 16.  Silver Rapier.
14:28, Today: Kira rolled 8 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 5.  Damage.
14:28, Today: Kira rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5.  Sneak Damage.
Total of 13 damage!
*pets die roller*  See.  We can get along!!  =o)

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 254 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 22:21
  • msg #40

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Kira (msg # 39):

Dalgura was stubborn as a...well Dwarf...and she held her ground and called on Sharlindar once again.  "Mighty Sharlindar.  We have sent some to their eternal rest so that you can re-educate them but there are still more.  I shall not give up.  I know that you shall not either.  Use me as your conduit and channel your radiant energy through me so that I may show these Zombies your might and what they COULD have had.  Let them go back to eternal rest and be troubled no more."

Dalgura really did feel sorry for the Zombies.  They could not talk, an internal Hell in Deal's opinion, and they could not be the Dwarves like they used to be. She pointed to a zombie and sent a blast at it.  "Please Sharlindar, it would be awesome if they stood still long enough for your radiance to hit...Amen."

Sacred Flame:  range 60'  target makes a dex sav throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.  Gains no benefit from cover for the saving through.

If they fail the save: Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 6 using 1d8 with rolls of 6.  We shall not give up - radiant dam to zombies.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:10, Fri 01 Sept 2017.
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 33 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Fri 1 Sep 2017
at 22:35
  • msg #41

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar swings his axe again, this time cleaving into one of the zombies with ease.

OOC: Hit for 5 points of damage
This message was last updated by the player at 22:35, Fri 01 Sept 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 199 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 00:03
  • msg #42

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan had the luxury of being able to see the entire battle, instead of worrying about a foe that was right in his face. As he looked onl he saw both Thane and the Dire Wolf whom he supposed was Morgrim -- at least after a fashion -- each strike down a zombie.

Kira went after one of the creaures with her rapier and inflicted what looked to be substantial damage. Arnan aimed his next arrow at Kira's target, and let fly.

He looked on in astonishment as the arrow struck something -- a metal buckle, mayhaps -- that sent it flying off to hit the wall behind his target.

"Bollocks!' he growled.


19:53, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 8 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 1. Ranged Attack v. Kira's Zombie (AC 8). Miss.

I think that I have just edged you out in the crummiest dice roll competition, Kira.

DM Shard
GM, 309 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 14:38
  • msg #43

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane delivers what should be a final blow to a dwarf zombie, causing it to fall to the ground...only to rise yet again! Kira wastes no time and darts forward, jabbing her rapier into the thing's neck, causing it to stir no more.

Morgrim, in dire wolf form, continues to shred through zombies, viciously tossing another aside with a firm head shake.

Dalgura lights up a zombie with radiant fire and Hengar follows up the attack with a battle axe slash across the same creature's mid-section.

In the ensuing chaos, Thane is unable to get a good bead on anything, bunks crashing this way and that and his companions leaping over and through the fray.

One zombie attacks Hengar and another advances on the dire wolf, both scoring minor hits in the resulting melee. Were these intelligent foes, they would either flee or sue for peace, but being the mindless things they are, the two continue to fight on, lashing out at the beacons of life they now spite.

OOC: Hengar is hit for 5 points of damage, Morgrim is hit for 4 points. I accounted for Thane's protector fightng style on one attack against Hengar.

Zombies, 6
AC: 8
HP: 0/22, 0/22, 0/22 (Thane), 0/22, 11/22 (Hengar), 22/22 (Morgrim)

PC        AC    HP    Insp  Spell Save  Conditions & Notes
Arnan     14   20/20    1      NA       AC 16 w/ shield
Dalgura   15   17/17    1      13
Hengar    12   12/22    1      NA
Kira      14   15/15    1      NA
Thane     18   17/22    1      NA
Morgrim   15   19/19    1      13       Dire Wolf (AC 14, HP: 28/37)

PCs are UP!

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 267 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 15:11
  • msg #44

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Ignoring the zombie looming over him, Morgrim snaps at the legs of the zombie menacing Hengar, trying to drag it off of its feet...

Attack: Hits AC 13 (pack tactics) for 8 damage. DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
11:09, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 8 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 2,3.  Damage.
11:09, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 13 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 8,8.  Attack, pack tactics.

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 255 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 22:46
  • msg #45

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 44):

Dal looked around and noticed one of them was sneaking up on her brother.  Perhaps they didn't sneak but it was a sneaky thing to do anyway.  Dal pointed to the Zombie and shook her head.  Oh no, nobody was going to sneak up on her brother without paying the price.

"Oh Mighty Sharlindar, please help me defend my brother and show that zombie that it made a mistake going after him.  He's my only brother and he is helping others so please shine your light into the Zombie and show them that he made a mistake in attacking an Ironhammer no matter what form they are in."

Sacred Flame:  range 60'  target makes a dex sav throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.  Gains no benefit from cover for the saving through.

If they fail the save:
17:40, Today: Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 6 using 1d8 with rolls of 6.  Don't you sneak up on my brother - Radiant Dam.

Thane Harkensen
player, 150 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 01:12
  • msg #46

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane had to take a moment to reorient himself.  The beds, the downed zombies, the less-than-optimal lighting all conspired to get him out of the fight.  He saw Morg-Wolf come to the aid of Hengar, and that's what he decided to do, too.  He maneuvered quickly to get in a flail-swing at the zombie, but he was too close to a bunk.  The flail head nicked the wooden footboard and was completely robbed of its strength...
Move: advance into melee with Hengar's zombie.
Attack: Silvered Flail vs Hengar's Zombie
21:05, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 7,9 using 1d20+5,1d8+3 with rolls of 2,6.  Melee vs Zombie (AC8) (Silvered Flail). Missed by one!  Put some hurtin' on that footboard, though!  ;)
Other: Protector benefit upon Hengar.

player, 153 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 02:53
  • msg #47

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Flying beds and body parts didn't seem to bother Kira as she moved around, working with the guys making wicked stabs in hopes of routing the undead before someone got hurt too bad.

21:49, Today: Kira rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17.  Silver Rapier
21:50, Today: Kira rolled 9 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 6.  Damage.
21:50, Today: Kira rolled 4 using 1d6 with rolls of 4.  Sneak Damage.
Total damage = 13
*hugs Arnan*

Arnan Aldwynne
player, 200 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 15:17
  • msg #48

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan shook his head in annoyance at his last arrow having failed to do any damage, then got back to work.

He picked a target, then drew and shot smoothly, as he had done a thousand times before. The arrow sank deep into the chest of a Zombie, and Arnan found himself wondering if these creatures felt pain . . .


11:00, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14. Ranged Attack v. Zombie (AC 8). Hit.

11:00, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 10 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 7. Damage (Longbow).

Note: If the Zombie that attacked Hengar is not dead by the time that Arnan acts, he will try to help finish it off. Otherwise he will target the Zombie attacking Morgrim.

Thanks, Kira. :)

DM Shard
GM, 310 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 17:05
  • msg #49

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The last two dwarven zombies lash out at the adventurers to the last, but eventually, they too join the fallen littering the floor. In the end, one wing of the hunter's lodge is thrashed from the brief, but violent struggle in close quarters.

Six zombies are scattered throughout the room, a faint reflection of their formerly live zselves. None of these dwarves appear to be Helda Silverstream, so perhaps there is hope she yet lives. None of the zombies are carrying anything of value and are not dressed for cold weather or outdoor excursions. Yet somehow they wound up here, several miles from dwarven homelands.

A survey of the lodge reveals a good supply of firewood and a small stock of other sundry items. The second wing of the lodge is in far better condition and is unsullied with zombie gore. All things considered, the lodge appears like it would be a good place to make camp for the night.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 256 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 3 Sep 2017
at 18:32
  • msg #50

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 49):

After the battle, Dalgura looked over at the zombies and held up her holy symbol one last time.  "Dearest Sharlindar, thank you for your guidance and assistance.  Please guide these fallen brethen into your arms and protect them.  Their recent actions weren't their fault and now they deserve to bathe in your comforting radiance and arms...Amen"

Dalgura took a big sigh and then turned to matters on hand.  "Anybody need healing or their arrows mended?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 268 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 00:36
  • msg #51

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

All foes now slain, Morgrim hesitated before regaining his normal guise, instead putting his wet muzzle to the floorboards and snuffling his way about lodge in search of other smells apart from the overwhelming miasma of death and decay...

Perception: Scent.

Has anything else been in the lodge recently apart from the zombies? Any other interesting smells?

20:33, Today: Morgrim Ironhammer rolled 13 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 1,8.  Scent.

player, 154 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 00:44
  • msg #52

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira wiped the mess off her silvered blade on one of the zombie's clothing before resheathing and looking at the others.  "I think we should carry them out and make a proper funeral pyre.  That way no one can use them again," she stated, obviously respecting the remains but not trusting them to stay down.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 201 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 19:00
  • msg #53

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The arrow which had missed its target during the battle and had slammed into the wall of the cabin ended up with a cracked shaft, and Arnan took it over to Dalgura for "mending", as she called it.

He turned to Kira as she made her suggestion about burning the bodies of the now-dead Dwarven Zombies in order to prevent them from being "used" as Zombies once again. Arnan turned to the Dwarven cleric and asked, "How about that, Dalgura? Do these bodies need to be given to the flames?"
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 257 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Mon 4 Sep 2017
at 19:20
  • msg #54

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Arnan Aldwynne (msg # 53):

Dalgura thought on her teachings but couldn't remember reading anything about putting the zombies to the flames.  "I do not know if it would help or not.  My teachings did not specify on that subject but it couldn't hurt.  Of course if their monstrous creator is around than those flames might be seen.  If you burn them, then they probably can't come back as zombies but they might be able to come back as skeleton.  If we consecrate the land they should be unable to be used.  Let me think more on that topic."

In the meantime, Dalgura will mend any of the arrows that are brought to her.
Thane Harkensen
player, 151 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 13:10
  • msg #55

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"I guess Dalgura wasn't kidding when she said you can turn into a wolf," Thane deadpanned at Morgrim once the fight was over.  Thane wasn't sure how he felt about Morgrim's strange ability.  "You're not a were-beast are you?" he asked somewhat accusingly, his eyes flashing back and forth between Morgrim-wolf and Dalgura.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 270 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 14:30
  • msg #56

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim briefly paused his snuffling search to peer at Thane, his eyes shining by the light of the ball of flame that continued to hover just above his forepaw. The great wolf shook its head, gave an utterance that sounded something like the bark of a huge hound, and then went back about his business.
DM Shard
GM, 311 posts
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 21:50
  • msg #57

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim does not detect any recent living scents in the hunter's lodge. All indications point to the fact the dwarf zombies came down from Dwarven Valley, which would verify the stories the party heard in Bryn Shander about zombies fleeing the dwarven homeland and wandering along the trail leading to town.

This group of zombies are the first the party has encountered, though its possible others are buried beneath the huge drifts of snow along either side of the trail leading to the dwarven homelands.

In any event, the party still has about a half day's travel before reaching the deep cleft at the foot of Kelvin's Cairn, the site of Dwarven Halls of Clan Battlehammer. But that likely won't happen until day break, for night has now fallen over the land.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 271 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 5 Sep 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #58

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Sitting back on his haunches, Morgrim lifted one of his paws, heaved his great barrel chest and then shook from tip to tail like a dog fresh out of a cold stream. What began as a lupine form however quickly receded into the hairy dwarf formerly known as Morgrim. The druid stood up and cleared his throat.

"No living thing has been through here in some time," he announced. "They must have wandered onto it by accident in the storm, poor things."

"As much as I want to press on there's no use pushing through the dark. We may as well clean up house and settle in until dawn."

Arnan Aldwynne
player, 205 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Wed 6 Sep 2017
at 23:55
  • msg #59

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 58):

Arnan watched carefully as Morgrim became a Dwarf once again. While the Dire Wolf was fearsome in battle, Arnan still felt a little uncomfortable around the creature.

"Do you -- as Morgrim -- have full control when you are in your wolf-form?" he asked the druid.

"No need to beat around the bush, I suppose. I am asking whether we need to be concerned whilst you are in that form," he added. "For example, if all of our foes were to fall early-on, might you still be feeling some sort of blood-lust?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 272 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 01:01
  • msg #60

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Well Thane's got enough meat on his bones to go around," Morgrim said with a straight face. "The rest of ye' could stand to eat a bit more. I've seen ground squirrels that would make for a better feast."

After a moment's pause he broke out in a broad grin. "Only kidding. No, I'm no were-beast. 'Tis a gift from Marthammor Duin. Next time I'll turn into a wee bunny-rabbit and ye' can sweat over keeping all the carrots safe."
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 259 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:12
  • msg #61

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 60):

"Roast Rabbit is pretty good Grim.  You might want to think twice on that."

Dal grinned at her brother.  "I do know one thing.  I want you to turn into something furry and big when it starts to get cold at night.  I can use you for a blanket then."

Dal looked over at the others and shook her finger at them, starting with Arnan.  "And shame on you all.  You've traveled with Morgrim; you've fought side by side and was saved sometimes by him, and NOW you are wondering if he can be trusted?  He's a DRUID!  I'm a cleric and while I love the big lug, I wouldn't turn a blind eye if he turned away from good.  I'd track him down and kick whatever furry but he was in when I found him."

Dal harumph and stomped her foot before she pouted at the slight to her brother.
player, 156 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:37
  • msg #62

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira looked at Dal and shook her own finger playfully at the woman.  "Don't be pointin' and poutin' at me.  I wasn't questioning.  Of course I've seen a lot of messed up stuff in back alleys," she said.  "Not everyone's seen stuff like that though and it's better to be safe than sorry.  Besides, I'm more squirrel than rabbit so I wasn't worried about him eatin' me," she added with a cheeky grin.
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 34 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 09:46
  • msg #63

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar interjects into the friendly banter by adding, "Some of us have already seen were-creatures active in these parts," this a reference to the dwarves' encounters with wererats. "Beasts not unknown in these parts..."

The barbarian then briefly relates his people's legend of the Wolf and the Moon, the wolf a fierce warrior who took the noble moon for his wife. Their love was strong and passionate, but also destructive. It is from this pair that all lycanthropes are said to come.

While relating the tale, Hengar busies himself building and stoking a fire in the hearth.
Thane Harkensen
player, 152 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 13:25
  • msg #64

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane shook his head at Dalgura's finger-waggling rebuke.  "You'd look at me weird if I turned into a bear, even if I told you once that I could do it," he replied in defense of the concerns that had been aired.  "It's one thing to say it, another thing to do it, and seeing it for real the first time is, well, a bit unsettling," he continued in pragmatic tones.

He gave his attention to Morgrim.  "I'll get used to it.  Thanks for answering the question."

Then he stretched, took a drink of water, and sighed while looking at what else was going on.  "Kira, I'll help you get these corpses out of here.  We need to get them downwind or downhill, maybe dump them all in a gully.  Sound fair?"
OOC: Thane will use Second Wind (1 dice) to heal up his wound from the zombie.
09:22, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 11 using 1d10+2 with rolls of 9.  Heal: Second Wind. Healed all 5 damage, back to full hit points.

player, 157 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 14:28
  • msg #65

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira bobbed her head in agreement.  "Aye, stronger arms and back are appreciated," she stated then after a quick thank you to Hengar for starting a fire, she  proceeded to grab up a blanket from one of the overturned bunks and spread it out next to the body of the female they had encountered first.

"I'm sorry," she murmured as she carefully pushed the body onto its side so she could shove the blanket as far under as possible then moved to the other side to do it again until she was laying on the blanket.  It would be easier to drag the body that way then trying to grab an arm or leg.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 206 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 00:54
  • msg #66

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

As far as Arnan was concerned, Morgrim's answer had satisfied his concerns.

He began to help Thane and Kira with the bodies of the now-dead Zombies, having no intention of justifying his questions to Dalgura or anyone else.
DM Shard
GM, 314 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 17:43
  • msg #67

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar soon has a healthy blaze going in the fireplace and the party eventually clears out the lodge and settles in for the night, which passes uneventfully.

It is expectedly quite chilly in the morning, gusty and clear, though clouds in the distance suggest conditions could change later in the day. Wanting to reach the Dwarven Valley before storms, the party elects to set out shortly after rising. Each member girds themselves to depart the lodge's warmth and eventually steps out into the cold, the crunch of snow beneath their boots.

The rocky vegetation-sparse road ascends along a spine leading up to Kelvin Cairn's waist. Mercifully, the party is spared from the wind's full force along the way, as large stretches of it are sheltered by a high rock wall built precisely for this purpose. Sections of the wall have collapsed here or there, and it is at these points the adventurers' truly gain an appreciation for the region's namesake.

Several hours pass and the party soon sees the beginnings of Dwarven Valley up ahead. The valley itself is a wide cleft extending off Kelvin's Cairn, running roughly northeast to south west. At its widest point, the valley spans at least a mile, a deep chasm of snow-covered scree piled at its bottom. A series of walkways nearly circumnavigates the chasm, these connecting numerous tunnels which lead into either the western or eastern dwarfholds. The two walkways merge at the south spur, which is some distance ahead, but there does not seem to a similar connection along the valley northern end. It's possible one exists, but none in the party can see it, and their attentions are more directly occupied by an angry voice that cuts through the silence.

"Halt! Don't come any closer! You best just turn around and go back where you come from!"

The voice comes from a helmed dwarf standing within a stone guard outpost along the left side of the road. The guard outpost is situated such that it offers a commanding view of the approaching road and moreover, designed in such a way as to resemble the surrounding rocky terrain. But it's obviously there and within it, one angry dwarf.

OOC: The party is about 60 feet distant from the guard outpost
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 273 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 23:41
  • msg #68

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim briefly stopped short, hitching the thumb of one hand behind his belt while he waved amicably with the other. "Ahoy there!" he called back enthusiastically.

"He doesn't look dead," he continued loud enough only for his immediate company to hear.

Morgrim started to walk toward the outpost at a leisurely pace, ignoring the order to turn back.

"I am Morgrim Ironhammer! We've come to call on Helda Silverstream! Did she reach the valley safely?"
DM Shard
GM, 315 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 23:53
  • msg #69

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim Ironhammer:
Morgrim briefly stopped short, hitching the thumb of one hand behind his belt while he waved amicably with the other. "Ahoy there!" he called back enthusiastically.

Morgrim's greeting is met with stony silence.

"I am Morgrim Ironhammer! We've come to call on Helda Silverstream! Did she reach the valley safely?"

"Curse that name!" the dwarf spits back. "The Silverstream Clan is banished from the halls. You will find none of their traitorous kind here! You best be on your way. There is no shelter here for the lot of you!"

The dwarf sentinel has been conversing with the party through an arrowslit located near what looks to be the second level of the outpost. The dwarf's face is visible through the slit, but little else.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 211 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 10 Sep 2017
at 23:25
  • msg #70

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan came to a halt as soon as they were challenged by the sentry, figuring that Dalgura or Morgrim -- or both -- should be the ones to respond. Soon enough Morgrim did indeed speak up, only to be met by some unexpected news.

"That's . . . that's a surprise," Arnan muttered to his companions, in response to the news about the entire Silverstream clan being banned.

"I am very curious to hear the reason for such an unexpected turn of events."
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 261 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Sun 10 Sep 2017
at 23:32
  • msg #71

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dal stepped forward a bit after Morgrim made his introduction.

"We are Ironhammer's not Silverstream.  Why are they banned?  Since we are not them, why can we not find shelter here?  Do you have injured that need healing?  If so then perhaps we can help with that in exchange for shelter."
DM Shard
GM, 316 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2017
at 23:44
  • msg #72

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dalgura Ironhammer:
Dal stepped forward a bit after Morgrim made his introduction.

"We are Ironhammer's not Silverstream.  Why are they banned?  Since we are not them, why can we not find shelter here?  Do you have injured that need healing?  If so then perhaps we can help with that in exchange for shelter."

"There's no Ironhammers here and we're taking in no homeless dwarves. Find shelter elsewhere!" he spits back.

"Lord Hammerstone's orders!" another voice chimes from somewhere out of view.

The dwarf visible in the arrowslit calls back, "Silverstream refused to protect our treasures and sought to hold back the clan from pursuing the mountain's wealth!"

"We have no need of your services! Go away!" the dwarf shouts.
player, 159 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 11 Sep 2017
at 13:06
  • msg #73

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"So much for all that great dwarven hospitality," Kira stated and looked at Dal and Grim with an apologetic half-smile.  There was certainly something afoot here but she left any further discussions for the two dwarves, figuring her puny little self would just make things worse.
Thane Harkensen
player, 154 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Mon 11 Sep 2017
at 13:15
  • msg #74

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Guess he doesn't like you two very much," Thane remarked with some bemusement.  "I thought dwarves were all one big happy family?  Guess not," he said a little darkly, the darkly aimed at the guard and not at Dal and Grim.

With a sigh and a shake of his head, he stepped forward.  "Look, I know you're on duty and you've got orders and all that typical military chain of command bow to the king sort of stuff, but we're no threat to you just standing here talking.  So listen a minute to what we have to say," he pursued the conversation in a clear and commanding voice.

"You say Helda's not here.  Fine, I'll accept that you banished her.  We'd like to know where she went off to.  We've traveled with her in the past and are concerned for her safety.  Word of dwarven zombies roaming the lands up here has spread into the ten towns, and that's why we've come up this way.  Just getting here we had to put down a bunch zombies, dwarven zombies that is, heading southwards from these parts.  Them zombies had to come from somewhere.  So we're also rightly concerned about the state of things here with you and your clansmen.  Now, you sure everything's all nice and ship-shape with you folks?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 274 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 11 Sep 2017
at 13:33
  • msg #75

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Now hang on just a moment," Morgrim said with a flash of anger over the treatment of his sister. "That's no proper way for a dwarf to greet his kinfolk! This lass is a cleric of Sharindlar, so unless ye care to call down the Lady's displeasure I'd think good and hard about your next words, and more specifically, your tone of voice. I don't know Lord Hammerstone from a pile of rocks but I can't believe Helda Silverstream is what ye say of her."

"I would like to request an audience with the Lord of the Valley!"

DM Shard
GM, 317 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2017
at 13:47
  • msg #76

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The dwarf sentry says he has no knowledge of Helda Silverstream's whereabouts, or if she ever made it to the Dwarven Valley for that matter. What he does know is he is understrict orders of the Master of the Halls, none other than Baerick Hammerstone, to not allow any outsiders inside the valley.

"Spies are afoot, be they dwarf or not, especially Ten-Towners! There's human among your group. Spies, you are! You lust after the Black Ice like all the rest. You'll get none of it!"

The sentinel says he cannot grant you access to the valley, but is willing to send a message to the Master of the Hall, Baerick Hammerstone.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 262 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 01:08
  • msg #77

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 76):

Dal crossed her arms as she held on to her holy symbol.  She wasn't doing it to cast a spell but more for comfort.  She snorted and stared at the dwarf who was refusing them entrance.

"Some Dwarves are nice and some aren't.  One thing is certain though, once a Dwarves mind is made up, good luck in changing it.  Ok, I can understand that you can't let us stay but can we at least come out of this weather while you send word to The Master of the Hall?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 275 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 01:24
  • msg #78

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim glanced at his sister and then to the guardsman. His expression suggested that the dwarf had better acquiesce to Dalgura's eminently reasonable request if he knew what was good for him.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 263 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 13:09
  • msg #79

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Morgrim Ironhammer (msg # 78):

It wasn't easy trying to persuade a stubborn Dwarf but Dalgura tried her best.  She smiled at the man and turned her big eyes (most people thought them big anyway) on the man and looked at him pleadingly.  ~Please Sharindlar, we need to get out of this weather.~ Dalgura thought as she waited to hear if the guard would let them in.

08:05, Today: Dalgura Ironhammer rolled 12 using 2d20 with rolls of 3,9.  persuasion (Advantage).
DM Shard
GM, 319 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 13:27
  • msg #80

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The dwarf sentinel steels his resolve, clenches his jaw and lowers bushy eyebrows to the point they nearly obscure his eyes.

"Strict orders," he calls back. "None are to be admitted. That includes unknown dwarves, be it cold or not. You should have thought of that before you trudged up the road with a storm on."

He pauses a moment, "Relying on the kindness or charity of strangers is a sure way to end up on the wrong side of it!" he admonishes.

The sentintel advises taking shelter against the wall and perhaps building a fire while they wait Baerick Hammerstone's reply. "Or turn back," he puts in unsympathetically. "Your dwarf is more like than not dead."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:33, Tue 12 Sept 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 213 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 14:28
  • msg #81

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 80):

"Shame on you, Dwarf, and on this Baerick Hammerstone," Arnan growled up at the sentry.

"Time was, nothing short of an Orc would be turned away when Auril reigned supreme. But I see that greed now outweighs the traditional hospitality that led nearly all to welcome travelers and offer them respite from the Winter's snow and freezing winds."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:37, Tue 12 Sept 2017.
player, 160 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 15:00
  • msg #82

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"I think their women must have gone on strike and pissed in their ale," Kira said as she trudged over by the wall and considered trying to dig down a bit for a wind break but waited for Dal and Grim's decision on the matter.  "If you guys want to head on back, I'm fine with that too."
DM Shard
GM, 321 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 15:13
  • msg #83

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan's rebuke does little to change the stubborn dwarf sentinel's mind. He dismisses the comment with the flush of his mailed gauntlet and a low growl, "Begone with the lot of you!"

Several subdued dwarven voices echo within the warmth of the gatehouse, apparently they took some degree of offense at the rebuke. Their chatter soon subsides. The same sentintel continues to watch the party from behind the protection of the arrowslit.

The outpost itself consists of a sturdy stone structure to one side of the road. An arch runs over the road, connected on the other side by a solid column of carved rock. There is no gate or portcullis beneath the arch, though it looks like one may have stood at one time.
Thane Harkensen
player, 155 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 17:32
  • msg #84

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"I think this black ice has made their hearts as cold as the weather," Thane surmised about the dwarven guards while settling up against the wall to get protection from wind.

"Where do you think Helda would have gone?  What's the nearest shelter from here?" he asked everyone.  "I'm willing to help set up camp if we want to wait on his high muckety hammerself to give us an answer, but I'm more for trekking after Helda, honestly."
DM Shard
GM, 322 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 17:47
  • msg #85

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan knows the closest settlements to Dwarven Valley are as follows:

Termalaine, located about 4 miles west of the valley, on the east shores of Maer Dualdon. Arnan, Kira, and Thane passed through this small village when traveling to the Elk Tribe camp.

Caer-Dineval, located about 8 miles east of the valley, on the west shores of Lac Dinneshere. This is a small town of 200 to 300 souls living in houses clustered against a small castle atop a rocky hill.

Bryn Shander, located about 10 miles southwest of the valley.

There are offshoot trails leading to both Termalaine and Caer-Dineval and Arnan is familiar with the location of both, but these might be more dangerous as neither is protected from the harsh winds the way the Dwarven Valley road is. If anything, the trail to Termalaine would be more dangerous as the wind funnels through Bremen's Run along the west slope of Kelvin's Cairn. The trail to Caer-Dineval is in the shelter of the mountain and likely to be more protected from the buffeting wind.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 276 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Tue 12 Sep 2017
at 17:51
  • msg #86

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgirm glared at the truculent gate guard and then hitched his fingers behind his belt.

"Stuff it. I'll no' let some uppity blow-hard tell me what's what. Come on, Dal. Lets show 'em what Ironhammers are made of."

Morgrim resumed his trudging walk, plotting a path that would take him past the gate house and daring the occupants to try to stop him.
Thane Harkensen
player, 156 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 00:14
  • msg #87

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane shook his head and cursed under his breath.  He didn't like the direction this was going, at all.  "Keep that up Morgrim, you'll be walking alone.  Or at least without me," he hissed loudly enough for the druid to hear, but hopefully not so loud that the sentry would hear it too.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 214 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 01:14
  • msg #88

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"I'm with Thane on this," Arnan said quietly.

"We need to speak with Helda Silverstream and find out what's going on, and it seems clear that we won't find her in this valley."

"I suggest that we rest in the shelter of the wall for a short while, whilst we regain our wind and warm up a little. Then we ought to set out in search of Mistress Silverstream."

player, 162 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 01:17
  • msg #89

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"They're certainly not gonna want people like us going in," Kira said conversationally, her voice not carrying up to the tower.  "Of course the way they're acting, they could have killed Helda and those with her," she added as she started using her foot to shift about some snow.  She was too used to people turning on each other and if the black ice was causing greed to rise, she wouldn't put it past them to kill off even kin.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 277 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 01:49
  • msg #90

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim paused and turned to look up at Thane. "Oh? Ye know that zombies are spilling out of this valley, we've done fought the poor sods and ye buried them in the snow, and some arse with his helmet screwed on too tight tells ye to bugger off and away we go? What happens when the yetis say 'thanks but no thanks, we'll just eat these here villagers'? We don't stand up to just frothing orcs and thundering giants. Just 'cause he's a dwarf doesn't mean hes on the straight and narrow. We've got our share of bad ingots too, I'll tell ye that right now."

"And you, Arnan,"
Morgrim continued, turning towards the huntsman next. "We took the most direct route here. Helda left before the storm. She knows these roads. Where do ye suppose she ended up? Targos?"

"I hate to say it, but Kira is right. If we don't find Helda in this valley its more than likely because she's already dead. And one of these bastards did it."

player, 163 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #91

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira paused in her kicking around of the snow, looking at Morgrim for a long moment as she chewed on her bottom lip with a worried frown.  "I just thought of something," she said with an anxious look.  "The zombies are coming from here ... where the black ice is apparently being mined.  What if the black ice is somehow making them crazy, maybe even poisoning them until they die and turn into zombies?"
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 278 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 02:25
  • msg #92

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Then that sounds like the sort of thing we really ought to investigate, don't it?" Morgrim said levelly.
Thane Harkensen
player, 157 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 02:33
  • msg #93

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"We have a saying in Luskan.  Not my ship, not my fight," Thane replied evenly.  "The way I see it, you're forcing them other dwarves to make a choice to either let you walk by, or to fight you.  If it comes to fightin', I ain't helpin' you.  I've no truck with them, potential bad ingots or not.  I'm a military man.  Regulations and such are just what they are.  I say we hole up and get an answer from the big high muckety beardface fellow.  I've not seen enough to warrant attacking these folks just 'cause they decided to follow their orders and deny us entry and thereby pretty much have to try to stop you.  And they have a nice advantage from behind their stone walls and arrow slits."
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 35 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 03:10
  • msg #94

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Hengar is inclined to agree with Thane on Arnan on the issue and states as much. He has no desire to bait the dwarves into an unnecessary confrontation. These are dwarven lands and he respects their claim to sovereignty over them.

"Either we wait to be granted entrance or we return the way we came. If we wait, we need to do our best to stay warm. Otherwise we should return to the lodge before nightfall," he says.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 279 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 03:24
  • msg #95

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim's gaze shifted from Thane to Hengar and back again. "I remember how Hengar wasn't my problem in Bryn Shander."

"Fine. We do it your way. You'll notice however they've not yet sent a runner. They're waiting us out. So get comfortable big boy. Its going to be a long night."

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 264 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Wed 13 Sep 2017
at 13:16
  • msg #96

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"We shall wait until we get word Grim.  If they attack us we will defend but I shall not turn on another Dwarf unless absolutely needed to.  If we go marching in, no matter if we have a right by law of common blood lines, we will be doing what they accuse us of.  The guards are following their orders."

Dalgura shifted her weight to be more comfortable.  She was used to standing for long times while the head clerics gave their sermons.  Then she started to sing.  She started to sing the songs of her Dwarven history.  Of the love they had for one another and of their practice of caring for each other even if they were from different clans.  She knew that even if the guard or the master of the hall didn't remember, or wanted to let them in, she knew that Grim would remember such times for in the remembering the bonds grew deeper.  The heart of the Dwarves would bond with the memories that were good and beat strong enough to drown out the bad.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 215 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 00:22
  • msg #97

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

It was easy to see how the party had split up and gone their separate ways one time already, and it could still happen again. Arnan wasn't about to wait around all night waiting to hear from this Lord Hammerstone -- when it was time to leave if they were going to return to the lodge before nightfall, he would do so. Maybe the two dwarves would have an easier time gaining admittance to the valley if they were by themselves, any way.

Turning to the Luskan, Arnan remarked, "To answer your earlier question about where Helda Silverstram may have gone, Thane, I can think of three possibilities . . ."


Arnan will proceed to explain what Shane has outlined in Msg.# 85, above.

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 280 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 01:09
  • msg #98

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Aye, Gura," Morgrim replied. "And if Kira is onto something, could be its a mad king under these hills giving the orders," the dwarf grumbled.

Decidedly out-voted on the issue, he settled in to await a decision or the necessity to fall back to shelter.
Thane Harkensen
player, 158 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 01:13
  • msg #99

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim Ironhammer:
Morgrim's gaze shifted from Thane to Hengar and back again. "I remember how Hengar wasn't my problem in Bryn Shander." ... "Fine. We do it your way. You'll notice however they've not yet sent a runner. They're waiting us out. So get comfortable big boy. Its going to be a long night."

Thane looked like he was going to say something in response, perhaps even something hot tempered.  He opened his mouth, but then shut it and simply made a curt nod at Morgrim.  He then turned his attention to Dalgura, whose singing seemed to drain away a good measure of his tension, and leaned in to listen to Arnan when the scout approached to talk.

"I dunno which way she'd have gone.  If it were me, I'd make for Caer-Dineval, since it's middle distance but would be in the lee of the mountain.  Since we didn't come across her coming up from Bryn Shander, we're really only lookin' between Caer and Termalaine," he opined after hearing Arnan's information.

He turned to regard Hengar as well.  "Could we make it to Caer-Dineval by nightfall if we left now?  Or would that be best attempted fresh from the lodge as a morning travel?" he asked the two men most familiar with the territory.
player, 166 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 01:16
  • msg #100

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira listened to Dal as she started to sing and while she wasn't a dwarf, she felt some emotion welling up inside of her.  She was looking around though while the guys discussed things and finally in a lull she cleared her throat.  "Not really much around to make a fire and I'm bettin' they wouldn't give us anything either.  I know you're not wanting to Morgrim but if they don't send someone soon, we'll have to go back to the shelter.  I'm sorry but I really don't want to be found when the snow melts with my sword frozen in my hand."
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 281 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 01:19
  • msg #101

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Aye," Morgrim remarked, nodding at Kira. "I'm not about to freeze to death myself."
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 36 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Thu 14 Sep 2017
at 22:12
  • msg #102

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane Harkensen:
He turned to regard Hengar as well.  "Could we make it to Caer-Dineval by nightfall if we left now?  Or would that be best attempted fresh from the lodge as a morning travel?" he asked the two men most familiar with the territory.

Huddled in the shelter of the road-side wall, Hengar glances skyward and nods in the affirmative.

"Yes. It is possible, even now. Depending on the state of the trail, of course," he says.

Hengar goes on to state if the snow is too deep, the party may get trapped on the mountain and forced to camp overnight somewhere along the trail. "Hard to know though without seeing the trail after the storm," he admits. The safest route would be to return to the lodge and camp there and then depart for Caer-Dineval at first light. Any other option will pose more risk, Hengar says.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 217 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 13:08
  • msg #103

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Hengar Aensvaard (msg # 102):

After listening to what Hengar had to say, Arnan spoke up. "I'm in favor of returning to the lodge and spending the evening there, then striking out for Caer-Dineval on the morrow."

"Way too often have I found corpses after the spring thaw -- being the bodies of those who thought to brave the winter weather, mayhaps in the hopes of saving a few hours."

"There are situations where there is little choice, and one must push on and put themselves at risk. In my opinion, this is not one of them."

Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 267 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 13:11
  • msg #104

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Arnan Aldwynne (msg # 103):

"I will go with the party of course.  I understand that not everybody is as thick as some Dwarves."

Dalgura looked at Grim when she said it, but might have been thinking of those behind the closed doors.

She did turn back the guard and nodded.  "It appears that we shall be moving on.  I pray to my Goddess that she forgives you for turning away those in need."
player, 167 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 16:28
  • msg #105

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

It didn't bother Kira so much that they were turned away but it did bother that Dal and Grim were hurt by the others' actions (or inaction).  "Didn't want their pissy ale anyway," she said, trying to make light of things for the two but knowing it likely wouldn't make them feel any better.
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 283 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 17:13
  • msg #106

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim looks up at the sky, watching the clouds for signs of their imminent return, and then turns to follow. Hopefully the storm held at bay long enough for them to return should the trail take them back here. Though he appreciated Kira's attempt at cutting through the sudden tension within the group, he had no words at the moment. At least none that would ameliorate the situation.
Thane Harkensen
player, 159 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 17:22
  • msg #107

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

In reply to Arnan Aldwynne (msg # 103):

"Yes, let's head back to the lodge then.  Not the way I thought this jaunt'd turn out, but some folks just can't live and let live, can they?" he agreed.  Aiming a look of disgust at the hidden dwarves inside the stony building, he rattled of a string of heated dwarven words.

[Private to Dalgura Ironhammer; DM Shard; Morgrim Ironhammer: "Alright, ya boogery-bearded guardians of the super secret and sacred black ice.  Ya'll can just keep it, I don't want none of it.  And since yer so hospitable, we'll just leave you to yer shamblin' zombies, may they eat your brains and guts!"]
This message was last edited by the player at 17:23, Fri 15 Sept 2017.
DM Shard
GM, 324 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2017
at 23:34
  • msg #108

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The dwarves within the roadside outpost watch the adventurers depart back down the road. What Morgrim had said was true, none in the party saw any of the dwarves make any great rush to send a runner to deliver their message to Baerick Hammerstone. Now, it seems the issue is moot and the dwarves go back to their sentry duties, seemingly unphased by any of the adventurers' parting shots.

The party makes good time back down to the lodge, perhaps disheartened to have been turned around without learning of Helda's fate, and more importantly, the cause of dwarven zombies spilling out of the mines. Taken together, today's happenings are ill tidings indeed.

The lodge is as the adventurers left it and, thankfully, still stocked with enough fuel for several days, if not rides, worth of fire.

There is still about two hours of daylight remaining when the adventurers get back to the lodge.
Thane Harkensen
player, 160 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Sat 16 Sep 2017
at 00:42
  • msg #109

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane was glad to get out of the weather and back to some kind of passable shelter.  He immediately started to gather wood.  "I'll get a fire going in the hearth, maybe we can rig up a pot to make a stew or soup out of our rations?" he said, hunger obviously factoring big in his current thoughts.

"And we probably ought to come up with a watch rotation for the night.  Zombies might not be the only kind of trouble we'll be risking out here."
Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 285 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Sat 16 Sep 2017
at 01:08
  • msg #110

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Your Dwarvish is getting better," Morgrim notes before turning away from the outpost. Quiet for the better part of their march back Morgrim entered the lodge and immediately set the hearth ablaze with little more than a spoken word and a snap of his fingers.

Settling into a comfortable arm chair beside the flames he held out his hand, palm up, and conjured a small ball of wavering light into existence, peering at it closely as it took shape.

"Save your rations," he said distractedly, plunking a handful of berries down on the table. "Except to taste. You needn't worry for hunger while I'm around."

Using Druidcraft x2

- You instantly light or snuff out a candle, torch, or a small campfire.

- You create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the weather will be at your location for the next 24 hours. The effect might manifest as a golden orb for clear skies, a cloud for rain, falling snowflakes for snow, and so on. This effect persists for 1 round.


Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are infused with magic for the Duration. A creature can use its action to eat one berry. Eating a berry restores 1 hit point, and the berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.

DM Shard
GM, 325 posts
Sun 17 Sep 2017
at 14:46
  • msg #111

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

The party takes shelter in the mountain lodge yet again, warmed by a good fire that becomes little more than a bank of glowing coals by morning. Save for the howling wind that seems to find purchase in the slightest of gaps between quarried stone, the night passes without incident revealing another icy, cloudless morning. Flecks of ice dust glitter in the sunlight, calling to mind a gossamer veil of diamond falling from the mountain's great face.

Kelvin's Cairn looms large to the northeast, this the direction of the inhospitable dwarves. Above the wall that shelters the western edge of the mountain trail, one can see Maer Dualdon in the distance, an azure lake with banks sheltered by pine and fir. Beyond one of these copses lies the village of Termalaine.

Looking east the party sees Lac Dinneshere, its broad expanse appearing as a great shard of sky that fell to the earth, dotted with tiny boats that traverse its icy blue firmament. At the bottom of a rocky trail descending from the mountain, one  eventually comes to the village of Caer-Dineval.

Back down the way the party came, southward, the adventurers might catch a glimpse of the town of Bryn Shander, her stout walls rising like a dark tower from a field of white.

The party has reached a crossroads. Where will their adventures take them next?
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 218 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:20/20; PP:14
Sun 17 Sep 2017
at 22:22
  • msg #112

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Arnan was up before first light, and as soon as the sun was high enough to provide sufficient visibility, he bundled up and stepped outside. There he glanced at the sky and sniffed at the wind, hoping to glean some information about the day's upcoming weather.


18:18, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 12 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 8. Survival Check re: Weather.

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 286 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 00:48
  • msg #113

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim stirred and rolled out of bed, tugged on his boots and wolfskin cloak and headed out into the morning frost to take care of nature's business. Catching Arnan's eye upon his return, he nodded. Like the ranger, he too had checked his portents. The possibility of a sudden squall worried him immensely.

"So? Caer-Dineval it is then?"
DM Shard
GM, 326 posts
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 01:34
  • msg #114

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Morgrim and Arnan believe the day will be marked by fair weather conditions.
player, 168 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 15/15; PP: 16
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 13:46
  • msg #115

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Kira uncurled from her bunk and took care of things quickly, making sure she was layered and ready to go when the others were as well.  Looking to Arnan and Morgrim, she just nodded.  "I'm a tag-along so lead the way," she chirped, trusting their judgment.
Dalgura Ironhammer
player, 268 posts
Dwarf Cleric
AC: 15; HP: 10/10; PP: 13
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 14:03
  • msg #116

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Dal was always a little grumbly in the morning and today was no exception.  She got up and took care of her morning rituals including her morning prayers to Sharindlar.  When she was finished she joined up with the rest of the group.
Thane Harkensen
player, 161 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:22/22; PP:13
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 17:28
  • msg #117

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

Thane awoke and it was obvious that he had not slept well.

He should have, after all, a warm fire, a secure shelter, and a magically full belly ought to be all that a soldierly-type like Thane would need to get a good night's rest.  But he awoke looking about as alive as the Dwarven zombies that the party and he had killed just days before.

"Bad dreams," is all he would say if asked about his lackluster and tired appearance.  "Once I get moving I'll be fine," he assured his fellows.

He wandered outside to relieve himself in the frigid cold, then prepared himself for the day's journey.  Seeing Arnan and Morgrim standing near outside, he approached.

"Caer-Dinival it is.  Maybe the gods, if they really do exist, will let the good weather hold as you say it should.  I hope our exiled dwarven friend is there.  I'd rather not trudge all the way back to Termalaine in a continued search."

Morgrim Ironhammer
player, 287 posts
Dwarf Druid
AC:15; HP:19/19; PP:15
Mon 18 Sep 2017
at 17:55
  • msg #118

Re: Chapter 3: The Dwarven Valley

"Oh the Gods exist alright," Morgrim said with the conviction of the faithful. "But it isn't Moradin or Marthammor Duin that worry me. Its Auril."

"If we truly intend to do this, lets be underway. The sooner we've finished with our inquiries the better."

This message was last edited by the player at 17:55, Mon 18 Sept 2017.
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