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Character Creation: You Need to Know This!!!

Posted by Right to Bear ArmsFor group 0
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 91 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 02:14
  • msg #1

Character Creation: You Need to Know This!!!

There are five steps to this:

1) Choose a Character Name: This is more difficult than it sounds. I do not want nicknames. They get earned in game. I do not want unrealistic or zany names either. No. Your name isnt Death Raven or Mary Poppins or Bob Smith. Hispanic, Southwestern, and Asian American names are the most common.

2a) Generate Ability Scores: Nobody is allowed to be a scrub or deficient in an attribute. Otherwise you wouldn't live long, let alone be trusted to be somebody's squadmate. I don't want to hear your justifications for low attributes in games. This is the wrong place for that. Here, we roll 4d4+4 and reroll 1s. Then you get an additional +2 to assign to any one attribute of your choice. All Characters are Human. You get 1 Feat that every level 1 character gets, plus a bonus feat, plus an additional bonus feat from your starting region, plus a bonus feat from your starting occupation assuming your region and occupation give you bonus feats. They might not. That is a potential of 4 feats to start with.

2b) Choose your Starting Background: Pick one from the following list. It will help narrow down where your character origins are. Each starting region has something associated with it. Your starting age stats are also determined by the background. No. You can't pick anything else. Don't ask. Thank you for understanding.

Too Old For This Crap: Character Age is 25+10d4. You will not suffer age penalties, but will get a +1 to Wisdom, +2 to Survival, and an extra 3d4+2 Trade Units to start. You may come from any of the starting regions and have any of the occupations.

Born Into It: Character Age is 16+2d4. You get a +1 to Constitution. You will be limited to a Rad Scorpion Camp, Fort Not Here, South of the Border, Villa of Legion, or Wasteland Wanderer starting location, and will begin play with a machete, a large shield, or a .38 Special with 4 bullets, and a canteen of water.

Wet Behind the Ears: Character Age is 15+1d4. Your star is a bright one, and you get +1 Charisma. You are limited in starting regions and occupations in that you must come from one of two "civilized" places in the wasteland. You will begin play with a +2 bonus to any two of the following skills; Knowledge (Culture, Streetwise, History, or Technology), Bluff, Diplomacy, Medicine,Reading / Writing (Language), Languages (Spoken), Treat Injury, or Perception. These selected skills will naturally be permanent class skills.

Wasteland Tribal: Your Starting Age is 16+3d8. You will get a +1 to Wisdom or Strength. Your starting location and occupation is limited to anything uncivilized and out in the wasteland. You will get 4 trade units of Food, two canteens of Water, and either a Combat Knife, Baseball Bat, or Spear.

Primed Right For War: Your starting age is 17+2d6. You will begin play with a +1 bonus to any two (different) attributes. You do not get any bonuses to skills or equipment, but your starting occupation and location are open books.

3a) Choose your Starting Region/Location: You have to choose 1. No, don't ask for something not on this list.

Rad Scorpion Camp: Welcome to the Rad Scorpions, Rookie. We're modern day Rangers. Eventually every rookie will make it into our ranks, but some are just born into it. We're the law and order in the wasteland, and we cross paths with most everyone who wants or needs something. Those who started life in one of our camps get a +20% Experience Point bonus and either Personal Firearms or Light Armor Proficiency. They get a bonus 2d4 bullets to their sidearm (assuming they got one), free of charge.

The New California Republic: Pfft. These mamby pambies think they got it all figured out because they're civilized. But they're mostly just a bunch of liberal hippies too dumb to die in the war and just smart enough to be annoying. But I can't hate them too much, because most are decent enough folks. They got doctors, books, and some decent technology, even if they do wet themselves before the lead starts flying. Starting from the NCR +3d4 Trade Units and either the Persuasive, Surgeon, or Educated bonus feat.

The Lonestar Empire: Ah, the Lonestar. Not much comes out of the Empire. They were self sufficent before the war and just kind of stayed that way during and after. Anyone that gets too close to their walls gets shot, unless they got a working set of wheels. Then they come in. Rumor has it technology still works and cities aren't too full of radiation. I hear it's some kind of utopia back east, but nobody outside really knows. If you're from the Empire, Rookie, what the Hell you doin out here joinin' us for? Nevermind. Forget I asked. I won't look a gift Scorpion in the mouth. Well seeing as how you either started with an ATV (That's an All Terrain Vehicle, or Four Wheeler), or Dirt Bike, I figure that means you have Drive as a permanent class skill with a +2 bonus. Too bad it's out of gas. (You may not start the game with any fuel).

Wasteland Wanderer: Let me tell you something, Rookie. More than one Scorpion has origins that take place somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, part of one tiny community or other that eventually got swallowed up and left them on their own. These folks always have a bonus feat that makes them natural Lone Wolves (+1 to attack and damage when not within 30' of an ally) or they got the Luck of Heroes (+1 bonus to AC that stacks with all other bonuses and a +1 bonus to all saving throws that also stacks with all other bonuses).

Fort Not Here:I haven't ever been to the old Army base. Rumor has it the place is full of gambling, thieving, whoring, and junkies. A town in the middle of the desert where everything is legal and nothing is taboo? Guess you seen it all then? Coming from Fort Not Here grants you a +2 bonus on all saving throws vs Fear, and a +2 bonus to all saving throws involving toxins. Knowledge (streetwise), and either Bluff, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand, or Survival are permanent class skills for you too. If they are already class skills, you get a permanent +1 bonus. You also begin play with two packs of cigarettes, a bottle of tequila, a zippo lighter, and +1d6 trade units. Not too shabby Rookie. Not too shabby at all.

Villa of Legion: So I guess you weren't True to Caesar after all, huh? No matter I suppose. Since you're here, I might as well get some use out of you. You came from up north in what used to be Colorado. The Villa is as far south as the Legion gets. I know from experience that the Legion considers itself civilized. I also know the Legion excels at group combat. So I'm hoping you can bring that teamwork here to the Scorpions. So which is it? Do you get a permanent +1 bonus to attack and damage while adjacent to an ally, or do you get a permant +3 bonus to any Aid Another attempt that you make?

Snow Falls:

New Vegas: What is Las Vegas like these days? Last time I was there it was pretty much like it was before the war. Vegas will make or break you, that much I know. And them casinos are all like their very own fortresses. But why am i telling you? You already know that. With Vegas as your starting region, you any two of the following as permanent class skills: Sleight of Hand, Disable Device / Lockpicking, Gambling, Sense Motive, Bluff, Intimidation, or Diplomacy. If they are already class skills, you get a permanent +1 bonus. You also begin with one of the following bonus Feats: Windfall, Deceptive, or Stealthy. You get a bonus 2d8 Trade Units.

3b) Choose your starting occupation: Like usual, don't ask for anything that isn't on this list. Yes you must choose 1. Yes, some are barred based on your background and region. For example, you're not going to be Too Old For This, from the Lonestar Empire, and be a Raider. There are exceptions, which is why I am not vetoing anything from the start. Instead, I am expecting some common sense.

Slave: You poor bastard. I mean that in a good way. You came from the Villa, the Wasteland, or from South of the Border. Had too. Seeing as how you got nothing to trade except the rags you're wearing and those meager bits you managed to sneak out with or pick up before the Scorpions found you, I'm not lying. But that look in your eye says you've got some fight in you. That's good Rookie. We can use that. Slaves choose two from the following list as permanent class skills; Performance, Perception, Climb, Hide, Jump, or Diplomacy, or Intimidation. Slaves also choose any one of the following feats: Iron Will, Endurance, or Fast Reflexes. Slaves begin with 3 Trade Units plus any other bonuses they would get. They have one ragged set of clothing, and either a club or shiv for starting inventory. Slaves get a bonus Hit Point per level.


Tribal Warrior:






City Slicker:


4a) Next we put it all together. Record your character sheet. As I have done in the past, I will continue to do in the future. I use and so will you. Sorry but them is the breaks. I am particular and like things a certain way. These sheets are nice and easy and all I need to keep track of is a link. The sheet takes care of the math for you. All you do is plug in the data. Before you ask, yes, it's the only character sheet I will accept. You will get Maximum Hit Points per level until you reach level 5. And then you will roll normally, rerolling 1s. There are some exceptions that allow you to reroll 2s as well, namely being a Lawbringer, Vigilante, or Tough Hero. We won't be using Hero Points, so don't worry about them.

4b) Choose your class. Straight out of the Core d20 Modern Book, okay? Strong through Charismatic. You may multi-class, but not until 4rth level (you'll start at level 1). Annnd your primary (first) class must always be two levels higher than a second. Prestige classes will not be available until 7th level, but they do not count against your level restrictions in any other way. Since each class only has 10 levels, multiclassing is to be expected.

4c) Lets piece your story (also known as a character history or background in other games) together. We know what region you came from, what your starting background and age are, what your occupation is, your character's name, and what class your character is. That is more than sufficient (for most people) to give me a three paragraph bio/history/whatever you want to call it. You will earn an additional 75exp for tying yourself to one of the NPCs in the cast (see the link at the top, towards the left half of the screen, near your character details?). This is cumulative, to a maximum of 225 bonus experience points before even starting!

4d) Lets visit the Quartermaster. There is a special thread, just for this part. This lists all of the potential gear you can choose. Supplies are limited and it's first come, first served. You can also attempt to trade gear you begin with from your region, occupation, etc. You start with a baseline of trade units per your occupation, plus any bonuses from other means. If you put 4 ranks into profession, you may also roll 1d20+Profession mod for additional trade units. If you do not have 4 ranks in Profession, you're stuck with a bonus equal to your ranks... not your total profession check and not the bonus d20 roll.

4e) Wait for me to approve you. You can make this go faster by cooperating with me and jumping to the 5th and final steps on your own as well as participating in the Character Discussion & OOC threads.

5a) Select a portrait. No ANIME OR CARTOONS OR BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS!!! I cannot stress that enough. I really wished RPOL had a special category called "Junk Nobody Likes or Uses" and flushed all of the portraits like that there. You'll get a +50exp bonus if you can find an image that matches and include it in your character description.

5b) Fill in your character description. See one of mine for an exact example. Follow the below. Do not deviate. Do not add your own custom flair or design. Save that stuff for IC posts. I want these descriptions to look and read like files. Here is a link just to make sure you don't miss it. Link back to this game=

Rank: Rookie*

Brief Bio:

Character Image:

(Put a portrait here or leave it blank)

Visible Inventory:

Kills & Accomplishments:


Completing that correctly is worth another 325experience points. You could be close to level 2 before even playing just by following directions! But there is no credit for inccorect or incomplete descriptions Rookie! And yes, it is a test to see how willing you are to follow the rules. So don't play around.

5c) Next do your character details. They are to the left, right near your portrait. Some people like to put neat blurbs in there. I like combat stats. And as we've already determined, things get done the way I like. Once again, follow the below example. Don't deviate. And for the love of pure water, use your own, correct numbers!

HP: AC: T: FF:
Init: Saves: //

And... that's it!

* Your rank is Rookie when you start. Rank has privilege, as you'll find out when you rank up. This often, but not always, comes with a level ip. I have a whole notice dedicated to ranks.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:42, Fri 16 Feb 2018.
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