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, welcome to War Never Changes

21:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Right to Bear ArmsFor group 0
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 87 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:50
  • msg #1


Do you like tactical, squad based, action adventure games with a middle ground in difficulty and number crunching, without having to jump through five hoops, four lists of special abilities, three dice roles, two pages of character sheets, and a GM who refuses to play along? Me too.

Are you tired of RPOL's endless charade (or parade?) of games that die before liftoff, with players who would rather argue than accomplish anything, where one-liners are spewed in torrents just to keep posts counts up and activity happening? Me too.

Are you sick of never advancing your character or reaping the rewards for your actions? Me too.

And do you like kicking in doors, shooting stuff in the face, watching said face explode into a pile of goo, blowing other stuff up, rescuing damsels in distress, and looting goodies from cookie jar chests? Me too!

And do you really like games like X-com, Fallout, Wasteland, and Shadowrun? Movies like Mad Max, Death Race, The Expendables, Mission Impossible, Doomsday, Kill Bill, The Book of Eli, and Hitman? ME TOO!

So here is where we're at. War Never Changes is a mixture of Fallout meets X-com meets Wasteland meets Mad Max.

War Never Changes is rated mature for simulated violence, vulgar language, and brief but mostly tasteful nudity. Crazy sexy time stuff is not for threads and should be a fade to black. It uses d20 modern and d20 Post Apocalyptic rules. I do pull from the weapons locker and sometimes d20 Future. That's it. No other resources or lengthy reading required.

War Never Changes takes place sometime around 2083 in the New Mexico / Nevada / Arizona / Texas / Utah area. Further information will be in Character Creation and Game History notices. So pay attention to them.

War Never Changes is going to be 65% Squad Combat, 25% Base Management and Social Interaction, and 10% Downtime RP Stuff. There will be plenty of chances to acquire new and improved gear, develop into prestige classes (Road Warrior is an ALL TIME favorite) or simply level up, and of course, splatter bad guys into goo all over the place.

You will be required to be familiar with House Rules; changes to the ordinary rules as I make them. Thankfully I will have a notice just for that. But not just them! You will also be required to participate! No wallflowers here! This is a team effort!

Posting Frequency will be at my rate. Once or twice a week, maybe more, maybe less. Active Group Mission threads will always take priority over Recreational Threads and Solo Mission Threads.

We good so far? Groovy. All groovy...
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