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15:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla.

Posted by Right to Bear ArmsFor group 0
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 86 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:13
  • msg #1

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

For those of you that are still here and have drow stuff saved, if you want it back it up. I am pruning and changing and making room for something else.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 169 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:15
  • msg #2

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 1):

What is this?
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 88 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:54
  • msg #3

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

This was the Underdark game I took control of. See my introduction for what it will become.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 170 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:56
  • msg #4

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 3):

Woah. That sounds cool. Will you be posting info about character generation and participation?
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 89 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:57
  • msg #5

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Yep. Just maybe not today. I still need to update Fort Eastward. See below for the beginning of character creation.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:27, Sat 10 Feb 2018.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 90 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 01:26
  • msg #6

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

I will use the method I always do for Ability Scores, 4d4+4, reroll 1s. Then you get a +2 you can assign to any one score. All characters are human.

Backgrounds are going to be:

1) Too Old For This Crap: Character Age is 25+10d4. You will not suffer age penalties, but will get a +1 to Wisdom, +2 to Survival, and an extra 3d4+2 Trade Units to start. You may come from any of the starting regions and have any of the occupations.

2) Born Into It: Character Age is 16+2d4. You get a +1 to Constitution. You will be limited to a Rad Scorpion, Raider, or Slave starting location, and will begin play with a machete, a large shield, or a .38 Special with 4 bullets, and a canteen of water.

3) Wet Behind the Ears: Character Age is 15+1d4. Your star is a bright one, and you get +1 Charisma. You are limited in starting regions and occupations in that you must come from one of two "civilized" places in the wasteland. You will begin play with a +2 bonus to any two of the following skills; Knowledge (Culture, Streetwise, History, or Technology), Bluff, Diplomacy, Medicine,Reading / Writing (Language), Languages (Spoken), Treat Injury, or Perception. These selected skills will naturally be permanent class skills.

Wasteland Tribal: Your Starting Age is 16+3d8. You will get a +1 to Wisdom or Strength. Your starting location and occupation is limited to anything uncivilized and out in the wasteland. You will get 4 trade units of Food, two canteens of Water, and either a Combat Knife, Baseball Bat, or Spear.

Primed Right For War: Your starting age is 17+2d6. You will begin play with a +1 bonus to any two (different) attributes. You do not get any bonuses to skills or equipment, but your starting occupation and location are open books.

There. That should give you something to start with.
Soarin Kentyl
Player, 14 posts
HP 80/80, SV +8/+7/+10
AC: 23, T 16, FF 18
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 13:13
  • msg #7

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Nice.  So Fallout New Vegas based?
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 93 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 14:21
  • msg #8

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Not really, no. Its close to 100 years before the Fallout games take place, iirc. But some elements are borrowed. It amuses me and has some familiarity.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 171 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 14:40
  • msg #9

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 8):

Hrm. I've never done a d20 modern game. I like guns IRL but not sure about them in a role playing setting...

Well, usually doesn't hurt to try something new.
Soarin Kentyl
Player, 15 posts
HP 80/80, SV +8/+7/+10
AC: 23, T 16, FF 18
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 15:33
  • msg #10

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 8):

The fallout games time lines are all jacked anyways but that's cool.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 94 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 17:17
  • msg #11

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

rearms work really well. Their damage output is higher, but few crit on anything other than a 20. Its just like using bows and crossbows in dnd, but they don't get nearly as many bonuses. They also require feats to use correctly in a lot of cases. And they're expensive. For example, an AK-47 is extremely effective. It does 2d10 baseline damage and x3 on a crit. But unless you're trained (have feats) for burst or autofire, you take huge penalties to accuracy (-4 for not being proficient, with an additional -4 or -8 for burst or auto fire) and chew through precious ammo (a burst consumes 5 bullets without the feat, auto is half your mag, minimum of 15 required). Thus, you've got this awesome gun you only fire once or twice a turn, with no extra damage unless you crit.

But a guy with a baseball bat, power attack, and strength mod of +4 is still doing 1d10+6 at least. High end might not be as much, buuuut minimum is still higher. Think of how Star Wars does it. Very similar except real life guns instead of lasers.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 172 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 17:23
  • msg #12

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 11):

What about sniper rifles? :-)
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 95 posts
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Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 19:02
  • msg #13

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

For the most part, they have longer range and can be easy to hit with. They don't do excessive damage in comparison to other guns.

There are generally four or five types of gun combat.

Pistoleers, who are mobile and precise, and don't waste ammo.
Shotgunners, who cause big booms up close and personal, but have limited ammo capacity and rate of fire.
Sub-gunners who burst their way through short to medium range with cheap ammo and make up for lower damage by causing multiple hits.
Riflemen, who can switch between one shot or a few as needed, who pack the biggest overall bang for their buck at medium to long range.
And Snipers, who plink away one shot at a time while staying out of harm's way.

In my experience, snipers are slow builds. Their weapons and ammo are both expensive and hard to come by. And I speak heresy in some circles, but they are expendable tag-a-longs or forward scouts.

Pistoleers are also good fodder. Who cares about how many bullets you're saving if you're getting chewed up. That said, they are extremely valuable supporting combatants. A pistoleer next to a sniper is good protection. A pair of pistoleers have an extra pair of hands. And, they are super at remaining unnoticed.

Shotguns are mean heavies and ridiculous in tight spaces, but cover and range are their banes.

Rilfes and subguns are equal. One's bane is the other's perk. Up close the subgun is better. With some distance, the rifle is better.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 96 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 19:40
  • msg #14

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Updated a few more starting regions.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 97 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 21:44
  • msg #15

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Cranked out another NPC. One of the bad asses and important people, Ignatz.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 173 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 22:56
  • msg #16

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 15):

Boss, do you make all this stuff up?!
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 100 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 23:27
  • msg #17

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Yes? Sort of?

Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 174 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 00:27
  • msg #18

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 17):

Your imagination blows my mind. I can barely make up stuff without using and modifying modules and you make up extensive worlds and back stories for NPCs?! Really cool dude.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 101 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Sun 11 Feb 2018
at 01:14
  • msg #19

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Ah. Thanks. But I'm not that original. Take Ignatz Krebs. He's a copy from the 1991 pc game Fountain of Dreams, which is a spiritual successor to the 1988 Wasteland game. He is literally the first NPC in the game you meet. He's two spaces outside your front door, and his dialogue opens up with, "So? You're finally leaving out on your own, huh? Well before you go, listen to some advice from your dad's old army buddy..." And then a few lines later, he says, "And if you need anymore help, you know where to find me." You can turn around and talk to him again, and he says, "I see you're back. Want me to tag along with ya?" You answer yes, and he says, "Smart." Then rachets a round into the chamber of his .9mm Browning Pistol and falls into line.

So it isn't like I don't just leech stuff. My goal is to make it interesting and introduce it to other people, though. I'm working on something like 15 years on RPOL. I know what works and what doesn't. I know what niches are open and what is crowded. And I like to think I know what good players want. I must be doing something right because my games always fill up. :D
Olivia Johnson
Player, 1 post
Tue 13 Feb 2018
at 02:48
  • msg #20

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Right to Bear Arms (msg # 19):

So just giving everyone a heads up I won't be around for 1 to 2 weeks, just had our third baby so things are pretty busy.
Triss'alaun Kentyl
Player, 175 posts
78/78 AC: 24 T: 16 FF: 19
INIT: +6 Saves: +7/+7/+10
Tue 13 Feb 2018
at 02:57
  • msg #21

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

In reply to Olivia Johnson (msg # 20):

My condolences and may God have mercy on your soul...

Our third is 9 months old now and still doesn't sleep.

Just awaiting the sweet release of death...

Right to Bear Arms
GM, 103 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Tue 13 Feb 2018
at 04:45
  • msg #22

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Completed another NPC, Lexi Valentine.
Right to Bear Arms
GM, 104 posts
Not enough coffee
Or enough beer
Fri 16 Feb 2018
at 21:48
  • msg #23

OOC: Jibber Jabber Bla Bla Bla

Another NPC down. Some maintenance done to the character creation thread. Redundancy deleted too.
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