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01:57, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency.

Posted by DM DreadFor group 0
DM Dread
GM, 46 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2017
at 22:42
  • msg #1

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Falcon Hollow as much a home as you've had. With the majority of the town owing their livelihood to Darkmoon Lumber Company and by extension Thuldrin Kreed, your world revolves around his.

The lumber company controls what goods are available and what price it is. The only Store in town , The Goose and Gander, is a company Store...and both low market and high market bazaars are controlled strictly. To say the Lumber Company owns Falcon Hollow is an understatement.

Each of you owe your own livelihood to the company in one way or another.

In fact the only source of fresh water, Brookmans Well, is a Lumber Company Holding.

The rowdy Lumberjacks from camps along the forests edge, with a couple days off come here to enjoy their time off.

The consortiums hand is everywhere you look and on every persons mind.

That changed a day ago. The first to start coughing was Mathilda Dorgars. The elderly mother of one of the lumberjacks. Within half a day 15 more started coughing and hacking. It seemed the elderly, the young, or those less hardy were more susceptable to what folks are calling 'the scourge'.

Here it is the day after the first person caught it and easily 30 people have it. Kreed has locked himself away in his Villa on the Perch and all travel up the hill has been stopped. Lumber Consortium Guards  stop all coming with threat of death.

A line some 20 people long has formed outside the herbalists and any thought of going to the Temple of Iomedae was halted when one of the priests came down with it...

It's a day like any other in early fall...except it's not. A new visitor has come to town and It's taking its toll.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:16, Wed 27 Sept 2017.
Tarack Bulslagson
Dwarven Druid, 15 posts
Tell you what, why dont
two of you fight it out
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 02:04
  • msg #2

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Tarack was going about his business when he noticed the line outside the herbalist's. Curiosity got the better of him and having picked up his pet leopard cub, people just seemed to react better to it when it was not roaming around, Tarack approached the group

"What's up? Is Laurel having a sale on laxatives?"
Nomerendal Tunespinner
Gnome Bard, 6 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 02:56
  • msg #3

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

It was a day like any other... one in which a certain gnome would roll from his cot, scratch at a veritable bouquet of hair that never seemed to make up its mind on which side of his head it would be when he awoke, and lazily grab his pole in order to go drown some worms in the nearby River Foam. His room was small, but he was small and so that really was of no large matter to him. On his way out the door, he passed by his adventurer's pack, and he would sigh and wonder if this might be the day when his own adventures might begin, the day he'd start to write tales in which he was the hero, or at the very least a sidekick in the same.

His optimism had grown dullish of late however. He'd scraped up what valuables he could find in his family cabin on the river near Golden Falls, and he'd collected nearly a months worth of tips which he kept hidden beneath a creaky floorboard, to purchase the sort of gear as was available and possibly needful when adventure came knocking. It wasn't much really, but it had been exciting for the little gnome to pack it downstairs, sit it next to his story stool, and just have it nearby for that moment wherein - as all the great stories detailed - adventure would come blustering into the tavern and declare him vital to some quest or other!

"Oh no, get some rest, you've a long journey ahead of you I'm sure," he said to the pack as he passed it by for his late-morning fishing.

As he made his way through the kitchen, he palmed a handful of dough off the kneading board when nobody was looking and sauntered out the back. It wasn't much of a breakfast to be sure, but to one as laid back as this particular gnome was, it didn't really matter that much. He supposed that one day he'd be less inclined to lollygag his way through life, that day when adventure would come knocking, but until then he was content to lounge away the daylight hours under a tree on the bank near a deep pool and daydream about waist-deep snow or torrents of rain out on the trails of adventure...

He'd determined this particular day like any other, to claim a spot just downriver from the Ferry Dock where a few shade trees would keep off the heat of the autumn sun, and where he might overhear conversations of any who might cross hither or yonder bank. He'd just crossed the street leading him to the Low Market when he saw a few local folks making their way up the street in the opposite direction. When the gnome waved and smiled, they merely gave the briefest of nods before hurrying along their way. Wondering if his hair had decided to form itself into something particularly offensive during the night, he glanced over his shoulder, wondering at what might be considered rudeness in this little town.

That's when he noticed the line in front of the Herbalist's shop, and something deep in the pit of his small stomach seemed to tug him in that direction. Confusing this with hunger, he stuffed the remainder of the bread dough into his mouth and kept going, but his stomach was not satisfied! That odd sensation continued until out of irritation he turned himself about to prove to his annoying gut that it was obviously confused!

Amazingly, the sensation did not cease, but rather compelled him to move himself in that direction! Shaking his head at the oddity of the thing, and half-admitting to himself that this might be something interesting enough to postpone his morning nap over, he decided to indulge this bizarre gut feeling and see what the gathering was all about.

"Nomerendal, you're becoming as bad as the Three Blind Witches in your Booger-stories you tell to frighten children!" he chided himself.

Ahead he spotted a dwarf he recognized but had never chatted with much, for he didn't seem to approve of Nom's lazy lifestyle. "Yolla-you!" he called out, "Bullstagen isn't it? What's all the to-do about?"
Elven Rogue, 6 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 03:38
  • msg #4

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Varianna had been staying at the cottage Kreed had arranged for her after her help with the gearing of the main mill. Many were distrustful of an elf in the forest, but the people of Falcon's Hollow seemed to be quite pleasant. She has been able to find plenty of work that required her fine motor skills.
She ate her breakfast outside on the porch, hoping to enjoy the sunlight but with the overcast sky she is left wanting. Today she was supposed to fix the lock on Kreed Mansions front door. It had a sticky tumbler which made it relatively easy to pick, at least easier than it should be. He offered to pay her for her services, and she readily accepted.
Setting out that morning she noticed the commotion and disregarded it, she had gold to earn. Sadly this did not happen, even though she had an appointment she was still turned away by the guards. Irritated, she made her way back towards the cottage. Seeing the group even larger than before she held off to the side of the street, noticing the dwarf and gnome standing a bit away from the assembled mass. Wondering why the herbalist was so important, she approached the two, asking "Excuse me, do either of you know why there are so many people trying to see the herbalist?"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:27, Thu 28 Sept 2017.
Rennick Hitman
Human Ranger, 8 posts
AC:14(T-11/FF-13)CMD 16
HP13/13 FO:+4 RE:+3 WL:0
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 06:52
  • msg #5

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Rennick had been guarding the Paper Mill during the night and was tired. However, he decided that he would go to the Sitting Duck
tavern to get a mug of ale before turning in to bed. He wanted to hear some stories of the locals. Moreover, he wanted to see if there
were any adventurers in town. He hadn't come here to stay as a guard for a long time. His purpose had been much more exciting.
But his friends had left on family business, so their plans to explore some ancient ruins had come to naught.

Rennick entered the Sitting Duck tavern, which was frequently used by the Lumber Consortium employees, went to the tavern owner
Ergin Tock and ordered a mug of ale. He asked Ergin Tock or his barmaid for news. He looked around to see if there were interesting guests in the inn.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:01, Thu 28 Sept 2017.
Arell Kirkwood
Human Paladin, 8 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 12:21
  • msg #6

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Arell awoke with the sun.

He felt his bones protest as he stood up (when had THAT started happening?) begging him to return to bed for another hour, for another day, forever...

That wasn't happening.  He had work to do.

Abadar was not a terribly demanding god, a number of practices others might consider vices, Abadar saw as a matter of course.  But there was one thing Abadar insisted on that barely registered elsewhere in the pantheon.

You took care of what was yours.

Arell's morning prayers included sweeping and dusting his small room (and no, not a "ritual" sweeping either).  The room was his, granted him by the town, he should take care of it.  Followed by a long hour of exercises and drills instilled by years practice--his body was his also, it must be taken care of.

By quarter to the eighth hour, Arell was washed, dressed smartly, and at his desk ready for the first tenants of the city needing to speak with either him or Varmos.  He made sure he had enough forms, and enough ink.  Even the small things were important to Abadar.

Except as the day went on, Arell was increasingly aware it would not be a normal day of making sure the wheels of bureaucracy spun.  Sickness.  Sickness spreading like wildfire.  Sickness that incited panic and drove citizens to desperate acts.  Sickness that undermined the tenuous tenuous veil that separated the civil from the barbarous.

He asked Varmos for the afternoon off and went out looking for someone who knew more about this than he did.  The people were suffering, and if he did nothing, they would suffer more.

And you took care of what was yours.
DM Dread
GM, 47 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 13:03
  • msg #7

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Ergin Tock was a Big Man, with short stubble growing on his face. He looked at Rennick when he asked for some news and shrugged. ehh. Couple of the Lumberjacks came down with that cold thats been popping up since yesterday. Hacking and coughing up vile stuff. Its spreading like wildfire. Hell, Kreed has put the Perch on lockdown. noone from dow here can go up there. Heard even one of the sword priests got it. Folks are calling it the scourge. Mostly kids and older folks. but a few others. Heard several folks saying they were going to the herbalist looking for cures.


The Line at the Herbalist wasnt moving very fast. One person exited holding a bundle of herbs to take home nodding at the herbalist as he left saying Thank you Laurel. Ill use this in the tea as you say. and make a salve for his chest.

When Tarack asked what was going on...several people looked at him like he had no clue. One said Hey Tarack, I know you spend a good amount of time in the woods trapping game for low market, but aint you heard about The Scourge? maybe 20 folks mostly...and older folks...have caught this horrible coughing disease since only yesterday. Its spreading quick. Im coming to see what Miss Laurel can give me to keep my family from getting it.

Both Nomerendal and Variana were close enough they heard the exchange.


Arell came walking down the street seeing the line outside the Herbalists and the three folks standing near by looking on. Elf, a Dwaf, and a Gnome...
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 14:48, Thu 28 Sept 2017.
Rennick Hitman
Human Ranger, 10 posts
AC:14(T-11/FF-13)CMD 16
HP13/13 FO:+4 RE:+3 WL:0
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 13:24
  • msg #8

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Still at the Sitting Duck, Rennick wondered how this could happen so quickly. 'The scourge', already it had an evil name.
People were obviously very concerned.
He answered Ergin, "Thuldrin is scared, right? He's not the type to risk getting infected with an unknown disease.
But now that the Perch is on lockdown, I think we may be free to look after this town.
I wonder about this sickness. It is strange that even one of the priests got it.
I mean, if the scourge is something out of the woods, did the priest go there too?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Thu 28 Sept 2017.
Arell Kirkwood
Human Paladin, 9 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 13:35
  • msg #9

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

There was quite a line at the herbalists.  Small wonder.  Arell doubted their stock of herbs included stuff to handle new and unknown maladies quickly.  Still it couldn't hurt to ask...

Yes, it could, blundering in there like a bull wouldn't solve anything, and only scare everyone more.  Might as well see who else was around that might know something.

The songsman would do.

"'Rendal, what in the seven hells is going on?" Arell's voice cracked like old wood breaking.  Usually he tried to keep his voice pleasant--today was not the time for it.
Human Cleric, 9 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 15:12
  • msg #10

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

A woman came in to the little house that Lorn called home and knocked on the wooden door. Lorn opened the door disheveled, he had spent the whole night reading up remedies, both magical and mundane to try to find a cure for this plague. He might not be as skilled a healer as the herbalist with potions, herbs, ointments and salves but there was perhaps some knowledge in the books that he had stowed away over the years.

"Yes Sara? What can I do for you"? she asked. It was obvious she had been crying. "It's my Jonathan.. he doesn't stop crying.. he doesn't eat.. and the herbs I got from Laurel aren't working. Is there anything you can do?" her tears welling up again. It's a rare thing for some one to ask healing of Lorn since he was the man to go to to bring life into the world or when it left. But these were different times, desperate times. He had himself brought this infant into the world barely a year ago which was born weaker than normal but with Lorn's help, the boy grew stronger. Perhaps this is why Sara was at his doorstep asking for help for his son.

"I can come look at him but I can't promise anything. I do not think I'm as skilled a healer as Laurel. I will meet you at your house soon. Let me gather my things." with that he closed the door and got the little supplies he had and put them in a satchel he wore and looked in the mirror a quick moment to make himself at least a little bit more presentable. Went out to the yard where his horse was grazing, got his saddle and quickly saddled the horse before riding at a trot to the Bridges' house. Leaving his travel gear and armors behind but he always had his dagger.

At the house he opened the door and walked in unceremoniously, going straight to the nursery. There he found the young couple, trying to console their baby. They backed away when they saw Lorn, giving him room, and he immediately and quietly went to examine the sick child.

17:12, Today: Lorn rolled 23 using 1d20+8.  Heal; figuring out this disease.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:47, Thu 28 Sept 2017.
Nomerendal Tunespinner
Gnome Bard, 7 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 15:44
  • msg #11

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Nomerendal jumped, "I didn't do- Oh, its you Arell, gave me a bit of a start!"

The gnome drew close to his friend, sensing the unease. "I'm not sure exactly, I just got here myself," he said quietly as he observed the line of folks over his shoulder. "Something about an illness I believe. Looks serious however, a few of them didn't even wave at me as they passed by. When's the last time that happened in Falcon's Hollow? Isn't that how us locals spot a stranger? Anyway, old chap, these folks look like they could use a little distraction. Join me in a hymn? How's that one go you're always singing?"
Tarack Bulslagson
player, 16 posts
Tell you what, why dont
two of you fight it out
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 16:20
  • msg #12

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Tarack scratched his head. He has been out for a while trapping and what not. He has heard of the sickness that has been going around, but did not think much of it. He had no 'family' in town and being a dwarf, was not too susceptible to diseases in general, so he general did not pay attention. But, it did appear that a lot of folks were sick and worried about getting sick. He greeted the others who gathered and replied to the bard.

"Chearing people up is good, but perhaps we should check to see if we can help instead."

With that Tarack proceed inside.
Arell Kirkwood
Human Paladin, 10 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 16:59
  • msg #13

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Arell's expression didn't falter at the halfling's exuberance, but it did become slightly more wooden.  There were several things he wanted to say (most of which started with "call me 'old chap' again and I'll...") but he took a deep breath and saved that emotion for later.

'Rendal was just trying to help after all.

"I can see people are sick," he said evenly, "I was hoping you had a clue why.  I'd pester Laurel about it, but..." he gestured to the line, "See seems a bit busy for the likes of us."

As the dwarf ran off to ask her anyway, Arell just sighed, "Let us know what you find out." he called after the man.
DM Dread
GM, 50 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 18:04
  • msg #14

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Ergin looked at Rennick in an odd manner who said it came outta the woods? i havent heard that. you know somethin i dont?


As Arell, Variana, and Nomerendal stood looking at the line and the gnome started to strum his lute bring just a few scowls from the line of people.

Tarack approached the front and several people began saying

hey no cutting the line

who do you think you are?

go wait in.the back like we did

And other things. It was obvious folks didn't want to let him in


Meanwhile Lorn visited a family he'd helped before and began checking their child out he'd helped deliver. The young one was very sick. Some fungal infections of the lungs. It could be highly contageous. How and why escaped him..but this type of malady would best be known by Laurel....
Rennick Hitman
Human Ranger, 13 posts
AC:14(T-11/FF-13)CMD 16
HP13/13 FO:+4 RE:+3 WL:0
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 18:22
  • msg #15

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Rennick looked at Ergin with a sly smile, answering: "No, you didn't say that exactly, but I can think for myself. I thank you for your information. I think I'll have a chat with a few others. Thanks for the drink, man."

Rennick left a silver coin on the bar and exited the Sitting Duck.
He walked up the street towards the people in front of the herbalist shop, and noticed Arell, Rendal and Tarack there.
He decided to approach quietly, so that he listen and observe what was going on, while standing at the back.
Meanwhile an idea was forming in his head. He was considering (in his mind) whether he should go to the priests now or after a good 8 hours of sleep.
Human Cleric, 10 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 18:35
  • msg #16

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

"There is nothing I can do here. But I might be able to help Laurel, help you. Keep him fed and warm and hopefully he'll survive. He has seen tough odds before." Lorn says to the parents before grasping his necklace and say a prayer to Pharasma to stave of death for this little being, if only for a little while.

With that he nods a solemn farewell to the parents before going out to his horse and riding in the direction of the Root and Remedies shop. Lorn arrived just in time to see Tarack, one of the few dwarves in town, being shouted out for cutting the line. The generousity of the towns people not showing today.

Lorn dismounted the horse and walked up to the line. "People, will you let me in to speak to Laurel about finding a remedy for this disease in unison, as I'm pretty sure is Tarack's goal as well. He doesn't seem sick to me, nor does he have family here in town, which some of you know full well." he says loudly in stern voice.
Arell Kirkwood
Human Paladin, 11 posts
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 19:41
  • msg #17

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Arell's hackles raise as Tarack is rebuffed.  Yes, the queue is a time honored tradition of bureaucracy, and he was loathe to subvert it.  However in this instance it was also inefficient.

"Right," Arell growled, then raised his voice, "Okay folks!  You all know me, and you all know what I do.  And right now I'm going to say something a little strange.  What you need right now, more than Laurel's herbs or tisanes, is information.  This...sickness, whatever it is, floating around here right now is new and scary, and I get that.  But before we can fix it, we need to learn about it.  I'm going around and talking to folks who might know something about it: Laurel, Lorn, Cirantha...hells, I'll even check in with Kabran just in case, and once I find something, I'll post a notice back at the magisters and you ALL can learn about this thing, and protect yourself all at once.

He paused a moment, letting that idea sink in, "But before all that can happen, you gotta let me and mine through to talk to Laurel."

He gestured for the queue to stand aside like it should be the most obvious thing in the world.

14:24, Today: Arell Kirkwood rolled 18 using 1d20+8.  Diplomacy; cut in line the nice way.

Tarack Bulslagson
player, 17 posts
Tell you what, why dont
two of you fight it out
Thu 28 Sep 2017
at 22:00
  • msg #18

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Tarack nods as Arell speaks and adds his own voice "Come on, you know us. I am not trying to cut the line, but rather see I'd Laurel needs help. Heck, she may need someone with herb knowledge to measure and distribute.
Let us in and you'll probably get your stuff faster."

17:56, Today: Tarack Bulslagson rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  Diplomacy aid to Arell

Elven Rogue, 8 posts
Fri 29 Sep 2017
at 03:42
  • msg #19

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Varianna watched the townsfolk heckle Tarack as they moved past the line. It was curious to see how the humans dealt with such issues. Where she grew up, social standing took precedence to how long one had been waiting. She was used to the waiting.
The older looking one had made it clear that they should go first. It reminded her a bit of home, but she couldn't find any fault with his logic. She also began to think of her day and realized that something needed to be done or a disease, or the fear it brought, would make it quite difficult to find consistent work here.
She recognized the older one, but couldn't remember speaking to him. Someone had called him "Arell".

"Arell!" she says loudly. "Would you mind if I accompanied you? Mr. Kreed has holed himself up and I won't be able to do any work for him until we get this sickness under control." she explains. She hadn't yet seen an elf with the sickness, though there were not many here in town, so that did not prove they were not susceptible.
DM Dread
GM, 51 posts
Fri 29 Sep 2017
at 15:57
  • msg #20

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

The line of citizenry became subdued at the words spoken by Lorn and Arell and Tarack.

And they made room for this motley collection of individuals to push into 'Roots and Remedies' to see a very messy shop with books open and bottles uncapped everywhere.

Laurel stops what she's doing putting an herbal back together for a distressed woman holding a sick child and says plainly...

yes? how can i help you
Rennick Hitman
Human Ranger, 14 posts
AC:14(T-11/FF-13)CMD 16
HP13/13 FO:+4 RE:+3 WL:0
Fri 29 Sep 2017
at 16:46
  • msg #21

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Rennick was still standing outside. He saw a few people get into the herbalist cabin, apparently to devise a cure.
He thought that it would be better to ascertain the cause of the scourge first,
so he walked on and went towards the temple of Iomedae.

Before doing anything, Rennick would observe the temple cautiously, to see if people were entering or exiting the temple.
DM Dread
GM, 52 posts
Fri 29 Sep 2017
at 16:50
  • msg #22

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Rennick saw absolutely noone entering or exiting. He knew from the few weeks here that the followers of Iomedae were few in Falcons Hollow and it was a tribute to the beliefs of the clergy that they kept trying to bring folks to the vleief in.The Swordmaiden
Arell Kirkwood
Human Paladin, 12 posts
Fri 29 Sep 2017
at 17:19
  • msg #23

Hollows Last Hope: Part 1-an emergency

Arell gives the elf a once-over.  Since she answered directly to Kreed, she hadn't needed to bother with the magisters--and so they'd never spoken before.  That said, if Kreed was going to be useless...again, Arell might as well take advantage of his bored employees.

He motions for the elf to follow and nods to Lorn as they all go in.

"Laurel," he nods to the tired woman, "We're trying to get your workload lightened.  What can you tell us about this bug floating around?  If I can get notice up, maybe we can get people protecting themselves rather than flocking to your doorstep."
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