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Game Discussion.

Posted by GMFor group 0
Jack Starkiller
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 14:35
  • msg #63

Re: Game Discussion

Jacks got the biggest facelift in the new books so they aren’t half Glaive half Nano. Any chance I can use that?
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 14:41
  • msg #64

Re: Game Discussion

Don't let being the first to find Cube stop you from engaging in other connections, in the case of sheltering in the skull Cube could easily have been up to something else, as there aren't a lot of things he seeks shelter from other than boredom.
Empathic Nano, 12 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 14:50
  • msg #65

Re: Game Discussion

OK.  I'll wait to give other folks a chance before stealing all the available connections, but I will be happy to take the other skull shelter slot if no one else wants to claim it.  :)
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 15:11
  • msg #66

Re: Game Discussion

Feel free to nab, expand or alter any of the non-'Eris specific' stuff I put forward - this was simply a set of suggested scenes and encounters from our Wander woven into my backstory!

For example, per Cube's comment, what were they up to whilst we sheltered? Was anyone else with them? Was this before folks met up with those there? Was it when we met them? If they weren't there, did they witness the same storm a day's travel ahead or behind - and hence, what delayed them or the company so that we met?
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:33, Wed 26 Sept 2018.
GM, 19 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 16:55
  • msg #67

Re: Game Discussion

Jack Starkiller:
Jacks got the biggest facelift in the new books so they aren’t half Glaive half Nano. Any chance I can use that?

Yes, I have no objection to using the new jack.


Guys, the storylines are coming together great.  I prefer to have a character-driven story, so if you guys want to develop some goals for the group as a whole or your character personally, that'd be spiffy.

They don't have to be world-shaking things. It could be something like: connect with my family, discover my origin, craft the item I saw in a glimmer, rescue a childhood friend now that I'm strong enough, meet a particular person you admire, get revenge on the abhuman tribe who killed your brother, remove the corrupt Aeon Priest from power in the clave you grew up in, etc.
Lonely Glint, 9 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 04:09
  • msg #68

Re: Game Discussion

Can I claim this? I think it plays nicely with the Iron Wind encounter in Eris' youth

Works for me!

Link(s) to the Party:
EMPATHIC Initial Link: You established a close bond with another PC and can’t bear to be parted from him or her. (???)

NANO Connection: You learned nano-skills in the Church of the Sovereign One.  Its leaders and worshippers, although small in number, respect and admire your talents and potential.  NOTE: This was the source of your Psionics Advancement ("Understanding this natural talent took time and training...").

WORKS MIRACLES Connection: Pick one other PC.  This character quietly suspects that you're a messiah or other supernatural being.  (???)

In your other post, you mentioned that Eleisai and Acia seem like the would be drawn to each other (I agree), so maybe the Empathic link would work? That would probably be my preference.

Acia also comes from a superstitious culture, so the Works Miracles link could work. That said, the Elychious are more than a little hidebound, and they have a lot of demons in their spirituality. Outside of the Black City, Acia views everything as a bit of a fallen world, so "messiah" might not be what she believes Eleisai to be. If you are okay with the relationship being a little negative or fearful, I could take your Works Miracles connection too.

Guys, the storylines are coming together great.  I prefer to have a character-driven story, so if you guys want to develop some goals for the group as a whole or your character personally, that'd be spiffy.

They don't have to be world-shaking things. It could be something like: connect with my family, discover my origin, craft the item I saw in a glimmer, rescue a childhood friend now that I'm strong enough, meet a particular person you admire, get revenge on the abhuman tribe who killed your brother, remove the corrupt Aeon Priest from power in the clave you grew up in, etc.

I'll work on a more concrete goal (sorry for the litany of excuses. Work kicked into gear this week), but I think that broadly, Acia is looking for community. For now, that probably looks like earning vir way back into the Black City. (Ve/vem/vir pronouns). Over time, that will hopefully evolve.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:20, Thu 27 Sept 2018.
Empathic Nano, 13 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 05:09
  • msg #69

Re: Game Discussion

Link(s) to the Party:
EMPATHIC Initial Link: You established a close bond with another PC and can’t bear to be parted from him or her. (???)

NANO Connection: You learned nano-skills in the Church of the Sovereign One.  Its leaders and worshippers, although small in number, respect and admire your talents and potential.  NOTE: This was the source of your Psionics Advancement ("Understanding this natural talent took time and training...").

WORKS MIRACLES Connection: Pick one other PC.  This character quietly suspects that you're a messiah or other supernatural being.  (???)

In your other post, you mentioned that Eleisai and Acia seem like the would be drawn to each other (I agree), so maybe the Empathic link would work? That would probably be my preference.

Acia also comes from a superstitious culture, so the Works Miracles link could work. That said, the Elychious are more than a little hidebound, and they have a lot of demons in their spirituality. Outside of the Black City, Acia views everything as a bit of a fallen world, so "messiah" might not be what she believes Eleisai to be. If you are okay with the relationship being a little negative or fearful, I could take your Works Miracles connection too.

Let's go with the Empathic Initial Link for now, and see if anyone else wants the other link...  :)
GM, 20 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2018
at 16:18
  • msg #70

Re: Game Discussion

Ok everybody, things are looking great!  I'm going to work up a game post in the next day and a half so we can get the ball rolling.

Jack Starkiller and thattripletguy, whenever you guys get your characters all situated, we can work you into the plot!
Empathic Nano, 14 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2018
at 16:37
  • msg #71

Re: Game Discussion

Woo hoo!  :)
Jack Starkiller
player, 5 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2018
at 19:48
  • msg #72

Re: Game Discussion

Sorry I've brought everything down to the last couple options.  My Jack options seem to be:

Descriptor:  Clever, Serene or Graceful

Foci:  Moves like a Cat or Explores Dark Places  (Leaning toward Moves Like A Cat).
Lonely Glint, 11 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 01:47
  • msg #73

Re: Game Discussion

So, finally solidifying my pronouncements-- I'm really tempted to take either Contact or Connection to an Organization. Right now, I'm thinking it could be kinda cool to be connected to a group of mutants who are fighting back against the Angulan Knights (I'm really not sure why, but that conflict has always fascinated me in Numenera).

From the GM or other players-- any suggestions on groups worth knowing/you think would be fun to be connected to? I guess contact gives me a bit more flexibility, but connection feels a bit wider reaching. What are your thoughts?
GM, 21 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 03:09
  • msg #74

Re: Game Discussion

Mutants could be rather fun, as they would be the underdogs in nearly every situation, and thusly you would have some friends in low places.  ;)
Noble Seeker, 10 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 09:58
  • msg #75

Re: Game Discussion

Certainly some low-life or underbelly connections would be an interesting foil to Eris' noble contacts! I have been poking a little at the setting and I like the concept of the Cult of the Sleeper too

Is anyone up for one of the connections I offered earlier? Is anyone still looking for a connection?
Empathic Nano, 15 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 13:16
  • msg #76

Re: Game Discussion

  • Sheltering from a storm in the ruined skull of a unknown creature, one that had been transmuted to some form of coral, Eris encountered someone else and someone else, would had met on the Wander a few days previously. All three of them watched in wonder at the sheets of violet and lilac lightning then shared stories into the night
  • Following the Wander close to the shores of the lake south of Beoth, the small company encounter a seskii that has adopted an granite statue of a tall and slender man who weeps on the water's edge; it is wounded and aggressive, calmed by tidbits of their rations sufficient to permit our worker of miracles to heal it that the rest may pass by. Someone carries a pair of scales in the pouch where they keep their shins as a momento
  • Dallying in Auspar the company delve into a set of catacombs that have been extended down even as the rest of the City of Needles is built ever upward. They are quickly out of their depth and retreat to the surface, but only after glimpses of a snarling mass of mechanical mining automata each the size of cat. When they return better prepared, there is no sign of the automata, only ancient and dusty sewers.
  • Last week they crossed the border into Navarene, travelling with a aneen-led caravan and paying for their passage with their skills

Any takers?

Count me in.  :)
Noble Seeker, 11 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 15:19
  • msg #77

Re: Game Discussion

In reply to Eleisai (msg # 76):

Great! I was also thinking of their Foci connection, posted a bit after that in this thread
Lonely Glint, 12 posts
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 23:48
  • msg #78

Re: Game Discussion

Mutants could be rather fun, as they would be the underdogs in nearly every situation, and thusly you would have some friends in low places.  ;)

Excellent! I'll take connection to an organization as one of my Pronouncements then. If you want to keep things easy, this could be the Fahat out of Nihliesh (CRB pg 211), but alternately I'd like to propose...

The Threshold falls somewhere between a crime syndicate and a resistance movement. Composed of both mutants and non-mutants, they work throughout the Steadfast and the Beyond to help mutants escape to Nihliesh, and more broadly, to oppose the agenda of the Angulan Knights. Since the Knights are often held in high esteem, the Threshold is used to working in the shadows. Sometimes this can be as innocent as backroom conversations, while other times it can mean cooperating with groups like the Convergence, the Twelfth Ode, or worse.

Whether the Fahat or the Threshold, Acia met them shortly after being abandoned by vir community. Alone and scared of vir new powers, Acia encountered a Fahat/Threshold agent named Petal. While the agent decided that Acia was not in fact a mutant (which is a murky distinction at the best of times, only made less clear by the biotechnology of the Black City), he took Acia in for a while, training vem in survival in exchange for helping with the cause. Petal was caught (and presumably killed) by the Angulan Knights (even though his only had a minor mutation to his eyes), but Acia has maintained vir connection to the Fahat/Threshold over the years since.

Certainly some low-life or underbelly connections would be an interesting foil to Eris' noble contacts! I have been poking a little at the setting and I like the concept of the Cult of the Sleeper too

I hadn't seen the Cult of the Sleeper before. The concept is definitely cool, but it doesn't fit as well with Acia in my mind.
GM, 23 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2018
at 15:50
  • msg #79

Re: Game Discussion

Okay everyone.  If folks could please fill out their character description and put their background and whatnot into their character sheets in the appropriate areas (if you have not already done so) that would be great.

I have also given everyone their cyphers and oddities.

The game thread is up for your reactions!


Jack Starkiller - a Serene or Clever jack who Moves like a Cat could be a lot of fun, particularly in areas where one must both keep one's cool and get places quietly...  :)
Jack Starkiller
player, 7 posts
A Serene Jack that
Moves Like A Cat
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 02:10
  • msg #80

Re: Game Discussion

Pretty much done.  Thanks for your patience.  Take a look at the character sheet and let me know if there is anything you would like me to change.  I'll most likely elaborate or come up with more details as we go.

Where are we?  How did we meet initially?  Where is everyone else from?
GM, 24 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 02:46
  • msg #81

Re: Game Discussion

Jack, your character looks good and I have given you your cyphers and oddity.  As for who's what and where, check out this post from Eris, which gave us a great jumping-off point:

Procrastinating today so ... some further thoughts my background and on their Wander together. If these are of interest, perhaps folks might expand, tweak or suggest more?
  • Eris D'Iscordian, Ridder of the House of Iscordian, hails from Qi; their branch of the Malevich noble house act as factors for the main line
  • Eris is relatively well-travelled, having accompanied their house on trips to Malevich, to neighbouring kingdoms and other outposts of the house; during one such trip they were caught outside whilst the Iron Wind passed by. It left them subtlety scarred, covered in whorls and hexagrammatic patterns. They begin to collect tattoos that are worked in and around the scars
  • On their majority Eris left Qi, travelling upstream along the River Wyr - where the Wandering Walk and the river follow the same contours. Sometimes
  • Sheltering from a storm in the ruined skull of a unknown creature, one that had been transmuted to some form of coral, Eris encountered someone else and someone else, would had met on the Wander a few days previously. All three of them watched in wonder at the sheets of violet and lilac lightning then shared stories into the night
  • Following the Wander close to the shores of the lake south of Beoth, the small company encounter a seskii that has adopted an granite statue of a tall and slender man who weeps on the water's edge; it is wounded and aggressive, calmed by tidbits of their rations sufficient to permit our worker of miracles to heal it that the rest may pass by. Someone carries a pair of scales in the pouch where they keep their shins as a momento
  • In Beoth, Eris and someone else receive matching tattoos, only it's Eris' twin and their tattoo last only until they vanish a few days later; someone is bitten by a Laak delaying the company from leaving town
  • Dallying in Auspar the company delve into a set of catacombs that have been extended down even as the rest of the City of Needles is built ever upward. They are quickly out of their depth and retreat to the surface, but only after glimpses of a snarling mass of mechanical mining automata each the size of cat. When they return better prepared, there is no sign of the automata, only ancient and dusty sewers.
  • Last week they crossed the border into Navarene, travelling with a aneen-led caravan and paying for their passage with their skills

Any takers?

@GM, would it be possible to have a small bit of extra XP to some small Long Term Rewards? I'm thinking things like a Contact, a luminescencing tattoo, a piece of jewellary...

Several connections were established further up the thread (this was initially posted as msg #51), to get the party connections between people.  I believe there were still a couple open still.
Empathic Nano, 16 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 03:23
  • msg #82

Re: Game Discussion

Link(s) to the Party:
WORKS MIRACLES Connection: Pick one other PC.  This character quietly suspects that you're a messiah or other supernatural being.  (???)

Still open for you, Jack, if you wish...  :)
Noble Seeker, 12 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 09:38
  • msg #83

Re: Game Discussion

In return, the connection options for Eris are as follows:
  1. Pick one other PC. This character finds your talent unnerving and unsettling. For her, the difficulty of any task made to help your duplicate is increased by one step.
  2. Pick one other PC. This character seems convinced that you are really a pair of identical twins with no actual powers.
  3. Pick one other PC with a companion. This PC’s companion seems to have an unusual relationship with your duplicate.
  4. Pick one other PC. You used to move in the same social circles and knew of each other, but you had never been introduced.

Likewise these are still open

Jack StarKiller:
Where are we?  How did we meet initially?  Where is everyone else from?

Specifically, we're now in Navarene, having met and worked our way along the Wandering Walk and then hired out as merchant guards. Eris (and their doppelgänger, Erin) are from Qi, though their noble House is from Malevich

Jack StarKiller:
You aid them with advice and a helping hand when they need it. Anytime the two of you are next to each other, balancing, climbing, and jumping tasks are eased for them.

Happy to take this one, or 2 or 4 from your list
GM, 25 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 21:31
  • msg #84

Re: Game Discussion

Also, we are live for our in-character thread!  Do feel free to post!
Empathic Nano, 17 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 03:52
  • msg #85

Re: Game Discussion

How far away is Eleisai from where the rumbling noise, and from where the child disappeared?  :o
GM, 26 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 05:31
  • msg #86

Re: Game Discussion

Y'all are a long distance away!
Noble Seeker, 14 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 07:49
  • msg #87

Re: Game Discussion

In reply to GM (msg # 86):

Tweaked my post slightly to account for that, but still splitting between Eris maintaining watch over the caravanserai and Erin investigating
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