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, welcome to Kingdoms of Kalamar - Imperial Army

10:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Day 1 IC: Introductions.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 43 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 14 Sep 2018
at 19:38
  • msg #1

Day 1 IC: Introductions

Overnight, .... it's already early Spring in Basir. You are in the capital city of xxx The docks have morphed into action in a day. No need to cover with cloaks and one can do away with the heavy clothing that is normally needed to protect from the coastal winds. Brothers it's time to discard the bread, suit the leather armor and tossed off metal bronze breastplates, supplanted your boots with sandals. Shed your gloves from hands, - so rough like sand to the skin, .... it's better for holding the lady as you come in to face and adorn them with your "Summer" smiles, .... and with freshly minted coin .... and too think this is just morning good Lords and Ladies.


OOC: A young player of song and voice spurs out these words as you pass him by. Characters may reply to the player and act freely no need for rolls unless you wish to perform special action or skill.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:45, Fri 26 Oct 2018.
GM, 44 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 14 Sep 2018
at 19:54
  • msg #2

IC: Captial City of Basir

Bet Urala

The captial city of Basir is the main trading hub of all the riches mined or grown in the interior. It also houses a large contingent of the Kalamar navy, and a large merchant fleet as well. The active docks bring in wonderful imports, while exporting beutiful pearls and large quantities of rice. Brisk trades, matched with just rulers, make Bet Urala a prosperous city indeed.

Population: 53,300
Monetary System: Kalamar (minted coin)
Prominent Languages: Kalamaran, Merchant's Tongue

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:39, Sat 15 Sept 2018.
Thelonius Xander
Human, 11 posts
Imperial Warrior
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 18:17
  • msg #3

IC: Captial City of Basir

It is early morning. Thelonius steps out of his barracks at his garrison and takes a look around. Its a beautiful day.

Thelonius is strong and athletic looking. He's wearing his aspis, bronze armor, kopis and dagger and has his helm held in his right hand. He has short, well groomed curly brownish red hair and a slightly hawkish nose. His skin is a tanned olive and he’s got piercing steel gray eyes.

Standing at 6' 3" and 220 lbs, Thelonius looks every bit the Imperial Hoplite. He wears the black and purple uniform of the Imperial Guard.

He was told earlier to check in with his commanding officer at his building in the garrison and begins walking there.

Thelonius arrives at his C.O.'s office. He enters and sees the Captain of the Guard Lord Katonis sitting in his large ornate wooden chair. Scrolls and parchments neatly organized on his white marble desk.

Thelonius crisply salutes...

"My lord. Thelonius Xander reporting as ordered", he states while at attention.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Thu 20 Sept 2018.
GM, 108 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 18:28
  • msg #4

IC: Captial City of Basir

The Imperial Barracks are located within the castle ground on the south most area along the interior walls. The barracks are small but well suited for the task.

OOC: District #14, connected to the interior walls
link to a message in this game

Tarrano Grazlak
Hobgoblin, 23 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 20:16
  • msg #5

IC: Captial City of Basir

Tarrano dressed in forests greens, dark worn studded leather, his sword resting at his side with his hand on the pommel, had his cloak pulled up over his head even in this warm spring to protect him from the eyes of many. It was hard to mistake him though as people got close and noticed his features and veered out his way. He made his way past the guards cautiously as he made his way through the city, he stopped outside a tavern with a name he kinda liked, One Eyed Ogre. He figured he might do well to find work in here or at least find lodgings until work was found. He made his way inside to seek out a room, a cold drink and a shadow to sit in to relax.
Thelonius Xander
Human, 15 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 20:20
  • [deleted]
  • msg #6

IC: Captial City of Basir

This message was deleted by the player at 20:23, Wed 19 Sept 2018.
GM, 112 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 21:30
  • msg #7

IC: One Eyed Ogre

In reply to Tarrano Grazlak (msg # 5):

Tarrano enter the captial by the way of the southern gates. The paved road of the Empire shows a clear path through the city. But everyone knows the best places are off the beaten path especially the cobble stone Imperial road.

It's early in the day and the cocks are still are work. The rooster are Cocking, ..........

One Eyed Ogre, ....

It's a simple one level tavern in a decent part of the city. No riff raff along the way, ... nice.

The tavern has a light morning crowd, two dwarves at the bar sitting eye level on the stools speaking with the bar keeper. Serving maid cleaning the empty tables and the small cauldron of stew heating up by the main fireplace. sitting on the metal are some clay bowls and a copper ladle hangs off to the side.

The smell from the kitchen is pretty intense, as the aroma of pork links permeate the room.

The Maid - "Sit where you like and keep your feet of the table"
"O..oooo and don't feed the dame dogs if they come in"

OCC: please post freely and I will add as we go. They place is pricey and a bit upper class.
GM, 113 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 21:39
  • msg #8

IC:Captial City of Basir

Guard Lord Katonis

He looks up from a table filled with maps,

"No need for the formality citizen, you have completed your required time Thelonius, the gods man why are you still in service?"

As he looks back down and shuffles through them looking for the right one.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:27, Tue 30 Oct 2018.
Tarrano Grazlak
Hobgoblin, 26 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 21:59
  • msg #9

IC: One Eyed Ogre

In reply to Narrator (msg # 7):

Tarrano nods his head slightly at the maid as he pulls back his hood and makes his way to the corner table to the right of the hearth. He sets his bow down on the table and his pack over the back of the chair, unslinging his sword & Sheath he sits it down on the table as well. Finally comfortable he sits down in the corner so that he can face the bar and glance out the window towards the entrance and the window down a side street.

"Food & drink." he calls out in a gruff voice as he sets a couple coins on the table

OOC: Table A in the corner spot.
GM, 118 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 22:13
  • msg #10

IC: One Eyed Ogre

The serving maid, walks over to the cauldron and takes the copper ladle, ... she digs deep down and comes up with two heaping scoops of hot porridge. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a wooden spoon. She bumps both the spoon and hot porridge into one of the bowls sitting on the fireplace edge and sets it down on the table in front of Tarrano.

"The porridge is a copper and the honey mead is a silver, a glass. Break the class and it's an extra silver."

With a little snap in the voice, ...
"Let me know if you want a wooden mug."

Tarrano Grazlak
Hobgoblin, 27 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 22:32
  • msg #11

IC: One Eyed Ogre

In reply to Narrator (msg # 10):

Tarrano nods at the serving maid as the items are set before him, he slides the silver coin over and reaches to his pouch, pouring a couple coins onto his hand as he hands her the remaining copper and an extra copper for being quick about it.

"Wooden mug if you could. Thanks"
Thelonius Xander
Human, 16 posts
Imperial Warrior
Thu 20 Sep 2018
at 00:04
  • msg #12

IC:Captial City of Basir

In reply to Narrator (msg # 8):

Thelonius at ease...

"My Lord. I am proud to finally be a citizen. I have looked forward to this day.", he says with pride.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:12, Thu 20 Sept 2018.
Human, 6 posts
Bet Rogala nobility
Wizard (diviner)
Thu 20 Sep 2018
at 11:03
  • msg #13

IC:Captial City of Basir

The merchant ship from Pekal finally reached dry land after a couple of weeks of navigation. Esparam set a content foot on solid ground.

After departing Bet Rogala on his grandfather's quest and a couple of adventures including repelling a few goblins from farming villages, he had reached his home country's main port-city, Baneta, in order to travel south. The first ship to allow him to board was bound for Bet Urala, and that was fine for him.

The trip was uneventful, save for a couple of bad weather days. No pirate was seen, to the relief of the crew. While most of the cargo was not worth much, a couple of barrels contained spices that could get you a good fortune on the black market.

Standing at 5'11" and with a notably good posture compared to the rounded backs of some of the sailors, Esparam clearly looked like he had been at sea. His white robe with grey trim looked in need of a good wash in clear water to get rid of all the salt, and so did his chestnut hair, all over the place from the combination of water, salt and wind. The beard, that used to be neatly groomed, was in clear need of attention as well.

Backpack and crossbow strapped to his back, he knocks his wooden staff against the ground a couple of times, as if making sure he was arrived.

Satisfied, he turned to the ship's captain overseeing the crew already unloading cargo, and waved a salute with a smile, in thanks.

Now, where could I get a good, well-deserved bath in this city, he thought to himself.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC: map for convenience

Caladin, let me know if that should be days rather than weeks, as there is no scale to determine the distance

GM, 120 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 20 Sep 2018
at 16:04
  • msg #14

IC:Captial City of Basir

In reply to Esparam (msg # 13):

It's a typical Fall day in Basir. The capital is known for it's trading and merchant vessel. You can see first hand what everyone seems to have been talking about. It's actually an understatement when it's spoken, words fall short. This is a sight that most need to see to really understand.

The merchant vessel lands in the common dock area. Most of the none guild merchants pay a heavy tax and trade with the locals right off the ship.

As soon as you clear the docks dozens of warehouses line the area before even entering the city walls. The walls are only 8 ft may 9 at best. A few guard towers line the area by the docks and a gatehouse with a cobbles stone road cut through the middle to the city center.

It seems the heavy traffic and largest shops lines the main roadway.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:07, Thu 20 Sept 2018.
Human, 8 posts
Bet Rogala nobility
Wizard (diviner)
Fri 21 Sep 2018
at 00:02
  • msg #15

IC:Captial City of Basir

In reply to Narrator (msg # 14):

Esparam takes in the sight for a minute, and eventually decide he'll have all the time he needs to explore the city tomorrow. What's pressing right now is getting a hot bath, a hot meal, and a warm bed for tonight.

Still, on his way towards the city centre, he looks around, making mental notes of places he should check out the next day. Some scribe's workshop. An herbalist's shop. What appeared to be a stall selling typical Pekalese products - just in case Esparam gets homesick and could use some of good wine from ths hillsides of lake Eb'Sobet.

Eventually, he meets a couple of guards patrolling the roadway and asks for directions to a decent tavern.
The guards suggest a couple of taverns nearby. "Then again, if you're looking for a real decent wine, you should go to the One Eyed Ogre, you should," one of them says. "Price's a bit steep, but if you can afford it, that's where you'll get the best drinks here."

Esparam thanks them and doesn't hesitate much. Fine wine, even expensive, also sounds exactly like what he needs right now. And so he follows the directions he's been given to the tavern.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:11, Fri 21 Sept 2018.
GM, 126 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 21 Sep 2018
at 12:18
  • msg #16

Re: IC: One Eyed Ogre

Tarrano Grazlak:
In reply to Narrator (msg # 10):

Tarrano nods at the serving maid as the items are set before him, he slides the silver coin over and reaches to his pouch, pouring a couple coins onto his hand as he hands her the remaining copper and an extra copper for being quick about it.

"Wooden mug if you could. Thanks"

The serving maid walks behind the bar, garbs a mug from under the counter, and from one of the kegs - a stream of sweet honey mead pours into the mug. She places it in front of Tarrano and slides the coin off the table into her hand. She smiles "Thank you for the coin".

She returns to cleaning the table.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:36, Fri 21 Sept 2018.
GM, 127 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 21 Sep 2018
at 13:28
  • msg #17

Re: IC:Captial City of Basir

Thelonius Xander:
In reply to Narrator (msg # 8):

Thelonius at ease...

"My Lord. I am proud to finally be a citizen. I have looked forward to this day.", he says with pride.

"Yes, Thelonius, ... congratulation its been a long 3 years for you here in the city. You have seem much and you will have some fine stories to tell you grandchildren."

"But I do have some pressing matters and I have been asked to handle an odd request."

From the stack of maps Lord Katonis slides over to share the view of Sobeteta - the next largest city between here and the Bet Kalamar the imperial homeland and home of the emperor.

Tapping the map with his figures "This place has always been such a shit hole. The endless gaping swamp of shit" ... "But a source of wealth for the empire beyond anyone's realization." "I personally have seem men come back as wealthy as one can be, ... and others finding eternal peace in the depths of their murky waters."

"Regardless we have a serious problem there. One of the Emperor’s infantrymen staggered into Sobeteta, more dead than alive. This is a dangerous post so not so uncommon, .... but this trooper was a Centenarian who wore the insignia of the First Legion, out of Bet Kalamar. I am unclear of the full story on what happened to him. The real issue here, .... is it's well know that the empire has been sending military units out to explore and recover artifacts for the upcoming war. Now rumor has it that in the northwest the relic know as the Coin of Power has been found, ... and is under the thumb of the nobility of Pekal"

Lord Katonis rolls his eyes, "Theloniue I don't have to tell you that item has made peasants into kings and armies into crying women"

He takes a deep breath and settles down, ......
"I want you, ... No we need you, .... to go to Sobeteta for our King and for Basir to find out what happened to these soldiers. Find whatever killed them. And bring back to Basir this unknown item. The King needs to be the one that presents the item to the emperor"

He takes a deep breath and finishes "You need to do this a a Citizen not as an Imperial Warrior. You will need to find a few good men to follow you down, some adventures or treasure hunters."

"Use your position only when absolutely necessary" as he places the kings amulet (imperial seal) on the tale.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:36, Fri 21 Sept 2018.
GM, 128 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 21 Sep 2018
at 13:35
  • msg #18

Re: IC:Captial City of Basir

In reply to Narrator (msg # 14):

Esparam takes in the sight for a minute, and eventually decide he'll have all the time he needs to explore the city tomorrow. What's pressing right now is getting a hot bath, a hot meal, and a warm bed for tonight.

Still, on his way towards the city centre, he looks around, making mental notes of places he should check out the next day. Some scribe's workshop. An herbalist's shop. What appeared to be a stall selling typical Pekalese products - just in case Esparam gets homesick and could use some of good wine from ths hillsides of lake Eb'Sobet.

Eventually, he meets a couple of guards patrolling the roadway and asks for directions to a decent tavern.
The guards suggest a couple of taverns nearby. "Then again, if you're looking for a real decent wine, you should go to the One Eyed Ogre, you should," one of them says. "Price's a bit steep, but if you can afford it, that's where you'll get the best drinks here."

Esparam thanks them and doesn't hesitate much. Fine wine, even expensive, also sounds exactly like what he needs right now. And so he follows the directions he's been given to the tavern.

One Eyed Ogre, ....

It's a simple one level tavern in a decent part of the city. No riff raff along the way, ... nice.

The tavern has a light morning crowd, two dwarves at the bar sitting eye level on the stools speaking with the bar keeper, and one short hobgoblin sitting in the corner alone. a serving maid is cleaning the empty tables and the small cauldron is heating up by the main fireplace. Sitting on the metal are some clay bowls and a copper ladle hangs off to the side.

The smell from the kitchen is pretty intense, as the aroma of pork links permeate the room.

The Maid - "Sit where you like and keep your feet of the table"
"Serve yourself, there is hot porridge by the fire."
"The porridge is a copper and the honey mead is a silver."

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