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08:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core.

Posted by ChosenOneFor group archive 0
player, 203 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Fri 14 Sep 2018
at 19:19
  • msg #32

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

   K1 kept moving, not wanting to be struck by any of the bolts that were flying about the Bay. Despite the half-run she was on towards the transport, none of her internal computations could account for the sudden change in the Clone trooper's behaviours. It might have accounted for perhaps one or two, but this appeared to be every trooper on the ship.

   She recalled the Jedi who had defeated the pirates that had held her sometime before, and a mental query arose in her processor wondered if he was going through the same thing. If such were the case here, then it seemed logical that the General would be in as likely a predicament ...

   "We cannot remain here, Padawans ..." she called in the direction of the others. "We must leave."
Raana De'Fenn
player, 44 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Wed 19 Sep 2018
at 13:05
  • msg #33

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Raana tries her best to block the incoming fire from the impostors posing as clones, realizing that this is a life-or-death situation for all of them. Master Edom taught her well, and she follows his guidance, blocking first the shots that would hit her for sure and then trying to intercept as many of the shots that might or might not hit as she can. Her ability is stretched to the max and one of the blasts gets through, singing her left shoulder. She grunts as the searing pain hits her, taking her left hand off the hilt of her weapon so as not to let the injury slow down her blade.

Once she gets close enough she attacks the impostors ruthlessly, striking quickly and efficiently. She kicks the legs from under one of the enemy soldiers before moving past him and cutting the head clean off the shoulders of another one. She then quickly reverses her grip on the lightsaber and, without looking behind her, impales the fallen soldier behind her as he attempts to get up to his feet.

The third soldier wearing the a clone armor attempts to bring his rifle to bear, but Raana strikes at him from the side. His reflexes are better than she expected and only the tip of her lightsaber strikes at the soldier's head. The blade sheers through the helmet and into the face of the clone, the cut reviling for the first time that those are no impostors. The clone grits his teeth against the pain and Raana can see his mouth moving through his ruined helmet, saying "Must kill the Jedi," over and over again.

Shocked that the two people she just cut down are indeed clone soldiers, and not infiltration droids as she assumed, Raana takes a step back, a look of shock on her face. "Why are you doing this?" she manages to blurt out. "You are betraying the Republic and the Jedi order!"

OOC: Raana takes a maneuver to aim and then strikes at the group of minion soldiers guarding our ship.

19:12, Today: Raana De'Fenn rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1P 1B 2D with rolls of 5(A), 5(A), 6(A), 2(P), 5(B), 4(D), 7(D).  Attacking clone troopers, boost for aiming.

The attack does 7 damage with Breach 1, which should put down one clone and wound another. I'll use one advantage to activate a critical hit, downing another clone. The last advantage will be spent on noticing a pertinent detail, namely that those are indeed clones we are fighting, which Raana has so far refused to belief.

Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 1 post
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Mon 24 Sep 2018
at 23:31
  • msg #34

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

This is what it has come to, he thought. The horror of what he had just witnessed still fresh in his mind. He could not believe it was only moments ago that he was loyal, if rather disgruntled, member of the GAR. This had been years in the making and, if he was truthful with himself, should have seen something like this coming. But the depth of it when it was finally exposed was beyond his wildest nightmares.

A Jedi Padawan, a mere child, gunned down by his own men by Palpatines decree. He was sure that Order 66 would forever be noted in infamy. And his part. His failure. That his men responded to it almost without thinking. To be fair, two of them hesitated, the other two turned on the young Jedi quickly. All while he sat there stunned that such an order would come at all. Before he could say anything, the lifeless corpse of the Padawan lay smoking in blaster hits. For the first time he wondered just how much control he had over his men...his clones.

This had been a long time coming, he thought, the charade of security for the Republic played so masterfully by the most important of players. All crashing down in exposing its agenda. Keilbrun had known and worked with too many Jedi to know that such an order was born out of malice. Palpatine's concern and paranoia for old traditions and organizations seemed to grow by the day. Even he had been a victim to it, having been pushed into the greater Army after initially being accepted to and working in the Senate Guard. Palpatine's new Red Guard taking over many of their duties, the remainder left ignored.

But he would have to wait to truly ruminate on each and every step that brought him here. For now, there was still an alert. There were other Jedi on station and they were being encircled, their elimination of utmost importance. "Bren and Five, check status on Sector 2. Mack and Zeke, check status on 3. Meet back as soon as those are secure," he said, his voice filled with authority he now seemed to question. "We don't want any of them to escape." He did not have it in him to kill his own men, despite what they had done. Further, he was not sure he would have succeeded without being killed himself. He had a new goal. To assist the remaining Jedi on station to escape.

With quick nods, they were off, and so was he. Taking in the calls on comms, it was clear where at least some of the Jedi were, as he started locking down what he could of the system to slow down their pursuers. It sounded like there was already a pitched battle in the hangar, but the Jedi seemed to be holding their own, for now. It would not last long. Command overrides were being brought up and each layer of difficulty he added was going to be taken down before too long.

Secure the hangar for escape, but without the tractor beams being shut down, their escape would be short lived, indeed. Realizing that he had pretty much done what he could from here, it was time to put up or shut up. His life was about to be forfeit if he took this final step. With a heavy breath he stepped onto the cargo lift...
Tarrin Feruwi
player, 339 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 00:11
  • msg #35

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

The several shots that the Clone Officer took toward the Miraluka's legs were batted away with the ease of a person swinging an umbrella while taking a casual stroll.  The blaster bolts did not even serve to break the Padawan's slow stride as he walked around the strut of the Shrieking Acklay.  With one gesture of his left hand, whatever obstacles were strewn after the strut were sent skittering across the floor of the dock by a short gust of the Force.

"You have chosen the path without mercy then," Tarrin intoned as he approached the Clone Officer with lightsaber held at an angle at his side.  "So be it."

The clone raised his Republic issue blaster rifle shakily in his hands only for the weapon to be deftly cleaved in two, the brilliant blue blade of the lightsaber leaving molten metal passing in its wake as it left the offending weapon irreparably useless.  The front piece of the blaster rifle clattered to the floor at the same time as the Miraluka's foot lashed out to strike the Clone Officer in the center of the chest to send him sprawling on his back.  Planting his synth-leather-booted foot against the clone's abdomen to prevent him from struggling, he raised his lightsaber over his head with the blade pointed downward and slowly scored the point through the clone's chest.

It was not a quick death.  The superheated plasma moved downward slowly, causing the Clone Officer's screams of pain to echo as the Padawan took pleasure in the revenge taken after the mercy he had tried to give was so casually tossed aside by the receiver.  Finally, the blade came out the other side and the Officer expired.  Withdrawing the blue blade, he held it next to him as he crouched to rummage through the clone's belt for belongings.  Withdrawing a datapad, he inspected the contents with a cursory glance.

The document was addressed to the senior officer staff.  This particular clone did not have the appearance of an officer of that high a level, so it may have been given as a way to review senior orders.  But, its contents were far more important.  Deployment orders for something referred to as Order 66.  While Tarrin did not have the time to review the contents of the order in detail, what he did know was that the datapad had deployment routes which meant that once they escaped on the Shrieking Acklay they would be able to avoid further clone trooper activity.

Straightening himself from his crouched position, the Miraluka made his way back around the strut of the ship in order to get inside.  They needed to leave before things got much worse.  He remembered from their previous operation that clones rarely came without backup.  It was quite possible that this may only be a stalling tactic.  They needed to get out of here.

"We may have more company soon!" he called out to the others.  "Get to the ship!"

16:00, Wed 19 Sept: Tarrin Feruwi rolled 1 success, 4 advantages, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1P 1B 1D 1C with rolls of 8(A), 6(A), 8(A), 12(P), 4(B), 4(D), 8(C).

7 Damage.  All four successes to Sunder which should take the blaster rifle straight to destroyed (I figured it would be a cool cinematic effect given the context of what is going on with him right now).  The Triumph is used to do something vital to the scene, which is the datapad with the deployment orders for Order 66 in order for them to avoid running into more clones once they manage to get to the ship to escape. 

GM, 465 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 02:14
  • msg #36

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  The white clad clone officer steadied his rifle at the incoming Snake-like Jedi and began firing shots in quick succession. One of the glowing blue energy bolts grazed the Jedi Master's shoulder as he dove over the half raised ramp to the shuttle. As he rolled onto to his coiled tail, he deflected a follow up shot back at the officer, just missing him. That caused the clone to step back and stop firing, permitting Oppo to close the distance to his attacker.

OOC: 2 threats will give Master Oppo and extra maneuver to move back to engaged range. He used Reflect 2 to reduce the damage to 5, and then his soak reduces it to 1 wound.

20:30, Today: ChosenOne, for the NPC Jr. Clone Officer - SH, rolled 2 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 1D 2S ((1(P), 5(P), 5(D), 2(S), 6(S))).

 Next up 1 PC slot before the last clone trooper gets to go..

Raana De'Fenn
player, 48 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 14:49
  • msg #37

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

The clone trooper snarls at Raana and lifts his blaster rifle. Instinctively, the Togruta swings her lightsaber, cutting through the weapon with ease. She pulls her weapon back, unwilling to kill the clone. He looks around, possibly trying to see if there is a weapon he can use, and she uses the opportunity to give his damaged helmet a kick, causing it to tumble off his head. He looks at her with a surprized look on his face, and fails to notice that she hasn't stopped moving, swinging her hips and kicking him in the face with a spinning kick. The clone goes down and stays down.

Raana recovers quickly and looks around. Tarrin has taken down the officer and is getting up from presumably checking the clone's vitals. "Where are the controls for the hangar? We need to open the shields and get out of here before reinforcements come. And what in the name of the Force is happening here?" Raana shouts to the others.

OOC: Raana used a maneuver to aim and then an action to strike at the clone. The attack hit with 3 successes and 3 advantages, doing 9 damage, breach 1, and taking down the last of the clones in that minion group. She'll use the three advantages to recover strain.

07:58, Today: Raana De'Fenn rolled 3 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1P 1B 2D with rolls of 5(A), 4(A), 7(A), 8(P), 5(B), 5(D), 8(D).  Attacking remaining clone trooper, boost for aiming.

GM, 466 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2018
at 18:52
  • msg #38

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  The Jedi Master continued his momentum after rolling into the shuttle compartment and whipped his tail around knocking the clone officer's booted feet from under him down to the ground and causing him to drop his rifle. But it was too late, Rancisis was on top of him and drove his lightsaber through his armored side and pierced the cloned human's heart. He slithered back out of the shuttle ramp, and checked on the padawans.

  Raana questioned the last living clone soldier, but the clone couldn't keep his eyes open and just kept grunting and chanting gibberish, 'Jedi.. 66.. republic.. order.. enemy..'. Then she heard as the blaster fire went silent that the turbolift platform next to them was rising up from the shaft.

  The Jedi Council member saw the turbolift platform rise up next to the Padawan's vessel that brought them to the station. He saw the top of the Republic soldiers head crest the edge of the shaft and he leapt high into the air landing on the platform before it was all the way up. His snake-like body landed with a resounding thud, in a coiled crouch. He grunted out in a menacing voice over the loud hum of his turquoise energy blade that was pointed at the soldier's chest, "Surrender now!"

13:03, Today: ChosenOne, for the NPC Master Rancisis, rolled 3 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 2A 2D B S ((1(P), 4(P), 2(P), 5(A), 5(A), 1(D), 5(D), 6(B), 2(S))).


Den Jaxon
player, 191 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 14:42
  • msg #39

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Den slowly lowers his blade after the battle with the clones. He is still confused at why these clones--the very same clones that sacrificed their very lives to save the padawans--would strike in such a fashion. Could this be a rogue faction in the ranks? Are the clones starting a revolution for their freedom? Could it be the artifact that is causing this? The pull of the dark side from it was powerful. It might taint the minds of those with weaker wills.

His blade hisses as it deactivates, and he looks around at the dead clones and fellow padawans around him. "I think...I think we need to leave." He says, his legs quaking a bit from the pumping adrenaline. When the jedi master pounced on the soldier, Den raises his blade and activates it again, cautiously approaching Rancisis to assist.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 2 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 16:51
  • msg #40

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

With the opening of the floor doors above him, he could hear the sounds of combat dwindling, the hum of lightsabers and blaster fire diminishing. He worried he might be too late for the briefest of moments when he suddenly had a large alien Jedi pointing its lightsaber at his chest. Clearly the Jedi had come out least for the moment. The evidence became clear as the turboshaft settled onto the deck.

He let his blaster carbine hang from its sling as he put his hands outstretched. "I'm here to help," he offered, standing strong yet the tension in his body was clear. He knew his life rested on the edge of a knife as he even raised his chin, slightly, as if to offer his throat.

"You...We don't have much time before they will find another way in. I can help with the shields, but the tractor beams will have to be taken down. I don't have the skill to deal with them other than physically destroying them. I don't have override codes for those," he said, his voice remaining calm even if there was noticeable tension in it.
This message was last updated by the GM at 16:51, Thu 27 Sept 2018.
Den Jaxon
player, 192 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 16:56
  • msg #41

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

By the look and demeanor of the soldier, Den knew he was no clone. He lowered and deactivated his weapon upon confirmation that the newcomer is not out to kill the jedi on first sight. Hearing about the tractor beam, his gaze moves to the floor of the hangar bay. "Tractor beam? Oh kriff. We're never getting out of here."
Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis
Thu 27 Sep 2018
at 17:23
  • msg #42

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  The Jedi Master held his blade there for a few moments as he heard the words of the soldier. He came alone, that gave credence to his testimony. But, he reached in with the Force and probed the human, or perhaps near-human's mind.

  "I sense no deception in this one." Oppo followed suit with Den and deactivated his blade. "Where exactly is the mechanism for the tractor beam located? There is another Jedi Knight on station in the Medical Center and I need to find him, but I can take out the tractor beam generator first. I have felt the death of my padawan earlier, he is with the Force now. The rest of you get on your ship and go."

  Just after the Snake-like Jedi finished speaking, more clone squads entered into the control room from the turbolift on the second level of the hangar. The glass around it was blaster proof, so they headed toward the exit doors to the catwalk in order to engage the Jedi.

OOC: You have 2 rounds before they attack, but you will be safe on the ship, assuming you get the shields up. 

[Private to Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh: The is a dataport access terminal at a diagnostic machine just a few feet away from the turbolift platform you came in on. You can override the shields from there with your code. it will cause the blue shimmer to go away, but the magnetic shield keeping the atmosphere in will still be in place.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:26, Thu 27 Sept 2018.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 3 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Fri 28 Sep 2018
at 00:51
  • msg #43

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

For his part, Keilbrun did not look the part of a clone trooper. The solid blue version of the classic GAR laminate armor was contrasted by having a partially open face helmet fully displaying that he had no resemblance to the clones he had once commanded or that had turned on their former Jedi comrades. Still, he could understand their concern at his appearance as they had no idea just how far or how deep this betrayal was. He shivered at the possibilities. If they were willing to kill a 13 year old Padawan...

"I've heard nothing about another Jedi, but I witnessed the death of your Padawan," he said, his voice tight.

He took a breath at before responding to the Jedi Master. "The generator is basically there," he said pointing up and to the right in the bulkhead of the hangar, careful not to make a move for his carbine. "But there is no direct route. If you take the lift up, you will have to take a left out of the main ring corridor, then another left. If you have a slicer, there is a data port on the turbolift. If they're good, they might be able to bypass the code requirments," he said as he stepped aside and showed the terminal.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Fri 28 Sept 2018.
Raana De'Fenn
player, 49 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Sun 30 Sep 2018
at 09:51
  • msg #44

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Raana, still in shock over having killed two clone troopers and wounded another, is relieved that the blue-armored man isn’t a clone. “Do you have any idea what happened? Why the clones think the Jedi are traitors?”

When Master Rancisis offers to go shut off the tractor beam, the young togruta takes a step closer to him. “Master, I would like to go with you. The others can prepare the ship for departure. If they can get the shields up the clones will need to get some very heavy guns out here if they want to get through.”

She looks at the others, her gaze settling on K1, before moving to the blue-armored man. “I wish we had an astromech or a trained slicer, but we don’t.” She looks at K1 again, before offering an optimistic “unless you’ve been trained in that, K1?”
Tarrin Feruwi
player, 341 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2018
at 04:03
  • msg #45

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

"Maybe the datapad I found will shed some light on that," Tarrin interjected as he approached.  His lightsaber had since been replaced where it had been before the skirmish had occurred: hanging from his belt.  "One of the officers I fought had this datapad on it that seemed to have detailed tactical plans for several Clone contingents as well as a mention of something called 'Order 66,' though I have not had time to read all of it completely.  Perhaps the codes we are looking for may be found in this data."

Glancing from one Padawan to the next, the Miraluka's eyeless sight rested on Master Rancisis.  Here it was.  Happening again.  Another Jedi of higher rank about to sacrifice himself once again while he could do nothing to aid him.  Was he about to see a repeat of Knight Relliri again so soon?  He could acutely feel the lives of people important to him slipping away like grains of sand through his fingers.  Just how much strength would be necessary for this not to happen?  He knew that relying on the power he had touched was not a way for regular usage, but what other choice did he have?

All of this bore further thought.  But right now they were out of time.  It was a luxury they could no longer afford.
GM, 467 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2018
at 15:02
  • msg #46

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  Master Rancisis was breathing hard, his small beady eyes were reddened on the edges. "This is no local problem. I have been sensing the deaths of hundreds of Jedi, from all over. I will buy us some more time."

  He turned and stared into the clear transpari-steel windows of the control room, which showed several squads of clone troopers amassing. A local security figure was trying to unlock the side door to the catwalk overlooking the hangar. He reached out with his long, taloned fingers and the padawans could feel a tremendous build up in the Force as the catwalk vibrated and began to tear apart from the frame and then yanked free and crashed down below in the hangar area.

  He turned back to face the padawans. "I am sorry, young Togruta, but you cannot follow. I will be striking quick and going in search of Jedi Hoak." His small eyes darted back to the blind padawan. "Miraluka. I know this is toughest on you, and I sense your worry. You must control your anger and fear or you will become a tool of all that we fight against. If we become one with the Force, it is all of our eventual destinies and one of peace. There is no death, there is the Force."

  He gave an odd smile and wink, and Tarrin and the others could sense a calm, peaceful determination in the senior Jedi Master. "But, I don't plan on going down that easily. I will rendezvous with you all. I have a set of coordinates I was investigating before the war started, a hidden place. Go there and I will find you. It is in the Outer Rim. You will need to plot a course to -3295,4606 mark 9.5 from the planet Karun IV."

  After that he leapt up to the tip of the raised shuttle's wing and landed there, then jumped up to one of the reinforced ribs at the ceiling of the room on the opposite wall from their ship. He clung to the rib, and shoved his blue blade into the ceiling and began to cut a circle pattern just above him.

OOC: The catwalk is now down, so the door opens to a one story drop if they exit, so the clones will have to figure a way to repel down, but that could take a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, you can search the datapad and/or slice the dataport or both. It will be against the security to access the dataport. So it will be 2D 1C, but you can make one upgrade to the computer check because of the codes that Kyle is giving you. To get information off of the datapad with the shield codes, it is against 2D computer check to search for it.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:10, Wed 10 Oct 2018.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 4 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 17:13
  • msg #47

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Keilbrun shook his head at the Togruta female. "As a leader of clone troopers, I received a command that was clearly meant for them. It was a Clone Protocol. I'd seen them come through before. Most were innocuous. This one...The Jedi are traitors to be killed on sight...I could hardly believe it. I thought there was some kind of mistake when I turned to see my men gun down a child," he said, his voice still tight.

"Keep it," he said to the Miraluka. "There may be information on it we can use, but I doubt it would have the codes or override to shut off the tractor beams. There is a terminal here, but you could use that to link up with the system instead. I have some access codes for the shields, at least."

"I can only assume that you're not safe anywhere in Republic space," he offered toward solidifying the Jedi Master's assertion. "The clones operated almost as if controlled, but I can only assume the command went to everyone." Impressed as he was watching the Jedi Master tear down the catwalk, it would only buy them a few moments.

He turned to the terminal and worked in the codes for the shields. It was one more cog in the machine of their escape. It would come to the destruction of the tractor beams if they really had a chance of escaping. "Gather some of their kit," he said, glancing at the bodies of the clones on the deck. "We don't know what might be useful if we get out of here."

He knew, if nothing else, that stuff could be sold or traded on the black market. A spare blaster could be the difference between getting past a checkpoint or not.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Tue 02 Oct 2018.
Den Jaxon
player, 195 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2018
at 19:08
  • msg #48

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Den almost reels at the thought of being considered a traitor, to be hunted down and killed like an animal. He's heard of these "clone protocols" before, but never actually seen one enacted. To have one be sent out to kill jedi, ones who were loyal to the Republic, is beyond him. He has to lean against a stock of crates for support.

"Who would give such an order? Why would that even be programmed?" He asks, knowing that those around him are in the dark as much as he is. He closes his eyes and tries to center himself. His doubts and fears would need to be in check. Questioning the situation will only cause unnecessary delays. This was the hand they were dealt, and now they have to deal with it. "Are we certain that sending you alone is the best course of action, master? What if...?" He watches the master jump away, not having time to discuss their  decisions and frowns. Perhaps action is the best course of action.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:17, Fri 05 Oct 2018.
player, 207 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 21:41
  • msg #49

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  K1 clanked across the polished deck to the turbolift platform console's dataport connector. One of her digits opened and another connector spooled out and connected. The droid's servos buzzed as her head and optical unit spun toward the blue armored soldier. "I shall endeavor to override the shields, and try and gain access to higher functions. Your codes, please."

  [[ after receiving those, she continued to work ]]

  The dataport connector rotated back and forth as she engaged the computer system. The blue tinted shields along the hangar exit dissipated leaving just the magnetic field in place. She seemed to work furiously trying to gain access. "I am unable to gain access to the command subroutines, but the defensive shield is down. I took the liberty of planting a false alert of hostile ships approaching the opposite side of the station. This will give us a higher probability to allow us time to escape."

  OOC: Failed with an advantage. Will use advantage to create a false alert to divert station security ships.

16:29, Today: ChosenOne, on behalf of K1T1, rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A 2D 1C 1S ((2(P), 2(P), 7(P), 8(A), 3(D), 5(D), 9(C), 3(S))).

GM, 472 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 22:41
  • msg #50

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

  As K1T1 was disengaging from the dataport, the clones fired a grappling line across from the control room door to the left side of the room.  Four clones clipped on and began to repel down the line. After they slid a few meters, there was a loud explosion on the opposite side of the hangar. A bunch of fiery debris rained down through the hole that Rancisis created in the ceiling. The vibration shook the entire hangar and caused the grappling hook to release its hold. The white armored troopers fell down on top of the mangled wreckage of the catwalk.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 7 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Thu 4 Oct 2018
at 04:41
  • msg #51

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Keilbrun saw and heard the situation as it developed. The clones would find their way in soon enough. "We're running out of time, they'll be streaming in here shortly," he said, the tension in his voice was noticeable.

He was giving up on everything he had thought he believed in. He might be able to recognize the truth of it later in that, perhaps, what he believed in no longer actually existed, but this was too new. Too fresh. Either way, the fact remained he was about to break his oath of service and it weighed on him. The image of the young Jedi being gunned down gave him the strength to continue at the moment.

He would be a criminal and fighting for his life and the life of these Jedi for the foreseeable and he was trying to get it straight in his head what that would look like. "If any of you can pilot this thing, you need to get it spun up," he suggested. "The rest, stay close to the ramp."

He was a little disgusted by the act of scavenging from the dead, but if they got off this station, they would need every bit of equipment or money they could get their hands on.
Den Jaxon
player, 196 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2018
at 16:26
  • msg #52

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Den quickly moves to board the ship, running to the bridge to see if he can figure out how to start the ship's engines. He looks around frantically at the controls, trying to remember the training from flying the jedi interceptors. They had to be close enough, right?

The panel is twice as large as the what he's used to, with three times as many buttons and levers. His hands move from one button to the next, but not pushing any of them. His doubts prevent any decisions from being made. "Uh, does someone know how to start this thing?"
Raana De'Fenn
player, 54 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Fri 5 Oct 2018
at 20:00
  • msg #53

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Nodding to the Master Jedi, Raana turns off her weapon and clasps it to her belt before running into the ship. Once on board, she recalls that Tyler was headed to the canteena. Since he's nowhere to be seen, she can only conclude that he's still there.

The Togruta makes a beeline for the pilot's station, looks at Den for a moment and then sits down and flicks several buttons to power up the engines. "Get everybody on board," she says to Den. "And tell them to buckle up. We can take off in a minute or so. We don't have time to wait for the engines to warm up, but I'd rather not blow out the thrusters by blasting up before the vents come on line."

She spends the time until the ship is ready for takeoff to familiarize herself with the layout of the buttons and levers she'll need to use. She's watched Tyler do this plenty of time, and this isn't so different from the shuttles she's piloted while her master slept. He never did like piloting, she thinks, a small smile finding its way to her lips despite everything that's happened.
Tarrin Feruwi
player, 353 posts
Sat 6 Oct 2018
at 00:01
  • msg #54

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Despite the explosion that sent out more wreckage ahead of them, Tarrin's senses were still focused on the Jedi Master.  His words still echoed in the recesses of the Miraluka's mind.  How could he have been so foolish?  On the one hand, desperate times did call for desperate measures.  But, if he ceased to be a Jedi because he walked the path of darkness, what would have been the point of all the sacrifice?  Knight Relliri had passed.  So had Charlie.  Now, it seemed like Master Rancisis may end up joining them regardless of his intentions.  With the increasing amount of Jedi casualties that seemed to be occurring according to the snake-like Jedi, there were probably not many of them left.  All the more reason for him to try to become a more shining example to those who probably needed to look to them for support in what were starting to become dark times.

But, first, they needed to leave.

Letting his thoughts echo into the Force, the Miraluka hoped that the Jedi Master could feel his gratitude this distance away before he wordlessly entered the ship.

"The Trooper is right, we should probably get going," he stated, strapping himself in.  "They will be coming for us before long.  I would rather not be here."  Tapping at the datapad, Tarrin attempted to pull up the diagram of the Clone force's battle plan once again.  "Here, Den.  Do you think you can plug in these coordinates as ones we can avoid when we're starting for our jump?  That way we'll be able to avoid the net of their forces that they will inevitably cast once they realize we are getting away."
Raana De'Fenn
player, 56 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Tue 9 Oct 2018
at 10:58
  • msg #55

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

As soon as she gets confirmation that everyone is on board, Raana revs the engines. She finds the intercom and flicks it on. "Everyone buckle in or hold on to something, this won't be smooth," she says as she grabs the controls.

The layout of the controls causes her some difficulty, but she quickly adjusts and lifts the ship off the hangar floor just as what seems like a whole platoon of clones rush into the hangar. She quickly flicks a pair of switches and pulls a throttle to the maximum setting, switching the deflector shields on. The clones fire on the ship, but it is a futile gesture. As she turns the ship to face the exit, she notices a pair of troopers setting up a heavy cannon on a tripod.

Once the front of the ship is facing the exit, Raana sees the outer doors to the hangar beginning to close. She guns the engines, going against everything she learned about slow and safe takeoffs and maximum velocity in a secure environment. The closest clone troopers are thrown to the ground by the backblast as the freighter accelerates rapidly and powers out of the hangar.

Raana recalls seeing a couple of turbo laser batteries on the side of the station to the right, so she pulls the controls hard just as the ship exits the station, building up speed and trying to use the station itself as cover from as many of the turbolasers as she can. She can see green blasts from the massive gun towers flying uncomfortably close as she gets the ship to a safe distance from the station.

"K1, can you plot a course out of here, we need to jump before they get fighters on our tail or crisp us with those turbolasers!" she shouts at the droid. "I don't care where, just away so that we can think about where to go," she says as she angles the deflector shields to give them maximum protection to the rear of the ship. It won't stop a direct hit from a turbolaser, but it could turn a glancing hit to a miss with a bit of luck.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 8 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Tue 9 Oct 2018
at 13:43
  • msg #56

Re: Episode 2 - Chapter 1  Return to the Core

Keilbrun ran up the ramp with some of the weapons and kit he had scavenged and went to the base of the loading ramp, his carbine at the ready. Hearing the call from the female Togruta, he waited until he was the last one still in the hanger before climbing up the ramp himself. He was taking pot shots at the entrances to the hangar, just trying to slow things down, but he could not cover every way in and there were just too many.

Once inside and with the ramp closing he quickly found a seat somewhere and buckled in, his carbine in front of him and sitting a little awkwardly because his pack was still on. "All in!," he yells over the high pitched whine of the engines, the Togruta seeming to know what she was doing.

He thought about the young Jedi killed by his own men. He thought about the remnants of a fight between these Jedi and the clones they had fought alongside with for so long. He thought about the Jedi that was off to take out the tractor beams to allow them to escape. And he thought about the Jedi they had mentioned that was also still on the station somewhere. How had his life been so thoroughly turned upside down so quickly?
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