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17:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order.

Posted by ChosenOneFor group archive 0
GM, 512 posts
Wed 21 Nov 2018
at 21:21
  • msg #1

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  After a, thankfully, uneventful stop after their harrowing escape from the Chandrilla Orbital facility, Raana and K1 coordinated to plot a course for their next destination following a brief discussion about their current situation and plans for the immediate future. The commandeered, Shrieking Acklay, successfully completed the jump to hyperspace and are en route to the planet of Thira, in the Uviuy Exen system.

  K1 pulled up the ship's computer system and motioned to Raana to look at it. "After we reverted from hyperspace, I was able to pull information about our destination and also the latest headlines from HNN (HoloNet News Network) over the HoloNet relays. Due to the distance from the main planet, we had a weak connection and therefore the transmission was somewhat limited in the amount of data." The droid showed the screen to the Togruta (and any others in the cockpit).

  OOC: The basic planetary information is loaded to the Databank thread. You can ask about any other information and I will give you what I can.
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 25 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Mon 3 Dec 2018
at 05:56
  • msg #2

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Kyle did his best to settle in. The ship seemed fairly sparse as far as accomodations were considered and, perhaps more importantly, he was still largely an unknown to the Jedi. He spent his time mostly to himself, but kept himself available to speak to or help as needed, even going so far as to asking to help if something came up that was in his ability to do so.

He kept his armor on, for the moment, as it seemed they would be coming in and out of hyperspace relatively soon. He figured better safe than sorry at the moment...the raw feelings he still held at what he had witnessed and his own actions since kept him on edge, as well.

He carefully secured the extra kit and weapons he had acquired from the troopers that had fallen. He knew they were not ideally suited for the Jedi, but he was able to use them and, if it came to it, they could be good barter items, if nothing else.
Raana De'Fenn
player, 74 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Wed 19 Dec 2018
at 20:05
  • msg #3

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  Raana took some much needed rest and meditation from the recent events. Having to fight against the very people she fought beside and risked her life for, took a toll on her conscience. If all accounts were true, then all she has ever known, was lost. This was far beyond troubling, it felt as if the entire galaxy was coming apart.

  After many hours of reflection on the words of all her Jedi Masters, especially Yoda who told her as a youngling, 'Dwell not, on what is or was, but what will be. Control that, you may.' The memory of the words, and the wise and humble head of the Jedi Order comforted her and gave her a sense of purpose again.

  She waited for the others to finish what they needed to do; rest, take stock, meditate or mourn and after that time she called everyone together.

  Once assembled, those who answered the called she addressed in the common area. "We may not have all the answers as to what and why things are the way they are, but we have no control over that. We need to focus on what we can control, and that is how best for us to survive and determine our purpose going forward. We will have to change our perspective. We don't know the rules or penalties of the current state of the galaxy, but we will suffer from the lack of knowledge. Currently our goal is to get to the system where Master Rancisis suggested. In order to achieve that goal, we have several issues in which we need to find answers. Please give me your advise on these items.."

  The Togruta held up one of her slender, reddish orange fingers for each point. "One. We must refuel, and find a way to pay for that. I am unsure of our situation with credits. Since I was a captive, I have none. We need to come up with credits or find a way to make credits."

   "Two. We must find a new ship, this one will be listed as belonging to Jedi from Chandrilla that fled that station. I'm confident K1 could change the transponder code, but Captain Tylen helped us on Bissi and keeping his ship would not be ethical."

   "Three. Den was correct. We need to be covert in all our actions, since we believe that all Jedi are considered 'enemies of the Republic' and are to be shot on sight. There is no room for pleading our case when the verdict has been decided. So effectively we are no longer Jedi, until we can return the status of Jedi to what is was. We will have to lay low and find out if the Republic Senate comes to its senses and restores the Jedi Order. So we need new personas for ourselves and a story to go with it to use when we have to interact with others."

   She put her hand back down and continued. "There are many more things to discuss, but, I see those three as our immediate issues. Does anyone have anything else that we need to immediately address?"


Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 27 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Fri 21 Dec 2018
at 03:40
  • msg #4

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Keilbrun was still unsure with his place with the group. He knew nothing of them but what they represented and the nature of what threw them together was problematic, to say the least. Still, he was ready for the meeting when it took place, ready to offer advice, but ulitmately willing to let them decide the course of action.

Raana kicked things off with a fair assesment of what lay ahead of them...immediate concerns, at least. "I don't know how quickly they will shut down my accounts, but I have access to some credits. The only problem is that I would assume trying to retrieve them from a legal source would tip off our location," he offered, knowing it was not likely to be a real possibility to address their need for money.

"The weapons could be used for barter, at least. The black market is always looking for good military hardware. That said, we would have to find a fixer to make it happen."

"As far as avoiding being discovered and establishing new identities, I imagine the more Rimward we go, the easier it would be bot both. Again, it would take credits and contacts to manage that," he offered, his lips tight in obvious frustration.
NPC, 210 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Wed 2 Jan 2019
at 18:57
  • msg #5

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The metallic black droid's red ocular sensor followed the Togruta, then shifted to the human soldier. She raised one of her arms to indicate she wanted to make a point, and added. "Master Relliri asked me to keep track of the credits she was given by the Jedi Order in case it was needed for our initial mission. She did not have it with her, and had me secure it aboard this ship. It contains 7,500 credits in several unmarked chips in various amounts. They can be used without raising flags to purchase fuel and other supplies. Though in our escape, our sensor logs noted that the Chandrilla Orbital station did scan our ship and has our broadcast identity on record. The chances of our ship being listed in a Republic wide bulletin is very high."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:05, Fri 04 Jan 2019.
Tarrin Feruwi
player, 371 posts
Thu 3 Jan 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #6

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The blind Jedi sat stiffly in the bench seat against the wall between the bunk rooms. He seemed to clench his teeth intermittently and his voice seemed strained as he spoke in the general direction of the group. "That is one mystery solved. We need that money for better apparel befitting our icognito status that seems fairly permanent, as well as fuel and supplies. I agree that we need to try and find a smuggler like Tylen to help us sell them or trade those items Kyle liberated from the hangar. I also believe that we must get rid of this ship, so we are not further tracked."

  He shifted his gaze back to the dark, slicer droid."But, K1. Why have you not tried to change our ship transponder, if you knew that there is a galactic bulletin sent out about our ship? Is it not possible with this ship?"
NPC, 210 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Fri 4 Jan 2019
at 15:04
  • msg #7

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  "Yes, it is possible. I believe there was a handful of transponder codes available to use already." She didn't bother turning her optical sensors to the Miraluka, since he was not able to use his sense of sight. "I did not take this action because I was not given directions, even generally, to do so. My programming is limited to the parameters set by my masters. Proactive actions were prohibited by the programming installed during my previous owner's tenure. I believe it was their security measure so that we did not deviate in our actions."
This message was last updated by the player at 15:04, Fri 04 Jan 2019.
Raana De'Fenn
player, 75 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Mon 7 Jan 2019
at 15:11
  • msg #8

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The Togruta moved forward and put her hand on the dark droid's metallic shoulder joint. "K1. As a direct representative of what was the Jedi Order. I hereby declare you are a free droid, in service to no person and can make decisions on your own to do what you feel is right as an individual. We could all use your help as a skilled slicer and navigator to survive these troubled times we are in. But I will not make demands of you, that is wrong."

 "I will ask you, as part of the crew, to help in any way you can for us to avoid getting captured. That starts with changing the transponder of this ship so we don't all get caught. Free or not, you will probably be taken in as well since you were seen with us."

Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 30 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Mon 7 Jan 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #9

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Keilbrun was glad they had access to at least some money, but he was worried just how far it would get them. If they could get to the Rim or to some allies relatively quickly, he figured things might be okay for a bit. On the Rim, you could make your own least that was what he imagined. The storied had to have some merit to them. It was rougher, less controlled, more opportunities to make it on your own.

Surely they could make it work...

Raana's essentially giving to K1 at least some level of free will was an interesting call. He had never really considered droids much more than tools. Useful, sometimes even essential, but tools nonetheless. Still, he could see the sense in it. While having the droid operate on command was nice, having it make at least some decisions on its own would be useful.

"Change transponder codes, refuel or change ships, continue moving...," he said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
NPC, 211 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Wed 9 Jan 2019
at 20:21
  • msg #10

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The droid was quiet at the proclamation by the Togruta, as if her circuits were heavily processing what that meant. He finally came around to pronounce through is audial speakers. "A free droid, without ownership or direction. It sounds both interesting and difficult as my decisions will be my own now. I have always been treated with respect by the Jedi Order and had no issues with being under their command. I will continue to serve this crew. I will begin to be proactive in my actions. Perhaps, as I evaluate this idea of freedom, I may decide and help in other ways. It is something to process further. For now, I will immediately go and update the transponder, and report our new designation for future reference within a few minutes."

  She spun around and headed out of the rec area and up the ladder to the cockpit section of the boxy freighter. Captain Tylen had a mechanism available to alter the transponder code between three different options, besides the Shrieking Acklay. Her first free choice to make...
This message was last edited by the player at 20:39, Wed 09 Jan 2019.
NPC, 211 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Thu 10 Jan 2019
at 16:01
  • msg #11

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The droid settled on a name, one that reflected her mathematical preferences. After setting the transponder she returned to the crew and announced. "This vessel, the Horizon Squared, will be arriving at the moon of Gallifrey in the Uviuy Exen system in approximately seven point six three one hours."
This message was last updated by the player at 16:01, Thu 10 Jan 2019.
Den Jaxon
player, 210 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2019
at 15:08
  • msg #12

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Den sighs quietly, feeling uncomfortable in the non-Jedi clothing. He always felt right in the robes, but now this--it's too unfamiliar for the young man. Also, now, not having the guidance of a jedi master or even a jedi knight, it's something he's not exactly used to. "Well, are we going to stick together to try and take care of everything? Or will we be assigned individual tasks?"
Raana De'Fenn
player, 76 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Mon 14 Jan 2019
at 23:51
  • msg #13

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Raana gave K1T1 a small smile. "Well done. I like the name." The smile vanished as she contemplated the choices before them. "Either choice is fraught with risk. If we stay together we run the risk of someone recognising one or more of us and deducing who the rest of us are. If we separate for individual tasks that leaves us vulnerable."

She sighed and shook her head. She was not wise enough to make choices like this. None of them had the experience they needed to be on their own but they had no choice. "All of us going together on errands will raise eyebrows but I don't want anyone alone so I think splitting into groups of two is the best compromise we can make. It makes sure everyone has some backup whilst lowering the risk to all of us. That is what I think we should do."
Keilbrun (Kyle) Osh
player, 32 posts
Near-Human (Kiffar)
Soldier (Commando)
Tue 15 Jan 2019
at 00:00
  • msg #14

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

Keilbrun nodded at Raana's compromise. They were in a difficult position and there were dangers with every option. "I think that's a fair option," he offered in support. "We can get more done and still have each others backs at some level."

He glanced at the group, a tight-lipped, nervous smile no his lips. He was still the outsider within a group of outsiders. He hoped that they could make it work. There very lives depended on it.
NPC, 212 posts
K1 Class Protocol Droid
Slicer / Technician
Wed 16 Jan 2019
at 18:08
  • msg #15

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

  The K1 unit swiveled her head to look at each of the crew. "If I may make a suggestion, Masters.. excuse me, fellow crewmembers. We should head to the least populated city that has a spaceport. According to the data we received, that would be Alyki city. That would be the logical location to refuel and reduce the amount of law enforcement and security involvement, as well as find more discreet places to find supplies."
Raana De'Fenn
player, 78 posts
Jedi Padawan
Togruta, female
Wed 16 Jan 2019
at 23:15
  • msg #16

Episode 2, Chapter 2 -  Fall of the Order

"I think that's a good idea though a smaller population lessens our ability to hide amongst the people. That said it might very well mean no one has thought to station people there or send information ahead about us."

She looked around at everyone present. "Unless there's any objections I think that's where we should go."
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