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11:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 4
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 5 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 02:53
  • msg #7

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"Setting my blaster to stunning." She primped her air and then playfully waved a dismissive hand at him. After a moment, her smile faded and she looked at him directly. "I'm a spy not a soldier, if I can get what is needed without a whiff of violence then my mission is successful. If I could arrange it, they wouldn't know anything was missing until we were halfway across the galaxy." 
Zev Barris
Ace Pilot, 4 posts
Sick and tired of being
sick and tired
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 02:55
  • msg #8

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

 The Twi'lek's admission that she wasn't much of a pilot wasn't very comforting to Zev.
"Ah, ok. Just don't go messing with anything out of boredom. I'll tell you when and if I need you to do anything."
Zev smiled at the red-skinned Twi'lek just the same.
"Still nice to be working with you. New to the Rebellion?"
Victor Zakharo
Sharpshooter, 5 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 03:18
  • msg #9

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"Oh I whole heartedly agree. Mission success without firing a shot and never in the crosshairs of the target is always optimal." he replies seriously. "Sadly, this is not one of those opportunities where everyone is looking at a holonovel or sleeping on duty. This is one of those missions where we hit them hard and hit them fast and hopefully they won't know what hit them."

"Tell you what! If you can talk them into giving up without a fight, then that would be the best for all involved." he finishes with a grin.
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 6 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 03:38
  • msg #10

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Jess shrugged."Or Seku, she's the diplomat."
Seku Bondara
Ambassador, 3 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 03:47
  • msg #11

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Seku shakes her head. "I'm new to the Alliance, but not the fight against the Empire. I've been fighting the Empire basically since it came into existence, I just used to do it back home." Her smile becomes a bit strained at the mention of 'home'. "It's nice to be working with you too. Everyone here is pretty different from what I'm used to. A lot fewer Twi'leks for one thing."
Victor Zakharo
Sharpshooter, 6 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 03:50
  • msg #12

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"We'll see what happens once those doors open." he says nodding at entrance.
The Force
GM, 1270 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 05:12
  • msg #13

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

In the cockpit, a console beeps loudly. The long-range sensors have detected a ship dropping out of hyperspace. Further details may be available pending a careful reading of the input.

The comm crackles. "Red Squadron, freighter team, that's our cue. One of the parties has arrived for the trade, so we're going in. All craft, lift off and form up. We'll conduct a microjump to get closer. Then the Show will start. Make the first shots count, while we have the advantage of surprise."

The X-Wings all around you trigger their repulsorlift engines to pop off the asteroid with minimal ion signature. They begin to form up. Low-level comm bursts occur as the astromechs coordinate Astrogation calculations.

Perception 2D to gain more information regarding the sensor contacts.
Astrogation 1C. F3-3T can use the other astromech's communication to gain 1B.

Zev Barris
Ace Pilot, 5 posts
Sick and tired of being
sick and tired
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 14:25
  • msg #14

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

09:23, Today: Zev Barris rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Perception.

Zev was spot on the sensors and saw the ships coming in.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Tue 20 Nov 2018.
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 7 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 15:40
  • msg #15

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"There's got to be something pretty valuable on that ship for the Alliance to put so many resources into it," Jess observed.
Seizing both ends of the leather seat belt, she buckled up for the attack.
The Force
GM, 1271 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 15:58
  • msg #16

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

The sensors detected two vessels arriving in system. One was about the size of the freighter, possibly a bit wider. The other was noticably larger, about half again the size of the freighter. Both ships were broadcasting Corporate Sector Authority transponder signals.
Zev Barris
Ace Pilot, 6 posts
Sick and tired of being
sick and tired
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 17:35
  • msg #17

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"Looks like we got a wide freighter and another larger ship, both CSA by their transponders. Seku, ask Red squadron if we should target the freighter while they concentrate fire on the larger ship."

Zev plotted an aggressive approach vector on the freighter, awaiting confirmation from the X-wing squadron.
Victor Zakharo
Sharpshooter, 7 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 17:45
  • msg #18

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"Yeah if the intel is good. We should perhaps go down to the turrets." he suggests and puts his rifle in it´s holster on his back. Then he walks to the turret well and starts to climb up to the dorsal turret. Put his headphones on and engaging the turret. Testing it's maneuverability before he actually had to fire at anything.

So the 'The Force is With You (OoC)' thread says that our ship are TIE fighters with bunch of cargo space and a pilot and co pilot. :P

GM edit: Silence, or you'll find yourself flying a bathtub.

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:09, Mon 19 Nov 2018.
Seku Bondara
Ambassador, 4 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 20:01
  • msg #19

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Seku nods at Zev and flips a switch to open comms to Red Squadron. "Red Leader, we're going to focus on the small freighter while you guys take on that larger ship."
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 8 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 21:17
  • msg #20

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"I don't know how to use those things. I'd probably end up shooting us!" Jess called after the soldier.
Shipwright Engineer, 1 post
Tue 20 Nov 2018
at 01:11
  • msg #21

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

FE-3T whirls into the crockpit area in a wild dash of red and blue flashing lights. Apparently within the ships interior walls during beginning of the voyage. It quickly jacks into sensor array and does his best to probe incoming bogeys as well as first doing yet another spot check on the unassuming yet sturdy freighter.

FE-3T catches a glance Jess Jessica’s legs and his holo-pict quickly surveys her feet. “Zeep. Drrrt. Wooo. Zurp”. The astromech is more than ready for the fight at hand and foot,
This message was last edited by the player at 02:44, Tue 20 Nov 2018.
The Force
GM, 1274 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 20 Nov 2018
at 15:39
  • msg #22

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Your ship follows Red Squad into hyperspace, emerging one second later halfway across the star system. Your ship is actually a little past the enemy ships, facing the wrong way. A quick turn is necessary and will cost you precious seconds of surprise.

Pilot roll Cool. 1s for threats from Astrogation result.

Now that you are closer, you can see the vessels more clearly. The smaller vessel is little more than a frame with engines. Attached to it are a half Squadron starfighters. They are currently detaching from the hyperspace jump frame that they use to get here. They are Authority IRD (Intercept, Reconnaissance, Defence) fighters.

The transport is a larger vessel, about three hundred metres across. It resembles a large disc with bulbous spheres around the circumference. The bridge appears to be a cone pointed out from the opposite side from the engine pods.

Red Leader begins broadcasting a command to surrender even as the Authority transport begins sending a demand to vacate the space. When the IRDs, already detaching, begin sending their own surrender demand to the Rebels, comm space gets very noisy.

It seems that there will be a fight. Red Squadron split their s-foils as the IRDs detatch and form up. You can see turrets on the transport moving as well.

"Beta team, we are engaging the fighters," reports Red 2.

Please indicate which station you are at in the ship. First combat action.
Destiny track updated in Rules and Party Resources thread.

Zev Barris
Ace Pilot, 7 posts
Sick and tired of being
sick and tired
Tue 20 Nov 2018
at 15:54
  • msg #23

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

10:50, Today: Zev Barris rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1S.  Cool roll for astrogation threats.

"What the frak, F3?", Zev yelled as he worked hard to hard turn the ship.

He was unable to pull it off in time but was able to keep the shields doubled up on the side left facing the ships.

"This is going to hurt folks. Jess, Victor, new target. We're on the big ship. Take out the turrets!"
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 16 posts
Tue 20 Nov 2018
at 17:02
  • msg #24

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

As Zev brought the ship about to expose its guns, Jess unbuckled and scrambled for the gun well. "Well here goes nothing!" Strapping into the chair and affixing the head set, she turned the weapon on and accidentally discharged it without aiming."That was definitely nothing," she murmured.
11:46, Today: Jess (Jessica) Swanhill rolled 2 failures, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1D.
Seku Bondara
Ambassador, 6 posts
Tue 20 Nov 2018
at 23:47
  • msg #25

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Seku cracks her knuckles as the freighter jumps into the fight. "Right. I'll take over the front cannons once you get us turned around. In the mean time..." She twists around to look at F3-3T. "Why don't you see if you can jam their communications?" She turns back around, looks at the array of buttons in front of her and hits what she hopes is the inertial compensator to help Zev make the turn faster. Instead, the comm array flashes red and then goes dark. "Blast it. Give me just a second here."

Seku will take the co-pilot station.
Seku Bondara rolled no successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2D. Average piloting to Co-Pilot.
I'll suggest that I take a black die to my next action due to the delay of having to fix things.

Victor Zakharo
Sharpshooter, 9 posts
Wed 21 Nov 2018
at 02:14
  • msg #26

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Victor tried his best to track the enemy ship as their freighter makes it´s turn to face the other ship. Once he was pretty sure he would make the shot, Zakharo squeezed the trigger as if it were a rifle. The first bolts missed it because of over tracking but a few of the bolts land hits on the enemy ship. He whooped and yelled down to Jess, "Nice try, Jess! but ya gotta lead the target more!"

20:51, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4a 1d 1b ((6(A), 4(A), 3(A), 8(A), 7(D), 2(B))).

Boost die to next player roll.

9 damage before soak.

Shipwright Engineer, 4 posts
Wed 21 Nov 2018
at 13:27
  • msg #27

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

F3-3T heard the freed slave dancer call out to jam coms on bogey ships. Strange the Rebellion let dancers make such important missions orders, but F3-3T payed no heed and over road Huttesse programming as his destiny to become war hero was as important to the Rebellion as his own personal destiny. "Zurp. Dink. Arnoooo. Zebo. Zeep. Zeep." [Private to Zev Barris: Jamming Comms Busty Xeno Slave Girl. ][Private to Forim Luk: Aye Aye. Jamming Comms Busty Xeno Slave Girl.]" The sordid looking little droid called out as neon pink lights swirled inside his cranial compartment.

05:26, Today: F3-3T rolled 4 successes, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A 3D ((11(P), 9(P), 2(A), 4(A), 6(D), 6(D), 7(D))).

EDiT: Missed Boost Die, my Bad Vic.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:36, Wed 21 Nov 2018.
The Force
GM, 1279 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 22 Nov 2018
at 03:34
  • msg #28

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

The IRDs and Red Squadron immediately break into a whirling maelstrom of dogfighting starfighters. Lasers flash all around as the two squadrons open fire on one another. One IRD is blown to pieces, and another is disabled. They give nearly as good as they get, however, and one X-Wing is blasted as well.

Meanwhile, Beta team's freighter drifts through the battle. It is comparatively large, though not as large as its target. The enemy transport slowly turns, trying to get both its dorsal and ventral gun turrets aimed at your vessel. The guns open up, filling the space around your ship with yellow-green beams.

No damage. Next gunnery check is at 1s.

Your own guns lance out and strike the transport all over. Some of the bolts are deflected by the enemy's shields, but some strike the hull. The ship shudders, and pieces of the hull plating are blackened.
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Infiltrator, 18 posts
Thu 22 Nov 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #29

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

"How hard could this be?" Jess continued to mutter to herself. Watching for the freighter to centre on the gun's screen she heard the computer chime that she was on target. Squeezing the handles of the cannon, she watched it piston in succession, spitting out bolts of bright red light.

22:53, Today: Jess (Jessica) Swanhill rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1D.  attack.   14:56, Today: Jess (Jessica) Swanhill rolled no successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1s.  missing number.  8 damage before soak
This message was last edited by the player at 20:06, Thu 22 Nov 2018.
Seku Bondara
Ambassador, 9 posts
Thu 22 Nov 2018
at 15:02
  • msg #30

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

Seku almost doesn't notice the CSA frieghter come into range of the ship's forward laser cannons because of how wrapped up she is in searching for a way to reactivate the panel. She looks up just in time to let out a surprised "Oh!" and squeeze the trigger on the controls to send lancing arcs of energy at the target. "Do you think they'll have had enough yet? I can call to try and convince them to surrender."

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1D 1S.  Gunnery to fire the forward lasers.

6 damage before soak to enemy frieghter.

Shipwright Engineer, 8 posts
Thu 22 Nov 2018
at 17:09
  • msg #31

Mission 1: Yellow Zinc

F3-3T whirls with excitement, his first combat mission which he wasn't shot down within a few volleys. It seems the pilot and exotic dancing gunner have different ideas on what the droids mission priority is. "Glurk. Zeebo. Wonk?". Neither of the organic rebels seems to know exactly how to face the Imperial forces attacking them.

Thinking on his rolled feet F3-3T rolls over toward the innards of the deflector shields, he believes that if he can somehow send some more power toward them, his new found comrades in arms will win the day. After jacking in his cranial compartment glows a neon green with a short Huttesse chime bell sound of seduction, "RiiingaDiiing" that he feels will aid his interface with the cold shouldered light freighter. "WeeoW. Zeep. Zeep." The little droid strains for victory!

09:06, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of  1B 2P 2A 4D ((4(B), 3(P), 6(P), 6(A), 3(A), 8(D), 4(D), 6(D), 5(D))). F3-3T's daunting success adds to strain threshold of freighter shields if only for one attack it may make the difference. Threat may have caused Seku's panel more difficulty in fixing due to power surge....

This message was last edited by the player at 17:17, Thu 22 Nov 2018.
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