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18:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Horril the Mad
player, 14 posts
Preceding My Reputation
Is my middle name
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 17:03
  • msg #20

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Horril tilted his head to the side at Cathran's wink, and looked at her puzzled.
"Within reason? You'd have to have one to begin with. Or... I mean I."
Then he got tangled up in his own words.
"I've never meant me so clearly...and anyways, I'm outside your experiences missy!"
He downed his punch just to make sure he had the reason to speak like a drunk person, then began to blink widely as the drink ran down his throat.

As Possom began explaining the situation in between gangs, Horril quickly put the cup back to his stand and started leggin' it along with the other wacky-looking fellow with the full intention of leaving the place.

Then he heard that pretty lady talking to the smaller group of goons, and turned around, again, followed by a mysterious croak, looking somewhat scared that she might get hurt. After she approached the cart again, she could clearly see his surprised scare.
"Lady you weren't kiddin' about that experience thingy! But to be fair, lives tend to end up later if you don't live them this way!"
Cathran Synthiel
player, 8 posts
Half Elf Summoner
Time to pass judgement...
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 17:13
  • msg #21

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

She shrugged. “Perhaps. I don’t care much for either group, but I do believe that a brawl between two groups should at least start out fair. I merely warned them of the inevitable. Besides...” She patted Gavel on the shoulder. “I always bring protection. I have no intention of getting involved as long as this doesn’t spill out to innocents in the area. Let them kill each other off if that’s what they desire.”
Elven Rogue, 116 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 20:15
  • msg #22

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Amara took her time finishing up her drink as the two groups headed towards each other, what would have been a one sided coup turning even uglier once Cathran warned them... and laid a target on her own head for doing it. Eesh. Calmly she brushed herself off and turned to the others.

"Nothing good is going to come from this so i'm leaving. Either people will get caught up in their fighting, or when the guards round up witnesses and survivors. Later."

Amara didn't seem to have a plan on where to go, but she had no desire to get wrapped up in guild business between opposing guilds. That always screamed trouble. And so she walked away, in a direction opposite the beginning fight if she could help it. Maybe she'd bring her friends present to her early.
Horril the Mad
player, 15 posts
Preceding My Reputation
Is my middle name
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #23

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Chivalry was dead. By the time Cathran could brag about her companion, either instincts or some other gush of madness overcame the medicine man and drove him in the nearest alley. Heroically he made his way to the safest cover he could still try and assess the situation even just by listening to how the fighting noises would fade.

By the time the lady turned around, he probably was already on his way for cover.
Caydel Cailean
player, 18 posts
AC: 16, HP: 10
Human Cleric
Mon 8 Apr 2019
at 02:42
  • msg #24

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Caydel starts to quickly and quietly 'shoo' those that seem too curious or seen to be too close.  He pays special attention to any kids (while watching his purse). "Come...trouble is on the way...we should all be out of its way."

Caydel watches what is happening with those around Coots.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:47, Mon 08 Apr 2019.
Dungeon Master
GM, 140 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 05:08
  • msg #25

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

At Cathran's warning the thugs look over and their stances shift. Muscles tighten up and fists clench. They quickly slam back the rest of their drinks and toss the empty cups on the ground.

With eyes locked on the approaching Roadkeepers they begin to fan out taking up fighting stances. No weapons have been drawn but the looks on their faces indicate they're willing to escalate things violently if provoked. Meanwhile the approaching Roadkeepers don't back down having lost the element of surprise.

As if by an unheard command the townsfolk begin fanning out, giving the two gangs room for the seemingly inevitable brawl about to break out.

Meanwhile one of the guards seeing what was happening takes off down the street further into town.

OOC: FYI it will be a DC 20 social check (Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate) to get one group or the other to back down
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:10, Tue 09 Apr 2019.
Possom Coots
NPC, 3 posts
Human Male
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 05:10
  • msg #26

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Possom Coots spits on the ground in disgust.

"Nobody wants the gangs tussling in the circle. Bad for business not to mention one's health but nobody here is exactly the heroing type. Them thugs are likely to pull a knife on you if you try to interfere. Even the guards will be looking for reinforcements before trying to break up a half dozen or so gangers throwing down. One can only hope blood isn't drawn before the guard can break it up."
Kamea Asano
Human Cavalier, 72 posts
Sorshen Look-Alike
Wed 10 Apr 2019
at 04:41
  • msg #27

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Kamea stepped forward. She maneuvered herself between the two groups and held up a hand. Her other hand held her glaive, but she held it behind her back. "Let's talk this out. Why are the two of you so set on fighting each other? There must be another way to settle your differences."

rolled 25 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 19.  Diplomacy.
Elven Rogue, 117 posts
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 00:44
  • msg #28

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

"So what? If they kill each other, it's less problems for other people later."

Amara had taken refuge by Posson and knew the bloodshed would get people in a tizzy but it was several less thugs later on, so why did it matter? Let them kill each other. It saved people the effort of stopping them later on after all. Some people were just too soft apparently.
Cathran Synthiel
player, 9 posts
Half Elf Summoner
Time to pass judgement...
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 00:53
  • msg #29

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Cathran thought that someone might try and stop the fighting. The person was charismatic and kept things simple without a bunch of flattery or fluff to dilute her argument. Cathran was impressed by her skill and noticed that it may be enough to momentarily stop the fighting. She had reserved herself for only getting involved if an innocent bystander was going to be harmed. It looks as though she may to step in to keep this brave woman from getting injured if things went south. Cathran watched in anticipation. She only needed to hold the two groups at bay until the guards showed up.
Caydel Cailean
player, 19 posts
AC: 16, HP: 10
Human Cleric
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 04:01
  • msg #30

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Caydel puts on a smile and slowly walks up behind the lady now in the street.  "I'd ask you to listen to the young lady.  I don't want to see anyone hurt."  He then calmly leans against his quarter staff.

22:57, Today: Caydel Cailean rolled 29 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 20.  Diplomacy .
Dungeon Master
GM, 141 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 05:13
  • msg #31

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Cayden and Cathran intervene between the two gangs and their words seem to sway the thugs. While they continue to stare daggers at one both sides seem reluctant to be the first to fight, especially with adventurers standing between them.

Finally the tension seems to drain and the Roadkeepers begin turning to head away.

"Eh, snivling little children like these aren't worth the time. Besides, they'll just end up dead tonight anyway like the others."

This last comment causes the Horned Fangs to snap and one of them pulls a dagger and lunges for the taunting Roadkeeper but suddenly stops as a moaning fills the air.


All eyes turn up above the Circle where a transparent glowing humanoid form can be seen hovering ten feet above the ground. Its features are hazy, as if being seen through murky water. The moan turns into a deafening loud voice that gurgles like coming from a drowning man.


The voice trails off before suddenly the horrifying moan bursts out of the form. Everyone in the crowd, thugs included, begins to panic and scream, frantically running away from the horrible sight and sound.

OOC: Make a DC 19 will save or become panicked
Elven Rogue, 118 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 08:43
  • msg #32

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

"Nope, nope, Fucking Nope."

Amara wasn't even willing to deal with this as she turned and slipped off ahead of the crowds, happy to fade away in the throngs of people and get the hell away from whatever the humanoid form is. That was so above her pay scale.

01:42, Today: Amara rolled 8 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 6.  Will Save DC 19.
Kamea Asano
Human Cavalier, 73 posts
Sorshen Look-Alike
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:24
  • msg #33

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Whatever ounce of bravery Kamea had when she stood between the two gangs evaporated when the ghost materialized. "No!" She cried as she hunched her shoulders and ducked her head. She fled the scene in haste.
Horril the Mad
player, 16 posts
Preceding My Reputation
Is my middle name
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 17:39
  • msg #34

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Seemingly untouched by the ongoing gang war, Horril kept hiding in an alleyway, sometimes peeking out if that fancy dressed lady was about to get herself brutally murderized in a heroic fashion, and was discussing the results with his...well, himself, to be frank. As she was about to jump forward, he almost began chewing his nails off in excitement, but thanks to that ghastly apparition, he didn't have to.

At first it was just unsettling, but it had this flamboyant sense of mystical and otherworldly suffering which just caught him smiling. Then of course it began like a pig or even worse possibly, and that made his artistic self call for retreat. So instead he just turned around, stormed through the alley, and repeatedly made pathetic attempts at climbing vertically as he reached a wall, leaving his staff somewhere halfway.

At some point during the mumbling, screaming and climbing, an oversized toad burst out of his backpack along with some of his stuff, and tried digging itself into the mudddy alley ground.

Horril the Mad rolled 10 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 8. Will Save.
Toad rolled 9 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 7.  Will Save.

Caydel Cailean
player, 20 posts
AC: 16, HP: 10
Human Cleric
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #35

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Caydel holds, for a second, and then trips over himself at the scream of the apparition.  "No, no, no, oh Cailean no!" His voice raises in panic as he retreats down and unknown alley.  He keeps reaching for his tankard while running, but his hands can't seem to hold if for more than a second.

16:31, Today: Caydel Cailean rolled 18 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 12.  Will Save - Apparition.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:30, Sat 13 Apr 2019.
Cathran Synthiel
player, 11 posts
Half Elf Summoner
Time to pass judgement...
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 23:17
  • msg #36

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

She had watched looking to see whether a fight was going to erupt or not when the apparition appeared. It’s terrifying scream sent both Cathran and Gavel running away. Gavel bulldozed his way through anyone in his path with Cathran following in his wake. People were knocked to the side as the two sped down the street. Cathran clung to the back of Gavel’s cloak screaming. “Gavel save me!”

18:12, Today: Cathran Synthiel rolled 8 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 5.  Will save Gavel DC 19.
18:10, Today: Cathran Synthiel rolled 5 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 2.  Will save apparition DC 19.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:17, Fri 12 Apr 2019.
NPC, 1 post
Elven Female
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 06:50
  • msg #37

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

As everyone scatters, a pale and morose looking elven cleric is able to catch their attention.

"Hey! Over here! You'll be safe over here!"

She seemed unaffected by the ghost's sudden appearance and her directions seemed better than just wildly fleeing through the street. She leads them into the Creekside Tavern and Inn and gets them a table where they can collect their breaths and slowly recover from the chilling ghostly moan.

"Are you okay? I saw how you tried to stop that gang fight. That was really brave of you. Let me buy you dinner as a way of saying thanks for trying."

She grabs the attention of a passing waitress and soon delicious smelling stews are being put in front of everyone. While they eat and get settled she introduces herself.

"My name is Audrahni. I'm glad you could sit and chat with me. You seem like capable sorts, certainly not the type who’d be content to live out lives of comfort in a small town like Roderic’s Cove. I don’t mean that as an insult...far from it. I’ve been in town for several years and I think the Cove needs people like you. Heroes. The stink of violence is in the air. The near confrontation you were just involved in isn’t the first we’ve had recently... surely you’ve heard of the slaughter that took place last week? Something strange is going on here in Roderic’s Cove, and someone needs to do some investigating to figure out what that is. I’m hoping you’ll be up to that challenge."
Cathran Synthiel
player, 12 posts
Half Elf Summoner
Time to pass judgement...
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 14:31
  • msg #38

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Gavel turned in the direction of the voice and carried Cathran with him. Once he was inside, he let Cathran stand up on her own catching her breath. Gavel for intents and purposes doesn’t appear to be breathing hard at all. He immediately looks over the area for threats. After all, a scary ghost just popped out of nowhere in a busy street. Can’t be too careful anymore. Cathran took a seat and graciously accepted the food and drink. Gavel stood directly behind her and held up his hand in polite decline of food.

“Thank you for the food. That’s very kind of you. I agree that something needs to happen. The gangs are becoming more brazen and disrespectful of the law. That simply can’t be tolerated. If only there was an arena where they can just kill each other off.” She takes a bite of food and wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Since you have approached us, I assume you know a little bit more than your average citizen when it comes to this matter? I would certainly be interested in such an investigation. Might I ask what you would like us to do specifically?”
Kamea Asano
Human Cavalier, 74 posts
Sorshen Look-Alike
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 20:33
  • msg #39

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

It didn't take much for some stranger to convince Kamea to follow her. She was scared to the point of confusion... all she knew was that she needed to flee the scene. Coincidentally enough, Audrahni lead them to the Creekside Inn where she was staying.

Audrahni." Kamea began, "You can call me Kamea. This little town is very strange... I heard that people were murdered and now this ghost. I say this place is haunted and perhaps the ghosts killed those people the previous week."

"So you want us to investigate the ghost?"

Caydel Cailean
player, 21 posts
AC: 16, HP: 10
Human Cleric
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 03:16
  • msg #40

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Once in the bar, Caydel immediately relaxes; regular smells, regular scene.  Finding his tankard, he puts it on the bar.  Not listening fully, he wanders the bar looking for a shrine to Cailean.

"Thank Cailean you were there for directions."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:35, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
NPC, 2 posts
Elven Female
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 02:41
  • msg #41

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Audrahni nods at Kamea.

"Actually...yes. The last time Sir Roderic's ghost stirred was about ten years ago that culminated in a minor uprising. The port-Governor, Jess Gildersleeves had been found to be embezzling funds and diverting them to unsavory purposes in Riddleport. I think that Sir Roderic is still looking out for the town even from beyond the grave. Now we have half a dozen dead from mysterious circumstances, gang fighting in the street and Sir Roderic's ghost is stirring once again.

I don't think the ghost is responsible though, I think he reacts to the dangers against this town. Before it was corruption and I fear it is something more sinister. If we can find out what it is and put a stop to it then Sir Roderic should return to his slumber once more. i've been trying to look into things around town but...I'm not really a people person. I have no mind for lies or the courage that would compel me to investigate old ruins or thieves lairs. I can help you with what I know but I'm at a loss for how to proceed further.

If you wish to help then I shall share everything that I know.

First, I can go into more detail about the history of Sir Roderic and the founding of the cove if you're interested but you should know that Sir Roderic's home still stands...somewhat...outside of town. It's called Roderic's Wreck but be careful if you go to investigate there. It has long been abandoned and is rumored to be quite dangerous. People used to go out there as acts of courage or to search for hidden treasures but after a few of them didn't come back the locals now avoid it.

Secondly I can give you information about the six men and women who were murdered. All of them were human and had no immediate family in town. Two were trappers, one was a fisher and the other three were unemployed. Despite their backgrounds they all wore a sigil on their clothing, the old Thassilonian rune of Wrath. The rune had been adopted by one of the new gangs in Roderic's cove: the Horned Fangs. The very same that were almost involved in the fight moments ago.

One of the bodies had an obvious sign of death. He had been stabbed in the throat with some kind of pointed blade like a short sword or rapier. The other five had no physical wounds at all. They all just seemed to drop dead right there in the street. Their faces were frozen in absolute terror though. Not pain or surprise but absolute terror.

Finally the woman who found the bodies was Ladia Kelstrop. She runs Kelstrop Meats. I haven't spoken to her yet but she was the one who found the bodies and reported it to the constable. If anyone else saw something they've been keeping it quiet but Kelstrop has made no secret about being the first at the scene.

Please, I beg you to help get to the bottom of Roderic's disturbance. I think his ghost is stirring because of whatever happened that night so that seems the logical start of inquiry. Find out what happened to kill all those people, figure out what kind of threat it poses to the town and put an end to it. That should put Sir Roderic's ghost to rest once again."

This message was last edited by the player at 03:56, Wed 17 Apr 2019.
Elven Rogue, 119 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 03:51
  • msg #42

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Despite the way Amara had stayed out of things, she had followed Audrahni without a moments hesitation as she had called for the group and while the cleric explained things took the time to calm herself. Her heaving chest slowly calmed as she got her fear under control, that had not been something she appreciated. She didn't like being in the center of things on the best of days let alone a panicking crowd.

Finally she exhaled after Audrahni's long explanation with a put upon sigh. Audrahni had mentioned a need for heroes to her before but never beyond the simple thought on the rare evening at the tavern. Almost quietly she dug out what she had picked up in the market, a small satchel of herbs meant to be worn around the neck, and passed it off to the cleric with a smile.

"Right, before anything else, here. To wear around the neck, I know your job doesn't smell that sweet."

After that she took her time digesting the words of Audrahni, and gave the cleric a put upon sigh. She certainly wasn't pleased with the request and Audrahni knew she didn't like getting in the thick of things. Yet, it was obvious her new friend of the past few months was seriously worried about all of this. And for that reason alone Amara didn't shoot down the idea without hesitation, she had known Audrahni was being nosy but not to this extent.

"Audrahni.... I don't like this. This smells like trouble, I'd rather we just bail. Tut, no, I know you won't. I'd still rather we do though. I'm not much for adventures, and definitely not for tales of heroics and self-sacrifice. But..." Here she looked over the group of people that had somehow assembled around Audrahni, and knew instantly they'd get themselves killed without her. Damn it. "But if I don't go, yer gonna run afoul of the guilds by nightfall aren't you? Damn it. Fine. But if we're being overwhelmed, I'm not getting myself killed over this. AND you owe me dinner and a drink when all is said and done 'drahni."
Caydel Cailean
player, 24 posts
AC: 16, HP: 10
Human Cleric
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 03:08
  • msg #43

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Seeming back to a better state of mind, Caydel grabs his tankard and tosses a coin on the bar.  "I'll be back for another before I go."  He smiles at a barmaid as he cirles back to the group.

Caydel empties his tankard as Audrahni speaks. "As you can see, I have had very little to do with spirits, but I think your request is fair.  I don't want to see more people hurt and a turf war can spread to the innocent quickly. Besides, I owe you a little for the cool head out there...while I was losing mine." He looks into his now empty tankard, "I hear you as to how those six died, but what do you say is the why?"
Cathran Synthiel
player, 14 posts
Half Elf Summoner
Time to pass judgement...
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 03:33
  • msg #44

[Chapter 1.01] The Circle Market Clash

Cathran nodded. “I agree with him about the turf war possibly becoming too chaotic. Perhaps after we are done here, we can ask the person who first found the bodies some questions that may give us a lead.”
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