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10:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[1.04] All The World's Meat.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 164 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 1 Mar 2019
at 04:03
  • msg #1

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Following the directions given leads the group of guards to a small butchers in a low-class part of town. Arriving around mid-afternoon the meat hanging in the dirty window already has a cloud of flies starting to form around it. It seems that the rush must happen early in the day because the interior looks to be pretty clean with only the sorriest or filthiest of cuts still available.

Once and awhile a desperate looking man or woman goes into the shop but quickly leaves without purchasing anything.

The shop itself is a two-story building with the main floor long and narrow, about 25' by 90'. Attached to the side is a large 50'x60' barn and pen where pigs and cattle wander around. They are poorly maintained and seem to be suffering from lack of food and proper care.

Out on the front step stands Malder looking bored as he eyes the people walking up and down the street and entering the shop. Presumably he is guarding the shop but he makes no movement to stop or search anyone. He is wearing chainmail that looks to be a size too big and has a sword strapped to his side but he is holding a long wooden club that he is using to lean on.

The storefront is a small room, just 20'x25' with a single large window to display the meats. Inside the shop behind the counter is a tall man that the guardsmen recognize as Baldrago. He looks likewise bored and is causally leaning against the counter. He is wearing a heavy apron that makes it hard to tell if he is armored and with the tall counter it is hard to see if he is armed.

The second floor is smaller than the first, only about 20'x35'. While the main floor doesn't have any windows besides the storefront display the second story does have several windows but they appear to have been boarded up with only a few cracks letting in light.

As night falls and the lanterns are lit and Malder goes inside, shutting the door behind him. On the second floor directly above the shop between the cracks of the boarded up windows the group can see that a light has been lit.

OOC: It is now probably about a half-hour past sunset. Let me know if you want to keep waiting or start making a plan.
player, 14 posts
Fri 1 Mar 2019
at 09:27
  • msg #2

[1.04] All The World's Meat

On their way to the butchery Kyra wastes a bit of time on a detour to a nearby wine shop. Before entering she first hides her features with her shawl, in case Verik has a sudden attack of common sense and starts asking questions about who is sending him gifts. Then she buys a small barrel of strong wine, a bit more expensive, but a cut above the common stuff guards usually drink. On the barrel she writes "To our brave heroes!" and has it delivered to the butchery right away.

Leaving the shop, she admits that Figus has a point. Things are still tense in the city, and the wine might not get there in time, or at all. So she repeats the whole exercise at the next shop they come by, just in case. Then she joins the rest of the team casing the place. "Shall we wait another couple of hours? Give them time to relax and doze off?" With her shawl on, she appears as just a darker shadow. She tries to remember if she knows anything else about this place from her time spend on the streets, but comes up with nothing.

I love that damned shawl. Cheep, but so useful for any sneak. Kyra spends up to 20 gp on buying wine and having it delivered here. No idea if it will work or not.

10:15, Today: Kyra rolled 13 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 2.  Knowledge: Local.
10:16, Today: Kyra rolled 19 using 1d20 with rolls of 19.  Buying wine (8+) 1/2.
10:17, Today: Kyra rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Buying wine (8+) 2/2.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:28, Fri 01 Mar 2019.
Dungeon Master
GM, 166 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 03:27
  • msg #3

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra doesn't find out much more from asking around. The group of ex-guards showed up around the time of the riots and began handing out free meat to those in need. They call themselves the Cow Hammer Boy.

Presumably they are a butchers but the place is popular because it gives out some free cuts to the needy.

Around closing time a single large barrel of wine is dropped off and Malder doesn't ask any questions. He calls out to Baldrago and the two muscle it into the shop before closing up for the evening. That night while watching the group can easily hear drunken singing going on upstairs.
Figus Dva
player, 17 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 04:02
  • msg #4

[1.04] All The World's Meat

After hearing the drunken revelry, Figus shakes his head. "That ... went better than I expected. My hat's off to you Kyra."

On the subject of 'free cuts to the needy', Figus shudders as to where this meat could be coming from and offers up a silent prayer that the poor have not been treated to a helping of 'Long Pork'

Almost absent mindedly he rubs the head of his canine friend before speaking up

"I think is about the time we started. Do we want to begin at the top, or should we just go for the main door."
player, 16 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 15:04
  • msg #5

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Betting on Verik and our former squad mates being idiots seemed like safe enough bet. You were right about difficulties in getting the wine here, luckily at least one barrel made it. As for getting in there, we could try the front door, or through the barn and pens, there is bound to be another door there. The animals in there could cause a ruckus though."

Kyra shrugs, though the gesture is waste of time since nobody could notice it under her shadowy disguise.

"In any case, I'd be in favor of waiting for another hour. Give them time to get from singing-drunkenly to falling-under-the-table-drunkenly."
Figus Dva
player, 18 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 15:23
  • msg #6

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"I doubt there is anything in the pens. The way things are, they are unlikely to keep stock on hand, or it would survive for any length of time in these guys care. But, the front door is likely a better approach as log as we can pick the locks."

Figus gives a quick glance at Kraw to see his reaction
This message was last edited by the player at 19:04, Sat 02 Mar 2019.
Rogue, 133 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2019
at 15:35
  • msg #7

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw shrugs. "I can check the lock quietly enough, even open it if need be" he says casually. He adds "I too think the pens would have little stock at hand to impede us. But the smell factor would negate any Stealth we managed." Kraw creeps forward to check the locks.

Stealth 20 on d20+11.

Perception 10 on d20+9

Disable Device 24 on d20+11.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Sat 02 Mar 2019.
Rogue, 134 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 15:41
  • msg #8

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Once he checks the lock, Kraw takes a look around at the upper floors from the outside, seeking another way in.

Perception 29 on d20+9.
Figus Dva
player, 19 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 16:34
  • msg #9

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Seeing as the group is commit to use the front entrance, Figus moves to Kraw's side while his dog Alpha follows along.
player, 17 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 17:17
  • msg #10

[1.04] All The World's Meat

As quietly as possible, Kyra chants out a protection spell. Then she silently joins the party at the door and hides in the shadow of the building.

Mage Armor up.
18:11, Today: Kyra rolled 29 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 14.  Stealth.

Figus Dva
player, 20 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 20:35
  • msg #11

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus nods at Kyra "You wouldn't happen to have a scroll of that on you? Alpha can use it. I'ld pay. I got a potion, but why do it if you can get the same thing cheaper. "
player, 18 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2019
at 21:40
  • msg #12

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Afraid not." Kyra whispers back from the shadow.

Sorry, I only prepared that one. Did not think anyone else could use it, so I took a couple of healing spells instead. In the future I'll prepare two Mage Armors, hopefully by then we'll have a CLW heal-stick to keep everyone patched up.
Bloodrager, 38 posts
Mon 4 Mar 2019
at 21:40
  • msg #13

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Unable to sneak for her life, Ayeesha held back a little but moved up with the rest of them. Her eyes scanned the building, looking for trouble.

I have no ranks in stealth...

15:40, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  perception.

Dungeon Master
GM, 169 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 4 Mar 2019
at 22:40
  • msg #14

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw quietly picks the lock and checks to make sure the coast is clear before the rest of the party moves up. Inside, a long counter runs over half the room’s width, beyond which a door stands ajar. A low bench sits against the east wall, while to the north a marble-topped table displays cuts of meat before a wide, grimy window. A swarm of flies crawl and circle in the air above the meat. It seems the "butchers" did not clear out the day's cut before retiring for the evening.

Voices talking and arguing are coming from past the door in the back of the shop although they sound distant. Best estimate would put about 20' between the shop front and the voices that can be hear although depending on walls and building layout it could be closer or farther.
Figus Dva
player, 21 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 00:29
  • msg #15

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus moves into the shop and draws his scimitar. His dog silently follows. As he moves closer to the other door, Figus tries to make out the voices and what is being said.

19:27, Today: Figus Dva rolled 26 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 18.  Perception (Listen).
19:26, Today: Figus Dva rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  Alpha stealth.
19:25, Today: Figus Dva rolled 24 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 17.  Stealth.

Rogue, 136 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 00:38
  • msg #16

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw quietly moves inside, a single kukri drawn. He looks around the perimeter inside for a shaft or some other means of going up top without passing through the back door. He also listens in.

16:36, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 8.  Stealth.

16:36, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 16.  Perception.

Dungeon Master
GM, 172 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 03:05
  • msg #17

[1.04] All The World's Meat

The back door reveals a long hallway. There are two other doors and a long trail of blood leading from one to the other. Around the corner is a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. The voices are much louder now and it is clear after a few moments of listening that the party was happening just up the stairs.

Currently it sounds like the ex-guards are playing some kind of card game but it is clear they are inebriated because the rules of the game seems to shift from one moment to the next.
player, 19 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #18

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Following after Kraw, Kyra takes off her scarf for a moment to point up the stairs and mouth a question: "Up?" She then returns the scarf and blends back in the shadows.

Really should have remembered to cast Message before we got in.
14:19, Today: Kyra rolled 28 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 13.  Stealth.

Figus Dva
player, 22 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 17:18
  • msg #19

[1.04] All The World's Meat

In reply to Kyra, Figus nods.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:47, Tue 05 Mar 2019.
Bloodrager, 41 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 22:21
  • msg #20

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha nodded along as well, her sword out and in hand. Unable to move quietly, she followed along as best she could moving up the stairs.

Can I stealth untrained? If so I guess I have a -2 modifier. Will roll for funsies.

16:20, Today: Ayeesha rolled 0 using 1d20-2 with rolls of 2.
There you go, I wake the dead!

16:18, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  perception, .

Rogue, 138 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2019
at 22:29
  • msg #21

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Wincing at Ayeesha's idea of stealth,  Kraw hides in the shadows beside the stairs, twin saps readied for attack.

Stealth 27 on d20+11.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:29, Tue 05 Mar 2019.
Dungeon Master
GM, 174 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 6 Mar 2019
at 20:56
  • msg #22

[1.04] All The World's Meat

The giant warrior woman steps on a board that creaks loudly just as there was a natural pause in the party upstairs.

"What was that?"

"DId you secure the pens?"

"Of course I did...I did yet."

"Then what was that?"

"You think someone's looking for meat?"

"Probably. Baldrago, Karralo go check it out."

"Why us? Why don't you do it?"

"Because you folded. Just check and get back and we'll deal you in next hand."

There is a groan and sighs coming from upstairs as some chairs scoot across the wood floor and footsteps start to approach the stairs...
player, 20 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2019
at 21:20
  • msg #23

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra quickly tries the door next to the stairs. Is it locked?
Dungeon Master
GM, 176 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 6 Mar 2019
at 22:14
  • msg #24

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra finds the door next to her unlocked. The interior is dark and smells like death.
player, 21 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2019
at 23:02
  • msg #25

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra rethinks her plan to hide in that room and closes the door. She stalks back to the shop and ducks behind a counter instead.
Figus Dva
player, 24 posts
Thu 7 Mar 2019
at 14:18
  • msg #26

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus puts away his scimitar and pulls out his saps while ducking into a nearby corner and waving Alpha down near him. There is little hope to avoid a fight, but at least he can take advantage of surprise.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:45, Fri 08 Mar 2019.
Bloodrager, 45 posts
Thu 7 Mar 2019
at 14:39
  • msg #27

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Sara follows suit, drawing her weapon and hiding as best she can at the corner of the front counter (column 4 row 3 on the map if we're getting that specific)
Dungeon Master
GM, 179 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 12 Mar 2019
at 04:37
  • msg #28

[1.04] All The World's Meat

From the front shop the group can hear the two guards stumble down and pop their heads into various doors. Finally they come to the front shop, the door creaking open and the first one, Baldrago, stops short as he recognizes that there was about 200lbs of meat standing in front of him that wasn't supposed to be there.


Is about all that he was able to get out before the group could spring into action!

OOC: Surprise round!

Round 0

Kyra22188/8Dagger +11d4Armored
Baldrago22??HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171819/19Greatsword +62d6+4-
Malder2212HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Kraw81816/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Karralo812HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Parns812HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 142 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2019
at 05:46
  • msg #29

[1.04] All The World's Meat

With twin saps, Kraw lands a beat down on Baldrago's thick skull.

Sap attack, flanking 19 on d20+5.  Hit.
Damage 4 on d6+1.
Sneak Attack damage 4 on d4.

Sap attack 2, flanking 22 on d20+5. Hit.
Damage 6 on d6+1.
Sneak Attack damage 4 on d4.

18 nonlethal damage delivered.
player, 22 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2019
at 09:18
  • msg #30

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra pops up from behind the counter and with a flick of her wrist sends a magic imbued card at the first person through the door.

10:16, Today: Kyra rolled 11,6 using 1d20+6,1d4+2 with rolls of 5,4.  Deadly Dealer (Point Blank).

Bloodrager, 50 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2019
at 21:55
  • msg #31

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha waved at the guard who came face to face with her, then watched Kraw lay him out. She entered her bloodrage and focused her attention on the next one in line.

Five foot step to E10
Attack with sap, flanking for +2

15:54, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 11.  sap attack on second thug in line. (should be 20 forgot to add in bloodrage strength bonus and flank)
15:55, Today: Ayeesha rolled 9 using 1d6+5 with rolls of 4.  nonlethal damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:42, Fri 15 Mar 2019.
Figus Dva
player, 29 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2019
at 22:10
  • msg #32

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus rushes forward to engage and attacks.
Surprise round move action. First round attack with both saps

18:06, Today: Figus Dva rolled 7 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 4.  Damage +2 more if the target is human.
18:05, Today: Figus Dva rolled 5,19 using D20+3,d20+3 with rolls of 2,16.  Attack +5 to hit if the target is human.

Dungeon Master
GM, 181 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 15 Mar 2019
at 20:03
  • msg #33

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra throws a magical card at one but even the magically reinforced edge just bounces off the chainmail Baldrago is wearing.

Baldrago blinks in surprise.

Figus hops up on the counter. Luckily his smaller form lets him stand mostly upright without having to hunch too much under the ceiling.

Ayeesha smacks Baldrago upside the head with a sap.

Upstairs, Malder draws a card.

Kraw smacks Baldrago on the other side of the head and Baldrago drops like a sack.

Karralo looks confused as to why Baldrago just fell over.

Upstairs, Parns throws another coin into the pot.

OOC: You can step into Baldrago's square but it counts as difficult terrain as you have to be careful not to trip over the body.

Round 1

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171819/19Greatsword +62d6+4-
Malder2212HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Kraw81816/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Karralo812HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Parns812HealthyLongsword +51d8+2Surprised
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:48, Sat 16 Mar 2019.
Figus Dva
player, 37 posts
Fri 15 Mar 2019
at 23:42
  • msg #34

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus jumps down off the counter and attempts to get on the other side of Karralo

19:39, Today: Figus Dva rolled 12 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 7.  Overrun vs Karralo.

Not sure is Favorite Enemy gets added to CMB. If yes and if he is human then +2

player, 24 posts
Sat 16 Mar 2019
at 00:18
  • msg #35

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra climbs the counter that Figus has jumped down from and throws another card at Karralo.

When all you have is a hammer... not sure what penalties I take. Shooting in melee I suppose, maybe more depending on who is in the way.
01:11, Today: Kyra rolled 18,3 using 1d20+6,1d4+2 with rolls of 12,1.  Deadly Dealer (Point Blank).

Bloodrager, 57 posts
Mon 18 Mar 2019
at 19:00
  • msg #36

[1.04] All The World's Meat

OOC: Careful those of you who get past. There are two more at least back there, you might end up getting flanked yourselves!

"Careful, there are more in there!" she hissed as Figus tries to get past the thug. Unable to stand where the first had fallen, she tried bludgeoning the second down with her sap, but missed badly.

Guess it doesn't matter if he has cover if I roll 1s.

12:59, Today: Ayeesha rolled 8 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 1.  sap with bloodrage without flank.

Dungeon Master
GM, 185 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #37

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Round 1

Kyra flicks out a card that cuts a deep gash along the side of Karralo's cheek.

Figus bowls right past the surprised ex-guard and ends up in the hallway behind him.

Ayeesha strikes at Karralo but misses.

Malder plays cards.

Kraw steps over and smacks Karralo across the face with his sap.

Karralo lets out a shout "We're under attack! To arms!"

He takes out hiis sword and shoves it through Kraw's side. It's not quite a lethal blow but pretty close to one.
Kraw takes a crit and takes 11 pts of slashing damage

Upstairs there is the sudden sound of movement as someone rushes to the top of the stairs.

Round 2

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171819/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Malder2215HealthyLongsword +51d8+2-
Kraw8185/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Karralo815HurtLongsword +51d8+23 NL
Parns815HealthyLongsword +51d8+2-
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

player, 25 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 07:26
  • msg #38

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Oh, bloody hell." This was not turning out the way Kyra wished for. Seeing her ally struck, she chants out one of her spells and delivers it with a touch.

I thought Kyra has already climbed the counter, but if not, she does it now to deliver her spell. CLW on Kraw.
08:24, Today: Kyra rolled 9 using 1d8+2 with rolls of 7.  CLW.

Rogue, 149 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 08:40
  • msg #39

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw draws his other sap and, flanking with Figus, tries to knock Karralo out.

Two Weapon attack with Saps.
Sap attack #1, flanking = 19 on 1d20+5.
Sap damage 3 on d6+1.
Sneak Attack damage 2 on 1d4.
5 nonlethal damage done.

Sap attack #2, flanking = 13 on 1d20+5.
Damage 2 on 1d6+1.
Sneak Attack damage 1 on 1d4.
+3 nonlethal damage if AC 13 or less.

Figus Dva
player, 39 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 12:44
  • msg #40

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus strikes with his saps from the other side one high, the other higher, but seem to connect.

Teo attacks vs. human opponent flanking

08:40, Today: Figus Dva rolled 6,4 using 1d6+5,1d3+3 with rolls of 1,1.  Sap damage.
08:39, Today: Figus Dva rolled 15,19 using 1d20+7,1d20+7 with rolls of 8,12.  Sap attack, flanking.

Bloodrager, 58 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 15:49
  • msg #41

[1.04] All The World's Meat

OOC: Ah, initiative again. I'm going to hold my action until Kraw hopefully takes the dude down, then push through. Can I move to H8 with 30' of movement? Pretty sure I can. I'll post two actions, depending on whether Karralo is down or not after Kraw acts. Will roll one attack, it's either an attack on Karralo if he's still up, or a readied action attack on Parns coming down the stairs. Either way she's raging now(I don't think she was last round so think I have one more round of rage than listed.)

If Karralo is down

"Coming through!" the big shoanti woman pushed her way over the unconscious bandit and past her ranger ally, settling at the bottom of the stairs. She planted her feet and waited, blowing a kiss at the bandit on the stairs as she waited for him to descend, her sap ready.

"Watch the door," she instructed Figus, all pretense of stealth dropped. "Never know who might come through."

If not

She grit her teeth and lay into Karralo with her sap.

Hope this is clear... Should hit for 8 in either case, assuming Parns comes down the stairs into the arms of a raging barbarian lady...

09:40, Today: Ayeesha rolled 21 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 14.  attack, either readied on Parns or on Karralo.
09:41, Today: Ayeesha rolled 8 using 1d6+5 with rolls of 3.  sap damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 187 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 29 Mar 2019
at 03:55
  • msg #42

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra jumps up and pours healing energy into Kraw.

Figus slams his saps down on the back of Karralo's head one after the other and Kararalo drops like a sack of potatoes.

Ayeesha rushes past and up the stairs, smashing Parns right in the face with her sap and smashing the man's nose.

Malder appears at the top of the stairs with a loaded crossbow. Seeing Ayeesha bearing down on Parns he fires but the shot goes wide and hits the wall instead, skipping down off the stairs to clatter in the back of the hall.

"Fuck me Malder, get Van! This one's a giant!" He stabs his sword at Ayeeshe but she bats the blade aside, nearly taking the sword from his hand in the process.

Round 3

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171819/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Malder2215HealthyLongsword +51d8+2-
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Parns815HealthyLongsword +51d8+28 NL
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 63 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2019
at 14:04
  • msg #43

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ooc Welp that didn't work. Bad time for a 1

"Yeah, go get Van!” she cried at the thug. Then Ayesha swung madly but clumsily and swore.

holding my move action if someone wants me to step back let me know
This message was last edited by the player at 02:57, Sun 31 Mar 2019.
Rogue, 155 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 08:48
  • msg #44

[1.04] All The World's Meat

If the wood between Kraw and Parns is a bannister,  Kraw tries to surmount it so he can get behind Parns.

If, hjowever, it is a solid wall, he moves past the crumpled body of Karralo to get behind Ayeesha. He sizes up the dimensions of the staircase.

Climb check 9 onb d20+6
player, 29 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 09:16
  • msg #45

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra slips behind Ayeesha to throw another of her cards at the man on the stairs.

If I time this for when Ayeesha steps back, but before someone else takes her place, I can avoid shooting in melee penalty. There's still shooting through occupied square though - not sure if the fact that Parns is above Ayeesha helps with that or not.

Move to J8, throw card at Parns. I did not include any penalties in this roll.
11:14, Today: Kyra rolled 17,4 using 1d20+6,1d4+2 with rolls of 11,2. Deadly Dealer (Point Blank).

Dungeon Master
GM, 189 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 2 Apr 2019
at 18:51
  • msg #46

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra waits for the perfect time and sends out a card to hit Malder in the arm.

Figus waits for the right opportunity to attack.

Ayeesha slashes with her sword but gets it tangled on an overhead beam. As she yanks it away the momentum sends her stumbling back a few feet.

Up above Malder runs back from the top of the stairs. A door opens and Malder shouts "We're under attack! They're sending a giant after us!"

Parns slashes out with his sword again, this time drawing blood from Ayeesha's shoulder and back as he chops down with the sword and she doesn't deflect or dodge in time.
OOC: Ayeesha takes 3 pts of slashing damage

Round 4

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171816/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Malder2215BruisedLongsword +51d8+2-
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Parns815HealthyLongsword +51d8+28 NL
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

player, 31 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 20:04
  • msg #47

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra throws another card at Parns, more because she can't think of anything better to do than because of any real hope of hitting him.

Step to J8, throw a card.
22:00, Today: Kyra rolled 8,4 using 1d20+2,1d4+2 with rolls of 6,2.  Deadly Dealer (Point Blank, Throwing into a Melee).

Bloodrager, 67 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 21:01
  • msg #48

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha grunted as the sword bit into her, but it didn't really slow her down. She attacked with her sap again, frustrated by the poncy light weapon.

Hits AC 15 for 6, but don't think it brings him down. Tempted to give up on the saps and just heal the wounded after the fight...

15:00, Today: Ayeesha rolled 6 using 1d6+5 with rolls of 1.  sap damage.

14:59, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  destined strike.

Figus Dva
player, 50 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 21:11
  • msg #49

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Stepping up behind Ayeesha, Figus launches a dagger at Parns, but the throw is just too difficult

Thrown dagger vs. human opponent into melee

17:08, Today: Figus Dva rolled 6 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 4.  Dagger (-4 into melee).

Rogue, 156 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Thu 4 Apr 2019
at 08:18
  • msg #50

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw glances quickly to assess the situation. Seeing no one behind the next thug, Kraw tumbles past Ayeesha and leaps upstairs, beyond Parms, and kicking off the wall to end up behind Parms. From that flanking position, he lays into the thug with a solid blow from his sap.

03:12, Today: Kraw rolled 13 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 4.  Perception.
03:12, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 11.  acrobatics.

03:14, Today: Kraw rolled 17 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 10.  sap attack, flanking.

03:14, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d6+1 with rolls of 5.  sap damage.
03:14, Today: Kraw rolled 4 using 1d4 with rolls of 4.  Sneak attack damage.

10 nonlethal damage to Parms
Dungeon Master
GM, 192 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 05:27
  • msg #51

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Round 5
Kyra throws a card but misses due to the cramped conditions of the hallway.

Figus tries throwing a knife but the hulking form of Ayeesha spoils his shot.

Ayeesha smacks Parns in the head with her sap, ringing his helm like a bell but he stays on his feet.

Malder appears and fires his crossbow down the stairs at Ayeesha but the angle is bad and the bolt buries itself above her head.

Just then a handsome looking man in a sergeants uniform appears at the top of the stairs.
"I don't know who you are but...wait...Kyra? Figus? What the bloody hells are you doing here? Begone before I put an arrow through your eyes."

With lightning speed he knocks and arrow, draws and fires. The arrow seems to explode with light as it fires and it jumps forward burying into Ayeesha's shoulder.
OOC: Ayeesha takes 8 pts of piercing damage

Seeing an opening, Kraw jumps forward and gets on the other side of Parns and landing a felling blow with his sap right at the base of the neck causing the guard to drop.

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221515/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha17188/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Malder1715HealthyLongsword +51d8+2-
Verik919HealthyLongbow +81d8+3-
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL
Parns--Unconscious--24 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
player, 56 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #52

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus snickers "You were never as good as you thought Verik and its time to face justice. We are bringing you and your gang in!"

Move Action + Standard Actions: Overrun vs Malder to B16

12:30, Today: Figus Dva rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8.  CMB Overrun.

player, 36 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2019
at 18:09
  • msg #53

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra steps behind Ayeesha to try to heal her wound.

Step to I8, CLW of Ayeesha.
20:01, Today: Kyra rolled 6 using 1d8+2 with rolls of 4.  CLW.

Bloodrager, 71 posts
Sun 7 Apr 2019
at 04:13
  • msg #54

[1.04] All The World's Meat

OOC: Holding my action until after Kraw moves. Assuming he gets out of F8, and doesn't stop at E15 or D15, I'll move to D15 and attack Malder.

I'm done with saps, so dropping mine, drawing the mwk greatsword as part of my move then attacking malder with it, if he's still up. If he's not I'm moving to C15 and attacking Verik. Think I have movement for that.

Thanks for the heal Kyra!

Rogue, 157 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Sun 7 Apr 2019
at 04:55
  • msg #55

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw leaps up and kicks off the wall, propelling him to C16. Landing, he slaps Verik with his sap.

Acrobatics 29 on d20+9.

Sap attack 20 on d20+5.
Sap damage 5 on d6+1.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:51, Mon 08 Apr 2019.
Bloodrager, 72 posts
Mon 8 Apr 2019
at 03:52
  • msg #56

[1.04] All The World's Meat

OOC: OK well here goes. Step over Parms to get to D15, then swing at Malder.

And here I thought I was going to be pulling punches not power attacking... Hoping no insta-kill!

21:48, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 15.  greatsword attack.
21:49, Today: Ayeesha rolled 17 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 5,5.  damage (no power attack).

Ayeesha surged up the stairs, stepping over one thug to get to the next. She paused only for an instant to shout, "Thanks!" to Kyra for the healing. Her shoulder still ached around the arrow, but she paid it no mind.

Done with nonlethality, she dropped her sap and drew her greatsword as she moved. She assaulted Malder with it. It didn't go well for the thug.
Dungeon Master
GM, 193 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 03:32
  • msg #57

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Round 5
Kyra uses magic to bind some of Ayeesha's wounds.

Figus barrels past Malder. Malder tries to take a stab at the drow as he passes but Figus is too quick and agile to be hit.

Ayeesha steps forward and cuts Malder nearly in half with a chop of her sword. The ex-guard falls dead at her feet.
OOC: Insta-kill. He did not have that much health left...

Verik drops his crossbow and brings his spear to bear. He gives it a flourishign twirl before using the haft to knock Figus' sap to one side before spinning the spear around and skewering the drow on the ornate head.
OOC: Figus takes 9 pts of piercing damage

Kraw moves up and smacks Verik on the side with his sap.

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus22156/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha171814/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Verik919HealthySpear +61d8+35 NL
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL
Parns--Unconscious--24 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 160 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 08:13
  • msg #58

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw continues to try to bring Verik down, but his sap is deflected by Verik's helm.

Sap attack 16 on d20+5.  Miss.
player, 38 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 11:05
  • msg #59

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra moves in range and tries helping Malder with her spell, though with how nasty the cut he took looked, she is not expecting much from it.

Casting Stabilize on Malder, or what's left of him. Can't thing of anything useful to do, I have no healing spells remaining to help Figus, and trying to attack in this melee is completely futile. I really need to invest in some wands asap.
Figus Dva
player, 58 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 14:26
  • msg #60

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus almost doubles over when the spear pierces his side, but he does not want to give Verik the satisfaction of seeing him in pain and lashes with his sap across the man's face. Giving as good as he got. He then takes a step back and draws a healing potion.

Standard action: Attack with sap
Move action: Take 5' step and draw a potion
Swift action:  move to B19.

10:10, Today: Figus Dva rolled 11 using 1d6+5 with rolls of 6.  Sap damage.
10:09, Today: Figus Dva rolled 23 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 16.  Sap attack

This message was last edited by the player at 14:26, Tue 09 Apr 2019.
Bloodrager, 75 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2019
at 15:03
  • msg #61

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Hey, big guy," she smiled as she stepped forward over Malder, her sword in front of her. She swung for Verik, no longer trying to do non-lethal damage. The big guy could take a couple of hits, she wagered. But she narrowly missed.

Not sure why I rolled damage if he has a 19 AC... Would have been nice though!

Kraw, if he steps out to follow Figus we might be able to set up flanks. In the corner it's kind of hard unless we can reposition him.

09:00, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9.  attack Verik.
09:00, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 6,6.  damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 194 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 04:57
  • msg #62

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra attempts to stabilize Malder but the dead guardsmen is beyond hope and stronger divine magics will be necessary to raise him.

Figus cracks Verik hard across the face with his sap but the sergeant stays standing and Figus backs up to prepare a healing potion.

Ayeesha steps up and slams her blade down but Verik expertly steps to the side letting the blade slide off his chainmail harmlessly and drive into the floor next to him. He grins an evil grin at her.

"You want to dance, giantess? Let's dance."

He spins around and stabs his spear deep into Ayeehsa's chest. The evil grin on his face widens as she drops to her knees.
OOC: Ayeesha takes a hit for 10 pts of piercing damage

"If you surrender now, I might let you and your friends live."

Kraw responds by trying to smack Verik on the head with his sap but the guardsmen parries the strike with his bloody spear.

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus22156/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha17184/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Verik919WoundedSpear +61d8+316 NL
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL
Parns--Unconscious--24 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:11, Fri 12 Apr 2019.
Rogue, 164 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 05:05
  • msg #63

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw switches the sap to his other hand and draws a kukri.  With the degger-like blade he tries to find an opening in Verik's armor,  but fails. He then steps 5' away (to the right), hoping the man is foolish enough to discount Ayeesha when she was wobbly like that.

Kukri attack 10 onb d20+6.  Miss.
Figus Dva
player, 64 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 12:14
  • msg #64

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus downs a healing potion (6 pts) before throwing a the empty vial to the ground and pulling out a scimitar and a mace.

"Right, no more Mr. Nice Guy." He thought to himself.

Standard Action: Drink potion
Move Action    : Draw weapons

Today: Figus Dva rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  CLW potion.

Bloodrager, 81 posts
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 22:54
  • msg #65

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Oh let's, handsome," she stared down Verik as his spear nearly skewered her, not flinching. "Are you sure that's where you're supposed to stick that? I didn't feel anything. It's ok, I'm sure it happens to lots of guys."

She came back with a careful swing of her greatsword, putting her strength behind it, but not her full power.

OK, used up a destined strike (and apparently was forgetting masterwork or something on my last roll - my hit is +2 BAB, +5 21 strength - raging, +1 masterwork and this round +1 destined strike for +9, just to check)

16:48, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 13.  destined strike, c'mon baby, no whammy!
16:50, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 3,1.  greatsword damage.

player, 44 posts
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 09:33
  • msg #66

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"The only one going down is you. You are all alone now Verik." Kyra whispers menacingly from the shadows.

No chance of hitting him, so let's try to demoralize.
11:29, Today: Kyra rolled 15 using 1d20 with rolls of 15.  Intimidate.

Dungeon Master
GM, 197 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 06:07
  • msg #67

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra's witchy gaze perturbs Verik enough to throw off his aim.

Figus drinsk a potion and then pulls out his weapons.

Ayeesha wades in and slashes Verik with her sword. His armor takes the brunt of it but he is still looking hurt.

Verik lashes out wiith his spear again but hits nothing but air.

Kraw wades in but misses.

Kyra221811/11Dagger +11d4Armored
Figus221512/15Sap +51d6+3 NL-
Wolf221413/13Bite +21d6+1+Trip-
Ayeesha17184/19Greatsword +82d6+7Bloodrage
Verik919CrippledSpear +61d8+316 NL
Kraw81814/16Kurki +3, Bite +01d4+1/1d4/1d3-
Baldrago--Unconscious--17 NL
Karralo--Unconscious--16 NL
Parns--Unconscious--24 NL

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 165 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 06:50
  • msg #68

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw moves 5' to block Verik's access to the outside window. As he does so, his weapons switch hands and he tries to land another blow with his sap. Despite Verik's weakened condition, Kraw's blow is so weak the weapon slips out of his claws.

01:48, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 1.  sap attack . Fumble....again
player, 45 posts
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 13:41
  • msg #69

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra cackles menacingly from the shadows at Verik.

Trying to demoralize again to extend duration.
15:40, Today: Kyra rolled 18 using 1d20 with rolls of 18.  Intimidate.

Figus Dva
player, 66 posts
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #70

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus moves in and swings wildly with his scimitar.

Standard Action: Attack scimitar
Move Action    : Move in to engage

10:08, Today: Figus Dva rolled 12 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 5.  Attack with scimitar.

Bloodrager, 83 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 21:49
  • msg #71

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha swung again, using her destined strike to guide her sword.

15:48, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 10.  destined strike again. Think I'm 1/3 now.
15:48, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 2d6+7 with rolls of 4,4.  greatsword damage.
Dungeon Master
GM, 199 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 00:13
  • msg #72

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha smashes Verik in the side of the head with the flat of her sword knocking him out cold. He is in bad shape with multiple cuts and probably a wicked concussion but he is at leas stable and unlikely to bleed out before they can get him back to the guard.

While tying up the guards they find the following items:

(from guards)
x4 sets of guard-issued chainmail
x4 sets of guard-issued longswords
x4 sets of guard-issued shields
x4 sets of guard-issued crossbows
x63 crossbow bolts

(from Venik)
x1 Potion of CLW
x1 set of custom MW chainmail
x1 MW Spear
x1 MW Composite Longbow Str+2
x18 Arrows that detect faint magic

(from the room)
x1 Harrow Deck

OOC: Each player earns 400xp from the fight.
Figus Dva
player, 68 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 01:12
  • msg #73

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus finally lets out a deep breath "It could have been worse. For a while there, I thought we would have to kill him."

He takes the potion of CLW and hands it to Ayeesha

"If this fight was any indication, you will need this.

Do we check the rest of this place or are we done here?"

Bloodrager, 84 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 04:01
  • msg #74

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Coming down from her rage, she stuck her tongue out at Figus, but still happily took the potion. Perhaps an uncharacteristic gesture from a amazon warrior, somehow it fit.

"You'll probably want the arrows, if they're magic. If not I'll take them, but I'm sure you can put them to better use."

"The mission was to bring in Verik and his men, true. And," she cringed a little, "we almost managed to bring them all in alive. Sorry again that I got a little over-enthusiastic with that one guy."

She retrieved her sap and proceeded to pile everything she could up, wondering how she'd carry it all. She looked carefully at the harrow deck. Those things seemed to turn up everywhere for some reason.

"Since I think I'm the pack mule of the group," she explained how she was piling up the loot.

"Don't we have one of those from Zellara already?" she asked Kraw about the harrow deck

"Still it seems a shame to leave a perfectly good hideout unexplored. I know we need to get Verik back but perhaps we can spare a half an hour to search the place thoroughly? I know I'd kick myself if we missed something valuable by leaving too quickly."
player, 46 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 06:29
  • msg #75

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"It's a long shot, but I agree, let's at least make an effort to search the place. Might be some clue on Verik's desertion around. It will be a while before he can answer any questions." After making sure Verik is not going to bleed out to death, Kyra starts looking around. She also takes a quick look at those arrows they found.

Detect magic on, searching the place. Wonder if I could just take 10 on Perception / Spellcraft? If no, here are the rolls:
08:26, Today: Kyra rolled 10 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 3.  Spellcraft.
08:26, Today: Kyra rolled 13 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 5.  Perception.

Rogue, 166 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 07:52
  • msg #76

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw slaps manacles on all the unconscious prisoners before adding his own eyes to the search. He says "this being a meat market, I bet there is one or more wagons in storage. I say we pile the prisoners in one, the loot in another, and haul it all back. Armor or weapons won't help me, except maybe the spear."
Figus Dva
player, 69 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 13:21
  • msg #77

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Gigus shrugs at the suggestion that he take the arrows. "Its no big deal. I can use them, but not any more or better than you. We can split them. The bow is better than what I got, but not right either. Let's worry about it later. I would like the spear, at least for now. We can figure out permanent distribution later.
Bloodrager, 85 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 15:25
  • msg #78

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha downed the healing potion and was looking for more.

"I could use another if anyone wants to spare. We should decide how we're handling our plunder eventually, whether it's every woman for herself or we have a group fund and quartermaster. For now I'd appreciate any healing anyone can spare."

"We should really look to get a wand as well. I'd be happy to contribute to that, as I suspect I'll be the main beneficiary."

She moved to the door in the south wall and examined it, listening at it.

"Start here I guess."

Healed either 9 or 17 hps depending on whether anyone wants to share a potion of CLW or not. Listen at door perception check is 15.

09:17, Today: Ayeesha rolled 9 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 8.  CLW potion.
09:24, Today: Ayeesha rolled 8 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 7.  second clw potion if someone wants to contribute.
09:24, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 10.  perception listen at door.

player, 47 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 18:38
  • msg #79

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra can give her potion if Ayeesha wants it.
Dungeon Master
GM, 200 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 19:13
  • msg #80

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Ayeesha doesn't hear anything coming from the other side of the door and pushing it open reveals a large office. A single large desk stands in the eastern part, transformed into a makeshift bed by a bedroll and several blankets and pillows. A table and three chairs sit to the west; several papers lie strewn over the table’s surface and a chamber pot sits under it. One of the papers is pinned to the tabletop by an exquisite silver dagger.
Bloodrager, 86 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 20:04
  • msg #81

[1.04] All The World's Meat

She smiled as Kyra handed over the healing potion and blew her a kiss. "Thanks, I gotta learn to dodge better. I really appreciate the kindness." She unstoppered the potion and downed it, letting the warming liquid course through her to close all her wounds.

In the other room she whistled quietly on seeing the dagger.

"You still got that detect magic spell up?" she asked Kyra. "Something tells me that's something special," she continued, indicating the dagger.
Rogue, 167 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:07
  • msg #82

[1.04] All The World's Meat

If no one else is available Kraw uses his unique senses to Detect Magic. Then sweeps the room.
player, 48 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:14
  • msg #83

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"No problem." Kyra responds to Ayeesha. She then helps Kraw search the room.

If the dagger is magical Kyra can try to identify it. But she is more interested in the papers at the moment.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:14, Wed 17 Apr 2019.
Figus Dva
player, 70 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 23:10
  • msg #84

[1.04] All The World's Meat

While others searched and investigated, Figus stood guard. It was possible that someone else was in the house and Figues swore that the group would not be surprised.
Dungeon Master
GM, 201 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 17:58
  • msg #85

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw senses that the dagger is faintly magical but Kyra is unable to determine its properties.

The papers turn out to be a disorganized manuscript detailing the brilliant rise to fame and fortune of Vandercaskin. Kyra and Figus, having worked with Verik, realize that the stories within are almost pure fantasy. He not only claims credit for other peoples work but also re-writes the whole tale to all but eliminate any other person's agency.

Other then its "entertainment" value there is little learned. Finding the most recent entries concerning the riot reveals that Verik had the brilliant idea that after a riot food would become scarce so he procured a butchery. It would appear that Verik has little understanding of what actually goes on in the day-to-day running of the business as his journal is focused entirely on how beloved he is for having his men find and distribute meat for the poor and how troubled he is that his muse has left him wanting when trying to finish his manuscript.
player, 49 posts
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 21:44
  • msg #86

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Ah, I'm too tired to make anything of this dagger, but I can try again in the morning. This text though... I wonder if there is more to this 'muse' than just Verik trying to be poetic. Maybe he picked up his ambition from someone. Not a good combination with his lack of foresight." She picks up the manuscript to turn it in with Verik and the rest of his gang.

Does anyone uses daggers? Kraw maybe?
Figus Dva
player, 72 posts
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 22:01
  • msg #87

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"So, the rest of the place now?"

Pretty much everyone can use a dagger. If its magical, we need to keep it just in case.
Rogue, 169 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 02:38
  • msg #88

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw says "okay if I hold onto the dagger? I'm trained as a knife master and can probably get more use out of it." He heads to the single door to check out what it conceals.
Bloodrager, 88 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 05:34
  • msg #89

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"I don't mind. Careful with it though. I have a feeling it's more than just a weapon. Looks like someone loved this item. It might mean more as a message than anything else."

She looked at Kyra thoughtfully.

"You think? He's just about a perfect patsy, isn't he? Not too bright but overly sure of himself. A guard captain wouldn't be the worst person to have some influence over."

Still wasn't much they could do about it now.

"We can tell Sabina when we report back about the muse. See if it rings any bells to her. I'd like to show her the dagger too."

She moved to the single door with Kraw, weapon in hand, ready to back him up if it got ugly.
player, 50 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 06:50
  • msg #90

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Fine by me. But I'd be careful with it before we had a chance to identify the enchantment on it. Sure, it's probably beneficial, but still..." Kyra responds to Kraw as she follows him to the next door.
Dungeon Master
GM, 203 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 18:40
  • msg #91

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Going back downstairs the party explores the doorway that Kyra had noted smelled like death before. Inside with the doors fully open the air smells stale and stinks of day-old meat and blood. Straw litters thefloor, scattered to catch what drips from the meat hooks affixed to the walls and ceiling on metal rods. To the north is a low blood-stained table and two barrels of salt, while to the south, a pair of double doors stands. An iron bar extends through a narrow hole at the top of the doors; the bar runs along the ceiling for five feet before ending at a vertical pole running from floor to ceiling. Judging by context it is probably some sort of rail system to allow heavy slabs of meat to be transported from the room on the other side to here.
Figus Dva
player, 73 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 18:57
  • msg #92

[1.04] All The World's Meat

With tepetation and a sense of forboding, Figus studies the meats to determine what kind of animal it came from. In these troubling times with supplies being scarce it would not be unheard for the unscrupulous resort to long pork.
Bloodrager, 89 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 23:11
  • msg #93

[1.04] All The World's Meat

While Figus searched, Ayeesha tried not to think about it.

OOC: Can I carry an unconscious Vencaskerkin with me? I think I will obviously be heavily encumbered, but I don't want to leave him alone! And can set him down if I need to move.
player, 51 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2019
at 06:31
  • msg #94

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra wrinkles her nose at the smell in the room and goes to inspect the door to the south.

That's the one we haven't checked out yet, right? Probably leads to the barn, maybe there's a cart we can load these guys on in there.
Rogue, 170 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Tue 23 Apr 2019
at 07:18
  • msg #95

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw moves to join Kyra. If they could find a wagon or two, then hauling both prisoners and loot would be much simpler.
Dungeon Master
GM, 204 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:29
  • msg #96

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus studies the cuts closer and breaths a sigh of relief as he just sees regular pork of the "short" variety.

Ayeesha and the others drag the prisoners to a central location. After the beating they were given they are probably going to be out for awhile but they are at least in a position where the heroes can keep an eye on them.

The room to the south is a grim chamber that appears to be where the killing and cutting was done. The floor is strewn with blood-stained straw and the reek of slaughter is overpowering. The room itself is a killing floor. A metal track affixed to the ceiling dangles meat hooks here and there, allowing the hooks and their gory loads to be moved easily from the northwest where a large hammer sits on the floor amid a permanent bloodstain.

To the south, a bloodstained grill covers a wide hole in the floor. Just north of the grill sit two large vats of water, one boiling and one cold. Two large butcher blocks stand to the east next to barrels of salt, and in the southeast corner sits a reeking vat of cast-off meat and bones.

OOC: Obvious exits are a  large set of double doors to the west and another set of doors next to the bloody hammer.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:55, Mon 29 Apr 2019.
Bloodrager, 90 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:55
  • msg #97

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"Lovely night spot you've found for us," she teased Figus as she wrinkled her nose up in disgust. She paced around the room trying to avoid stepping in too much congealed blood or gore.

Her attention is naturally drawn to the grill over the hole in the floor. Her tone grew quieter as she found herself lost in dark thoughts.

"I'm going to regret this. But if we're being thorough, this is where they'd dispose of anything incriminating."

She put her pack down and pulled out a crowbar, then tried to use it to lift the grate up.

14:54, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17.  strength check, pry up grate.
Figus Dva
player, 74 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 23:04
  • msg #98

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Figus was relieved to find that the meat was of the ordinary type. Things were just too weird as it was. When Ayeesha decided to pry the grate, he choose to help,  but mostly got in the way

19:03, Today: Figus Dva rolled 5 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 2.  strength check aid.
player, 52 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 07:56
  • msg #99

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra can't fault Ayeesha's reasoning, though she stays far away from the bloodstained grill herself. She goes to inspect where the two doors lead instead.

Let's start with the double doors to the west.
Dungeon Master
GM, 205 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 03:02
  • msg #100

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Through the west doors was a shed that housed a wagon. Given the bloodstains and general smell it was either used to haul dead carcasses away, meat to sell or animals in.

The grate popped off with a metallic ping as Figus and Ayeesha bent the grate out of its frame. Beneath the grate was a foul slurry of blood, bones and gristle that had been washed down to clear the room. It was most likely intended to drain into the sewers but had become clogged and was on the verge of backing up into the killing room itself.
Bloodrager, 91 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 04:34
  • msg #101

[1.04] All The World's Meat

"What I won't do to prove myself right," she muttered, held her nose and started searching the muck and gore for anything stashed down there, or anything they tried to wash down the drain.
Rogue, 171 posts
HP 14/16 AC 18
F+2 R+7 W+2
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 04:47
  • msg #102

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kraw fetches the wagon,bringing it in the double doors. He starts loading captured equipment into a packing crate and secures it. He then starts loading Manacled and unconscious prisoners
player, 53 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 07:49
  • msg #103

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra takes one look at what was under the grill before she hurries to check what is behind the last doors, trying to hold on to her dinner. That done, she helps Kraw with loading up the loot and the prisoners.

One door left, the one next to the hammer. I guess that one leads to the barn?
Figus Dva
player, 75 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 12:23
  • msg #104

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Things appeared to be well im hand, so Figus went back to the front room to retrieve his dog and to help Kraw with thw prisoners.
Dungeon Master
GM, 206 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 4 May 2019
at 03:11
  • msg #105

[1.04] All The World's Meat

Kyra's suspicions prove correct when she opens the last few doors to reveal pens of animals resting quietly in the night. The smell is atrocious even though the pen is open aired.

Kraw and the others are able to load the cart with the prisoners without further incident.
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