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11:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission 2: Rose Medal.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 4
The Force
GM, 1491 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 5 Apr 2019
at 03:17
  • msg #107

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Drac has now been out of contact for several minutes. The rest of the team is beginning to wonder if he is remaining comm-silent for a good reason, or a scary one.

The jawas ignore F3-3T's explitives and agitation. They seem to have come to a conclusion about him. One goes to the door to look out onto the street. The other rustles in his robes, then pulls out a restraining bolt on the end of a pair of attachment forceps.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 123 posts
0/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Fri 5 Apr 2019
at 19:00
  • msg #108

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Seku's eyes flit from the bartender to where the thugs are talking conspiratorially amongst themselves. She seems to come to a conclusion and stands up from the bar. In a voice loud enough to be easily overheard by the thugs, she excuses herself to the bartender. "Of course, don't mean to be trouble. I've got places to be anyway." She turns away from the thugs, throws him a wink and makes her way out of the cantina.

Back outside in the sun, Seku addresses the team on the comms again. "Sounds like Drac may be in trouble. F3, meet me at the front of the cantina now. Jess, make a point about how you didn't know me so the thugs won't think we're together. When you've made excuses, meet us near the spaceport." She moves to the corner of the building to look for F3.
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 175 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2019
at 19:33
  • msg #109

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Jess watched the other woman leave. "Well now that the competition is gone-I'm a much better dancer than any Twi-lek. We can talk about a show. Now I want 30% of the bar's take for the time I perform-but you'll get four times as many credits from all the business."

22:15, Today: Jess (Jessica) Swanhill rolled 3 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4a 1b 1d 1c.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:16, Thu 11 Apr 2019.
The Force
GM, 1496 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 19:13
  • msg #110

Mission 2: Rose Medal

The bartender hisses through his teeth, as though considering a weighty problem. He shakes his head ruefully. "Well, okay, I guess we can give it a try. We'll have to settle up your share after the night is over. Oh, and no... lewd dancing, please. This is a family-friendly establishment, and I don't want my wife to think I'm doing this for the wrong reasons."

He offers his hand for a shake. "Come back around supper, about eighteen hundred hours. I'll see if I can get Merle Tosche to make a comm ad, to get the word out. You should go to the holotheatre and hand out flyers."


Out on the street, Seku and the rest of the team have located Drac. He is standing in the street not far away from Anchorhead's docking bay. He is carefully watching the barabel gang enforcer stalk around him in circles. Gunlodd Beyrocco, the enforcer, is hissing insults in a mix of languages. He is taunting Drac with talk of cowardice and offers to call his maternal parent on his behalf.

Gunlodd takes out his commlink and switches it on. Drac looks around, as if searching for guidance.

Victor, did you want to be following Drac? If so, you can spend a maneuver this round to get into a sniper's position.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 125 posts
0/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 20:58
  • msg #111

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Not liking the team's odds against such a large group of thugs, Seku decides to try and defuse the situation. "Hey, listen bud, we're from the cartel and they just sent us to tell you that they expect their cut of Jabba's little operation here. If you start something we're just going to have to come back with more people." As she spoke, she approached Gunlodd.

Seku Bondara rolled no successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2p 2d. Deception.

I want to use the advantages to get close to him without starting a fight.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:59, Sun 14 Apr 2019.
The Force
GM, 1497 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:28
  • msg #112

Mission 2: Rose Medal

The enforcer snorts, then looks over Seku. "'The cartel,' you say. Oh, well, let this one just contact the boss and report the demand." He waggled his commlink, then opened the channel. Meanwhile, Seku had closed to within a few meters of Gunlodd. If he was at all bothered by her proximity, he did not show it.
Astromech Engineer, 138 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 00:08
  • msg #113

Mission 2: Rose Medal

F3-3T whirls around the dusty streets for seemingly an eternity trying not to be captured by the jawas and seem aloof of the danger to his space crush with luscious lekku, but it is all for not. He bleeps out on the com-link to save his hide or metal as soon as possible before he is turned into a crushed ice dispenser or simply crushed.

"Zeepo Neee Bwweeorop Zaaaa!!!!". The little astromech tries to pull some tricky moves to dodge his would be captors. But all it seems to have done is to draw the ire of a couple of street roughs as he slightly scratches their speeder as he blares past. One of the brutes who is highly intoxicated screams out that he will immolate the droid before the jawas have a chance to scavenge his parts. A chase ensues.

O.O.C.: 17:06, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2d ((4(A), 8(D), 8(D))).
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 127 posts
0/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 00:40
  • msg #114

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Taking full advantage of her apparently nonthreatening appearance, Seku saunters up next to Gunlodd. As she does, she reaches into a pouch on her belt and grasps one of the injectors that contains the NC-17 compound.

She makes her next comment in her best sultry tone. "I have another idea."

She pulls out the injector, but by this point is close enough to the enforcer that she can hold it behind his back as she slides in beside him.

"Why don't I teach your replacement a lesson about how to properly respect me?" With a rapid motion she jabs the injector directly into Gunlodd's neck and depresses the syringe.

Seku Bondara rolled 4 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1b 2d. Skulduggery.

Threat can be that this action is obvious to everyone else.

Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 180 posts
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 02:28
  • msg #115

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Jess gives the bartender a smirk of disbelief. "Lewd dancing? Darling, you couldn't afford me. I'll have to get my stage clothing and holoband set up."
Astromech Engineer, 141 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 02:13
  • msg #116

Mission 2: Rose Medal

F3-3T now is being pursued by a gang of foamy mouthed jawas and two foul mouth space gangers for scratching their newly painted speeder.

The droid kicks it into high gear moving at his maximum speed of just above slow and pacing. He turns his head unit around his chassis to survey his assailants and to yell into the com that he is about to be terminated whilst bleeping out obscenities about the jawas mothers girth and the gangers olfactory defects caused by the extreme temperature of the backward planet.

Just in time to hit a spare compressor and other debris sending F3-3T blindly crashing in the middle of a somewhat busy street. He spends his last bit of strength to eject his slug thrower from his chassis and whirl it blindly in public hoping to cause enough trouble that his pursuers just give up and watch him eventually be run over.... He bleeps to himself and Seku on the com. "Strangely, contrary to most of my high risk plans... I DIDN'T have a bad feeling about any of this until just now."

16:24, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 failures, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2d ((1(A), 2(D), 8(D))).
Spending one point of STRESS to ready slug thrower after falling. Crashing Damage (1) ?

The Force
GM, 1501 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 02:33
  • msg #117

Mission 2: Rose Medal

The dread enforcer's pupils widen as Seku moves. He raises his arm to block, but Seku's hand is already in motion. The autoinjector penetrates Gunlodds' scales, and gives a hiss as it delivers its lethal payload.

The barabel hisses and strikes at Seku. The back of his hand catches her against the lowest rib, causing a painful bruise. He snarls and raises his clawed hands in a predatory stance. His commlink, dropped on the sandy ground, begins beeping.

22:16, Today: The Force rolled 4 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2p 2a 2D.  Brawl.
8 net damage.

The jawas see that their prey has attracted too much attention for their taste. They melt away into the alley as the gang of youths thunder after F3-3T. They are shouting and cursing as they run. This attracts the attention of the thuggish men still in the cantina. These men, increasingly wary and frustrated by their poor understanding of the events going on around them, stand as one and go outside. When they see a bunch of teenagers chasing a droid, they briefly confer and decide that they would like to be involved in this. They join the chase.

The teenagers see the gangsters, whooping and waving their weapons, chasing them. The youths' tone changes from vengeful to terrified, as they assume they are being pursued by the ruffians. When F3-3T falls over, they run right past him. One jumps over his barrel-chassis on the way.

The thugs rapidly stomp over to the droid and begin kicking it. They pause as they see, just down the road, their erstwhile leader in a confrontation with the twi'lek woman they saw earlier, as well as a fur-clad humanoid they have no knowledge of. They draw their weapons and prepare to join in.

Seku and Drac note that more actors have taken the stage. Gunlodd's comm call has summoned the thugs who were guarding the nearby docking bay. They emerge into the bright sunlight, and see the brewing conflict as well. They draw their weapons.

Jess is at the cantina, and is at long range away from the conflict. F3-3T and Victor are at Medium range away from the conflict. F3-3T is Engaged with a group of thugs. Seku, Drac, and Gunlodd are Engaged. The group of thugs is at Short range from them.

F3-3T, no need to take strain to ready weapon. No crashing damage either.

Everyone roll initiative, and first combat turn.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 130 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #118

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Seku is sent sprawling by the barabel's blow, but she knows that she's done the hard part. She scrambles away from the brawler in the hopes of creating some space and finding some cover while the chemicals do their work.

Seku Bondara rolled 4 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4a. Cool for initiative.

Spend maneuver to disengage. Spend action for an additional maneuver to move to medium range.

Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 183 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 20:09
  • msg #119

Mission 2: Rose Medal

16:00, Today: Jess (Jessica) Swanhill rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a.  vigilance :P.

Astromech Engineer, 142 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sun 21 Apr 2019
at 22:24
  • msg #120

Mission 2: Rose Medal

15:23, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1s.  Int. Setback for falling .

Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 187 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 23:45
  • msg #121

Mission 2: Rose Medal

"Damn;" Jess muttered at the dust up that was escalating in the street. She touched her blaster's handle but released it. This was not going to be quickly solved with a huge firefight. The droid was in trouble, she had to find him. Thankfully Anchorhead wasn't particularly big...
The Force
GM, 1507 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 01:46
  • msg #122

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Initiative Order:

Gunlodd the Barabel Enforcer
Group of thugs in the street (#1)
Group of thugs near the docking bay (#2)

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 133 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 02:06
  • msg #123

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Using the every second available to her, Seku continues to rush away from the thugs before they manage to think up the novel idea of shooting her. She sees a low wall ahead of her and dives behind it before peeking out for a look at what is happening behind her.

Maneuver: move another range band away.
Action: Take cover.

Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 188 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #124

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Jess ducked around the side of the cantina and toggled her comlink. "F3 where are you?"
Astromech Engineer, 145 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 1 May 2019
at 05:03
  • msg #125

Mission 2: Rose Medal

F3-3T has tumbled over in the middle of a speeder-section during heavy traffic for anchor head, enough passing lighters to make his day more than interesting. The chances of being run over are well over 88.54372 percent and rising quickly. The little astromech sends out a distress signal to Jess and Seku hoping they can locate him, as he procures his slug thrower from his chassis and attempts to aim between traffic and by standers at the two oncoming thugs.

"F3-3T believes if you can not find his signal it would be best to listen for the soon to be loud noises in the area. Follow the booming sound and subsequent screaming. That is all." With that the little droid fires off a few rounds lying on his side.

Four shots ring out all of them so far from target they hit nothing, not even oncoming speeders. F3-3T had shut his optics whilst pulling trigger and has no idea where they went. It was enough noise and fire to slow down a large beat up speeder which has now blocked off the enemy for a brief moment.

The elderly Rodian driver of the speeder is now screaming like mad thinking the droid was trying to kill him for no good reason, just another Hutt speeder jacking and now wouldn't you know even the droids are getting in on his illegal action. Surely a sign of dark times for the galaxy….

21:59, Today: F3-3T rolled 4 failures, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2d 2s ((11(P), 8(D), 3(D), 2(S), 4(S))). Two setbacks for prone and traffic.

The Force
GM, 1509 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 1 May 2019
at 17:47
  • msg #126

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Seku takes cover behind a collection of plasteel rubbish bins which she reckons will stop a blaster bolt. Jess stays well away, in cover and on her commlink.

F3-3T fires his slugthrower, narrowly missing the thugs giving him a kicking. They had been chasing him out of cruel sport, believing him to be an easy victim. They now see he is armed. They are torn between helping their boss and dealing with this new threat. They look at each other, weapons in hand, searching for guidance. Their boss is occupied with his own battle and does not direct them. They decide that the best course is to ignore the prone astromech and help Gunlodd. They move closer and fire their slughthrowers at Drac.

The bullets strike all around Drac, and one strikes him in the tail. This is painful for him, and he howls. Then he strikes at Gunlodd, who is clearly delighted that he has a fight on his claws. The two tear each other up a bit, seeking the upper hand. They turn and turn in the street until an anxious driver tries to speed by them. Gunlodd is clipped by the speeder and falls over hard.

Gunlodd begins spasming and retching. He wraps his arms around his chest, gouging his own scales with his claws. His left pupil expands wide, while his right eye is pinched closed.

The thugs near the dock fire their guns at Seku. The slugs bounce off her cover and don't come close to hitting her.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 134 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Thu 2 May 2019
at 22:31
  • msg #127

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Deciding that her current cover is good enough for the time being, Seku hunkers down behind the trash bins. With her quick peek out, she sees Gunlodd fall over and begin spasming and takes a moment to formulate her next move. After taking a breath, she calls to the goons. "Your current boss is taking his last breaths. The cartel doesn't really care about any of you. We can work something out where you all walk away without earning bounties. Let's put the guns away and talk this out."

From her hiding place, she can see the traffic snarl and hear the shots of F3's weapon. Once she says her peace, she gets on the comlink to the team. "Ok, I think I see you F3. Assuming that's you causing all that commotion. I've got to get these thugs to stop shooting so try to hold out."

Seku Bondara rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1p 3d 1s. Negotiation.

Use the advantage to give them a setback on their next attempt to shoot me because they're still a little nervous though not fully convinced.

Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 189 posts
Fri 3 May 2019
at 22:48
  • msg #128

Mission 2: Rose Medal

"F3!" Jess barked into the comlink. She began to look around the backstreet for the errant droid.
The Force
GM, 1511 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 3 May 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #129

Mission 2: Rose Medal

F3 is plainly visible on the street. He is partly blocking speeder traffic and surrounded by brutal thugs.
Astromech Engineer, 147 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 4 May 2019
at 16:11
  • msg #130

Mission 2: Rose Medal

F3-3T cusses in binary at the mess he has run himself into fires yet again at what seems to be the lead thug or the nastiest looking brute. Amazingly he somehow hits his target although speeder traffic has left him now exposed and in much greater likely hood of being run over by an oncoming cargo transport bearing down yet still very far away F3-3T has yet to notice it speeding in his direction.

O.o.c.: 09:06, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2D.  Shooting. .
Jess (Jessica) Swanhill
Human Infiltrator, 191 posts
Mon 6 May 2019
at 00:59
  • msg #131

Mission 2: Rose Medal

Jess ran into the midst of the droid's fray.  "Oh! You found my droid! Thank you ever so much! Are you coming to the show tonight at the cantina? I'll dedicate a song to you. What are your names?" She looked from one thug to the next with an air of expectancy.
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