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13:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe.

Posted by The Great KarnacFor group 0
The Great Karnac
GM, 251 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Sun 16 Jun 2019
at 03:15
  • msg #1

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe

Interstellar Travel
On a planet that is now a cinder floating in the Crab Nebula, a race of ambitious and intelligent creatures grew too numerous to remain on their home planet at the same time they developed the technology to leave it. This race engaged in multi-generational voyages of exploration and colonization till they discovered methods whereby they could build nodes.
The nodes are installations that produce gateways through which ships can reach other nodes vast distances away. Think of them as artificial collapsars that create wormhole effects. In any event, they are what allow ships to bridge the vast distances between stars and permit interstellar commerce.
Each node is created by a nearby generating station, usually constructed within a nearby planetoid. Each station is manned by a crew to maintain the machinery, an AI that handles navigational and organizational details, and a security team. The nodes were thought so vital that the security teams were made to consist of androids and robots that report directly to the AI.
Realizing the advantages of node travel (which technically eliminates the span between star systems regardless of the distance and is therefore intergalactic as well as interstellar), the race planned to build as many as they could as fast as possible. To this end, they created multigenerational transports tasked with nothing more than building nodes.
For thousands of years, these transports flew through the cosmos stopping at every suitable location and building nodes. The original culture of the 'originators' (as those crewing the transports began to call their ancestors) faded. Trade multiplied and systems prospered, till the pirates. Taking over nodes, these criminals waylaid every ship that passed through and collected everything from these unfortunate vessels as their own.
At about the same time, the Crab Nebula formed. This catastrophic event cut the head from the 'originators'. All the crews within the node network became homeless, no extant government would protect the nodes, there was no one left to be responsible for trade and travel. At least, there was no one organic. The AI that ran the nodes had been developing through this time. They were able to use the nodes to communicate with each other, almost instantly. With the logical precision of machines, they organized. This was the creation of the Law Enforcement Task Force.
Maintaining the nodes and preventing piracy is the primary duty of the Law Enforcement Task Force. The organization leaders of the LETF are the oldest (and therefore wisest) of the node AI's. The most senior members of the organization have direct links to the AI's and spend their time executing the direct orders of the units. These are the only beings seen when one is in discussions with the LETF. There is a constant stream of personnel joining the LETF as it is one of the best ways to get off-planet and see the universe; most units are given a general area to be responsible for, and allowed to deal with it as they see fit.
The biological agents of the LETF are designated as Galactic Law Enforcement. Each system in proximity to a node must supply personnel to GLE. These agents are usually the best and brightest the system has to offer. The performance of the agents DIRECTLY effects the resources granted for the system by LETF. LETF personnel also receive the BEST equipment within the LETF sphere of influence. As a result, the LETF is, technically, the MOST formidable foe in the known universe.

Earth and the Galactic Regime
The LETF council reviews races and planets before allowing them to join the galactic trade networks maintained by the LETF. Before any planet has a chance, there must be a single planetary governing body. Till Earth can eliminate its balkanization, no invitation will be issued.
player, 144 posts
Agile Brick
DEX 20(23) SPD 4
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 07:56
  • msg #2

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe

Well that is interesting, but why is that here ?

Is the game going to turn galactic ? Not that I mind, as I like this setting aswell :)
The Great Karnac
GM, 259 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 00:35
  • msg #3

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe

We've added some aliens, and I wanted to create some context.
player, 203 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 02:33
  • msg #4

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe

In reply to Knockout (msg # 2):

Hey the game went Pandimensional some time back. He has proof to his claim if needed Drifter can display some Kyber crystals, a few autographs of other dimensional beings, a photo of the Daily Planet (well he might have lost that one), some crystals of the various kinds of Kryptonite, Not the full list of Kryptonite after all as there are so many kinds .

FYI here is a list of some of different kinds of Krytonite I have found from a simple inquiry.

Green kryptonite
Red kryptonite
Anti-kryptonite/Fool's kryptonite
Blue kryptonite
White kryptonite
Red-Green kryptonite
Gold kryptonite
Red-Green-Blue-Gold kryptonite
Silver kryptonite
Jewel kryptonite
Bizarro-red kryptonite
Red-Gold kryptonite
Red-Green-Gold kryptonite
Slow kryptonite D
Pink kryptonite
Black kryptonite
Orange kryptonite
Periwinkle kryptonite
player, 145 posts
Agile Brick
DEX 20(23) SPD 4
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 03:56
  • msg #5

Life, The Universe, and Nothing But The Universe

the Pink kryptonite effects always made me laugh :)
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