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11:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Manning Enterprises.

Posted by The Great KarnacFor group 0
player, 54 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2019
at 02:02
  • msg #236

Re: Manning Enterprises

Hatter just closed his eyes and sighed as Drifter went on. "The offer was made Shrew. Take it for what you will, just remember I extended a hand just encase you need it later."

He shrugged a bit as talk went on about kidnapping. "Confinement of the senses boosts others. A blindfold to taste good wine makes the flavor deeper. Though it is good you are alright. Kidnappers are not to big on safety so cheers to your revenge."
player, 119 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2019
at 02:43
  • [deleted]
  • msg #237

Re: Manning Enterprises

This message was deleted by the player at 04:41, Sun 27 Jan 2019.
Darryl Starre
player, 20 posts
Charming Journalist
DEX 14 SPD 3
Sun 27 Jan 2019
at 08:40
  • msg #238

Re: Manning Enterprises

Coming through the bushes to regard the villains, heroes, and the sitting Shrew is none other than Darryl Starre, reporter and columnist for the Starre report. He smiles a winning smile, and sees that Shrew recognizes him.

00:30, Today: Darryl Starre rolled 9 using 3d6.  Positive reputation 11-.
Gets +3/+3d6 vs Shrew

"Ah, the Shrew. Shiela Brewster, isn't it? I've got your last Championship photo up at my cubicle at work. Big fan, even studied your style for a few months. I know you joined the Crushers for a way to validate yourself, but why haven't you gotten into training up-and-coming fighters? With your rep, you'd have to start turning away applicants. You'd make enough money to get yourself off the drugs and make a good living. Say, do you have any idea what happened to the Crusaders?"

Darryl hopes that by flattering the girl and get her thinking about other possible ways of making a living, he can put her off-balance mentally so she might spill some critical bit of information.

00:31, Today: Darryl Starre rolled 8 using 3d6.  CHARM 18-. Made it by 10!!

The Great Karnac
GM, 127 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Sun 27 Jan 2019
at 19:42
  • msg #239

Re: Manning Enterprises

Sheila Brewster received her nickname for a reason. Whatever held her back up to this point seems to have faded as her tears dried up. She cackles, unappealingly, and says, "Pretty, pretty little Starre. Always askin' what we are, I think he's jealous just the same. Just like us he wants two names."
"Man, that was the rage last time I was in the tank. Me, I was wondering what you were pursuin more, the capes or Dillon. Did one of you dump the other or did you both decide you couldn't stand sharing the spotlight?"

player, 55 posts
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 03:51
  • msg #240

Re: Manning Enterprises

"It's like a game of hot potato with a Shrew." The more people who showed up the more uncomfortable Hatter got. "I am going to strongly encourage that we hold off on any further poking of the Shrew until she has had a chance to seek legal council." And to prevent him from having to worry about re-upping the mind control.

He pulled out his flying drone and collected his tiny camera drone. "So at this point its drinks back at the base and figure out what happened or..."
This message was last edited by the player at 03:59, Mon 28 Jan 2019.
player, 120 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 05:14
  • msg #241

Re: Manning Enterprises

In reply to Hatter (msg # 240):

"Now that is hilarious Master Hatter! Taking into account that most of us are vigilantes and not part of any legal enforcement agency that I know of you are in fact saying lets take her back to this base of yours and let her go free..."

Drifter fades out to parts unknown
This message was last edited by the player at 05:37, Mon 28 Jan 2019.
NPC, 106 posts
Teleporting tank
Dex 18 SP 4
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 06:17
  • msg #242

Re: Manning Enterprises

"Well, we weren't actually deputized, or anything, but we are working with the authorities. Maybe we should let them decide what to do with these guys."
player, 56 posts
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 12:39
  • msg #243

Re: Manning Enterprises

"Right..." he watched as drifter disappeared, this passing the buck. "Starting to not like that guy..." He didnt hate Drifter, the man was just insanely confusing like a chesire cat.

He clapped his hands. "I have a small studio for working on drones. Not a base but it is a place. I propose we all get there, have a snack and or a nap on some cases to heal up. We can all get good and introduced. Also so I can share the footage of the fight for anyone who cares. Generally debrief, it's important for heros."

"I'll stay here as a registered psionic and ensure the police get questions answered. That way there is no legal trouble."

"If anyone doesn't want to be part of my mental telephone system please raise your hand now, don't worry it doesn't allow me to read your mind, just lets us all talk to one another."

He shook his head and the mask even smiled. "First day on the job and I'm already inviting a pretty lady home. What a day."
Darryl Starre
player, 21 posts
Charming Journalist
DEX 14 SPD 3
Mon 28 Jan 2019
at 15:33
  • msg #244

Re: Manning Enterprises

Darryl's smile fades somewhat as Shrew's words burst his bubble. He turns serious and answers her "the story's important, but I've always felt that people come first. Joan doesn't agree. So tell me, Shiela, how'd you get mixed up with this crew in the first place? Thought you had more class than hanging around with gunslingers?" he asks. Her comments about 'two names' worried him. Had someone uncovered his secret?
player, 65 posts
Agile Brick
DEX 20(23) SPD 4
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 04:59
  • msg #245

Re: Manning Enterprises

"The Shrew made her choice, and she has to deal with it, and the authorities. We cannot subsitute ourselves to the legal system. After her trial, then, she might want to redeem or not. As for gathering at your place, it's ok to me Hatter. Give me the adress, so I can park my car nearby. I think we need to expose what we discovered, and what our options are, involving the Crusaders disparition."
Darryl Starre
player, 22 posts
Charming Journalist
DEX 14 SPD 3
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 05:34
  • msg #246

Re: Manning Enterprises

Darryl searches the bodies of the villains. He explains "unless one of these guys is a computer genius, someone else is sending them out to get specific components. It's unlikely that nontechnical villains would memorize their shopping lists. So one or more ought to have notes of what they were supposed to be retrieving. "
player, 57 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 05:45
  • msg #247

Re: Manning Enterprises

Hatter made sure that everyone had the location to go without saying out loud. He couldnt legally rolladex the badguy brains but it was a tempting thing to do. But far better to let the cops handle it.
The Great Karnac
GM, 128 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 06:14
  • msg #248

Re: Manning Enterprises

As everyone deals with the aftermath of the battle, a quartet of police vans come through the gate. While they approach, Shrew looks at her compatriots and murmurs "bunch o' creampuffs".
Detective Broyko is the first person from the first van, almost before it stops. He's very happy, and before anyone says anything he starts shouting at his men, "GET THE RESTRAINTS ON THOSE GUYS, AND SOMEONE TAKE FIST APART."
As the uniforms rush to comply with his orders while the swat team covers the bad guys, and Shrew giggles, Broyko approaches the heroes, "you're a bunch of lifesavers, that's what it is. These guys woulda mowed through us like a combine in a wheat field. Last time the swat guys ran into Mercury, over there, he took out their van and gassed 'em before they could lock and load. He didn't even shoot any of 'em, like they weren't worth his time."
The detective shakes his head, like he needed to get it clear because he had something important to mention. "While we were waiting here, Dr. Patrovich has been secretly brought to the precinct. After he heard about you guys and this crime wave, he said we better put you on payroll and get you to him ASAP. It sounds like one of those crises where we cops get to keep the crowds away while you supers do most of the work."
"We'll keep these hoods in our special holding cells, you can interrogate them there, if you like. So, will you come and see Patrovich or do I need to find new best friends?"

The detectives attitude makes it clear that when he called you lifesavers, it was meant literally.
player, 58 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 06:25
  • msg #249

Re: Manning Enterprises

Hatter made a soso gesture. "Let us all get acquainted and debriefed, then meet you guys at the police station after we Segway at my place? Right now there are things we have to go over that I can't talk about in public space. The only location I know to be bug free is my home in the city."

"Sorry, psychic stuff. But I do promise I'll include it in my report so long as it is classified. If you are to be our contact with the police force you'll absolutely be included in later meetings."
Not to mention that head shake is setting off his Hatter sense a tad. The world is a funny place when you know what psionics can do.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:27, Tue 29 Jan 2019.
player, 66 posts
Agile Brick
DEX 20(23) SPD 4
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 07:44
  • msg #250

Re: Manning Enterprises

"Officer Broyko. Here is my card and number on it. Call it if any emergency happens. " she reached into her cleavage, and offered the detective a plastified red card, kinda shiny and smooth to the touch, with engraved number on it.

"I believe we never meet. I'm Knockout. A pleasure, sir." she added with her incredible cheerful smile, that added to her busty and statuesque physique.
player, 121 posts
Anyone up for
a Road Trip?
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 17:10
  • msg #251

Re: Manning Enterprises

Meanwhile Elsewhere

Moving above the streets and alleyways of Metropolis Drifter makes his way towards a certain Newspaper Building as expeditiously as possible.  He feels certain the people here will be just as happy to see the back of him as many others have before.  His Autograph book firmly in hand... Once he has got one, an onyx covered book with gold bracing and exquisite paper pages... If one is to be had.  Failing that any sizeable Autograph book will do.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:57, Tue 29 Jan 2019.
player, 59 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #252

Re: Manning Enterprises

Hatter gave a bow. "See you all at the house. Send me your Pizza orders over the link, Pizza sounds like a good small victory meal." He took off on his over drone, but he was still present like a cellphone in a pocket ready if they needed to contact him.
Darryl Starre
player, 23 posts
Charming Journalist
DEX 14 SPD 3
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 20:06
  • msg #253

Re: Manning Enterprises

In reply to The Great Karnac (msg # 248):

Hey, Broyko, if nothing else, I'd love to talk to the Doctor. Wasn't he employed by Manning to help set up the computer AI for the Crusaders?" Darryl asks, his notepad put away for now.
player, 22 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 20:21
  • msg #254

Re: Manning Enterprises

Inferno floated quietly nearby watching over the Crushers as the police took them into custody. "Hatter I will meet you at your place shortly. I would prefer not leaving a trail to your doorstep. Unless of course that is something you are not concerned about."

Inferno hung around until the Crushers were loaded up and headed to the lockup.
player, 61 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #255

Re: Manning Enterprises

Hatter called back over the mind link: "The house was purchased with the express purpose of being destroyed in the event that someone is followed. Now if you followed me to my house in the countryside, then I would be mad if you didn't use caution."
player, 67 posts
Agile Brick
DEX 20(23) SPD 4
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 04:32
  • msg #256

Re: Manning Enterprises

Knockout stayed aswell till the villains ere all restrained and the police convoy was ready to go. She'd then take her leave in her red dodge challenger, and would order some pizza to retrieve before joining the group with them in hands, at the specified adress.
Detective Broyko
Wed 30 Jan 2019
at 06:33
  • msg #257

Re: Manning Enterprises

"Starre. Just what I need."
"You know, if it were anyone else I wouldn't trust 'em to keep secrets, and I think Patrovich has some. That's why he specifically asked to talk to these guys. I hear rumors that if you want the capes to notice something, you tell Darryl Starre. So, yeah, you can come to the station with me and meet the doc. In fact, I think I might have to insist."
"I can't say for sure, but the way he's acting, Patrovich is seeing something really big."

The Great Karnac
GM, 136 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Sun 3 Feb 2019
at 06:51
  • msg #258

Re: Manning Enterprises

The villains are carted away, in police custody. The heroes disperse to where ever heroes disperse to. The most likely places would be:
Police Headquarters
Casa Del Sombrero
player, 123 posts
Fri 8 Feb 2019
at 06:20
  • [deleted]
  • msg #259

Re: Manning Enterprises

This message was deleted by the player at 06:28, Fri 08 Feb 2019.
The Great Karnac
GM, 270 posts
Two poodles and knitting
needles? Sweater level 12
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 06:14
  • msg #260

Re: Manning Enterprises

Carter Manning looks at the screen in front of Dr. Ernst Patrovich for just a moment before he says, "there's no other interpretation. She's gone."
"You know, I used recordings of my wife to create the voice. Now I'll never hear it, again."
Dr. Patrovich shakes his head, "I cain't help you with that, Cart. Ya know I miss 'er, too. But maybe it's better this way, you can move on."
The man behind the manta mask chuckles, "so, doc, you cliche much?"
Ernst grimaces, "every damned day."
"At least we know Mocker didn't upload himself, you can reactivate the Citadel. We'll just need a new TEACHER."
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