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11:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion.

Posted by DMFor group 0
GM, 2593 posts
Mon 10 Jun 2019
at 23:28
  • msg #39

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

"Myth Drannor is closer to Arvandor than anywhere save Evermeet," the green elven man says. His voice is thin and wavering, but his eyes are clear. "They could do whatever they like within the ruins. But stories? No. The gates were a thing of gossip and trade, not eldritch terror."

The moon elven woman nods. "A sentient gate is a terrifying thought. If there had been even a hint of such a thing it would have been all anyone talked about."

"That doesn't mean it's impossible," the first elder puts in grimly from behind you. "I was just a scout for Semberholm. Isciira," she nods to the other woman, "was a potter, and Tasar a drummer. Anyone with actual mythal knowledge is dead or fled to Evermeet." After a moment she grudgingly adds, "Or maybe Evereska."
Corym Ildroun
player, 1744 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #40

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

"Myth Drannor is closer to Arvandor than anywhere save Evermeet," the green elven man says. His voice is thin and wavering, but his eyes are clear. "They could do whatever they like within the ruins. But stories? No. The gates were a thing of gossip and trade, not eldritch terror."

The moon elven woman nods. "A sentient gate is a terrifying thought. If there had been even a hint of such a thing it would have been all anyone talked about."

"That doesn't mean it's impossible," the first elder puts in grimly from behind you. "I was just a scout for Semberholm. Isciira," she nods to the other woman, "was a potter, and Tasar a drummer. Anyone with actual mythal knowledge is dead or fled to Evermeet." After a moment she grudgingly adds, "Or maybe Evereska."

"One thing that might help is some sense of the layout of the city.  Could any of you sketch together something approximating a map?  Also, one would think that Gate-lore would be held in the schools of wizardry--do you have any sense of where those were?  Gate-lore would surely be helpful."
player, 94 posts
AC: -2/-4 with shield
HP: 62/62
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 15:53
  • msg #41

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

NON-elven group:

In reply to Krackor Steelfist (msg # 31):

Katarn lead them as best he could and was very pleased when it resulted in them hitting the river and barge right the first time. He smiled though, in the lead kept it to himself.

To the other barge men's question he nodded, "aye they went with their kin to learn wha' they 'bout Myth Drannor an' all. 'Sposed ta meet us back here a'fore we head back tho'."

When it was mentioned that the captain was still in Highmoon and Kora wanted to go there he shrugged. "Inn's er not don' matter much to me lass, but I kin probably lead us there if that's yer fancy." He looked at Sirenya, "ye up fer another hike ta Highmoon too lass er do ya want ta stay 'ere with this lot?"
GM, 2594 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 12:07
  • msg #42

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion


The old moon elf thinks for a few moments, then nods. "I was never very good at drawing, but I can probably come up with something." She slowly pushes herself to her feet and dodders over to a ladder set in the back of the room. She disappears up it into the room above you and returns a bit later with paper and writing implements. The maps she draws is crude, but does show the city's general axe shape. She's marked several spots, and underneath has written the names of wizard schools.

She also marked the city's four districts: central Cormanthor, northwestern Sheshyrinnam, southwestern Kerradunath, and eastern Dlabraddath. From the looks of things, you arrived in Kerradunath.

((ooc: I spent too much time yesterday trying to find the perfect map for this request to write this up. Oops. I'll see if I can't find one that I like; for the moment you can all now refer to the general shape of the city in the Ruins of Myth Drannor or Cormanthyr books.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 961 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 18:34
  • msg #43

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

In reply to Katarn (msg # 41):

Lead on Katarn, Lead on.  He was sure that Sirenya would welcome more opportunities to chat with the various small animals they would see on the way to Highmoon.
GM, 2595 posts
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #44

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion


It takes most of the day to walk to Highmoon. Despite winter settling in, it's a pleasant hike. You follow the treeline south and west, walking along a dirt trail created by wagons and river sailors. Far above, hawks circle and occasionally dive into the dying grass. The wind is chill but gentle, and wrapped within your cloaks you're comfortable warm.

The Deeping Stream forked just before it entered the forest. Its larger branch disappeared into the west. The smaller fork traces southwest, along the edge of the forest. It quickly becomes apparent why the barge stopped where it did; perhaps in the spring melt there would be enough draft for the barge, but there certainly isn't enough now. At least its burbling provides you with a pleasant companion, and you never need worry about getting thirsty.

You spend the day walking south on the trail between the forest and the tributary. As the sun begins to set you see the walls of a town off in the distance. A bit more walking starts to bring things into view. The stream, which had been flowing almost perfectly northeast/southwest turns abruptly to the west, disappearing into the forest. The trail passes through a couple of harvested fields before it turns due south and crosses the stream in an easy ford.

Beyond the ford lies the town of Highmoon. It's encircled by a mostly-completed wall that will be fifteen feet tall when finished. You can see two towers, standing an additional five feet higher, from your position. The road runs straight to an open gate, and though twilight is coming on there are two guards outside the gate and you can see a number of townsfolk wandering about.

((ooc: Welcome to Highmoon! The elves will be joining you here once they're done in Bristar.))
player, 92 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 18:21
  • msg #45

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Dorian nodded at Corym in approval "Excellent idea, Cormym."
Corym Ildroun
player, 1745 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 17 Jun 2019
at 20:21
  • msg #46

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion


The old moon elf thinks for a few moments, then nods. "I was never very good at drawing, but I can probably come up with something." She slowly pushes herself to her feet and dodders over to a ladder set in the back of the room. She disappears up it into the room above you and returns a bit later with paper and writing implements. The maps she draws is crude, but does show the city's general axe shape. She's marked several spots, and underneath has written the names of wizard schools.

She also marked the city's four districts: central Cormanthor, northwestern Sheshyrinnam, southwestern Kerradunath, and eastern Dlabraddath. From the looks of things, you arrived in Kerradunath.

((ooc: I spent too much time yesterday trying to find the perfect map for this request to write this up. Oops. I'll see if I can't find one that I like; for the moment you can all now refer to the general shape of the city in the Ruins of Myth Drannor or Cormanthyr books.))

That's really the extent of what I genuinely thought we'd be able to get, barring the presence of old nobility in Bristar or something (and that doesn't seem to be present here).  I'm happy to pass the time with these elders and get their sense of what it was like to live in the City of Song and whatnot, but there's no need to go laboriously through that IC to my mind.  I think seeing the sacred lake would be cool (you said that we know that it's sacred to the elves, but not why).  Do we want to address that IC?
GM, 2597 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 02:30
  • msg #47

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Compressing time to save trouble


"Come on, let's find an inn and get out of the wind!" Kora trots inside the gate, leaving the rest of you to follow.

Fortunately for your chilled flesh, there's an inn just inside the northern gate. A long, two-story building is made of solid field stone on its first floor and well-maintained half-timber on its second. A brightly-painted sign swinging above the door marks it as the Rising Moon.

Inside is one of the most cheerful inns any of you have encountered. It's warm and snug, with comfortable furniture in a variety of sizes. There's a large taproom that's more than three quarters filled with folks laughing, talking, and eating, and the food when it comes is understated, but delicious. Most of the folks appear to be locals, and you're easily able to get rooms for the night.


You chat a little longer with the elders, but nothing of particular substance comes up. Bristar does not have an inn, but spare rooms for you are found among the people of the village where you can sleep for the evening. The village also doesn't have any clergy of Labelas, and Elorfindar spends much of the evening doing pastoral work; talking with elders, speaking with those teaching the young, and telling stories of the past. He gathers quite a crowd of children eager to hear his tales, and only the coming of night and their parents calling brings and end to the stories.

The next morning one of the scouts volunteers to show you the way to Highmoon. It's another long, punishing day of running along deer paths and hidden trails, but as the winter day comes to a close you emerge from the forest edge to see the not-entirely-completed walls of Highmoon standing to the east. After a bit of exploring, you're able to find the rest of your party having evenfeast in the Rising Moon, and rooms are rented for you.

((ooc: Travel times are being compressed here just to make things flow together better. I'm going to pause here, in case anyone wants to do something in Highmoon, or you want to chat amongst yourselves about what the elves found. Otherwise, the next post will be you starting north and I'll close this thread.))
Krackor Steelfist
player, 962 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/54
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 01:01
  • msg #48

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

In reply to DM (msg # 47):

Once in the Inn, Krackor takes care of the bill and enjoys the hospitality.  I reckon we could do with coming back here once the season changes again, Corym and others are determined to go out in the cold, I'm easy with that as long as everybody is ok.
player, 94 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #49

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

OOC: Ready to move on.
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 941 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #50

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

The village also doesn't have any clergy of Labelas, and Elorfindar spends much of the evening doing pastoral work; talking with elders, speaking with those teaching the young, and telling stories of the past. He gathers quite a crowd of children eager to hear his tales, and only the coming of night and their parents calling brings and end to the stories.

During the way to Highmoon, Elorfindar was in excellent spirits, uplifted by the experiences of the preceding evening. "I quite enjoyed yesterday evening," he remarked, with gleaming eyes, to Corym in particular, though not out of Dorian's earshot. "I have always thought I was not particularly good at... you know, being a shepherd to the community. I have always liked it, and I love taking care of the young ones in particular, but I have always thought I am not particularly gifted in that respect. Yesterday was one of the times when it felt different." The moon elf priest smiled. "In any case, we -- or at least I -- must return. I dared not ask -- it was not the right opportunity -- but I would greatly desire to see the sacred Treespring of Eredruie..."
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 942 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 20:59
  • msg #51

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Corym Ildroun:
I think seeing the sacred lake would be cool (you said that we know that it's sacred to the elves, but not why).

((OOC: Sorry, for some reason I completely missed that and the DM's reference! I just saw it after making the last post... I presume Elorfindar knows about Eredruie.))
This message was last edited by the player at 21:01, Tue 25 June 2019.
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 943 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 21:00
  • msg #52

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

At evenfeast in the Rising Moon

Still in a very good mood, Elorfindar greeted his companions enthusiastically when he, Corym and Dorian found them in the inn. While waiting for his dinner - he later wolfed down plate after plate of hearty food, and not refraining from drink either -, he addressed the group: "There is a great font of learning in this town, you have seen its spires high on the hill. It is a sanctuary of the Binder, called the Leaves of Learning, and is one of the finest libraries in this part of the world. . I would very much like to visit it, of course, and it might prove very useful for our preparations and research into the City of Song's gates."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:05, Tue 25 June 2019.
Corym Ildroun
player, 1746 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 22:43
  • msg #53

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar Silveroak:
At evenfeast in the Rising Moon

Still in a very good mood, Elorfindar greeted his companions enthusiastically when he, Corym and Dorian found them in the inn. While waiting for his dinner - he later wolfed down plate after plate of hearty food, and not refraining from drink either -, he addressed the group: "There is a great font of learning in this town, you have seen its spires high on the hill. It is a sanctuary of the Binder, called the Leaves of Learning, and is one of the finest libraries in this part of the world. . I would very much like to visit it, of course, and it might prove very useful for our preparations and research into the City of Song's gates."

"Lead on, Elorfindar.  Perhaps I can help correllate our research with my own scholarship on the matter."
Corym Ildroun
player, 1748 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 23:08
  • msg #54

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar Silveroak:
The moon elf priest smiled. "In any case, we -- or at least I -- must return. I dared not ask -- it was not the right opportunity -- but I would greatly desire to see the sacred Treespring of Eredruie..."

"Is that the sacred pool that the community guards?  What makes it so sacred?" Corym asks, genuinely intrigued.
GM, 2602 posts
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 02:46
  • msg #55

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar and anyone who wants to come with him

The next morning you find Oristel and check in on your ride home. She is still in the process of buying and assembling the cargo for the northward journey, and is willing to stay in Highmoon for another few days while you approach the temple of Oghma.

The Leaves of Learning is easy to find. Everyone on the street knows of it. In fact, from the smiles they get when you ask, the library seems to be a point of pride amongst the townsfolk. It sits atop the hill that dominates the eastern section of town, its slim white marble towers gleaming in the weak winter light.

Doors of thick oak bound in iron and studded with small hemispheres of everbright-treated steel face north, and a trail leads through a park of winter-bare trees to the fortified Tower of the Rising Moon. The doors are closed against the winter chill, but when you knock they are promptly opened by a middle aged acolyte in pale blue robes. He ushers you into first a narrow cloak room and then into a somewhat larger room with a desk to one side and a table with several chairs around it. The room is relatively austere, though there are carpets on the floor and tapestries of book binding and traveling researchers along the wall to blunt the cold.

"Welcome to the Leaves of Learning, Time Sentinel," the acolytes says, taking a seat behind the desk. "How can this humble house of the Binder be of service to you today?"
player, 96 posts
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 02:54
  • msg #56

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Dorian follows Elorfindar.
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 947 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Sat 29 Jun 2019
at 20:53
  • msg #57

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Corym Ildroun:
"Is that the sacred pool that the community guards?  What makes it so sacred?" Corym asks, genuinely intrigued.

"The Treespring of Eredruie is so-called because it actually does come forth from a hollow in the trunk of a tree. It feeds Lake Eredruie which is sacred to my Lord, the Lifegiver himself. It is said that any tel'quessir who bathes in its waters will be granted a boon to his or her lifespan, and the water itself, when drunk, will heal those with elven blood in their veins. Imagine this miracle, this wonderful celebration of life, my friends!" the rapt priest said, now including Dorian in his address.
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 948 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Sat 29 Jun 2019
at 21:05
  • msg #58

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

"Welcome to the Leaves of Learning, Time Sentinel," the acolytes says, taking a seat behind the desk. "How can this humble house of the Binder be of service to you today?"

"Thank you for your kind words, Seeker," the moon elf replies. "My name is Elorfindar Silveroak, and I am indeed a servant of the Sage at Sunset. My companions" -- he makes a gesture towards the others with him and pauses briefly in case they want to introduce themselves -- "and I are are interested in information on the gates of Myth Drannor, and there are few places that would be better equipped to look for it than this great house of learning. Do you think you could help us, and if yes, which fees would be involved to gain access to your resources and compensate for your efforts?" Elorfindar asks with friendly politeness.
player, 103 posts
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 14:13
  • msg #59

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Dorian bowed "Thank you for having us.  I am Dorian, at your service."
Corym Ildroun
player, 1756 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 16:49
  • msg #60

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar Silveroak:
Corym Ildroun:
"Is that the sacred pool that the community guards?  What makes it so sacred?" Corym asks, genuinely intrigued.

"The Treespring of Eredruie is so-called because it actually does come forth from a hollow in the trunk of a tree. It feeds Lake Eredruie which is sacred to my Lord, the Lifegiver himself. It is said that any tel'quessir who bathes in its waters will be granted a boon to his or her lifespan, and the water itself, when drunk, will heal those with elven blood in their veins. Imagine this miracle, this wonderful celebration of life, my friends!" the rapt priest said, now including Dorian in his address.

A strange mix of emotions plays across Corym's face... incredulity, shock, curiosity, fervor.  The then starts six different sentences simultaneously, then takes a moment, clears his throat, and starts articulating his thoughts slowly and deliberately, but as he does he loses his composure and his words start surging over each other.

"Why wouldn't the Church of Labelas long since have established a shrine and guardianship over such a site that clearly aligns with their interests so closely? Why wouldn't the locals have taken you to it directly?  Why wouldn't we all have gone immediately?  How could elves ever lose tactical control over an area when they have a lake of potions of healing that work for them and no one else? Why would Myth Dannor, Cormanthor, and the whole Elven Court have been built so far away from this place?  We're about to face the Nine Hells and the Abyss at the same time--why aren't we carrying skins full of the Lake's waters?"

He ends sputtering, his questions to ponderous for words to adequately articulate.
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 953 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 11:17
  • msg #61

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar laughed out loud at Corym's musings - and quick succession of facial expressions -, but in a quite clearly good-natured way, not disparagingly. "Forgive me, my friend, but that line of thinking is a bit too... what is the human word, entrepreneurial? First of all, I said it is said that the waters have such powers. Second, even if they do - and I believe they do -, then I have my doubts that they would still do, still receive the Lifegiver's blessing, when our people did things like exploiting this gift by attempting to use it on a large scale, which would include building a city around or next to it. I cannot know for certain, of course, but I think that it just was not meant for such a purpose. As to how exactly the spring is protected, and why our church prefers one method of protection over others, I do not know either - but would be very curious to learn..." The priest pauses for a moment. "And that is not to say that we would not be able to receive blessings from the Treespring in the future, but I feel that we have to build some sort of relationship with the community first, which we started to do, and anyway I did not want to be rash."
Corym Ildroun
player, 1758 posts
28/28 HP
AC 0
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 16:03
  • msg #62

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Elorfindar Silveroak:
Elorfindar laughed out loud at Corym's musings - and quick succession of facial expressions -, but in a quite clearly good-natured way, not disparagingly. "Forgive me, my friend, but that line of thinking is a bit too... what is the human word, entrepreneurial? First of all, I said it is said that the waters have such powers. Second, even if they do - and I believe they do -, then I have my doubts that they would still do, still receive the Lifegiver's blessing, when our people did things like exploiting this gift by attempting to use it on a large scale, which would include building a city around or next to it. I cannot know for certain, of course, but I think that it just was not meant for such a purpose. As to how exactly the spring is protected, and why our church prefers one method of protection over others, I do not know either - but would be very curious to learn..." The priest pauses for a moment. "And that is not to say that we would not be able to receive blessings from the Treespring in the future, but I feel that we have to build some sort of relationship with the community first, which we started to do, and anyway I did not want to be rash."

Once again Corym was reminded of the fact that while he fought desperately for the interests of The People, he seldom appreciated their logic. "I'm glad you're here to keep me grounded, Elorfindar.  Or should I rather say--'aired.'  Elevated?  In any case, these folks don't seem to have seen a priest in some time, so I doubt that the Life Giver is well-represented here at this fascinating Lake of Life."
Elorfindar Silveroak
player, 955 posts
HP: 47/47; AC: -2
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 13:00
  • msg #63

Re: Side Jaunt - Deepingdale Diversion

Corym Ildroun:
"Or should I rather say--'aired.'  Elevated?"

Elorfindar nearly cracked up at Corym's dry remark, grinning broadly.

Corym Ildroun:
In any case, these folks don't seem to have seen a priest in some time, so I doubt that the Life Giver is well-represented here at this fascinating Lake of Life."

More seriously again, the elf priest said: "Hmm, I guess you are right, at least when it comes to our church's presence at Velethuil. Let us find out next time!"
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