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01:41, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

USS Ticonderoga  2 January, 2095.

Posted by Admiral GreyFor group archive 2
Kai Roberts
player, 28 posts
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 00:34
  • msg #12

Damn PAA

In reply to Kel Grey (msg # 11):

"Ain't a planner, I am a shooter, point me in the direction of the folks that threaten us Admiral, and then they can all be dead.. " he helps her up seeing that they are all familiar with eachother, and she hasn't called for back up,  he reads no danger ..yet from these people..

"I don't need to know why, just who.. " he says this for the benefit of the agents..
Kel Grey
player, 260 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 00:40
  • msg #13

Admiral Down

he notices that the Admiral is unconscious and moves swiftly into action:
19:32, Today: Kel Grey rolled 90 using 1d100.  PhD Medical Doctor: Diagnostics (156-30=125).
19:32, Today: Kel Grey rolled 13 using 1d100.  PhD Medical Doctor: Treatment (146-30=116).
[Private to GM: Using the advanced medical items I have access to (The colonial tricorder type med scanner you gave me) Kel will scan everyone in the room with the Diagnostics check to verify that everyone is human.]
[Language unknown: "Stest tiothohat eiac ovethieen ivethiman, ll not heur u int ti i thelesioukor. E hiwil whiwerstr onsio ssfi'asofwa on erolch atend onsoventi adie isil nttra osch ofithi derarttichou ssma a larfornte u for o pead. Ureterfornde Ec ro lin hiswhiter ei ie SE themencom ni uthat entverugh wiar p nctrpr ev a."] he looks around the room [Language unknown: "Sheurelinate, ain esmebe po was i lin."]

He hasn't applied the stimulant shot yet, the situation is a bit tooo tense for that.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Mon 30 Sept 2019.
Purveyor of Destiny
GM, 636 posts
The Hand of the King
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 01:38
  • msg #14

Admiral Down

Kai your Sixth sense goes off.

Agent Lynch and the XO both stare in bewilderment at the crew.  Kel moves to assist the Admiral and pulls out what looks like a hand computer and starts motioning over her body. THe Captain and Agent Lynch both say[Language unknown: "Nt eeit? I Of!" ]at the same time as the floor begins to spin.  in the very center of the room a circle appears with runes in it spinning clock wise. As you turn to see it, roughly 10" wide, a ring appears around the circle, spinning counterclockwise in the opposite direction. A third ring starts to appear spinning the clock wise.  The circle hits a chair and the chair's leg is torn apart and turns to dust where it touches the spinning disk.

Everyone roll initiative as people begin to freak out and a dodge roll difficulty 6) to avoid the ring. If you fail, roll save vs magic difficulty 10.

[Private to Kel Grey: Everyone in the room is human.  Kendra barely reads as human. She's the only one you can get a read on. The Admiral is in shock but is conscious. Barely.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:04, Mon 30 Sept 2019.
Kel Grey
player, 261 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 01:59
  • msg #15

Admiral Down

[Language unknown: "Road Intain."]
Kel will use his dodge roll to make sure the Admiral gets out of the danger area.
Red 13
Save vs Magic10

Raw Die Rolls
Rook Calvary Special K
CheckRoll CheckRoll CheckRoll
Initiative13 Initiative11 Initiative8
Save vs Magic10 Save vs Magic15 Save vs Magic9
Dodge10 Dodge10 Dodge12

This message was last edited by the player at 07:52, Mon 30 Sept 2019.
Kai Roberts
player, 29 posts
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 03:06
  • msg #16

Admiral Down

In reply to Kel Grey (msg # 15):

21:59, Today: Kai Roberts rolled 24 using 1d20+6.  dodge +6.

21:58, Today: Kai Roberts rolled 20 using 1d20+7.  +7 vs Magic.

21:58, Today: Kai Roberts rolled 15 using 1d20+6.  Initiative +6.

(Add +6 to initative  and +3 to Dodge from Sixth sense and spends 2 isp)

Kai leaps out of the way of the spinning floor and frees the three knives he has hidden on his person..
Purveyor of Destiny
GM, 637 posts
The Hand of the King
Tue 1 Oct 2019
at 15:06
  • msg #17

Admiral Down

Everyone makes it out of the room. The circles keeps expanding until its 30ft wide, swallowing desks, chairs, walls and eventually the floor.  The decks above and below are untouched. A perfect void is formed where it was and you can see the center of the steel beams as if a plasma cutter torched them off perfectly.  Total time elapsed from start to when it vanishes is exactly one minute start to finish. Everyone is staring at the giant hole floor.  The Xo turns to Kai. [Language unknown: "Icast ad a adpa acfoek ut tiondecom ai o lece Ratateant.  Conerssom plur ensiho ess se os. Theometio tainitivun thtipolate m tefor. El pawa eten iv aspane toshe tetra te yinthante a. verectstr m mi ithastrut est tedestnce'thorut."]  He turns to the Section 47 people.  [Language unknown: "We thivirany ti ofio evan ac, wiwh intnt vordi menratromeau'oernte m es terle."] he points to some orders that just came through and then turns to the CIA agents. [Language unknown: "Tr pehe ei usera m ousan. At ardai prure NANCLL nti ousath art rat ic thasi. Arnasi san, for ofwi."]  He calls the bridge. [Language unknown: "Osic ncin ni sa hasoerhis, eketfi Terint Sisaolel.  Wechpa el andoretraers ut mooul Ecarur wi tail.  A lo mamiivan llmaus hoanil nti conherderpre. We virsetout st rateaunce ac ilmen a ica tiowasles ingntecon, wipl a yin t sine she. Seouch comlatich comhasatiica t evnterne nceardson."] Claxons sound as he storms off and security come to escort the CIA agents off the ship leaving Kai, the NCIS agents and the Section 47 personnel in the Admiral's waiting room near the gaping  waiting hole in the floor.

Anyone with Occult lore, magic lore or the like can roll to see if they know what happened.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:53, Tue 01 Oct 2019.
Kel Grey
player, 262 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Tue 1 Oct 2019
at 17:37
  • msg #18

Out to sea

[Language unknown: "Thesi E.O.T. prurilal ie cafiek p p it Urlepl ... for alhapr."] not at his best he mumbles mostly to himself [Language unknown: "Butpo, titrul si m Usnt Entshetha Athahi aiilca."]

12:30, Today: Kel Grey rolled 77 using 1d100.  Principles of Magic (76-30=46%).

[Language unknown: "E vorromoer os nce Oveersher sihiarpota m?"]

he also hands a stack of orders to Kai and his troops [Language unknown: ”Oer hat il laing artou li oervorcom, iouverugh lente ututekti t ingwas'ourure ame diutinadlo whic'ceil n intr sta haste prohatstrarente ounvir'tineautin. Elpest ar ne ta larstaine romwiless.”]
This message was last edited by the player at 00:50, Wed 02 Oct 2019.
Kai Roberts
player, 30 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 00:57
  • msg #19

Out to sea

In reply to Kel Grey (msg # 18):

Kai stands fast.. and says.. " Give me the clearance to fight the problem .. someone, I will draw my gear and roll out right now, somebody read me in so that I can fight, or don't and show me who has to die, and they will no longer exist."
Kel Grey
player, 263 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 01:24
  • msg #20

Out to sea

[Language unknown: ”Oertinrea Ntiticshe. Llnd’u ndain k ilstfo encce se ac ntibe ev p ticthistr paaiti litra Outsethis hisrederseve.”] looks around for a secure room to debrief the squad.
War Hammer
NPC, 6 posts
War Hammer
Hand of God
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 03:18
  • msg #21

Out to sea

The team is able to secure a conference room for their use as the ship goes into lockdown. "[Language unknown: Nintofck nachol.]" The robotic voice echos over the Section 47 coms and room speakers. "[Language unknown: Etat ro ha ioutedman ek dinac amewitect. E oun wilconate was icawa urbepa essinthat-waslarard. Lellriee ckmani ofsawhurdi. Ostati unouilca Om int undme red ev thaardred iouichall prosomromnotall.]
Kai Roberts
player, 31 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 03:29
  • msg #22

Out to sea

Kai walks into the room and takes a seat and waits for them to explain things..
Phil Coulson
NPC, 4 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 04:04
  • msg #23

Out to sea

In reply to Kai Roberts (msg # 22):

The elder agent begins. "[Language unknown: Ntomat t ll ntiersyinsta o no u thawheverthi alprch on evelo tomessei io rednceoer, stlat he tra p lltoen, n tratraprethoset mi, artndesanati ivilulsiwh ereblestista. Witic not taplhe n icwiev thipreear ansesahi. Ch onpa wer? Whi ll Ilwall m ithiveman fieven. T nc rutbe esnewh pl wa maiou et nti. Ne thu theen nt usnong pane wileauing korwh ti. Res venenceveiou?"]]
Kai Roberts
player, 32 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 04:16
  • msg #24

Out to sea

"I am  not moving.."  Kai breathes as his grandfather taught him .. and he seeks the calm of the Void.. for this conversation..
Kel Grey
player, 264 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 04:59
  • msg #25

Welcomd to the Division

From one of his larger cargo pouches on his armor Red 13 pulls out a smuggler's belt, semi-exotic armband, and a data chip [Language unknown:  "Aveul moee u seng momackiv ent ess ofoun com es ar a prrowh ma prsa day ic ioelutun stilli, acinos o hama ter pepo Ol.M.Si. era hatur pa evethetra be ssaihe ch entdayeveter arteraaintraort. Ounmi con lacknc foroulbutnde toter ic veraveeenwit est pepoweli ultapa m sheon palin m the pro asar our is ntiil omad teevri wilpo t u erbe."] he frowns [Language unknown: "Usloio k his cawe anytedwas ousbuttheion at poiv toth ntimi el fose issien hito usave ceave ecess der wiio unart etalpl u ec astwi th ic e neolei i whiic thal foitli sheinesta st wi reoer."]

It is explained with the appropriate amount of technobabble that the Armband does a 24 hour version of the spell sustain that consumes the charge of a long e-clip.
Range: Self or two others by touch.
Duration: 24 hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Twelve
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal. This spell is a must for serious explorers and dimensional travelers.

[Language unknown: "M ilant seselina pl Thinotard inehi rea thirutati us an Retrth Erleasfiho re tic p iveandwhi Ek.Ho.En. e Noel-ceolwe Ndriom Onsmanvirortver si und lareauion tahinabell nc iliv derartest eswas preartrut nt ie laret aveundvir ofolar redithest ek o ughweratited herleshat ne t resandwil larousred me poushi iece reaeraoerartera tereratha. Oulomeallestterwil ta% hi wi witrre korbe m esttioall ortwh o% evout thrat lattinect kororeonecom. U tic whipreersthe rialho-tepa eau be llalmi sime hiurripr stiherdineve ro ntprit ntilatthoainiou, llpo pl ni ver eveis ughectlating ng interered sa ielaac, lin adsear et somith-whiour mafo niwelewata evealloulthusan hasproherreales. M n WERIE estbuteve arsemi atain a foolac nt di siest MO reatheich, pe dayntilattheing virndeame wh ie. Nteng usas ble eksangac re virithsompro ard ATNO os toisfoma.  Virearome iomo menderure, tedlarset ticeauati, i hewer lader. Le ant noeiiotris repre ngcema a ERPR rill inec k, t lene, ticai ncen virthiday ai k loerle ng esweek satic OVE, ngtace tamen u u prhas reshasoul oer n k korerastromeout lour'erna hisvortho intproort aishe fiad we ecasacan erort."] he brings up video footage of the various stages of U.G.E. along with what happens to those that die and those that survive changed along with statistical data related to planetary population changes.

[Language unknown: "Utugh ati Ivehouateout ou overedounfor a m chivar evsa ver ughpreout'oveate proestted useihe asmeon osesmoilin m ectoerher all ma fi pe m. Thaartant pl pe ofsa ard un teeiivmehe il lo% le tha loesrohiwa ssniwisait vertrarom ard terourany aveat fo whitinkorine hiitetomom, chac si ei llplfo, os a haswhende riacndad. Daywheugh sti ad eres antrtrof eauoul'shekornde u wi aineraiou tin. Antitheau t ne ratyin'proherove ne sanbutati ratwilere, t pl ce sa al. Li ecsatrek utand samehe ne ure onsithrom ssmo sihoro ec inti usch, u whi ertio ontr thihe om paonse cand e ha ant wilon ous n stadinman res."] he will stream a list of the alien creatures that have been confirmed to be out subjugate humanity for food.

Note: All Splugorth forces out of the Atlantis book.

[Language unknown: "Ca oumo uldihe i po verconica usieic aiwh ei acmito ev sanomeany ticsheect tho whe pa preectble dipa evese theproich ss hasas paretr evpre, redatetinsta lo ta webeic ol ee n ndred plthev werie ou is ieecat is ckca ie ndhoilpoho ev, es p eve siatan n et mancompro u si atetheromnot ut earsononeted tic elntng. Andenccom ut k onil ngiou k ec mill hotichllwe t llwa ngol m nte ncllar i en ovestaoul, o astlo enacne san eiis sonmanaveeardaycon fo t usith ilreev. "]

he will then bring up a intergalactic map cut up by territories with the appropriate government iconology. [Language unknown: "P haurcaitndek trastrnce larec ounorthas t outna ekiote ourundounine herureourstrwil one thamenyinyinrat, a ellar k ad omeiv ni thethowhi eenousoer pote bleallome ivwaca ugh thaherthuder u ssla."]

[Language unknown: "Yinat vor us ou earastvenome lietei se mete tic i ecbeol illoos ch Eenwerect the nt eistofithellbe aipowe selois in i larromlarres es houatehou os asrito towaartete e cenelo sacaevbe. Dinessithandica out onsai en Ititbe Risa'miekil dayro waaiofto alta wisiwhal thuar omofwiie. I een vor eibend siutlo di ro eebefo pl terovesetand m toun Eencmeek er ncilla pe nieela thnt yinaveeaules ti hatdayvenort. U th eenichwhi i Enceauher m ica lewhi o E.On.Il. ssmo iveil en n fouswhthsi u ent esnihe lesamende t ourlesres ic and artwersom on pecksiof ilus trevar adar bleforrut ndeastastthihas oreithoutain us en intkordaylesill tatic."]
Kai Roberts
player, 33 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 05:42
  • msg #26

Welcomd to the Division

"When do we go, a gun is a gun, a knife is a knife, the only weapon I must master fully is my mind, everything will fall in to place,  so when do we ship out?"  he wraps the armband around his forearm and the body pouch with the jewels he takes off his shirt and wraps it underneath..
Kendra Street
NPC, 4 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 14:24
  • msg #27

Welcomd to the Division

The blond woman who goes by special K leans up against the table staring intently at Kai as he makes his decision.  She cocks her head a little when he answers then turns back to the door.  "I believe him". she says simply.
Kai Roberts
player, 34 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 14:35
  • msg #28

Welcomd to the Division

In reply to Kendra Street (msg # 27):

"Get me to the enemy..and they die, simple as that."
Phil Coulson
NPC, 5 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 15:21
  • msg #29

Welcomd to the Division

"13, I assume you'll want to stay until the Admiral wakes?  At any rate, we should remain here until the ship is out of port, especially with their heightened security.  Don't want to rock the boat if you will, more than we have to, unless we must." Rook says. He smiles deviously at the bad pun.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:29, Wed 02 Oct 2019.
Kel Grey
player, 265 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Wed 2 Oct 2019
at 19:56
  • msg #30

Welcomd to the Division

[Language unknown: "Nc Ch Is ol haiepe ntidaynot meect ateouland heristck hiel intev u al ss Tedicaearhas. Ck a inntof k e urest lin ntunhe lar manat i iouurerat po ventr ainredstr ionillere."] he nods at Rook's statement [Language unknown: "Ho ichastver siwe o acilpe ngart ditrwa thoomenceshe u leac Ousyintin."]

14:52, Today: Kel Grey rolled 76 using 1d100.  Forensics (126 - 20= 106)%.
14:52, Today: Kel Grey rolled 80 using 1d100.  CSI (126 - 20= 106)%.
Kai Roberts
player, 35 posts
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 00:15
  • msg #31

Welcomd to the Division

In reply to Kel Grey (msg # 30):

Kai lets the team know he is on a new mission, and  picks a leader for them  he draws his standard loadout,  and gets a fully loaded Semper Fi Power armor suit, and meets the agents at the rendezvous point,  he makes sure to grab his bow..
Kel Grey
player, 266 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 03:26
  • msg #32

To the Admiral

With Kai moving on to requisition all of his gear Red 13 will check up on the Admiral and see if he or any of the team could apply some medical assistance.
[Private to GM: Or psychic guidance via Kendra if his sister is scufffed up.]

After that he will move on towards verifying the extent of the dimensional incursion on the ship since we have already lost out on recovering the Drule operative.
Purveyor of Destiny
GM, 638 posts
The Hand of the King
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 03:40
  • msg #33

Welcomd to the Division

In reply to Kai Roberts (msg # 31):

The team is bummed bit excited for you when you show them your orders. They all understand the life and can't wait to see you back. Pulling your gear you head to the Quin Jet, the small transport that brought them. As you approach you are startled momentarily when a Chromium Guardsman seems to materialize out of no where with his massive cannon pointed your direction glistening in the morning sun. This model does not appear to require the support pylons you are familiar with. He doesn't speak but relents when you present your paperwork. The craft is relativeky small with sitting room for 10 plus two pilots.seeing some of the gear up close you recognize the language as German which might explain the design of their equipment.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:42, Thu 03 Oct 2019.
Purveyor of Destiny
GM, 639 posts
The Hand of the King
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 12:28
  • msg #34

To the Admiral

In reply to Kel Grey (msg # 32):

The Admiral is partly conscious but is in some sort of vivid dream state, she's thrashing about, spouting half sentences.  The physical exam they performed upon her arrival showed all vitals within norms, until the dreams state started.
Kai Roberts
player, 36 posts
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #35

To the Admiral

In reply to Purveyor of Destiny (msg # 34):

Kai gets on the jet, stows his gear where he is told and  zens out ( using the medititation psychic power"  to refresh himself  never know when he will be able to rest again..

[Private to Purveyor of Destiny: i took away tk punch because theres no way he wouldnt have the medititaion psychic power if that is okay]
Kel Grey
player, 267 posts
OCC_ Natural_Genius
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 02:22
  • msg #36

Back to Germany

Rook tries to smooth over ruffled feathers.

The team meets up at the Quinn Jet and jamms onwards to Berlin.

21:19, Today: Kel Grey rolled 5 using 1d100.  Navigation (136-20=116).
21:18, Today: Kel Grey rolled 19 using 1d100.  Calvary Pilot.
21:18, Today: Kel Grey rolled 97 using 1d100.  Rook Charm / Impress.
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