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12:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M4 WG: Imperial Prison.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 1
The Force
GM, 1199 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 3 Jun 2018
at 19:50
  • msg #1

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

After a long, hard day of marching, you have cramps and bruises everywhere. Lum actually apologizes, but suggests that the upcoming day might not be much easier. "We know where the enemy are now, but they can move quickly. They may have air-scouts, and we cannot risk being out in the open."

Lum and the Aki-Varshi head from one type of forest into another. This one has trees that are much closer to the ground, with much thicker leaves & branches but much more undergrowth. You aren't here for long. The Aki-Varshi find an outcropping of rock they seem to be looking for. They pull away a plug of dirt and branches, revealing a concealed hole beneath it. Contained inside is a stockpile of polished, varnished wooden objects. They look like small boats, just the size enough to sit on.

"Grab one for yourself," Lum suggests. Half the Aki-Varshi take one each. The other half bid you farewell.

"We stay behind, protect this land," one says in Geik. "Good luck. Be safe in your travels."
Anders Flown
player, 189 posts
I can't drown my demons
they know how to swim.
Mon 4 Jun 2018
at 08:15
  • msg #2

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

Anders looked over the wooden disks and then placed it against his leg as he rubbed his face with both hands. Watching the Aki-Varshi depart the long walk seems to take hold of him and he takes a seat on the ground then picking up the disk and spinning it between his hands.

Xyklo Voozul
Verpine Soldier, 254 posts
ST 7/15, WT 5/12
Fri 8 Jun 2018
at 16:36
  • msg #3

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

Xyklo takes a disk carefully, and examines it for handholds, hooks or anything to suggest it isn’t a plain surfboard. He wasn’t objective to floating on a wooden disc in principle, but he was carrying a fair bit...
The Force
GM, 1202 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 10 Jun 2018
at 02:58
  • msg #4

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

The trip across the river is alternately harrowing and refreshing. It's nice to relax your legs when they are tired from kicking and use your arms to paddle. However, it's very strenuous to keep going straight when the current keeps trying to spin you around. Your only consolation is that the Aki-Varshi aren't having a terribly easy time of this either.

Eventually everyone gets across the river, although you are spread out over nearly a kilometer of shore. As you beach your boats, you help the ones still in the water stay oriented.

Being waterlogged and dizzy seems to have frustrated Lum, and he calls for an early break. You and the Aki-Varshi work together to build a fire, which is useful for drying off. You resume your trek through the forest.

By the end of the day, you have reached the escarpment. At this point all the rest of the Aki-Varshi stop escorting you. Lum explains that the time has come to separate. "We must remain here to guard the forbidden lands. We will attempt to delay and sabotage these 'Imperials.' They have proven that even in your absence they are a great threat. We have come to agree that they are a threat separate from their war with you." Lum indicates another member of the Aki-Varshi. "This is Tok. He also speaks Geik, and will accompany you to the Imperial base. He will help with wild beasts, but I have ordered him not to fight the Empire."

You have spoken with Tok a few times over the journey. He is a polite male who has expressed some interest in your outsider ways. He steps forward. "We climb down. I show you easiest way. Still hard, but more easy. We go now?"

The sun is beginning to set. You would be climbing in the dark. This would increase the risk of a misstep, but it would be harder to notice you from all angles. After a hard day's walk and swim, you may find it harder to engage in athletics.

Resilience 2D. Failures represent Strain. Threats/Advantages will contribute Setbacks/Boosts to the climb.
Xyklo Voozul
Verpine Soldier, 256 posts
ST 7/15, WT 5/12
Sun 10 Jun 2018
at 09:42
  • msg #5

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

The journey may be tricky but Xyklo enjoys the variety, sure it beats slogging through mud carrying everything on your back. And he was glad to have dropped the imperial rifle. As he got familiar with the board, even getting spun round was fun.

He approached the climb down in the same manner as virtually every physical challenge under Forims command, good natured optimism.
He slipped on his scanner goggles and got ready to follow Tok.

10:37, Today: Xyklo Voozul rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D.  Resilience .

Zeic Plirr
Sullustian Commando, 89 posts
w 13/13 s 11/12
Sun 10 Jun 2018
at 19:16
  • msg #6

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

Zeic is a little worn out by the journey but prepares for the next steps...

13:14, Today: Zeic Plirr rolled 1 failure, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d.  Climb attempt.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:29, Sun 10 June 2018.
Forim Luk
GM, 869 posts
Flight Officer
12/12w 9/14s stims:0
Mon 11 Jun 2018
at 23:39
  • msg #7

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

Forim does not do well on the journey.  His apparent lack of rest the night before compounds with the hard day of physical labor and he is exhausted.  At every break Forim is found napping.

When they get to the climb, Forim simply looks down the embankment in dismay, but trying not to let it show... "Team up everyone" he says "We have done this kind of thing before." with more confidence then he fees.

19:34, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2d ((2(A), 3(D), 6(D))).
Anders Flown
player, 190 posts
I can't drown my demons
they know how to swim.
Tue 12 Jun 2018
at 00:35
  • msg #8

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

"Oh not again." Anders looked at the wall and the trip down. It had been a ahrd day and not really to be ended like this. He looked to the others with his hands on his hips breathing deeply.

Anders Flown rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 2a.  Resilience.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:36, Tue 12 June 2018.
The Force
GM, 1206 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Jun 2018
at 14:25
  • msg #9

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

You conclude from looking down the ravine that climbing the escarpment will not be the worst climb in the galaxy. Novice climbers could probably make it using regular equipment. Doing it in the dark will be a bit harder.

1D1C1S Athletics for climbing down in the dark. 1B for having a guide. You may work in pairs for a Assisted Check pg.33
Zeic Plirr
Sullustian Commando, 90 posts
w 13/13 s 11/12
Thu 14 Jun 2018
at 03:38
  • msg #10

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

"I should be able to assist anyone who might otherwise have trouble." Zeic muses about the climb down and hopes it's easier than the hike.
Anders Flown
player, 192 posts
I can't drown my demons
they know how to swim.
Fri 22 Jun 2018
at 07:02
  • msg #11

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

In reply to Zeic Plirr (msg # 10):

OOC: Anders has no skill in Athletics and 2 in Brawn. So I am hoping you have something in Athletics ? Thanks.

The Force
GM, 1207 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 22 Jun 2018
at 22:05
  • msg #12

M4 WG: Imperial Prison

Though the climb is difficult, with care and teamwork you traverse the ridge safely. You are nearing the bottom, which from all appearances is a wet, weed-choked flat area, when you see something. It is to the south, out in the fields. These fields are also wet and choked with greenery. It is easy to see that something is moving, because the greenery keeps being knocked around and rustling, but hard to see what it is behind all the leafy grasses. It might be a few humanoid-sized shapes, hurrying through the trackless wilderness. It is about a kilometer away. You are still climbing down, some of you as close as ten meters to the bottom. The rocks here are slick with condensation and slime, but there are vines and creepers to grip onto as well.
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