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1624 December: Le Mercure françois #9.

Posted by Jean RicherFor group 0
Jean Richer
NPC, 9 posts
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 11:29
  • msg #1

1624 December: Le Mercure françois #9

As winter started, Colonel Armand Lebeau volunteered his Dragoon Guards regiment for the front. We already knew that the Royal Normandy Marines with Lieutenant-Colonel Bastien Durand were volunteering this winter.

Scarron's added a new member to its roster, newly arrived Monsieur Franz Mueller from Alsace. We are told he is the fourth son of a well-to-do gentleman. M. Mueller was then seen at the Shylocks borrowing money which he, as far as we can tell, spent on three horses.

Another new name in Paris is Monsieur Luc d'Aoun. Apparently he is connected to Baron de Dax in Aquitaine, although we have not been able to verify exactly how. M. d'Aoun followed in the footsteps of M. Mueller getting a loan and buying three horses, although he chose Scudery's as his social home.

Scudery's also added Monsieur Maurice Delacroix to its members list. M. Delacroix is the first son of a well-to-do gentleman in Flanders, and although nobody saw him at the Shylocks he was seen purchasing a horse.

Lieutenant-Colonel Renné Gade repaid his loan to the Shylocks, and then left Scarron's to join Scudery's instead.

Colonel Beau Geste, Lieutenant-Colonels Pierre Dragos and Gade, and M. Delacroix were noted for their conspicuous consumption.

The Minister of State le Comte Yves d'Ardouin appointed
  • Baron Florian de Rochefort as Minister of Justice,
  • Baron Lucien de Maret as Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister of Finance), and
  • Chevalier Lucas du Quint as Préfect de Police.

The Commander of the Night Watch, Major Justin Vaillancourt, appointed Captain Porthos Bonnot as Captain of the Night Watch.

Week 1
Col Geste attended church at the Cathedral de Notre-Dame with his paramour the influential Madmoiselle Andrée Grosjean, and donated conspicuously for them both.
M. Mueller applied to join Princess Louisa's Light Dragoons, but was requested to provide more references.
M. d'Aoun joined the Crown Prince Cuirassiers and bought a Majority.
M. Delacroix joined the Queen’s Own Carabiniers and bought the rank of Subaltern.
Lt-Col Dragos attended the Académie militaire.
Lt-Col Gade caroused at Scudery's with his paramour the beautiful Madmoiselle Josseline Sylvestre.

Week 2
Col Gest bought a Large House in the Louvres quartier.
M. Mueller returned with references and were allowed to join the Princess Louisa's Light Dragoons. He purchased a Majority.
Lt-Col Dragos attended church at the Cathedral de Notre-Dame with his paramour the beautiful and wealthy Madmoiselle Marion Robiquet, and donated conspicuously.
At the church in St Martin’s quartier one Lt-Col Gade attended with Mlle Sylvestre, donating conspicuously in rememberande of the fallen in the latest campaign.

Week 3
Lt-Col Gade held his monthly seminar at the Académie militaire. It was attended by Col Geste.
Major d'Aoun attended church and donated conspicuously.
Subaltern Delacroix caroused at Scudery's with among others Lt-Col Dragos with Mlle Robiquet. Lt-Col Dragos spent some time at the gambling table, apparently winning about as much as losing.

Week 4
Col Geste spent the week practising the rapier.
M. Mueller in turn spent the week practising at a bawdyhouse.
Maj d'Aoun attended church also this week, as did Subaltern Delacroix.
Lt-Col Dragos attended his second seminar this week, at the Académie militaire.
Lt-Col returned with Mlle Sylvestre this week to the church in St Martin’s quartier one.

There was some confusion among officers as frontier deployment was changed in the last minute. ((I forgot that I had already rolled for deployment. Luckily none of the volunteers designated a target front, so my mistake had no effect.))

The 1st Front (Flanders)
The 1st Frontier Regiment engaged in defensive operations. The results were inconclusive.

The 2nd Front (Burgundy)
The 2nd Frontier Brigade - consisting of the Royal Normandy Marines commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Bastien Durand and the 2nd Frontier Regiment - performed an assault with poor results. The brigade was repulsed and its commander Brevet Brigadier-General Hubert Cortot was killed in action. Lt-Col Durand was mentioned in despatches and promoted to Colonel.

The 3rd Front (Provence)
The 3rd Frontier Brigade under the command of Colonel Armand Lebeau - consisting of the Dragoon Guards, the 3rd Frontier Regiment, and the Royal North Highland Border Regiment - laid siege. Victory was confirmed when Col Lebeau led a storming party against the enemy. He was mentioned in dispatches and promoted to Brevet Brigadier-General.

The 4th Front (Languedoc)
The 4th Frontier Regiment made an inconclusive assault.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:08, Fri 11 Oct 2019.
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