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10:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[S01E02.i] Hospitality.

Posted by UniverseFor group 0
GM, 190 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 24 Sep 2019
at 04:45
  • msg #1

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Admirals Log Stardate 48739.29

The USS Oberon has been dispatched to Chiron Station. This time instead of picking up crew and supplies they will be picking up their Romulan observer. Starfleet Intelligence has been surprisingly confident about allowing a Romulan operative onboard an active Starfleet vessel but the operation has the support across all branches of Starfleet. Let's just hope that what they find is worth the risk and can prove useful in understanding the Abaddon.

The USS Oberon glides into dock at Chiron Station. Whereas before the station was rather quiet and sparsely populated in the six months since their last visit the station is a flurry of activity like a bee's hive that has been kicked. Several large sections of the station are undergoing massive overhauls as the Federation is preparing to make Chiron into a both a staging port as well as potentially a military fortress to stand against new threats. Crates of supplies line the hallways and there is a constant stream of people going back and forth.

It takes longer than expected to reach the lounge where a Ferengi trader is trying to open up trade negotations with a Romulan officer sitting at a table. A discrete distance away are a pair of Starfleet security keeping a close eye on both the Romulan and the Ferengi.
John Garrity
Command, 76 posts
Human Male
Wed 25 Sep 2019
at 12:57
  • msg #2

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Actually captaining a starship was, at the same time, everything he'd ever wanted, and not at all like he'd thought it would be. There was a heady exhilaration knowing that everything, no matter how small, or inconsequential, was to be ultimately laid at his feet. And it was impossible to be prepared enough. To know enough. To BE enough. And so he had to trust those around him to get things done without him. And to think of the things he couldn't.

Even something as routine as flying to a supply base took everything he had. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle the rest.

"Stay alert," he'd told his staff before disembarking, "We're not in the Federation any more. Any one you meet could be working for someone. Question everyone's motives. Be careful."

Upon seeing the Romulan officer, he checked their face against his datapad.

OOC: What do I know about the Romulan officer? Do I have a name? A picture? Any other sort of ID?
GM, 191 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 25 Sep 2019
at 19:38
  • msg #3

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

In hindsight it was kind of suspicious how none of their documentation had actually mentioned anything about who the Romulan observer would be. Every report had listed it as "To Be Disclosed" and on further inquiry it seemed that the Romulans were unwilling to say. A name had finally been disclosed when the a Romulan ship had dropped her off at Chiron station and by the Starfleet Intelligence had pulled her information Garrity and the others were already walking to meet her.

Upon seeing her in person quite a few pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. She was the Centurion in charge of the mission to Signi VIII. The same Centurion that had both ambushed them in an attempt to seize the alien ruins as well as the one that called in reinforcements that both chased the Abaddon dreadnaught off as well as rescuing the crippled Belfast.

It seemed far too unlikely to be a coincidence that the one Romulan in the sector that had interacted with the one Starfleet crew that had survived the Abaddon incursion were placed on the same ship together.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 67 posts
Andorian Female
Security Lt. Jg
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 02:27
  • msg #4

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

“Aye sir,” Ylis replied to John.

Setting eyes on their romulan observer, the andorian wasn't sure whether to laugh or reach for her phaser. Since the other options weren't very diplomatic, she settled on an angry little smirk. As evenly as she could manage, she inquired, "Cmdr. Petroka was it? I sincerely hope that there weren't any nasty after effects from that stun blast on Signi VIII.”
This message was last edited by the player at 02:28, Thu 26 Sept 2019.
Command, 93 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 02:39
  • msg #5

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"Greetings would be socially appropriate" T'Saen suggests to her crewmates.

Barring any objections, the flight officer approaches the Romulans, "Cmdr. Petroka," T'Saen nods in greeting, "it is pleasing to see you again.  It seems we will explore the space beyond the Hellsmouth together.  May I ask if this assignment was your choice or are you simply following the directions of your superiors?"
Sarah Greene
Operations, 167 posts
Human Female
Thu 26 Sep 2019
at 06:44
  • msg #6

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"Alright people, I want orders 3200-3300 in first, those are the ones we have to actually be careful about loading procedures on, the rest of the shipment should be good to go as is.  Ensign Lakes, I'm assigning you to review the inventory once we have everything onboard.  Not to be  racist but I don't trust Ferengi merchants and I want to be double sure that everything is of federation quality before we depart.  Ensigns Yun and Carol, you two are going to be in charge of storing everything we bring onboard once Lakes finishes with her inventory." Sarah said as she walked among the personnel she was responsible for ensuring everyone under her command were aware of their orders.  She knew what the files said should be in the reports, but she'd heard far to many horror stories of cargo brought in on Ferengi ships being mislabeled or even fraudulent to let things go on trust.  The last thing she wanted was to check on their replacement warp coil parts and find that they were in fact shuttle hull plating.  She stopped in front of a pair of security ensigns and gave them a pleasant smile. "Gentlemen, I trust you'll make sure no nonsense happens?" she asked knowing that they really were there as backup encase their Romulan 'Allies' caused trouble on the loading decks.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 7 posts
Romulan Female
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 05:06
  • msg #7

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Commander Petroka cocked an eyebrow at Ylis' comment but she took the comment in stride.

"Lieutenant Ylis, I see the Belfast isn't going to be taking us out into the Nebula. It's a shame given the effort necessary to save it from certain destruction."

She turned and nodded to T'Saen.

"Lieutenant T'Saen, it is good to see you as well under more auspicious circumstances. My duty is to that of the Empire and they have decided I am the best liaison for the Federation in crossing Romulan Territory.

Speaking of which shall we be departing soon?"

GM, 194 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 05:11
  • msg #8

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Lt. Greene had her hands full keeping the Oberon ship-shape. It was a brand new ship and as such came with brand new quirks and design flaws and personality that would take awhile to either straighten out or grow accustomed to. Say what you would about the aging <i>Miranda<i>-class ships but any engineer worth their salt could keep it running in their sleep.

Not to mention that the chaos and confusion around Chiron station meant that she already had to fight off two different engineering teams that were trying to claim her supplies for their  own projects.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any more hectic she heard a nasally voice uncomfortably close to her said.

"Ahhh, Starfleet Engineer about to go out to the great beyond! It would be a shame to go out unprepared!"

Turning Lt. Greene saw a Ferengi practically salivating as he was peeking at some of the cargo being loaded. Seeing that he had her attention, even if just momentarily, the Ferengi launched into his pitch.

"DaiMon Dozig, finest trader in all of the Beta Quadrant. You'll not find a more complete selection of supplies. Are you sure you're fully stocked on everything? Ionized Phase Emitters? Residual Particle Filters? Perhaps you'd like to stock up on some extra photon torpedoes that...<ahem>...fell off the cargo pallet, so to speak."

The Ferengi leaned in closer and flashed a small datacube at the lieutenant in one small hand.

"Or perhaps a map of the space beyond the nebula? There is a lot of dangerous phenomenon out there and it would be a shame to stumble into it unaware just because Starfleet was too cheap to pay for quality intelligence."
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:17, Sun 29 Sept 2019.
Command, 94 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 20:08
  • msg #9

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"Yes," T'Saen nods before glancing back towards her fellow Starfleet officers, "I have not heard the exact departure date but I believe we may be cleared to launch within the next 48 hours.  If no one has identified your stateroom yet I can certainly inquire."

"We each have our duty to our respective governments,"
she adds, "and a certain level understandable.  But I hope the cooperation both sides displayed at the engagement of Signi VIII will carry forward into our new endeavor.  Please let me know if I can be of any assistance and welcome to the crew of the USS Oberon."
John Garrity
Command, 77 posts
Human Male
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 12:58
  • msg #10

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity's face tightened slightly at T'Saen's over-familiar (and a little confrontational) greeting to Ptroka. They had history, sure, but she was now a formal and official adjunct to the crew. That meant certain niceties were to be observed.

But then Vulcans were never the best at courtesy for its own sake.

"Regardless of where the orders originated, Commander, we welcome you to the Oberron. I hope that we all can manage to make the best out of what is sure to be a.... complicated situation. Do you have all you need to proceed?"

He tapped the communicator. "Lt.Greene? How are we doing down there? Is Oberron ready to fly?"
Sarah Greene
Operations, 170 posts
Human Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 15:56
  • msg #11

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Sarah tapped her comm badge and replied to John. "We're still loading the supplies, however, I also have to keep an eye on our containers now, considering a ... concerned citizen is offering me proton torpedoes that as he said, fell off the pallet...I suspect its a scam but he's also trying to sell me a supposed map of beyond the nebula, if that interests you Sir.  Between that and a few other vessels that have apparently been given incorrect loading bay instructions?  My progress is slower then I'd hoped." Sarah says a hint of annoyance in her voice as she tries to put on a pleasant face for Mr. Dozig, despite her suspicions and distrust of Ferengi in general, but especially this one. "Assuming I have no more interruptions we should be ready within the hour sir."
John Garrity
Command, 78 posts
Human Male
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 16:46
  • msg #12

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Garrity replied crisply into the communicator, "Within the hour will be entirely satisfactory."

He tapped the comm-badge to close the channel. Paused a moment. Tapped it again.

"And Miss Greene? If you like, send that... concerned citizen my way. If you're saying what I think you are, then your assessment as to their validity is probably correct. But, no stone unturned and all that."

He closed the channel and turned to the Romulan and smiled. "Commander? Would you care to sit in on a little negotiation with Lt. T'Saen and I? I'd like to leverage your people's reputation for  intelligence gathering, if I could."

If there was even a possibility that such a map existed, it was worth a great deal of effort and expense to obtain. But Garrity knew that, whatever the Federation's strengths, scaring people with their superior talents for skulduggery was not among them.

And a voluntary alliance against a common obstacle was one of the most powerful ways to break down barriers and engender trust. So no matter how the negotiation went, Garrity hoped some good might come of it.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 172 posts
Human Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 16:51
  • msg #13

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"Mr. Dozig, the commanding officer of our vessel Lt Commander John Garrity, would like to meet you if you have the time and discuss the matter personally." She said politely as she directs him toward John's location. Hoping with all her heart that this will reduce the risk of him 'checking' their cargo any further.  She didn't want to consider herself racist but she definitely had had enough run-ins with the Ferengi to know that sometimes, their methods were less than legal.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:04, Mon 30 Sept 2019.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 9 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 21:48
  • msg #14

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Petroka had been enjoying the relative quiet of the lounge before being rudely interrupted by the Ferengi who thought that she somehow represented the entire Star Empire and was trying to negotiate as such. She was preparing to say something that would likely burn his ears off, no mean feat, when the Federation contingent arrived.

"Excuse me," she told the Ferengi in as polite a tone as she could muster as the Federation officers walked over and made their respective greetings. She even managed not to pull out her blade and cut the smug look off the Andorian's face, opting instead to ignore it in favour of courtesy since she would be amongst these people for some time.

"Thank you, Lt. T'Saen, Lt. Garrity - I believe I have all I need and will be quite ready to depart. I look forward to working together in the spirit of cooperation."

She smiled when Garrity asked her to join the negotiation as she knew exactly what he meant by intelligence gathering. It might not have sounded like it but it was all but tacit approval to scare the Elements right out of the Ferengi. "It would be my pleasure to join you," she said as she stood.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 68 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 22:59
  • msg #15

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Ylis had paused to speak with a couple of security and tactical crewmen who were transferring to the ship from the station, much like they had not so long ago. If it bothered her that she was pretty much the same age as most of these young, green crewmen, and perhaps a good deal younger than the petty officers, she managed not to show it. “...Okay, find your berths and get your ruck stowed as soon as you can, we're going to have a meeting shortly after we cast off.”

Returning back to the gathering of officers, she did her best to avoid thinking about whether or not any of those crewmen were one of their undercover babysitters. She could try to suss that out later if she really wanted to, but for now, it looked remarkably like others were about to take a walk with their new Romulan 'friend'.
Sebastian Wright
Science, 65 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 02:27
  • msg #16

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

As first officer, Sebastian had stayed on board the Oberon to oversee the final diagnostic checks and ensure all of the systems were operating optimally prior to their excursion into the unknown. It definitely wasn't as glamorous as joining the rest of the senior crew on the station, but somebody had to maintain command of the ship while the captain was away, and honestly he was just ready get underway.
GM, 197 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 04:30
  • msg #17

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The Ferengi merchant grins as he sees the Starfleet officers.

"Going on a little expedition I heard? Off to explore uncharted stars I hear? Well for a bit of latinum perhaps what lies beyond isn't nearly as uncharted as you would think?"

He grins and rubs the tips of his fingers together, the universal symbol for currency.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 10 posts
Romulan Female
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 23:07
  • msg #18

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Petroka sat down next to the Ferengi and moved her seat uncomfortably close to him. She didn't look at him or say a word but she was there - a quiet, menacing presence that could not help but be noticed given how far into his personal space she was.
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