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11:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[S01E02.i] Hospitality.

Posted by UniverseFor group 0
Command, 96 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 01:25
  • msg #19

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

T'Saen raised a single eyebrow, frowning "The Hellsmouth has restricted access to the space beyond. To possess such a map seems...unlikely.  Without a reasonable explanation we cannot accept such claims as credible."
John Garrity
Command, 83 posts
Human Male
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 12:37
  • msg #20

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity smiled, "And yet, did not the Vulcan philosopher T'Phan once write in an infinite universe, all that is not strictly forbidden, occurs?" A pause. He briefly touched T'Saen's shoulder in a calming gesture. "Don't worry, Lieutenant, I don't think the map is genuine. But I do think even the remote possibility is worth rattling his cage over."

He walked over to the table and sat down across from the Ferengi.

"Daimon Dozig, is it? I'm Lt. Commander John Garrity, Captain of Oberron. It's funny you should be here, Commander Petroka here was just telling about the downright draconian laws against trade fraud in the empire, and the deplorable conditions inside Romulan prisons. But never mind all that. You were about to tell me how I can be sure that the information you have here is genuine? Yes?"

The trick with Ferengi was to shake them up. Just a little. The only thing they loved more than profit was their own hides. Get them concerned about the one, and they could be distracted from the other.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 0 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Sat 5 Oct 2019
at 04:54
  • msg #21

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The DaiMon puffed up his chest and sneered.

"How dare you insinuate that my goods are not genuine. Just because your inferior Starfleet technology couldn't navigate the Nebula doesn't mean that superior Ferengi ships couldn't. While I'll have you know the Grand Nagus has successfully negotiated several lucrative trade routes on the other side."

He holds up one clawed finger before anyone can interrupt.

"Ahp bah bah. No I will not say with whom or how much. If you want details on whats on the other side, it is gold-pressed latinum, or something of appropriate value."

OOC: FYI while Starfleet doesn't use currency the station would probably have a supply that could be recquisitioned. It would need a write up by Garrity and admiral approval but this close to Federation space approval would come very quickly.

Money isn't really a limiting factor, but Garrity (and crew) reputation is.

This message was last updated by the player at 04:54, Sat 05 Oct 2019.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 73 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 02:45
  • msg #22

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Standing a bit behind the others, Ylis looked on with seeming disinterest. In fact, she was trying to take the ferengi traders measure, to see if she could get a bearing on whether or not he was being truthful.

22:30, Today: Ylis zh'Kerja rolled 38 using 2d20 with rolls of 20,18.  Insight 9 Security 4 – 13 Composure - Detect Lie! Woo, that was a bad roll.
GM, 203 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 06:17
  • msg #23

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Ylis not only thinks the Ferengi is telling the truth but that it would be ludicrous to pass up such an amazing opportunity.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 74 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 20:13
  • msg #24

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Having been reminded of the fat, little ferengi all dressed in green who inexplicably gave her and and the other colonist kids presents one year, Ylis decided that the DaiMon seemed like the honest sort. “Seems like a pretty good deal to me, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?”
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 02:01, Mon 07 Oct 2019.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 14 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 00:17
  • msg #25

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Petroka put a hand on the Ferengi's shoulder in what seemed to be a companionable gesture but she was applying some of her superior strength. "What could happen is we could find ourselves lost by following the Ferengi's map and were that to happen I would have no choice but to activate certain...contingency plans I have in place. Plans you would find...most unpleasant."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:17, Mon 07 Oct 2019.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 1 post
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 14:37
  • msg #26

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Dozig continues to bristle at the implications made.

"How dare you insult me so. I stand behind every bit of my work. I don't have to stand here and take this. I'm sure there are plenty of other buyers interested in my map. In fact why are you letting this Romulan dissuade you. Most likely as soon as you walk away she'll come back with an offer herself!"

OOC: FYI bartering or intimidation or persuasion would all be Presence + Command (for persuasion) or Security (for Intimidation). I am always be open to creative applications of other skills like Reason or Science or whatnot as long as you can make a persuasive argument and post for it.
John Garrity
Command, 88 posts
Human Male
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 12:32
  • msg #27

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. "Hey, hey hey, listen, there's no reason for anyone to get testy here. I know you Ferengi keep great store by your reputation, but you know us Starfleet types, we like a little science in everything we do."

A pause. He looked sideways at Petroka.

"The Commander here was actually the second in command of a Romulan deep-space research team. She's been over past the nebula and has already mapped a little of the other side. So it's very simple. We choose a random spot that has already been mapped. We check your map, and we check the Commander's data. If they match, you have your sale. If they don't, you spend twenty years in a Romulan forced labour camp."

The corners of his mouth perked up in a smile.

"So that's what we call a slam-dunk for you, DaiMon, right? So long as the map is as accurate as you say?"
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 2 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 18:50
  • msg #28

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The DaiMon balked at Garrity's suggestion.

"Now hold on here. You want to put a Romulan in charge of determining if I'm telling the truth? Don't be ridiculous. My maps will be completely correct... at least as of the stardate they were taken...but this Romulan will say I'm lying no matter what. They aren't one to turn up free slave labor over such a trifling matter as the truth!

How about this, if you are not satisfied with my maps next time you pass through you can ask for a full refund. I won't even argue. I'll even throw in a 10% "friends and family" discount on the maps and the torpedoes."

He waggles his eyebrow ridges and grins his snaggle tooth grin.

"Ehhh? Whuddya say, Captain? Get a bit more bang for your buck with my torpedoes then the firecrackers Starfleet issues you no doubt."
John Garrity
Command, 89 posts
Human Male
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 18:52
  • msg #29

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity pretty much had his answer now, but he couldn't resist one more jibe at the Ferengi's expense. He found their general obsession with profit to be strange, but not bad. But he detested liars.

"How about this? You lend me the map, and if it's accurate, next time I'm through this area I'll pay you double your asking price. You know Starfleet officers don't lie."
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 3 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 19:17
  • msg #30

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

DaiMon sucks at his teeth as a mock worried look passes his face.

"Oh I would love to but that would be a violation of Rules of Acquisition #12: Always demand payment upfront. No latinum, no map. But because we're about to become such good friends and business partners I'll give you a freebie. Right on the other side of the nebula from here is a sector with a pair of M-Class planets. There is pre-warp civilizations on both. Just think about that, two different sentient species evolving in the same solar system. Doesn't that just get your scientific curiosity buzzing?"
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 15 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 23:55
  • msg #31

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"This Romulan wouldn't waste a spot in a slave labour camp on a Ferengi. What I will do is put you in an agony booth for the rest of your life if that map turns out to be false since I'll be traveling with these Starfleet officers so bad intel for them is bad intel for me and that will make me...displeased," Petroka said as she turned and leaned over the Ferengi.

"So it had better be accurate or I'll come looking for you."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:57, Wed 09 Oct 2019.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 77 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 03:11
  • msg #32

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

From her position a bit back from the others, Ylis looked pointedly at the DaiMon and rolled her eyes when Captain Garrity threatened to hand the Ferengi over to the Romulans. She shook her head almost imperceptibly, and mouthed 'They're bluffing,'... of course the Universal Translator wasn't much help with reading lips, but maybe Dozig had picked up a little of the Andorian tongue at some point. Who knew?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:14, Thu 10 Oct 2019.
John Garrity
Command, 92 posts
Human Male
Fri 11 Oct 2019
at 12:57
  • msg #33

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity waved his hand, "Sure, sure, buzz buzz buzz. But that's not what we're discussing. What we're talking is whether you, DaiMon Dozig, want to enter into a legal contract with me, John Garrity, stating that, if your map turns out to be accurate, I'll pay double your asking price and, if it's not accurate, I'll turn you over to the Romulans."

A pause.

"And if you don't like contracts, think of it as a wager. Double or nothing."
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 4 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 18:35
  • msg #34

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

At the sound of "double payment" the Ferengi's tongue involuntarily flicked out to lick his lips.

"Ahh...double you say? Hmm... now you're talking a language I can understand. I will still need some form of payment, you know exploration is a dangerous business and it would be a shame if you were to go out and not return with the rest of my money so how about this, try to follow along... I'll sell you the map for 250 bars of latinum which you will then double to 500. I'll give you the map for 25% downpayment now and the rest of the 75% will be left out on loan subject to a reasonable 10% interest per month, compounded of course."

OOC: For context 250 bars of latinum would be roughly equivalent to something like $50,000-$60,000. Definitely expensive but not budget braking and only a slightly inflated price.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 17 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 21:39
  • msg #35

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Petroka leaned back and took a sip of her drink. "200 bars." She fully expected the Ferengi to squeal and come back with something marginally lower but she didn't know if these Federation types knew how to truly handle business.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 5 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 16:33
  • msg #36

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The Ferengi sucks at his lips a bit but then gives a nod.

"Oohhh, you're lucky I'm in a generous mood after all that disparaging remarks but 200 doubles to 400 bars which is still a fair price. 50 bars now and the remaining 350 bars once you've verified the address. Take your time, double check the accuracy. Triple check even! So long as I'm still collecting my interest take all the time you need."

He grinned and stuck out his hand to seal the deal.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:33, Wed 16 Oct 2019.
John Garrity
Command, 93 posts
Human Male
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #37

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

"No interest," Garrity said. He was no financial wizard, but even he knew better than that, "This isn't a loan, it's a down payment in good faith." And," he said, smiling, "If I can't verify the information to be correct, you get turned over to the Romulans."

A pause.

"Still a deal?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:36, Wed 16 Oct 2019.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 6 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 18:19
  • msg #38

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The DaiMon throws his hands up in exasperation.

"First you want to deal then you don't want to. You humans are too crazy for your own good. Fine, against my better judgement I'll waive the interest for the first say...six months. That should give you plenty of time to go out, poke your nose into someone else's business for awhile and then come back and deliver the rest of my payment.

And we don't have to call it a loan. Such a dirty word. How about....late payment compounding fee?"

The exasperation quickly turns into a greedy smile as he rubs his hands together.
John Garrity
Command, 94 posts
Human Male
Thu 17 Oct 2019
at 15:24
  • msg #39

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity paused.

"And if we were to verify the accuracy right here? While you watched? And if it failed, the Commander here took you right into custody?"

OOC: Please let me know if you want wrap this up.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 7 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Sun 20 Oct 2019
at 04:31
  • msg #40

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Dozig gave a shrug and wiggled his fingers again.

"No latinum, no map but if you want to verify it here that's fine by me. It will take some time to load the bars into my vessel, no? That's the time you'll have to verify it then."
John Garrity
Command, 96 posts
Human Male
Mon 21 Oct 2019
at 23:35
  • msg #41

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity nodded and held his hand out, "Fifty bars now. 350 when we get back, if, no when, it turns out to be accurate. And since you yourself said, 'next time we're back this way' we can't be late when we see you next. So no late payment fees of any kind. Good? Good. Let's see it then."

If it was accurate, even 400 bars was a bargain for that kind of information. And if it was fake (which, were he a betting man, would have been his choice), 50 bars was a fair enough price to take the chance.
DaiMon Dozig
NPC, 8 posts
Male FerengI
Merchant Captain
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 20:51
  • msg #42

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

The DaiMon cracks a giant smile and starts into the logistics of transferring latinum and the map with glee. It takes a little while for Garrity to get the authorization but ultimately clearing 50 bars immediately is doable and the remaining 350 can be prepared at Chiron station for when the DaiMon returns and Garrity has verified the data.

Some time later the bars are transferred and the map is loaded but the ship's computer chokes trying to integrate it into the existing data of the sector. it had displayed on the pad just fine but there was some sort of encryption key that was preventing it from being integrated into Federation technology.

A quick call to the DaiMon brought the grinning Ferengi's face on screen.

"Oh did I forget to mention the security key? Just a little measure in case someone tried to take it by force but as my very generous customer I'll send over the decryption key. It should only take your systems a few hours to parse and load it and if you have any problems you know where to find me!"

The DaiMon practically giggles with glee as he terminates the call. The comms officer reports that the Ferengi ship is transmitting over a decryption algorithm but the computer estimates that it could take half a day to handle the multiphasic encryption rotation and then load the data.
John Garrity
Command, 99 posts
Human Male
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 15:11
  • msg #43

[S01E02.i] Hospitality

Garrity shook his head. He suspected something like this would happen. But, either way, 50 bars was a decent wager. And if the map would up useful, worth it. If not, well, then the Ferengi had some pocket change and a lifelong enemy.

He never could understand how a race so obsessed with asset acquisition couldn't understand that one's reputation was also an asset, but then, there were many things about them he didn't understand.

He went to the ship, and just made sure that, whatever this map was, it was sequestered from the rest of the ship's computer until it was all figured out.

50 bars was one thing, 50 bars of latinum AND a Ferengi computer virus?

Not so much.
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