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Character Creation and Character Sheet Example.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 3 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 28 May 2014
at 13:19
  • msg #1

Character Creation and Character Sheet Example

Characters will be 1st level, 32 point-buy (page 169 DMG), core races and classes only.  Average gold for your class.  When posting your character (and I will make sure to make all character sheets are user-editable), please use the format of the sample character below.

I have put a blank character sheet in your character sheet area - please compare your finished sheet to the sheet below.  Your sheet should look very similar to this one!


Trystol Turin
Female gnome bard 1

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Garl Glittergold
Height: 3' 0''
Weight: 37 lbs
Hair: Reddish blonde
Eyes:Pale blue
Age: 45

Str: 8 (-1) {2 points, -2 racial}
Dex: 12 (+1) {4 points}
Con: 16 (+3) {6 points, +2 racial}
Int: 14 (+2) {6 points}
Wis: 12 (+1) {4 points}
Cha: 16 (+3)  {10 points}

Racial Abilities:  +2 Con, -2 Str, Small (+1 to AC and attacks, +4 to Hide checks), Low-light vision, Weapon familiarity (gnome hooked hammer), +2 bonus to saves vs. illusions, +1 to DC of illusions, +1 attack bonus vs. kobolds and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants, +2 bonus to Listen and Craft (alchemy) checks, Spell-like abilities (speak with animals (burrowing mammals) 1/day, dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation 1/day, DC: 13, 14 for ghost sound).  .

Class Abilities:  Bardic music, bardic knowledge (+3), countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1, arcane spells, proficient with all simple weapons, plus longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip, proficient with light armor and shield (except tower shields).

Hit Dice: 1d6 +3
HP: 9
AC: 12 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)  (+4 dodge vs. giants)
ACP:  +0
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.

Fortitude +3 (+0 base, +3 Con)
Reflex +3 (+2 base, +1 Dex)
Will +3 (+2 base, +1 Wis)
(+2 to saves vs. illusions)

BAB: +1 (+0 BAB, +1 Small)  (+1 vs. kobolds and goblinoids)
Melee Atk: +2 (1d2/19-20/x2/P, shortsword)
Ranged Atk: +2 (1d6/19-20/x2/80 ft. range/P, light crossbow)

Skills (32 skill points total)
Appraise +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Craft (gemcutter) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy +5 (2 ranks, +3 Cha)
Gather Information +7 (4 ranks, +3 Cha)
Hide +5 (0 ranks, +1 Dex, +4 size)
Knowledge (arcana) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (history) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (local) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Listen +3 (0 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 racial)
Perform (percussion) +5 (4 ranks, +3 Cha)
Perform (sing) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Cha)
Perform (wind instruments) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Cha)
Profession (miner) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Wis)
Sense Motive +3 (2 ranks, +1 Wis)
Spot +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)

Weapon Finesse (1st level)

Languages:  Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Goblin

Spells Known
Save DC +3
Spells per day: 2
0th - detect magic, mending, read magic, summon instrument.

Traveler’s outfit (free)
Belt pouch - 1gp (0.125 lb)
~ Flint and steel – 1gp
Small whip – 1gp (1 lb)
Small dagger – 2gp (0.5 lb)
Small light crossbow – 35gp (1 lb)
40 Small crossbow bolts – 4gp (1 lb)
Waterskin - 1gp (1 lb)
Bones (S&S pg. 43) – 5gp (0.75 lbs)
Whistle-pipe (S&S pg. 49) – 5gp (0.75 lbs)
Backpack - 2gp (0.5 lb)
~Bedroll - 5sp (1.25)
~8 day’s worth of trail rations – 4gp (2 lbs)
~Gemcutting tools – 5gp (5 lbs)
~Second set of traveler’s clothes – 1gp (1.25)
~Entertainer’s outfit – 3gp (1 lb)

Total weight carried – 17.125 lbs, light load

17 gp, 15 sp, 19 cp

Other wealth
Three clear, faceted quartz crystals – 20gp each
One round bloodstone, walnut-sized – 10gp

Appearance:  Trystol is a very small gnome, just three feet tall, barely bigger than the average halfling.  However, she is very confident and carries herself with a bounce in her step.  She is considered quite a beauty amongst gnomes, with a prodigious beak of a nose that’s seems to take up half of her face, reddish-brown skin, sky-blue eyes, and reddish-blonde hair.  She wears a royal blue pointed hat, nearly a foot and a half in length, covered with silver embroidery and slivers of blue lace agate.  Her hair is braided in a crown that circles the hat and helps hold it in place.

Her graceful build and elegant proportions attract her some attention from other races, but she simply laughs off their attentions politely.  She wears simple clothes, vest, shirt, split skirt, all heavily embroidered in blue, green, red, and yellow.  She wears very simple jewelry, mostly strings of stone beads that circle her wrists, ankles, and neck in multiple ropes of color.

Personality:  Trystol is a bit more dour than the usual gnome, which actually means most other races find her almost sane.  A bit less inclined to practical jokes, and having a bit more a scholarly turn than most of her people means she’s less likely to annoy her friends with classic gnome humor.  To a human, she is almost relentlessly upbeat, with a sparkling personality and elegant manners.  However, she can become quite serious when tempted with knowledge or song.

Background:  Trystol grew up in the gnome village of Deep Hollow, a typical small community of less than fifty.  She was the oldest in a family of five, for her parents had been unexpectedly and extraordinarily blessed with an identical quartet of boys two years after she was born.  Though Trystol loved her brothers, the fact that all four of them survived to adulthood granted them a great deal of attention not only from her parents, but her aunts, uncles, and the rest of the village.  She began to feel overlooked and ignored, and threw herself into the rigorous gnome schooling in an attempt to gain their favor and recognition once again.

Though she had been blessed with uncommon beauty and charm, she was only average in school.  A gnome’s worth is often defined through their wit and cleverness, and while her four brothers seemed to feed off of each other in that area, she was barely able to hold her own.  She turned to other pursuits in her goal, mastering the complicated rhythms of the bones, the bright and piercing music of the whistle-pipe, and the clear bird-like songs of her people.  Though her music brought smiles to her parents’ faces, she finally realized that most of their attention would forever be bound up with her brothers no matter what she did.

Taking her leave of her family, she traveled for nearly a year before settling in a different village.  Finding a teacher and learning the arts of mining and gemcutting from the best, she settled for a couple years to build up a bit of a nest egg.  She found that her travels had perhaps been the best part of her life, and with a bit more skill under her hat, she would be able to travel to just about anywhere.  It was with some surprise, however, that she found herself in the decaying Diamond Lake.  A mining town with a beautiful name, she thought it would be the next glorious place for her.  But the mines were the kind that devoured lives, the lake was poisoned and corrupted, and the people only slightly less so.  Yet for some reason she felt compelled to stay…
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:21, Thu 29 May 2014.
Elf Rogue, 111 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 6 Apr 2017
at 23:06
  • msg #2

Character Creation and Character Sheet Example

For hit points, you may either roll or take 3/4 of max after first level.
Elf Rogue, 413 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 05:32
  • msg #3

Character Creation and Character Sheet Example

Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits
LevelXPSkill Max
Skill Max
FeatsAbility Score

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