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[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 818 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 7 May 2019
at 15:26
  • msg #1

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

You finish up your business at Fort Cross, taking on the tribute from the dwarves and the urns of the dead who join the others in the wagons goingn to Port Lyalee.  You can obtain the ammunition, newly cleaned armor and newly sharpened weapons, and rations you were promised, and finish up any purchases you wished to make from the quartermaster (or trades you wanted to make with any soldiers).  Master Deyna also hands each one of you a purse containing 100 pieces of gold.

"I promised you another quarter of your pay at the Fort, and here it is!  Hopefully should be less than a week to Port Lyalee.  I've been spending the last week making sacrifices to Fharlaghn for a smooth road!"

You start out the next morning at a good pace, as all the horses pulling the wagons (plus all the drivers) have had a week's rest and are in a fine fettle.  With the Leafblade Company arranged all along the caravan to give warning of any danger, you rattle down out of the Firespine Mountains and down the long slope to the coast.  The first four days Master Deyna times the caravan to reach a village or small town by nightfall, and engages in a little trade with some merchants there; bar stock for furs, seed for spices, tools for boxes of raw clay, etc.

On the morning of the fifth, the day's dawn barely arrives, as the sky is iron-gray with overcast clouds.  Distant rumbles of thunder punctuate most of the day, and though you get a little rain, you see that off to the east there was a tremendous cloudburst.  That might have ultimately meant nothing, if you hadn't arrived at a bridge by midafternoon.  Or what would have been a bridge, if it was clear it hadn't washed out when the small river it crossed had been swollen by the upstream deluge of rain.  Now all that is left is a shallower fording spot, some shattered timbers, and swift-moving river that's barring you from the other side...

Those riding with Master Deyna, and anyone within 100 yards, hears a very colorful, inventive, and thorough stream of cursing at this discovery!
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 334 posts
Tue 7 May 2019
at 17:00
  • msg #2

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Volsh laughed from atop his new horse. He said to no one in particular, "perhaps you didn't sacrifice enough to Fharlaghn Master Deyna."

Then he dismounted and tied his horse off to one of the wagons. He stretched his legs from the ride and waited for someone smarter to suggest what to do next.
Elf Rogue, 322 posts
30/30 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 7 May 2019
at 17:17
  • msg #3

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Lantamori turned Cloud about to watch the way they'd come for miscreant activity.  The elf was sure their caravan master had come across washed out bridges before and knew the best way to overcome such natural obstacles.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 557 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 HP: 26/26
Tue 7 May 2019
at 23:36
  • msg #4

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Dellas had taken this time to study Haazheel's spellbook and copy a couple of spells from it into his own. Long days he sat in the seat of the wagon, his head bumping along as he carefuly transcriped the ancient runes upon his own book.

"Thank you Haazheel, that shall our company greatly."

Over the next two days when he was not eating he worked diligantly on crafting a couple of scrolls for himself.

OOC: X2 Craft Magic Missle at 5th Level -- 125 GP, 5 XP to do so.

Dellas had decided to take a break with the oncoming storms, Dellas did not want to risk his book on the 5th day and as such Dellas sat riding in the wagon when they came upon the overran river. Dellas swung his legs over the side of the wagon and flopped down as he was accostumed to doing, strolling towards the front he looked at the river

"Well that's no good is it. Perhaps we could move further south to see if it eases up that way?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 547 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Wed 8 May 2019
at 12:27
  • msg #5

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Narthian frowns at the river. "This is a delay only," he says, looking along the course of the river and the lay of the land. We can caulk the wagons to float them, build a raft, or scout for a better ford. Each poses its own risks which can be reduced with time." He turns to Master Deyna. "My native land is far to the north. Do you or your teamsters know this river?"

Knowledge Nature - clues from the land whether there might be a better ford nearby: 07:24, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 12 using 1d20+10 ((2)). Not very helpful.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 421 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 05:52
  • msg #6

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Post out of time: [Apologies; I was b arbed-wire wrapped in getting spells straingt (I hope).]

Haazheel spends the next two, rather frustrating, days copying spells courtesy Dellas and Identifying two (I guess) items (bracers and armbands).

If there is a safer ford, It probably would be upriver. I'm guessing no bridge; no evidence of one being washed downstream to here. How are we fixed for rope?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 489 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Thu 9 May 2019
at 22:45
  • msg #7

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

"I have 50 feet of silk rope," Farian says. "And we have the 50 feet from the treasure trove. I would wager that Master Deyna has some as well."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 422 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #8

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Haazheel looks to see if there are any trees by the river.
Dungeon Master
GM, 824 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 10 May 2019
at 05:29
  • msg #9

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Master Deyna nods curtly at Volsh, likely agreeing with him but not wanting to tempt fate by saying anything out loud.

"This is the shallowest spot for a few miles in either direction, and even if it wasn't, the riverbank is not a good road for the wagons.  The wagons are caulked, but it can be hard for the horses when the river's this high.  This is just one more bloody delay..." she says, looking irritated and exasperated.  "If this is a repeat of those wretched ogres with their 'tree in the road' plot from the beginning of the trip, I won't need the barbarian to skewer them through, I'll do it myself!"

She passes the word down the line to the other drivers (along with Gav and Maris, who tend to the herd of relief mounts and pack horses).

The small herd of horses go over first, carrying ropes that they tie to the shattered bridge timbers.  Gav and Maris get them over the ford, though they have to swim briefly in one place, and have difficulty finding their footing.  A few of the more heavily-laden ones have a lot more trouble, and Gav has to go back on his slightly larger mount to help them.  It's clear the rain has made the river run much faster than normal.  They string ropes across the river, not as much to stop the wagons from floating downstream (that would take a lot more rope), but to give anyone washed away a fighting chance to grab a rope.

Those riding on the wagons (Dellas, Farian, Haazheel, possibly Narthian and Thunder if they don't want to swim) are asked to watch for any obstacles being washed down the river towards the wagons as they cross.  Luth and Keevak, the caravan porters, will help bring up the rear.

As the caravan strikes across the ford, all goes well for the first half of the caravan.  The wagons are heavy enough to stabilize the horses, and the water makes the wagons buoyant enough to move even through the swiftly-flowing river.  It's not until the first of the slightly lighter wagons carrying the noble dead that there's trouble.  The horses have a little more difficulty keeping the wagon from being pushed around by the water, but more importantly there is a waterlogged tree in the water swiftly moving towards the side of the wagon, and will be there in mere moments!
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 490 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Fri 10 May 2019
at 11:16
  • msg #10

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Farian is riding on this wagon, choosing to act as honor guard for the deceased, and shouts the alarm. She tries to move to fend off the tree without upsetting the equilibrium of the wagon.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 338 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 16:53
  • msg #11

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Once the fording had begun, Volsh untied and remounted Eagle. He held back, waiting for something dire to come along as it inevitably would he knew. When Farian called out the alarm he looked up. His gaze had wandered since things had been going so well and Volsh had gotten bored.

He grunted when saw the waterlogged tree coming down and spurred Eagle forward into the water while he tried to retrieve his fishing net. Once he had it in hand he tried to cast it out to snare the tree and pushed Eagle to pull back in the water, hoping its strength and his aim proved true.

OOC: how big is the tree? how far out from the shore are they when it is spotted?

Plan - have Eagle move out into the stream; move action to retrieve a net; standard action to throw it out and try to catch the tree with it. Maybe Eagle could start moving backward if she hasn't used all her movement?

If it'll help to drag the log, Volsh will rage against the log's innevitable movement & gain +4 Str in the effort as a free action.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 549 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Fri 10 May 2019
at 20:08
  • msg #12

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Narthian and Thunder were among the first to swim across, Take 10 on Swim, Nartian 14, Thunder 12. and are busy scouting the far bank when Farian calls. They sprint back to the bank to see how they might help.
Elf Rogue, 325 posts
30/30 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 10 May 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #13

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Still on the dry side watching the trail behind them, Lantamori ignored the high pitched cries of the human cleric's hysterics.

Best case, she saw a stick in the water.  Worst case, this was a distraction and the enemy was about to pounce.  She was wary of pouncing.

She was also trying to figure out a way to cross without getting wet.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 423 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 04:36
  • msg #14

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Haazheel is riding in the noble dead wagon. Seeing the oncoming log. he tries to judge it probable path and thinks of how to use his quarterstaff to ease it by the wagon. Others can tell his plan because he is bracing himself and had the staff held tip out.
Elf Archer, 532 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 12 May 2019
at 03:32
  • msg #15

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Watching from the bank, when Dante sees the approaching tree, there's nothing he can do that might have any affect on it before it arrives. Had he thought of it, one of the silk ropes tied to an arrow might have given them a means to guide the tree behind the wagon, but there's no time for that now.

All he can do at the moment is call for the next wagon to a halt before it enters the water, and pray that Volsh succeeds -- or Farian and Haazheel can fend if off if the big warrior isn't wholly successful.

OOC: How many of the wagons still need to cross? Especially how many of the lighter ones?

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 339 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 05:15
  • msg #16

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Volsh tossed his net out and snagged the approaching log, and in a rage heaved it with all his adrenaline induced strength. He diverted its course, though it seemed he and Eagle still needed to work on their rapport together. He strained and pulled on the log diverting its course as best he could.

OOC: Touch attack hit AC 14, Strength check 17, Ride check only a 9 though.

22:01, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 14,17,9 using 1d20+8,1d20+5,1d20+6.  Touch, Str check, Ride check.

Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 560 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 HP: 26/26
Mon 13 May 2019
at 17:03
  • msg #17

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Dellas looked at the log approaching the wagons, all his magics failed at helping in this endevour all he could look to do "TREE!" he screamed as he pointed towards the approaching tree. He could try to set it ablaze but that would do no good as it crashed into the cart on fire.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 550 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Mon 13 May 2019
at 20:18
  • msg #18

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Retroactive Swim checks - Narthian and Thunder: 15:16, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 21,21 using d20+4,d20+2 ((17,19)).

We're thinking of entering the Port Lyalee Ironman! ... Have bicycles been invented??? :D

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 491 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Mon 13 May 2019
at 20:22
  • msg #19

[IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Farian doesn't have Haazheel's reach, and waits until the last moment - which may be a tad too late!

Touch attack + STR check: 15:19, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18,14 using d20+6,d20+2 ((12,12)).
Dungeon Master
GM, 829 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 19 May 2019
at 14:31
  • msg #20

Re: [IC] The Caravan Trip - On to Port Lyalee!

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh tossed his net out and snagged the approaching log, and in a rage heaved it with all his adrenaline induced strength. He diverted its course, though it seemed he and Eagle still needed to work on their rapport together. He strained and pulled on the log diverting its course as best he could.

OOC: Touch attack hit AC 14, Strength check 17, Ride check only a 9 though.

22:01, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 14,17,9 using 1d20+8,1d20+5,1d20+6.  Touch, Str check, Ride check.

Haazheel and Farian also lend their strength to the effort of diverting the log between the wagons, though they mostly just manage to touch it rather than move it along.  Eagle is taking all of her concentration to just keep her and Volsh's head above the water.  Bruenor and Demon plunge into the water when they see the danger (armor already atop the next wagon, in just such an eventuality), catching up to Volsh as heaves on the net he had thrown to snag the tree's waterlogged roots.  With Bruenor directing Demon, the two lash out to aid Volsh's strength and Haazheel and Farian's noble efforts, directing it behind the wagon!

It snags the rope as it goes by, but with a little care and maneuvering from Narthian and Thunder, they keep it from tangling the wagons or horses any further.

With a better idea of what to expect, and the rest of the Leafblade Company on guard on the shore to come to aid, the remaining wagon drivers go in more cautiously, aided by the keen eyes of Lantamori and Averdante as they scan the river for any more heavy debris headed their way.  They avoid any more entanglements, and after another hour all the wagons are on the Lyalee side of the river.

Master Deyna moves the caravan far enough down the road to find a camping spot, then stops early to let everyone dry themselves and their gear out, and get a hot meal into everyone.  The next day she leaves a strongly-worded letter at the nearest town about the bridge (apparently it had washed out the night before, and no one had known before the caravan came through).  The villagers promise to alert the local lord and go to post signs at the crossroads about the bridge in the meantime.

By noon the day after, the caravan crests and hill and before you lies the sweep of a massive blue bay, and a colorful city lying in the protected crescent.  A salt breeze quickens the air, and the sound of gulls and other birds soar over the distant murmur of the crowds.  Master Deyna heaves a sigh of relief as she takes the caravan down to the city gates, which are tall and set in stone with carved relief of various aquatic beasts and monsters.  The guards inspect the wagons, check Master Deyna's papers, and let them through.

Inside, Port Lyalee is a busy, eclectic city, with the buildings painted in many colors and in a variety of materials and patterns.  You can see wood, plaster, and stone, many with vibrant carvings. It's clear many are built to different cultural lines, as you see squatter dwarven dwellings side-by-side to rounded, colorful gnome homes, or tall, elegant homes in the elven mode.  Large bones or shells from sea creatures are frequently integrated, and large colorful lanterns, currently unlit, are strung high across the streets.  The crowds are equally unique, and you spy a few elves with the faint blue tinge and webbed fingers that mark those whose home is the sea in the bustle.

Master Deyna heads to the Guild district immediately, unloading the funeral wagons first at the Gravecrawlers' Guild, then the rest of the tribute at the Moneychangers' Guild who bears the king's seal (for his tax collectors).  She stops the caravan at the Merchants' Guildhall, and hops down to talk to all of you.

"You've done me a fair turn, and more than that, no mistake.  You've been honest, fair, very hardworking, and compassionate.  You've likely spared me no end of trouble on my return trip, even if we don't end up working together again."  In each of your hands, she presses a heavy bag of coin.  Those who look inside find 30 pieces of platinum, over 100gp more than you were due.  "I'll be making a high recommendation to the Adventurers' Guild for you. If you think you'll need work again in a fortnight, we'll likely be making a return trip.  If not, gods bless your future endeavors!"

This street holds Guildhalls for most of the various guilds, including, of course, the Adventurers' Guild.  There is also the Market Square, Inn Street, the Docks, Shrine Street, and the Dockmarket (less expensive goods, but more bargains and occasional oddities).
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