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Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual/embed die roller.

Posted by Escribblings
member, 29 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 12:03
  • msg #1

Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual/embed die roller

Decided to move this to its own thread as it was slightly off topic where I originally posted it.

Is there a way to code advantage into the die roller?

For example, I can roll xd20 and check the box to keep the highest or lowest n.

But, unless I'm missing something, I can't type, for example, 2d20kh1 or 2d20kl1...

I've used kh and kl for keep highest and keep lowest as I figured using d for drop world get confused with the d for die.

And also on this, feats like GWM let you reroll 1s, some let you reroll 1s and 2s...

Could we add day 2d6rr2 where rr = reroll, and the number indicates the highest number of the range to tree reroll.

rr1 = reroll 1s
rr2 = reroll 1s and 2s
rr3 = reroll 1s, 2s and 3s &c...

Potentially, kh, kl, and rr could be further reduced to h, l, and r for simplicity.

Alternatively, for the rerolls, it could be r(1,2) where the numbers in the braces are the ones to be rerolled...
This message was last updated by the user at 23:42, Sat 07 Sept 2019.
member, 325 posts
Join Date:
Thu, 28 Nov, 2013
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 20:14
  • msg #2

Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

You can use the check box for keep highest/lowest in addition to the manual die roller. I'm not sure I understand what your asking/suggesting. Could you clarify it a little?
member, 30 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 20:32
  • msg #3

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

You can use the check box for keep highest/lowest in addition to the manual die roller. I'm not sure I understand what your asking/suggesting. Could you clarify it a little?

That's fine when using the die roller, but I'm looking to embed the rolls into my character sheet.  The strings are the same that can be used in the manual roller, but there is no provision to automatically calculate doing highest or lowest, or rerolling 1s and 2s etc...
member, 326 posts
Join Date:
Thu, 28 Nov, 2013
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 20:52
  • msg #4

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

Ah. You're referring to embedded rolls. Because you wrote 'manual die roller', I thought you were referring to the die roller itself.

To my knowledge, there is no way to drop highest/lowest with embedded rolls. It would be nice, though.
member, 31 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 23:42
  • msg #5

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

Ah. You're referring to embedded rolls. Because you wrote 'manual die roller', I thought you were referring to the die roller itself.

To my knowledge, there is no way to drop highest/lowest with embedded rolls. It would be nice, though.

Yes, apologies on the wording.

That is what this post is, a suggestion on how to implement that (if that is at all possible)
admin, 3725 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sun 8 Sep 2019
at 01:26

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

Add the option "dok" (drop or keep).

dok=kh is keep highest
dok=kl is keep lowest
dok=dh is drop highest
dok=dl is drop lowest

"drop" is the number of dice to drop or keep.  Drop is used for both because of historical reasons, but whatever excuse I've got that's what you use either way.  (c;

dok=kh drop=2 means keep the highest 2 rolls.

[dice=1d20 dok=kh drop=2] will roll 1d20 with those options.

maxes=yes will reroll maxes.  ones=yes will reroll ones.

Have never been asked for more than reroll ones.  It's largely pointless with an electronic roller as we can roll odd shaped dice.  1d20 reroll 1s is really just 1d19+1.  1d20 reroll 1s and 2s is really just 1d18+2.

Can't do a 1d19 in real life (afaik) but can here!
member, 32 posts
Sun 8 Sep 2019
at 05:22
  • msg #7

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller


Have never been asked for more than reroll ones.  It's largely pointless with an electronic roller as we can roll odd shaped dice.  1d20 reroll 1s is really just 1d19+1.  1d20 reroll 1s and 2s is really just 1d18+2.

Can't do a 1d19 in real life (afaik) but can here!

I disagree.

1d20 reroll 1 still allows for a 1 to be rolled.  You keep the second roll regardless of what it is.

Great Weapon Fighting:
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

It brings the average of the die roll up, but doesn't prevent that number appearing completely.

So a 2d6 greatsword has an average roll of 7

2×[(1+2+3+4+5+6)÷6] = 2×(21÷6) = 2×3.5 = 7

Reroll 1s and 2s brings that up to NB 8.333

2×[(((1+2+3+4+5+6)÷6)+((1+2+3+4+5+6)÷6)+3+4+5+6)÷6] = 2×[(3.5+3.5+3+4+5+6)÷6] = 2×(25÷6) = 2×4.1667 = 8.333
member, 33 posts
Sun 8 Sep 2019
at 06:14
  • msg #8

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

Ok, thank you.

I've tested those options.

From memory, the last time I tried embedding rolls like this, the rolls were auto generated (well, I think they were), but the link that code generates requires pressing the roll the die button as well...

I suppose that's to prevent unintentional rolls...

I apologise for not checking the FAQ I

FAQ > General RPoL Information - RuBB Code Tips & Tricks -  Put die roller links in posts and character sheets?>

RuBB code uses a basic structure with attributes that can be set for the various dice roller options.  The links will lead to the die roller, with it set up for the user according to the link's specifications, but the user will still need click the "Roll the Dice" button once they're there.

The basic format is:  [dice=<dice>]

In this case, the dice are referred to in standard RPG format -- number of dice, then d, then the sides on the die.  So, 1d10 rolls one ten-sided die.  Multiple kinds of dice can be thrown by separating them with a comma, and penalties and bonuses can be indicated with the plus and minus signs.

Example: [dice=1d20,2d4]
(roll one twenty-sided die added to two four-sided dice)

Example: [dice=1d20+2]
(roll one twenty-sided die and add two to the result)

Other Options

Several other options are available to help flesh out the dice roller link.  Each goes within the square brackets, separated from the other options by a space.  (Below, replace the angle brackets and anything between them with the appropriate information.)

  • memo="<reason>" inserts a "reason for roll".

    Use this option to pre-fill the "reason for roll" area of the die roller for the player.

    Example:  [dice=1d20+2 memo="To hit with long sword +2"]

  • text="<reason>" changes the link text from the standard "Roll xdy" to whatever yo input.

    Use this option to provide greater information about what the roll is for.

    Example:  [dice=1d20+2 text="Roll longsword attack"]

  • system=<system> choses a system for the roll.

    Supported system designations are (in no particular order): advant, artesia, coda, wod1e, wod2e, wod2es, wod3e, wod3es, nwod, nwoda, nwodcd, nwodcw, ex, sh, sho, sh4e, spooky, d6c, dcl, rm, fudge, rifts, 1roll, sorc, hero, earth, tat, hackp, hackap, dead, deck54, deck52, unisys, fmwerk, fengsh, tros, ricochet, 8ball, ars_sd, and 1ring.

    Example: [dice=1d52 system=deck52]
    (choose from a 52-card deck)

    Example: [dice=1d20 system=8ball]
    (get an answer from the Magic 8-ball)

    Note that the "dice" set-up is is still necessary and the die roller may complain if it is abnormal for the chosen system (e.g., trying to roll 1d20+4 on the Magic 8-Ball).  Using something simple, such as dice=d6, will work, however.

  • target=<target> sets any important number for the system.

    The target is always a number, and is only for use with the system option, above.  It allows the setting of the target number, the fumble range, the step number, number of cards to be drawn, and so on.

    Example: [dice=1d52 system=deck52 target=5]
    (draw five cards from a deck of 52)

  • dok=<d|k><l|h> drop=number to drop or keep sets drop/keep and lowest/highest options for the roll.

    This allows you to discard, or only keep, the number of selected dice.

    Example: [dice=4d6 dok=dl drop=1] or [dice=4d6 dok=kh drop=3] (still use the 'drop' keyword, even when keeping rolls)
    (both keep the 3 highest rolls)

  • maxes=yes re-rolls maxes.

    This is the option to use to re-roll any maximums.

    Example: [dice=8d10 maxes=yes]
    (roll eight ten-sided dice and re-roll any tens)

  • ones=yes re-rolls any ones.

    This is the option to use when ones are not acceptable results for die rolls.

    Example: [dice=1d20 ones=yes]
    (roll one twenty-sided die and re-roll it if the result is one)

  • record=yes records the outcome of each die in the roll.

    If you would like a record in the dice log of each number rolled, turn on record with this option.

    Example: [dice=3d7 record=yes]
    (roll three seven-sided dice and record each outcome)
  • unique=yes ensures that results are not duplicated.

    If you need a number of results, and want to ensure no result is given twice, use the option for unique rolls.  This is useful, for example, if you need to randomly sequence a series of of things.

    Example: [dice=5d5 unique=yes]
    (return a random sequence for the numbers from one to five)
  • rc=<#> rolls as a character, and bo=<#> rolls on behalf of a character.

    Generally these options are not required.  Character sheets are aware of which character you are viewing and so will set the link to automatically roll for that character.

    You must use the character ID assigned by RPoL for these options -- the easiest way is to view a character profile (or sheet) and look in your browser's address bar for a series of characters such as, "&ci=1558".  In this case, the ID for the character being viewed is 1558.

    "On behalf of" is a GM-only option.  Be aware that as a GM, hidden PCs you own will have all their links set to "rc=" (because you own them) meaning that "on behalf of rolls" won't happen from the character sheet (unlike for regular PCs) unless you configure this option.

    Example: [dice=1d20 rc=1558]
    (roll one twenty-sided die as character 1558)

    Example: [dice=2d4 bo=1558]
    (roll two four-sided dice on behalf of character 1558)

admin, 3726 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sun 8 Sep 2019
at 07:57

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

In reply to Escribblings (msg # 7):

FYI that's not how it works here.  All "1"s on the dice will be rolled again.

I believe 5E only gets the first 1 on each dice re-rolled, but never actually had anyone ask for that limitation in our roller.
member, 34 posts
Sun 8 Sep 2019
at 09:38
  • msg #10

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

In reply to Escribblings (msg # 7):

FYI that's not how it works here.  All "1"s on the dice will be rolled again.

I believe 5E only gets the first 1 on each dice re-rolled, but never actually had anyone ask for that limitation in our roller.

Ok, hadn't realised that.  Just tested and you're right (shock horror lol)

Would it be possible to add a reroll only once option?

Maybe the code could be ones="once" instead of "yes" so it doesn't break current functionality...

I see a disparity between players who would use the reroll check box and those who would simply make another roll...
admin, 3728 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Wed 11 Sep 2019
at 13:23

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

Would it be possible to add a reroll only once option?

Done, you should see it in the roller now.

Usual disclaimer -- responsive site only!  (c;
member, 35 posts
Wed 11 Sep 2019
at 15:34
  • msg #12

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

In reply to jase (msg # 11):

That seems to be working...

16:26, Today: Balik Giantborne rolled 19 using 10d2, rerolling ones (once per die) with rolls of {1}2,{1}2,{1}1,2,{1}2,2,2,{1}2,{1}2,2.  Test. 

Thank you.

Any chance of adding reroll Twos as well?  Please?

Also, what is the code you have used to parse this in an embedded roll?
This message was last edited by the user at 15:37, Wed 11 Sept 2019.
member, 927 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 20:54
  • msg #13

Re: Adding adv/disadv and rerolls to the manual die roller

I am conducting experimentation with this new tech, and adding results to my own help files.  I will jot back shortly with the results.

Well, trying:

[dice=12d6 ones=all text="12d6, re-rolling all ones on the first or subsequent cast"]
[dice=12d6 ones=no text="12d6, re-rolling no ones"]
[dice=12d6 ones=first text="12d6, re-rolling ones on the first cast only"]

does not result in a valid selection other than the default of Reroll No Ones in the responsive site's dice roller.  I share Escribblings's confusion as to what proper dice link syntax is for these new options.  Will keep fiddling with this for a bit.

UPDATE:  Skald was kind enough to supply the missing syntax:

[dice=12d6 ones=yes memo="12d6, re-rolling all ones on the first or subsequent cast"]
[dice=12d6 memo="12d6, re-rolling no ones"]
[dice=12d6 ones=once memo="12d6, re-rolling ones on the first cast only"]

and it tests perfectly.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:20, Sat 21 Dec 2019.
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