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16:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] In Haven.

Posted by Final CommuterFor group 0
Final Commuter
GM, 140 posts
Sun 17 Nov 2019
at 06:12
  • msg #156

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Of course!" Zashran says, and bows a little, gesturing for them to follow him.  "Please, I know a lovely place for dinner."  He'll lead you to a fairly nice area closer to the labs, and stops at an open-air restaurant lit by powered light panels in fantastical shapes, augmented by carved woods in the shapes of strange animals.  The name over the entryway is "Jungle Book Cafe".  The fare seems to be rather old-fashioned food, the kind popular with Commuters: a noodle dish with a red savory fruit sauce and dino-meat balls, sweetened blitzed legume puree with berry compote on modified grain bread, ground dino-meat patties with hadrosaurus cheese on grain buns with vegetables, and so on.

After you have ordered your drinks (fizzy sweetened carbonated sodas, teas, still sweetened citrus water, or a kind of brewed, roasted bean drink that some people swear is "almost exactly unlike coffee"), Zashran is ready to address your concerns while you wait for your food to be prepared.

Roam Linden:
Roam narrowed his eyes.  “I don’t understand, there are still SATI stations that have not gone rogue or splintered off.  Why not just transfer her to one of these stations?  What is the goal here?  I have led a fair share of SATI people on hunts or guided them, this wouldn’t be anything special.....
He opened and closed his mouth several times, about to say something different each time.  Finally he shut up and just shrugged his shoulders.  Fine.

"Ah, that had been our first thought, to send her to another station, but she said something to the effect of, 'I'm just transferring one window view for another!' And I suggested a SATI hunt, but the goals of a hunt group and an experimental group are often at cross-purposes, at least for the research she wanted to do.  Miss Lewis is exceptionally talented, and I don't want to lose her to something preventable.  And if I don't find someone to guide her, she will likely find someone else, and I'm afraid her inexperience could lead her to make a poor choice.  Neither of you are on any SATI watchlist, as I know who's currently on them, and your skill and compassion in dealing with the runaway hadros shows you have the skills.  You're also not associated with SATI, so that is a bonus as far as Miss Lewis is concerned.  Now, I would think a trip of two weeks or so would be more than enough time for a safely uncomfortable trip, yes?" he says, spreading his hands to open negotiations.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 39 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sun 17 Nov 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #157

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian chooses the noodle dish and fizzy drinks.  Might as well enjoy "civilization" while she's in it.

"Thank you for the meal, Zashran.  And as for the excursion, two weeks is easily managable, at least as far as my schedule.  I'm certainly willing to ... visit less comfortable locations, but I see no need intentionally make the suffering worse.  In my experience, most lab dwellers are more than ready to return to the other side of the walls after a week in the wilds.  Fleeing hungry therapods can provide that kind of motivation."

She lays her napkin across her lap and eats with her best manners.  Her parents took pains to ensure she knew some habits practiced more in the cities.

"My questions are around risk and reward.  By nature, the lands you want us to visit are dangerous.  It is entirely possible that harm might befall the good doctor in spite of all efforts to protect her, or befall us in our efforts to provide that safety.  To what extent are we responsible for her ultimate well-being?  And, given those risks, what kind of compensation are you offering?"

She takes another bite of sauce-covered meat and waits for a response.
Final Commuter
GM, 141 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2019
at 10:05
  • msg #158

Re: [IC] In Haven

"I understand there would be risks, and I am not asking you or Roam to put yourselves or your dinosaurs in undue danger.  And as for Dr. Lewis... There are no guarantees in Grevakc.  I would like her to be rescued if she falls behind in a dangerous place, steered from unambiguously lethally dangerous situations with people, dinosaurs, landscape, or weather, aided to the extent of your ability if she gets hurt.  I understand that if it is you or her, you are under no obligation to put yourself at extreme risk to save her life.  If the worst happens, I cannot blame you.  I will send a medical kit and small autodoc with you in case of injury, which you may use freely yourself as well.  I can offer you a free modification for your dinos, if you ever wanted a little extra armor, or implants, or something of the sort.  I can offer you a SATI token each and access to some spare gear that would be useful in your travels, armor, smart rope, spookeyes, three things each of your choice."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:25, Fri 22 Nov 2019.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 40 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Fri 22 Nov 2019
at 12:25
  • msg #159

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian continues to eat as the deal is laid out.  "Sounds quite fair so far.  Apart from the dangers we know, what other risks should we be aware of?  Things like Dr. Lewis's research or third parties interested in it.  Or ruining it.  Maybe there's someone who would like the opportunity to be rid of Dr. Lewis?  Or to acquire her for themselves?"
Final Commuter
GM, 144 posts
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 07:08
  • msg #160

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Dr. Lewis' area of research is treatment of various genetic conditions through bio-engineered serums and retro-virals.  You can find that out through simple request at the Hall of Records, or casual gossip amongst any scientist from the Salmon Center.  She wants to locate dinosaurs with those conditions and test her treatments on them.  The potential value could certainly be of interest to outside parties, though as of yet Dr. Lewis has yet to publish her work, which gives her a bit of anonymity when it comes to the wider scientific community.  Breeders could be interested in her work, dino-wresters or their trainers as well, for good or ill.  While Dr. Lewis doesn't have any personal enemies that I'm aware of, the Butterflies do not hold with any advanced manipulation of technology and would seek to destroy her work.  The Edenites, however, would be far more likely to try to acquire her for themselves if they knew her work produced results.  I don't anticipate either group would be waiting at the gates to follow you, as Dr. Lewis' work is still in the experimental phase, but you asked me for a threat assessment, so..." Zashran spreads his hands.  "That would be the worst-case scenario, though I honestly expect your worst dangers would be trying to reign in her enthusiasm.  She is seeking dinos in need of her skills, the sickly, the weak, the runts, so there could be a danger of carnivores come to feed on them.  But I am confident you know how to avoid, hide, or when to run from them!"

OOC: Once I get back to my books I can give you a short run-down on stuff available.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 42 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 13:05
  • msg #161

Re: [IC] In Haven

"I'm with you so far."
Final Commuter
GM, 147 posts
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 06:20
  • msg #162

Re: [IC] In Haven

"So, the festival ends in a week, so I can get things together for you by then.  Dr. Lewis will undoubtedly want to meet you and go over all of her wonderful ideas for her research...  You can steer her towards a suitable location, as she only knows the various ranges through reports rather than experience.  Tomorrow morning I can arrange a meeting, if you're both amenable.  What say you?" Zashran says, looking eager in between moments where he seems to be scanning something in the middle distance.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 45 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 18:48
  • msg #163

Re: [IC] In Haven

"If you can cover accommodations while we're here, that schedule will work for me.  I don't have anything planned for tomorrow, so meeting Dr. Lewis would be fine."

Coralian picks up on Zashran's distracted focus but doesn't draw attention to it.  She tries to use her read of his behavior, the other patrons, and available reflective surfaces to figure out what he keeps looking at (or for).
Final Commuter
GM, 148 posts
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 02:51
  • msg #164

Re: [IC] In Haven

"I believe I can do that.  There's some room in the lab barracks... though what I am I thinking, that won't be suitable at all.  Ah!  I know, I have some guest vouchers for the Lunar Landing Lodge, and goodness knows I haven't had to use them in years, so you can use them.  It's a bit of a tourist trap, but it's very comfortable," he says, flicking his eyes up again.  "How about ten am?  Outside the Salmon Center?"

OOC: Zashran doesn't seem to be lying about this job or the vouchers.  His constant distraction could be from checking a datalink - if he has an implant in his eye or head, he could be scanning information unseen to you.  He seems eager for you to accept.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 46 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Mon 16 Dec 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #165

Re: [IC] In Haven

"10 a.m. tomorrow is fine.  I'll reserve judgment on the lodge until I can see it, if that's ok with you."  She holds out her hand for the vouchers unless Roam decides to intrude.
Roam Linden
Tough Karn, 114 posts
A Tough Karn
That Hunts w/ Great Skill
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 16:57
  • msg #166

Re: [IC] In Haven

Roam stopped starring off into orbit and refocused on Coralian and Zashran.  He listened intently to what Zashran offered and Coralian’s negotiations.  It all seemed fine.  It seemed like a standard guide job when you didn’t like the people you were leading about.
The Lunar Landing Lodge?  Ok, he nodded.  Sati token, sure.

“This can be accommodated.  10 am works for me.”

Couldn’t this actually increase the value of her research and help the dinosaurs?  Why didn’t he care if she actually succeeded?
Final Commuter
GM, 149 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 04:27
  • msg #167

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Marvelous!  Dr. Lewis will be thrilled, I'm certain.  Thank you for talking with me." Zashran gets up, pays the bill, hands you both a small shard-card with the location of the hotel on it and a SATI stamp, and finally leaves with a friendly nod.

The Lunar Landing Lodge is a very retro location, clearly built during the commuting era as a sort of tourist trap.  It harkens back to the age of initial space exploration, with faded pictures of lunar landings, and imitation space equipment as decor and furniture.  The place is comfortably appointed though, and is in desirable proximity to the central part of Kelanio.

The night passes quietly, and the day dawns with the screeches and trumpeting of various pteradons as they greet the day, along with the chirps and bellows from other dinos as they are getting ready for the day's big parade.  There are several excited guests of various SATI higher-ups staying at the Lodge, dressing themselves and their designer dinos (most of them of small, cute, with genetically modified scales or coats with interesting colors and patterns) in their finest arrays.

Outside there are some people who are heading towards the parade route with their decorated dinos, a few osteons who are giving readings of the bones for those who want to know how their day or year will go ("The future lies in the bones, a cast of what is to come so you can prepare!"), or who want to hear the latest news ("Major time terror at the edge of the Redjaw Wilds, and a party sent to investigate has not yet returned.  Selbian Dross is running for Lead Counselor unopposed, but has considerable resistance from several unions in town.  Three deaths reported by an attack by riverbank pirates on the far side of the Totorix Run with a reward for a captured barge..."), and a slender woman with dark brown hair that goes to her shoulders, wearing brand new SATI-issued clothing, neat and clean.  It even has zippers!  At her side is a tall struthiomimus who is soliciting scratches from her and anyone else who looks at him too long.

The 'mimus is familiar, the woman too.  It's Doctor Kerensa Lewis.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 47 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 12:43
  • msg #168

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian is prepared for parade day, even if the event itself holds only a passing interest for her.  Since there are no plans for travel at the moment, she wears the fashionable ensemble she reserves for special occasions.  It's a long skirt with intricate patterns in blue, red, and green, with overlaps at the split in the front and back, so if she needs to ride Ajax, she can.  Paired with a white blouse and emerald silk scarf, she could pass for a wealthy merchant on feast day.  Light shoes, not designed for jungle walking, and a carved ivory hair pin complete the look.

"Dr. Lewis?  I'm Coralian Redfern, and this is Ajax.  Zashran has hired us to help guide you for your expedition."  The ankylo bobs his head a couple times at the doctor and her mount as he stands beside Coralian.
Kerensa Lewis
Appealing Tech, 1 post
Carries a Quiver
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 03:23
  • msg #169

Re: [IC] In Haven

Dr. Lewis is suddenly all smiles, appearing rather winsome, as Coralian introduces herself and Ajax.

"Oh hello!  And thank you so much!  I know I was supposed to wait until later to meet you, but I was just so excited!"  The 'mimus pokes his head into the conversation, lifting his for a scratch.  "Foozle!  Don't be a pain!  Sorry, this is Foozle, and if you scratch him forever you'll have a friend for life.  Hi, Ajax?  Who's a lovely anklo in the seventy-fifth percentile of his mature growth age group?  You are!"  She'll give Ajax some gentle rubs around the eyes, if Coralian indicates it's all right.

"Oh yes, Zashran, or, um, Dr. Keelo, he's my supervisor.  I've been trying to get out into the field forever, and he finally let me once he saw you two handle those runaway hadros!  It was so lucky you were there!  But yes, I've been practicing, and I've gotten very good with my bow here, so I don't have to worry about any power packs running down or anything.  I'm really good with lab equipment, but less good with power packs, so I didn't want to be bringing anything along that was going to break that I couldn't fix.  Oh!  I'm going to go quick to a feather-painter to get Foozle dolled up for the parade.  Would you like to go to a scale painter?  My treat!"
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:23, Sat 28 Dec 2019.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 48 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 22:05
  • msg #170

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian shows no objection to Karensa's attention to Ajax.  Her eyes do go a bit wide at extent of her speech.

"Dr. Keelo didn't mention his credentials when we spoke.  And thanks for the painting offer, but I think we'll decline.  I prefer to observe the decorations rather than wear them.  And I don't want the smell of any paint to give us away once we're back in the wilds."
Kerensa Lewis
Appealing Tech, 2 posts
Carries a Quiver
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 08:36
  • msg #171

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian Redfern:
Coralian shows no objection to Karensa's attention to Ajax.  Her eyes do go a bit wide at extent of her speech.

"Dr. Keelo didn't mention his credentials when we spoke.  And thanks for the painting offer, but I think we'll decline.  I prefer to observe the decorations rather than wear them.  And I don't want the smell of any paint to give us away once we're back in the wilds."

Kerensa laughs a little.  "Oh, Dr. Keelo doesn't like everyone to know who he is.  Grandson of one of the SATI higher-ups, so he doesn't want people asking him about the board and politics and all, or he'd never get any work done.  He says that all the time.  Want to come with me to the feather-painter while we talk if you're free?  I have all sorts of questions about our trip!  I'm looking to get some real data on correcting genetic anomalies by introducing corrective gene therapies via serums, which is why I took up the bow.  Easier to tag the dinos that way, and then I'll have the trackers in there too so I can get results, but I'll have a much bigger pool that hasn't been purebred so the results will hopefully be more accurate, but I really shouldn't have any preconceptions.  Bad for science, that's what my dad says!  Where do you think would be the best to go?  I've really been looking for cases of feather-fall and claw rot, but I also have serums for hemoglobin anomalies and solar sensitivity.  I need someplace pretty clear of labs, so that most of the specimens are unmodified..."

Dr. Lewis continues as she walks (if Coralian doesn't mind), waiting in line at a feather-painter who is doing quick, broad paint jobs to add a splash of color for those who don't have the time, patience, or deep pockets of those who wanted more elaborate jobs (or for those who dinos won't sit still long enough for anything fancy).
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 49 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Mon 30 Dec 2019
at 12:54
  • msg #172

Re: [IC] In Haven

Coralian (and Ajax) follow along as Dr. Lewis continues.  She occasionally tries to get in an observation or question.

"Those must be very expensive arrowheads.  How many do you have?"

"Claw rot?  So we're looking for regions I might normally avoid to project my buddy here.  I'll have to make sure I pick up the right roots for a salve on the way.  I don't know where to look for that hemo-stuff, though."
Final Commuter
GM, 152 posts
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 05:30
  • msg #173

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Oh!  A lot of the solar sensitivities and hemo-anomalies manfests itself in albanism and vitiligo and unusual living under heavy cover or underground, so we're looking for white-ish or white-spotted dinos who are living in caves or really thick tree cover, likely anomalous for the species.  And I can give Ajax a claw-rot vaccine before we go - you get those more in contaminated boggy areas anyhow," Dr. Lewis says as Foozle leans into the painter's brush.
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 50 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sat 4 Jan 2020
at 15:29
  • msg #174

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Albino and white spotted, I've seen, but they're few and far between."  Coralian tries to think of one (or more) areas she's traveled in that might have higher concentrations of these.

"Thanks for the vaccine offer.  Are there any side effects or other risks?"
Final Commuter
GM, 153 posts
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 08:17
  • msg #175

Re: [IC] In Haven

The last time Coralian had seen more than one or two spotted or albinos at a time had been at a rocky area well north of Kelanio, past a stretch of wasteland known as the Sea of Tranquility (a reference that some commuters seem to find hilarious and most younger folk don't see the amusement in).  A rough, dry area of rugged land, it ends in a small mountain range that butts up against lusher forests.  It's known for spectacular rock formations, a few very small communities that keep very much to themselves, and as being a hide-out for people who don't want to be found.  And that's not even counting the aggressive pteradons, or the wild storms that can flood ditches in moments, turning them to raging rivers.

"Oh, the vaccine might make him itchy for a couple of days, but most handle it without any problems whatsoever!" Dr. Lewis says.  Foozle now painted, she leads him towards the parade.  Ahead there is a blare of sound and a muffled announcement from a public address system.  While not terribly clear at this distance, the gist is, "Let us celebrate our dinosaurs!"  With a great deal more colorful and flower language, of course.

The end of the parade sways slowly through the crowd, people cheering even as the celebration gets into full swing.  Fried foods and interesting drinks are the order of the day, and banners of favored dinos (often dino-wrestling champions, racing champions, or particularly unusual beauties) are being waved at by their fans.  The parade weaves through the town until it ends at the large central square near the SATI labs.  The swirl of dinos and people scatter slightly, some settling down for seeing the sights, some heading off to races and competitions, others going to hear osteons tell stories and news.  Many head to booths to buy accessories for their dinos, or to look at young dinos for sale (both newly bred designer ones and ones from various rescue groups).

Dr. Lewis looks enchanted by everything, but manages to shake herself loose and look at Coralian and Roam.  "So, what else do you think I'd need for the trip?  I have rope and extra clothes, water filtration and extra lights, a tent and some tools.  My labkit, of course.  My weapons and armor.  What else do I need?"
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 51 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Tue 7 Jan 2020
at 12:27
  • msg #176

Re: [IC] In Haven

"More water, maybe an atmospheric collector.  Tradegoods.  Gifts for the locals.  Simple things like cloth or tools, not something that can be poisoned.  No weapons, either.  Maybe a couple of alarms."

Coralian describes the location she's remembered to see if it fits Dr. Lewis's needs and whether she thinks it's worth the risk.
Final Commuter
GM, 154 posts
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 07:13
  • msg #177

Re: [IC] In Haven

Kerensa nods enthusiastically, noting things down on a small pad.  "That place sounds wonderful!  I can't wait to see it!  Water and atmospheric collector, good, good.  Tradegoods!  I hadn't thought of that.  Cloth, cloth, I can probably get some cloth here, and I've got lots of tools around I can get, no problem!  Alarms... I'll see what's available.  Oh, and food!  Ration packs, I can get those.  I'll be all ready by day after tomorrow, you'll see!  I'm so excited!"

She nearly skips away, she's so enthusiastic, taking Foozle with her to poke his nose in various establishments.

Roam and Coralian can spend the next day or so doing whatever other preparations they want to make, while Zashran will send them a message asking them what items they want from the company stores.  The SATI token will be given upon the completion, as will any modifications to yourselves or your dinosaurs that you want.

The nights in the Lunar Landing Lodge are pleasant enough, if the touristy company gets a little rowdy at times.  But on the appointed day, Dr. Lewis is waiting at the door after breakfast.  Foozle is pulling a small, modified cart that's piled almost comically high with supplies.  Dr. Lewis stands next to it, a rain cloak over her arm and her bow slung on her back.

"Good morning!  I think I got everything, because I checked the list a dozen times!  How long will it take to get to the dry lands?"
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 52 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 16:14
  • msg #178

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Four long days of fast walking or riding, assuming we don't run into complications.  Five days if we take our time and live off the land a bit to stretch our rations."

Coralian would have spent the days sight seeing with Ajax and looking for durable tools and cloth to buy.  These would be either for her own use or to help out the family farm.  They might be for trade, but that's not their most likely use.
Roam Linden
Tough Karn, 115 posts
A Tough Karn
That Hunts w/ Great Skill
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 18:16
  • msg #179

Re: [IC] In Haven

Roam strutted up toward Coralian and her companion.

"Sorry I'm late.  It was not exactly easy making sure Tarla doesn't eat every little dino crossing her path on parade day.  I'm Roam.  I presume you would be the one that Zashran offered us a job assisting on your research trip?"

Roam held out his hand and shook when Kerensa introduced herself.  Roam nodded to Coralian and took a spot near them.

"Sorry I missed out on the details of what you were discussing.  I apologize, any chance for an abbreviated recap?"
Coralian Redfern
Adaptive Pteyrx, 53 posts
Lives in the Wilderness
w/ Ajax, ankylosaurus
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 18:27
  • msg #180

Re: [IC] In Haven

"Dr. Lewis wants to do field testing on dinosaurs with skin conditions like albinism.  The best place I know to find those is in the dry lands to the northeast.  As far as I can tell this will meet all the mission criteria we've been asked about so far."
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