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11:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M4 RM: Sayed Farm.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 4
The Force
GM, 1537 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 3 Jun 2019
at 02:10
  • msg #5

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

After suitable translation, Boho answers F3-3T's questions.

"The hermetic facility, number 4 on the map, is where the saline and sterile water is produced. There are data terminals there that govern its operation. You can access some of the security functions there, but only to observe. Look through the holocams, or check the alarms, that sort of thing.

"My office in the main house has more functions. Please don't break anything in there; all my businesses' records are in the office. I was able to get most of my valuables out of the house, but some of the art was too big to remove, so kindly don't do too much shooting in there. One thing you might do: from inside the office or in the master bedroom, you can enable a lockdown mode. Security shutters close over all windows and exterior doors."

Zabuunko hovers up and peers over the dunes. Far to the north, he can see a cloud of sand being kicked up. It seems that something is moving along the perimeter of the farm. The cloud seems to be being originated by something about a kilometer to the east of the northern solar field. It is heading south. Zabuunko's eyes narrow, and he feels his instincts speak to him. Riders, he hears in his head. Riders who drive, and drivers who ride. Unfortunately, the trackless desert makes it hard to compare their movement to anything; Zabu can't tell how quickly they are moving, and how soon they will be near the Rebels' current position.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:50, Tue 04 June 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 163 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 7 Jun 2019
at 04:17
  • msg #6

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T beeps on quiet mode, nudging if Seku can make out anything or what the next move should be. Head chassis roaming around on the lookout for the jawas he can still feel crawling on his external plating. "Creepy little sand bags, everything on this planet is corrupted or half baked by these binary stars. Heat makes most creatures mentally fractal..... Maybe Jess has a functional analysis of our next procedure as you are our expert in infiltration?".
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 151 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Fri 7 Jun 2019
at 20:22
  • msg #7

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku half walks half slides back down the dune to report to the rest of the team. "Unsurprisingly, there isn't much to see. It does look like there's some kind of patrol to the north though so we'd better get a move on. If we go on foot, we may have a chance to approach without being seen so we'd better get a move on." She moves off to circle around the dune leading the group towards the farm before the riders arrive.
Toydar. Tactician, 7 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2019
at 00:45
  • msg #8

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko glides down from above the hill of sand and begins hovering again, just above eye level as usual.  When he has finished describing the group of riders up north and their most likely path as best he can he adds some predictions.

"They do not seem to be associated with the group now holding the farm, even if they are another hostile force the distraction they will be providing soon should be useful if we try to sneak in now."
The Force
GM, 1542 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 10 Jun 2019
at 02:12
  • msg #9

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The team sets out towards the farm's structures. They get near to the solar farm. Apparently, solar energy is a good backup source of power on a world with two suns. There are dozens, lined up in neat rows. They reflect the last rays of the setting suns, and soon will be reflecting the stars. A single ASP droid walks slowly along the rows and sweeps sand off the panels. The entire field is surrounded by a wire fence. You can hear an occasional snap or pop as electricity discharges from it.

The vehicles making the cloud are moving quickly, far more quickly than you might have guessed. You were expecting to hear the whine of repulsorlift engines, but instead you hear a different, louder sound. It is a roar, the roar of ion engines. Even in the dim light, you can see the cause.

Several swoops are ripping across the sandy dunes. Their ion engines burn bright in the night, and the wind of their passage churns up the air around them. They shout and howl in delight as they drive by. They don't seem to be heading towards you intentionally, but their course suggests a perimeter patrol. They will be on your position in moments.

If you wish to use Stealth, the difficulty is 2D. You can spend advantages or triumphs to help one another with whatever check they are doing, within reason.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 154 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 01:34
  • msg #10

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Out in the lead and blatantly in the open, Seku abandons any hope of hiding before the swoops arrive. Instead, she calls for F3 to catch up to her. "Alright F3, my guess is that swoop jocks might just be dumb enough that we can fool them. You're one of the maintenance droids who malfunctioned and wandered off. I'm a tech who's just managed to catch up with you." She pulls out her knife which she hopes can pass for a tool and kneels down to pretend to be working on the droid. Unfortunately, in her dedication to authenticity, the knife makes contact with some exposed wiring and gives Seku a bit of a shock.

Seku Bondara rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1B 2D. Skulduggery.

Taking 1 strain for the electrical shock on that threat.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 64 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 02:38
  • msg #11

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor climbs one of the dunes to the north of the speeder as the team approach the farm.
It takes him a bit of time to find a spot to his liking and hunkers down. Taking his time to set up a steady and comfortable position to make sure he would be as effective as possible. Adjusting his scope and aligning the rifles matrices for the range he would be shooting at.

He scans the area to the north. Memorizing where the houses, solarpanels, swoop gang, and his teammates are currently located.

"I´m in position, Seku. If they cause any trouble, I´ll be able cover you. If you go to your west you might find some cover if all hell should breaks loose.". Victor says over the comlink.

04:33, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 2d. warfare.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:38, Fri 14 June 2019.
The Force
GM, 1544 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #12

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Okay, I guess we'll just assume everyone else continues towards the farm.

With Seku and F3-3T attempting to convey an air of innocence, and Victor positioning himself at a distance, the the rest of the team heads towards the solar collection field. The electrified fence proves a small barrier, but it is not the most sophisticated defence.

The swoop riders are wearing gang colours: a muted maroon red jacket, often with torn sleeves; and a bright yellow bandanna around their heads or necks. They see your party and turn on their course. They whoop and holler as they approach.

One of them swings wide of the main posse, and approaches Seku and F3-3T. He shouts to be heard over the roar of his engine.

"What are you doing with that droid?" you can faintly make out. "Get it back to work, and then you get back to work!"

The rest of the group have drawn pistols. They begin to spit blaster fire in the direction of the team.

Roll Vigilance, +1B. Use any advantages or triumphs on your first turn.
First combat action.

Toydar. Tactician, 9 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 03:50
  • msg #13

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not wanting to distract from whatever skit the droid crew are trying at Zabuunko continues on, hovering along at a steady pace to make it look like he either belongs there, or simply doesn't know any sort of trespass has happened.

When the blaster bolts happen he responds calmly, but not particularly quickly, moving instead to intercept the nearest of the speeder bikes, dodging a few stray shots on the way.

As the speeder shoots by he pops up to match it's altitude and a long staff like stick extends to wack the pilot on the head on his way by, disrupting the formation in an unexpected way.

[Private to GM: Initiative 1
Maneuver: Adjust range to Engaged
Action: Hit lead speeder rider for 10 stun
Advantages leftover (not for initiative): 8
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Thu 20 June 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 156 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 23:22
  • msg #14

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Taking advantage of her ruse, Seku holds her hand up to her ear cone as though she can't quite hear the swoop rider over the sound of his vehicle. She stands and approaches the swoop; feigning the need to get closer. She also shouts to enhance the act: "Sorry, I can't hear you! This astromech has broken down. It's a bad motivator. I need to tow him back to base. Can you give me hand?" As she gets close, she subtly pulls the neurotoxin syringe from it's hiding place and in a flash jams it into the swoop rider's neck.

I'd like to use the advantage to prolong the ruse for a round before the other riders realize what's happened.

Seku Bondara rolled 4 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A. Cool.

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2P 2D 1B.  Deception.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 65 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 21 Jun 2019
at 18:09
  • msg #15

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor watches and aims for what seems to be the leaders head. Waiting for the situation to escalate.

[Private to GM: 20:06, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b. missing boost. 20:05, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a. Vigilance. . 20:04, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p. Cool.

Kinda fucked up initiative. Vigilance is 2 succ, 2 adv. while cool is only 2 adv.. Take your pick on the initiative.
Astromech Engineer, 165 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 19:56
  • msg #16

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T remains calm, all the while filming the swoop gangers feet for later use in his adult holographic arts. He makes rustling and whizzing noises, and jerks his head mounted unit back and forth as if he was glitched. When Seku jams the neurotoxin into the ganger. F3-3T blasts his rocket jets and aims his chassis toward the assailant hoping to double up on the attacker.

Suddenly shrieking "Zeepo Doooo EEEpp Zap Zap Zip![Private to group Droidspeak: For Love For Freedom For Droids!!!!]"

The Droid misses his intended target ending up in back of the attacker who may crash and topple atop the badly motivated droid.

12:54, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2D.  Physical Violence.
12:49, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A.  Cool.

The Force
GM, 1549 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 01:46
  • msg #17

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm


Swoop Thugs

Seku manages to stick the dose of neurotoxin into the thug before he realizes she is up to no good. He recoils, nearly falling off his swoop. You can tell he intends to shout a warning to his colleagues, but Seku's other hand snakes up and grips his throat. Moments later he has begun having a seizure, and she releases him to fall off on the sand. The rest of the gang hasn't noticed.

Zabuunko's precise strike on the lead rider's head uses his own momentum against him. He sits upright in his seat, swaying visibly. The swoop careens off-course, then slams nose-first into the sand. He is thrown head-over-heels to land in the sand nearby. He is limp even as he flies, obviously unconscious.

The rest of the swoopers respond aggressively. "Bats on the drive-by!" one shouts. The gang draw trunchons, painted to appear bloody. They swing at Zabu as they streak by him.

Zabu weaves and dodges, relying on his own flying instincts and the Force to protect him. While he avoids the blows from the bludgeons, the sheer speed of the ion engines disrupts his flight. Zabu is caught in a vacuum behind one, and pulled along behind him. It doesn't last long, but before he knows it, Zabu is hurled through the air. He lands, not too roughly, behind the electric fence in the solar collection field.

21:43, Today: The Force rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3p 2d.  Melee.
1b on next attack
Zabu is at medium range from the swoop gang.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 157 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 02:20
  • msg #18

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku is surprised by the effectiveness of the neurotoxin on the thug. The barabel must have been truly impressive to resist the effects. She doesn't spend too long celebrating her victory however as any moment the rest of the swoop gang will notice her. She quickly waves F3 over. "So is there any chance you can drive this thing? Or maybe just set it to go speeding off to scatter them before they can circle back?"

Seku will use her action to assist F3 with whatever he tries.
Astromech Engineer, 166 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 13:11
  • msg #19

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T uses his thrusters to "jump" back up after his failed attack. He quickly realizes Seku's plan and beeps devilishly that "He is her man for the job.". His biggest tools eject from his small frames chassis for the work ahead and one hyper-wrench pops off into the air for Seku to catch and use.

He quickly rattles off procedures for Seku to follow as F3-3T rigs the swoops small computer drive and mechanically space monkey hacks the bike to become a careening high speed explosive ramming machine.

With a finally "Wooot" and "stand back" in binary as a large rattle and "BOOM" sends the bike off zig-zagging toward the remaining gang's direction at higher and higher speed. Eventually the bike's engine will explode in a fireball before or after in collides with one or more of the remaining swoop gangers....

O.O.C: 06:03, Today: F3-3T rolled 4 successes, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2p 2d.  Computers.
06:02, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success, 6 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2d 3p. Mechanics. CREATE SELF PROPELLED SWOOP BOMB/RAMMING DEVICE.

And or use Triumph for bikes explosion to be caused at medium range and give enough cover for Zabu to escape or get to safety, which ever causes more damage or more safety to group.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:15, Fri 28 June 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 10 posts
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 14:52
  • msg #20

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Finding himself effectively out of the fight, but where they wanted to get to anyways, Zabuunko starts flying around inside the fenced in area looking for the control box to either the electricity, or the locking mechanism to open the gate.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 66 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 23:09
  • msg #21

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zakharo aims carefully at the rushing swoop gangers that are remaining. Leading his target, judging distance and speed. Finally he pulls the trigger. The green plasma bolt shoots from the barrel at high speed, hitting the biker that tried and missed Zabu. "Oh no you don´t" he says to himself after the bolt found it´s mark.

01:03, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3b 1a 3p 3d. Sniper shot .
Aim from round before and true aim on this round + 2 accurate
10 damage and 3 pierce

The Force
GM, 1551 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 18:02
  • msg #22

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T begins furiously rewiring the bike while Seku uses her humanoid limbs to turn it to the correct direction. When he beeps the warning, she leaps back just in time. The bike hurtles forward. Without the ballast of a pilot, it spins and twists in the air. The swoop gang tries to juke out of its path, but it is too wild to predict. One of them dodges right into its path, and cannot correct in time. He screams before the collision. The two swoops lock together. The calametous contraption flie even more wildly with two engines pointing in different directions. It spins through the air, then slams into the sand between two of the solar panels. It explodes. A tremendous cloud of sand and dust is kicked up in the cloud.

Zabu was already heading away from the crash site, and seeing it coming down did not cause him to reverse direction. Instead he makes for the console at the far end of the solar field. It is a sturdy, element-resistant model that trades functionality for durability. He accesses it, and finds that it is password-protected. Slicing into the terminal or manually rewiring it should give him control over the solar panels. He is also only a dozen meters away from a gate in the fence. This should allow safe egress from the fenced-in area, and get him closer to the three nearby buildings.

Victor's precise blast kills one of the gangers. His swoop comes crashing down, wrecking itself in the rocky sand.

The two remaining swoop bikers have had enough. They turn their fast, agile craft towards the farm's buildings and head in that direction. They are attempting to steer around the cloud of sand, which will delay them.

Swoop thugs are now at medium range from everyone except Victor, who is at Long range.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 158 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #23

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Thrilled with the success of jacking the swoop bike, Seku whoops and dashes after the retreating survivors firing her blaster over their heads. Her shots fly wide, but she isn't too concerned as they flee. "That's right! Get to running!"

Move to a range band to Short Range and fire at the survivors.

Seku Bondara rolled no successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1D. Parting blaster shot.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 67 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 19:18
  • msg #24

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor scans the area using his scope while the weapon recharges. Looking for other potential threads. Hearing the rifles whining recharge coming to an end he finds and aims at the two that are fleeing.

21:16, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1p 1a. perception.

Double maneuver, perception and aim.

Toydar. Tactician, 11 posts
Fri 5 Jul 2019
at 09:54
  • msg #25

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

With the speeder problem in what may as well be the self solving position Zabuunko hops over the gate with a short burst of push on his wings and begins lazily drifting in the direction of both the buildings and the rest of the team, aimed more for an intercept course than to hit either one.

"That was bracing, but probably loud enough to throw any chance of stealth to these dry sandy winds, perhaps now speed will allow us to press on, or we retreat and let the hornets nest settle down a bit?"
Astromech Engineer, 167 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 16:28
  • msg #26

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T was trying to keep up with Seku and losing ground scanning the farm for better cover or at least something he could now hide himself or her behind. For the time being he lagged behind beeping expletives at his slow design to the maker and tripping over moisture clods.

09:26, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 1D.  Scan Perception for Cover.

The Force
GM, 1555 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 10 Jul 2019
at 03:00
  • msg #27

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The enemy swoops tear across the sky towards the main building. Within moments, they are close to the house.

The last surviving enemies have left, for the moment. You have the field to yourselves.

Zabuunko, having left the solar field, is getting fairly close to the three buildings at the south end of the complex. One is small and solid, with only one door and no windows. Cables run from the collection field into a hub on one of its walls, and then other cables run from it to the other buildings.

One of those buildings is a large building that looks as if it has been in place for several years. There are several entrances, including a large garage door that would be useful for vehicles to load up at.

The other building is a pre-fabricated plasteel structure. It looks new and shiny. Its simple utilitarian frame could be useful for many things, but in this desert heat it must be sweltering inside.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 160 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Wed 10 Jul 2019
at 21:25
  • msg #28

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

As the swoop bikes flee out of range, Seku turns around to assess the damage from the battle. Over the comlinks, she addresses the team. "Alright is everyone ok? Let's regroup with Zabuunko." She regards F3. "Are you doing alright? I'm afraid there's going to be a lot more rough terrain in our future."
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 68 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 03:38
  • msg #29

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor fires off another shot at the retreating gangers, the green plasma shot shooting through the air at high speed and hitting the right most swoop rider. "Where do you want me Seku?" he asks over the comms

05:31, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3b 1a 3p 3d ((2(B), 1(B), 3(B), 4(A), 11(P), 3(P), 11(P), 3(D), 6(D), 6(D))).

11 damage with 3 pierce

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