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12:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M4 RM: Sayed Farm.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 4
The Force
GM, 1535 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 29 May 2019
at 03:44
  • msg #1

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Boho Sayed, the moisture farmer and medical supplier, is seated in the passenger seat of his landspeeder. He is watching the landspeeders' simple sensors, modified to detect his farm's security measures. Occasionally he glances up at the dunes and rocks ahead, and gives an instruction to the pilot.

Django pilots the landspeeder, a simple civillian model similar to others he had operated. The rest of the team were seated or crouched in the landspeeder. After discussing the possible uses for Boho's airspeeder, it was concluded that the benefits of aerial scouting were outweighed by alerting the enemy to their presence. The airspeeder could not be hidden from the farm's security sensors, and it would be visible for dozens of kilometers around.

Boho directs the landspeeder on a winding course through the dunes. Then he bids you stop, about half a kilometer south of the nearest solar field.

"We're inside the security perimeter now," he informs you. "If we get any closer, we'll risk being seen from the buildings." He points north and a bit to the west. "Over there, north of the solar field, is a new structure they've erected. It's prefab plasteel, the sort that gives a little cover from the weather and can go up quickly. I don't know what's in it. Everything else, I've told you about. Do you want me to wait here with the landspeeder, or back out a bit and wait for your call?"

Last - minute questions for Boho.
Anyone who doesn't have a question for Boho, make a 2D Perception, +2S for distance.

Astromech Engineer, 159 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 29 May 2019
at 15:28
  • msg #2

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T is less than impressed by the backwater waterless moisture farm of their "contact" Boho. He lets out a sarcastic "Zurpie![Private to group Droidspeak: Geeeesh!!]", under his non breath in his place at the rear of the speeder. Also his the reinforcements offered nothing in the way of romantic interests of any sort and their feet were nothing if not ugly and useless to his fetish contacts. All was well though he had his fearless leader Seku to keep guard of and if she died a medical droid circling the core worlds patching up wounded and dying rebels.

He had a serious questions to ask Sayed though, he raised his binary as so though farmer could hear. "Is there a data port in that shack? Where is the main data port if your quaint mist gathering experiment has one at all?". His sarcasm was guised in high binary speak as so Soho may not have caught his ribbing and most likely someone would have to translate.

F3-3T scanned the area waiting for the yokel to figure out his query. He added in Huttesse Binary (A branch of math not recognized by most scholars) "Or Boho should I just simply jack in to a water compressor for a good time?"....

The droids mood had fouled after Anchorhead and not returned he scanned the area for clues and intel that could be of use to the rebel cell.

08:14, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 threat , 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 2D 2S.  Farm Perception. Figure the threat could be from Boho understanding his quips and placing a restringing bolt on him for "cover" or just shooting him..... Why always Triumph and no success damn you Setback die damn you to Dagobah.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 149 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Fri 31 May 2019
at 00:11
  • msg #3

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku squeezes out of her relatively crammed spot in the back of the landspeeder. "Don't worry Boho. I think we can take care of things from here. You should back out of the area. It's better to keep our secret a way in a secret." With that said, she pulls out the electrobinoculars and clambers to the top of the nearest dune to have a look around. After looking around, she offers the electrobinoculars to anyone else who wants to look.

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D 1S. Perception. Removed 1S for using the electrobinoculars. I'll take suggestions for the threats.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:12, Fri 31 May 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 6 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #4

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not so much strapped in, as tied down, Zabuunko's naturally buoyant body bounces around the overly large passenger space a bit more than most but not in any way that seems unusual or uncomfortable to him.  As they come to a stop he releases the tether holding him down and with a bit of a hop starts flapping his wings again to hover up to the top of the dune and poke his head over the top to get a first quick glance at the events going on in the compound.

"I will pop up for a quick glance."  Is the only explanation of his plan offered.

[Private to GM: 3 successes, 2 threats, 1 triumph]
The Force
GM, 1537 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 3 Jun 2019
at 02:10
  • msg #5

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

After suitable translation, Boho answers F3-3T's questions.

"The hermetic facility, number 4 on the map, is where the saline and sterile water is produced. There are data terminals there that govern its operation. You can access some of the security functions there, but only to observe. Look through the holocams, or check the alarms, that sort of thing.

"My office in the main house has more functions. Please don't break anything in there; all my businesses' records are in the office. I was able to get most of my valuables out of the house, but some of the art was too big to remove, so kindly don't do too much shooting in there. One thing you might do: from inside the office or in the master bedroom, you can enable a lockdown mode. Security shutters close over all windows and exterior doors."

Zabuunko hovers up and peers over the dunes. Far to the north, he can see a cloud of sand being kicked up. It seems that something is moving along the perimeter of the farm. The cloud seems to be being originated by something about a kilometer to the east of the northern solar field. It is heading south. Zabuunko's eyes narrow, and he feels his instincts speak to him. Riders, he hears in his head. Riders who drive, and drivers who ride. Unfortunately, the trackless desert makes it hard to compare their movement to anything; Zabu can't tell how quickly they are moving, and how soon they will be near the Rebels' current position.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:50, Tue 04 June 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 163 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 7 Jun 2019
at 04:17
  • msg #6

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T beeps on quiet mode, nudging if Seku can make out anything or what the next move should be. Head chassis roaming around on the lookout for the jawas he can still feel crawling on his external plating. "Creepy little sand bags, everything on this planet is corrupted or half baked by these binary stars. Heat makes most creatures mentally fractal..... Maybe Jess has a functional analysis of our next procedure as you are our expert in infiltration?".
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 151 posts
8/11 Wounds
0/13 Strain
Fri 7 Jun 2019
at 20:22
  • msg #7

M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku half walks half slides back down the dune to report to the rest of the team. "Unsurprisingly, there isn't much to see. It does look like there's some kind of patrol to the north though so we'd better get a move on. If we go on foot, we may have a chance to approach without being seen so we'd better get a move on." She moves off to circle around the dune leading the group towards the farm before the riders arrive.
Toydar. Tactician, 7 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2019
at 00:45
  • msg #8

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko glides down from above the hill of sand and begins hovering again, just above eye level as usual.  When he has finished describing the group of riders up north and their most likely path as best he can he adds some predictions.

"They do not seem to be associated with the group now holding the farm, even if they are another hostile force the distraction they will be providing soon should be useful if we try to sneak in now."
The Force
GM, 1542 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 10 Jun 2019
at 02:12
  • msg #9

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The team sets out towards the farm's structures. They get near to the solar farm. Apparently, solar energy is a good backup source of power on a world with two suns. There are dozens, lined up in neat rows. They reflect the last rays of the setting suns, and soon will be reflecting the stars. A single ASP droid walks slowly along the rows and sweeps sand off the panels. The entire field is surrounded by a wire fence. You can hear an occasional snap or pop as electricity discharges from it.

The vehicles making the cloud are moving quickly, far more quickly than you might have guessed. You were expecting to hear the whine of repulsorlift engines, but instead you hear a different, louder sound. It is a roar, the roar of ion engines. Even in the dim light, you can see the cause.

Several swoops are ripping across the sandy dunes. Their ion engines burn bright in the night, and the wind of their passage churns up the air around them. They shout and howl in delight as they drive by. They don't seem to be heading towards you intentionally, but their course suggests a perimeter patrol. They will be on your position in moments.

If you wish to use Stealth, the difficulty is 2D. You can spend advantages or triumphs to help one another with whatever check they are doing, within reason.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 154 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 01:34
  • msg #10

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Out in the lead and blatantly in the open, Seku abandons any hope of hiding before the swoops arrive. Instead, she calls for F3 to catch up to her. "Alright F3, my guess is that swoop jocks might just be dumb enough that we can fool them. You're one of the maintenance droids who malfunctioned and wandered off. I'm a tech who's just managed to catch up with you." She pulls out her knife which she hopes can pass for a tool and kneels down to pretend to be working on the droid. Unfortunately, in her dedication to authenticity, the knife makes contact with some exposed wiring and gives Seku a bit of a shock.

Seku Bondara rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1B 2D. Skulduggery.

Taking 1 strain for the electrical shock on that threat.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 64 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 14 Jun 2019
at 02:38
  • msg #11

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor climbs one of the dunes to the north of the speeder as the team approach the farm.
It takes him a bit of time to find a spot to his liking and hunkers down. Taking his time to set up a steady and comfortable position to make sure he would be as effective as possible. Adjusting his scope and aligning the rifles matrices for the range he would be shooting at.

He scans the area to the north. Memorizing where the houses, solarpanels, swoop gang, and his teammates are currently located.

"I´m in position, Seku. If they cause any trouble, I´ll be able cover you. If you go to your west you might find some cover if all hell should breaks loose.". Victor says over the comlink.

04:33, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 2d. warfare.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:38, Fri 14 June 2019.
The Force
GM, 1544 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #12

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Okay, I guess we'll just assume everyone else continues towards the farm.

With Seku and F3-3T attempting to convey an air of innocence, and Victor positioning himself at a distance, the the rest of the team heads towards the solar collection field. The electrified fence proves a small barrier, but it is not the most sophisticated defence.

The swoop riders are wearing gang colours: a muted maroon red jacket, often with torn sleeves; and a bright yellow bandanna around their heads or necks. They see your party and turn on their course. They whoop and holler as they approach.

One of them swings wide of the main posse, and approaches Seku and F3-3T. He shouts to be heard over the roar of his engine.

"What are you doing with that droid?" you can faintly make out. "Get it back to work, and then you get back to work!"

The rest of the group have drawn pistols. They begin to spit blaster fire in the direction of the team.

Roll Vigilance, +1B. Use any advantages or triumphs on your first turn.
First combat action.

Toydar. Tactician, 9 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 03:50
  • msg #13

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not wanting to distract from whatever skit the droid crew are trying at Zabuunko continues on, hovering along at a steady pace to make it look like he either belongs there, or simply doesn't know any sort of trespass has happened.

When the blaster bolts happen he responds calmly, but not particularly quickly, moving instead to intercept the nearest of the speeder bikes, dodging a few stray shots on the way.

As the speeder shoots by he pops up to match it's altitude and a long staff like stick extends to wack the pilot on the head on his way by, disrupting the formation in an unexpected way.

[Private to GM: Initiative 1
Maneuver: Adjust range to Engaged
Action: Hit lead speeder rider for 10 stun
Advantages leftover (not for initiative): 8
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Thu 20 June 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 156 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 23:22
  • msg #14

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Taking advantage of her ruse, Seku holds her hand up to her ear cone as though she can't quite hear the swoop rider over the sound of his vehicle. She stands and approaches the swoop; feigning the need to get closer. She also shouts to enhance the act: "Sorry, I can't hear you! This astromech has broken down. It's a bad motivator. I need to tow him back to base. Can you give me hand?" As she gets close, she subtly pulls the neurotoxin syringe from it's hiding place and in a flash jams it into the swoop rider's neck.

I'd like to use the advantage to prolong the ruse for a round before the other riders realize what's happened.

Seku Bondara rolled 4 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A. Cool.

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2P 2D 1B.  Deception.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 65 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 21 Jun 2019
at 18:09
  • msg #15

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor watches and aims for what seems to be the leaders head. Waiting for the situation to escalate.

[Private to GM: 20:06, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b. missing boost. 20:05, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a. Vigilance. . 20:04, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p. Cool.

Kinda fucked up initiative. Vigilance is 2 succ, 2 adv. while cool is only 2 adv.. Take your pick on the initiative.
Astromech Engineer, 165 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 19:56
  • msg #16

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T remains calm, all the while filming the swoop gangers feet for later use in his adult holographic arts. He makes rustling and whizzing noises, and jerks his head mounted unit back and forth as if he was glitched. When Seku jams the neurotoxin into the ganger. F3-3T blasts his rocket jets and aims his chassis toward the assailant hoping to double up on the attacker.

Suddenly shrieking "Zeepo Doooo EEEpp Zap Zap Zip![Private to group Droidspeak: For Love For Freedom For Droids!!!!]"

The Droid misses his intended target ending up in back of the attacker who may crash and topple atop the badly motivated droid.

12:54, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2D.  Physical Violence.
12:49, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A.  Cool.

The Force
GM, 1549 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 01:46
  • msg #17

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm


Swoop Thugs

Seku manages to stick the dose of neurotoxin into the thug before he realizes she is up to no good. He recoils, nearly falling off his swoop. You can tell he intends to shout a warning to his colleagues, but Seku's other hand snakes up and grips his throat. Moments later he has begun having a seizure, and she releases him to fall off on the sand. The rest of the gang hasn't noticed.

Zabuunko's precise strike on the lead rider's head uses his own momentum against him. He sits upright in his seat, swaying visibly. The swoop careens off-course, then slams nose-first into the sand. He is thrown head-over-heels to land in the sand nearby. He is limp even as he flies, obviously unconscious.

The rest of the swoopers respond aggressively. "Bats on the drive-by!" one shouts. The gang draw trunchons, painted to appear bloody. They swing at Zabu as they streak by him.

Zabu weaves and dodges, relying on his own flying instincts and the Force to protect him. While he avoids the blows from the bludgeons, the sheer speed of the ion engines disrupts his flight. Zabu is caught in a vacuum behind one, and pulled along behind him. It doesn't last long, but before he knows it, Zabu is hurled through the air. He lands, not too roughly, behind the electric fence in the solar collection field.

21:43, Today: The Force rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3p 2d.  Melee.
1b on next attack
Zabu is at medium range from the swoop gang.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 157 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 02:20
  • msg #18

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku is surprised by the effectiveness of the neurotoxin on the thug. The barabel must have been truly impressive to resist the effects. She doesn't spend too long celebrating her victory however as any moment the rest of the swoop gang will notice her. She quickly waves F3 over. "So is there any chance you can drive this thing? Or maybe just set it to go speeding off to scatter them before they can circle back?"

Seku will use her action to assist F3 with whatever he tries.
Astromech Engineer, 166 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 13:11
  • msg #19

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T uses his thrusters to "jump" back up after his failed attack. He quickly realizes Seku's plan and beeps devilishly that "He is her man for the job.". His biggest tools eject from his small frames chassis for the work ahead and one hyper-wrench pops off into the air for Seku to catch and use.

He quickly rattles off procedures for Seku to follow as F3-3T rigs the swoops small computer drive and mechanically space monkey hacks the bike to become a careening high speed explosive ramming machine.

With a finally "Wooot" and "stand back" in binary as a large rattle and "BOOM" sends the bike off zig-zagging toward the remaining gang's direction at higher and higher speed. Eventually the bike's engine will explode in a fireball before or after in collides with one or more of the remaining swoop gangers....

O.O.C: 06:03, Today: F3-3T rolled 4 successes, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2p 2d.  Computers.
06:02, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success, 6 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2d 3p. Mechanics. CREATE SELF PROPELLED SWOOP BOMB/RAMMING DEVICE.

And or use Triumph for bikes explosion to be caused at medium range and give enough cover for Zabu to escape or get to safety, which ever causes more damage or more safety to group.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:15, Fri 28 June 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 10 posts
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 14:52
  • msg #20

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Finding himself effectively out of the fight, but where they wanted to get to anyways, Zabuunko starts flying around inside the fenced in area looking for the control box to either the electricity, or the locking mechanism to open the gate.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 66 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 23:09
  • msg #21

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zakharo aims carefully at the rushing swoop gangers that are remaining. Leading his target, judging distance and speed. Finally he pulls the trigger. The green plasma bolt shoots from the barrel at high speed, hitting the biker that tried and missed Zabu. "Oh no you don´t" he says to himself after the bolt found it´s mark.

01:03, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3b 1a 3p 3d. Sniper shot .
Aim from round before and true aim on this round + 2 accurate
10 damage and 3 pierce

The Force
GM, 1551 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 18:02
  • msg #22

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T begins furiously rewiring the bike while Seku uses her humanoid limbs to turn it to the correct direction. When he beeps the warning, she leaps back just in time. The bike hurtles forward. Without the ballast of a pilot, it spins and twists in the air. The swoop gang tries to juke out of its path, but it is too wild to predict. One of them dodges right into its path, and cannot correct in time. He screams before the collision. The two swoops lock together. The calametous contraption flie even more wildly with two engines pointing in different directions. It spins through the air, then slams into the sand between two of the solar panels. It explodes. A tremendous cloud of sand and dust is kicked up in the cloud.

Zabu was already heading away from the crash site, and seeing it coming down did not cause him to reverse direction. Instead he makes for the console at the far end of the solar field. It is a sturdy, element-resistant model that trades functionality for durability. He accesses it, and finds that it is password-protected. Slicing into the terminal or manually rewiring it should give him control over the solar panels. He is also only a dozen meters away from a gate in the fence. This should allow safe egress from the fenced-in area, and get him closer to the three nearby buildings.

Victor's precise blast kills one of the gangers. His swoop comes crashing down, wrecking itself in the rocky sand.

The two remaining swoop bikers have had enough. They turn their fast, agile craft towards the farm's buildings and head in that direction. They are attempting to steer around the cloud of sand, which will delay them.

Swoop thugs are now at medium range from everyone except Victor, who is at Long range.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 158 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #23

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Thrilled with the success of jacking the swoop bike, Seku whoops and dashes after the retreating survivors firing her blaster over their heads. Her shots fly wide, but she isn't too concerned as they flee. "That's right! Get to running!"

Move to a range band to Short Range and fire at the survivors.

Seku Bondara rolled no successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1D. Parting blaster shot.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 67 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 19:18
  • msg #24

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor scans the area using his scope while the weapon recharges. Looking for other potential threads. Hearing the rifles whining recharge coming to an end he finds and aims at the two that are fleeing.

21:16, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1p 1a. perception.

Double maneuver, perception and aim.

Toydar. Tactician, 11 posts
Fri 5 Jul 2019
at 09:54
  • msg #25

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

With the speeder problem in what may as well be the self solving position Zabuunko hops over the gate with a short burst of push on his wings and begins lazily drifting in the direction of both the buildings and the rest of the team, aimed more for an intercept course than to hit either one.

"That was bracing, but probably loud enough to throw any chance of stealth to these dry sandy winds, perhaps now speed will allow us to press on, or we retreat and let the hornets nest settle down a bit?"
Astromech Engineer, 167 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 16:28
  • msg #26

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T was trying to keep up with Seku and losing ground scanning the farm for better cover or at least something he could now hide himself or her behind. For the time being he lagged behind beeping expletives at his slow design to the maker and tripping over moisture clods.

09:26, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 1D.  Scan Perception for Cover.

The Force
GM, 1555 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 10 Jul 2019
at 03:00
  • msg #27

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The enemy swoops tear across the sky towards the main building. Within moments, they are close to the house.

The last surviving enemies have left, for the moment. You have the field to yourselves.

Zabuunko, having left the solar field, is getting fairly close to the three buildings at the south end of the complex. One is small and solid, with only one door and no windows. Cables run from the collection field into a hub on one of its walls, and then other cables run from it to the other buildings.

One of those buildings is a large building that looks as if it has been in place for several years. There are several entrances, including a large garage door that would be useful for vehicles to load up at.

The other building is a pre-fabricated plasteel structure. It looks new and shiny. Its simple utilitarian frame could be useful for many things, but in this desert heat it must be sweltering inside.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 160 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Wed 10 Jul 2019
at 21:25
  • msg #28

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

As the swoop bikes flee out of range, Seku turns around to assess the damage from the battle. Over the comlinks, she addresses the team. "Alright is everyone ok? Let's regroup with Zabuunko." She regards F3. "Are you doing alright? I'm afraid there's going to be a lot more rough terrain in our future."
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 68 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 03:38
  • msg #29

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor fires off another shot at the retreating gangers, the green plasma shot shooting through the air at high speed and hitting the right most swoop rider. "Where do you want me Seku?" he asks over the comms

05:31, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3b 1a 3p 3d ((2(B), 1(B), 3(B), 4(A), 11(P), 3(P), 11(P), 3(D), 6(D), 6(D))).

11 damage with 3 pierce

The Force
GM, 1556 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 20 Jul 2019
at 13:12
  • msg #30

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The Rebels reconvene at the gate to the solar fields. You reconnoitre. The nearby small building probably controls the solar field, turning the solar energy into useful power for the nearby farm buildings. The large building looks a bit like a laboratory. From what Boho told you, this is the hermetic production facility for sterile supplies.

The prefabricated building was put up by the thugs who took over. Despite eyeing his farm through macrobinoculars, he doesn't know what it is for.

In the distance, you can see the farmhouse, where the Sayed family lived until Boho was driven out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:13, Sat 20 July 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 12 posts
Sat 20 Jul 2019
at 13:25
  • msg #31

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Once the group is back together and they have a moment for a breather, or at least to generate a quick plan Zabuunko asks the lot of them a question he has apparently been mulling over for a while.

"Do any of you feel confident that you could disconnect the solar field without inflicting permanent damage to it, or blowing up anything important?

If we can at least make them send out some folks to investigate we can split their forces into more than one ambush."

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 161 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Sat 20 Jul 2019
at 15:43
  • msg #32

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku nods, she likes Zabuunko's plan. "I won't be any help with that kind of thing, but that's not a bad plan. I expect the surviving swoop bikers are filling their compatriots in at this very moment. We can give them a little hint as to where to send people to check out the biker's story and then get the drop on whoever comes." She grins puckishly.
The Force
GM, 1558 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 18:45
  • msg #33

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The small building has a single metal door with a simple padlock on it. There are some very narrow windows with opaque glass on them. There is a small hatch in the wall, as though for parcels or other non-personnel access. There is no-one here.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 69 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 28 Jul 2019
at 02:29
  • msg #34

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor packs up the rifle in a couple of quick movements and makes his way down the dune on the other side, heading north. Going for the nearest corpse on his way to the others. On the look out for more hostiles while he walks the distance.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 163 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 13:36
  • msg #35

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku walks up to the windows and attempts to peer through the dark glass. "F3, you think you can do something about that lock?"
Astromech Engineer, 170 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 18:21
  • msg #36

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T lets out a long string of non binary beeps, as his system tries to restore order fighting his hard drive viruses. "Zeep Blop Blop Zoooma![Private to group Droidspeak: Dont worry my lekku donning warrior princess I shall by pass the locks in no time.]". Trying to remain calm whilst his rusty innards tried to re-adjust to some semblance of cognitive form he easily by-passed the locks with his B&E Huttese programming skills.

Not only was the lock easy to open the timing could not have been better for the team. "We need to move now!". F3-3T remembering what the Hutt did with their prisoners especially droid prisoners. Ghastly...

11:14, Today: F3-3T rolled 4 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A.  Lock Pick.
The Force
GM, 1562 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 20:02
  • msg #37

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The lock on the door is sturdy but simple. F3-3T's mechanical manipulators have it open quickly & quietly.

The Rebels enter the small building. It is an engineering building, given over to pipes, tubes, and wires. There is barely room enough for everyone to stand. The air is close and hot, with no ventilation and no climate control to dispel the desert heat.

Aside from the mechanical and electrical subsystems, there are a few pieces of supplies and tools scattered here. A single, old-fashioned console sits in the corner.

Slicing the console is 1D.
Perception 3d, +2s for distance. Anyone remaining outside can use macrobinocs.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 164 posts
0/11 Wounds
1/13 Strain
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #38

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Poking her head through the doorway over F3, Seku quickly determines that there isn't more for her to do inside the building. "Let's see what we can find out on that console." She tosses her electrobinoculars to Victor and heads inside.
Astromech Engineer, 171 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 21:07
  • msg #39

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T beeps up "ZoooOOOp!! (No Problem)." He moves toward the musty old console and jacks in. His virus is still acting up, it shouldn't be happening, but as he is attempting the splice he mentions to Seku. "Zonk Tchick Thichk (Got A Bad Feeling About This!)."

Something is sending digital shivers up the droids spine, but he can't place it. "Bleep Bleep Devo Dink. (Nevermid All Clear)." F3-3T is into the system easy as moon pies.

14:04, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2p 1d ((8(A), 7(A), 1(P), 2(P), 6(D))).

Totally messed up the last roll as their was no difficulty mod on it, all I could do now was not add the advantages I had. :( My bad.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 71 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #40

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor catches the bino's barely since he wasn't expecting her to throw them at him. He had his own after all. And a scope on his rifle. He took at a silent order to keep watch outside, so that's what he's gonna do.

He keeps his rifle ready, with the scope operational and open to use at a moments notice but kept it on it's sling in front of his chest. Using the electrobinoculars, he scans the horizon slowly and surely. Trying to memorize the terrain, structures, and landmarks for later referral. And of course trying to spot anything coming their way.

16:15, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 3 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p ((2(A), 4(P))).
The Force
GM, 1564 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 18:15
  • msg #41

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

It isn't quite so far off that Victor needs to look for trouble. The prefabricated building's door is behind a plastic curtain. The door opens and you can see some shadows moving around behind it.
Astromech Engineer, 172 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 07:38
  • msg #42

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T curses the old tin crate of a computer and kicks the table it is standing on. "Zonk Zeenk Rrrr Bingo? Zeeep Ding Ding!". The astromech calls out to Seku to look for hard drive disks that there may be some around that could help the mission also to keep an eye out for even useless "blank" disks, that could be used as bargaining chips.

F3-3T doesn't find anything of note, but the system does have a start up disk box which is empty, leading F3-3T to believe there is a hard disk or even floppy around this shack, it may be a simple system but it still could hold valuable intel.

F3-3T lets Seku look for disks in the shack while he sets his innards on the task of writing up a file that he can place into the DOS system that would allow him to make copies of any copy made on this machine the next time something is saved to a disk. It won't be easy and it could take some piecing out of is parts but its worth a try.

O.O.C: F3-3T is going to try to make a ghost copy file that can leave what was "saved" upon the disk floating around the DOS systems operating files, under the code name "DAINTY TOES", Seku can use the advantage to hopefully find something of worth so that the astromech does not have to splice out his cyber kidney for a worthless DOS file on hydro server rotation on a binary star planet.
00:28, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 2D ((5(A), 10(P), 8(D), 6(D))).

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 72 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 13:58
  • msg #43

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zakharo throws the second pair of binoculars into the send beside the entrance. Then he fixes his rifle in the direction of prefab building and slowly moves towards the entrance to the building. Ready to put down any hostile that might come out of the building.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 166 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 21:07
  • msg #44

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Ok F3, I'll see what I can find." Seku conducts a much more thorough search of the room, but as she is looking around she cuts her finger on a piece of machinery.

Seku Bondara rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1b 2d. Perception.

Taking 1 strain for the threat.

The Force
GM, 1567 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 01:45
  • msg #45

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku finds a blank memory card. The disc isn't etched at all, so it must be empty. It's covered in sand; Boho must have lost it in here. She plugs it into the console, where F3-3T uploads his file-copy virus onto it.

Victor keeps his steely gaze on the prefab building door. A large humanoid figure peeks out and looks around. It is a Gamorrean, his porcine face protected by a plastic visor. He peers around, and sees the activity at the power building. Victor sees him snort in surprise and begin to draw back inside.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 73 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 17:00
  • msg #46

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor allows him to retreat into the building, not wanting to harm the help should he be innocent.

Moving sideways slowly with deliberate movement, well practiced and trained in the boot camps on Mandalore. Victor places himself to the side of the door, far enough away so he wouldn't be in melee range, if the Gamorean should come out swinging.
While moving he calls out, "Gamorean! Come out with your hands on your head and you won't be harmed. Don't make us come in there or it'll get ugly.".

[Private to GM: What's the ground like? Dry compact dirt? loose sands? Semi loose sands?

How big is the prefab building?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:01, Sat 17 Aug 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 167 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #47

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

After handing the data card to F3, Seku pats the droid on his domed head and then heads to the door to peak outside. As she reaches the door she hears Victor shout his warning. "Kriff! F3 sounds like we might have more trouble come on." She steps back out into the sun and observes where Victor is aiming.

Deciding this is as good an opportunity as any, Seku shouts her own warning towards the building. "Listen up! I don't know what Jabba's paying you, but it can't be enough to earn a death sentence from the cartel. If you cut and run now you'll have time to get off system before Jabba even finds out. Otherwise, I've got a thermal detonator out here that's going straight in there."

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2P 3D. Deception.

Main objective: convince at least some of them to give up.
Advantage: they think we're with the cartel.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:20, Sun 18 Aug 2019.
The Force
GM, 1568 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 20:51
  • msg #48

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The prefabricated building is about sixty meters from one end to another, and about thirty meters wide.

The ground around here is very rocky, although there is a distinctly flattened area that serves as a road for speeders. There is a thick layer of sand across the rocks, making it somewhat tough to walk.

Seku shouts out her warning to the prefab building, which is more than a hundred fifty meters away from the engineering building. Another creature sticks its head out and shouts back.

"What? I can't hear you. I said I can't... hang on!"

He pulls his head back in. A moment later your commlinks start buzzing. Whoever that was is making a local all-call on an open channel.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 169 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 18 Aug 2019
at 17:15
  • msg #49

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku pulls out her comlink as she moves closer to Victor's position, starting to cross the distance towards the prefab. "I'm offering you a way to save yourselves. What I said was: I don't know how much Jabba's paying you, but it can't be enough to earn a death sentence from the cartel. I've got a thermal detonator out here that's going straight in there unless you all walk away right now. If you're quick you can get off world before Jabba even realizes."
Astromech Engineer, 173 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sun 18 Aug 2019
at 19:42
  • msg #50

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T for once in two missions keeps completely silent and rolls as quietly as possible into position beside Seku in the case she should need aid.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 74 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 18 Aug 2019
at 21:15
  • msg #51

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor waits for backup and the respond from the lifeforms inside.
Toydar. Tactician, 14 posts
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 10:16
  • msg #52

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The soft buzzing noise that indicatesZabuunko's return from wherever he had floated off to is bairly audible between the hours of shouting until he is quite close.  Drifting to a rest near Victor he waits for the negotiations to conclude, but don't interrupt.
The Force
GM, 1570 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 11:41
  • msg #53

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

There is a long pause.

Victor, who is right near the door of the prefab building, can hear a conversation going on inside. The dug male is fielding frightened concerns from two Gamorrean voices.

"[Language unknown: Iori et con iewa i ore.]"

"She doesn't have a bomb. Be quiet. Let me talk to the boss."

"[Language unknown: "Sitr finti but!"]"

"I mean on the commlink, you lump of lard. Just make sure no-one comes through the door. And you: check on the patient."

Victor strains to hear the spoken conversation that follows. The gug talks to a voice over the commlink.

 "Fortuna, we have a problem."

 "[Language unknown: T in ard. Witillove ma elthomei peure me. Ntino rom ceaine ofek ich oul?]"

 "No, but they're at the solar field. Fortuna, they say they're with the cartel."

 "[Language unknown: Venandsta hatous?]"

 "They didn't say. Now they're threatening to blow us up."

 "[Language unknown: Her io itto u olent.]"

Another voice, one you haven't heard before, comes on the commlink. This voice is raspy and sibilant, and speaks Basic with an accent.

"Which cartel do you represent? What is their interest in this operation?"

Victor is so focused on the conversation that he does not notice at first that one of the Gamorreans has come out the front door. The gamorrean is wearing simple armour made of hide. He is holding a blaster carbine and has a heavy axe on his belt. He glances around and sees Victor and Zabu. He makes an alarmed grunting sound.

Victor and Zabu have 1 action before the alarm is raised.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:23, Sat 31 Aug 2019.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 75 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 12:19
  • msg #54

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Shit" Victor says desperately as he notices the Gamorrean. He brings the rifle up for the shot as fast as he can, relying on muscle memory to make the shot. Victor  hits the Gamorrean in the torso.

14:12, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2b 2a 2p 1d. rifle shot short range.

11 damage, 3 pierce.
setback for the gamorreans next action

Toydar. Tactician, 15 posts
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 12:47
  • msg #55

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zippin by overhead Zabuunko flicks out a telescoping stick, almost a staff in his small hands, and thumps the Gamoran on its head.

[Private to GM: hit for 9 stun damage]
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 170 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 22:13
  • msg #56

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku answers the new voice on the commlink. "This ain't some free exchange of information. Jopos said the cartel wants us to shut down your little operation here, so that's what we're doin'." She does her best to imitate the coarse speech of an outer rim merc.

As the blaster fire starts, Seku ducks behind a solar panel to get some cover from the fighting. "Are you people crazy?! I said we were ready to blast you. Don't come out here waiving blasters around."
The Force
GM, 1572 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #57

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"My people are nervous," says the voice placatingly. "You came in fighting, and now they believe they are under attack."

"I am Jabba the Hutt's senior lieutenant on Tatooine. My master is not aware of any transgressions that may have engendered hurt feelings on the part of your boss. I would be happy to negotiate a reasonable restitution. But be aware: if you destroy any of the buildings the value of this entire operation vanishes into dust."

Victor shoots the porcine humanoid in the belly. As it doubles over, Zabu smacks its  head. It collapses limply. It is dying, and if not immediately stabilized will bleed out.

Grunts and shouts of alarm are audible in the prefab. Bolts of hot plasma come punching through the wall near Zabu and Victor. None hit, but Victor is forced to retreat away from the plasteel wall.
Astromech Engineer, 174 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 17:31
  • msg #58

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T squeals and squalls in dismay and disarray. "Zooooraaapt!" Convinced it is a trap they have been led into the droid throws himself as best he can to take on incoming fire and protect Seku, who can use him as cover.

He rolls out his small slug thrower and aims it at the enemies.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 78 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 18:09
  • msg #59

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor hits the deck when the thugs inside start to fire random shots through the wall. Jump into the sand 45° away from the prefab house and where they are shooting. He rolls back up and looks back to see if there are any more coming or if the Gamorrean that he shot is getting up again. 'blasted stupid gamorreans. Waving a blaster rifle around.' he thinks to himself as he takes in the scene in front of him.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 171 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 23 Aug 2019
at 00:00
  • msg #60

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku makes sure that the others are keyed in to her conversation with the person on the other end of the negotiation. "Alright, fair enough, but they're the ones who started the shootin' and they're the ones puttin' holes in your buildings." She isn't entirely sure that statement is accurate, but moves on. "Gimme a tic to get my people under control. Maybe we can talk this out."

Deciding that stopping the shooting will be a sign of good faith, Seku switches to a team only channel. "Alright, let's take it easy for a second. They sound willing to talk so let's see if we can get some intel. Victor, you stay on overwatch."

She switches back to the channel with the lieutenant. "We're holdin' our fire. Let's talk."
Toydar. Tactician, 17 posts
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 00:11
  • msg #61

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not having any fire to hold Zabuunko instead pops up to the top of the shed above the door and alights quietly on the roof, waiting for the next shoe to drop, perhaps literally.
The Force
GM, 1574 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 25 Aug 2019
at 02:38
  • msg #62

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

After this comm message, the line goes quiet for a moment. Zabu hears the conversation between  Fortuna and the dug.

"Doctor, tell your guards to stop fighting."

"They're right outside, Fortuna!"

"I know. They have promised to stop attacking as well until we talk further."

A moment later, the comm lights up again. Seku hears the raspy voice talking again.

"There, now. Everyone has stopped fighting for the moment. Now, I expect you are here to get a cut of our produce, correct? We have not been in business long. Not long enough to have prepared even a full shipment. This is still an experimental operation."

Seku and F3-3T, who are listening on the call, can make Negotiation or Discipline checks, 2D 1C 1S. Alternately, Vigilance or Streetwise with an additional 1S. Pick one.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:22, Sat 31 Aug 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 172 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 25 Aug 2019
at 14:13
  • msg #63

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku thinks quickly, the main goal at the moment is to get inside and find out what is actually going on, but she expects that at some point her deception will be discovered. "From what Jopos said, we were hired to stop you from gettin' up and runnin', but he's not around no more so I might be convinced if I can cut my bosses in on your operation. I'm thinkin' they just don't like not bein' involved. Why don't you let me and a couple of my friends in to take a look around. Give us the tour."

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1P 2D 1C 1S. Negotiation.
The Force
GM, 1575 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 25 Aug 2019
at 16:09
  • msg #64

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

It's a little hard to tell over the commlink, but you're fairly sure he's telling the truth. You also get the hint that he is trying to stall.

"No one likes being left out, but destroying the operation leaves no profit, only grudges. Among Twi'leks, it is customary for leaders to meet face to face and discuss business. I suggest you leave some of your people at the solar field to keep an eye on things, and you can come to the farm house and meet me in person.

There is more conversation inside the prefab.

[Language unknown: Ck itanmi fo whelme. Hoas miro menderear ecthaseen.]

"Very well. You keep an eye on the entrance. I'm going to make sure there is enough fluid for the rest of the procedure."

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 79 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 25 Aug 2019
at 16:33
  • msg #65

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor moves slowly and carefully in front of the door so he can perhaps see inside. He puts his rifle on his back and then army crawls slowly diagonally away from the prefab building into position in front of the prefab buildings main door.

18:28, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4a 2d.  stealth.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:33, Sun 25 Aug 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 175 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sun 25 Aug 2019
at 18:14
  • msg #66

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T has no idea who Fortuna is, his circuits seemed filled with viruses he can only recover memory data of the migration patterns of feral wampa rats in Outer-Rim planets. He also is scanning the area for anyone who may be trying to ambush Seku and himself
unfortunately he finds nothing, save an escape route and some cover that might hold up to blaster fire.

The astromech makes some small series of beeps, warning Seku that he has a bad program error about this whole situation.

[Private to GM: O.C.C: Attempt to find attacks and Fortuna.

11:02, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 failures, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 3D.  Fortuna.
11:01, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 2D.  Perception for Baddies.]

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 174 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 23:30
  • msg #67

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku switches over to her team comms. "Alright, he's playing for time. That might mean backup is on the way. If we're lucky, he thinks there are more of us than there are. I'm going to try and talk one us inside to 'keep an eye on things' while I go talk to him. Victor I think you're best on overwatch, so it's down to F3 and Zabuunko. Who wants to go inside?"

While her teammates think things over, she switches back to talking to this Fortuna character. She doesn't recognize the name, but she knows tactics of underworld lieutenants. "It's a bit of a jog over to that farm house. Why don't you let one of my people inside? Just to make sure there are no more surprises."

Seku Bondara rolled 3 failures, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1b 3d. Knowledge (Underworld).
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 80 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 18:17
  • msg #68

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Copy that, Seku." Victor confirmed over the private comms.
Astromech Engineer, 176 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 06:35
  • msg #69

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Zink. Beep. Droink. Zaboodinko!". F3-3T relays to Seku that he would be glad to take on the mission although he has to admit Zabuunko is more qualified, although he sees no reason they both can't attempt to get in together. The little perverted astromech awaits his orders from Seku.

This might be the moment he gets to proved his worth as a clandestine spy and agent of the rebellion, worthy of say... A Twi'lek girlfriend or at least a promotion from the General.
The Force
GM, 1579 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 23:50
  • msg #70

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku has not heard of this Fortuna, but she knows Twi'lek crime clans like the tip of her lekku. Fortuna will almost certainly be more concerned with trying to save his own hide than ensuring the success of this operation. However, they are not above cutting a deal with rivals if they think it will build a long-term partnership. That said, she has not heard that Fortuna is part of one of the Clans. Perhaps he has a different way of doing things.

"That sounds reasonable. I will allow this as a signal of good faith, after the last exchange of blaster fire. I look forward to seeing you, and will have a selection of refreshments ready." The comm clicks off.

Meanwhile, back at the prefab, Zabu is still perched on the roof. He can faintly hear a conversation occurring inside, but can't make out the details.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 82 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 00:38
  • msg #71

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor takes a little time to dig a small mound in front of him to stabilize the rifle on and to try to put a little sand between him and the prefab building.

[Private to GM: So.. as i see it. I'm in short range directly in front of the main door to the prefab building. I'm in the open, prone on some loose sand. I try to scoop this sand into a small barrier 20-30 cm high in front of me. Do I have the farm building behind me? Is the farm building number 4 on map 4? Does that make the prefab building number 5 or 6?]
This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Fri 30 Aug 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 18 posts
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 08:06
  • msg #72

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Replying over the secure comm channel Zabuunko offers his. Assessment of the situation.

"I do not believe that I am conversant in their native language but I imagine I will be able to detect any significant changes in the mood of the room."
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 177 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 14:39
  • msg #73

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku chuckles over the team comms. "Yeah I'm not either. Just see if you can get an idea of what they're doing in there. Call in Victor if you run into trouble. F3, they might ignore a droid so you're with Zabu. Just try to avoid too much chaos until we know what's happening ok?" With that she starts heading towards the trio of buildings to the north.
Astromech Engineer, 178 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 31 Aug 2019
at 01:04
  • msg #74

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T acknowledges Seku's orders with a series of beeps, although somewhat forlorn sounding "beeps". He now keeps close next to Zabuunko feeling quite at home beside a race he feels acquainted with. He holsters his slug thrower and prepares himself for the deliberations.
Toydar. Tactician, 19 posts
Sat 31 Aug 2019
at 16:20
  • msg #75

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Once the Droid joins him near the building they are to infiltrate Zabuunko drops down from the roof level and knocks politely on the door to await the occupants opening it themselves.
The Force
GM, 1584 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 31 Aug 2019
at 18:02
  • msg #76

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

There is a brief pause and discussion on the other side, but the door opens. A gamorrean male wearing disposable flimsiplast over his armour stands there, looking you over. He has a blaster carbine in one hand and is using the axe in the other to open the door. He steps aside and gestures inward with a grunt.

Waiting in the room beyond is a male dug. He is wearing a visor over his eyes and is wearing a lab coat and scrubs. He is perched on his hands and has his dextrous feet up, like most dugs when they are at ease. This makes his lab coat drag on the ground behind him. He has a number of syringes and a stethoscope on his person.

You are in a small room with green plasteel partitions that only go about two and a half meters up. The roof is well above this, hanging almost ten meters off the ground. Two doorways out of the room are covered by hanging green flimsiplast sheets. You can hear a whirring mechanical noise not far away.

perception 3d for Zabu. +2s for F3.

The dug watches you enter. He looks over your droid as it enters, but makes no objection. Instead he stalks over and offers you his foot to shake.

"Doctor Klabek, at your service," he says in accented Basic. He gestures to the gamorrean. "This is Buge."

The gamorrean shakes his head and says something in its own language while pointing outside. The doctor coughs into his hand. "I beg your pardon. This is Hobbe. You just killed Buge."


Seku begins to walk north. It is an easy trail, flat and with no large rocks. A small plasteel wall, about half a meter high, is on either side. This keeps a lot of the sand from the nearby dunes off the path. The dunes are home to a fair amount of desert plants and tiny animals, just coming out as the temperature drops. Occasionally some piece of garbage or lost item decorates the ground.

It doesn't take long to get closer to the first large butte of rock to the west. It looks about ten meters high at the top. The buttes are all of the same stone of the nearby canyon ranges, a brick red with many small holes and crevaces.

Distantly, Seku can see the two swoop gangers the team left alive getting back on their vehicles outside the farm house.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:22, Sat 31 Aug 2019.
Toydar. Tactician, 20 posts
Sun 1 Sep 2019
at 17:28
  • msg #77

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko looks the gamorrean over once on the way through the door then ignores him entirely.

Dipping down to reach the Dug's low slung grasp he offers a quick but polite introduction.

"Call me Zabuunko.  While the bosses sort out who's contact list is longer why don't we just get started, show me how exactly things actually get done around here and I will do everything I can to help you when you regardless of their decisions."

[Private to GM: 1 success, 1 threat]
Astromech Engineer, 179 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 2 Sep 2019
at 13:25
  • msg #78

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T rolls with Zab into the fray and quickly scans the place over. Figuring it is safe to transmit in binary a few of the “unsafe” signs the droid has picked up in the meeting. Figuring these thugs are not on the level and they may need to find a quick way out of here.

06:20, Today: F3-3T rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 3D 1S ((4(A), 4(P), 2(D), 5(D), 4(D), 1(S))).

The Force
GM, 1586 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 12:41
  • msg #79

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"I am not as interested in the business aspects of this enterprise," Says Dr. Klabek. He gestures dismissively with his foot. "I am only here for the science. No one else in this sector has my experience with the substances involved."

Zabu can see that the doctor is probing you and watching for any sign that you are aware of what is going on.

Zabu, roll Cool or Disciple 2D, with 1S for the threat on your previous roll.

F3-3T conducts a quick scan of the air currents, trying to determine if there is another exit. He is fairly sure that there is another exit around the back of the prefab. However, he also detects trace amounts of hazardous chemicals in the air in that direction.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 178 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 18:27
  • msg #80

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

As she approaches, Seku slows her pace in the hopes of giving the swoop gangers time to leave the area. They likely wouldn't be pleased to see her again so shortly after their last disastrous encounter. Assuming they do in fact head back out on patrol, she then makes her way up to the house.
Toydar. Tactician, 21 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 19:12
  • msg #81

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko clearly doesn't pass for someone in the know, instead going with what he does know.  Facilitation, and efficiency.

"I don't do the science myself but if you can detail out the process itself, what parts, skills, and time, it needs I can help make sure the right steps are taken "

[Private to GM: 0 success on discipline, 4 advantages ]
The Force
GM, 1587 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 20:23
  • msg #82

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Well then, let's get started with that." there is a gleam in the scientists' eye as he arm-walks to the door on the right. He pulls aside the curtain and beckons his guests enter. The gamorrean shuffles sideways and makes as if to let you pass.

Zabu is not a Jedi, but he can sometimes feel the Force. Right now he can sense that the gamorrean outside may well be breathing his last. If he does not receive medical attention immediately, he will surely die. Zabu feels that it might be a kind gesture to save the poor creatures' life.

The swoop riders race off, rising out of the bowl-like recess that the house is in. Seku loses sight of them when the rock buttes get in the way.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 179 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Wed 4 Sep 2019
at 15:42
  • msg #83

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Once the coast is clear, Seku walks into the recess where the house is. She takes a moment to assess her surroundings.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 85 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 4 Sep 2019
at 18:06
  • msg #84

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor glances over to Seku with the binoculars for a few seconds to see her progress and watch her back. Satisfied, he puts away the binos again. With no immediate threat coming from the prefab building. He stands up and walks towards it. Taking a position on the northern side of the north western corner of the house.

[Private to GM: Meaning to be closer to the allies inside the prefab should poodoo hit the aerator inside but also in clear view of Seku and the farm from a distance. Also... shade from the sun?]
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Wed 04 Sept 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 180 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 4 Sep 2019
at 21:06
  • msg #85

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T sensing some wrong but not sure exactly what feints malfunction in order to play possum in front of the Dr.. Unfortunately in order to look realistic he has tripped up some firing wires in his void thrusters. Which has sent him into sleep mode for at least five minutes and filled the room with smoke hopefully nothing flammable was in the air.

A series of non-sensical binary goes off before he turns into a road flare, and goes dark...

14:03, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 failure using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1P 2D.  Pretend to Malfunction (Opposed?).

The Force
GM, 1588 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 18:58
  • msg #86

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku gets to the lip of the bowl and looks down. There are three buildings. They are distinguished by design but made of the same materials. The outside walls are smooth, light brown in colour, and dotted with dark-tinted windows.

The centre building is the largest and most attractive. It looks as though wings have been added to it over time. The one to the west is a bit more plain, but still looks like it could house people comfortably. The one to the east is clearly a garage, perhaps with a workshop as well.


F3-3T attempts a phony malfunction and accidentally triggers a real one. The dug doctor suddenly becomes very animated.

"Take that droid outside. You: don't move," he says to Zabuunko. The doctor knuckles off into the room to the right. The gamorrean trundles over and hefts the droid up. It is heavy, but the porcine humanoid is quite strong.

Victor circles the building and finds himself near another entrance to the prefab. Another gamorrean is standing outside, gazing off into the middle distance. Victor ducks back behind the corner before he is noticed.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 180 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 23:20
  • msg #87

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Deciding not to waste any time, Seku heads down into the bowl and up to the front entrance of the center building. She raps lightly on the door.
Toydar. Tactician, 22 posts
Thu 19 Sep 2019
at 14:14
  • msg #88

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not yet ready to tip their hand Zabuunko remains as stationary as possible, drifting a bit as he hovers in place, watching the unusually paranoid doctor.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 86 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Thu 19 Sep 2019
at 18:59
  • msg #89

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor stays at the corner and listens to what's going on in the prefab building and to approaching porcine aliens. Ready with his rifle should towards the corner should anyone come around it.

[Private to GM: So i have a door behind me and the corner in front of me?]
The Force
GM, 1592 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 20 Sep 2019
at 18:50
  • msg #90

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor listens as Dr Klabek pushes open the rear door. "Come help with this," he says to the gamorrean guard. The guard obediently trundles inside.

Shortly after, dr. Klabek and another Gamorrean are carrying a small engine into the front room. After some cursing and manipulating of the controls, they activate it. It is a portable air evacuator, and it quickly purges the bulk of the smoke from F3's malfunction.

"There," says Klabek with satisfaction. "The air quality in here is bad enough with the sand. Now, I believe we should see the stock room first. By then the patients should be ready for changeover, and you can oversee that."

The gamorrean carrying F3-3T puts him a few meters away from the building. He stands around fidgeting for a moment, unsure of what he is supposed to do now. He walks back inside.

F3-3T awakens just as the big hulk wanders away from him.

Seku walks down the road into the bowl and approaches the farmhouse. The front door opens and a droid steps out. It is a 3P0 droid, with some extra plating to keep sand out.

"Good day, ma'am. I am Beeper, although lately my new master has been referring to me as 'Droid.' My facilities are at your disposal for the duration of your visit. Please," it says, and gestures for Seku to step inside.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:26, Fri 20 Sept 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 184 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 21 Sep 2019
at 15:05
  • msg #91

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku steps past the droid and into the farmhouse. As she does, she smiles widely at the 3P0 unit. "That's too kind, thank y'all. Do ya think I could get a glass of water? I hate havin' to talk through a parched throat. She decides to commit even more to the accent she had adopted on the comm. If nothing else, she intended to convince this Fortuna that she was a backwater mercenary in the employ of the Hutt Cartel.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 87 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 22 Sep 2019
at 11:48
  • msg #92

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor continues to lay low on the north side of the prefab building. Listening in on the going ons in there. While also trying to look around to the north for any danger.
Astromech Engineer, 184 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 23 Sep 2019
at 00:27
  • msg #93

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T gives out a series confused bleeps resetting his coordinates and hard drive. He tries to play it off like nothing happened and keeps an optic on Zabu.
The Force
GM, 1595 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 27 Sep 2019
at 17:48
  • msg #94

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabu and F3-3T are ushered into the building by the gamorrean guards. Without fighting there is no way to slink away. The guards and Dr. Klabek lead them into the right doorway, which is in the north part of the structure. They briefly glance into the left room as they pass. An aquilish male in a lab coat is standing inside, watching them.

Zabu is fairly sure he hears a pained whimper from inside, but he cannot see what it is.

Dr. Klabek is first into the room. There are piles of supplies in boxes, cardboard and plasteel. There is a gurney which might also serve as an operating table. There is a climate-controlled box with a clear door, in which more supplies are visible. And in the corner, there is a table, on which lies a dead creature.

It is an insectoid creature. It is a bit smaller than a human, but not very humanoid. It has large compound eyes, a long thin neck, and six limbs sprouting from a cylindrical thorax. Dr. Klabek gives it a cursory glance before going to the fridge and peering inside. He produces a datapad and makes a note.

3d xenology to identify the species.

At the farm house, Beeper the droid bows and scuttles inward. Seku is inside a luxurious manse, its foyer larger than some houses. The main room has several couches and chairs arranged around some low tables. A few statues and paintings decorate the space. A side table has platters and glassware. Beeper bustles over and begins pouring a glass of water from a chilled pitcher.

There is a second floor balcony above the main room. As you enter the room, a male Twi'lek strides out into view. He is wearing a black robe and a shiny white scarf. On his hip is a blaster. He gives an open mouthed smile, revealing all his sharp teeth, and spreads his hands beatifically.

"[Language unknown: Io eraut fi caming Ck ncal reeihela ll sanlinhis tha ie Moivreis! Pl p Ica Roomta, urstwi'leni menec Evitng ethou Llic e Loncchfi.]"

Seku, roll perception 2d 1b.

Victor has a few moments to look around.

perception 1d 1s
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 187 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #95

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku Bondara rolled 3 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1b 2d.  Perception.
The Force
GM, 1596 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #96

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku observes that a pair of thugs wearing the protective gear of swoop jockeys are lurking nearby. They are in adjacent rooms, effectively flanking her. So far, they are doing nothing but remaining inconspicuous.
Astromech Engineer, 187 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 20:48
  • msg #97

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Being led through the torture chamber Dr. Klabek is leading them through the tiny astromech begins giving out small beeps of fear and panic. Trying to remain calm he focuses on finding a way out of this hellish quarters he eyes the dead being on the table and quickly identifies the species, strange that it would be here on this rock let alone dead and prodded at by Dr. K.

F3-3T nudges Zabu, and beeps quietly, "I have received negative code about this....". The droid waits for a sign to shoot or attempt to flee from the cool headed Zabuunko.

O.OC.: 13:43, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 3D ((5(A), 8(A), 4(A), 5(D), 5(D), 8(D))).
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 189 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 00:56
  • msg #98

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku holds her arms oustretched to either side and makes finger blasters at the two thugs. She mimes the action of firing her fingers and then blows on the tips and "holsters" them. She grins broadly up at Fortuna. As usual, she has no immediately obvious weapon on her person. [Private to group Ryl / Twi'leki: "Hon, I ain't seen the home-world since I was little. I been doin' mercenary work ever since I got away. Honestly, this place reminds me a bit too much of my least favorite parts of home. Still, it's a pleasure to meet y'all."]

She gives one more cursory glance around the interior of the room and resumes the conversation in basic. "Alright look, I'll level with ya'. The fella what hired me, name of Jopos, never even made it outta the space port. I'm here 'cause I wanna get paid, but I ain't too particular how that happens. Y'all make it worth my while and I'll just skedaddle right on out of your lives. The cartel hired Jopos so I can let them draw their own conclusions when they find out that he bought it." She puts her hands on her hips and awaits a response.
Toydar. Tactician, 24 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 20:25
  • msg #99

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Clearly not familiar with much in the way of biology Zabuunko just follows along with the doctor doing a bad job of feigning interest in whatever science things he is working on, effectively wasting time until the negotiations conclude themselves one way or the other.
The Force
GM, 1599 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 17:40
  • msg #100

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor is alert to any threat, ready to act when he is needed. For some reason he finds himself drawn to scanning the south-east, back towards Anchorhead.

Dr. Klabek grabs some wound dressing supplies and some other strange medical items in his feet, then hand-walks back out of the room. "Come along, then," he says.

Klabek leads you into the other room in the temporary structure. It is about the same size as the storage room, but lacks a second exit. There are several chair-like stretchers, each of which has straps and other restraints. One of them is occupied. A Vratix is in it, strapped into place. Three thick tubes run from a nearby machine into gaps in its chitinous exoskeleton.

The aquilish in a lab coat is standing next to it. He is holding a stun-rod and looking at the machine's displays.

[Language unknown: Tr ntena notereing ntllarre eethe whwidi tasiil, fithto,]" he says. He gestures to a plasteel cylinder about twenty centimeters tall. It is connected by a tube to the machine, and a small amount of fluid is draining into it. The cylinder looks like some others that you saw in the previous room.

In the room is Dr. Klabek, the aquilish lab tech, F3-3T, Zabuunko, and three gamorrean guards.


Fortuna's predatory smile turns sickly for a moment. Beeper brings Seku a tray with a glass of chilled water and a plate of tiny snacks.

Fortuna begins to descend a helical staircase down to the main floor. "So... Your employer is dead, or incapacitated? Without them, your pay is in jeapordy even if you accomplish your mission, isn't it? You need to consider what you are risking your life for."
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 190 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 00:24
  • msg #101

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku appears to ponder Fortuna's words. "I ain't sayin' y'all ain't got a point, but the way I see it, I ain't exactly seein' the profit in just walkin' away either. I'm a simple girl Mr. Fortuna and my crew are simple folks too. We specialize in hostile acquisitions. Failin' some better offer, we're gonna start acquirin'. If ya follow." Seku's innocent and matter of fact grin rivals Bib's predatory one. She takes a glass from the droid, gives it a sniff, and then pretends to take a drink before putting it back on the tray.
The Force
GM, 1600 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 19:16
  • msg #102

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Fortuna is now standing about fifteen feet away, where he stops. "I do follow you, madam. Jabba the Hutt he is more than willing to hire talented people for jobs like this. In fact, there's a signing bonus. If you agree to leave, there will be a generous compensation and the opportunity for more jobs in the future." He un-tents his fingers and makes an offering gesture towards you.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 191 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 5 Oct 2019
at 19:04
  • msg #103

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku gives Fortuna a shrewd look. "And what, pray tell, are 'jobs like this'? What are y'all doin' out here? Somehow I don't think Jabba's gettin' into the moisture farmin' business."
The Force
GM, 1601 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 03:03
  • msg #104

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Fortuna gestures towards the door, which is also generally in the direction of the prefab buildings.

"My plan, which Lord Jabba is backing, is to produce bacta on Tatooine. The bacta cartels control all of the production in the galaxy by keeping all the Vratix on their world of Thyferra. I arranged for some to be smuggled off the world, then engaged Dr. Klabek to extract the active ingredient from them. It is produced in their bodies, removed by dialysis. Apparently it is a delicate process, one he is still perfecting. He has lost a few subjects, but by the time the next shipment gets here it should be stable. With farm produxing sterile saline, I can expand this operation to make use of dozens of Vratix. Jabba will be able to sell bacta to criminal groups across the Outer Rim, free of the scrutiny of the Empire and the bacta cartels. And I will have proven that I am the greatest criminal mind of my generation."

Bib Fortuna is preening now. He is clearly enjoying explaining his master plan to a receptive audience.

"As you can imagine, this is a money geyser. Once production begins, we will be coining credits. I will have need of a team of skilled Mercenaries to protect my operation. I already have a few feelers out, but, since you're here and you've already proven yourself, it seems like opportunity is knocking."

Fortuna, still standing about 15 feet away from Seku, spreads his arms wide.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 89 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 21:04
  • msg #105

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor looks around the corner to the south east. Down on one knee, scanning the horizon with his scope. He had an odd feeling that he had to check out.
Astromech Engineer, 189 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 7 Oct 2019
at 21:49
  • msg #106

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T beeps and whirls his sensors back online. He waits patiently for negotiations to proceed. He takes his time to begin holo-scanning the good doctors feet noticing he keeps his shoes in impeccable shape considering the harsh environs.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 192 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 00:22
  • msg #107

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku whistles as Fortuna lays out his plan. "That's one heck of a plan. Gotta' say. And you'll be rakin' in credits. No doubt about that." She taps her chin and appears to ponder the offer. "I think we could work together. As long as I don't have to spend too much time with that Barabel. Assumin' he survives of course. Got time to talk terms and tasks? When would we start?"
The Force
GM, 1603 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 02:57
  • msg #108

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"First things must be first: let us pause all hostilities. Return to your team, gather them together, and inform them that you are changing employers. You can also inform them that there is a generous signing bonus. I will prepare it while you are gone. Does 1,000 credits per team member appeal to you? As the leader, you would be entitled to a double share, of course."

Seku: Cool or Negotiation, 2c 1a.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 194 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 23:46
  • msg #109

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku Bondara rolled 3 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1p 2c 1a. Negotiation.
The Force
GM, 1604 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 23:59
  • msg #110

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku is fairly sure she can talk Fortuna up to a higher price, and every credit is useful to the Rebel Alliance. However, she watches him raise an eyebrow as he is looking at her face. She wonders if, perhaps, he suspect something that she did not want to give away.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 196 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 13 Oct 2019
at 01:42
  • msg #111

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku twists a leku around her finger as she considers the offer. With her other hand she pretends to count and lists off imaginary team members under her breath. "So that'd be 5,000 for my front liners includin' myself and then another 4,000 for the perimeter squad? It's a temptin' offer." Her face implies that she's unconvinced. "I'll tell ya what, give me an extra 1,000 credits drinkin' money to make in an even 10,000 and me and my team will get out of y'alls leku and head back to town for the night. While you get that ready, I'll get on the comms and have them head over here." She gives an innocent grin, the threat implied.
The Force
GM, 1608 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 13 Oct 2019
at 02:22
  • msg #112

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Bib Fortuna smiles wanly and shakes his head. " I know we are on Tatooine, but I'm not on my first day off the moisture Farm. Still, your offer seems reasonable. 10000 credits, payable by cash voucher. However, I'll want to see all of your people face to face before we make the deal."

Seku is familiar with cash vouchers, of course. They are a promise to pay, backed by Banks across the Galaxy. Most honest people receive their paychecks in the form of cash vouchers, preventing them from needing to carry around large amounts of credits in their daily lives. However, it does create an electronic Trail that most criminals prefer to avoid.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 197 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 22:42
  • msg #113

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku sucks air through her teeth. "Now that's an awfully uncomfortable way to pay a girl in my line of work. I'll take half in hard cash, but I can appreciate if ya need a bit more time to wrangle that up."

Deciding to give Bib a chance to mull that over, see clicks on the comms. "Alright y'all time to bring it in. Head to the farm house. We've got a new boss to meet."
The Force
GM, 1611 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 17 Oct 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #114

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Half in cash, very well," Fortuna nods.

Do you all want to get together at the big house?
Astromech Engineer, 191 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 20:54
  • msg #115

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T beeps and whistles in a nonchalant manner and heads toward the big house as if nothing was out of place in the doctors office. He beeps into com-link Seku that muscle is on the way in case all the money is not where it is supposed to be.
Toydar. Tactician, 27 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Sat 19 Oct 2019
at 11:30
  • msg #116

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

With the question of where to go next answered Zabuunko gladly abandons the rest of the tour, no doubt equal parts useless and dangerous, for the trip to whatever the big house holds.
The Force
GM, 1612 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 20 Oct 2019
at 17:40
  • msg #117

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

I don't know if the Victor will want to be among the scene. He might prefer to lurk somewhere a little distant with a sniper scope to his eye. Can he let me know in his next post?

Dr. Klabek and his aquilish technician have apparently decided that their patient is done for the day. They begin the process of unhooking the insectoid Creature from the medical equipment. They do this with care and attention to detail, making no effort to inflict pain on the being. It looks too weak to fight in any case.

" if you are going to The Farmhouse, would you kindly tell Master Fortuna that the first batch will be ready by tomorrow morning?" Dr. Klabek asks Zabuunko.

A few minutes walk in the sinking Sun later, the rebels have gathered Outside The Farmhouse. The protocol Droid Beeper has chosen to join them on the lawn, with a towel draped across one of his arms. It leans in to murmur to Seku.

" did my original Master send you? Are you here to get these thugs out of his home?"
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 200 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 01:16
  • msg #118

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku gives the droid a once over, but since it is a droid she can't discern anything from its impassive metal face. She decides to take a chance that no one bothered to wipe the droid'ss memory and reprogram it since taking over the farm. "Might be that I'm doin' a favor for a guy named Boho. Why?"

Seku Bondara rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 3d. Discipline with difficulty.
The Force
GM, 1614 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 12:02
  • msg #119

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Your towel, madame," the droid says loudly. He passes the folded towel to Seku. She takes it, a bit mystified, and feels something hard folded into the cloth. Seku peeks cautiously into the towel and finds a remote control with a single red button. A small piece of flimsy is stuck to it, with a handwritten message on it: "Lockdown."

One of the windows on the second floor of the farmhouse slides open. Bib Fortuna sticks his head out, like a plantation owner shouting instructions to his hands. "I am just counting your money! I'll be down in a minute!"
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 201 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 22:14
  • msg #120

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku looks around at her companions. "By the way. I give it about 50/50 odds that he's countin' blaster bolts rather than credits." Despite the lack of any Jabba's employees around, the Twi'lek appears to be having difficultly shedding her accent. "Keep an ear out for those swoop gangers and be ready for trouble. If things go to hell, head for the house." She winks at the droid.
Toydar. Tactician, 28 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 23:18
  • msg #121

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Watching their host more closely than the droid Zabuunko none the less notices the quick exchange of some kind of object, and gives Seku a quick nod when nobody else is looking.  If that is to indicate his agreement with her assessment or just an acknowledgement of the slight of hand, or both is as usual slightly unclear.
The Force
GM, 1615 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 15:12
  • msg #122

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

To the south-west, approximately in the direction of Anchorhead, you can see something. It is a vehicle, possibly a desert skiff, heading in your direction at speed. At that velocity it is kicking up a lot of sand, and it is vulnerable to high winds.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 91 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 09:26
  • msg #123

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Seku be advised, we have an incoming skiff at high speeds. Anything you want stopped?" Victor asks over the Comms as he turns his scope towards the skiff for a better look at its occupants or armaments if any.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 202 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 17:29
  • msg #124

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku eyes the others before responding. "Wait until you can see who's inside. As for the rest of us, let's go make ourselves comfortable while we wait." She heads for the door of the farm house, intending to wait inside for whatever Bib is planning.
The Force
GM, 1616 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 18:51
  • msg #125

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku finds that the front door is locked. Beeper comes and tries it as well. "Oh, spit," he says.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 203 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 16:56
  • msg #126

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku looks at the protocol droid. "I don't suppose that this can unlockdown?" She  gestures with the device.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:57, Sat 02 Nov 2019.
The Force
GM, 1617 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 23:44
  • msg #127

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Beeper yanks on the door. "Oh no! My master removed my key-codes after the purchase. We will have to ring the bell." Beeper applies the call button, and it rings. No-one comes to open the door. Beeper tries again.
Astromech Engineer, 192 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 05:20
  • msg #128

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T finally rolls over to Seku speaking in binary about the complexity and uniqueness of feet in the galaxy. His malfunctions are acting up again but he quickly realizes the door must be opened at once. He stops what he is doing and beeps, "Do Not fret Seku, F3-3T astromech at your service." with that his tool glides into the mechanism with ease he isn't even paying attention as he continues on about the ghastly feet of Jawas and how you could never imagine bunions could amass so much hair! He wiggles the utility port a bit and "presto"!

The door opens within three seconds.

21:18, Today: F3-3T rolled 5 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3P 1A 2d.  Open Door.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 206 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 23:00
  • msg #129

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

While F3 works on the door, Seku checks in with Victor on the comms. "You still doing alright out there? We're going to hole up in this house for a bit."

Before rushing inside, Seku pokes her head around the door frame to check for any surprises. She gives the astromech a pat on his metal head and whispers praise in a low voice. "Good job!"
The Force
GM, 1619 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 7 Nov 2019
at 02:49
  • msg #130

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku enters the house. In the adjacent rooms, the two swoop thugs looked surprised to see her return. They fumbled with their vibroblades and turned on her.

The skiff got closer, within range of the farm's security sensors. Apparently no-one had programmed it as 'welcome'; suddenly a loud klaxxon went off in the house.

Victor sighted on the skiff as it got close enough to see clearly in his scope. A pair of thuggish humanoids were on board, familiar as the gang that the Rebels encountered in town. With them was a devaronian holding what appeared to be a leash. Finally, he could make out the reptillian face of Gunlodd Beyrocio, the barabel enforcer.

Roll initiative, and post your first action.
Skiff is currently at Extreme range. Victor is at Long range from the farm house, Short range to the temporary structure. Seku and F3-3T are at Short range to the two thugs, and Zabu is at Medium range (because he is still outside). No one can see Bib Fortuna at the moment, but he was upstairs earlier.

Toydar. Tactician, 29 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Thu 7 Nov 2019
at 08:30
  • msg #131

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Having accompanied the others inside Zabuunko is already in motion to interrupt the vibroblade drawing thugs before the alarm even sounds, not the least bit bothered by the sudden sound he zips across the room and strikes one of the thugs with a collapsing rod clearly designed for just this purpose.

[Private to GM: Initiative 3, +4 advantage to self boost.
Lightsaber: 4 success for 11 stun damage +3 advantages to close distance.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 207 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 01:30
  • msg #132

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku is prepared for the thugs. She pulls out her blaster pistol as her head pokes around the corner and she quickly fires off a shot which hits one of the thugs in the arm and causes him to drop the vibroblade on the ground as he pulls the weapon out.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Attack with Blaster Pistol deals 7 damage and forces the thug to drop his vibroblade.

Seku Bondara rolled 2 successes, 5 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4a. Cool for initiative.
Seku Bondara rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1d 1b.  Ranged (Light).

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 93 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 19:57
  • msg #133

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku Bondara:
"You still doing alright out there? We're going to hole up in this house for a bit."

"Yes, ma'am. Although we're soon getting some reinforcements. I'll try to slow them down. A vehicle full of the same gangers that we had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting in town. Some devaronian holding Beyrocio captive it seems." Zakharo says over the comms. "Proceeding to disable their vehicle. They are gonna have to walk home."

Victor aimed the best he could at the engines or thrusters of the skiff approaching. The green plasma bolt flies the distance in an instant and hits the skiff.

20:47, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 3 successes, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p.  cool initiative.

20:50, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 1 success, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 3p 2b 3d.  Rifle shot at extreme range vs vehicle.
10 damage vs vehicle with 3 piercing.

[Private to GM: Removed 1d since it's the vehicle and it's 2 silhouettes larger than me.]

Astromech Engineer, 194 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 00:52
  • msg #134

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T rolls headlong into fire beeping "EXPIRE IMMEDIATELY YOU Y-CHROME INTERCOURSERS!!!!", his attempt at suppressive fire with a single action bolt thrower is middle amusing to the enemy and hardly effective.

If anything rolling out into the open may draw enemy fire away from Seku.

16:48, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a2d.  suppressive fire.

GM Edit: remember to put spaces between the different dice. Else the dice roller will always return "No successes."

The Force, on behalf of F3-3T, rolled 2 failures, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1p 2d.  R L.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:58, Mon 11 Nov 2019.
The Force
GM, 1621 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 17:50
  • msg #135

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabu makes it look easy, slapping aside the thug's weapon and knocking him from his feet. He collapses, groaning, clearly out of the fight.

Seku shoots the man's hand, causing him to lose track of his weapon. He glances at his burned hand in shock, then raises both of them. "Hey, hey! Don't- no need to get carried away!"

Victor sights on a rusty-looking panel near the back of the skiff and figures it looks vulnerable. He puts a bolt of plasma into it. The cheap metal instantly melts and collapses inwards. Fire blasts out of the rear repulsors and the skiff begins to list violently. You hear the occupants swear in harmony as it falls. Then the nose slams into the sand dune, and the people on the deck are flung free. The chorus of curses become a many-voiced scream, including one animal howl.

(Skiff occupants are now at Long range and are currently out of line-of-sight.)
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 208 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 01:08
  • msg #136

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku twirls her blaster and then levels it at the weaponless thug. "No need to get carried away indeed. I'll tell y'all what, 'cause I'm startin' to feel a mite short, if y'all just beat feet so that I don't see y'alls faces again then I won't shoot ya. Just leave those vibroblades there on the ground and take your friend with ya. What do y'all think?"

Seku Bondara rolled 4 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1p 1d.  Negotiation. Easy for having the upper hand.

Can I spend those advantages to learn something helpful?

The Force
GM, 1622 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 01:36
  • msg #137

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

The swoop ganger nods eagerly and eases his way over to his friend. The wounded one helps the insensible one out into the desert and head for the garage.

Meanwhile, Seku glances around. She hears someone running around upstairs, and then a window being opened.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 209 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 01:09
  • msg #138

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Not having heard Victor's shot over the sounds of their own scuffle, Seku gets on the comms as she motions for Zabu and F3 to follow the swoop gangers outside and look up. "Hey Victor, any chance you have eyes on the second floor of the house. It sounds like somebody might be trying to make an escape." She then proceeds to the stairs and starts to climb with her pistol leveled in front of her, ready for any surprises.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 94 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 02:43
  • msg #139

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor gets into cover from the south. He had no eyes on the skiff occupants so he might as well get out of sight from them and look towards the north. "The vehicle is disabled. Hang on..." he sits down and crosses he arm to stabilize himself to look  through the scope to the north. "Hmm... No... I don't see anyone. Hey wait a second..."

03:37, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1p 1a 2d ((2(P), 1(A), 4(D), 5(D))).

The Force
GM, 1623 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 23:13
  • msg #140

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor can't see anything, which means whatever is going on must be on the side or rear of the house. Then he accidentally catches a trace of the sun's setting rays in his scope, and nearly blinds himself.

1S to next Perception or Ranged check.
Toydar. Tactician, 30 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Thu 14 Nov 2019
at 13:56
  • msg #141

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Having already put the collapsing pole away before the dragging of unconscious bodes started Zabuunko is free to zip out the door and begin a quick but attentive circuit of the building, keeping his senses tuned to anyone trying to do something inappropriate.

[Private to GM: Vigilance 1 success 2 advantages]
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 95 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Thu 14 Nov 2019
at 14:25
  • msg #142

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Damn it! he called out as he moved the scope away from his eye and rubbed it. "Southern side is clear, Seku. Whatever you heard is on the northern side.".

Zakharo then picked up his binoculars and scanned the area where the skiff had gone down. Still blinded semi blinded in one eye and hurting. No time to thinking about it now but he'd be more comfortable if he could get a medical opinion on the condition of his eye. It is after all one of his more important assets.

15:22, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 1p 1a 1s ((4(D), 7(D), 7(P), 5(A), 5(S))).

The Force
GM, 1624 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Nov 2019
at 19:10
  • msg #143

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabu doesn't take long to see the issue: Bib Fortuna has opened a second-floor window and dropped a knotted rope. He is hanging out the window and preparing to climb down.
The Force
GM, 1625 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 15 Nov 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #144

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Meanwhile, Seku just spots Fortuna vaulting over the windowsill and climbing down the rope.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 211 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 15 Nov 2019
at 15:06
  • msg #145

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku rushes up to the windowsill and levels her blaster at Bib as he tries to climb down. "Now Mr. Fortuna, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were tryin' to run out on our deal. We can't have that, no sir. I'll give you a choice: you can either finish climbin' down and my friend will knock you out with his staff, or you can climb back up and I'll stun you." She flipped the setting on the blaster to stun as she spoke.

Having delivered her ultimatum, she got back on the comms to update the rest of the team. "We've got ol' Bib here under control. Keep his backup busy Victor. F3, check with that protocol Droid and make sure there aren't any more surprises."
Toydar. Tactician, 31 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Fri 15 Nov 2019
at 15:59
  • msg #146

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Flapping his wings a little bit harder Zabuunko emits enough of a buzzing noise to draw Mr. Fortuna's attention, and raise up high enough to be not quite eye level with the man dangling from the rope so he can easily see the big toothed grin that may be mistaken for friendly but could never seem welcoming in any but the creepiest of ways.
The Force
GM, 1626 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 15 Nov 2019
at 18:56
  • msg #147

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Bib Fortuna pauses. "I will just stay here for the moment then, should I? And let's not pretend that you intended to honour our deal, either. So, now that you have me at your mercy, what is the plan? Capture all the slaves and sell them on? I hope they survived that skiff crash." He smiles sadistically.
Astromech Engineer, 195 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Sat 16 Nov 2019
at 04:30
  • msg #148

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

With the action heated up F3-3T forgets his holo-filming and heads directly to the protocol droid and jacks in without letting it put up a fight. Beeping in binary the astromech runs a scan over the droid checking for signs of malfeasance or trickery up its circuits. F3-3T puts out "Happy Beeps" lulling the protocol droid into believing he is running a simple diagnostic test on the machine making sure it is in working order for all the dangers that surround them both. "Zeepy Zeeep Zeep Boink! Don't worry you won't feel a thing!".

Within two minutes and thirty three seconds F3-3T uncovers the basics of the droids knowledge. He squints his sight servitors as he aims to probe even deeper....

O.O.C: 20:24, Today: F3-3T rolled 3 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2p 2d.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 212 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 16 Nov 2019
at 13:58
  • msg #149

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku shakes her head at Bib as though disappointed she aims her blaster right at him. "Don't say I didn't give ya a choice to avoid getting banged up. Don't bother catchin' him Zabu." She pulls the trigger sending the wave of blue energy at Bib.
The Force
GM, 1627 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 16 Nov 2019
at 16:23
  • msg #150

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T slices into the poor valet droid's CPU. After a brief search, F3-3T concludes that Beeper is exactly what he says he is: a household servant who enjoyed working for his previous master, and does not care for the current situation at all. He has security codes for most of the buildings and rooms in the farmhouse, although apparently at least some have been changed and not provided to him. F3-3T is reading through the hundreds of stew recipes when he decides that he has plumbed as deeply as he needs.

Seku blasts Bib Fortuna with a stun ray. His eyes widen and his grip slackens. He has just enough consciousness to moan in distress as he falls. He lands hard on the ground below, creating a puff of sand. He groans in pain and does not move much.

Victor still has an eye on the skiff's landing position. He notes Gunlodd the mercenary coming over the rise. He has his arm in a sling, but the other hand is holding a pistol. He is accompanied by a pair of thugs.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 214 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Fri 22 Nov 2019
at 00:25
  • msg #151

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku tucks her blaster back into her jacket as she leans over to look at Bib on the ground. "Are you going to need any help getting him back inside Zabu? I figure we ought to tie him up and search him before he comes around." With Bib unconscious, most traces of Seku's affected accent melt away with only the barest drawl persisting.

She also gets back on the comms to the team. "Bib has been dealt with so I think we're in control of the house. We probably ought to round up the doctor and his assistant, but I think it's safe to let Boho know he can come back. F3, ask the protocol droid if there is a long range comms terminal around the house. Victor, how are you holding up out there?"
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 96 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sun 24 Nov 2019
at 23:09
  • msg #152

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"I might need some assistance." Victor says as he aims is rifle at the thugs. He fires a warning shot in the sand a meter in front of Gunlodd.
Toydar. Tactician, 32 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 06:19
  • msg #153

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"I can not carry him, you will need to find someone else to help with that.  In the meantime I will help Victor sort out his problem."

True to his word Zabuunko begins skimming over the sand at a quick pace, closing not with Victor's position, but the direction of the ground where the warning shot was aimed, reasonably sure that is where he will find the next potential threat.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 217 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Tue 26 Nov 2019
at 00:42
  • msg #154

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku nods at Zabu and then swings herself over the balcony and begins to climb down the rope to where Bib is sprawled on the ground. She lets go and falls the last couple of feet. She then bends down, hooks her hands under Bib's arms, and begins dragging him back around to the main entrance.

Over the comms she says: "Zabu's on his way Victor."
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 97 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 22:44
  • msg #155

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor ducks down behind the dune while the weapon is recharging. "Copy that! Do you want the rest alive as well?"
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 218 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 28 Nov 2019
at 17:36
  • msg #156

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku thinks about the request for half a second. "No. They're criminals and thugs. I think the Galaxy would be a better place without them and any information that they have, Bib is likely to have more. I think the only other person worth keeping alive around here is the doctor and the prisoners."

She also decided to check on F3. "Any word on those comms F3?"
The Force
GM, 1632 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 2 Dec 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #157

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Gunlodd pauses as he hears the whine of the blaster rifle, and the hops back as the sand in front of him is melted to glass. The two thugs begin firing their slugthrower pistols in, technically, Victor's direction. It's pretty obvious they don't see him and are panicking. Gunlodd himself scans the horizon, and sees Zabu skimming the dunes towards him. The barabel mercenary holsters his pistol, and unslings his arm. He winces as he rotates the injured arm, then flexes his clawed hands.

Zabu is about ten meters away when he sees something run around the dune to his left. It is a hunting cat of some sort. It is about two meters long, white with black stripes, and wearing a spiked collar. It lopes easily across the sand, making very little noise as it closes with him.
Astromech Engineer, 196 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 05:52
  • msg #158

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T after processing over one million wamp rat stew variances across the galaxy easily patches into the protocol droids array of long range coms and although a bit glitchy patches his short range link over to Seku. "One minute while I connect your call, thank you for choosing F3-3T mobile com-link your service is valued as always...".

F3-3T's viruses date back to the short time he was a inter planetary tele-market agent for the Hutts spice scams a decade ago, a time he much rather forget....

O.O.C: 21:47, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success, 5 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 3p 1a.  Coms.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 98 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 12:14
  • msg #159

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Copy that!" he replies to Seku before aiming at Gunlodd. Zooming in at the still target, making quick adjustments to compensate for coriolis and wind. Then fired the green plasma bolt straight at the barabel's chest.

13:02, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 3p 3d 2b.  long range shot Gunlodd.

11 damage, 3 pierce on Gunlodd

+1 ranged defense for the advantages.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 222 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 7 Dec 2019
at 15:22
  • msg #160

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku huffs and puffs as she drags the limp form of Bib Fortuna back around to the front of the house, she pauses at the main entrance briefly to catch her breath and to make her comms call. "Hello, Boho? This is Seku, we're moping up the last of the thugs here, but we've taken control of your farm. It's completely intact. Feel free to head on over when you have time."
Toydar. Tactician, 33 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 09:34
  • msg #161

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Rather than risk distracting the gun battle Zabuunko veers off of his origional course to sweep around the dune and engage the cat with a weapon it understands at least a little bit, the telescoping pole operating more like a spear than a sword as it is used to bonk the thing around a little bit.

[Private to GM: 5 successes, 1 advantage for 11 stun damage.]
The Force
GM, 1635 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 16:44
  • msg #162

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Gunlodd stumbles back, then trips. He falls down the dune clumsily. A cloud of sand is kicked up as he rolls out of sight.

The cat-creature pounces, but Zabu jabs it and slides aside. The creature hisses as it lands. It stalks around Zabu, taking his measure now. It is clear that the creature is thinking of him as a rival to be defeated, not prey to be hunted now that he has shown his own fangs. It closes by changing direction once, then again, then lunges with its claws and bites with its fangs.

The Force rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 3p.  brawl.
7 damage pre-soak

Victor triggers his weapon to its cooling cycle and glances around. He sees the pair of gamorrean thugs that had been guarding the doctor and the medical subject-slaves emerge from the coverall. They are wielding vibro-axes in one hand, and blaster pistols in the other. They advance towards him, firing their pistols while they close to axe range. They give war-bellows as they run.

Their clambering noise as they exited the building and while they run gave Victor a second extra to react.

The Force rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 1a.  R L.
7 Damage pre-soak. Victor can take an extra manuever this round.

Seku hears the comm crackle as Boho responds. "Really? That's stupendous! I didn't think that it would be this fast. Are my servants all right? Is Beeper intact? What were they doing with my farm?"
Toydar. Tactician, 34 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 18:08
  • msg #163

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Hovering up out of the cat's reach briefly Zabuunko strikes again, walloping it with the stick again.

[Private to GM: Successes 5, for 11 more stun damage.
I also noticed you missed 3 of my defense vs melee attacks when armed so I rolled them for you, for 1 more failure and 2 threats for the cat.  Also if the cat is still up use the triumph to apply a setback 1S on whatever its next action is.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:10, Sun 08 Dec 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 223 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 19:50
  • msg #164

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku pulls cord from her Wilderness Survival Kit and uses it to bind Bib just inside the doorway as she responds to Boho. "What servants are there other than the protocol droid? I'll go locate them. It seems like they were trying to crack the code of making Bacta by torturing Vartix."

With Bib secured for the time being, Seku stands and looks at F3. "F3, there's too much blaster fire coming from outside for me to be entirely comfortable, I'm going to go check it out. Can you ask Beeper whether there are other servants imprisoned on the farm? I also need you to keep an eye on Bib here. With that said, Seku hurries outside to investigate.
Astromech Engineer, 198 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 9 Dec 2019
at 20:10
  • msg #165

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T gives out decisive beeps and heads to the protocol droid to suss out whether there are other farm hands that require his saving assistance. As quickly as he can. He uses his thrusters to bounce around the farm innards and scratches up his chassis in the process, it might be a land speed record for a Hutt Astromech droid, it would have been a prouder moment had he not screeched "WEEEEEEEEEE!!!", the entire way to the protocol droid.

O.O.C: Athletics Check RUN! 12:08, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 1a ((1(D), 4(D), 4(A))).

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 100 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #166

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Shit!" Victor exclaims as he stands up and starts running away from the two Gamorreans. His rifle whirring in his hands, charging up for another shot.

[Private to GM: Not entirely sure how far I can run from those or what speeds so that's something you can decide. Also, you ignored +2 ranged defense on that shot, just fyi. ]
The Force
GM, 1637 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #167

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

One of the three buildings at the farmstead was a servants' and farm-hands' living quarters. Its accommodations are not luxurious, but provide protection from the elements and a place of rest for the people employed by the farm when they are not working. Under Bib Fortuna's command, it is virtually a prison. F3-3T is able to unlock it from outside, and reveal a pair of humans inside.

"We're off shift, and anyway all the work is done for the day," the male complains.
The woman looks at Seku and F3. "I don't think they're with the Hutt's people," she remarks. The man takes a second look. "Are you here to get us out?"

Meanwhile, Victor nips away at a run. The gamorreans snort in surprise and derision. They pursue on foot. Their large, stomping feet are ill-suited to sprinting, but they have the stamina for a chase.

Athletics 3D to expand from Close to Medium range. With 2 or more Threats, they get to attack you.

Zabu knocks the cat once more. It collapses, tries to rise, then rolls over. Zabu can see that it is not dead or even unconscious, but it has decided that this fight is over.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 224 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 21:28
  • msg #168

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku smiles warmly at the two humans. "We are distinctly not with the Hutt. In fact we're dealing with the last of the people who are with the Hutt right now. We're helping Boho take back the farm. If either of you are so inclined, feel free to help out. There are a couple of vibroswords in the main house. If not, try to stay out of trouble while we mop up." With that said, she gave a half wave, half salute and ran off to help Victor.

Seku found a position where she could cover Victor's retreat and then paged her teammate. "Lead them back over to the house. F3 and I are waiting, we'll hit them while you get into cover."
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 101 posts
WT: 4/13
ST: 0/12
Tue 17 Dec 2019
at 14:12
  • msg #169

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor tucks his rifle to his chest and starts sprinting from the ugly brutes. Hoping that their aim isn't very good while they are panting and running after him. "I'll try my best." he says through the comms while running. He changes from his eastward direction to a more northern one in a wide arc.

15:01, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 3d.  Athletics.

Double maneuvers to run.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:14, Tue 17 Dec 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 199 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Tue 17 Dec 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #170

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T tries to coherence the people to follow him to safety. Beeping and pleading that their life hangs in the balance. Human compassion was never programmed very well into the seedy astromech and his binary comes out like a veiled threat or bad joke. The humans seem to want to follow him or at least want to run to safety but now sit stunned. One mentions, "I have a bad feeling about... That mech."

F3-3T radios Seku that the local yokels are beyond help and possibly should be processed for energy has in the Outskirts of the Outer RIm. This joke slo does not go over well.

O.O.C.: Didn't think I needed a die roll but what the heck its fun! 8:31, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1d ((5(A), 3(A), 2(D))). CHARM

Toydar. Tactician, 35 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 02:07
  • msg #171

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko accepts the surrender of the cat by tapping it lightly on the nose with the stick, then hovers backwards away form it to head in the direction of the sounds of continued conflict, eventually he turns away from the cat and selects an intercept course to the Gamorreans that is not any faster than a normal human can walk.
The Force
GM, 1638 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 17:46
  • msg #172

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku and F3-3T are at the farmhouse's servants' building. They can see the gamorreans down the road, chasing after Victor. They are a Long way away. On the dunes to the east of the farmhouse are a pair of thugs who were accompanying Gunlodd. They are a Long way away as well.

Victor is running down the road towards the farmhouse. He is a Medium distance away from the farmhouse, and a Short distance in front of the Gamorreans. He can see the thugs who were shooting at him; they are a Long way away.

Zabuunko is a Short distance away from the thugs on the dunes, and a Medium distance away from the crashed skiff. He is only a Medium distance away from the farmhouse, and a Medium distance away from Victor and the Gamorreans.

New round.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 225 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #173

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku trusts that Victor and Zabu will continue to fall back to her position. She aims at the Gamorreans chasing Victor and waits for them to be in range of her blaster pistol. She flips the weapon back to the lethal setting.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Hold fire until the Gamorreans are in range, then shoot one for 7 damage.

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1b 1d.  Ranged (Light) w/Aim.

Astromech Engineer, 200 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #174

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T's love virus creeps up again and he notices the usually calm and save Seku duking it out with the baddies. He calls out to her in binary, "Do not fear my love I will protect-".

With that he hits his thrusters and uses his small chassis as a droid shield so Bondara can aim and shoot with some sense of calm. It doesn't end well and he flies up the farm way too far to cover Seku, but he causes quite the distraction glinting the dual sun into the enemies sight line.

O.O.C: 19:26, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a d.  Defend Seku.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 102 posts
WT: 4/13
ST: 0/12
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #175

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor quickens his pace towards the house. Really really really hoping that a moving target is too difficult for the thugs to shoot at.

16:48, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 3d.  running.

The Force
GM, 1639 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #176

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Getting bored of this mission and of the other players not being involved. You've already more-or-less won this encounter.

Seku and F3-3T gun down the gamorreans. Zabu and Victor take out the remaining thugs. Gunlodd is bleeding out and is in no position to fight back.

You restrain Bib Fortuna and leave him by the house. A few minutes later you capture Dr. Klabek and his aquilish technician. You also free the weakened Vratix. Checking the crashed skiff, you find that there are a half-dozen vratix imprisoned aboard it. They are restrained by specially-created cuffs and lashings which, happily, prevented any of them from taking serious harm. They are quite frightened until it is explained to them that the people freeing them mean them no harm.

Jadd and Loma are farm-hands who formerly worked for Sayed and were forced to continue working here to keep the moisture farm in operation. The massive demand for sterile water and saline for the experimental dialysis meant that the farm had to operate at top capacity. They are glad to be out from under Fortuna's thumb. They and Beeper rendezvous and bring something to your attention:

There are a pair of landspeeders in the garage. They were brought here by Fortuna and his people. One is a RGC-18, tricked out in gang colours. The other is a XP-38, a much newer model that has been equipped with several luxury-model upgrades.

With the gangsters all restrained and under guard, the prisoners freed, and the farm under your control, everyone wants to know: What now?
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 226 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 06:37
  • msg #177

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Having gathered everyone together, Seku sums up her view of the situation. "Alright, we have a handful of high value captives for the Alliance. It's possible Bib still thinks we're mercs working for the Hutt Cartel, but he's probably more valuable as a captive than as a false flag to Jabba. If we dump all the bodies in a morgue in Anchorhead along with the one on ice on our ship, word is bound to get back to Jabba that the Cartel hired a merc team to take out his operation and there should be enough physical evidence to satisfy anyone he sends to confirm that."

She looks at the farm staff. "If we hand things over to you and Boho now, I think that wraps up everything pretty nicely. Those speeders would be nice acquisitions for the Alliance if you're willing to let us keep them." She implies the question and looks around at her companions to fill in anything she's forgotten.
Astromech Engineer, 201 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 07:08
  • msg #178

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T gives a "whoot" and all clear series of beeps. Surely his exploits have reached the rebellion and on smitten medical droid out in the fleet somewhere in the galaxy two sets of binary languages come together as one. "Good job team, a serviceable effort considering we are on a planet that is no more a small sun sized spot of dust revolving around a double sun". F3-3T kicks his feet up and tells Seku. "If I had arms I would ask you politely to dance...". The little astromech does a jig..
The Force
GM, 1642 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #179

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

A few standard days later, the rebels have made their way back to Mos Eisley Spaceport with their captives in tow. In a more built up, responsible Society this might have gone amiss. In this wretched Hive of scum and villainy, it isn't too tricky to get them aboard your ship without attracting official notice. The hardest part has been ignoring their wheedling and threats.

Not long later, the hold full of cover-cargo and confiscated landspeeders, your ship lifts off. No-one is in pursuit. You escape to hyperspace, on your way to the rendezvous point.

Gain 15 exp and 15 Duty points. Send me a NEW Private Message thread with your current Duty total.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:37, Fri 17 Jan 2020.
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