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10:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M4 RM: Sayed Farm.

Posted by The ForceFor group archive 4
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 97 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Wed 27 Nov 2019
at 22:44
  • msg #155

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor ducks down behind the dune while the weapon is recharging. "Copy that! Do you want the rest alive as well?"
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 218 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 28 Nov 2019
at 17:36
  • msg #156

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku thinks about the request for half a second. "No. They're criminals and thugs. I think the Galaxy would be a better place without them and any information that they have, Bib is likely to have more. I think the only other person worth keeping alive around here is the doctor and the prisoners."

She also decided to check on F3. "Any word on those comms F3?"
The Force
GM, 1632 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 2 Dec 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #157

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Gunlodd pauses as he hears the whine of the blaster rifle, and the hops back as the sand in front of him is melted to glass. The two thugs begin firing their slugthrower pistols in, technically, Victor's direction. It's pretty obvious they don't see him and are panicking. Gunlodd himself scans the horizon, and sees Zabu skimming the dunes towards him. The barabel mercenary holsters his pistol, and unslings his arm. He winces as he rotates the injured arm, then flexes his clawed hands.

Zabu is about ten meters away when he sees something run around the dune to his left. It is a hunting cat of some sort. It is about two meters long, white with black stripes, and wearing a spiked collar. It lopes easily across the sand, making very little noise as it closes with him.
Astromech Engineer, 196 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 05:52
  • msg #158

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T after processing over one million wamp rat stew variances across the galaxy easily patches into the protocol droids array of long range coms and although a bit glitchy patches his short range link over to Seku. "One minute while I connect your call, thank you for choosing F3-3T mobile com-link your service is valued as always...".

F3-3T's viruses date back to the short time he was a inter planetary tele-market agent for the Hutts spice scams a decade ago, a time he much rather forget....

O.O.C: 21:47, Today: F3-3T rolled 1 success, 5 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 3p 1a.  Coms.
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 98 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Fri 6 Dec 2019
at 12:14
  • msg #159

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Copy that!" he replies to Seku before aiming at Gunlodd. Zooming in at the still target, making quick adjustments to compensate for coriolis and wind. Then fired the green plasma bolt straight at the barabel's chest.

13:02, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 3p 3d 2b.  long range shot Gunlodd.

11 damage, 3 pierce on Gunlodd

+1 ranged defense for the advantages.

Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 222 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sat 7 Dec 2019
at 15:22
  • msg #160

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku huffs and puffs as she drags the limp form of Bib Fortuna back around to the front of the house, she pauses at the main entrance briefly to catch her breath and to make her comms call. "Hello, Boho? This is Seku, we're moping up the last of the thugs here, but we've taken control of your farm. It's completely intact. Feel free to head on over when you have time."
Toydar. Tactician, 33 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 09:34
  • msg #161

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Rather than risk distracting the gun battle Zabuunko veers off of his origional course to sweep around the dune and engage the cat with a weapon it understands at least a little bit, the telescoping pole operating more like a spear than a sword as it is used to bonk the thing around a little bit.

[Private to GM: 5 successes, 1 advantage for 11 stun damage.]
The Force
GM, 1635 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 16:44
  • msg #162

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Gunlodd stumbles back, then trips. He falls down the dune clumsily. A cloud of sand is kicked up as he rolls out of sight.

The cat-creature pounces, but Zabu jabs it and slides aside. The creature hisses as it lands. It stalks around Zabu, taking his measure now. It is clear that the creature is thinking of him as a rival to be defeated, not prey to be hunted now that he has shown his own fangs. It closes by changing direction once, then again, then lunges with its claws and bites with its fangs.

The Force rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 3p.  brawl.
7 damage pre-soak

Victor triggers his weapon to its cooling cycle and glances around. He sees the pair of gamorrean thugs that had been guarding the doctor and the medical subject-slaves emerge from the coverall. They are wielding vibro-axes in one hand, and blaster pistols in the other. They advance towards him, firing their pistols while they close to axe range. They give war-bellows as they run.

Their clambering noise as they exited the building and while they run gave Victor a second extra to react.

The Force rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 1a.  R L.
7 Damage pre-soak. Victor can take an extra manuever this round.

Seku hears the comm crackle as Boho responds. "Really? That's stupendous! I didn't think that it would be this fast. Are my servants all right? Is Beeper intact? What were they doing with my farm?"
Toydar. Tactician, 34 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 18:08
  • msg #163

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Hovering up out of the cat's reach briefly Zabuunko strikes again, walloping it with the stick again.

[Private to GM: Successes 5, for 11 more stun damage.
I also noticed you missed 3 of my defense vs melee attacks when armed so I rolled them for you, for 1 more failure and 2 threats for the cat.  Also if the cat is still up use the triumph to apply a setback 1S on whatever its next action is.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:10, Sun 08 Dec 2019.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 223 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 8 Dec 2019
at 19:50
  • msg #164

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku pulls cord from her Wilderness Survival Kit and uses it to bind Bib just inside the doorway as she responds to Boho. "What servants are there other than the protocol droid? I'll go locate them. It seems like they were trying to crack the code of making Bacta by torturing Vartix."

With Bib secured for the time being, Seku stands and looks at F3. "F3, there's too much blaster fire coming from outside for me to be entirely comfortable, I'm going to go check it out. Can you ask Beeper whether there are other servants imprisoned on the farm? I also need you to keep an eye on Bib here. With that said, Seku hurries outside to investigate.
Astromech Engineer, 198 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Mon 9 Dec 2019
at 20:10
  • msg #165

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T gives out decisive beeps and heads to the protocol droid to suss out whether there are other farm hands that require his saving assistance. As quickly as he can. He uses his thrusters to bounce around the farm innards and scratches up his chassis in the process, it might be a land speed record for a Hutt Astromech droid, it would have been a prouder moment had he not screeched "WEEEEEEEEEE!!!", the entire way to the protocol droid.

O.O.C: Athletics Check RUN! 12:08, Today: F3-3T rolled 2 successes, 1 threat  using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d 1a ((1(D), 4(D), 4(A))).

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 100 posts
WT: 0/13
ST: 0/12
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #166

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

"Shit!" Victor exclaims as he stands up and starts running away from the two Gamorreans. His rifle whirring in his hands, charging up for another shot.

[Private to GM: Not entirely sure how far I can run from those or what speeds so that's something you can decide. Also, you ignored +2 ranged defense on that shot, just fyi. ]
The Force
GM, 1637 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #167

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

One of the three buildings at the farmstead was a servants' and farm-hands' living quarters. Its accommodations are not luxurious, but provide protection from the elements and a place of rest for the people employed by the farm when they are not working. Under Bib Fortuna's command, it is virtually a prison. F3-3T is able to unlock it from outside, and reveal a pair of humans inside.

"We're off shift, and anyway all the work is done for the day," the male complains.
The woman looks at Seku and F3. "I don't think they're with the Hutt's people," she remarks. The man takes a second look. "Are you here to get us out?"

Meanwhile, Victor nips away at a run. The gamorreans snort in surprise and derision. They pursue on foot. Their large, stomping feet are ill-suited to sprinting, but they have the stamina for a chase.

Athletics 3D to expand from Close to Medium range. With 2 or more Threats, they get to attack you.

Zabu knocks the cat once more. It collapses, tries to rise, then rolls over. Zabu can see that it is not dead or even unconscious, but it has decided that this fight is over.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 224 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Sun 15 Dec 2019
at 21:28
  • msg #168

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku smiles warmly at the two humans. "We are distinctly not with the Hutt. In fact we're dealing with the last of the people who are with the Hutt right now. We're helping Boho take back the farm. If either of you are so inclined, feel free to help out. There are a couple of vibroswords in the main house. If not, try to stay out of trouble while we mop up." With that said, she gave a half wave, half salute and ran off to help Victor.

Seku found a position where she could cover Victor's retreat and then paged her teammate. "Lead them back over to the house. F3 and I are waiting, we'll hit them while you get into cover."
Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 101 posts
WT: 4/13
ST: 0/12
Tue 17 Dec 2019
at 14:12
  • msg #169

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor tucks his rifle to his chest and starts sprinting from the ugly brutes. Hoping that their aim isn't very good while they are panting and running after him. "I'll try my best." he says through the comms while running. He changes from his eastward direction to a more northern one in a wide arc.

15:01, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 3d.  Athletics.

Double maneuvers to run.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:14, Tue 17 Dec 2019.
Astromech Engineer, 199 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Tue 17 Dec 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #170

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T tries to coherence the people to follow him to safety. Beeping and pleading that their life hangs in the balance. Human compassion was never programmed very well into the seedy astromech and his binary comes out like a veiled threat or bad joke. The humans seem to want to follow him or at least want to run to safety but now sit stunned. One mentions, "I have a bad feeling about... That mech."

F3-3T radios Seku that the local yokels are beyond help and possibly should be processed for energy has in the Outskirts of the Outer RIm. This joke slo does not go over well.

O.O.C.: Didn't think I needed a die roll but what the heck its fun! 8:31, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1d ((5(A), 3(A), 2(D))). CHARM

Toydar. Tactician, 35 posts
0/10 Wounds
0/16 Strain
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 02:07
  • msg #171

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Zabuunko accepts the surrender of the cat by tapping it lightly on the nose with the stick, then hovers backwards away form it to head in the direction of the sounds of continued conflict, eventually he turns away from the cat and selects an intercept course to the Gamorreans that is not any faster than a normal human can walk.
The Force
GM, 1638 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 17:46
  • msg #172

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku and F3-3T are at the farmhouse's servants' building. They can see the gamorreans down the road, chasing after Victor. They are a Long way away. On the dunes to the east of the farmhouse are a pair of thugs who were accompanying Gunlodd. They are a Long way away as well.

Victor is running down the road towards the farmhouse. He is a Medium distance away from the farmhouse, and a Short distance in front of the Gamorreans. He can see the thugs who were shooting at him; they are a Long way away.

Zabuunko is a Short distance away from the thugs on the dunes, and a Medium distance away from the crashed skiff. He is only a Medium distance away from the farmhouse, and a Medium distance away from Victor and the Gamorreans.

New round.
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 225 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #173

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Seku trusts that Victor and Zabu will continue to fall back to her position. She aims at the Gamorreans chasing Victor and waits for them to be in range of her blaster pistol. She flips the weapon back to the lethal setting.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Hold fire until the Gamorreans are in range, then shoot one for 7 damage.

Seku Bondara rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1b 1d.  Ranged (Light) w/Aim.

Astromech Engineer, 200 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #174

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T's love virus creeps up again and he notices the usually calm and save Seku duking it out with the baddies. He calls out to her in binary, "Do not fear my love I will protect-".

With that he hits his thrusters and uses his small chassis as a droid shield so Bondara can aim and shoot with some sense of calm. It doesn't end well and he flies up the farm way too far to cover Seku, but he causes quite the distraction glinting the dual sun into the enemies sight line.

O.O.C: 19:26, Today: F3-3T rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a d.  Defend Seku.

Victor Zakharo
Human Sharpshooter, 102 posts
WT: 4/13
ST: 0/12
Sat 28 Dec 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #175

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Victor quickens his pace towards the house. Really really really hoping that a moving target is too difficult for the thugs to shoot at.

16:48, Today: Victor Zakharo rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 1p 3d.  running.

The Force
GM, 1639 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #176

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Getting bored of this mission and of the other players not being involved. You've already more-or-less won this encounter.

Seku and F3-3T gun down the gamorreans. Zabu and Victor take out the remaining thugs. Gunlodd is bleeding out and is in no position to fight back.

You restrain Bib Fortuna and leave him by the house. A few minutes later you capture Dr. Klabek and his aquilish technician. You also free the weakened Vratix. Checking the crashed skiff, you find that there are a half-dozen vratix imprisoned aboard it. They are restrained by specially-created cuffs and lashings which, happily, prevented any of them from taking serious harm. They are quite frightened until it is explained to them that the people freeing them mean them no harm.

Jadd and Loma are farm-hands who formerly worked for Sayed and were forced to continue working here to keep the moisture farm in operation. The massive demand for sterile water and saline for the experimental dialysis meant that the farm had to operate at top capacity. They are glad to be out from under Fortuna's thumb. They and Beeper rendezvous and bring something to your attention:

There are a pair of landspeeders in the garage. They were brought here by Fortuna and his people. One is a RGC-18, tricked out in gang colours. The other is a XP-38, a much newer model that has been equipped with several luxury-model upgrades.

With the gangsters all restrained and under guard, the prisoners freed, and the farm under your control, everyone wants to know: What now?
Seku Bondara
Twi'lek Ambassador, 226 posts
0/11 Wounds
2/13 Strain
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 06:37
  • msg #177

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

Having gathered everyone together, Seku sums up her view of the situation. "Alright, we have a handful of high value captives for the Alliance. It's possible Bib still thinks we're mercs working for the Hutt Cartel, but he's probably more valuable as a captive than as a false flag to Jabba. If we dump all the bodies in a morgue in Anchorhead along with the one on ice on our ship, word is bound to get back to Jabba that the Cartel hired a merc team to take out his operation and there should be enough physical evidence to satisfy anyone he sends to confirm that."

She looks at the farm staff. "If we hand things over to you and Boho now, I think that wraps up everything pretty nicely. Those speeders would be nice acquisitions for the Alliance if you're willing to let us keep them." She implies the question and looks around at her companions to fill in anything she's forgotten.
Astromech Engineer, 201 posts
Strain 01/13
Wounds 00/11
Thu 2 Jan 2020
at 07:08
  • msg #178

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

F3-3T gives a "whoot" and all clear series of beeps. Surely his exploits have reached the rebellion and on smitten medical droid out in the fleet somewhere in the galaxy two sets of binary languages come together as one. "Good job team, a serviceable effort considering we are on a planet that is no more a small sun sized spot of dust revolving around a double sun". F3-3T kicks his feet up and tells Seku. "If I had arms I would ask you politely to dance...". The little astromech does a jig..
The Force
GM, 1642 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 02:36
  • msg #179

Re: M4 RM: Sayed Farm

A few standard days later, the rebels have made their way back to Mos Eisley Spaceport with their captives in tow. In a more built up, responsible Society this might have gone amiss. In this wretched Hive of scum and villainy, it isn't too tricky to get them aboard your ship without attracting official notice. The hardest part has been ignoring their wheedling and threats.

Not long later, the hold full of cover-cargo and confiscated landspeeders, your ship lifts off. No-one is in pursuit. You escape to hyperspace, on your way to the rendezvous point.

Gain 15 exp and 15 Duty points. Send me a NEW Private Message thread with your current Duty total.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:37, Fri 17 Jan 2020.
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