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20:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

RTJ - Request to Join.

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 29 posts
Wed 20 Nov 2019
at 22:59
  • msg #1

RTJ - Request to Join

Basic Concept
All PCs are active and established metahumans in Emerald City.  These particular metahumans are colonized by a strain of extra-dimensional sentient microbes that has been at war with each other for centuries.  This might be tiehr power-origin, but it does need to be so.

That ingrained hostility comes out when any of the enemy--specific other colonies of the same microbes, but different strains--are nearby.  These microbes are the explanation for the power-effects, they are not the powers themselves.  As such, Technology (Power-suit, gadgeteers), Magic and cosmic powers will need to be pretty intensely discussed before being accepted.

Also note...  As the GM, I'm not a fan of gadgeteering.  I feel that it's a solo-activity that does not provide much in the way of roleplaying opportunities in a text-based medium like rpol.  Even worse, it provides even less opportunities for engagement with other PCs.  So, any gadgeteering focus is going to find itself backgrounded.  If this is your jam... you'll be disappointed here.

To RTJ to this game
Please submit one or more pitches, which should consist of:

A High-Concept - boil down the concept to a couple of words....  Think of how your character would be described in the following statement:
"Who, Her?  Oh, She's..."
  • the last son of a dead planet  (Superman)
  • a billionaire orphan vigilante  (Batman)
  • the wielder of a cosmic ring of power (Green Lantern)
  • the mythological daughter of power (Wonder Woman)

A couple of lines to outline who this character was and is
Give me a little bit more detail if you want...  but still, only a couple of lines.    What kind of personality does this character have?

Tell me about a former favorite character...
I need to know why this was a favorite character.  If I get the feeling that our styles of gaming don't mesh well... well, there's no point in continuing.  I don't want headaches.  I want you to enjoy the game.  If I don't think it'll work at this point, why push it?

Unlike in the Emerald City Knights series, the Silver Storm was caused by a fight between two metahumans that were believed destroyed in the resulting maelstrom.   Since then, the rate of power-eruption and power-scale jumping in the area has increased dramatically.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:44, Mon 25 Jan 2021.
GM, 30 posts
Wed 20 Nov 2019
at 23:03
  • msg #2

RTJ - Request to Join

I'm expect to have a fairly relaxed pace (one or two posts a week).  I want players who are willing to interact with each other--not feeling like you have to wait for the GM.

This is super important because I simply cannot maintain a regular consistent pace.  There will be stop-n-go play and I may disappear for a week (or even two) at a time.   If you can't handle that kind of pacing, it's better to not get involved.

Ghosting & Dropout Notice
If you need to go offline for a bit, tell us!  If we haven't heard anything from you in a long period--long enough that the game gets held up or players start wondering what's going on... I will remove you from the game.  I will not ask questions. I am not a babysitter; you are not a child.

This is not at all the same thing as how I'll treat someone who posts "Life sucks, going to be offline for a bit." in the OOC thread.  At least then, I know to bench your character.   If things have gone to hell, it's probably better to deal with it all and talk to me when you've cleared it up.   The superhero genre is full of characters who "didn't actually die!"

Logging in is not enough.   If I can see you've been logging in but there's been no posting for some time...  I'll assume you've chosen to drop out.  It's okay.  Life happens.  But I've got to keep the game going.  'Cause if it stalls, I cease to have fun.  And if I'm not having fun... well, why should I bother?.  If the players can't be bothered to play, I won't be bothered to run it.

GM Abandonment
For my part, I may disappear for a days at a time, but I will never abandon a game.   I will always issue a closing statement if it comes to that.  I do not believe in leaving good players hanging.

The RTJ is only an expression of interest.  The real audition (for both of us) happens during character creation.  This is where we get a feel for whether we'll play well together.  It is not just the GM auditioning you for fit... it's also you auditioning the GM.  It's way better to know if we're going to rub each other the wrong way before the game goes live...

I like character creation, and I like having a hand in the formation of the characters, both story and stats.  Please don't come to the table with a pregenerated character.

Proactive Collaboration
As a player, you are expected to be proactive in the development of your character, the setting and the story.  This means that you are expected to regularly offer suggestions about the current story, scene, situation, and setting.  Think of this as an open license to make statements that start with "Wouldn't it be cool if...".

Meta-Game Discussion
It is entirely okay for a player to direct the character in specific ways based on metagame discussion.  In fact, I encourage this type of interplay.  it is not okay to have the character act on information that isn't justified by the narrative.   But, I expect that you get this and don't need it said again and again.

Also note that I often find myself missing soem stupid elements of the game or specific powers.  I'm more than happy to discuss and I'm not too proud to admit if I'm wrong.  But you may still need to convince me.  I sometimes tend towards a more literal read of the rules than is strictly necessary.  But I can be convinced.  Just don't get bent out of shape over the discussion.  If you can't keep it civil, I won't, either.

Character-Creation is Transparent
We will end up with a permanent thread for a form of abbreviated character stats.  I want everyone to see the basics, if not the absolute details..  I believe that characters have secrets but players shouldn't.  I expect you can all play the difference between IC & OOC knowledge.  And seeing others' stats allows you, the player, to ratchet up the drama quotient for the entire game.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:20, Mon 08 June 2020.
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