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18:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Babylon 5: (RTJ)

Posted by NarratorFor group public
GM, 1 post
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 17 Oct 2018
at 21:06
  • msg #1

Babylon 5: (RTJ)

The 24hr. Ruling (Read Before Your RTJ)

This rule applies to weekdays not weekends.

As an online game we cannot be online all the time and many have a real life that will at some time effect how much we can log on and play.

I personally don’t post as often during the weekends and holidays as I spend time with my family, (wife and children).

A 24hr ruling between posts will be needed to keep this online game flowing. As I think most would hate to wait for 2 or 3 days to know if someone is going to attack then another 2 days for the roll and so on and so on, a simple encounter could takes weeks, with this in mind,…. We will have a 24hr ruling. Currently this rule is a little slower then we I would like. BUt we should work to this goal.

An In Character (IC) or Out of Character (OOC) posts for the current adventure is required within 24hrs.

This starts from that player’s last post; this does not include a log on or a 'Chit Chat' this is for the active chapter of the game.

If a Player doesn’t post, their turn will be on “Hold” until they return, IF the adventure progress to a point that a decision is necessary to keep a group together or save a characters life, ect. , ect.  Then the GM will do what is in the best interest of that player or group.

Or you can assign another player to control the character. But its control must stay true to the character and not be miss-represented. Most importantly if another player acts on your behalf and your character dies its, … dead.

So this should not be taken lightly, by both who agree to it.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:07, Mon 27 Apr 2020.
GM, 77 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 16:27
  • msg #2

Babylon 5: (RTJ)

How to post in our game, ….

IC is your In Character thread
What’s posted here is final. You can edit Flavor Text, but you cannot make changes that affect others or the adventure.

Flavor text is ‘Your Description’ of what and how your character does something; an example is in combat:

More to come on this.

Your characters personality and speech, you control.

Your character, you control what he or she says, but you shouldn’t control NCs (NPCs) other than to add more flavor. Major NCs are never to be controlled by a PCs unless given to the Player to act on for the GM.

This thread should flow as a story; You may post rolls, skill check questions, etc. this kind of stuff is required to be posted at the end of IC and listed as  OOC: (Out of Character).

Lastly to have both a good game and good flow in the story, every portion of the game will be listed with a name for the chapter. Some Players may not be part of the group at the time the chapter is played but can read about it and enjoy it when it's ended. This material will be posted in a Storyline Thread removing OOC: and game mechanics from the text.

GM, 78 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #3

Babylon 5: (RTJ)

‘Time Passes’ & ‘Post Freely’

The ‘Time Passes’ rule is to speed up adventures so that the game has less drag time.

Someone maybe you are waiting for another to act, but how do we really know who and if they want to act? Without some kind of communication the game will drag and go very slow. Maybe a player is done and really has no action so he or she doesn’t post, but as the GM I’m waiting for someone to take a lead role and then again it drags.

The way this should work, is if as a player you are done and plan to take no more actions than you can post “Time Passes” with a small description like "he goes to sleep", or "sits by the fire", or even leads off with "I’m waiting on the DM".

You can also post ‘Time Passes’ and in a private post what your waiting for something like “When it’s my watch let me know I want to ,…….”

As the GM I almost never post ‘Time Passes’ because I would have to lead the adventure once everyone has done their action. I will however do something like ‘Post Freely’ with a small description and then wait for a ‘Time Passes’.

‘Posting Freely’ allows the player to post completely on their own, a good example is if in a town and buying goods, I may post all normal items can be found in this market you may buy them at standard prices, ‘Post Freely’.

GM, 79 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #4

Babylon 5: (RTJ)

Setting Up on this Site

Character Bios, all players should have a simple bio, I will edit or add these details on for the player. The Bio-Lines are for information about the character such as, title, or even the type of PC (Noble, Politician, Solider, etc)

Character Descriptions, this info does not need to be race specific but can include ideas of the personality, morals and why they are the way they are, it's needed if you want good quality Roleplaying and the game to feel like a true space soap opera then just an adventure in space.

Character Sheets, in this portion of the site you should have your character sheets and also if you are using the link to the off-site host place the link at the top of the sheet.

Under "Character Details" for Narrator I have a sample character sheet. Players are asked that all PCs and NPCs sheets be kept in full and undated via this site. A player may host his character on any other off-site and link it to this game if they so wish.

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