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, welcome to [PF] Kingmaker 2.1

11:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group public
Dungeon Master
GM, 28 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #1


What to submit
  1. A commitment to play. My biggest gripe about pbp is how slow things tend to take. A simple conversation can take weeks, combat can take months and a single mission can take years to complete.

    In order to combat that, I'm looking at moving at a quicker pace. I'd like updates multiple times a week if possible and if need be I'm prepared to hit the fast forward button if things start dragging. Don't worry, you'll be forwarned.

    For example: If players are tasked with infiltrating an orc base and are taking weeks to figure out how to do it and the game isn't progressing, I'll post a warning like "Figure out a plan by the end of the week." If that isn't satisfied, we hit the fast forward button and suddnely the group is under attack in the middle of the base. Alarms are blaring but they're inside the base and near the McGuffin. I then tell them what the plan "was", the current situation and let them figure out how to get out of it.

    I hope this is a last resort but I've seen too many games get bogged down to let it happen again.

  2. Character concept
    A brief summary of your character and a brief background. I'm looking at this point for a one sentence summary just so I can quickly get myself in the right frame of mind when viewing the rest of the submission.

    Gnomey, a drunken gnome rogue on the run from gambling debts and is an example to all.

  3. Background
    I really like characters that are tied to the setting of Golarion but intimate knowledge of the setting is not a requirement at all. I like to see successes and failures, strengths and flaws, twists and turns to really make this character jump off the page and feel like someone I have eight thousand ideas on how to guide them, twist them, reward them or punish them. This can be as long or as short as you want as long as it is an example of the type of writing you plan to bring to the game.

    EXTREMELY Abbreviated Example:
    Gnomey was a sample gnome on the run. He had a checkered past where he stole, cheated, smuggled, and all in all ducked over/under/around the law. His reckless ways finally caught up with him when he borrowed too much money from Korba, a local crime boss who now is sending his goons after him.

  4. Your character's intended role/purpose
    See below for positions and suggestions. Please rank top 3 if possible and keep in mind the stat requirements for each role before making your selection.

    Because Gnomey is a thief with high dex and int he would be best suited for Spymaster, Royal Assassin, or Treasurer.

  5. Why do YOU want to play Pathfinder?
    Are you in it for the thrilling combat? The maidens and maesters in distress? Do you love to swindle the Big Bad into ruining his own plots? What brings you to the table? What brings you the most joy in a roleplaying game like Pathfinder? This is very broad and can be as simple as "I like fighting orcs" to an elaborate tale about how this fantasy world has captured your imagination and dreams. This is to help me understand what motivates you, the player, and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Nobody likes it when you have 3 roleplayers and one die-hard roll-player or vice versa.

  6. Flexibility Score
    6. Flexibility Score
    Some people come in with a character already built in their heads and that is what they want to play. Some players don’t care what they play amd could have fun with a commoner. Most lie somewhere in betweem. As I assemble a final party it is important to know how much wiggle room you have in your submission(s)

    Please give a 1-10 score based on this guideline:
    1. I will not play if I have to change anything about them. My character is perfect.
    2. Minor cosmetic or backstory changes only. A different parentage or country of origin but overall the character concept is set.
    3. Minor mechanical tweaks. Swapping out an archetype or switching to different styles within the same class (i.e. going from two-handed ranger to two-weapon fighting)
    4. Minor core changes. Switching from ranged to melee within the same martial class or upgrading backstory from a peasant to nobility or vice versa.
    5. Moderate Changes - Willing to switch classes within the same branch (arcane caster, divine caster, martial). Willing to shift race slightly but the final results would still be fairly recognizable.
    6. Major-ish change. Starting to look like a new character but still preserves about 2/3rds of the original character.
    7. Major Changes - Different race, different gender, different class branch, different backstory but still keeping something from the original concept. If you squint it's still kind of sort of the same character.
    8. New Character with caveats - Basically a brand new character however there are significant restrictions and caveats like "must be an arcane caster" or "no spellcaster class"
    9. New Character with minor caveats - You're willing to make a new character to fit a role but there are just some minor points that you would rather not. You've played 5 rogues so you don't really want to play a rogue-y character but could be persuaded to given a new take on it.
    10. Whatever you want - I don't care what I play. If you want to just make a character and hand it over, go for it!

Dungeon Master
GM, 29 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #2


The following is a list of Kingdom Roles that will be covered in the game. These positions do not have to be finalized until the group gets a kingdom but it is good to have a general idea of which roles you are interested in.

  • Ruler (CHA) - the highest ranking ruler of the group. Someone married of equal rank becomes a ruler as well.
  • Consort (CHA) - If the Ruler marries someone of lesser station they become a consort.
  • Councilor (CHA/WIS)- Liaison between the citizenry and the rulers.
  • General (CHA/STR)- The highest ranking military person who commands the armies and navies.
  • Grand Diplomat (CHA/INT) - Liaison between the kingdom and foreign powers.
  • High Priest (CHA/WIS) - Tends to religious needs and growth in kingdom.
  • Magister (CHA/INT) - Guides magic and education needs
  • Marshal (DEX/WIS) - Handles authority in rural areas and controls borders
  • Royal Enforcer (DEX/STR) - Handles punishing criminals and is the face of "justice"
  • Spymaster (DEX/INT) - Observes criminals and spies on other kingdoms
  • Treasurer (INT/WIS) - Handles treasury and taxes
  • Viceroy (INT/WIS) - Is the "ruler" of a colony or vassal state
  • Warden (CON/STR) - Handles city watches and personal security of other rulers

This message was last updated by the GM at 20:43, Sun 22 Mar 2020.
Dungeon Master
GM, 30 posts
Teller of Tales
Lord of Lies
Sun 22 Mar 2020
at 20:42
  • msg #3


This is a commonly passed around piece of literature that identifies the goals people want when they play an RPG and classifies them as such. This list is very helpful for a GM to use to identify its players to better understand how to engage their players. Should I give player X a kickass magical sword or an NPC companion that they can bounce ideas off of and have fun. Would they rather solve a puzzle or kick ass through a field of enemies?

There aren't any wrong answers, if I didn't want one type or another I would mention it. This also isn't mandatory to the RTJ process but if I understand you the player better then I can use that knowledge to craft tools that will hopefully hook your thoughts and help you enjoy the game further.
  • The Power Gamer wants to make his character bigger, tougher, buffer, and richer. However success is defined by the rules system you're using, this player wants more of it. He tends to see his PC as an abstraction, as a collection of super powers optimized for the acquisition of still more super powers. He pays close attention to the rules, with a special eye to finding quirks and breakpoints he can exploit to get large benefits at comparatively low costs. He wants you to put the "game" back in the term "roleplaying game", and to give him good opportunities to add shiny new abilities to his character sheet.

  • The Butt-Kicker wants to let off steam with a little old-fashioned vicarious mayhem. He picks a simple, combat-ready character, whether or not that is the best route to power and success in the system. After a long day in the office or classroom, he wants his character to clobber foes and once more prove his superiority over all who would challenge him. He may care enough about the rules to make his PC an optimal engine of destruction, or may be indifferent to them, so long as he gets to hit things. He expects you to provide his character plenty of chances to engage in the aforementioned clobbering and superiority.

  • The Tactician is probably a military buff, who wants chances to think his way through complex, realistic problems, usually those of the battlefield. He wants the rules, and your interpretation of them, to jibe with reality as he knows it, or at least to portray an internally consistent, logical world in which the quality of his choices is the biggest determining factor in his success or failure. He may view issues of characterization as a distraction. He becomes annoyed when other players do things which fit their PCs' personalities, but are tactically unsound. To satisfy him, you must provide challenging yet logical obstacles for his character to overcome.

  • The Specialist favors a particular character type, which he plays in every campaign and in every setting. The most common sub-type of specialist is the player who wants to be a ninja every time. Other specialists may favor knights, cat-people, mischief-makers, flying characters, or wistful druid maidens who spend a lot of time hanging about sylvan glades with faeries and unicorns. The specialist wants the rules to support his favored character type, but is otherwise indifferent to them. To make a specialist happy, you have to create scenes in which his character can do the cool things for which the archetype is known.

  • The Method Actor believes that roleplaying is a medium for personal expression, strongly identifying with the character he plays. He may believe that it's creatively important to establish a radically different character each time out. The method actor bases his decisions on his understanding of his character's psychology, and may become obstructive if other group members expect him to contradict it for rules reasons, or in pursuit of a broader goal. He may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. Situations that test or deepen his personality traits are your key to entertaining the method actor.

  • The Storyteller, like the method actor, is more inclined to the roleplaying side of the equation and less interested in numbers and experience points. On the other hand, he's more interested in taking part in a fun narrative that feels like a book or a movie than in strict identification with his character. He's quick to compromise if it moves the story forward, and may get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You can please him by introducing and developing plot threads, and by keeping the action moving, as would any skilled novelist or film director.

  • The Casual Gamer is often forgotten in discussions of this sort, but almost every group has one. Casual gamers tend to be low key folks who are uncomfortable taking center stage even in a small group. Often, they're present to hang out with the group, and game just because it happens to be the activity everyone else has chosen. Though they're elusive creatures, casual gamers can be vitally important to a gaming group's survival. They fill out the ranks, which is especially important in games that spread vital PC abilities across a wide number of character types or classes. Especially if they're present mostly for social reasons, they may fill an important role in the group's interpersonal dynamic. Often they're the mellow, moderating types who keep the more assertive personalities from each other's throats -- in or out of character. I mention the casual player because the thing he most fervently wants is to remain in the background. He doesn't wnat to have to learn rules or come up with a plot hook for his character or engage in detailed planning. You may think it's a bad thing that he sits there for much of the session thumbing through your latest purchases from the comic book store, but hey, that's what he wants. The last thing you want to do is to force him into a greater degree of participation than he's comfortable with.

So if you so desire, let me know what kind of player you are and hopefully I can wiggle the game around to better suit your sensibilities :)
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