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12:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[OOC] Ten Forward.

Posted by UniverseFor group 0
GM, 8 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 10 Apr 2019
at 19:35
  • msg #1

[OOC] Ten Forward

A place to sit back and kick your feet up and talk about anything and everything.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 1 post
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 22:34
  • msg #2

[OOC] Ten Forward

Hello everyone!

I can't find a good portrait for Cheng ch'Zynes. It seems no one thought to put an Andorian/Klingon hybrid portrait into the system.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 1 post
Trill Male
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 22:56
  • msg #3

[OOC] Ten Forward

I'm sorry. I'm interested in what that would look like. What I am picturing may not be what most would picture, so I look forward to seeing how you write it.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 2 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Thu 11 Apr 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #4

[OOC] Ten Forward

He mostly takes after his Andorian mother. But I do have his description up if you want to take a look.
Laila Abdool
Science, 1 post
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 00:12
  • msg #5

[OOC] Ten Forward

   Hey, GM:

For more information on anything and everything canon about Star Wars you should head over to Memory Alpha

   Right church, wrong pew, I think ...
Timor Imonim
Operations, 2 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 00:23
  • msg #6

[OOC] Ten Forward

Neat. Thank you for being so informative. I'm sorry he was bullied. I am curious though, how well would we know each other? Would Timor have known about it? I mean, Timor is an engineer and if starfleet is big enough I could see even two engineers never meeting or knowing much about each other. On the other hand, if the graduating class at any time is small, it becomes more likely that two people in the operations track might know each other. I just don't know where on the continuum of possibilities we are with it.

Also, howdy doctor. It is good to have someone to patch us up after Ensign Ch'Zynes bravely fights off whatever is trying to hurt us.
Laila Abdool
Science, 2 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 00:46
  • msg #7

[OOC] Ten Forward

  *Waves while in the midst of character making*

   Will talk more when done and vetted.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 3 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 01:25
  • msg #8

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
Neat. Thank you for being so informative. I'm sorry he was bullied. I am curious though, how well would we know each other? Would Timor have known about it? I mean, Timor is an engineer and if starfleet is big enough I could see even two engineers never meeting or knowing much about each other. On the other hand, if the graduating class at any time is small, it becomes more likely that two people in the operations track might know each other. I just don't know where on the continuum of possibilities we are with it.

Also, howdy doctor. It is good to have someone to patch us up after Ensign Ch'Zynes bravely fights off whatever is trying to hurt us.

Well, while Cheng was Operations track, his Engineering is 1. Most of his studies focused on Security and Science. That said, Cheng is actually a rather friendly guy and my assumption is that he had a few friends in the Academy. Perhaps Timor was one of them.

I like the idea that Timor and Cheng were friends in the Academy. Early on he needed extra effort for his Science classes, perhaps Timor tutored him a bit.

I will add a link to Cheng's character sheet to my description.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 3 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 02:32
  • msg #9

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor would be all for helping someone in their classes. A willingness to keep trying at something that is hard would be a respectable thing to him and it is likely in the early days he was still inclined to prove to himself that he was still valuable. Helping someone would be great.
GM, 11 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 04:15
  • msg #10

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Laila Abdool:
   Right church, wrong pew, I think ...

It took me an embarassingly long time to see that typo :P
Timor Imonim
Operations, 4 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 04:16
  • msg #11

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just pretend it was an intentional test of our attention to detail.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 4 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 04:40
  • msg #12

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Nice write up on Timor. I wasn't expecting a 4 in Security. But very cool. You can shoot things, I can hit them.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 5 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 05:04
  • msg #13

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Thank you. I wasn't expecting that at first either, but it made sense as I was building the character. Having him be good at using weapons made sense after I gave him a focus related to them. Admittedly it was under the idea of repair, building, and modifying, but it was still a focus in them. Then I had a bunch of stuff that needed moving, so I bumped it up under the idea that while he was learning all that stuff he was also picking up the ways to use them. You can make a better tool if you know how people tend to use the tool after all. Plus, as you said: You can hit things, I can shoot them. You could likely hunt targs saber bears with just your ushaan-tor. I need a couple hundred yards and phaser in my hand to stand a chance.
GM, 12 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 07:09
  • msg #14

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So I know you're all selecting "Rolled" as part of character creation on that site but I meant roll the d20s here and then just pick the appropriate one.
Command, 1 post
Human Vulcan Female
Flight Controller
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 14:53
  • msg #15

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hello everyone! I'll be your pilot today. Please be sure to return your phasers to the upright position and don't mind the meteor swarm, it's all part of the fun aboard the USS Belfast.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 6 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 14:59
  • msg #16

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

But my phaser is in my boot. Proper phaser safety says it should be pointed down, or at least in a safe direction, until I am ready to shoot.

  1. Treat every phaser as though it is charged at all times
  2. Always keep your phaser pointed in a safe direction.
  3. Keep your thumb off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
  4. Always be sure of your target and what is behind it

These are day one of phaser training.

I kid. It is good to have you. I look forward to playing with you.
John Bradford Garrity
Command, 1 post
Human Male
Second Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #17

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hello, I am playing John Bradford Garrity II, son of the Admiral John Bradford Garrity. I am 2nd Officer which my primary duty is running the Delta Shift which is the Graveyard Shift thus mostly just low priority maintenance and babysitting the conn because of the reduced staffing of Delta Shift.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 7 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:44
  • msg #18

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Congrats, Sir. I'm sure you will do well in your duties. I'll just be wandering around your ship doing all that low priority maintenance and quietly fuming because you suggested maintenance was low priority. One again, I kid. What is your rank? I need to know what to call you when we start posting.
John Bradford Garrity
Command, 2 posts
Human Male
Second Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:54
  • msg #19

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Lt Jg.  Did the Command Track and promoted at Graduation.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 8 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 15:58
  • msg #20

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Cool. Thank you. And once again: Congrats, Sir. It is an impressive posting.
Laila Abdool
Science, 3 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 16:18
  • msg #21

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Laila Abdool:
   Right church, wrong pew, I think ...

It took me an embarrassingly long time to see that typo :P

   Not to worry, Mr Universe. As a former Librarian and failed writer in College, I catch certain things ... being a perfectionist also helps. :)  I only caught it on the second pass because I thought something looked 'off'. Some folks get a little riled when you mix metaphors like that. ("You got CHOCOLATE in my PEANUT BUTTER!" might ring a bell or two) As for me, I like both 'Trek and 'Wars, so no harm - no foul.
John Bradford Garrity
Command, 3 posts
Human Male
Second Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 16:34
  • msg #22

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Character is now done. Also, my description is up. Thanks Timor
Command, 2 posts
Human Vulcan Female
Flight Controller
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 18:00
  • msg #23

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Cheng, given our shared "outsider" histories, would you like to start with having met at Academy and become friends? Maybe T'Saen jumped in to help defend you one night in a well-remembered drunken brawl?
Timor Imonim
Operations, 9 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 20:00
  • msg #24

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

May I assume then that your history and behavior at the academy is well known?
Command, 3 posts
Human Vulcan Female
Flight Controller
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 20:40
  • msg #25

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'd think so, if you want to be someone who knows it.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 10 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 20:53
  • msg #26

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Well, you mentioned possibly being Cheng's friend and Timor knows Cheng, so it seemed reasonable that he might know of you. Also, in case it matters to anyone, my sheet has undergone changes due to events changing and some issues with some of my previous values. It is nothing major, but it has refined some details about how things will play for him and generally improved our understanding of him and his past.
Command, 4 posts
Human Vulcan Female
Flight Controller
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 21:19
  • msg #27

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Makes sense. Can I call you Igor?
John Bradford Garrity
Command, 4 posts
Human Male
Second Officer
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 22:09
  • msg #28

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I would think that most of us were in same graduating Class or at least within a year or 2 of each other.

My character was a little stiff in the first few years. Much more concerned about being the best, but as he made a small circle of friends he realized that the bond that was being formed was more important than competing with them
GM, 14 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 22:19
  • msg #29

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Unless there is a reason to be ahead/behind you would all be part of the same graduating class by default. Therefore you would have known about one another during the academy, perhaps being teamed together for various projects or perhaps even competing against one another as rivals.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 11 posts
Trill Male
Fri 12 Apr 2019
at 22:39
  • msg #30

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to T'Saen (msg # 27):

Yeah. Sure. She's likely heard him called it more than once and he isn't going to stop her. Tone is likely going to play a big role in how he takes it. Keep in mind that it works as well as an insult as it does a term of endearment. For someone who has never heard him called anything else, they could assume it was his name. For a friend they might know the context and think its cute. He is still on the boarder of mad science at this point. From someone who wants to use it as an insult, it does tend to cultivate the image of a servant. The idea that he is just a lackey. The difference comes down to tone and context. It is useful that way.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 5 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 00:28
  • msg #31

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Cheng, given our shared "outsider" histories, would you like to start with having met at Academy and become friends? Maybe T'Saen jumped in to help defend you one night in a well-remembered drunken brawl?

Sounds like a great idea! If you can look past his heritage, Cheng is actually a very friendly young man. And is loyal to his friends unto death.
Command, 5 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 14:23
  • msg #32

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

GM, 16 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 22:06
  • msg #33

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

While I'm getting things ready on my end I had a couple ideas that I would like to run by you, maybe even take an informal vote.

Show Format
I was thinking about presenting the game in the style of an actual Star Trek episode. What this means is that each "episode" would be broken up into 5 acts and labeled as such, including "commercial break cliffhangers" during the transition from scene to scene.

While I won't be breaking the 4th wall the familiar style and format would lead a since of predictability to each mission. If you're on Act III then you have an approximate sense that the ending is going to come sooner than later although the actual length of each Act will vary wildly depending on how quickly or slowly you advance the plot.

I am not worried about you guys prematurely ending an episode. Star Trek is rife with surprise twists where it looks like the plot has been resolved but then suddenly a twist happens to extend it out another act or two.

I think this would be neat but I don't want to lean too heavily on the 4th wall if you find it disruptive to break things up like that.

B and C Stories
One thing that concerns me is that not every character will be engaged in every scene or even mission. In a tabletop game that is the point of supporting characters but given how long a play-by-post game can go I don't want you losing interest in the game because there isn't a medical/engineering/piloting/security emergency to deal with. Given that we can have multiple active threads going at the same time I was thinking about introducing "B stories" so that while Garrity and T'Saen are trying to navigate an ion storm in a shuttle Cheng and Abdool could be engaged in a increasingly competitive music competition or Timor could be overworked in engineering and having to learn a lesson about delegating work to others.

The idea that I had is basically to have another OOC thread called the Green Room where if you are not actively involved in the plot you can submit your name for either A) a side story or B) a supporting character to introduce into main plot or both. In addition if you have an idea like "I would like to have a thread with So'And'So about our friendship or rivalry or burgeoning romance that would be the place to nominate it, get acceptance and let me know to get it set up.

So as I put up in the important info thread romance will be an option but it is one your character can always opt in and out of. I may introduce NPCs to be the "minor object of your affection of the week" however before I even start thinking about romantic entanglements for your character, if either you as a player or you think your character would have zero interest in a random romantic side plot just shoot me a PM saying you'd like to opt out for now. Note that even if you opt out now that doesn't have to be a permanent decision and there is a big difference between a "Captain Kirk's love interest of the week" and a multi-Season relationship built up through trials and tribulations.

The point is that I would never wish to force you or your character into that kind of uncomfortable situation.

Also please specify whether it is you the player or your character who is opting out. I am currently re-watching Voyager and there are situations where aliens try to seduce either Captain Janeway or Tuvok with amusing results.
Laila Abdool
Science, 4 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 22:43
  • msg #34

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I was thinking about presenting the game in the style of an actual Star Trek episode. What this means is that each "episode" would be broken up into 5 acts and labelled as such, including "commercial break cliffhangers" during the transition from scene to scene.

While I won't be breaking the 4th wall the familiar style and format would lead a sense of predictability to each mission.

   Speaking personally, I'm all for an 'episodic' sense to the game. (Having a deliberate beginning, middle and end point has always been good storytelling, IMHO) Admittedly I'm not one for 'commercial break cliffhangers' - cliffhangers are (I've noticed) overused as a plot device, and grow stale all too quickly. Once in a while is good to heighten tension, but more than that, you'll have people turning blase to the storyline all too quickly. As for the '4th Wall', I'm content to leave things like that to the Superheroes - one in particular that I won't mention - and not go there. I'm no 'method' style of player, but breaking that wall just doesn't do it for me.

I am not worried about you guys prematurely ending an episode. Star Trek is rife with surprise twists

   Star Trek has more twists and turns in it than a logging road deep in the mountains ... If we end things prematurely, we're doing our jobs famously - and that's a good thing. If we're doing it most of the time, however, that's when the Universe starts taking stuff away. (No pun intended)

given how long a play-by-post game can go I don't want you losing interest in the game because there isn't a medical/engineering/piloting/security emergency to deal with.

   This is a game about the 'lesser lights', like the upcoming (Netflix) series, so I'm not expecting to be going on a fair amount of missions. Bones didn't either, but he made the most of it when he was. I don't have a problem with putting the good doctor in a "B" or "C" story - I think of this as an ensemble cast, everyone will get their chance, at some point.

So as I put up in the important info thread romance will be an option but it is one your character can always opt in and out of.

   That's fair - no rushing on that one, as long as we have the option of 'opting out'. I'd rather have romance happen on a more 'organic' level. (I personally am not wild about romance, so I'd prefer not to ... but if built up over time, I'm not averse to playing the concept).
Timor Imonim
Operations, 12 posts
Trill Male
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 22:56
  • msg #35

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am very much in favor of the B and C stories as an idea. You make valid points about the time scales involved in play by post and having your main character sidelined for a few months could indeed damage fun. I think that that idea addresses it well and is in the style of the show. Every got screen time every episode even if it wasn't part of the main plot. I am similarly pleased with the idea of being able to opt in or out of romance as some people may be more or less comfortable with it. The ability to say "No." is important and I appreciate your attention to that.

I had a long thing on my opinion about the show format idea, but I'm just going to go with: I have mixed feelings and concerns, but I'm generally positive about it. Both of you made decent points about plot twist being a common thing and getting a feeling about an arc for each is valuable, as Laila pointed out. Rather than it all feeling long and rambling, we get the arc in each episode that contributes to the over all story.
John Garrity
Command, 5 posts
Human Male
Second Officer
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 22:59
  • msg #36

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

On format of the game. I am a go. In a STA forum; a writer made the point that threat was the means to allow the traditional Star Trek format to exist. The Director introducing new story elements by spending threat, and allowing the players to deal with those elements.
Laila Abdool
Science, 5 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Sat 13 Apr 2019
at 23:14
  • msg #37

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   And just to get a post in about characters possibly knowing one another ...

   Some possible contact points for Ens/Doctor Abdool:
  • - Born in Vancouver, North America.
  • - Daughter of Federation Diplomat - Faisal Abdool and Star Fleet Commander Ja'nelle Shepard-Abdool [ret.]  Her father is a Diplomat to the Klingon Empire and has been for some time. Her mother was a respected member of Starfleet Sciences until her retirement and worked in the Astrogation and Stellar Cartography branch. Since her retirement, she has been a consultant to that same branch and commutes between her home and Star Fleet Headquarters in San Francisco
  • - Considered very studious, usually found in the Academy Library researching her latest assignment. Known for pursuing a point with near Vulcan-like intensity until finished.
  • - Caught up in a cheating scandal, was thought to have been the Cadet responsible for the submission of several graded assignments found to be fraudulent. Cleared of any wrongdoing when another Cadet stepped up and admitted guilt. (Three Cadets were dismissed as a result)
  • - Was challenged by Cadets from Command Services to play out the infamous 'Kobayashi Maru' test. Although her command was eventually destroyed, Cadet Abdool managed to keep her command and the crew of the 'Kobayashi Maru' alive the longest of any previous Cadet. Her use of beaming photon torpedoes onto the unshielded bridges of the enemy Klingon ships resulted in the loss of 42% of the attack force and has since been dubbed the "Shepard Option" - at the Cadet's request.
  • - Seriously injured on a field trip to Onari V to help with recovery efforts after a massive tectonic shift on the planet's main continent. When asked to help, Starfleet sent their most senior Cadets in addition to Doctors to aid in the recovery. During an aftershock, while Cadet Abdool was in the midst of moving a patient, the ground gave way and she fell two stories, the building then collapsing atop her. When she was rescued, she was unable to walk and was taken back to Earth, where her shattered hip was replaced. During her recovery, Starfleet permitted her to graduate with her class - although she was only permitted to attend via teleconference.

Timor Imonim
Operations, 13 posts
Trill Male
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 00:09
  • msg #38

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm not a fan of threat as it ignores the nature of the GM and could make them somewhat adversarial. They control the universe no matter what pool they have. They don't really need threat to say, "5 more romulans show up having heard the phaser fire and converging on it." or "Unfortunately, you ship was damaged in the crash." They build and control the world and could send a whole army of romulans or have an asteroid hit us. They don't because they are not our adversary. We are working together to have a good time. The fact that they have a pool of points in front of them to screw us over sends the message that they should be spending them. Ideally it is to improve the story, the same way they might bring in the romulans mentioned above after a decent first volley from us unexpectedly takes out the first ones too quickly or tell us our engines are broken to avoid having us take off and short circuit the story, but they never needed threat points to do that. Similarly, if I give the GM a billion points of threat by getting additional information, its meaningless. Sure the rules let them wipe the floor with us by using that, but that would be no fun for anyone and no different from our perspective than sending the asteroid or army. They could have done whatever they would do with the threat with the power they have as a GM and still have to act responsibly in that position.

On a more useful topic, more in line with the doctor's post about getting to know each other than the nature of mechanics. Timor, due the events rolled in creation, was embroiled in a scandal that ended in the court martial of another officer for negligence. Timor's reports and other records were quite damning. Much like Cheng, he was called upon to rat out someone who did some thing wrong. Unfortunately, he wasn't nearly as noble as Cheng was. His reports and documentation already existed. It may not have been intentional, but he had ratted out a fellow officer. All he ever did was speak honestly about his own work and evaluations of the situation. Not being intentional may have been worse, at least if he had been trying to do it, he could have claimed some nobility in trying to take down a bad actor. There were no good guys in this situation.
GM, 17 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:00
  • msg #39

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
I'm not a fan of threat as it ignores the nature of the GM

I definitely understand what you are saying and it is less about giving the GM a way to screw the players as much as it is a way for the players to understand why they are being screwed with.

First of all threat plays out a lot more in published adventures that I have been flipping through. Second it gives the GM "permission" to be a jerk without being unfairly judged. As a long time GM I can say that it is really hard sometimes to balance drama and tension without a jerk. There are definitely encounters that I planned out where three turns in I'm mortified thinking "I'm suuuch a jerk because I misread the group's capabilities". If they are mopping up with the bad guys do I let them have the easy win or bring in reinforcements? If they're cruising right along do I throw up some obstacles and increase the difficulty or risk making the game too easy.

Threat isn't about giving permission to GMs, its about giving justification to both GMs and players that your actions earlier are why this encounter suddenly became harder. Threat is just a "get out of guilt free" card for GMs to use to push their players more.
GM, 18 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:02
  • msg #40

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

All positions are filled. Almost everyone has a character sheet complete. I plan on kicking off the game Monday so get ready to rumble!
Timor Imonim
Operations, 14 posts
Trill Male
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:08
  • msg #41

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Cool. I look forward to it. I'm interested in seeing how things go. We can have all sorts of ideas, but until the rubber meets the road and things actually start up you never know how they are going to play out.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 1 post
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:21
  • msg #42

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hello everyone, I snuck in under the wire. I'm your friendly neighborhood red shirt. Don't mind me, I'm going to go over behind this rock and die horribly off screen!
Timor Imonim
Operations, 15 posts
Trill Male
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:25
  • msg #43

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Dying off screen doesn't work. We need you to die on screen so that the audience can see how hard your death hit us and how serious the situation is.
GM, 19 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 01:37
  • msg #44

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

On that note those of you done with characters start thinking up fun support characters. I plan on putting them into a public pool so they can be reused so try and make them more fun than just “generic soon-to-be-killed guy #6”
GM, 21 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 04:06
  • msg #45

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Also I said the game wasn't going to start until Monday however I'll throw up a quick introductory post so you guys can get into character before the big day starts.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 17 posts
Trill Male
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 20:20
  • msg #46

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Slight note on my post. I may have screwed up a pronoun somewhere, but the bolian was female. Timor and the ferengi are male. I will reread my own post to see where I screwed that up, but there seemed to be somewhere I lead Laila to think that the ferengi was female. Sorry for the confusion.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 6 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 20:29
  • msg #47

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Welcome aboard Ylis zh'Kerja! And no dying on my watch!

I'm interested in seeing how Ylis reacts to an Andorian/Klingon officer.

I will try to get an introduction post up in a bit.
GM, 23 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 21:48
  • msg #48

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
Sorry for the confusion.

Perhaps it is a feminine Ferengi?
Laila Abdool
Science, 8 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 22:49
  • msg #49

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Cheng: Are you Operations, or Sciences? You list wearing a standard Security uniform on your description but came into the lounge in Science blues ... just wondering.

  *Waves to the new batch of arrivals*
GM, 24 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Apr 2019
at 22:58
  • msg #50

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

He should be in yellow. I believe I confused him during a PM.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 8 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 03:28
  • msg #51

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Fixed it. Sorry about that.
Command, 7 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:19
  • msg #52

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

While I'm getting things ready on my end I had a couple ideas that I would like to run by you, maybe even take an informal vote.

Show Format
I was thinking about presenting the game in the style of an actual Star Trek episode. What this means is that each "episode" would be broken up into 5 acts and labeled as such, including "commercial break cliffhangers" during the transition from scene to scene.

I'm fine with this. I think presenting the mission in acts will help us format our posts as we mutually drive the story. If we don't expect a conclusion until the last commercial break we'll be able to work on subplots, complications, relationships, etc., even though we understand that we might find the answer sooner than expected.

B and C Stories
The idea that I had is basically to have another OOC thread called the Green Room where if you are not actively involved in the plot you can submit your name for either A) a side story or B) a supporting character to introduce into main plot or both. In addition if you have an idea like "I would like to have a thread with So'And'So about our friendship or rivalry or burgeoning romance that would be the place to nominate it, get acceptance and let me know to get it set up.

I like this a lot. Plus it'll give us a chance to flesh out the ship's crew.

So as I put up in the important info thread romance will be an option but it is one your character can always opt in and out of. I may introduce NPCs to be the "minor object of your affection of the week" however before I even start thinking about romantic entanglements for your character, if either you as a player or you think your character would have zero interest in a random romantic side plot just shoot me a PM saying you'd like to opt out for now.

I'll give this one some thought if that's okay. Most of the time I like to allow for relationships to build naturally, but since this is a new character it may be that "minor object of affection for the week" or NPC romance is the way to go.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 13:20, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
GM, 25 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:35
  • msg #53

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Random musings:

Star Trek Voyager
This is what I'm currently working through. Next up is to finally finish Enterprise and head on to Discovery.

At least from what I recall Voyager caught a lot of flack compared to DS9 and TNG but watching through it again I think it compares better than critics gave it credit for. I think Seasons 2 and 3 kind of spoiled the show for many but by Season 4 it seems to have really hit its stride.

I think the main problem is that overall Voyager's best actors are Janeway, Seven, Doctor and Neelix. Given that the Doctor was restricted and Seven didn't exist that basically left Janeway and Neelix to carry the show which explains why Neelix is so over used in the first two seasons to the point of annoyance. He became the Wesley Crusher forced into each episode with a "Oh I know how to do that!" but without nearly as much in-universe justification. Once Neelix is no longer dominating the screen I started to appreciate him more. Same with the Doctor where before the show had to be forced to bring him on screen but once he became mobile it felt more natural. Kes was the biggest failure of that show. She was spoiled from Day 1 by making her 3 years old. I'm sure some writer though it was an interesting twist but then having her be in a romantic relationship with Neelix was just...ugh. I feel bad for the actress because Kes was an albatross on many episodes. She was too young and childish to be a real romantic interest, she was too inexperienced to be really helpful as a counselor, she was too adult-like for the classic "child coming of age stories". Basically what they failed on Kes they succeeded with on Seven because although she was also "only" 6-years old, she was also late 20's. I realized that they could have run almost the same storyline of Seven "discovering how to be human" with Kes with only a few modifications but they didn't.  Anyway Season 4 onward I think stacks up well against TNG and DS9 minus the odd silly gimmick episode here or there.

I always wondered how Star Fleet was still exploring after hundreds of years. My mind literally could not comprehend the vastness of space until I played Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous is a space flight simulator that has billions of stars populated within. They basically just downloaded the entire NASA database of known stars (so 99% are just Epsilon 1, Epsilon 2 etc.) and they are not actually generated until the first player enters. Then the system is procedually generated and the seed is stored in the central database so even if you're playing single-player you can be part of the global exploration. If you're the first person to a system it gets noted. If you're the first person to scan a system, it gets noted.

I wasn't really paying attention and just flying around in the "bubble" which is the center of explored space. The game is 5 years old at this point with hundreds of thousands of players exploring the galaxy so the bubble is heavily explored. Anyway I was just cruising along and I found an unexplored system. Just like that. It was actually really easy. It then dawned on me that for every system you explore it puts you closer to 2+ unexplored systems. And that pattern repeats effectively endlessly. If I send out 100 ships to explore a hundred systems, they'll come back with 500 unexplored systems. If I send out 500 ships then they will come back with over 1,000 unexplored systems and so on.

This explains why Starfleet is still talking about short-term exploration even in the 24th century.  As part of the Fermi Paradox it's talked about that with exponential growth you could colonize the known galaxy in 5-50 million years. The thing is that is assuming exponential growth so by year 1 million you are producing millions of ships to explore. Given that it hasn't even been 1,000 years for Starfleet this is still an age with endless possibilities even close to home.

I did a long journey and in Elite Dangerous some people even done comparable 65,000 Ly+ missions making them comparable to Voyager's journey. It is really hard to keep forward momentum when you're trying to explore because there is always. ALWAYS something new to distract you from your destination :D

Conn Skill
I am planning on expanding/clarifying the Conn skill as all operations of technology. It's basically a stand in for "computer use" in y opinion and hopefully that makes the Conn skill a bit more applicable in game. While breaking into a system will still require Security, repairing it will still require Engineering and studying it might use Science, actually using a piece of technology for its intended purpose would use the Conn skill. There are obvious and numerous exceptions. Weapons still all use security. Scientific instruments still use Science etc. but to access an alien version of Facebook would use the Conn skill.

Let me know your thoughts, please!
Timor Imonim
Operations, 22 posts
Trill Male
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #54

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I've been watching actual play stuff and they seem to allow for an argument to be made based on approach and I think that that would be the better approach. If the engineer is approaching it from a systems point of view and the Conn guy is approaching it from a familiarity with control systems then that is reasonable. I would just be careful about taking it away from the engineers. Suddenly they know how to build, repair, maintain, etc. but not how to use technology. Basically, I could repair the alien computer. I could reprogram the alien computer, but the proper user interface of the alien computer is beyond me.

I'm not saying that the expert in conn shouldn't be able to say, "Hey, I've been dealing with controls on innumerable ships and systems. I should know this." but I also think that the engineer has a good argument that they should know it from their side of things.
Command, 8 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 15:19
  • msg #55

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Conn Skill
I am planning on expanding/clarifying the Conn skill as all operations of technology. It's basically a stand in for "computer use" in y opinion and hopefully that makes the Conn skill a bit more applicable in game. While breaking into a system will still require Security, repairing it will still require Engineering and studying it might use Science, actually using a piece of technology for its intended purpose would use the Conn skill. There are obvious and numerous exceptions. Weapons still all use security. Scientific instruments still use Science etc. but to access an alien version of Facebook would use the Conn skill.

Let me know your thoughts, please!

As one of the people who stands to benefit from this, I approve. :D
GM, 26 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 16:16
  • msg #56

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yes the intent is to expand the usage of the Conn skill but not diminish existing uses of other skills. With the right point of view and equipment, most skills can be used in most situations although they might have differing difficulties.
GM, 28 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 19:06
  • msg #57

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I've added everyone's ranks in the bio lines. Just to clarify everyone is an ensign except Garrity is a Lt. Jr. and Ylis is just a crewman 1st class.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 24 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 19:07
  • msg #58

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I thought that T'Saen had indicated that she was promoted as well.
GM, 29 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 19:09
  • msg #59

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Another miscommunication. Just skip past it and remember this going forward. In hindsight it's not completely unexpected as I opened up the story threads before everyone has had their characters 100% finalized.

For now just ignore that interaction and move forward. It'll be too much work to retcon it out and wont' really change much anyway.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:11, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
Command, 10 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 19:40
  • msg #60

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Shouldn't be hard to fix IC!
This message was last edited by the player at 21:00, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
Laila Abdool
Science, 12 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 19:46
  • msg #61

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   *Corrected last post to remove the extra pip from T'Saen's collar.*
GM, 30 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 20:05
  • msg #62

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just as an FYI due to limitations of pictures and portraits on rPoL expect to encounter a lot of Mass Effect/Star Wars races. They won't actually be but I don't feel the need to come up with crazy wacky alien descriptions when I can just grab them from other IPs.

In general I like to keep the general ideas about the races similar so as not to be too jarring. Aasari are mono-gendered, Twi'lek are known for their beauty, Turians are militaristic etc. although the details (and species names etc.) will be different

This is NOT going to suggest that this is a cross-over game. There is no force, no jedis, no specters, no mass relays etc. I draw inspiration from all sorts of sources but I will never try and merge different sci-fi universes together. I will lift and customize singular elements that I enjoy but not others and in all instances I will stick to the spirit and themes of the Star Trek series.
Command, 11 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 20:41
  • msg #63

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sounds like a plan!
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 9 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 21:30
  • msg #64

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Regarding posting pace and availability. I'm rarely able to post more than once or twice a day as I post from work during my breaks.

I'm in Anchorage, Alaska USA and I work 1300 to 2200 Monday through Friday. I'm usually unable to post on weekends as I'm limited to a tablet and my fingers don't deal well with typing on the screen keyboard. But I do work one weekend out of every six and can post on those weekends.

Hopefully, this is acceptable to everyone. If that isn't fast enough and it causes a problem, I'm willing to bow out for the good of the game.
John Garrity
Command, 9 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 21:34
  • msg #65

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I personally think you will be fine. I am sure if you have been on Rpol for any time that you realize that often the games start at a hyper post rate, and then they slow down.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 26 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 22:38
  • msg #66

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Now Timor is going to have to make replicator patterns for the fines blood wine in the galaxy just to properly reward you for being a good friend.
GM, 31 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 22:46
  • msg #67

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Keep in mind that typically when a game first starts there is a flurry of posting but my games usually settle down to an update per day.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 11 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 23:10
  • msg #68

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
Now Timor is going to have to make replicator patterns for the fines blood wine in the galaxy just to properly reward you for being a good friend.

Don't get Cheng talking about replicated food/blood wine. While he will appreciate the effort, drink it, and even like it, his father taught him that, "You can't replicate blood wine boy! Just like meat tastes best when you hunt it yourself. Bah! Starfleet and their replicators will ruin everything!"

Yep, Cheng's dad is a grumpy old warrior. He eats replicated meat and drinks replicated Andorian ale. He draws the line at synthehol however. That stuff is just wrong.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 27 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 23:15
  • msg #69

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Well, I assume he could also build a still and look up how to ferment it properly. I'm not exactly sure what the limits on "personal effects" are for starfleet. If I choose to decorate my birth room with a still while someone else chooses to decorate with family photos, well that is just a personal choice. I half kid. I doubt Timor is going to get that crazy anytime soon.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 4 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 04:57
  • msg #70

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just as an FYI due to limitations of pictures and portraits on rPoL expect to encounter a lot of Mass Effect/Star Wars races. They won't actually be but I don't feel the need to come up with crazy wacky alien descriptions when I can just grab them from other IPs.

In general I like to keep the general ideas about the races similar so as not to be too jarring. Aasari are mono-gendered, Twi'lek are known for their beauty, Turians are militaristic etc. although the details (and species names etc.) will be different

This is NOT going to suggest that this is a cross-over game. There is no force, no jedis, no specters, no mass relays etc. I draw inspiration from all sorts of sources but I will never try and merge different sci-fi universes together. I will lift and customize singular elements that I enjoy but not others and in all instances I will stick to the spirit and themes of the Star Trek series.

*cough, cough* Don't forget The Orville!
GM, 34 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 05:37
  • msg #71

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

It's not about finding pictures online, it's about finding pictures of them on rPoL :D
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 5 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 05:49
  • msg #72

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yeah, I figured. I feel like I saw some Farscape critter avatars at one point. I could very well be mistaken.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 13 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 06:00
  • msg #73

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Looking at the Alien avatars, I see Babylon 5, Farscape, Star Trek, and Star Wars all represented. Some from Mass Effect. A good number from comic books.

And even one from Ashen Stars! Of course, I'm the one who submitted a Tavak avatar. I really wish that game hadn't died.
Command, 12 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 12:43
  • msg #74

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Checking Demi-Humans and Monsters might also yield some decent results, but you probably knew that. :D
Laila Abdool
Science, 14 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 14:47
  • msg #75

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

This is NOT going to suggest that this is a cross-over game. There is no force, no jedis, no specters, no mass relays etc. I draw inspiration from all sorts of sources but I will never try and merge different sci-fi universes together. I will lift and customize singular elements that I enjoy but not others and in all instances I will stick to the spirit and themes of the Star Trek series.

   Yeah, seeing anything like that would likely be a dealbreaker here. I'm open-minded on a lot of things, but if I were to see anything Force-related here, I'd have to bow out. Mixing metaphors is one thing, but mixing genres is a whole other deck of cards.  :)
John Garrity
Command, 11 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 15:20
  • msg #76

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Come on don't you secretly wish to see the scene where a man turns in his Captain's Chair as he pulls down his hood from his Star Fleet Robe Uniform. "Hello, I am Captain Luke Sky Walker of the USS Midi-chlorians.

Just teasing.
Laila Abdool
Science, 15 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 15:58
  • msg #77

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to John Garrity (msg # 76):

   Two words: Eeee-yuck.

GM, 35 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 16:05
  • msg #78

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

"Use the Proton Force and push their Cylon Shadows into the Stargate!"

- Obi-John-Luc Crichton, while wearing a very cunning hat
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:07, Tue 16 Apr 2019.
GM, 36 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 16:06
  • msg #79

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

And then of course there is this gem:

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:07, Tue 16 Apr 2019.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 29 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 16:32
  • msg #80

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

The Miranda class has extensive shuttle bays. Do we have a concept of what sort of shuttles we have? I mean, I assume that as an officer in engineering, getting access to the full list of parts and things that might need fixing should be well within reasonable for my character, so I would assume he could become generally aware of these things rather quickly.
Laila Abdool
Science, 16 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 17:06
  • msg #81

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   So, what's next? I'm assuming we find our bunking assignments and get ready for our 'day jobs' - not much to RP out there, I'd think.

   Just wondering where the next story point will begin.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 30 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 17:12
  • msg #82

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I figured we would find that out when they posted their next post. My guesses would be meeting our direct superiors or with some event happening: Ship starts exploding, we move into the nebula, we find out that we accidentally brought on tribbles with the supplies.
Command, 14 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 20:11
  • msg #83

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
we find out that we accidentally brought on tribbles with the supplies.

Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 14 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 21:23
  • msg #84

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just keep them away from me. I'm only half-Klingon, but still... I don't know how you people can stand those things.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 31 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 21:24
  • msg #85

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

If properly cooked I'm sure they could make a fine meal.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 34 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 03:55
  • msg #86

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Is Garrity there or just the ensigns, captain, and T'ra?
John Garrity
Command, 13 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 04:50
  • msg #87

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am there just posted. I was waiting for your questions to be answered
Timor Imonim
Operations, 36 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 04:54
  • msg #88

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

The reason I was asking was he had a question for you as well. Actually a request, but it would have been silly to post when I wasn't sure you were there.
John Garrity
Command, 14 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 04:55
  • msg #89

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Makes sense. I read the first post and I could see if I wasn't as well, but I believe I am there.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 17 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 05:51
  • msg #90

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

For some reason, I thought we had done a time jump and were being briefed right before heading down to the planet. Since we have days of travel before we head down, Cheng will shut up now.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 38 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 05:55
  • msg #91

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm not sure how long we have. You might be right about days, and I just missed it, but I was figuring that it wouldn't take that much longer for him to instruct his away team to assemble in the transporter room and I could do my tests while the others were getting equipment.
John Garrity
Command, 15 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 05:58
  • msg #92

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am not certain if we time jumped or not. Still, most missions allow from prep time, so I left it open for the Captain to say we are going. Or, if he we do have time we can do that to.
GM, 38 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 12:53
  • msg #93

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

It's been about a day. I use horizontal rules to designate time jumps and transitions but I will try to make it a bit more clear in the narrative going forward.


GM, 39 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 13:16
  • msg #94

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So I don't want to discourage players asking questions but I am trying to keep up the feeling and pace of a Star Trek episode. If you watch the briefing scenes there are a couple rounds of Q&A just so that one character isn't delivering minutes of exposition by themselves but there is also a "Chekov's Gun" approach to details where if it's not important it doesn't get screen time.

That would be my objective as well with this is that I don't want you to think that I am misleading you or withholding information from you. I will never run a game where you will be backed into a corner and I'll say "well you didn't ask the right question."

I perfectly understand that you need information to make informed choices but I ask that you trust me that I will deliver that information to you. I am not playing this game to see if I can outsmart my players, I am playing this game to focus on what choices do you make: given all available information do you go up or go down, left or right etc.

Those hard choices are easily the best part of Star Trek. It's not the cheesy dialogue or poorly choreographed fight scenes or perfectly mediocre special effects. It's the aliens, the excitement, and the hard quandaries approached with emphasis on both logic and emotions, future consequences and past precedences.

Therefore all I ask is that if there is a clarifying question about something that your character could reasonably figure out on their own, feel free to shoot me a PM or address it OOC. I'll deliver pretty clear narration in game when I think you guys are overthinking things and I'm ready to push on but if there is other questions I will address them continuously in OOC/PMs.

ALSO if I ever do forget to mention anything, if that information becomes pertinent I will make sure to deliver it to you prior to making a decision.

Finally this goes for things like equipment. Anything that would be considered reasonable and standard duty: you have unless I specify otherwise. The engineer always has his tools, the security officer always has their phasers, the science & medical always have their tricorders etc.

In addition for away missions a standard and reasonable load out is assumed. You have your environmental suits as well as a belt with spare parts/climbing gear/emergency shelter equipment etc. Again this is not a game to try and trick you. This isn't a dungeon crawler. The individual obstacles are fairly linear but the focus is on the reperussions of those decisions. Who do you help? Who do you abandon? Who gets injured because of your choices?

That being said here are some clarifications:

Cheng ch'Zynes:
"This may be a stupid question," Cheng begins, "But I believe a question unasked is worse. Are Dr. Snyder and Dr. Cotter Starfleet officers or civilian scientists? The vague report has me concerned. Was there any sign of a Starfleet signal before they went down to the surface?"

Cheng would know that only Starfleet personnel use starfleet signals. If they were civilians they would be using standard Federation signals. The scans in the report show no sign of other Starfleet signals.

Timor Imonim:
"Sir. I would like to request that you assemble the away team in the transporter room before we leave. It won't take much time and I can beam everyone to the shuttle if you are in a rush. Also, if I could requisition a few test cylinders I may be able to learn more about the interference and better assess the risks."

Timor would know looking at the report that there is nothing he could do. It would be like trying to fly a kite through a hurricane. There is no additional information that can be gleaned from orbit.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:26, Wed 17 Apr 2019.
GM, 40 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 13:25
  • msg #95

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Also, one last warning. This game is going to feel kinda railroad-y at times. There will be specific obstacles that you will have to face from a specific starting point and no matter how much you would like to try there will be no getting around it. You will have to board the alien ship, you will have to beam down to the planet's surface, you will not be able to escape to warp etc.

HOWEVER how you solve the problem will some room for variation. While there is only one way to fix a broken warp nacelle there are a LOT of ways to disable alien attackers or ships or quarantine a population from the plague or break up a doomsday cult.

 Finally there will always be critical decisions that are completely free for you to choose. Will you break the Prime Directive? Will you destroy the alien menace or let it roam free once the danger has passed? Will you reprimand your insubordinate crew or try to become their friends?

Not to get to meta but everything else is really just setting up that central dilemma for the show. Episode after episode are built around "rail road obstacles" that lead up to a central decision that a character is able to make freely:

Do they give in to fear or rise to bravery?
Do they bend their laws to do good or sacrifice what is right for what is proper?
Do they respect the culture and quirks of an alien species or reject them?

That is why your values are so important and ones I wanted to spend a LOT of time on so if you do not have them memorized I encourage you to do so because you should be looking for every opportunity to engage or challenge them as ultimately you can think that those values are what each missions is really about.

Sometimes I will build a mission with a specific value/challenge in mind but other times it will be more open and it is up to you to decide if you want a value to come into play.

Above all else though, TALK TO ME. Send me a PM if you have an idea or a question or need something clarified. If you want to bring a value into play but aren't sure if it is appropriate or not or if you would like to see a situation where the value can be challenged shoot me a PM. It is so important that this becomes your natural reaction to any questions/comments/concerns you have which is why it is always Rule #1 in my games. Forget having fun, let's have an open channel of communication and fun will naturally emerge from two people playing on the same page.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 39 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 13:54
  • msg #96

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Okay. So, I won't need the test cylinders, but the reason I wanted them in the transporter room was also to get transporter scans of everyone right before the mission that would be on both our shuttle and the ship. They are used with one of the medical devices and are just generally nice to have. I doubt we will need them, but it is much better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. The same way he backed down because "snitches get stitches" and he has become gun shy about suggesting that they might be wrong, he is attending to potential problems that might crop up early in line with the way he attends to machinery. It is also an opportunity for Garrity to tell him he is being overly cautious, support him, or do whatever he would do when a subordinate makes a request.
John Garrity
Command, 16 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 15:46
  • msg #97

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Question: Aren't crews basic transporter scans on record already?
GM, 41 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #98

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

They are.  Getting a physical is probably standard procedure before going on an away mission.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 40 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 16:27
  • msg #99

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

New ones are more up to date by dint of the meaning of the word "new", but you have every right by nature of your position to tell him "No." You are in command. If you think that his requests are unreasonable you can react as such. At no point has he questioned the fact that you are in command. Heck you can ignore him if you so choose. He made his request. The choice of how to react is yours. This is a chance to give additional insight into how they interact with each other. You don't have to jump on it if you don't want to. Timor can just shut up until he is needed.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 42 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 19:26
  • msg #100

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

15:14, Today: Timor Imonim rolled 17 using 2d20 ((8,9)).

Okay, so looking at my results from deionizing the hull, I succeeded and can now help T'Saen with her thing. Can I make a case that with the EPS focus and the concept of rerouting power to restore her controls or sending it to shields to soften the impact? I'm just looking for ways to get her the 4 successes she needs. If I can get two on my roll, she would only need to get two on her's. She may also have focuses she can bring in. I'm not keen on handing over threat, but the choice would be her's at the end of the day. If she feels it is needed. That is up to her. I'm just trying to get the best idea of what is going on and what our options are. As we get more used to the system we will have to ask these questions less often.
GM, 45 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 19:57
  • msg #101

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sure! As heavy handed as I feel that I've been these past few days I highly encourage you guys to be creative on bringing your focuses to bear. Bring on the Treknobabble!
John Garrity
Command, 18 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 20:23
  • msg #102

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

On the fitness roll; what is that with to avoid being tossed by turbulence.
Laila Abdool
Science, 18 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 20:46
  • msg #103

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

  Two questions:
 1) Fitness check (Fitness + ???)

 2) Did I manage to get any data on the Scientists to review before boarding on the shuttlecraft?

  Mucho obrigado.
John Garrity
Command, 19 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 20:50
  • msg #104

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

One last question, do we need to make an assist roll for the shuttle.
GM, 46 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:38
  • msg #105

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Pure Fitness. It's a tricky one but only one 1 success is required.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:38, Wed 17 Apr 2019.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 7 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 22:51
  • msg #106

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

18:36, Today: Ylis zh'Kerja rolled 29 using 2d20 with rolls of 16,13.  Turbulence - Fitness TN 10.

I failed my Swaying in Time with the Other Actors test. What do I win?
Timor Imonim
Operations, 44 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 22:52
  • msg #107

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

A concussion and a director yelling at you. I kid.
GM, 47 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 22:57
  • msg #108

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Didn’t think we would have a redshirt death this quickly :P

kidding of course
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 8 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 23:17
  • msg #109

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

*accidentally hits airlock button with elbow* WHOOSH!
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 18 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 00:00
  • msg #110

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Were phaser rifles authorized? I was thinking one for Timor and one for Ylis. Cheng is okay with phasers, but I know Timor is much better and I suspect Ylis is as well.
John Garrity
Command, 20 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 00:03
  • msg #111

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

One thing to remember is that using a Phaser rifle generates the weapon's escalation value in threat when used. I am uncertain if the Captain authorized.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 45 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 00:04
  • msg #112

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

It does it when obtained and I would assume if I couldn't generate threat or momentum during that period, neither could anyone else. So, we might have lucked out on that one.
GM, 48 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 00:07
  • msg #113

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Thats a no on the rifles. Even if contact with romulans was confirmed the empire is not at war and that would represent a clear escalation.
GM, 50 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 11:43
  • msg #114

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just waiting on T'saen for the big roll!
Command, 16 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 13:48
  • msg #115

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'll get a post up shortly, please stand by!
GM, 51 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 16:32
  • msg #116

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So full disclosure I am still new to this system so if you see anything that looks off please feel free to bring it up!
Command, 18 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 16:33
  • msg #117

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I just got my copy of the rules in the mail and have only started diving in, so the same goes for me!
Laila Abdool
Science, 20 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 16:46
  • msg #118

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Only the Basic Core Rules here, so you know as much as I do, GM! Guess this is a learning curve for a few of us.
Command, 19 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:02
  • msg #119

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Roleplaying 101: Never let the rules get in the way of a good story. :)
John Garrity
Command, 22 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:03
  • msg #120

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Seems like a few of us are fairly familiar with the rules. I have done a few Streams of it as a player, so feel mostly comfortable. The only thing I saw that has been a little off was a call for a singular Fitness roll. Normally, the rules call for a Attribute and Discipline to be rolled with a set difficulty number based on how challenging it was.

On that roll, I would of probably called for a Fit+Security with a difficulty of 1 maybe 2. Depending on the narration I might of spent threat to increase the complication range to add drama.

With that said; I thought what you did worked just as well. It did add drama without totally hurting any player. On average, rules wise you are doing great.

Just my two cents of which I have been told is sometimes worth less than 2 cents.

One thing I think would be helpful would be a Notice Thread with Momentum, threat, and any current complications. I saw this used to great effect by another ST on Rpol for STA.
GM, 53 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:09
  • msg #121

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am still playing around with the OOC notes so bear with me on that.

I'll try and note advantages in Green and complications in red.

Also just as a refresher:

Momentum: Gained by having extra successes. Can be spent as follows:
2M  to create an advantageous trait, remove a complication or create a complication for an adversary as appropriate to the task.

1+M - can repeatedly be used to add d20s to a task. (maximum of 5 total dice per roll). 1 die = 1M, 2 dice = 3M and 3 dice = 6M

2M+ - can increase difficulty of a task for an opponent

1+M - obtain additional information (max 3) from the output of a task.

Focus - If a task is aligned with a focus that you have then each success counts as 2 successes for overcoming difficulty or generating momentum.

Threat Basically momentum for the GM. Players can substitute adding Threat as opposed to spending momentum for adding d20s/difficulty before a roll.

Determination Everyone starts with 1 pt of determination and can generate more by challenging their values. They can spend determination by performing a task that supports their value and can use it in the following ways:

- add a d20 that is automatically a '1' an thus generates 2 successes towards the task
- re-roll all their dice
-immediately perform a second task
-immediately create an advantage for the current scene.

Finally you all have the directive of: Uphold the Prime Directive but beyond that you have not been given a specific mission or directive so no worries there.
GM, 54 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:12
  • msg #122

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Also I highly recommend coordinating before attempting tasks. This is the time in the show where the CO goes and says "You do this and you do that etc."

You are free to discuss the situation all you want in-game but you only get a single task (i.e. roll) to attempt before the story moves forward.

If discussing things in character takes too long feel free to do it here in the OOC threads for easier coordination.

Finally if you're taking too long I'll pick a task off my "obvious task" list appropriate for your character.

While I want to give you time to deliberate and plan I have also seen waaay too many games die because it is difficulty to get consensus on a plan online.
John Garrity
Command, 23 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:14
  • msg #123

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

A suggestion to the players, and also would be helpful for me. I believe the players would have familiarity with each others discipline levels. I would love to see those placed in cast listing with possibly focuses. Anything else is great, but not as necessary.

This will help when assigning tasks.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 47 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:17
  • msg #124

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I could see it being helpful and I think I still have a character sheet you can access in my description, but I'm thinking that much of that may be out of character knowledge for anyone who hasn't bothered to get to know others.
Laila Abdool
Science, 21 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:18
  • msg #125

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   I'd like to look after two things in my next post:
  • - Make sure that Crewman Ylis zh'Kerja is all right - just a short RP will probably do it
  • - Insight + Science/Engineering (difficulty 2) - decipher and understand the Partial Scan Garrity attempted during the descent with the much more powerful shuttle scanners I'd like to work on this one, I'm reasonably competent as a Science Officer as well as a Doctor, possibly assisting Lt. Garrity after he's made the appropriate speech. :)

  Well, that's my plan, at any rate.

   As for character sheets, just scrub out any personal details you don't want to be public knowledge.

   (Should the GM see fit to release the Character Sheets, that is.)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:20, Thu 18 Apr 2019.
John Garrity
Command, 24 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:24
  • msg #126

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

For me as 2nd Officer; I will make an assumption I know the disciplines perhaps relevant focuses. Ones that SF would care about.

I am going to make a suggestion that you allow me to make command roll first and with that I am fairly certain I will generate momentum which can be used for other tasks. Will have another task in list. T'Saen determining shuttle damage.
John Garrity
Command, 26 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:34
  • msg #127

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Reason + Science to scan the area (difficulty 1) - please specify what you are looking for (e.g. alien signal, starfleet signal, mineral composition etc.) Timor

Insight + Science/Engineering (difficulty 2) - decipher and understand the Partial Scan Garrity attempted during the descent with the much more powerful shuttle scanners Abidool

Daring + Engineering (difficulty 1) - attempt repairs on Laila's faceplate Cheng

Presence + Command (difficulty 1) - give an inspirational speech to improve morale Garrity
GM, 55 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 18:27
  • msg #128

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

The "scan the area" task  is repeateable with different people scanning for different things.

Also don't forget you can have people assist to add more successes to a roll.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 48 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 18:32
  • msg #129

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yeah, T'Saen might do a decent job scaning for something else. Then we could work on assessing damage and the like together, but as always, the choices are yours about what orders you want to give.
Laila Abdool
Science, 22 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 18:35
  • msg #130

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

  Just a thought: Is it possible to have a Momentum/Threat Pool thread somewhere? Was thinking it might be nice to know if we have Momentum to borrow from, rather than scrolling back over and over.

  I'll get to an actual post before too much longer.
John Garrity
Command, 28 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 18:48
  • msg #131

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Was not certain on the Scan. Believed maybe it would be a Momentum spend for more info, but that is good. I left a spot to allow for recommendations, so if Timor believes that is the way the go he can rec.

Question: Are ship roles in effect. I am not thinking they are since the none of the team is an actual Senior Staff
GM, 56 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 20:22
  • msg #132

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'll be tracking momentum and threat in each of my updates per scene. I don't like having it in a separate thread because I will forget to update it and then I will feel obligated to run a full audit which means time spent book keeping instead of furthering the story.

Ship roles are not in effect because, as you correctly surmised, you are not senior officers yet.
GM, 57 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 20:23
  • msg #133

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Also it is fine to be a bit disorgnized at first. It is your first away mission as a group after all.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 50 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 20:25
  • msg #134

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

But it's not perfect. My commanding officers will be disappointed. I kid, but I think Garity legitimately has a value related to that and the captain was quite explicit on the expectation of perfection.
GM, 58 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #135

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

The captain also said you wouldn't achieve his standards of perfection :P
Laila Abdool
Science, 23 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 21:47
  • msg #136

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

  *Looks up at the ship*  Someone needs reminding that perfection, like life, is a journey and not a destination.

Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 20 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 21:54
  • msg #137

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Focus - If a task is aligned with a focus that you have then each success counts as 2 successes for overcoming difficulty or generating momentum.

Not quite how a focus works. It only increases the chance of getting 2 successes from one die.

You need to roll TN or less to get a success. A "1" is a critical and gives you two successes.

If you have a Focus that applies, you get a critical on a roll of your Discipline or less.


Cheng attacks a Romulan with his ushaan-tor. Daring 10 + Security 4 gives him a target number of 14. I decide to add Threat to buy 2 bonus d20s. This gives Universe 3 extra Threat, but I get to roll 4d20.

Say I roll 3, 5, 14, and 19. Normally, that would be 3 successes for 3 dice below 14 and no "1"s.

But, Cheng has the Focus Hand-to-Hand Combat. With his Security Discipline of 4, that turns the die that rolled a "3" into a critical giving him an additional success.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 11 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 22:20
  • msg #138

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Note: Remember, if you're Assisting someone, you only roll one die.

Thanks Cheng! Now I know!
GM, 59 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #139

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

@Laila - I'm pretty sure you're supposed to spend the momentum first and then roll the dice pool together however as this is our shake-down scene I'm willing to allow it this time.
Laila Abdool
Science, 25 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #140

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

@Laila - I'm pretty sure you're supposed to spend the momentum first and then roll the dice pool together however as this is our shake-down scene I'm willing to allow it this time.

   Learn something new every day, it seems. Well, looks like we'll be spending Momentum on most tasks ^1, then.
John Garrity
Command, 30 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 00:02
  • msg #141

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Remember that Focuses can help increases successes. Like if you have Computer as a focus. Great for sensors.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 22 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 00:41
  • msg #142

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yep, build your dice pool, then roll. The one exception is you can spend Determination to reroll your pool.

You start with 2d20 and get add up to 3d20 by spending Momentum, Threat, and Determination. There are a couple of Talents that give a bonus d20 or allow rerolling some or all of the pool under specific conditions.

If you Assist someone, you only roll 1d20. If you get any successes, they only count if the primary actor gets at least one success.

The ship or a shuttle can Assist on rolls that relate to their systems. They roll a single die and are considered to always have a Focus that applies.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 51 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 00:46
  • msg #143

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

One place I was a bit fuzzy was if you could have an assistant spending momentum to expand their dice pool as well. If you are both rolling can you both spend 3 momentum to each add 2d20 to each of your pools
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 23 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 00:48
  • msg #144

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

John Garrity:
Remember that Focuses can help increases successes. Like if you have Computer as a focus. Great for sensors.

Generally the Computer Focus doesn't apply to Sensor Scans. The Sensor Operations Focus applies to Sensor Scans. The Sciences Division book has a good list of Science and Medical Focuses. Science Focuses start on page 36.

Cheng has the Computers Focus and I wish it applied to Sensor Scans. It could be useful in a detailed analysis of the data from the scan, but that's up the the GM.
John Garrity
Command, 31 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 01:11
  • msg #145

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Thank you for your precision, but does not change my point about making sure you examine your Focuses.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 24 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 01:27
  • msg #146

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

No, it is a good point.
GM, 60 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 02:36
  • msg #147

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
One place I was a bit fuzzy was if you could have an assistant spending momentum to expand their dice pool as well. If you are both rolling can you both spend 3 momentum to each add 2d20 to each of your pools

As per RAW

Assistants may only ever roll 1d20 while assisting. In Combat or other encounters assisting a Task is considered to take up a character’s Turn.

So the assistant can only roll 1d20 to help and cannot buy up more dice with momentum or threat.

Also important: TALENTS!!!

I'll work on getting talent descriptions added to character sheets but make sure to keep aware of them so you don't miss out on anything
Command, 20 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 17:06
  • msg #148

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Can I get a quick clarification on what you want T'Saen to be scanning for please?

Also, sorry if my rolls & responses are a bit brief; until I have a handle on the rules and how to maximize my abilities I'm kind of winging it here. :)
John Garrity
Command, 32 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 17:13
  • msg #149

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Reason + Science to scan the area (difficulty 1) - please specify what you are looking for (e.g. alien signal, starfleet signal, mineral composition etc.)

I believe Timor did Starfleet Signal. You can choose any other. I would recommend Alien Signal, but Garrity was not clear on which one.

Remember you can spend Momentum for extra dice. Also, you can spend momentum generated or otherwise after roll for additional information. This is usually done after Director gives result.
John Garrity
Command, 33 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 21:02
  • msg #150

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

One thing I am wondering is if the Shuttle can do an assist for Laila, Timor and T'saen.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 25 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 21:45
  • msg #151

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

As long as the shuttle sensors are working, it can Assist. Assuming a standard Shuttlecraft, it has the following stats:

  Comms     07     Engines 05     Structure 05
  Computers 06     Sensors 05     Weapons   00

  Command 00     Security    01     Science  00
  Conn    01     Engineering 01     Medicine 00

Assisting the scan, it would be 1d20 with a TN of Sensors (05) + Science (00) or 5. So, not all that likely to provide a success.
Laila Abdool
Science, 26 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 22:23
  • msg #152

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

As long as the shuttle sensors are working, it can Assist. Assuming a standard Shuttlecraft, it has the following stats:

   From what the Director has mentioned, and I might be incorrect ... but the ship/shuttle gives us no bonuses - something about being Ensigns/Young Officers/Cadets, etc. I might be wrong, but thought I heard something along those lines.
John Garrity
Command, 34 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 22:58
  • msg #153

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

That was for ship roles. Which are positions held by senior staff.
GM, 63 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 01:36
  • msg #154

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am trying out the style of putting heavy emphasis on traits. Let me know if that is appreciated or bothersome. I personally am liking it as a neat way to attach little reminders of bonuses and penalties.

Also let me know if you'd like me to attach the effects of the traits as well. Hopefully they are descriptive enough that it isn't necessary but as they accumulate I can see it getting confusing.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 52 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 01:42
  • msg #155

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

What is the difficulty of checking out the shuttle? Is that what our commander would like me to do next? I sort of jumped the gun last time, so I thought it would be better to ask this time.
GM, 64 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 02:09
  • msg #156

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Difficulty 2. Whenever the hull gets ionized it can throw the sensors for a loop. It's easy enough to realign them given time but for quick diagonstics it can be a little tricky wading through the false positives to get at actual problems.
Command, 22 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 20:33
  • msg #157

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hey all, quick check in from the road. I'll try to get a post up tomorrow detailing my findings, but the holiday weekend is putting a crimp in my gaming. If anyone feels the need, go ahead and take the GMs notes as read and reported to move the story forward.
GM, 65 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 20:50
  • msg #158

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Let me know if you have any questions.  Also I know this is a hierarchical command structure but keep in mind that you are highly trained officers, not grunts and your expertise is expected.

If there is a task that you would like to pick up that would suit your character's background I don't think anyone would argue with you stepping up instead of waiting for the commander to tell you to do the job everyone figured you were going to do anyway.

I want to be able to have PCs giving out the orders so it doesn't feel arbitrary or linear however I don't want the game to grind to a halt because everyone is waiting to receive their orders.
John Garrity
Command, 35 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 23:04
  • msg #159

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I will post soon. I took an electronic vacation this weekend. In the little the PCs have worked with Garrity; they see he is firm, but has a team dynamic philosophy. He gives goals, and wants the subordinate to determine how to achieve the goal.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 54 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 23:41
  • msg #160

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sorry, as I said before, I felt like I jumped the gun last time and wanted to make sure that I was acting along the lines of what Garrity wanted. And so far, what I have seen of his philosophy has been platitudes and orders.

There was the introduction where he focused on talking to Laila and basically ignored Timor. Then the toast where he tried to quickly bond them as though as single drink was all it took to make a team. Then a speech where he basically said, "That was a bit rough, but maybe deserved. We all have good traits and can be more. Go be all you can and do your jobs. I'll be around to look over your shoulders in the next few days."

Then the briefing where you basically just issued standing orders and gave him permission to go on his fools errand out of pity and a concern that he wouldn't be as useful if he didn't get a chance to do his thing. Then after the crash, more orders with some brief concern about our crewman. I've seen no indication that he has any concept of team dynamics in that I haven't seen anything that suggests a "team". Firm I get, with the orders and what not, but I'm curious when we would have learned that he had shown any interest in getting to know us as a team.

There was a dynamic between Timor and T'Saen that he just tried to bury with a toast rather than understand. Then he offered platitudes rather than any actual attempt to form them into a team when he addressed them on the ship. Then the rest of it was basically giving us orders with recommendations as an after though. I was very much getting the impression that he was more about "You all are under me and it is my job to make you better" in line with the value he has about perfection. I was taking it as him doing his best to just sort of plaster over faults in things, avoid doing the wrong thing, and make it work right without any actual attempt to understand it, rather than him taking an interest in team dynamics. Sorry if I misread that.
John Garrity
Command, 36 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Mon 22 Apr 2019
at 23:46
  • msg #161

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

That Value is more applying to him. He is not good enough in his own eyes because of Father
Laila Abdool
Science, 28 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 23 Apr 2019
at 00:23
  • msg #162

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Let me know if you have any questions.  Also, I know this is a hierarchical command structure but keep in mind that you are highly trained officers, not grunts and your expertise is expected.

   Something that's sort of had me wondering the last little while - I come from FASATrek, so this might be a leftover and I'm looking for a little clarification. Bear with me for a moment:

   The Captain seemed to think that we're Cadets, and it's been hinted at that this is sort of a Cadet-style cruise. But it seems to me that if we are Ensigns and above - we've done the Cadet Cruise a while back and this is our first *real* assignment. Anyone remember "Wrath of Khan"? - now that was a Cadet cruise and one that went horribly wrong. I don't think that we're that far back, or our character sheets would be even less than they are now.

   As for following orders and such:

   We have a certain amount of 'leeway' in how we deal with matters, being actual officers of Starfleet and such, but there is still a hierarchy to follow. In my case, I presented the data I had, then asked for a direction to go. I was under the impression that we'd inform Lt. Garrity of what's happened as well as what's going on, then he could make the decision as to where to go next - being the more experienced leader. We have 'wriggle room', but we're still Officers. Lt. Garrity can give directions on where we can pursue knowledge, but leave the specifics as to *how* to fulfil those requests up to us. And as long as we're getting things done - and advancing the story in the meantime - all is well.

Just my 0.02 cents (plus taxes and fees)
GM, 66 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 23 Apr 2019
at 01:57
  • msg #163

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

This is your first posting after Starfleet. You are not cadets but the captain is using it in a condescending manner.
GM, 68 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #164

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'll post it now and then as a reminder but for additional information please PM me so we can rapidly go back and forth on the momentum spending/information.
John Garrity
Command, 38 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:00
  • msg #165

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Real quick. I believe the max Momentum pool is 6
Laila Abdool
Science, 29 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:05
  • msg #166

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   A bit tied down here at work - will try to get something done tonight.

  Not sure of what's left to do looks like everyone's got a task at the moment. I don't want to set off anywhere and split the party if I can help it.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 27 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:09
  • msg #167

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm not going to be able to respond until tomorrow. Sorry.

And the Lt is right about the limit on the Momentum pool.
GM, 69 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #168

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So because people might be spending momentum for additional information I will be tracking above 6. If the extra isn't spent down then it will be lost.
GM, 70 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 20:36
  • msg #169

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Current momentum pool is now 4 based on recent spends.
Laila Abdool
Science, 30 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 14:19
  • msg #170

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

"Laila, help me attempt to send a message. I will operate the equipment. I want you to try to help counter the subspace interference. If, we constantly scramble the communication signal to counter in fluxes in frequency that we are combating. Most likely we will have a limited time. If we could attach a rider signal that is short and simple like Morse code we could relay the most important fact not to send additional shuttles due to the possibility of the power surges."

The winds start picking up and a thick snowfall starts to fall. Garrity is unable to get a signal through the interference. Sensors show a blizzard on the horizon swiftly approaching the area. With the subspace signal disrupting scanners and the potential for ionization due to the coming storm flying around the planet would be ill-advised at this time.

   - May I still try to help this, or has that window closed. I had something prepared - but 'maintenance' seemed to put the kybosh on posting anything until now. If so, great ... if not, meh.
GM, 72 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 15:07
  • msg #171

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Even if you assisted he needed 3 successes and only got 1 so bringing it up 2 wouldn't help.
Command, 25 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 15:17
  • msg #172

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Was getting a "404 error" all day from, but will try to catch up today.
Command, 27 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 18:13
  • msg #173

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Laila, just want to clarify one little point:

Laila Abdool:
"I'd take that bet - I'm a Doctor and a half-decent Science officer in the bargain - but we don't have time for that. We've got a storm to walk through."

Just to confirm: T'Saen isn't betting anyone from the away team will die; she bet Timor that the shuttle was salvageable and can be fixed enough to get us all off-planet (and it is). :)
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 15 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 18:34
  • msg #174

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm out of town w/out my laptop.  I'll be able to check and post, but dont expect any speeches worthy of James Tiberius Kirk or anything.
Laila Abdool
Science, 33 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 19:40
  • msg #175

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just to confirm: T'Saen isn't betting anyone from the away team will die; she bet Timor that the shuttle was salvageable and can be fixed enough to get us all off-planet (and it is). :)

    Sorry, but it wasn't made completely clear. Amended the post to reflect Abdool's distaste for human (or most other forms) of flesh.
Command, 28 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 20:00
  • msg #176

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sorry, I should have made it a clearer. Onward, upward, and all that jazz!
GM, 73 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 20:54
  • msg #177

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Phew! I'm pretty exhausted atm. Just finished making a GIANT exploration map for you. I've decided to take this game in a more non-linear fashion where you'll be assigned to explore a region of space and you'll be presented with a map and points of interest that represent things of notice and potential adventure.

I won't have hard rules like it takes X time to move through a grid or Y hours/days/weeks to explore a grid but instead as you move around and adventure the map can change.

Fail to stop a star from going super nova? Well then this grid is now off limits as a navigation hazard, hope that doesn't mean you have to fly through enemy territory now. Intercede on behalf of one alien race in a war against another? Then their borders will expand. Fail to cure a plague and their borders will contract etc. etc.
Command, 29 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 21:41
  • msg #178

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Fantastic! Thank you!
Laila Abdool
Science, 34 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 23:28
  • msg #179

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to Universe (msg # 177):

  Almost sounds like you're heading in a "West Marches" style of game:

   Here's to hoping for the best outcomes on all counts.  :P
Timor Imonim
Operations, 58 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 18:49
  • msg #180

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Would the talent "I know my ship" apply in this situation? I wasn't sure if it was just the Bellfast, the Bellfast and its shuttles, or whatever my ship of the moment was.
GM, 77 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 18:55
  • msg #181

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sure. I mean it's a standard shuttle and it is part of the standard kit & caboodle of the Belfast.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 31 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 03:14
  • msg #182

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Per the Core book, Challenge dice are as follows in a normal d6:

d6 ResultChallenge Dice Result
51, plus Effect
61, plus Effect

Edit: This is on page 74 of the Core book.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:17, Tue 30 Apr 2019.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 60 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 03:16
  • msg #183

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

See, I apparently missed that chart. Thank you.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 33 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Wed 1 May 2019
at 04:25
  • msg #184

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Just to get things straight in my head, I have a couple of questions. There is a scene I would like to have with Cheng and Ylis before we reach this world, but not if the trip was less than a day.

  • How long after we boarded were we given the mission briefing?
  • How long after the mission briefing did we reach this wonderful world?

GM, 79 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 1 May 2019
at 04:46
  • msg #185

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

It was less than a day, call it a couple hours at medium warp.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 34 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Wed 1 May 2019
at 05:09
  • msg #186

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Gotcha, so really close to the Starbase. Now I have a better understanding regarding the use of just a shuttle by the scientists.
GM, 81 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 4 May 2019
at 03:49
  • msg #187

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Repair team: I have retconned the extended task into an effective difficulty 4 task. I realized there wasn't a time constraint on the task and thus it was a poor candidate for an extended check.
Laila Abdool
Science, 37 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sun 5 May 2019
at 20:45
  • msg #188

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Just a note: my weekend's gotten a little more convoluted than I'd planned - I'll work out something to post on Monday.

   Sorry for the inconvenience.
Timor Imonim
Operations, 61 posts
Trill Male
Engineer Ens
Tue 7 May 2019
at 02:04
  • msg #189

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Okay, before we respond, I need to actually know if there are any parts we need. Last I knew the shuttle was good to fly, but it was the storm and being shot down again that were the concerns. I don't want to say we don't need parts if we do, but the impression I got was that we should be fine.

Right now it is seeming that our best bet is just to raise shields and wait for the storm to pass possibly shifting the shuttle every so often to keep it less buried, but never so far off the ground that it might get damaged if it goes down again.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:05, Tue 07 May 2019.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 21 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 7 May 2019
at 02:11
  • msg #190

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Command, 31 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 7 May 2019
at 17:53
  • msg #191

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Timor Imonim:
Okay, before we respond, I need to actually know if there are any parts we need. Last I knew the shuttle was good to fly, but it was the storm and being shot down again that were the concerns. I don't want to say we don't need parts if we do, but the impression I got was that we should be fine.

Right now it is seeming that our best bet is just to raise shields and wait for the storm to pass possibly shifting the shuttle every so often to keep it less buried, but never so far off the ground that it might get damaged if it goes down again.

I would suggest barely lifting off, then firing the shuttle's phasers on lowest power/widest dispersion to melt the snow, then settle back down again. We can also take this up IC if you'd like to discuss.
GM, 83 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 7 May 2019
at 19:25
  • msg #192

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Correct no additional parts are needed as you passed your check.
GM, 85 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 7 May 2019
at 19:30
  • msg #193

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

mini update to bide time while we wait for others...
John Garrity
Command, 45 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Wed 8 May 2019
at 02:59
  • msg #194

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I will post by morning. Had a family emergency. Been device free for several days. I am sorry for any delay I have caused my other playerss
GM, 86 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 8 May 2019
at 15:19
  • msg #195

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

no worries. This game is moving at a pretty good clip.

Also as the comms have been severed I've isolated the two groups.  You can assume that you were kept appraised so Garrity's group would know that Timor and T'Saen repaired the shuttle while Timor and T'saen would know that the rest of the team found the scientists (dead) and a tunnel going underground.
GM, 87 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 10 May 2019
at 22:29
  • msg #196

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Gentle reminder to T’saen and Timor...
Command, 32 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 13 May 2019
at 15:07
  • msg #197

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hi, sorry for the delay! Can I get a quick clarification please? You wrote

At this rate they might have to fire up the thrusters just to avoid getting completely buried in snow when the proximity sensor starts blinking.

Do you mean we'll need to fire up the thrusters when this happens, or that it's snowing, and hey you guys, the proximity sensor just went off, you might want to check that?
Laila Abdool
Science, 40 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Mon 13 May 2019
at 17:25
  • msg #198

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Quick question: Are both of these affecting Lt. Garrity's party?

Environment: Ancient Ruins - all scans are at +1 difficulty
Subspace Fluctuation - electronic scans and communications at +1 difficulty

Because with the blurred faceplate the Doctor has, the Difficulty will be 4, and I'll need both my Value and some help from Mr. ch'Zynes to make head or tails of this technology. (I'm also considering using a point of Determination to get started).

EDIT: I'm guessing that Garrity's Teamwork! will lower the difficulty to 3.
GM, 89 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 13 May 2019
at 17:45
  • msg #199

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Oops! I forgot to remove the subspace scans and replace it with the new trait: Ancient Insulation...
GM, 90 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 14 May 2019
at 17:16
  • msg #200

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

lol why didn't anyone tell me I mixed up my trackers :P
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 24 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 14 May 2019
at 19:14
  • msg #201

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Oh yeah, I guess that's what happened. <_<
Laila Abdool
Science, 42 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 14 May 2019
at 21:40
  • msg #202

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   I'm not usually one to point out mistakes and such - some GM's get right out upset over having things pointed out to them. But if you're asking for help in spotting mistakes ...

Cheng: Teamwork! - -1 difficulty to one task

 - Think that this should be from Garrity, as he's posted this before. (Unless Cheng has it as well, then my bad).
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 39 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 14 May 2019
at 21:41
  • msg #203

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Laila Abdool:
   I'm not usually one to point out mistakes and such - some GM's get right out upset over having things pointed out to them. But if you're asking for help in spotting mistakes ...

Cheng: Teamwork! - -1 difficulty to one task

 - Think that this should be from Garrity, as he's posted this before. (Unless Cheng has it as well, then my bad).

Garrity granted that to all of us. I haven't used it yet.
GM, 92 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 14 May 2019
at 22:49
  • msg #204

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Correct. Everyone has used their bonus but Cheng.
Command, 33 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 15 May 2019
at 12:01
  • msg #205

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hi, sorry for the delay! Can I get a quick clarification please? You wrote

At this rate they might have to fire up the thrusters just to avoid getting completely buried in snow when the proximity sensor starts blinking.

Do you mean we'll need to fire up the thrusters when this happens, or that it's snowing, and hey you guys, the proximity sensor just went off, you might want to check that?

GM, can I get a read on this please so I can get a post up and keep us moving forward?
GM, 93 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 16 May 2019
at 00:26
  • msg #206

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Missed that, sorry. It is the latter: it is snowing. Someone is approaching the shuttle.
Laila Abdool
Science, 44 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 21 May 2019
at 20:20
  • msg #207

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Excuse me, GM ...

Descend shaft: Fitness + Security Difficulty 1

   Are you waiting (and wanted) the rest of us down to where the Andorians have repelled down to? (I have this bad feeling that the 11 or less I'm going to need will not end well - especially with the Blurred faceplate)

   Just wondering.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 42 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 21 May 2019
at 23:10
  • msg #208

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Does an Emergency Survival kit include rope? If so, Ylis and Cheng can assist the Doctor and LT. We could assist you by cutting finger and toe holds into the stone with our hand phasers but that could cause other problems.

Laila, your Blurred Faceplate shouldn't apply to this test. That was intended for tests that require clear vision.
GM, 96 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 22 May 2019
at 23:47
  • msg #209

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sure you guys can assist. Correct blurred face plate doesn’t apply. You can always add threat to roll more dice...
John Garrity
Command, 48 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 23 May 2019
at 16:38
  • msg #210

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

My work schedule has been insane. Will catch up today.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 43 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Sun 26 May 2019
at 20:36
  • msg #211

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sorry for going silent for a few days. Had a bit of a health issue. Will post a bit later today.

Due to the holiday, I won't be able to post tomorrow. I will be back in action on Tuesday.
Command, 35 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 27 May 2019
at 22:49
  • msg #212

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

John, let me know if it's easier for all if I move our thread along. I've been waiting on a post from you, but happy to keep waiting if you need. :)

EDIT: Sorry, meant Timor! Already spoke to GM, and am moving forward.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:09, Wed 29 May 2019.
GM, 98 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 30 May 2019
at 22:38
  • msg #213

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

FYI I'm putting up a Wanted-Player to replace Timor. It's been a month since he's logged on and given his attitude prior to leaving I don't expect him to be coming back.
GM, 99 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 31 May 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #214

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Q has snapped his fingers and Timor is no more; Sarah Greene has always been
Sarah Greene
Operations, 62 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 31 May 2019
at 00:20
  • msg #215

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Oh gods the great Q exists in this game, should we run?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 63 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 31 May 2019
at 00:21
  • msg #216

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

does anyone want to give me a quick rundown of what I've missed? Or shall i start reading the back posts now :)
Command, 37 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 31 May 2019
at 15:14
  • msg #217

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Hi Sarah!

You & I are on the shuttlecraft that went down to the planet. Lots of sensor intereference, and also a blizzard. I poked my head out to see what was what, and got shot at by Romulans, who appear to be unfriendly. I just fired up the shuttle to A.) Try to scatter them or at least bury them in snow and B.) Keep the blizzard from covering the shuttle. Next step is to try and raise the rest of the team to warn them and see how they're faring.

Welcome aboard, and please help!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 64 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 31 May 2019
at 15:23
  • msg #218

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Gladly what type of shuttle? do we have any armaments onboard?
Command, 38 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 31 May 2019
at 15:32
  • msg #219

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

GM? I'm not sure on the specific specs.

Also, hopefully our other intrepid away team members can give you the lowdown on how they've been faring. :)
GM, 100 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 31 May 2019
at 15:39
  • msg #220

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Standard shuttle. Yes it is armed but using it directly on personnel would be considered a war crime. Don't really have stun settings on ship-based weaponry :P
GM, 101 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 17:43
  • msg #221

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

*poke for the cave crew*

Make your rolls if you're going to continue following the tunnel, otherwise I can split the group again.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 26 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 22:13
  • msg #222

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Welcome Sarah!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 66 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sat 1 Jun 2019
at 22:25
  • msg #223

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Thanks its a pleasure to join the game Ylis, :) Lets have a great time!
GM, 103 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 4 Jun 2019
at 02:58
  • msg #224

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

*poke* Garrity? Otherwise I can roll for you to keep the story moving...
Laila Abdool
Science, 47 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 5 Jun 2019
at 14:22
  • msg #225

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to Universe (msg # 224):

   Are we waiting on Mr Garrity? I'd prefer not to wait much longer, if possible.

   The show must go on, after all.
GM, 106 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 04:31
  • msg #226

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Giving Garrity a poke and a bit more time while I formulate the next scene.
John Garrity
Command, 49 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Tue 11 Jun 2019
at 05:13
  • msg #227

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Spoke with Universe. The reason I have been gone is my Girlfriend's father died a few weeks ago, and we have been out of state dealing with the estate.

I am pretty good, but have been playing emotional support pet for Christine. We are starting to come to the other side of this, and we are good. Universe has said he will NPC me if needed.
Laila Abdool
Science, 49 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 12 Jun 2019
at 01:55
  • msg #228

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to John Garrity (msg # 227):

   I can understand - was a caregiver for my own father, along with my sister until he passed, then pulled a "Swedish Death Cleansing" to get stuff out of the house. It wore down my sister immensely, but I soldiered on and got most of the stuff cleared away. (Nothing makes you realise how much stuff you have until you have to clean out someone else's)

   Best wishes on the emotional end, and hope that you'll come back ready and willing to jump in (as much as one can, given what you've gone through)

Sarah Greene
Operations, 68 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 12 Jun 2019
at 20:27
  • msg #229

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

thats a good question, whats our battle plan T'saen?
Command, 42 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 13:57
  • msg #230

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Per my earlier post, my plan was to follow the heading of the away team, but feel free to offer other ideas! Heck, I'll fly us back to the relative safety of the Belfast if you want.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 69 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 14:40
  • msg #231

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

since i'm the newbie :) I was assuming you knew where we dropped off the away team, although in this storm it'd be easy to get lost probably.
Command, 43 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 15:00
  • msg #232

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

They left us behind to fix the shuttle while they went off to be heroes or something. Now between the blizzard and the Romulans we need to find and probably save them. ;)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 70 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 15:40
  • msg #233

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

What model of shuttle are we dealing with here? Also how hard would it be to configure the sensors to look for life signs through the blizzard?

I mean in theory we could still pick up data by focusing our IR spectra search on an inverse of this graph

since that's the IR spectra for ice (in blue) we would get no interference from the blizzard, but it would limit our ability to detect liquid water as well.  When you cross reference that with the IR Spectra of Hemogoblin, you'll find that we should be able to locate any humans (and presumably other aliens) in the area, by looking for blank spots in the scan well searching between 1000-2000, specifically near 1600-1700 cm-1

 or atleast find any corpses :)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 71 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 16:18
  • msg #234

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I hope i didn't scare anyone by showing my inner geek...*blushes*
Command, 44 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:15
  • msg #235

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Scare, nothing. I think I'm in love!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 72 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:23
  • msg #236

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

so the lovely Ensign T'Saen approves then?

I'm just not sure if my character has enough ranks in science to suggest that :( with only 2 ranks it could be to low to reference Organic chemistry, and the IR spectra of specific compounds.  Although I could see it being something engineering might know as not sure.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Thu 13 June 2019.
Command, 45 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #237

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I've only got 1 rank in Science, so am even less of a help there. Maybe the GM would allow a roll for it?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 73 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 19:29
  • msg #238

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I have to ask if I even know the info off my character's head, I mean Sarah's an engineer, not a scientist, my background IRL is in medicine, having had to take physics and instrumental analysis as part of my degree.
GM, 109 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 04:20
  • msg #239

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Between the alien signal and the storm detailed sensors are pretty much off the table. You can still navigate and marked out points of interest prior to take-off but there isn't much hope of finding a signal to guide you by.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 74 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 08:34
  • msg #240

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

so it'd be ineffective sorry T'sean.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 75 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 08:37
  • msg #241

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

What should i roll to try to get sensors to collect enough data to try to locate our teammates?   Control + Conn?   Daring + Conn? reason + Conn?
GM, 111 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 17:45
  • msg #242

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Nothing. For a variety of reasons stated before sensors will be unable to find their signal.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 79 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 00:07
  • msg #243

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Even if their not powerful enough to break through the blizzard :) I should in theory be able to cancel out the interference from the subspace signal, if I created an interference/nullification signal by broadcasting the same signal back offset enough to create the peak and toff matching up.
Command, 48 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 13:09
  • msg #244

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

GM, sorry to need further clarification, but do we have any idea where the subspace interference is coming from? If not, there's no benefit to us landing, since we know there are hostiles, we're in the middle of a blizzard, and sensors are useless. Just trying to line our space ducks up in a row before making a decision.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 80 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 13:38
  • msg #245

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

At this point we're in a catch 22, if we retreat to be able to get better readings from orbit and such we won't be able to come back, if we land we won't be able to leave. :(
Command, 49 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 15:52
  • msg #246

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I say we run away and become private detectives instead. Someplace warm, with no extradition laws.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 81 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 15:58
  • msg #247

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

sadly i'd have to challenge a value to do that T'Saen but it would prove interesting.

Value in question "Never Leave a Man Behind"
Command, 50 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 16:57
  • msg #248

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm not above kidnapping you if it would assuage your guilt.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 82 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 18 Jun 2019
at 18:24
  • msg #249

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

well you are the pilot ;) I had no choice but to go along :P
Sarah Greene
Operations, 85 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 12:55
  • msg #250

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Any nonverbal communications methods that starfleet would have taught us?
GM, 122 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 15:08
  • msg #251

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Ordinarily yes but as you're all in environmental suits it is going to be difficult to be subtle. Not impossible but just keep that in thick gloves and bulky suits it'll be difficult.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 86 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 24 Jun 2019
at 15:51
  • msg #252

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

If i wanted to use nonverbal communication what would I roll? and what would the # of successes be?  Trying to guess if it'd be worth it or not?
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 48 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 02:52
  • msg #253

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sorry for going silent for a few days. I had a birthday that took me away longer than expected.
Laila Abdool
Science, 53 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 21:30
  • msg #254

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Just wondering if Lt. Garrity will speak, or I can step up a little and post what I'm working on. (As I said, I don't wish to step on the Lieutenant's toes, but feel that something needs to be said)

   Cheng: Congratulations on the Name Day, just celebrated one last week myself.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 87 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 20:37
  • msg #255

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Who's the ranking officer in this scene?
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 50 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #256

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
Who's the ranking officer in this scene?

As far as I know, it is Lieutenant Jg John Garrity. The rest of us are Ensigns or enlisted.
Command, 53 posts
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 20:58
  • [deleted]
  • msg #257

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

This message was deleted by the player at 20:59, Wed 26 June 2019.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 88 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 22:39
  • msg #258

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So since he hasn't logged on in 2 weeks, that means no one is in command?   o.O Well, who wants to be in charge of our rag tag group of ensigns?

Also, why is the only engineer we have (me) being labeled as being in operations? o.O
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 31 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 02:47
  • msg #259

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I believe in the TNG era, everyone who is not in science, medical, or command is lumped into operations.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 89 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 03:27
  • msg #260

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I could have sworn Engineering and Security were still their own departments..but maybe not
Sarah Greene
Operations, 90 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 04:01
  • msg #261

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

hmmm guess your right after 2350
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 32 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 04:22
  • msg #262

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

There are still tactical, security, and engineering departments, they just all fall under the umbrella of operations.
GM, 123 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 04:37
  • msg #263

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I gave Garrity a gentle nudge. I'll give him to tomorrow to post before I start NPCing him. I don't want to put any pressure due to the RL stuff he's dealing with so he might just be NPC'd for the rest of the mission until he comes back.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 92 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 04:40
  • msg #264

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Understood, and if i get a reprimand for my character's actions just now I understand :) she does feel this information is vital for not only their mission success but their survival as well.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 93 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 18:30
  • msg #265

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Very well done ms Abdool :)
Laila Abdool
Science, 55 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 19:04
  • msg #266

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 265):

  Thanks, I try. Just trying to move the story forward, is all. :P
Sarah Greene
Operations, 94 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 19:38
  • msg #267

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I wonder if T'Saen or I should tell you that soon we won't be able to evacuate the planet till the signal is stopped though :D
Command, 55 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 20:08
  • msg #268

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

That's what I was building up to. Feel free to tag in. :D
This message was last edited by the player at 20:11, Thu 27 June 2019.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 95 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #269

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

you can post it my lovely half vulcan friend :)
Command, 56 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 20:42
  • msg #270

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm going to give our dedicated GM a chance to wade in here, since we've been piling on the facts, and then will drop the anvil of truth.
John Garrity
Command, 51 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Fri 28 Jun 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #271

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Thank you all for your support with my family's crisis. Things are finally stable. I think I said that before, but this time I think I am right. My girl truly appreciates the kind words a few of the cast offered. So once again thanks.
Command, 57 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Sat 29 Jun 2019
at 15:32
  • msg #272

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Life is always more important than fiction, John, even awesome shared fiction like this game. Glad to read things are going better!
GM, 124 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 1 Jul 2019
at 03:21
  • msg #273

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Glad you could make it back for the big finale!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 99 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 19:39
  • msg #274

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

OOC what's wrong with my idea,the emission would travel off into the distance, likely never to be seen again, and nothing in the target galaxy will feel it because life couldn't have evolved in a galaxy with an active quasar, due to the sheer volume of radiation sterilizing worlds.
GM, 127 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #275

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

If you fire it at a distant it would be like shouting through a megaphone at it. It would be noisy and half the galaxy would know you just made a collect call but otherwise shouldnt have more impact then a strong solar flare.

From your stellar rolls there are three “safe” options:

1) Activate it as a subspace beacon (as above)

2) Rearrange the solar system

3) Fire it as a weapon at a “safe” target like a barren planet a couple light years away.
GM, 128 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 20:13
  • msg #276

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Also meta-game, with this much threat any decision you make is going to end badly :P
Sarah Greene
Operations, 100 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 20:21
  • msg #277

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I refuse to metagame, but i assume my character has basic knowledge of stellar phenomena across the universe from childhood classes and such.  Ex. a quasar would render a galaxy lifeless because of the sheer amount of gamma radiation being emitted, black holes tear appart anything, stars heat up then cool down as they get older etc.
Laila Abdool
Science, 57 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 22:00
  • msg #278

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
N-space is the only thing between us and say...the Terran Empire, that Captain Kirk reported in his ship logs."

   Not sure that the existence of the Terrans is common knowledge, might want to check on that. An extra-dimensional threat like that would be likely classified way over our low pay-grade.

   Jus' sayin.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 103 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 3 Jul 2019
at 23:39
  • msg #279

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

its not really an extrademensional threat, its an alternate timeline, and it was like what? 60 years ago or something?  Kirk ended up replaced with Kirk from that timeline.  instead of a Federation, humans were a warmongering race that wanted to conquer the universe, and enslave all other races.

I'd imagine some things like that would be taught at the academy or atleast be available for study but I'll remove the reference if you want.
GM, 129 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 4 Jul 2019
at 03:51
  • msg #280

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
Ex. a quasar would render a galaxy lifeless because of the sheer amount of gamma radiation being emitted, black holes tear appart anything, stars heat up then cool down as they get older etc.

That may be true of real life but in Star Trek they are pretty frequent. Kirk encountered on in the TOS so they can't be that far away from Earth.

There was a quesar just three days away at Warp 1 from an inhabited planet so they must not be that catastrophic in the Star Trek canon.

In TNG Picard was investigating one as part of his surveys.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 53 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 5 Jul 2019
at 18:37
  • msg #281

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Due to real life concerns, I can't post until Monday.
GM, 131 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 21:22
  • msg #282

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

To clarify tractoring the planet doesn't have to shoot it out of the solar system. You can just use it to adjust its orbit around the same star.

You could shoot a planet to another solar system too if you'd like.

Also Signi VIII is not the only planet in the system

Signi Solar System

Type K6 V Orange Main Sequence
Radius 6.01 x 105 km   (0.86 x sol)
Mass 1.41 x 1030 kg   (0.71 x sol)
Temperature 4000 K
Luminosity 1.81 x 1026 W   (0.47 x sol)

Signi I
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 1.59 x 107 km   (0.11 AU)
Period 6.77 x 102 hours   (0.08 earth years)
Radius 4979.11 km   (0.78 x earth)
Gravity 8.12 m/s2   (0.83 x earth)
Special Large moon

Signi II
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 5.80 x 107 km   (0.39 AU)
Period 2.51 x 103 hours   (0.29 earth years)
Radius 4459.49 km   (0.70 x earth)
Gravity 7.28 m/s2   (0.74 x earth)

Signi Asteroid Belt
Type Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius 1.51 x 108 km   (1.01 AU)
Period 1.05 x 104 hours   (1.20 earth years)

Signi III
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 1.83 x 108 km   (1.22 AU)
Period 1.11 x 104 hours   (1.27 earth years)
Radius 4133.05 km   (0.65 x earth)
Gravity 6.66 m/s2   (0.68 x earth)

Signi IV
ype Jovian Planet
Orbital Radius 2.03 x 108 km   (1.36 AU)
Period 3.09 x 104 hours   (3.53 earth years)
Radius 73432.27 km   (11.53 x earth)
Gravity 32.51 m/s2   (3.32 x earth)
Special 51 small moons, 6 large moons

Signi V
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 2.41 x 108 km   (1.61 AU)
Period 2.13 x 104 hours   (2.43 earth years)
Radius 9000.85 km   (1.41 x earth)
Gravity 14.02 m/s2   (1.43 x earth)
Special Heavy radiation

Signi VI
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 4.21 x 108 km   (2.81 AU)
Period 4.90 x 104 hours   (5.61 earth years)
Radius 3483.66 km   (0.55 x earth)
Gravity 5.67 m/s2   (0.58 x earth)

Signi VII
Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius 4.97 x 108 km   (3.32 AU)
Period 5.97 x 104 hours   (6.83 earth years)
Radius 18091.27 km   (2.84 x earth)
Gravity 10.08 m/s2   (1.03 x earth)
Special 2 small moons

SIgni VIII <--- you are here
Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius 7.42 x 108 km   (4.96 AU)
Period 1.15 x 105 hours   (13.15 earth years)
Radius 12746.43 km   (2.00 x earth)
Gravity 6.62 m/s2   (0.68 x earth)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 108 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #283

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

This is a very strange planet. the density must be very very low.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 109 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 9 Jul 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #284

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

how hard would it be to place this planet at the L5 or L4 points for the 4th planet (gas giant)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 110 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 10 Jul 2019
at 03:19
  • msg #285

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Well universe I've been given my orders, what do i have to roll to try to do them? :) whats the DC and is it even possible?
GM, 132 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 00:35
  • msg #286

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
This is a very strange planet. the density must be very very low.

It is mostly ice not rock, thats why.
GM, 133 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 04:42
  • msg #287

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

This is exciting :D
Sarah Greene
Operations, 113 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 16:40
  • msg #288

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

has the storm started to calm down now that the signal shouldn't be being broadcast anymore?
GM, 135 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 16:59
  • msg #289

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

@Storm: No.

As for this:

Sarah Greene:
"Lt Garrity, any compedent engineer could just as easily power this thing back up, as I could power it down.  I suggest either sabotaging the controls, or sealing this chamber permanently."

You really should start checking with me before making these giant leaps.

For now though the alien device was able to be powered down and hopefully would not be re-activated again. As far as the records show it had remained dormant for hundreds of years since it was initially surveyed and possibly thousands of years or more as the complex hadn't melted itself from runaway energy.

This would imply that reactivating the device is not an easy matter and just for moving the game along as far as you can tell is not possible. It needs an activation signal from "someplace else" to reactivate.

Also remember that the settlers have said that the device and surrounding structure are impervious to known technology.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 114 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:10
  • msg #290

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

edited sorry, for overstepping my bounds.
Laila Abdool
Science, 60 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:12
  • msg #291

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   Do we have enough time to get back into our suits (I'm assuming the movement of the planet will make the weather more than slightly unpredictable at this point) and find cover before the Romulans arrive? If so, I'll pattern my actions accordingly - minus the helmet for the time being - to help fight off the enemy attack.

   If not, then it will simply grab some cover and hope for the best ...

P.S. Any chance of a map, or are we remaining with 'Theatre of the Mind"?
GM, 136 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:21
  • msg #292

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Theater of the mind. It's not really a tactical combat system.

Yes, you have time to suit up. That would probably be a good idea due to the weather outside.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 115 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:23
  • msg #293

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I don't think T'saen or I ever got out of ours.....
GM, 137 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:25
  • msg #294

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yeah you did:

T'Saen gets as close as she can holding onto her nerves before finally landing the shuttle. The pair power down and get their environmental suits ready, taking the time to double check their seal before popping the hatch to head out into the storm...

John Garrity
Command, 58 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJr
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 17:34
  • msg #295

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

we had to come down a ladder to get here I believe. I was gone during some of that. How would that be as an active choke point. Also considering that we hear the shots are they already in or almost in the underground of the structure.
Laila Abdool
Science, 61 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 19:29
  • msg #296

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
I don't think T'saen or I ever got out of ours.....

Erin gave the Starfleet officers a moment to shed their environmental suits as the environment here was a constant and steady 11.1°C (approximately 52°F). Once everyone was ready she introduced the Starfleet personnel to her scientific team.

   We had the option - I simply took it to avoid having to deal with the faceplate modifier.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 116 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 19:37
  • msg #297

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

yeah but until the start of this scene, T'Saen and I were in the shuttle, I don't recall removing the suit i'd have to put on to travel, off the shuttle, after we got captured by the colonists.
Command, 64 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Thu 11 Jul 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #298

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I assumed we had based on the quote from Laila above.
John Garrity
Command, 59 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 01:28
  • msg #299

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I am hoping that there is a good ambush point. I want to create an advantage using master strategist before combat begins representing the that choke point. The one question is approx. where the Romulans are.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 117 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 01:32
  • msg #300

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I was told that I still had mine on at the start of the scene and I don't recall every taking it off.  but I guess it can be forced that i did.
Laila Abdool
Science, 63 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Fri 12 Jul 2019
at 02:00
  • msg #301

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Sarah Greene:
I was told that I still had mine on at the start of the scene and I don't recall every taking it off.  but I guess it can be forced that i did.

   No one's forcing anything - the option was offered and the Doctor took it. If you don't want to, that's your prerogative. It will simply be a few moments before those of us that did remove ours will have them on back then. Simple as that.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 118 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sat 13 Jul 2019
at 22:20
  • msg #302

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

if we're fighting I propose others go before me :)
John Garrity
Command, 60 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Sun 14 Jul 2019
at 01:38
  • msg #303

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Let me go to make advantage. Than One of the heavy combat guys spend threat or momentum to cease the initiative
GM, 139 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 14 Jul 2019
at 23:17
  • msg #304

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

ooooohhh.... i can’t wait!! the big payoff is right around the corner!!!
Laila Abdool
Science, 64 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sun 14 Jul 2019
at 23:38
  • msg #305

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

   I'll remain with Greene to help with the VLC - Very Large Console. This is more of something that belongs to the Fighters amongst us, so I'll keep out unless I'm needed.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 119 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sun 14 Jul 2019
at 23:48
  • msg #306

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm waiting till last in line so i know whether or not to begin sabotage
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 36 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 15 Jul 2019
at 17:36
  • msg #307

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

So I wasn't sure how to do the Area Damage Effect, do I roll a CD for it, or just use the result of the Damage Dice rolls?
John Garrity
Command, 62 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Mon 15 Jul 2019
at 19:58
  • msg #308

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Your a beast.
Here is how the Book says it is done

AREA: The attack affects a wider area, and can affect
several targets at once. The attack automatically affects
any character or damageable object within Reach of the
initial target, and then one additional target within Close
range of the initial target for each Effect rolled, starting
with the next closest (as determined by the Gamemaster).
If one or more Complications is rolled when using
an Area attack, the Gamemaster may choose to use
Complications to have an ally in the area affected by the
attack. A target cannot be hit if it would have been more
difficult to hit than the initial target

You did 5 damage with 4 effects, so depending how close they are you should pound them hard

Charge allowed you to do
Charge: The weapon has an adaptable energy supply,
allowing its potency to be scaled to various levels. If
the character performs a Prepare Minor Action before
attacking with this weapon, they may add one of the
following weapon Damage Effects to the attack: Area,
Intense, Piercing 2, or Vicious 1
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 37 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 15 Jul 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #309

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Okay, cool, so from here it's up to the beneficent GM to determine how many I've humiliated!
Command, 65 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 19:13
  • msg #310

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

I'm holding back to see what the results are; no point in firing at random until I see what targets are left.
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 57 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 20:41
  • msg #311

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Same here. Also, I believe an NPC has initiative now.
GM, 140 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 20:17
  • msg #312

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Yep yep, I am just reading and re-reading how combat works on my end. Give me a bit of time as this is a new system for me.
Command, 66 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #313

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

Ditto, so take your time! :D
Sarah Greene
Operations, 120 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 20:48
  • msg #314

Re: [OOC] Ten Forward

yeah, have fun.....
GM, 141 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 00:34
  • msg #315

Re: [OOC] Ten

So I think I would prefer everyone to just post their actions and not worry about initiative orders. You can specify things like “do me last” or contingency things like “if someone is injured...” or “spending momentum to get another player to go” but as most people are just taking cover and firing I am going to handle turn order on my end. I can’t post frequently enough to do alternating turns. Combat will last for weeks and weeks if you try posting in order and waiting for me. If things come up that dramatically change things I can always pause and give people the chance to react but in general if we are just shooting or other straight forward stuff then everyone just post ASAP and I can sort out the details in my updates..
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 00:34, Thu 18 July 2019.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 121 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #316

Re: [OOC] Ten

is david blackfield the GM? o.O
GM, 141 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 00:33
  • msg #317

Re: [OOC] Ten

lol no that is the name of an NPC from a superhero game that autofilled in for some reason...
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 58 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Fri 19 Jul 2019
at 03:20
  • msg #318

Re: [OOC] Ten

I hate to do this, but real life has taken a bad turn. I need to drop out of the game. Sorry all - I was having fun.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 123 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 19 Jul 2019
at 04:37
  • msg #319

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm sorry to hear that we'll miss you Cheng
Command, 67 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 19 Jul 2019
at 19:31
  • msg #320

Re: [OOC] Ten

Good luck Cheng! Hopefully we'll get to write together sometime in the future!
Laila Abdool
Science, 65 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sun 21 Jul 2019
at 20:31
  • msg #321

Re: [OOC] Ten

Cheng ch'Zynes:
I hate to do this, but real life has taken a bad turn. I need to drop out of the game. Sorry all - I was having fun.

   I hear that have been having a few RL difficulties here as well - I'm keeping the hounds at bay - just, at the moment. Good luck with RL, Cheng. Hopefully, your absence will be short.
GM, 142 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 22 Jul 2019
at 18:54
  • msg #322

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for the delays. I hope to get a combat round updated today.
GM, 145 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 23 Jul 2019
at 02:37
  • msg #323

Re: [OOC] Ten

@Sarah: You guys are basically defending the center of a star and the romulans are coming down the spokes. In order for them to get to the machine they'd have to shoot their way past you guys. Hope that helps with determining your actions

@Laila: Need you to decide what you're going to do

@T'Saen: Waiting for your round action

@Everyone else: Give me your round 2 actions
Laila Abdool
Science, 67 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 23 Jul 2019
at 05:54
  • msg #324

Re: [OOC] Ten

@Laila: Need you to decide what you're going to do

   Find cover and if any Romulans come close - shoot 'em.
Command, 68 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 14:26
  • msg #325

Re: [OOC] Ten

Is there anything that can be shot that might fall & block a passageway, or explode and take out several Romulans without killing everyone? If not, I'm just going to pick a target and try to get a lucky shot in.
GM, 146 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 15:28
  • msg #326

Re: [OOC] Ten

Those would be attempts to create advantages I would say. While the hallways themselves are indestructible there is probably equipment from the settlers that can collapsed. Anything you create would only be temporary. As discussed before there is no way to seal off the chamber permanently.
Command, 69 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 13:25
  • msg #327

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey all, I'm sorry, but I need to drop from the game. I wish you all the best!
GM, 147 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 02:47
  • msg #328

Re: [OOC] Ten

That explains that. I'll get an update out shortly. In the meantime I'm not too worried about losing players. There will be an opportunity to bring on new players and characters so no worries.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 125 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 02:56
  • msg #329

Re: [OOC] Ten

I mentioned that there would be an opening to one of the STA Storytellers i play under...but they havn't said if there interested yet.
GM, 149 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 05:22
  • msg #330

Re: [OOC] Ten

Right now it looks like we could use a science officer and a pilot.

Round 2 is up. Waiting for Laila and Ylis' actions.

Cheng and T'Saen both took 5 pts of damage resulting in an injury. As their players are AFK and you have no momentum to spend I took the liberty of knocking them out via injury mechanics.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 39 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 29 Jul 2019
at 04:22
  • msg #331

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for the delay. I was having too much fun in the meatverse.
Laila Abdool
Science, 68 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Mon 29 Jul 2019
at 16:54
  • msg #332

Re: [OOC] Ten

   A question before I put virtual pencil to paper:

   How far is it from me to Cheng? I'm thinking that Abdool will likely have to sprint to get to him, and any Momentum gained can be used the First Aid roll to stabilize, or use 2 Momentum to get Cheng back up and functioning again. (I know I'm stabilizing a character whose PC has left the game, but we need bodies, or we're going to become bodies at this point)
GM, 150 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 29 Jul 2019
at 20:03
  • msg #333

Re: [OOC] Ten

Everyone is within close range so one movement action is all that is necessary to reach him.

edit: Round 3 everyone. Laila you can make your medic check along with your next round's action in your next post.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:11, Mon 29 July 2019.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 40 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 30 Jul 2019
at 23:51
  • msg #334

Re: [OOC] Ten

Are the last Ulhans near each other?
GM, 152 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 31 Jul 2019
at 01:17
  • msg #335

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 42 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 31 Jul 2019
at 06:31
  • msg #336

Re: [OOC] Ten

I will be on an away mission to Indianapolis (for Gencon) Wednesday night to Sunday. I will be able to post in theory, time allowing. Just a heads up.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 43 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 5 Aug 2019
at 13:16
  • msg #337

Re: [OOC] Ten

What up y'all?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 126 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 5 Aug 2019
at 13:17
  • msg #338

Re: [OOC] Ten

nm here, I'm waiting till closer to the end of the lineup before deciding my actions, likely to try to shoot at some of the remaining romulans.
Command, 70 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 5 Aug 2019
at 14:18
  • msg #339

Re: [OOC] Ten

Howdy all, I'm taking over T'Saen.

I'm unclear, is she still in the fight or was she knocked out already?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 127 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 5 Aug 2019
at 14:33
  • msg #340

Re: [OOC] Ten

I think she's still knocked out, but that'd be up to the ST :)
Command, 71 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Mon 5 Aug 2019
at 16:07
  • msg #341

Re: [OOC] Ten

That's what I thought too but wanted to be sure in case anyone was waiting on me to post
GM, 153 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 6 Aug 2019
at 14:01
  • msg #342

Re: [OOC] Ten

No you guys are just waiting on me. We'll get you back into the fight.
Laila Abdool
Science, 70 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sat 10 Aug 2019
at 03:00
  • msg #343

Re: [OOC] Ten

   Most likely the Doctor will make her way amongst the injured, treating them as necessary. (This will include any injured Romulans - "Do no harm", after all). Once that is over, she'll make her way to help out Greene with the alien device.

   Let me know if there are any rolls that need to be made.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 131 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 22:22
  • msg #344

Re: [OOC] Ten

is it possible to access the comm array in the device that received the signal the other ship had sent earlier?
GM, 156 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 14:49
  • msg #345

Re: [OOC] Ten

Are you talking about the alien signal subspace tractor? Because the alien device cannot be powered back up once it was shut down. I explained that earlier when there was concern that someone else might be able to use it as a weapon.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 132 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 17:03
  • msg #346

Re: [OOC] Ten

Well, I was talking about the device but not the tractor portion of it.  Since it received a signal to power up, it must have a receiver if nothing else, that we might be able to use to communicate with the other ship.
John Garrity
Command, 66 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 17:31
  • msg #347

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sarah, with knowing what frequencies the device sent the message on could we simulate it using colony communication array, shuttle or even our communicators to attempt contact on similar frequency.

I think knowing the frequency and that we are using subspace would be the most important elements of plan. Not the delivery system. Your thoughts
Sarah Greene
Operations, 133 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 17:46
  • msg #348

Re: [OOC] Ten

if we know the frequency is received on we could broadcast on it assuming its not encrypted.  if its encrypted, we'd have to have the key to the encryption to broadcast otherwise they'd just get static that made no sense.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 134 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 17:48
  • msg #349

Re: [OOC] Ten

think of it as tuning your radio to an FM station but the station is spread across the whole spectrum.  At key points you'd get part of the signal, but most parts are just static, the computer takes all the parts and puts it together using the encryption key so that it is a complete broadcast.
John Garrity
Command, 67 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 19:15
  • msg #350

Re: [OOC] Ten

I guess my point is we scanned the point of origin. We have access through comm system to translate. It seems that you are making assumptions on facts that I have not seen put in play. Perhaps, you have received through PM facts I have not which will make all my other words moot.

I understand your point. Much like the Germans used encrypted code to communicate. My thought is not necessarily the same. Perhaps, they can only receive communications on the subspace frequency they transmitted on. I am not certain that is it. Perhaps, the transmissions sent prior to this by Belfast were not received because they did not call the right number.

Much like a hamm radio trying to tie into a cellphone network.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 45 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 19:24
  • msg #351

Re: [OOC] Ten

Is Cheng up and operational? Just wanted to know since the Doc stayed behind I wouldn't want to leave one crewmen alone.
GM, 158 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 21:33
  • msg #352

Re: [OOC] Ten

@Sarah: The alien device is completely powered down. Ain't nothing coming out of that. BUUUT you could try and use the settler's comms to replicate a signal. You have plenty of scans of...something. You would have no idea what kind of signal you're sending though.

To translate this to more understandable terms, think about ascii. It's a series of 1's and 0's combined to make up letters that make up words. H = 01001000, Hello = 0100100001100101011011000110110001101111

So you have the signal, which is either on or off, you have the channel or frequency that it used, and the encryption. For ascii an H = 01001000 while in morse code an H = 0000 (four shorts).

So right now you have the frequency and a message that was just 111111111111111111111111111111. As far as your equipment could tell, there wasn't modulation that would indicate a more advanced signal, just a giant "I'M HEEEEEERRRRREEEE".

So yes, you can blast a signal using the civilian comms at the alien ship. It will be a fraction of the power and most likely absolute gibberish. You could do something rudimentary like blasting out prime numbers or the Fibonacci sequence. On the Voyager probe is a series of mathematical equations meant to facilitate communication.

If you had more to go on the universal translators could pick up the slack but the alien signal was not diverse enough. You can read the language when it is printed out but short of creating a planet-wide hologram you need to know how to translate the words into the signal and that is the missing component at the moment.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 135 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 22:08
  • msg #353

Re: [OOC] Ten

i get it universe :)
Command, 75 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 01:22
  • msg #354

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sorry all, I missed the part about the device not being able to be started again
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 60 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 01:32
  • msg #355

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ylis zh'Kerja:
Is Cheng up and operational? Just wanted to know since the Doc stayed behind I wouldn't want to leave one crewmen alone.

He is now. Hello all, new guy here taking over Cheng. Please be gentle, I'm new to the rules.
Laila Abdool
Science, 73 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 01:45
  • msg #356

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cheng ch'Zynes (msg # 355):

   Just posted about reviving and stabilizing the wounded, so you should be at least ambulatory.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 46 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 05:04
  • msg #357

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sarah Greene
Operations, 136 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 05:13
  • msg #358

Re: [OOC] Ten

We're here to help, welcome to the party Cheng, If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 137 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 19:30
  • msg #359

Re: [OOC] Ten

I will likely be going to the ER later, due to a fall and i don't know if they'll admit me, if they do I may be absent for a few days up to a month, just giving heads up
Command, 76 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 19:54
  • msg #360

Re: [OOC] Ten

Oh man, hope everything is okay and you recover quickly
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 48 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 01:09
  • msg #361

Re: [OOC] Ten

Heal well.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 138 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 01:27
  • msg #362

Re: [OOC] Ten

not admitted, gonna be in pain for next week or so though.
Laila Abdool
Science, 74 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Wed 14 Aug 2019
at 01:30
  • msg #363

Re: [OOC] Ten

  Get well soon.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 139 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 15 Aug 2019
at 03:56
  • msg #364

Re: [OOC] Ten

What would you like us to roll to try to simulate the signal?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 140 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 16 Aug 2019
at 02:04
  • msg #365

Re: [OOC] Ten

does the belfast have a tractor beam? and how far away is our shuttle? I got a few ideas.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 141 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 16 Aug 2019
at 13:06
  • msg #366

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm still waiting to hear back from universe about what i should roll, I think it'd be insight/conn or reason/conn but its hard to say, I can think of 5 combinations that might fit this scenario.
GM, 160 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #367

Re: [OOC] Ten

The belfast has a tractor beam but with a hole through it no clue if it is functional.

The shuttle is operational and without the subspace signal is perfectly safe to fly.

The belfast isnt in orbit anymore and is apparently drifting out of control right now.
GM, 163 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 17 Aug 2019
at 19:12
  • msg #368

Re: [OOC] Ten

Just as an FYI it wasn’t a bad idea, just that there is a lot more going on then you understand at the moment.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 50 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 19 Aug 2019
at 04:09
  • msg #369

Re: [OOC] Ten

I was about to post something along the lines of: “Since we couldn't analyze the makeup of this facility, -and- we have reason to suspect that these aliens did not make this base after all, there is a possibility that it could survive the bombardment..."

Just wanted to check my logic here, I seem to recall someone saying we couldn't analyze most of the stuff in here. If so I wanted to try to calculate the trajectories of the incoming shells and try to move colonists to areas that will be more likely to survive. That's assuming no one comes up with a better idea to save our hides. >_<
GM, 164 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 02:43
  • msg #370

Re: [OOC] Ten

I would argue that's a Reason + Security check, difficulty two given the amount of unknown variables involved.
Command, 81 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 03:31
  • msg #371

Re: [OOC] Ten

Let me know if I misunderstood the Romulan's request.  If so I'll edit my post.
GM, 167 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 15:15
  • msg #372

Re: [OOC] Ten

Okay a lot of stuff going on that needs to be clarified:

1) There is only one blast door that needs to be shut. The other ones are kilometers away and out of the blast zone as well as not being reachable in the time alloted.

2) With the information on hand you cannot use the signal for communication. You don't have a way of translating the alien language into an electronic signal and the alien vessel in orbit isn't transmitting anything. The problem isn't that the translators in your comm badges aren't good enough, the problem is you've got a dead unknown language on one side and a stone wall on the other. The Belfast isn't going to be able to help. Either the alien vessel in orbit needs to start communications or you'll need to find some kind of database to understand how to translate the written language into a communication signal. Without one of those two things you're just blindly guessing and most likely broadcasting jibberish.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 54 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 16:39
  • msg #373

Re: [OOC] Ten

So I think that means we need to focus on operation: duck and cover/run away.
John Garrity
Command, 70 posts
Human Male
Second Officer LtJg
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 16:49
  • msg #374

Re: [OOC] Ten

On the communication part. I was confused. Seemed that we needed to check to see if we could loop the frequency to the Belfast since it has the Universal Translator.
GM, 168 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 21 Aug 2019
at 18:38
  • msg #375

Re: [OOC] Ten

I think the comm badges and tricorders all have universal translators loaded.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 55 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 01:23
  • msg #376

Re: [OOC] Ten

Is anyone else heading to work on the blast doors?
Command, 83 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 01:41
  • msg #377

Re: [OOC] Ten

I might suggest everyone head up for one destination or another.

Then there's a chance we beam everyone on to the shuttle and high-tail it out of here soon as the doors are closed.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 146 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 01:48
  • msg #378

Re: [OOC] Ten

its the best plan, however it could also lead to all our deaths, if one of those MAC rounds hits us.
GM, 170 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 22:40
  • msg #379

Re: [OOC] Ten

Things are going quiet and days are going by without posting. What's everyone up to?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 147 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 23:01
  • msg #380

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm going through depression, but mainly I don't have a ton to do atm, we're fleeing to the surface.  You could reply to how the two romulans react to me helping them up? but ... really not much to do till we get to the shuttles right?
GM, 171 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 23:53
  • msg #381

Re: [OOC] Ten

Thanks for the update and I'm truly sorry to hear about that. Life is a wild and crazy ride and it is perfectly natural for burdens to take a toll. I am but a random internet stranger with no judgement or ties to your real life so if you'd like to talk further feel free to chat here or send me a PM. Sometimes it helps just to talk about stuff and it can be hard IRL to be honest and open without making yourself vulnerable but here with the mask of anonymity it is something that can help.

When I was feeling down I was shared my burdens with a random internet stranger and I found it helpful. All I really needed was to put my thoughts into words and suddenly the way through was clear and my feelings didn't feel so overpowering and inscrutable. By talking about them I defined them and by defining them I regained my control over my thoughts and emotions. I cannot promise anything, of course, but know that I'm always here and willing to listen :)

That being said I was referring more to John/Laila/Ylis/Cheng who haven't posted yet... I can post an update for the shuttle crew but I was hoping to run both plotlines at the same time.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 56 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 00:23
  • msg #382

Re: [OOC] Ten

I was kinda hoping for someone a bit more techy than me to head for the doors and I'd assist, but I'll go ahead and post.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:28, Wed 28 Aug 2019.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 148 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 01:00
  • msg #383

Re: [OOC] Ten

I could modify my post if you needed Ylis, but given my distraction from a few posts and then seeing that opening i inserted myself.  Sarah would likely know how to override a door to ensure it sealed even with its motors burnt out and such.  Being an engineer and all.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 57 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 01:04
  • msg #384

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm fine with with that!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 149 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 01:05
  • msg #385

Re: [OOC] Ten

does anyone object to me modifying my post? T'Saen? John? etc?
Command, 84 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 13:06
  • msg #386

Re: [OOC] Ten

Not 100% sure which post you're referring to but sure, go for it
Sarah Greene
Operations, 150 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 13:37
  • msg #387

Re: [OOC] Ten

the one of me following you T'Saen, it seems Ylis could use some help from someone who can work a door :P
Command, 85 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 14:30
  • msg #388

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ah, yes that'd be great
Command, 86 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 13:17
  • msg #389

Re: [OOC] Ten

Couple clarifications, por favor:

1) Where are the Romulans?  On our shuttle or heading to theirs?

2) Why is closing the door from the outside bad?  Can't it just be closed, we beam whomever did it on to the shuttle and we scoot out of here?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 153 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 13:23
  • msg #390

Re: [OOC] Ten

because the people inside are protected from the impact in theory by the reinforced tunnels.  However, once those projectiles start raining down the shock waves are probably gonna create alot of fissures in the area.  Which means those outer tunnels which as far as i can tell have no protection, will likely start collapsing.  plus the more material between you and the transporter the harder it is to get a lock last i checked. The people inside can run up to the landing area where nothing is going to be interfering, the person in the tunnel, will have to leave the tunnels. at this point we have less then 5 minutes.  Atleast that's the logic my character is going off.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 154 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 14:08
  • msg #391

Re: [OOC] Ten

I could be wrong, but if it has enough kinetic energy to go straight through a star ship's hull and out the back, it has more then enough energy to go through ice and snow.  Although i guess i never did consider the fact that there might be stone underneath, since most of the snow would have come from the atmospheric distortions, I can change my post if universe disagrees with this assessment.
GM, 173 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 14:53
  • msg #392

Re: [OOC] Ten

Couple clarifications, por favor:

1) Where are the Romulans?  On our shuttle or heading to theirs?

2) Why is closing the door from the outside bad?  Can't it just be closed, we beam whomever did it on to the shuttle and we scoot out of here?

1) Romulans are split. Half of them are in the shuttle, the other half being transported to the bottom of the tunnels on a cart because they were still knocked out.

2) Closing the door from the outside means that the shuttle has to save them or they are sacrificing themselves. It's not meant to be a mechanical challenge but a moral one. Saving the person that closes the door means dooming dozens of people on the periphery that can't get rescued.

Sarah Greene:
I could be wrong, but if it has enough kinetic energy to go straight through a star ship's hull and out the back, it has more then enough energy to go through ice and snow.

So there is a really interesting bit of science that says that the speed of an object doesn't really matter after a certain point when determining impact depth.

So Depth = Length of object * (Density of Impacting / Density of Target)
D = 20m * (19.6 / 2.5) replace with real numbers...
Depth = 154 meters

Using Cheng's scans the group surmises that they have to descend a hundred meters before the tunnel continues towards the alien signal.

So even hitting soft rock the projectiles won't be able to penetrate down to the tunnels. Given how long the tunnels have survived some surface level explosions probably won't be enough to collapse them.

Of more concern is the thermal energy melting the surface bunker. A nuclear bomb briefly gets a temperature of over 100,000,000°C while the melting point of granite is 1260°C so the doors are probably not going to open again however that heat once blocked by the door will be absorbed by all the surface ruins and then have to heat up the surrounding air again so while the outside is going to be charred and melted once you go down a few stories the change will be minimal.

tl:dr - Tunnels should be perfectly safe due to math and science.

So using this for the ship's hull let's see if I was actually right. IF the ship was made entirely of duranium (standing in for Osmium as a point of reference) it would have penetrated only 17m, or about 1/3 of the way through the ship HOWEVER as most of the ship is air or unarmored bulkheads dropping the average density considerably allow shots to penetrate the full hull if placed correctly.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 155 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #393

Re: [OOC] Ten

I wasn't going to call the thermal energy aspect into count because i don't know the density of the atmosphere and thus how effective the transfer of thermal energy will be radiating from the impact site.  But yeah, T'Saen, effectively, anyone going outside is a taking on a suicide mission.  If the thermal energy doesn't kill them, the shock wave going through the crust (since nothing is dissipating the energy I.E. atmosphere, etc) would probably collapse the tunnels on them.  Either way we're looking at the energy equivalent of a massive impact so loads of fun.
GM, 174 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 30 Aug 2019
at 16:58
  • msg #394

Re: [OOC] Ten

It's a suicide mission...IF the shuttle doesn't transport them to safety...
GM, 175 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 1 Sep 2019
at 03:12
  • msg #395

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright Sarah, it will be a Whatever you want + Engineering difficulty 3 roll to drop the blast door.

+1 difficulty for the alien ruins and +1 difficulty for missing tools (you don't have an alien tool kit handy).

However Ylis will be able to assist with a Control + Engineering roll as she follows your instructions.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 156 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Sun 1 Sep 2019
at 04:16
  • msg #396

Re: [OOC] Ten

Control + engineering makes the most sense for me

any details i need to know about the door or is this a BS it moment?

Also since when was I a LT? :P Did i get a field promotion without knowing?
This message was last edited by the player at 04:27, Sun 01 Sept 2019.
GM, 176 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 1 Sep 2019
at 05:50
  • msg #397

Re: [OOC] Ten

oops, fixed.

The way the door works is a form of hydraulics so while there is pressure in the line the door won't go down any further. Careful manipulation of the hydraulic lines will allow them to drain the fluid and thus close the door.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 158 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 21:00
  • msg #398

Re: [OOC] Ten

16:59, Today: Sarah Greene rolled 19 using 2d20 with rolls of 10,9.  Control + engineering .

two successes sir
Cheng ch'Zynes
Operations, 63 posts
Andorian Klingon Male
Security Officer Ens
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 22:57
  • msg #399

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey everyone, sorry for disappearing just after was hell last week.
GM, 177 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 5 Sep 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #400

Re: [OOC] Ten

Noted. Let's hope Ylis can pull out another success then.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 159 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 6 Sep 2019
at 02:17
  • msg #401

Re: [OOC] Ten

I hope T'Saen can make it :) *lifts a drink in honor of Ylis*
GM, 179 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 17:20
  • msg #402

Re: [OOC] Ten

Just as a word of warning be prepared for a HUUUUGE exposition dump. We're about ready to transition to the main part of the game so get ready for some big posts incoming.

I'll periodically pause for a break just in case there are some reactions or what not but I'll probably have a bunch of posts in a row so buckle up for some heavy exposition ahead.
GM, 181 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 18:12
  • msg #403

Re: [OOC] Ten

Actually quick poll: Do you want me to just narrate to the conclusion of the adventure or are you all still engaged enough to want to complete the last act. There is still more stuff to do, namely what to do with the Romulans and helping repair the Belfast but judging by activity levels it feels like people are "done" with this mission and if the vote is to move on I'm fine with that. I can take some creative liberties, make some background rolls and just narrate the end of this one and into the next mission.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 62 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 18:34
  • msg #404

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm fine with exposition unless everyone else wants to play it out.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 160 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Tue 10 Sep 2019
at 21:08
  • msg #405

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm fine either way
Command, 88 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Wed 11 Sep 2019
at 02:49
  • msg #406

Re: [OOC] Ten

Agreed, good either way
Sarah Greene
Operations, 161 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Thu 12 Sep 2019
at 17:37
  • msg #407

Re: [OOC] Ten

does that make me the new chief engineer? :D
GM, 183 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 12 Sep 2019
at 17:54
  • msg #408

Re: [OOC] Ten

Unfortunately no, the senior engineer survived by being in the engineering section when the ship was cored.

Pausing here. First of all if you have any IC questions/comments/concerns now is a good time to ask the admiral although as he said the details of the next mission are classified. Also for you new people if you would like to phase out the old character and introduce a new one this is also the time to do it.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 162 posts
Human Female
Engineer Ens
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 16:22
  • msg #409

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sarah is showing up at the briefing :D
Command, 90 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
FlightController Ens
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 17:38
  • msg #410

Re: [OOC] Ten

T'Saen as well
Laila Abdool
Science, 78 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer Ens
Sun 15 Sep 2019
at 04:38
  • msg #411

Re: [OOC] Ten

  I'm fine with things as they are. No need to stop on my account.

 I'll be there at the meeting - just catching up on some RL issues over the next handful of days ... :(
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 64 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Mon 16 Sep 2019
at 05:18
  • msg #412

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm down. Are we going to skip to that, or rp a little R&R?
GM, 184 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 16 Sep 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #413

Re: [OOC] Ten

I was giving our (apparently) departed captain one last chance to respond before continuing on. Oh well. I'll NPC him until we can get a replacement.
John Garrity
Command, 73 posts
Human Male
Tue 17 Sep 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #414

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey everyone! I'm the new Garrity! I'll be trying to get caught up on the adventures so far over the next little while. But in the meantime, Imma just jump in the deep and see what happens.

Looking forward to gaming with you all.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 163 posts
Human Female
Tue 17 Sep 2019
at 21:00
  • msg #415

Re: [OOC] Ten

welcome to the team :) we look forward to playing with you John :)
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 65 posts
Andorian Female
Security Crewman
Tue 17 Sep 2019
at 22:02
  • msg #416

Re: [OOC] Ten

Welcome! ^_^
Command, 91 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Wed 18 Sep 2019
at 12:36
  • msg #417

Re: [OOC] Ten

Jump! Jump!  Jump!

And welcome
GM, 186 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 19 Sep 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #418

Re: [OOC] Ten

As is customary I am fine continuing the scene for as long as you'd like however if you feel like you've done what you want to do and said what you've wanted to say then drop a comment here so that I know you're ready to move on.
GM, 189 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 19 Sep 2019
at 03:49
  • msg #419

Re: [OOC] Ten

I've added a crew roster. It will be mostly blank for now but as you add crewman as per RAW we can add them there.
Laila Abdool
Science, 79 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 20 Sep 2019
at 21:15
  • msg #420

Re: [OOC] Ten

   Sadly, I have to report that I won't be able to continue with the Doctor any further. Real-life has barged in and raised a ruckus that I need to tend to, and I'd prefer to bow out now before the next adventure begins. It's been interesting, but I need to tend to things out *there* in the 'Verse before I can become comfortable being back in here.

   Good luck to the rest of you, and happy adventuring. :)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 165 posts
Human Female
Tue 24 Sep 2019
at 00:12
  • msg #421

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm ready :)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 166 posts
Human Female
Wed 25 Sep 2019
at 20:27
  • msg #422

Re: [OOC] Ten

Am i with the greeting party or on the ship? as one of the engineers I see little point of me leaving the ship to greet out centurion friend.  That'd be up to John though :)
GM, 192 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 25 Sep 2019
at 20:33
  • msg #423

Re: [OOC] Ten

While you might not be officially part of the greeting party you could easily be on the station coordinating for supplies or taking on other crewmen.

I would rather not force players out of a scene if possible.

As an alternative you could also whip up a security crewmen to guard the prisoner honored guests...
Sarah Greene
Operations, 168 posts
Human Female
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 06:47
  • msg #424

Re: [OOC] Ten

your trying to tempt me into causing an international incident aren't you GM :D
GM, 195 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 15:45
  • msg #425

Re: [OOC] Ten

Who me? Couldn’t be! My job is to make your missions as smooth and uninteresting as possible...
Sarah Greene
Operations, 169 posts
Human Female
Sun 29 Sep 2019
at 16:39
  • msg #426

Re: [OOC] Ten

so two options here :) either one could be what Sarah would do, should i direct our ferengi to John to see how he handles it, or should I make a scene and openly call him a con artist :P
GM, 196 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 15:40
  • msg #427

Re: [OOC] Ten

Up to you but we need an answer :P

We also need to figure out where your first stop is going  to be: W2, W3, or W4. Because of the intereference from the Nebula there isn't any information to go on right now but once you are past the Nebula I'll mark out areas of interest the long range scanners detect.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 171 posts
Human Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 15:59
  • msg #428

Re: [OOC] Ten

I voted W3, its in the middle and would give us the best  chance of seeing as much as we can in the region before moving onto W2
John Garrity
Command, 79 posts
Human Male
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 16:47
  • msg #429

Re: [OOC] Ten

I don't want to derail the narrative, or lose any momentum, or split the party and make anyone bored, so if anyone/everyone thinks it's better to just sum-up the Ferengi meeting, and/or decide it with a roll, that's cool.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 173 posts
Human Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 16:53
  • msg #430

Re: [OOC] Ten

fine by me :) btw what is john's current rank? I'm currently sick and staring at the screen for too long is giving me a headache, so if possible I'd rather not have to search through all of the posts in the to boldly go if I can help it. Having the flu sucks.
John Garrity
Command, 80 posts
Human Male
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 17:02
  • msg #431

Re: [OOC] Ten

The flu is the worst.

He's a Lt.Cmdr. :)
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 8 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 30 Sep 2019
at 17:50
  • msg #432

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for my lack o posting. I’m just kicking a nasty bout of bronchitis and finally not feeling like death warmed over. I should have a post up after work.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 174 posts
Human Female
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 02:29
  • msg #433

Re: [OOC] Ten

Welcome to the game Sebastian :)
GM, 198 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 04:30
  • msg #434

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'll just split the threads. The first encounter won't be impacted by the map whether you buy it or not...
John Garrity
Command, 81 posts
Human Male
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 15:10
  • msg #435

Re: [OOC] Ten

Of the options presented in the OOC thread, I vote to follow Warp trails, maybe get some allies in the region. Exploring pre-warp planets is a different set of headaches. But I'm open to that if you guys would rather.

Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 69 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 16:40
  • msg #436

Re: [OOC] Ten

Just because they're prewarp doesn't neccesarily mean that they haven't had contact with the Abaddon.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 175 posts
Human Female
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 18:39
  • msg #437

Re: [OOC] Ten

seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before, now how do we make the Andorian not have that antenna so we can go on the difficult.
Command, 95 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 18:52
  • msg #438

Re: [OOC] Ten



Oh heck, I'll vote for the warp trails too
Sarah Greene
Operations, 176 posts
Human Female
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #439

Re: [OOC] Ten

for clarification i'm voting the prewarps :D
Sebastian Wright
Science, 66 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Thu 3 Oct 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #440

Re: [OOC] Ten

As an archaeologist at heart, I vote pre- warp.
GM, 200 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 04:20
  • msg #441

Re: [OOC] Ten

By my count I think its a tie between warp trails and pre-warp.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 70 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 04:51
  • msg #442

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ahhhhh, I'll choose warp trails.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 11 posts
Romulan Female
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 09:40
  • msg #443

Re: [OOC] Ten

Warp trails.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 71 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 13:11
  • msg #444

Re: [OOC] Ten

Now I'm worried that we've made the wrong choice. 0_0
Command, 98 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 16:49
  • msg #445

Re: [OOC] Ten

This is just like picking the checkout line at the supermarket.  Regarless your choice it will always be the slowest.
John Garrity
Command, 84 posts
Human Male
Fri 4 Oct 2019
at 17:53
  • msg #446

Re: [OOC] Ten

And there'll be lasers.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 12 posts
Romulan Female
Sat 5 Oct 2019
at 01:13
  • msg #447

Re: [OOC] Ten

John Garrity:
And there'll be lasers.

Phasers. The good news is you have a Romulan on board who doesn't mind arresting and torturing the people ahead of us in line.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 72 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Sun 6 Oct 2019
at 02:04
  • msg #448

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'd say that we should check out the warp trails near the Abaddons path.
GM, 206 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 8 Oct 2019
at 21:33
  • msg #449

Re: [OOC] Ten

As an FYI part of the twist of this game is that while you are provided with lots of options time keeps on moving. If you investigate something in one sector that means that the situation in another sector can change. Fleets will continue to roam around, battle lines will shift, the enemy will grow a bit stronger etc.
Command, 100 posts
Vulcan/Human Female
Flight Controller
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 02:26
  • msg #450

Re: [OOC] Ten

I have to admit, when I read the comment that the warp trails were days, possibly a week or more away, those M-class planets nearby sounded like low-hanging fruit.   Now add indications of disaster and familiar energy signals and I have to change my vote to investigate them instead.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 177 posts
Human Female
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 02:27
  • msg #451

Re: [OOC] Ten

so things get more dangerous :) got it
Sarah Greene
Operations, 178 posts
Human Female
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 02:28
  • msg #452

Re: [OOC] Ten

well....I'd say we go try to save that planet, but thats the hero in me and I'm not in charge :D what are my orders Captain Garrity?
John Garrity
Command, 87 posts
Human Male
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 12:27
  • msg #453

Re: [OOC] Ten

Oh yeah, I'm up for some planet saving.
GM, 208 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 18:34
  • msg #454

Re: [OOC] Ten

To peel back the curtain a bit if you had gone immediately there the situation would be different. If you would have left immediately you would never have gotten a signal and would have found a very different set of sensor images when you finally returned X amount of time later. That you stayed in system gathering data meant you were around to discover new bits of information.

Just being clear that I'm not trying to railroad you to a particular encounter but as an example of "time keeps moving..."
GM, 209 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 18:51
  • msg #455

Re: [OOC] Ten

Also as a reminder as a pre-warp civilization the planet is subject to the Prime Directive protocols...
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 16 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 9 Oct 2019
at 23:59
  • msg #456

Re: [OOC] Ten

Also as a reminder as a pre-warp civilization the planet is subject to the Prime Directive protocols...

Even if that means the civilisation goes extinct. That pesky Prime Directive always gets in the way.
John Garrity
Command, 90 posts
Human Male
Thu 10 Oct 2019
at 02:28
  • msg #457

Re: [OOC] Ten

You write a good Ferengi, Bossman. I'm smiling a lot through this 'negotiation.'
GM, 212 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 18:57
  • msg #458

Re: [OOC] Ten

Don't forget about your Values! Because this is a Prime Directive mission the Prime Directive is added as a value for every Starfleet character to either use or reject as appropriate.

Don't forget that leveraging or challenging values is a great way to grow your character.

Finally I'll be re-reading the advancement rules to award "XP" so to speak for Episode 1.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 179 posts
Human Female
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 19:20
  • msg #459

Re: [OOC] Ten

how aware am i of things outside engineering atm? :)
GM, 213 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 15 Oct 2019
at 04:26
  • msg #460

Re: [OOC] Ten

The Oberon is a small ship. You can rightly be anywhere you want to be on it at pretty much any given time BUT if you'd like you can also whip up a support officer, like a comms officer or operations crewman etc. to be involved in the scene...
Sarah Greene
Operations, 180 posts
Human Female
Tue 15 Oct 2019
at 05:26
  • msg #461

Re: [OOC] Ten

I imagine if this is the same style of device as before, that Sarah will be sent down to look at it, given she's the only engineer on the crew that has past experience with similar devices.
Sebastian Wright
Science, 68 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Wed 16 Oct 2019
at 19:02
  • msg #462

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey everyone, I have FINALLY gotten my correct description posted for your reading pleasure.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 181 posts
Human Female
Thu 17 Oct 2019
at 00:48
  • msg #463

Re: [OOC] Ten

sounds cute  Sebastian ;) I look forward to rping with ya :) can I assist from down in engineering? to help lessen the effect of the complication or get more successes for us?
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 18 posts
Romulan Female
Thu 17 Oct 2019
at 01:27
  • msg #464

Re: [OOC] Ten

So - Federation types. What areas of the ship do I have access to? I'm assuming my quarters, the mess, the equivalent to 10 Forward if we have one and the bridge?

Would you have me on the bridge for our crossing into the Hellsmouth?
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 19 posts
Romulan Female
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 00:06
  • msg #465

Re: [OOC] Ten

Oi! Federation people! Please to answer my question.
John Garrity
Command, 97 posts
Human Male
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 00:25
  • msg #466

Re: [OOC] Ten

I say bridge! In for a penny, in for a pound.

That's how pennies work, right? I'm not so much with the money mostly.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 20 posts
Romulan Female
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 00:42
  • msg #467

Re: [OOC] Ten

Personally I prefer pounds to pennies and I always adore alliteration.
John Garrity
Command, 98 posts
Human Male
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 02:07
  • msg #468

Re: [OOC] Ten

All alliteration is awesome. Always.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 78 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Tue 22 Oct 2019
at 16:13
  • msg #469

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm taking an indefinite break to try to catch up with IRL stuff. Feel free to puppet me. Have fun!
GM, 215 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 00:33
  • msg #470

Re: [OOC] Ten

Who wants to go on the away mission? Who wants to stay back and roll up a crewman security or science redshirt to go instead? I can also roll up some crewmen if people are busy but once I get a name I can assign them to you so you can start posting as them.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 183 posts
Human Female
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 02:53
  • msg #471

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm fine with either :P
GM, 216 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 17:48
  • msg #472

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'll be uploaded the Ferengi map tonight. Took a little while to get it prepared but the upside is its not just a system map but also includes some interesting metadata :)
GM, 218 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 17:56
  • msg #473

Re: [OOC] Ten

Also I've noted that Sarah is "on the fence" but what is everyone else doing?

Who is going down to the surface? Who is going to create a crewman to go down to the surface?
Sebastian Wright
Science, 70 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 18:15
  • msg #474

Re: [OOC] Ten

Oops, my fault...

Sebastian will pretty much always want to be part of an away team.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 21 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 23:26
  • msg #475

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'll go. I don't have any pesky Prime Directive I need to watch out for.
GM, 220 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #476

Re: [OOC] Ten

To clarify the Ferengi map makes no distinction between warp and pre-warp so until it hits an empire it either notes a system as exploitable or non-exploitable and doesn’t go into much detail. You will get bonus information on future encounters with a decidedly Ferengi spin but I am not going to populate every square revealed just yet.
John Garrity
Command, 101 posts
Human Male
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #477

Re: [OOC] Ten

So where does the Prime Directive stand on pre-warp civilizations that have already been tainted by the Ferengi?
GM, 221 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 00:40
  • msg #478

Re: [OOC] Ten

According to VOY it still stands and steps should be taken to remove tainted technology/influence if possible.
GM, 223 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 3 Nov 2019
at 05:57
  • msg #479

Re: [OOC] Ten

Do you guys like me providing "obvious" possible rolls and their difficulties? I don't want to make you feel like I'm railroading you and I'm open to other options but I also know how hard it can be to drive games like this forward with a completely blank canvas as opposed to a "choose your own adventure" style game where you have several set options (and degrees of failure/success for each one) to go down.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 184 posts
Human Female
Sun 3 Nov 2019
at 14:28
  • msg #480

Re: [OOC] Ten

I like it :) i look forward to playing more :) so what was the final say am i going or do i make a support engineer to go?
Sebastian Wright
Science, 71 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 03:50
  • msg #481

Re: [OOC] Ten

I also like the obvious rolls and difficulties, especially considering that I completely new to this system.

Speaking of which, would archaeology be an appropriate focus to try and find an alternate entrance into the ruins?
John Garrity
Command, 103 posts
Human Male
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 16:20
  • msg #482

Re: [OOC] Ten

Suggesting obvious rolls is a great idea.
GM, 224 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 17:47
  • msg #483

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright I'll get back to doing that in the future. And yes archeology seems as good a focus as any other...
GM, 225 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 15:43
  • msg #484

Re: [OOC] Ten

Added some obvious rolls. Also please consider if you would like to drum up a red shirt crew man or something to accompany. They can be security or science or medical or whatever you would like but it gives you a chance to both flesh out the crew of the ship a bit more and bring relevant skills into play.
John Garrity
Command, 104 posts
Human Male
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 16:20
  • msg #485

Re: [OOC] Ten

I hadn't planned on Garrity going down to the surface. I meant to declare an NPC, but I had a busier weekend than expected.
GM, 226 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 21:26
  • msg #486

Re: [OOC] Ten

There is time! Put sebastian in charge and just come up with a name for now.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 185 posts
Human Female
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 04:03
  • msg #487

Re: [OOC] Ten

so do we want sarah or a fill in? i'm fine either way
GM, 227 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 20:52
  • msg #488

Re: [OOC] Ten

At this point given you're all junior crew, you all have the most experience with the alien ruins and you're cut off from star fleet if you want to pull a classic Star Trek and have your away teams and bridge crew be the same I'm fine with that. There will be other missions where it will definitely make sense to split up, like if the ship gets damaged in orbit or something you'll want people hanging back.

Bottom line, I'd rather people just post and justify it later rather than have things kind of lingering in limbo.
John Garrity
Command, 105 posts
Human Male
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 15:52
  • msg #489

Re: [OOC] Ten

There is time! Put sebastian in charge and just come up with a name for now.

Let's go with Security guy Jackson Aldershot!

And Sebastian is, indeed, in charge.
GM, 229 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 21:50
  • msg #490

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sebastian Wright
Science, 73 posts
Human Male
Science Officer
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 21:57
  • msg #491

Re: [OOC] Ten

So it's worth noting that Sebastian is pretty much always going to volunteer to be part of an away mission. I basically made him to be the futuristic version of Indiana Jones; science isn't about sterile rooms and confusing books, it's about discovery!

In that vein, here's his specifics:

Science doesn't have to be boring
The universe is vast, I want to see all of it
A rolling stone gathers no moss
Some people can't be reasoned with

Spirit of Discovery
Walking Encyclopedia
Rapid Analysis
Bold Archaeology

Atmospheric Flight
X Culture (some culture he was "lauded by"; not sure it really matters since we're unlikely to run into them out here)
Hand Phasers

So while technically he's an expert in Astrophysics, and that's how he got his first assignment on a starship, his real love is archaeology and xenobiology.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 186 posts
Human Female
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 23:46
  • msg #492

Re: [OOC] Ten

working on support engineer, where should I post it?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 187 posts
Human Female
Wed 13 Nov 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #493

Re: [OOC] Ten

sent to universe ready for posting once its approved or revised.
GM, 230 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 15 Nov 2019
at 20:56
  • msg #494

Re: [OOC] Ten

GM, 232 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 2 Dec 2019
at 05:03
  • msg #495

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday. I know I did. Posts should resume tomorrow.
GM, 233 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 3 Dec 2019
at 16:43
  • msg #496

Re: [OOC] Ten

Pressed latinum for your thoughts, guys?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 188 posts
Human Female
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 20:38
  • msg #497

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm good no matter what way we take this but :P I'm curious what the others are going to do.
GM, 234 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 23:09
  • msg #498

Re: [OOC] Ten

Everyone has gone quiet, just trying to figure out if you are waiting on me for something or if people are just busy because of the end of the year hustle and bustle or if people are quietly dropping the game?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 189 posts
Human Female
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 23:33
  • msg #499

Re: [OOC] Ten

my npc posted last so I'm waiting on everyone else.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 23 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 23:49
  • msg #500

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm here. I was waiting on others to make with the posting.
GM, 235 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 5 Dec 2019
at 21:57
  • msg #501

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright well after sending out some PMs I've got some recruiting to do. We lost about half the players over the holidays. Laila, John, and Ylis are all needing replacement while Sebastian is going to be away for awhile. I'm hoping he returns but we will see.
GM, 236 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 10 Dec 2019
at 22:34
  • msg #502

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright lots of new replacements. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help get everyone posting again. I'm going to move the story along shortly so if you can let me know if there is anything you want to do ASAP
John Garrity
Command, 106 posts
Human Male
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 02:08
  • msg #503

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 502):

Hey folks, The captain has been recast after the pilot :), thanks for having me aboard

If I've read the story thread correctly, the captain is in a holding pattern right now, correct?

The dish is being repaired and the away team is just settling in, so there isn't much for him to do.

Though Momentum bleeds off fast. Would this be a good time for an inspirational speech over the comms, to add some momentum (well hopefully add momentum) to the common pool?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:13, Thu 12 Dec 2019.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 190 posts
Human Female
Thu 12 Dec 2019
at 02:38
  • msg #504

Re: [OOC] Ten

welcome to the team :P
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 24 posts
Romulan Female
Fri 13 Dec 2019
at 01:28
  • msg #505

Re: [OOC] Ten

John Garrity:
In reply to Universe (msg # 502):

Hey folks, The captain has been recast after the pilot :), thanks for having me aboard

If I've read the story thread correctly, the captain is in a holding pattern right now, correct?

The dish is being repaired and the away team is just settling in, so there isn't much for him to do.

Though Momentum bleeds off fast. Would this be a good time for an inspirational speech over the comms, to add some momentum (well hopefully add momentum) to the common pool?

That happened in TOS so it seems suitable that it happened here. :D
Laila Abdool
Science, 80 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 03:45
  • msg #506

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cmdr. Petroka (msg # 505):

Hey folks. Hope I am not slowing any threads down. I just took over Laila but I won't be posting till after my thesis defense tomorrow. Look forward to gaming with you all.
Cmdr. Petroka
NPC, 25 posts
Romulan Female
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 04:14
  • msg #507

Re: [OOC] Ten

Good luck on the defence, my fried. You have in the bag, signed, sealed and already sent to you.

TL;DR version: kick it in the arse and make it your bitch!
Laila Abdool
Science, 81 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 11:12
  • msg #508

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cmdr. Petroka (msg # 507):

LOL thanks. It went well. I am back and looking or where I should post here. Starting with some reading of Laila's previous posts but any suggestions or a synopsis would help.
GM, 238 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 14:20
  • msg #509

Re: [OOC] Ten

What is the ground team doing? They're about to be questioned by the police.

@Garrity: Your predecessor had rolled up a security crewman prior to departing so I'll move over control of Aldershot to you so you can participate in the ground thread as well.
Laila Abdool
Science, 82 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 14:29
  • msg #510

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 509):

Okay from what I have read it seems Laila is aboard ship and not on the ground team. Just advising them via comms on their disguise making correct?
GM, 239 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 14:59
  • msg #511

Re: [OOC] Ten

Correct but if you would like to get involved you can roll up a quick crewman.
Laila Abdool
Science, 83 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 15:17
  • msg #512

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 511):

I would like that. I do not have the books yet but I plan to grab them now. How should I go about doing a Quick Crewman?
GM, 240 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 20:49
  • msg #513

Re: [OOC] Ten

Use this generator:

Copy the stats down and report back and I'll get them set up!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 191 posts
Human Female
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 21:48
  • msg #514

Re: [OOC] Ten

it certainly is easier then going through the books :)
John Garrity
Command, 108 posts
Human Male
Wed 18 Dec 2019
at 22:07
  • msg #515

Re: [OOC] Ten

What is the ground team doing? They're about to be questioned by the police.

@Garrity: Your predecessor had rolled up a security crewman prior to departing so I'll move over control of Aldershot to you so you can participate in the ground thread as well.

sounds fantastic. That is truly the "killer app" of STA, you can split the party without ever splitting the players.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 192 posts
Human Female
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 11:57
  • msg #516

Re: [OOC] Ten

my poor caitian :P
GM, 241 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #517

Re: [OOC] Ten

So is anyone on the away team doing anything to prepare or should I just continue moving ahead?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 193 posts
Human Female
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 20:47
  • msg #518

Re: [OOC] Ten

I was going to, but I was the last one to post before we got confronted, and of all the people Fel's gonna be the LEAST likely to talk back to the cop.
Laila Abdool
Science, 84 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 03:49
  • msg #519

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 518):

Lol maybe I did this wrong... I ended up with a character higher ranked and capable than my actual PC in the same field. I did the random rolls thing though where ever I could.

Gonna go back through it and see if I change things a little it works better...
This message was last edited by the player at 03:52, Fri 20 Dec 2019.
GM, 242 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 04:38
  • msg #520

Re: [OOC] Ten

Did you remember to pick a supporting character and not a regular character?
Laila Abdool
Science, 85 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 05:10
  • msg #521

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 520):

.... yep there's your problem. I D 10 T error.

Okay did supporting this time.

Chief Petty Officer Delphina
Female Denobulan
Att: Ctrl 10, Fit 10, Presence 8, Daring 9, Insight 9, Reason 8
Discipline: Cmd 2, sec 2, sci 3, conn 1, eng 1, med 4
Focuses: Emerg. Med, Xenobio, psych
This message was last edited by the player at 05:16, Fri 20 Dec 2019.
GM, 243 posts
The Final Frontier
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 19:52
  • msg #522

Re: [OOC] Ten

All set up and ready to go.
GM, 244 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 25 Dec 2019
at 01:19
  • msg #523

Re: [OOC] Ten

I will be quite busy this week handling family holiday stuff so we are going on a soft hiatus until next week (12/30).

Happy Holidays to all and to all a happy holiday!
John Garrity
Command, 109 posts
Human Male
Wed 25 Dec 2019
at 16:39
  • msg #524

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 523):

Happy Holidays!
Sarah Greene
Operations, 194 posts
Human Female
Wed 25 Dec 2019
at 18:48
  • msg #525

Re: [OOC] Ten

likewise :)
Laila Abdool
Science, 86 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Thu 26 Dec 2019
at 01:03
  • msg #526

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 525):

YAY and happy holidays to all. I will post in the away thread tomorrow!
GM, 246 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 31 Dec 2019
at 06:59
  • msg #527

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey gang, I'm back. I want to keep kicking things forward so get your posting in when you can otherwise just hang on and follow along!
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 27 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 1 Jan 2020
at 17:32
  • msg #528

Re: [OOC] Ten

Welcome back!
GM, 248 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #529

Re: [OOC] Ten

To clarify these are not military personnel, they are civilian law enforcement.

Also there is only one helicopter that is now landed. The others are in the air but not directly overhead at the moment.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 79 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 04:14
  • msg #530

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hi guys, new player, taking over Ylis.  Looking forward to gaming with you all!
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 30 posts
Romulan Female
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 02:21
  • msg #531

Re: [OOC] Ten

Laila Abdool
Science, 87 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Fri 10 Jan 2020
at 21:15
  • msg #532

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cmdr. Petroka (msg # 531):

Glad to have you!
Chief Petty Officer Delphina
Support, 4 posts
Female Denobulan
Fri 10 Jan 2020
at 21:28
  • msg #533

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Laila Abdool (msg # 532):

Sorry this system is new to me even if the setting is not. I also did not find how to roll int in the quick start. Someone mind walking me through this?
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 81 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #534

Re: [OOC] Ten

As far as I know, there’s no initiative roll. One character - typically a player - goes first, and then it goes back and forth between sides.

Unless we’re using a house rule?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 195 posts
Human Female
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #535

Re: [OOC] Ten

last i checked it was that way as well Ylis
Chief Petty Officer Delphina
Support, 5 posts
Female Denobulan
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 08:04
  • msg #536

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 535):

But the gm asked for an initiative roll...
Sarah Greene
Operations, 196 posts
Human Female
Sat 11 Jan 2020
at 09:13
  • msg #537

Re: [OOC] Ten

so Delphina, how many sister wives do you have? :D
Chief Petty Officer Delphina
Support, 6 posts
Female Denobulan
Sun 12 Jan 2020
at 17:47
  • msg #538

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 537):

4 ...I am going with 4 :-p and we really really like each other **wink**

You wanna be number 5? Muahahahaha
This message was last edited by the player at 17:48, Sun 12 Jan 2020.
GM, 250 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 14 Jan 2020
at 20:05
  • msg #539

Re: [OOC] Ten

That is correct, my bad. I run too many D&D games :P

So yeah, if you're going to shoot take a shot.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 197 posts
Human Female
Thu 16 Jan 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #540

Re: [OOC] Ten

lol good try but no :P
GM, 251 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 16 Jan 2020
at 19:50
  • msg #541

Re: [OOC] Ten

So...away team...what's going on?
Crewman Aldershot
Support, 1 post
Fri 17 Jan 2020
at 00:32
  • msg #542

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 541):

My understanding of the situation is that an action has begun ( stunning a native with a phaser)

So i would guess that needs to be resolved first. Then the alternating turns as we play it out.

If for no other reason than my crewman being named “shot” , I will join our favorite Romulan in trying to stun the locals. Unless there is a countermand issued before his turn.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 82 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Mon 20 Jan 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #543

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ylis was giving Sebastian a chance to countermand her, but then T'ra decided to push the matter and... we're waiting on her shot, I guess!
GM, 252 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #544

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright gang last call. Someone do something or else I’m just going to simulate the battle and we’ll jump straight to the aftermath. This game has stalled for weeks now. If people don’t like the plot or the game they should speak up and we can have a discussion but if everyone is just sitting around waiting for someone else to post then I will drag you forward kicking and screaming if I have to :D
Crewman Aldershot
Support, 2 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 00:15
  • msg #545

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 544):

I’m sorry. I think we are confused about how this is going to proceed.

I thought you would narrate what happened with our first shot.

 Then have the first NPC respond. And then back to the PCs and so on.

Since this is Play By Post, we can do combat however, but I assumed we were following the combat procedures like a face
To face game.
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 31 posts
Romulan Female
Thu 23 Jan 2020
at 10:25
  • msg #546

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for my recent silence. I've been dealing with an insane work schedule due to short-staffing, chronic health issues, and the recent death of a dear friend which I have not been handling well. I'll try and get back to posting as soon as possible.
Chief Petty Officer Delphina
Support, 7 posts
Female Denobulan
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 01:16
  • msg #547

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cmdr. Petroka (msg # 546):

I was confused as well a bit about the posting procedure as well as swamped at work. Delphina was all for stunning them...but those helicopters changed her mind to agree more with the commander.

The sudden explosion of violence though probably made her twitch. I take it from the GM's previous description of how action works that they are waiting on all our actions to happen simultaneously.

I am also not familiar with the mechanics enough to do all my rolls clearly so I will narrate the actions and see how to do rolls after.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:17, Fri 24 Jan 2020.
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 83 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 03:41
  • msg #548

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for the absence.  A friend and former coworker of mine died in a car wreck Tuesday.  Still picking up the pieces.
GM, 253 posts
The Final Frontier
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 06:47
  • msg #549

Re: [OOC] Ten

Holy cow that is a lot to deal with. First of all if you're dealing with personal stuff resulting in an extended absence please shoot me a PM and I can mark you down for NPCing until you're back in action.

As for posting, when in doubt post your action! I don't know if the opening shot is going to hit one, or if you'll generate effects to wide beam it and knock everyone out.

Here is a quick rundown of how combat works:

1) Decide your action. Typically this is attack but you can do other things like administer first aid or guard someone or assist someone else's actions. Make your roll assuming it's difficulty 1 or 2 as that is what most things are going to be. If it's higher I'll let you retroactively buy extra dice with momentum/threat as I would rather give you the advantage and not waste time by letting you roll your two dice for free and then deciding on adding more dice.

2) If you're making your attack it is either Daring + Security (Unarmed/Melee) or Control + Security. Melee attacks are difficulty 1 while ranged attacks are difficulty 2. Once people start diving for cover I'll note any modifiers to difficulty.

3) If you succeed roll "damage". That is d6 Challenge dice. I've listed out the translation of what each result means in the Important Info Thread. The important thing is to total up damage and effects.

4) Add on effects if applicable.

So you would post all that and when everyone or a majority of people have posted I'll post updates. I may do some retcons or followups to wiggle things around a bit but overall it should be pretty straight forward to do.
GM, 256 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 22:43
  • msg #550

Re: [OOC] Ten

Sarah Greene
Operations, 198 posts
Human Female
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 13:54
  • msg #551

Re: [OOC] Ten

i do believe we've lost some people buti 'm not usre sir
Ylis zh'Kerja
Operations, 84 posts
Andorian Female
Tactical Lt. Jg
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #552

Re: [OOC] Ten

I will try to post tonight.  Apologies.
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 32 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 18:20
  • msg #553

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm here. I haven't been feeling well in some time so a lot of rest of late.
GM, 257 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 21:36
  • msg #554

Re: [OOC] Ten

Okay all hands on deck. Please post here in OOC if you're going to be able to continue playing. Things were going so well for the first mission but it has ground to an absolute halt and I know I keep talking about dragging you guys forward kicking and screaming but I honestly don't know how many people are even left.

Everyone is popping in and looking at the game but nobody is posting so I'm asking three things from you guys this week

1) Are you still playing? Yes or no. Now is your time to drop out if you don't like the way the game is going, are burned out by PbP in general or just RL crazies got you for the forseeable future.

2) If you are still playing do you want to continue this mission? In a normal game if you don't like the mission it only takes a session or two to get through but here, if you're not into a mission and its going on and on and on I can understand. If people still want to play but don't like the current mission that is fine. I can sum things up get you back on the ship and roll up a new encounter no problem.

3) If you are still playing and like where this mission is going then why aren't you posting? I don't want to sound accusatory but just want to get a health check of my players. Its a reminder to me if you're dealing with some stuff in RL but think its going to clear up sometime. Just let me know and I'll temporarily just NPC you so the players who are still active aren't stuck in limbo because my notes on who is active and who is temporarily out haven't been properly organized.
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 33 posts
Romulan Female
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 22:54
  • msg #555

Re: [OOC] Ten

The RL crazies have me and are putting in me in a bad space to write at this moment. Things will get better but when that will happen is a mystery at this moment.
John Garrity
Command, 110 posts
Human Male
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #556

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Universe (msg # 554):

Hey still here and still playing. I’m just kinda stuck cause both my characters have acted and awaiting others to join in.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 199 posts
Human Female
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 03:05
  • msg #557

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'm here, not paying as close of attention to the game cause its frozen it seems but i'm here and still part of it :)
GM, 258 posts
The Final Frontier
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #558

Re: [OOC] Ten

Gotcha. I am considering looking for replacements but I think tomorrow I will just start NPCing everyone who isn't responding and we'll get you three going.

I know we started with a larger crew but I realized I'm actually just fine if its you three. We don't need a half dozen people in every scene especially with the way supporting characters work, you can cover any gaps you need to.
GM, 260 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 23:30
  • msg #559

Re: [OOC] Ten

What's next guys?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 200 posts
Human Female
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 23:59
  • msg #560

Re: [OOC] Ten

Good question, I didn't think it was my turn yet, did i miss something? :(
Cmdr. Petroka
player, 34 posts
Romulan Female
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 01:31
  • msg #561

Re: [OOC] Ten

Ello all. I'm afraid between my work schedule and my health that I have overextended myself. I hope one or more improves and I can return but, for now, I fear I must beam away for the time being.

I truly apologise but RL is what happens when you make other plans. :(
Laila Abdool
Science, 88 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 02:31
  • msg #562

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Cmdr. Petroka (msg # 561):

I am sorry too as I am in pretty much the same boat. My residency has wiped out most of my personal time now.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 201 posts
Human Female
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 02:59
  • msg #563

Re: [OOC] Ten

that sucks good luck
GM, 261 posts
The Final Frontier
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 20:39
  • msg #564

Re: [OOC] Ten

Apologies for not posting this earlier. This past week I was out with full day offsite training so I am way behind on everything in the rest of my life, rPoL included. It is over and behind me and so posting should resume on its regular-ish basis.

I see we have some more drops. That brings us down to two active players. I don't think I am particularly upset by that. As long as you two (Sarah & John) are fine with it I'm fine just shrinking it down to focus on the pair of you and your supporting characters. You can jump into an ex-PC just as you would any other crewman when necessary.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 202 posts
Human Female
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 21:38
  • msg #565

Re: [OOC] Ten

I'll do my best but no promises i can fill in the whole ship's crew even with John's help :D  i do know some who I might be able to recruit if you wanted though.
John Garrity
Command, 111 posts
Human Male
Sat 29 Feb 2020
at 22:46
  • msg #566

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 565):

I'll do my best, a small (no more than 5) central cast is probably best and this system is great for splitting main characters.
GM, 262 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 00:07
  • msg #567

Re: [OOC] Ten

Alright. I'll open it up for recruitment. Do you want to try and finish this mission or just fast forward back to the ship, make some key decisions and move on with the fresh crew?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 203 posts
Human Female
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 02:56
  • msg #568

Re: [OOC] Ten

ok, hey john how do you wanna finish this?
GM, 263 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #569

Re: [OOC] Ten

FYI Sarah your buddy dropped an RTJ. Getting them through the system now.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 204 posts
Human Female
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 04:47
  • msg #570

Re: [OOC] Ten

I have had 3 people say they are interested :) so which one droped a RTJ? :)
John Garrity
Command, 112 posts
Human Male
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 05:24
  • msg #571

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 570):

Finishing this could be a bit of a slog.

But, I hate leaving a mystery unsolved.

Looks like we need more data to know whar is going on and from there to make a plan.

This feels very much like we are heading for a morally fraught no win scenario. Which could take some time to unpack. And I get the feeling that with new crew coming on we wo t want to drop them into the back half of the story.

Maybe we should have a big info dump and out of character discussion on how the crew would try to handle the situation?
Sarah Greene
Operations, 205 posts
Human Female
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 05:26
  • msg #572

Re: [OOC] Ten

sounds good to me , hope we save the planet :D
Laila Abdool
Science, 89 posts
Human Female
Medical Officer
Sun 15 Mar 2020
at 07:09
  • msg #573

Re: [OOC] Ten

In reply to Sarah Greene (msg # 572):

Okay I know I play the Medical Officer here...but in real life I am a Resident in a major metropolitan area ER too. I want to keep playing but I will admit that between not knowing the rules system being used and the insanity of the current crisis I have had a great deal of trouble getting into the mindset of a character I didn't really design myself.

I hope to get a chance to really get down and figure out where I am in this game and how to continue in the next few days. Don't count me out yet.
GM, 265 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 16 Mar 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #574

Re: [OOC] Ten

No worries. I understand this is an usual time for many people so no worries there.
GM, 266 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 12:46
  • msg #575

Re: [OOC] Ten

Given the global health crisis I am trying to make accommodations for players impacted by the virus. Please via PM do a quick check in with the following information:

1) Will this crisis make it harder for you to post? While many people are home quarantined those working in vital services and especially medical are in for a long period of time.

2) Are you safe and healthy (COVID-wise)? If you get sick I completely understand dropping off for a couple of weeks so just let me know and I will make accommodations.

3) (Optional) Is there anything you're worried about or could use help with? I know I am a random anonoymous internet stranger but I am well read, have a background in psychology (IRL) and my full-time job is an emergency problem solver so while I am stuck at home handling other crises it is refreshing to be able to use my experiences helping people instead of corporations. I can't promise that I can help in every situation and I don't have all the answers but especially now when people are potentially very isolated sometimes even just having someone to talk to can help so for everyone here, please know that I, random anonymous internet stranger, am here for you :)
Sarah Greene
Operations, 206 posts
Human Female
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 13:07
  • msg #576

Re: [OOC] Ten

It won't be harder for me to post, but I am at high risk of getting it, we have atleast one local case (as in within 6 blocks of me), and due to people panicing the local hospital is short on face masks, so....yeah.  chances are i'll come down with it in the next few weeks.
GM, 267 posts
The Final Frontier
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 20:11
  • msg #577

Re: [OOC] Ten

If you are not already infected face masks are not very helpful. They are useful to avoid spreading it outward but if you are not already sick and a medical professional hasn't told you to wear a mask you shouldn't bother and leave them for the people who really need it.

The problem with COVID is via the spray from a cough you can get it through your eyes so a full face respirator is the only "real" protection. Even still it has been seen to be able to last quite awhile both in the air and on surfaces which explains why it has been difficult to contain and is spreading so rapidly.

If you have to go out make sure to stay 6' away from other people and try to stick to areas with plenty of ventilation. Good air flow (i.e. outdoors, open windows etc.) are 10x better than face masks at preventing infection as the virus disperses to trace amounts quickly in open air.

If you are in an at-risk demographic many areas have welfare services to provide aid without you having to go out and risk exposure. Check online to see if there are services in your area that can do things like pick up groceries and other essentials.

Finally even though restaurants are still doing delivery and drive-tru in many areas try to avoid eating out as much as possible. No matter what their PR department says do you really want to trust your health to some unknown possibly minimum wage kid? I don't care how often their marketing department says their facilities are cleaned one sick employee and one uncaught sneeze means the whole kitchen is infected. If you're not at risk and aren't in contact with anyone at risk then it's...fine... but if you are at-risk consider that you don't know who is preparing your food carefully when deciding to eat out.
GM, 268 posts
The Final Frontier
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 16:03
  • msg #578

Re: [OOC] Ten

Hey gang, I know there is a lot going on so take your time but right now there is a decision to be made in the IC thread. If you don't know what to do just think about the kind of information you need in order to make a decision and we can get some rolls and feedback going.
Sarah Greene
Operations, 207 posts
Human Female
Thu 19 Mar 2020
at 16:12
  • msg #579

Re: [OOC] Ten

I believe I stated my goal in OOC a while ago, if given a choice I'd like us to try to shut down the device, and then depart the planet.
GM, 269 posts
The Final Frontier
Mon 23 Mar 2020
at 20:15
  • msg #580

Re: [OOC] Ten

I am sorry to say I plan to shut this game down. While I really enjoyed the time together I have tried to restart it twice and there just doesn't seem to be a strong future for it. I feel bad for the few of you who were active and eager to play and I hope you enjoyed our time together.

I will leave the game up for awhile so you can scavange anything you are interested in keeping for your own records.
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