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16:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[IC] Along the Coast by Port Lyalee.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Elf Archer, 600 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 2 Mar 2020
at 22:56
  • msg #344

Re: Helping Old Rue

The grig's vow sounded serious enough, and bound to things important enough to him, that Dante believed Stumpkin would hold to it. Narthian's agreement was reassuring as well, so Dante inclined his head slightly to the grig. "I accept your vow. May you travel from here in safety, Stumpkin."

He was glad Lantamori had thought to ask about lingering "traps" before the grig departed, however; they sounded unpleasant enough that Old Rue and his lady would be glad to avoid them.
Elf Rogue, 429 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 01:02
  • msg #345

Re: Helping Old Rue

The elven woman was satisfied that Stumpkin would at least stay away for a good while.  They'd tell the old man about the last few traps and he could take care of them.

She nodded to the Averdante and turned to address the hairy man.  "How far behind you is Bruenor?  He needs to deal with his horse."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 589 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 19:43
  • msg #346

Re: Helping Old Rue

Farian arrives as Averdante gives Stumpkin his blessing on the oath. "Farewell Stumpkin!" she calls between wolf howls.

"That went better than I expected," she says once the grig is gone. She collects her horse, Lux, and mounts up. She looks around as if missing something. "You know, I think that we need a pennon. I saw this flower back there, I think that it's called a sword lily, with a single golden bloom. Wouldn't that be appropriate for the Leafblade Company provided that it had 8 leaves?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 528 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 00:24
  • msg #347

Re: Helping Old Rue

Breunor rejoined the group, taking Demons reins.  He grinned and chuckled
"Did my naughty boy scare the mean little man?"
He talked baby talk to the monster horse, as if he were a proud father encouraging a precocious young boy.  He scritched the horse's neck affectionately
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 655 posts
Fire burns bright!
AC: 14 HP: 31/31
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 20:02
  • msg #348

Re: Helping Old Rue

Dellas looks to Farian "yes a Sword lily, with a loaf of bread" he seemed excited at the possiblities he looks to his own friends "And we can make you a little surcoat and you a color with a leather thong with our symbol on it. Oh yes"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 476 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 20:10
  • msg #349

Re: Helping Old Rue

Volsh shrugged at the question of a pennon, whatever that is, he thought to himself.

"Whatever you think is good for that Farian, I'm not any good with those kinds of things."

He chuckled at Bruenor with Demon and patted the frisky horse on his side also.

"That went well, and we didn't have to kill anything which is different. Do you think they'll stay away?" he said as he started walking with the others back to the main part of their camp. He laid Widowmaker down and moved to check on Eagle to see if how his own horse fared in Stupmkin's raid on their camp.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 529 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 22:42
  • msg #350

Re: Helping Old Rue

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 349):

Bruenor looked at his big friend with a smirk
"They will if they know what's good for them'
Elf Rogue, 430 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 00:12
  • msg #351

Re: Helping Old Rue

Lantamori wondered whether the halfling confused a one word for another between his native tongue and common.  She was pretty sure he wasn't suggesting the human woman wear a leather thong.

As was her policy, she ignored both humans and halfling as she vaulted into Cloud's saddle.

"Time to head back," she stated, turning her mount in that direction.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 590 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #352

Re: Helping Old Rue

Farian laughs at Dellas's suggestion. "There is no need to make a new surcoat! Shundahar!" The last word reverberates slightly with magic and the image appears on her golden-tan silk tunic. A bright golden sun-like blossom supported by a stem surrounded by 8 sword-like leaves. At the base of the stem is a large pebble - perhaps Dellas's loaf. "Added to a pennon upon a tall staff, and all will know that the Leafblade Company has come to right the wrongs! And the next wrong to be put right is our friend Volsh. Lead on the the Ruby Conclave!"

Not to self - prepare a Sending spell to have Sir Aberlayne place the order with ... the guild? A tailor?Twenty-five words: Please make arrangements for a pennon to be made for our company. A sword lily with 8 sword like leaves and a single golden blossom. ... Provided that dealing with the grigs contributes the 72 XP she needs to learn a 4th level spell.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 662 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 01:27
  • msg #353

Re: Helping Old Rue

Narthian, in wolf form, waits for everyone to mount up, then leads the way back to the trail. If he has any opinion on the pennon, it's impossible to say.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1011 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 08:32
  • msg #354

Volsh's Ordeal

After accepting the fiddle as Stumpkin's pledge, the much-subdued grig scampers off, looking over his shoulder warily.

Demon takes Bruenor's praise as his due, snuffling his rider and only trying to bite him a little.  Affectionately, of course.

Message sent to Sir Aberlayne about the group's new symbol and design for a pennon, the Leafblade Company can circle back together and break up their temporary camp.  Old Rue quickly gallops to Stellana's grove and back as the group finishes gathering all of their things, and returns with his face wreathed in smiles.

"That was a fine thing you've done and no mistake. Clever of you to turn his pranks against him and his kind! A fair trade, my friends, a fair trade indeed.  Now, this is from Stellana, for a bit of a thanks."  He hands out several small woven grass bowls of berries, one for each person, and an extra for Aberlayne.  "Goodberries, eh?  Heal your wounds and good as a full dinner. They'll last about a week or so, so I hope you get good use out of 'em!  The best of luck to all of you, and Obad-Hai's favor on you, Volsh."


If the group so wishes, they can continue on and reach the Ruby Conclave just after dark.  In the dim light, the torches illuminating the gate are a crimson red, giving an unearthly sanguine glow to the forbidding walls.  The skeletal guardians atop the gates look particularly sinister as they move into position for the guardian priestess to look the party over.  While not immediately identifiable, she seems to recognize the party after a moment and opens the gate.

"Sister Lar said you were coming.  Come.  Rest and meditate this evening, and we shall see you through this ordeal," the guardian sister says solemnly.

The group is met by an acolyte in gray robes, a thin girl with a narrow face and dark hair, who will bow to them and guide them to a stables and guest house near the communal hall.  The guest house is austere, but there are simple beds and chests for one's belongings, and tables and desks and lamps for study.

Though dinner time is past, there are simple provisions of vegetables, fruits, bread, sausage, and cheese available in the communal hall.

Sister Lar will come to see Volsh and the rest of the group by the next morning, after a breakfast of porridge and fruit.

"We have two days to the next full moon.  Volsh, I suggest meditation of what techniques you have learned from your various teachers, focusing to prepare to become solidly one with the beast within your blood.  And for the rest of you, I can only offer you the pastimes of religious scholars, reading, research, lectures, spell-scribing, debate, and sermons.  Or if none of those suit, the sea is a few hours' walk south, and the forest is all around.  As the full moon rises in two days' time, though, I'm certain you would wish to add your strength to Volsh's attempt to master his curse.  We are preparing a place of safety for his attempt, one that, should the worst happen, no harm would come to innocents."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 478 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 09:40
  • msg #355

Volsh's Ordeal

He’d smiled at Rue when given the good berries then nodded solemnly at Rue’s best wishes for him. “I will take the favor of any and all the gods right now in this trial. Thanks... again for how you helped me. I still owe you a debt no doubt.”

Volsh grunted at the gate guardian's recognition of him and the party and followed the woman to the guest house they had prepared for the party. He ate heartily of the food provided and took his rest for the evening. His heart was a mix of heavy and light both. They had done a good thing helping Rue, but he was anxious for this first transformation to be complete and so it weighed on him as he tried to sleep.

After a good night's sleep he started to eat when Sister Lars came in, "morning."

Volsh's eyes this morning were heavy of lid as though he didn't sleep well the night before, but he was soldering onward.

"Thank you again for your temple's help with this Sister. I hope all our preparations will not end up worthless in the end." he said.

"I'll try to do my best to practice and meditate. Two days of meditation is a lot to ask but there is a lot riding on this, so I'll do what I can. "

He left Widowmaker in the room he'd been given and found a nice quiet place to practice. Soon enough his exhausted body dropped him down to slumber and the wolf dream began.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:06, Sun 08 Mar 2020.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 538 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2020
at 20:35
  • msg #356

Volsh's Ordeal

Haazheel has been accompanying the group lost in his own thought.

During the ride, he remarks I remembered: the sword lily also is called gladiolus. It symbolizes honor and remembrance, strength of character, faithfulness, sincerity and integrity, infatuation, and never giving up. Good choice.

He thanks Old Rue for the goodberry.

Haazheel's choice is to visit the library. He also asks what the spell scribing entails and what debates are scheduled.

Mystique' choice is to hunt.
Elf Rogue, 431 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 01:56
  • msg #357

Volsh's Ordeal

Lantamori spent her time stalking the surrounding forest to familiarize herself with her hunting ground.  If it came down to it, she had a score of silver arrows to finish the task.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 591 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 04:01
  • msg #358

Volsh's Ordeal

"This is a gift beyond measure!" Farian tells old Rue when accepting Stellana's gift. "When I eat it I will remember the kindness and friendship of Rue and Stellana.

"I did not know that, Haazheel. Thank you for sharing!" She recites a prayer of thanks, one of the shorter ones that only takes about a minute or two.

Farian is uncomfortable among the Jasians and their reckless use of necromancy. Skeletal guardians indeed! If anything, she sits more upright in the saddle and tries to will Pelor's Light to shine ever brighter from her mace. But having been forewarned, she bites her tongue. She leans close to Lux's ear and whispers. "[Language unknown: Manconive itre pe comhi enai ngol, Plman o foncck, ant et der erama thi eauhe trwh eknd aibeal m thiousnde prkor oerleskor io io oussetateith lessetiou esne lesarethe and wa. Elest pl ard in, niel pock wana u but ourna lesichthi.]" All of her interactions with the Jasians are polite, but curt, so as to not be drawn into a debate while in "unfriendly" territory. Her night is restless and full of prayer rather then sleep. During the day, she rides to the beach to work out and catch up on her sleep in the warmth of the Sun Father.

Pelor help us if it should be a rainy day! That would be a poor omen indeed.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 663 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 04:19
  • msg #359

Volsh's Ordeal

Narthian wags his tail and barks a thanks to Rue, assuming that the werebear would understand. He doesn't return to elf-form until outside the gates of the Ruby Conclave. He collects his Goodberry from whichever companion carried it before taking his rest. In the morning he prepares his spells and breaks his fast with whichever companions are available. "I'll be visiting Stellana's grove today," he says. "To repay her gift. I will place Ehlenestra's blessing upon her grove that it might have a year of superb growth. I will be back by night fall." Soon afterward, he transforms into a wolf and he and Thunder disappear into the forest.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 539 posts
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 06:54
  • msg #360

Volsh's Ordeal

Haazheel smiles at Farian's remark.
Elf Archer, 601 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 10 Mar 2020
at 18:13
  • msg #361

Volsh's Ordeal

Dante wraps the little fiddle in his spare shirt and stows it carefully in Mask's saddlebags when they return to the horses. What is he supposed to do with it now? he wonders, double-checking that it's as safe as he can make it. What happens if the fiddle is broken? He's going to need to return to the Grove in Port Lyalee for advice on that.

He's thus quiet when they meet the wearbear again, although he's properly appreciative of the dryad's gift.

He stays quiet on the road, too, keeping an eye on the sun, and glad to have the safety of the conclave for the night. The skeletons roaming the place are disturbing, however docile they seem to be. He's not sure about the propriety of disrupting the natural cycles of life in such a way; at the very least, the earth is being denied nutrients that will enhance the soil.

Thus the next morning, he saddles Mask again and rides out to the beach. It's not hard to find some driftwood to use for target practice, to practice loosing arrows from the horse's back while she's moving. When he needs a break from that, he finds a quiet, sunny spot to sit and watch the sea. Is it safe to warn the others while they're at the Conclave? The shadows weren't undead, but all the necromany is troubling.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1013 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 14:20
  • msg #362

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

Volsh can easily find a quiet but wild place to give his wolf dream deep consideration.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel has been accompanying the group lost in his own thought.

During the ride, he remarks I remembered: the sword lily also is called gladiolus. It symbolizes honor and remembrance, strength of character, faithfulness, sincerity and integrity, infatuation, and never giving up. Good choice.

He thanks Old Rue for the goodberry.

Haazheel's choice is to visit the library. He also asks what the spell scribing entails and what debates are scheduled.

Mystique' choice is to hunt.

The library of the Ruby Conclave explores the mysteries of life and death and deals with truth and transformation.  Here Haazheel and Dellas can find texts and spellbooks on necromancy, transmutation, divination, abjuration, and evocation. The fees to the Conclave are similar to those of the Mage's Guild, fifty gold times the level of the spell, and the inks, powders, diagrams, and elements needed for scribing are available at the normal rates of one hundred gold per page (and each spell takes up one spell per level, of course).  The scholars of the Conclave have some unusual spells in their shelves, reflecting the scholars who have devoted their lives to knowledge and magic over the decades.   

Lantamori spent her time stalking the surrounding forest to familiarize herself with her hunting ground.  If it came down to it, she had a score of silver arrows to finish the task.

Lantamori spends her time familiarizing herself with the woods around the Conclave, noting paths that a creature the size of a werewolf might take, and places that would be good for ambushing or making a stand. Hopefully such information wouldn't be needed, but a wise adventurer made certain to cover every contingency.

Farian is uncomfortable among the Jasians and their reckless use of necromancy. Skeletal guardians indeed! If anything, she sits more upright in the saddle and tries to will Pelor's Light to shine ever brighter from her mace. But having been forewarned, she bites her tongue. She leans close to Lux's ear and whispers. "[Language unknown: Earineure setnt ho yin se nc, Evut u mamefi, eisa hi ne tra ivepo waess nce no lesartson ur setonsore pre eeecpl estin eefi ardatithoous ionourard be ndpati wi o. Inepa na ingha p, allun an ateet di day wani ticthiund.]" All of her interactions with the Jasians are polite, but curt, so as to not be drawn into a debate while in "unfriendly" territory. Her night is restless and full of prayer rather then sleep. During the day, she rides to the beach to work out and catch up on her sleep in the warmth of the Sun Father.

Pelor help us if it should be a rainy day! That would be a poor omen indeed.

The Jasians recognize that their philosophy and practices are at great contrast to those of the Peloran sun priestess, and are quite happy not to press or bother her, if she does not insist on lecturing them.  Space given all around, Farian can find the sunniest spots on the Conclave grounds (or outside of them) to do her prayers and spend time with Lux.  The newly-named horse is quite happy to be away from the skeletons, which clearly unnerve her even more than her mistress.

Bruenor can, if he so pleases, spar with the Temple Guardians, the living ones, who are always ready to test and hone their skill so that they will be ready against any foe who threatens their sacred spaces.  Demon is also ready to gallop off energy, if Bruenor wants to travel in the nearby woodlands or down to the sea.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian wags his tail and barks a thanks to Rue, assuming that the werebear would understand. He doesn't return to elf-form until outside the gates of the Ruby Conclave. He collects his Goodberry from whichever companion carried it before taking his rest. In the morning he prepares his spells and breaks his fast with whichever companions are available. "I'll be visiting Stellana's grove today," he says. "To repay her gift. I will place Ehlenestra's blessing upon her grove that it might have a year of superb growth. I will be back by night fall." Soon afterward, he transforms into a wolf and he and Thunder disappear into the forest.

Narthian's return visit to the grove is greeted warmly by Rue and Stellana, and his sound form of aid in the form of grown magic is welcomed warmly.

"A kind and wise gift to us," Stellana says, helping direct the rich growth as the grove slowly begins to unfold it bounty.

Dante wraps the little fiddle in his spare shirt and stows it carefully in Mask's saddlebags when they return to the horses. What is he supposed to do with it now? he wonders, double-checking that it's as safe as he can make it. What happens if the fiddle is broken? He's going to need to return to the Grove in Port Lyalee for advice on that.

He's thus quiet when they meet the wearbear again, although he's properly appreciative of the dryad's gift.

He stays quiet on the road, too, keeping an eye on the sun, and glad to have the safety of the conclave for the night. The skeletons roaming the place are disturbing, however docile they seem to be. He's not sure about the propriety of disrupting the natural cycles of life in such a way; at the very least, the earth is being denied nutrients that will enhance the soil.

Thus the next morning, he saddles Mask again and rides out to the beach. It's not hard to find some driftwood to use for target practice, to practice loosing arrows from the horse's back while she's moving. When he needs a break from that, he finds a quiet, sunny spot to sit and watch the sea. Is it safe to warn the others while they're at the Conclave? The shadows weren't undead, but all the necromancy is troubling.

The sea, at least, is soothing to Averdante's senses while he and Mask work on their skills together.  The brightness of the sun is an antidote to the somber gloom of the Ruby Conclave, certainly there is enough room here to stay the evening, if he would prefer to rest in less strange places than a Jasian stronghold.


The next day passes peacefully, much like the first, and the day stays clear and bright. By afternoon, Sister Lar comes to bring Volsh and the others to what seemed to be a strongly-built stone building, perhaps that of a dairy (usually built with thick stone walls to keep the milk and cheese cool).  But inside the stone room has been stripped of any mundane tools.  Heavy bars of iron fill the two small windows, the bars wrapped in fine silver chains.  The doors are ironwood, the locks have silver keys, and a circle is inscribed in the middle of the floor, in silver, iron, and blood.  These are protective circles meant to thwart malign influence and focus the abjuration magic meant to protect both Volsh and the Jasian priestess during the ordeal.

There is room enough for a dozen inside, allowing for the group to position themselves within or without as they see fit.  The windows are aligned with where the moon will rise, ensuring that the moonlight will bathe the circle.

"This space has been consecrated to keep out evil.  I will bolster that effect as the moon rises.  If any of you have additional spells to assist Volsh in his attempt to wrest control, I will give you warning when to cast them.  Then, my wolfish friend, the rest lies within your heart and mind. If the worst happens, the building is strong and should contain you.  If that fails, the walls around the Conclave are high and our skeletal guardians are watchful.  We will be able to keep you away from the unwary.  If you run wild this night, we can make another attempt the next night, or we can attempt to remove the curse entire.  But we should resolve it sooner than later; our sisters of Ehlonna would not be pleased to know an uncontrolled werewolf roams the woods.  Nor, quite obviously, would you!  Prepare yourself, Volsh, for the sun will go soon, and not long after that, the moon will rise."

Everyone in the group can prepare or position themselves within or without of the ritual space as they need.  Anyone with magic to aid Volsh can cast it Sister Lar finishes her own spells, as daylight fades and the first cool rays of moonlight fill the room.

As wolves howl in Volsh's ears and his body starts to rebel, he must try to hold to the wolf dream, not of that of the vicious loner, the stalking killer, but instead that of the loyal pack member, the strong hunter who runs with his pack.  This is what he has prepared for for weeks, with meditation and dreams, with amulet and favor, with his friends' aid, Volsh strives to master the curse within his blood, to turn it from bane to boon!
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 530 posts
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 16:20
  • msg #363

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

Bruenor enjoyed a relaxing couple of days.  He rode Demon to the coast, laughing as the big horse galloped through the surf, and saw the sights of the nearby Woodlands.
He was still a city boy at heart, he knew, but the change of scenery was a good thing
And he sparred with the temple guards, always enjoying the brotherhood of warriors whenever he could, especially after the frustrating magic shenanigans of the fey in the grove.

When it came time for Volsh and his test of will over his curse, Bruenor was back to being all business.  He stayed out of the room of containment when the time came, but stood nearby to help if the beast within Volsh went rogue
He didn't want to fight his friend, but knew that was preferable to letting innocent people getting hurt
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 592 posts
Devotee of Saint Bane
63/63 HP
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #364

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

Farian spends the second night in a library reading about Lycanthropy, and finds that there may be something that she can do should the worst come to pass.

Well rested in the warmth of the afternoon sun, Farian enters into the containment area. She lays a reassuring hand on Volsh's shoulder. "Pelor's Light will gird your Will for this ordeal," she says before looking at her companions. "Should the Evil of the affliction still take hold, however, I ask my companions to refrain from doing anything to Volsh other then to restrain him. I have prepared three prayers to remove this curse, which must be cast in the full moon to have a chance to cure him." She turns back to Volsh and looks him in the eye. "If I must cure you, it will be an additional test of your Will, so I ask you to put your effort forth on that. I will only try to cure you if the Evil takes root. The cure will be better then your destruction, even if it means the loss of your Wolf Dream. There are other methods to achieve that dream, as Narthian can well tell you. Have faith in your pack, I swear by the Holy Light that we will not fail you."

She will cast Owl's Wisdom on Volsh within 7 minutes of the transformation. As the transformation begins, she will cast Detect Evil and concentrate on it for up to 70 minutes. She also has prepared a Guidance and a back up Detect Evil in case this is a situation where a timely intervention might help.
Elf Rogue, 432 posts
44/44 hp
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 22:29
  • msg #365

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

With her bow, Lantamori positioned herself outside of the ritual space.  This whole thing reeked of demon summoning to her.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 666 posts
Narthian 36/36
Thunder 50/50
Wed 11 Mar 2020
at 23:17
  • msg #366

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

Narthian spends an hour of so enjoying Stellana's now peaceful grove before hustling back to the Conclave. He'll ask Lantamori to show him the lay of the land in the day leading up the The Event. When the time comes, he follows Volsh and Farian into the containment area. He nods and smiles appreciatively at Farian's oath. "Farian thinks of so much that I have but two things to offer. The first is the Guidance of the Natural Order. It's not powerful in and of itself, but Ehlenestra often wraps great things in small packages. The second is that Thunder and I will be at your side, Wolf Brothers in form as well as spirit to inspire you." He turns to Farian, sharing a look of concern as if to say "let me know if things are going poorly". Then he transforms into his smaller version of Thunder.

If Farian gives a signal, or he senses things are amiss, he'll (Natural Spell) cast Bull's Strength followed by -if time permits- Greater Magic Fang on himself (spell sharing with Thunder).
Elf Archer, 602 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 23:03
  • msg #367

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

Dante takes a place inside the building, Prreet on his shoulder as usual. He has his bow, but it is something only for last resort. Overall, it does seem as if the Conclave priests, whatever their strange proclivity for undead, have been thorough in their preparations for Volsh's transformation. Ehlonna willing, it will be enough. He will pray for that outcome while things commence.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1015 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 07:07
  • msg #368

Re: Volsh's Ordeal

As the spells are cast at Sister Lar's warning, the moonlight stretches into the room.  Volsh's body warps, his clothing ripping asunder, but the shimmering circles hold as he writhes in the pain of having his form shifted.  For agonizing moments his bones shift, his face stretches, teeth lengthen, and fur grows.  All remnants of civilization are gone but the talisman from Old Rue, the protective magic of the circles, the spellcasting and wary guardianship of his friends, and the determination of Volsh, son of Vor, the last of his people.

With a howl, not of a hunting wolf, but a triumphant mingling of man and lupine, the moonlight illuminates a man-sized wolf standing calm and proud, his eyes that of a hunter with human sense and intelligence, a master of himself!
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