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, welcome to Babylon 5: From Here to The Rim

18:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 (1)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 38 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Tue 28 Jan 2020
at 01:41
  • msg #1

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5

The date is 2279, the place is Babylon 5, .....

It’s a time after war,
it’s a time after darkness,
it’s a time when the young races can start anew,
It’s a time too make new beginnings, ....

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:03, Fri 31 Jan 2020.
GM, 42 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 29 Jan 2020
at 01:56
  • msg #2

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

It is January 31, 2279 and today you find yourself stepping off onto the main docking bay of the greatest space station in today's history. Its your first ever visit to Babylon 5 the once home of the Interstellar Alliance, and dozens on dozens or races from all over the galaxy and the far reaches of The Rim.

The Guild worker are working with security to get cargo in and out as quickly as they can.

"Excuse me, please follow the safety yellow markings on the floor to Customs Areas." "Here are the required forms to fill out" as a security guard hands you a computer tablet "Fill this out and have your Identocard ready"

You look about for a moment, you scan the dock area and watch the foot traffic head off the docking area. The sound of shoes, boots clanging along the metal grills almost overwhelms you and makes it hard to hear the young man (human) next you. "Come on pops, just keep walking that way." Has he walks around you, and follows the yellow marking as asked.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:20, Fri 31 Jan 2020.
Drazi, 21 posts
Tor-haret Officer
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #3

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

She is waiting in line with her membership pin on for the Free Minds Authority trying to be non-threatening her hood up and her modest things nothing sinister.
GM, 70 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 20:40
  • msg #4

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

In reply to Aalamar (msg # 3):

The line moving pretty well, there are about 20 in from of you.


Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 22 posts
Centauri Noble
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #5

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Keeping stoic in the face of the Earther's minor insult, Andilo follows the line indicated. He looks over the tablet he was given and answers the questions on it. This is pathetic. I am a noble of House Malachi! I should not have to fill out this paperwork. There better be a good place that has a good Bravari.
GM, 71 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 20:49
  • msg #6

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Aalamar directly behind you stand a very upset Centauri. He too hold a tablet and with some personal things in hand.

Andilo Malachi directly in front of you is a Drazi. His is also holding a tables but you can't tell if he actually filling it out. A young man (human) makes a comment to Drazi as he passing him by.
Drazi, 23 posts
Tor-haret Officer
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 00:33
  • msg #7

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"Young man hope your pops you need relax and be calm for pops a wise man with age much offer to you if he needs a Doctor ask staff for their help they help.," she said to he young man.

"I in from Drazi home world speak to Alliance Officer please, thank you. Sorry human language not very good need practice. You go I need to talk to someone else.," she lets the Centauri go next smiling to him she is small for a Drazi but sturdy and a professional Telepath by the pin worn.
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 23 posts
Centauri Noble
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 00:51
  • msg #8

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Nodding and smiling to the Drazi the Centauri steps forward in line. Thank you my friend. Quite kind of you, Andilo says in English.
GM, 73 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Sun 2 Feb 2020
at 20:05
  • msg #9

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

The line moves pretty steady and its now Andilo's turn, ...
Drazi, 26 posts
Tor-haret Officer
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 16:27
  • msg #10

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"Its okay Drazi not at war or fighting Centauri so no destroy your mind okay me only P5 me not that good ever need Telepath contact my name Aalamar. (laughs softly in a pleasant way handing him her business card) At least Drazi, what Earthers say, shoot from the hip. So know ahead of time we fight - usually. (feins being sinister for a moment before laughs a bit) Just buy me a drink if we  see each other again.," she then hands the officer her card. Her legal carry Drazi knife is the only weapon and its no more harmful than her fist really being quite small.*

*In League Book its a personal item and legal in League worlds and on B5 its not the much larger blade..
GM, 81 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 16:57
  • msg #11

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

OOC: Waiting for Andilo Malachi to post as it's his turn at the security check point ??
Then after that post I will move to Aalamar who is directly behind him.

Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 25 posts
Centauri Noble
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 23:16
  • msg #12

IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Moving up to the Security officer Andilo hands over his identicard. I have nothing to declare. I am on official Centarum business. He stands there waiting for the officer to finish wasting his time.
GM, 84 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 17:41
  • msg #13

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Andilo Malachi:
Moving up to the Security officer Andilo hands over his identicard. I have nothing to declare. I am on official Centarum business. He stands there waiting for the officer to finish wasting his time.

The security guard checks your identicard as normal, As he looks and read his screen he say to himself, "Yup it all looks good". "Your items will be delivered to your quarters and your secure diplomatic case can pass as it has always been check for contraband".

And then look up at you and say, "All Good, Welcome to Babylon 5"

He steps aside so you can walk of the ramp in the lounge area.

"Next Please," .... As he looks up at the Drazi, "identicard ??"
Drazi, 34 posts
Commcial Telepath
Thu 6 Feb 2020
at 06:12
  • msg #14

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"Download file to command database this is my unlock code it above your pay grade wjere Drazi Ambassador.," she hands over her Drazi multicard with Earther info on it and Alliance wide special files.
GM, 88 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 6 Feb 2020
at 14:14
  • msg #15

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

In reply to Aalamar (msg # 14):

OOC: So in order to travel from place to place in Earth Alliance territory you must have a valid "identicard" from my information you don't
GM, 92 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 6 Feb 2020
at 16:56
  • msg #16

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Schar Venok

Your ship was attached by raiders in quadrant 15 just a short distance away. You were with several other cargo ships and different class vessels traveling together for safety. The attack was quick and directed to one ship, you happen to just be to close to the action.

Unfortunately you suffered a bit of damaged to the navigation system, and you are a little short on credits right now. If you can reach out to some of your contacts you should be able to collect on some outstanding IOUs.

You have traveled in Earth Alliance territory but you have never been on B5

Your ship was towed in and the fees are way off base, at the moment you are in a light argument about fees. Currently they want to put your ship in orbital storage until you have 50% of the total fees.

"Listen if you can't pay, .. then we don't work. What's with you people, this stuff isn't free and we have to feed our families too." as the dock worker is about to walk away.

GM, 101 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 7 Feb 2020
at 19:25
  • msg #17

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"Download file to command database this is my unlock code it above your pay grade wjere Drazi Ambassador.," she hands over her Drazi multicard with Earther info on it and Alliance wide special files.

The guards checks the mulicard, and and replies "Welcome to Babylon 5", ..." step to that line if you have anything to declare." ... "if not the lounge is that way."
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 27 posts
Centauri Noble
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #18

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Andilo Malachi:
Moving up to the Security officer Andilo hands over his identicard. I have nothing to declare. I am on official Centarum business. He stands there waiting for the officer to finish wasting his time.

The security guard checks your identicard as normal, As he looks and read his screen he say to himself, "Yup it all looks good". "Your items will be delivered to your quarters and your secure diplomatic case can pass as it has always been check for contraband".

And then look up at you and say, "All Good, Welcome to Babylon 5"

He steps aside so you can walk of the ramp in the lounge area.

"Next Please," .... As he looks up at the Drazi, "identicard ??"

Thank you. Andilo nods at the guard and moves into the lounge area. So this is the vaunted Babylon 5. So far it doesn't seem like much.
GM, 103 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Tue 11 Feb 2020
at 19:35
  • msg #19

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay


Q'voth'zal is fresh out of the training camps and a rookie, but he has skills in what he does and he has been recognized for them. You have just passed security and the a news show is on "ISN" just hit the screen. You just stop in your tracks and watch the news cast, and you notice a little crowd gathering to do the same, .... a few people are standing around the Dock Lounge with you watching "ISN". Most pay you no mind or just walk outrite past you to avoid you.

You do notice that a Drazi, just cleared security and is looking around a bit lost. You personally don't know B5 that well but you have studied its maps, and layouts.
Pak'ma'ra, 8 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Wed 12 Feb 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #20

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Quietly thanking the crew, it exited the sleek White Star ship and made its way through the docking bays to where the customs agents awaited.  It was silently pleased as the security guard registered her surprise, seeing one of its kind in a Ranger's robes.  That pleasure alone was worth the trip.  It had its identicard ready, and so passed quickly through, rather brusquely to be honest.  Q'voth'zal was used to that.

It had been a very long time since Q'voth'zal had stepped aboard old Babylon 5, and it had been much younger then.  Much had changed, both for the now fabled space station and for itself.  Although it did not remember the layout well, having spent most of its younger years here in the diplomatic section with its parent, it had studied the layouts on the way, to refresh its memory.  It was fairly certain it could find the way to Green Sector at least; that was where Q'zan'mur would be, with the rest of the former League worlds diplomats.

Scanning the Dock Lounge, it remarked how different things was here than on Minbar, constantly shifting crowds and garish digital signs and adverts a sharp contrast from the bright crystal corridors of Tuzanor.  His attention was drawn to the ISN news broadcast and the crowd that was eagerly watching.  Stopping a moment, it noted others walking past, doing there best to avoid contact.  Very few people wanted to bother a pak'ma'ra, unless they had business with it.  Q'voth'zal was used to that too.

It noticed a Drazi, who seemed like they might be lost and in need of assistance.  Approaching the Drazi slowly, it stopped at a reasonable distance, knowing the natural smell would likely alert the alien to its presence long before it spoke.  Q'voth'zal bowed politely, then lifted a translator globe and spoke into it, a mechanical voice turning the words into Interlac:

"Greetings fellow sentient, are you new to this station?  If you need assistance, I may be able to help."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:56, Fri 14 Feb 2020.
Human, 6 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 18:56
  • msg #21

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Despite being fresh off the boat from Mars, and on her first space journey, Julie came prepared with the significant majority of her paperwork already done.  When presented with the station's tablet all she needs to do is upload the completed form and sign it in the presence of the station's biometric sensors.  Returning the tablet promptly to the human custom agent responsible for observing the largely automated process she also shows him her identicard, clearly quite comfortable with far more rigorous security checkpoints.

Sparing the young man who seems very nearly her own age a friendly but somewhat detached smile as thanks for his efficient management of her entrance into the station Julie steps over the line and into the Dock Lounge area where she quickly discovers she needs to step out of the now much faster flow of foot traffic or risk touching someone, which results in her waiting by a nearby potted plant as she takes in the sights and various types of aliens.
Drazi, 36 posts
Commcial Telepath
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 12:47
  • msg #22

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"New here, very exciting but will learn where things are you welcoming officer or something. I'm Aalamar a Commercial Telepath and likely need a place to stay first where rent a room. I like to to know your name you Pak'ma'ra very nice species and a Ranger that odd. But good to see." Aalamar gave her, it, her business card she is noted as a P5 on it, her fees are fair with a 15% discount on the first service provided using standard union rates her organizations cut not affected of course. A Ranger could hire her business first.
Pak'ma'ra, 12 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 11:05
  • msg #23

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"New here, very exciting but will learn where things are you welcoming officer or something. I'm Aalamar a Commercial Telepath and likely need a place to stay first where rent a room. I like to to know your name you Pak'ma'ra very nice species and a Ranger that odd. But good to see." Aalamar gave her, it, her business card she is noted as a P5 on it, her fees are fair with a 15% discount on the first service provided using standard union rates her organizations cut not affected of course. A Ranger could hire her business first.

It perused the Drazi's business card, first with its eyes, then with its mark'al (mouth tentacles).  This being was a Sen'pak'il a Mind Singer.  Q'voth'zal had never met a Mind Singer of Drazi origin.  This one might have a great deal to teach.  Perhaps the Maker had even meant for them to meet.  Aalamar (it repeated the name silently to remember) had recognized its new Ranger robes, which made the pak'ma'ra surprisingly happy.  At any rate this Drazi seemed friendlier than most it had met.  It decided to reply in kind and so raised the translator globe once more:

"Welcome to Babylon 5, I am called Q'voth'zal.  I lived here once, but it was years ago.  I thank you for your card, Aa-la-mar.  A telepath is always good to know and their service is always valuable.  There are appartments to rent for species of all kinds in Red Sector."

It spoke slowly, partly due to the delay in the translator, but mostly because Q'voth'zal spoke, as always, with great attention to its words.
Drazi, 39 posts
Commcial Telepath
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #24

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

"Good, you likely stay with your people here its good to have ones kind around feels like home more. Anyway need to go get room now near Drazi then see our Ambassador on station so hire me if you need me following customary laws. See you around Ranger Q'voth'zal.," she chatted a bit but needed to go tend to her business. Anyway she made a contact of value and can meet others of its kind.
Pak'ma'ra, 16 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 19:33
  • msg #25

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

The Ranger nodded in agreement.  "Yes, I will stay with Chosen Ones.  As you say, it is good to be with one's own kind, but it is interesting to meet others also.  I hope you find an apartment that is perfect for Drazi very soon.  I will keep your card in case I have need of your service.  I will see you around the station Aalamar of the Drazi."

Q'voth'zal pocketed its translator sphere and bowed to the Mind singer, then turned and made its way towards the shuttles, hoping to find one headed towards Green Sector.
It was quite certain that meeting Aalamar had been no accident, there weren't any accidents, the Maker worked in strange ways to be sure.  There was very little doubt, in the pak'ma'ra's mind, that it would meet the Drazi Mind singer again.
Drazi, 43 posts
Commcial Telepath
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 02:39
  • msg #26

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Aalamar will leave to see what quarters are available she can afford near other Drazi. Then has business with the Drazi Ambassador to check in and socialize with her people some no use not having some fun.
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 29 posts
Centauri Noble
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 06:43
  • msg #27

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

After glancing around the lounge area Andilo walks up to a directory access and looks for the ambassadorial area. Once he finds the location of the Centauri Ambassador he sends a message telling the Ambassador he has arrived on station and has a packet for the Ambassador.
Pak'ma'ra, 19 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 00:50
  • msg #28

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Boarding the shuttle to Green Sector, Q'voth'zal made its way to the back and sat down quietly.  Taking the time to reflect on what was to come, the new Ranger sat silently watching through the windows as the shuttle prepared to get underway.  So much had changed, its life forever altered by the decision to join the Anla'shok.  The call to return to Babylon 5 had come as a shock, but it was a matter of faith, a matter of duty that could  not be refused.  So its first priority would be to pay a visit to the pak'ma'ra enclave, to see its parent, Q'zan'mur for the last time.

The old creature was nearly 200 standard years old, and it was dying.  It therefor fell to Q'voth'zal to arrange for the An'oo'pak ceremony 'the Feast of the Chosen', arranging for the body to be allowed to decay for the ten days and then consumed by a gathering of all the local pak'ma'ra.  There would be singing and sharing of memories of the deceased.  Then it would be Q'voth'zal's duty to seek out the local Librarian to officially report its parent's passing.  It was a solemn time, but essential if Q'zan'mur's soul was to be saved.

Considering the matter of duty, Q'voth'zal knew it needed to check in with the Anla'shok representative on board as well.  It wondered, not for the first time, if it would always be thus, torn between its obligations to the Rangers and its commitment to the pak'ma'ra faith and people.  The path it had chosen was a difficult one, but the opportunity to serve others, and in so doing to serve the Maker, was one it was sure its parent would approve of.

Stepping off the transport into Green Sector, it prepared, again to pass the security inspection.  With any luck it would be in the enclave, back among the Chosen People soon...
This message was last edited by the player at 21:50, Sun 23 Feb 2020.
GM, 116 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 17:19
  • msg #29

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Andilo Malachi:
After glancing around the lounge area Andilo walks up to a directory access and looks for the ambassadorial area. Once he finds the location of the Centauri Ambassador he sends a message telling the Ambassador he has arrived on station and has a packet for the Ambassador.

As Andilo Malachi is waiting in the lounge, ambassador Vir Cotto arrives. Vir has a funny look on his face as he glances over Andilo, "Hello" ..... "Interesting is this what everyone is wearing these day back home?"
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 30 posts
Centauri Noble
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 05:51
  • msg #30

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Turning to face Ambassador Cotto Andilo smiles, I don't know about everyone . . . just those with a good sense of style. It is a pleasure to meet you Ambassador Cotto.
GM, 118 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 15:15
  • msg #31

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Andilo Malachi:
Turning to face Ambassador Cotto Andilo smiles, I don't know about everyone . . . just those with a good sense of style. It is a pleasure to meet you Ambassador Cotto.

"Well yes, it's good to meet you. But I really did not come here for you I can here for that." as he points to the secure briefcase. "I'm not trying to be rude, just want to be clear about why I came here. I was asking about your clothes, ... well the humans call it small talk. I figure I practice it a little. To me it's a nicer version for what Centauri call conversion. Just with less threats and no under tune messages." he starts to shake is head. "I really don't have a reason to have this conversation right now and here in the dock lounge".

He looks at the briefcase nods his head as if asking to hand it to him. His eyes widen as if he is waiting and wondering if you going to get the hint. Then gives a big smile.

Drazi, 46 posts
Commcial Telepath
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 18:15
  • msg #32

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Aalamar arranged a small room in Brown sector around other Drazi ,well mostly, and took the key card paying for the month. Well until her military pay comes in this will have to do so it can't be helped. Getting to the transport she takes it over to her area of the station chatting, handing out her card to some traders and businessmen with some skill unlike many Drazi people meet she is sociable.

Anyway she's broke and needs some work her essentials and a hobby is in her budget this month.

She mulled over her future she has offers for training as an operative or go into R&D in the science arm of her service or even a military officer one thing the Drazi Military wanted her to go beyond simply telepathy. She can't hide her power level for long.

Getting off she saw other Drazi males and others looking her over switching to Drazi started chatting well a new female is a talking point and males are males most unattached to a Brood. She goes into her quarters and puts her bag down on the bad adjusting the heat up. She lived in worse quarters.
Human, 9 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 18:17
  • msg #33

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Only after the significant majority of the people offloading from the currently docked ships have completed their passage through the customs and or inspection gate does Julie step out from behind the potted plant to move carefully through even this diminished crowd.  She makes the process look somewhat natural, or at least well practiced, but never steps within arms reach of any of the people unless there is no other way to get to the lifts and further into the station, even then she manages to avoid all physical contact.

Selecting the Red Sector as her destination she seeks out one of the inexpensive but well maintained hotels, the kind with limited amenities and bonus features but not quite far enough down the economic food chain to offer rooms by the hour.
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 32 posts
Centauri Noble
Sun 1 Mar 2020
at 05:16
  • msg #34

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Andilo Malachi:
Turning to face Ambassador Cotto Andilo smiles, I don't know about everyone . . . just those with a good sense of style. It is a pleasure to meet you Ambassador Cotto.

"Well yes, it's good to meet you. But I really did not come here for you I can here for that." as he points to the secure briefcase. "I'm not trying to be rude, just want to be clear about why I came here. I was asking about your clothes, ... well the humans call it small talk. I figure I practice it a little. To me it's a nicer version for what Centauri call conversion. Just with less threats and no under tune messages." he starts to shake is head. "I really don't have a reason to have this conversation right now and here in the dock lounge".

He looks at the briefcase nods his head as if asking to hand it to him. His eyes widen as if he is waiting and wondering if you going to get the hint. Then gives a big smile.

Andilo smiles and nods to Vir as he speaks, Yes, ofcourse Ambassador. Here is the diplomatic pouch. If you have nothing else for me I will schedule my return trip.
GM, 133 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Wed 4 Mar 2020
at 19:20
  • msg #35

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

In reply to Andilo Malachi (msg # 34):

"Ooo, but I do, I mean I do have something else for you. Were you not told," ... A bit of a long pause "You are to be my new assistant. At least until I send you away or they replace you with another."

"I have made accommodations next to my quarters so you can be a short yell away. Not that I yell a lot, but I do tend to need help and the must awkward times." Cotto Andilo squints his eyes "You do want this job, of course. If not, I can make arrangements to move you to an other post?"
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 33 posts
Centauri Noble
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 06:35
  • msg #36

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

Listening intently to what the Ambassador says, Andilo bows his head, It would be my great honor to be your assistant Ambassador. I can drop my bags of and be ready as soon as you need me.
GM, 135 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 14:25
  • msg #37

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

OK, going to end this opening IC and you can post in the next IC right away.
Everyone has been on B5 for about 4 days give or take a day and the idea is to post in the next IC as you all settle in.

I will start the a third IC and one by one add each player hopefully so characters can meet.
Human, 15 posts
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 00:47
  • [deleted]
  • msg #38

Re: IC: Welcome to Babylon 5 - Docking Bay

This message was deleted by the player at 05:20, Tue 10 Mar 2020.
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