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13:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Waiting Around (2)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 123 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Tue 25 Feb 2020
at 00:18
  • msg #1

IC: Waiting Around

OOC: Players can RP freely, ....

Have fun with it. As I start the next group.

Pak'ma'ra, 22 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Wed 26 Feb 2020
at 23:42
  • msg #2

IC: Waiting Around

During the next few days, Q'voth'zal found itself very busy indeed.  Q'zan'mur its parent had passed before the Ranger arrived on board, its body having been made ready for the An'oo'pak ceremony according to custom.  Only a day was needed to make the other necessary preparations, and all was very swiftly and discretely accomplished, for few outsiders were willing to question the reasons for such a large gathering of the carrion eaters.  Thus the 'Feast of the Chosen' was held, privately in the Alien Sector, the following day on Green Two.

Almost every pak'ma'ra on Babylon 5 was in attendance, word having spread swiftly as it usually did among them.  Even old Vlur'Nhar, the species ambassador, made an appearance, to share stories of Q'zan'mur and offer songs in its memory.  Once the solemn rite was completed and their sacred duty to release the old ambassador's soul back into the universe had been completed, Q'voth'zal sought out the only Librarian currently onboard, a grey skinned telepath named G'lom.  The Ranger shared its memories with the Librarian and thus its parent's passing was officially recorded.

It returned much later to the specialized apartment it had rented in Red Four.   As per protocol, it had checked in with the Anla'shok representative assigned to Babylon 5.  Informed of an upcoming assignment, it decided to get some rest while it awaited the details of its upcoming mission.  The greatest surprise was that Q'zan'mur had left its spawn a data crystal containing its final words.  As it prepared for a rest cycle, Q'voth'zal wondered what the crystal contained, what its mission would be, and what other surprises the next few days would bring.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:46, Wed 26 Feb 2020.
Drazi, 49 posts
Commcial Telepath
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 10:07
  • msg #3

IC: Waiting Around

Aalamar besides checking in with the Ambassador notifying him of her service branch and not much else but offers to Telepathic skills for the cover organizations share in fees a big discount, until she gets to go public. She will have to at some point. And met some Drazi community leaders afterwards a good chance to network.

Then she worked some, handed out her cards and tried to get more established sending the fees share in full to her cover organization.

Meeting G'lom her presence in the Mindscape and his are rather high so neither could hide around fewer other sentients so they chatted telepathically for a time she sharing some of her culture growing up and he recorded that to add to the Library. In return for learning about Pak'ma'ra learning of the death only hints she stopped that out of respect being largely an accidental issue.

She send her condolences to Q'voth'zal for the loss of its parent after bumping into G'lom learning about it being an accident as they chatted mind to mind.

Last she exploited being a female with the males having a good time not needing money and when a drunk male called her at a party a 'sad little runt not worth having children for him' his brood females not happy. Well she showed him what she can do flooding his body with pain as she jumped him kicking his butt he being very drunk didn't help much. But he is normally a better fighter than she was. Her appeal to forming broods went up a great deal.
GM, 136 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 14:32
  • msg #4

IC: Waiting Around

OOC: All the characters except one pretty much arrived on the same. It was a business passenger influx. The reports say a record for visitors arrivals and the slowest for those leaving.

Please post freely your actives over the next four days.

Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 35 posts
Centauri Noble
Fri 6 Mar 2020
at 07:22
  • msg #5

IC: Waiting Around

Andilo found his new home on Babylon 5 and got everything put away, and the apartment in shape. Once that was done he reported to the Ambassador for his duties. While carrying out any instructions from Ambassador Cotto Andilo has made sure to contact, or at at least attempt to contact, his counter parts with the other embassies. After all, having good working relationships with the other aides to the other ambassadors could only help.

In his off hours he visits the Casino, and inquires from local Centauri if there is anywhere on the station he can get good Brevari. He is recommended to go to Liquid Bliss in the lower level of the Zocalo. He finds a nice bottle of Brevari and is also told about Centauri's Prime a Centauri grocery store. He learns in the morning that not only can he get an excellent Hot Jala and Japoti, but the owners daughters, Asal and Yleet, greet patrons and are very nice to look at.
Drazi, 58 posts
Commcial Telepath
Sun 8 Mar 2020
at 12:03
  • msg #6

IC: Waiting Around

Aalamar still socialized finding a clique of Drazi Telepaths most not that good but one male stood out being pretty good fortunately she's better. A few aren't in a Brood including the male so maybe there's something there or not. But her rep for kicking butt got around no one is talking down to her even if a runt in size among available Drazi.

She worked some mostly basic work for a Commercial Telepath for appearances.

Talking to her superiors by coded channel they want her to look at additionally studying science she showing aptitude for that and they can always use them in the 'Brood'. And they have a very few scientists working out of the station who could start her training. Just strong advice of course. They suggest Telepath research or military strategy or similar areas thinking of unusual areas not common since they aren't a group of ordinary Drazi.
GM, 150 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 19:11
  • msg #7

IC: Waiting Around

This thread will re-open when needed
GM, 166 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 13:56
  • msg #8

IC: Waiting Around


After several days of tending to yourself and your personal needs you turn to what you find you do well. And you begin to wonder and gather information about all types of things. What seems to be a common discussions are the newest events on Centauri Prime, and the restructure of their government. They also have begun to open their gates to outsiders in a way that they have never done before. In the circles the rumor is The Republic is suffering and they have no choice. Others believe they can not be trusted and this is another attempt at conquest. On the good side you consistently hear that Vir Cotto as made for an excellent Ambassador and many are happy that his predecessor is gone from B5.

The other big topic and a lot of chatter is about the CTP virus29, the biggest fear is this could be very bad and wipe out telepath, which everyone then fears that The Shadows will come back and finish what they started.

"Beep".... You have an incoming call, as your Babcom signals a call coming in, its just a voice "You are needed,... meet at the required location." You recognize the voice as its Ranger Nerid your contact on B5. And the required location is the quarters of Entil'Zha Delenn.

OOC: You can reply here as a general post but a new IC will start for you in my next post. If you do post here you should stay way from information you dont what other to know or use.
Commander Reynolds
Tue 7 Apr 2020
at 19:14
  • msg #9

IC: Waiting Around


To pass the time you have stopped for a drink at the local dive bar in your sector. Not much, a typical low end bar, dark and private.

Standing over you r should you hear a familiar voice, "Stand up soldier and properly greet you commander,...."

You can not believe your eyes, its the young Commander Reynolds, ... but not in uniform and looking more like a spy then a soldier.
Human, 23 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Tue 7 Apr 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #10

IC: Waiting Around

"Hello Mister Reynolds your not the boss of me but we ate the same dirt. Let me buy you a drink and let's talk.," Jozef got up and shook his former commanders hand and s bro hug before getting a bottle of decent booze.
Commander Reynolds
Wed 8 Apr 2020
at 17:16
  • msg #11

IC: Waiting Around

Reynolds take a seat and
Human, 24 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Wed 8 Apr 2020
at 18:31
  • msg #12

IC: Waiting Around

"To fallen friends GROPOS all!," he said after filling the glasses with decent alcohol and toasting offering to tap his glass.

"You were a good officer after the criminal base repeled multiple attacks. Then you did a classic seige we pounding the crap out of them. With the fleet preventing use of ships. Saved many lives in my opinion.

Anyway I came here looking for work and need something soon.

Well it's good to see you how have you been?,"
Jozef got to talking a bit of the days serving in Earthforce.
Commander Reynolds
Thu 9 Apr 2020
at 14:21
  • msg #13

IC: Waiting Around

"Thanks" As he take the cup with both hands as if it were a warm cup of coffee heating his hands.

"So is life treating you well?"

"I mean you look ok, but I can see in your eyes that your not exactly a happy camper." Reyold begin to handle the cup of booze, like if he rubs it enough a genie will pop out. "So I remember what went down, and I respect what you did and even what you didn't do in service."

"You know for your unit, ... they are gone now, .... most of them so I heard?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:27, Thu 09 Apr 2020.
Human, 25 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Fri 10 Apr 2020
at 12:29
  • msg #14

IC: Waiting Around

"It's okay I just need a job I'm in a cheap place but don't want to be a Lurker. I served our people, I learned to operate various systems all complex and am not a dummy. But God will provide if I try hard. Anyway if you know about any work that's legal or not too bad is fine. And do you have a first name we lowly grunt never used it?," Jozef said drinking he liked talking with his commander laughing at his question.
Commander Reynolds
Fri 10 Apr 2020
at 14:39
  • msg #15

IC: Waiting Around

In reply to Jozef (msg # 14):

"We'll I have a job for you but it's off the books" he looks around to make sure no one is listening in on the conversation. "It pays really well and its a simple job. How much do you know about this telepathic virus that's floating out there ?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:39, Fri 10 Apr 2020.
Human, 26 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Sat 11 Apr 2020
at 03:52
  • msg #16

IC: Waiting Around

"Well the old Psi Corps wouldn't likely approve I suspect. Anyway if the work helps people it's a good thing if that's the kind of job. And happens also to pay well a nice bonus.," Jozef said softly taking a sip of his drink
This message was last edited by the player at 03:57, Sat 11 Apr 2020.
Commander Reynolds
Mon 20 Apr 2020
at 16:25
  • msg #17

IC: Waiting Around

In reply to Jozef (msg # 16):

"Well if interested it pays very well, ... I can offer you 450 credits plus cover the cost of travel" as he continues to drink as well. Changing the subject just for a second "ummm, ... Not to bad, I wonder how they get it to taste this way?" as he stares into the glass. "Look you baby sit this fellow, .. make sure he doesn't get hurt along the way, ... He will do the rest. Just keep in mind it's his mission, ... your keeping him alive and when he's not looking make a quick copy of what he finds."

"Earth Gov wants to make sure this stuff isn't used as a weapon. We are not looking to have any more wars with the Telepaths, and things are looking up, ... right, ... so this is in everyone best interest."
This message was last updated by the GM at 16:25, Mon 20 Apr 2020.
Human, 28 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 22:11
  • msg #18

IC: Waiting Around

"Let me check my schedule, I'm free so can do the job but how do I copy his work I'm not a super spy? Have any idea? I'll be happy to try but what if I can't? I mean guarding the person I can do I'm former GROPOS.," agreeing to the job but the gathering information is the tricky part. There he's less sure about clearly
GM, 193 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #19

IC: Waiting Around

In reply to Jozef (msg # 18):

"Its simple," as the commander passes you a data crystal. "Take this and copy the information. This crystal has on it whats needed to crack any codes and make a copy. The doctor will be traveling with the samples" as the commander passes you another devise, one you have never seen before. "Find where the Doctor is storing them - he will be traveling with the samples - they are sealed in a 'quad-safety tube' place that tube in this devise and it take 30 seconds to make our own samples and it stores it safely in another 'quad-safety tube'."

"Look its not that hard, and you will be traveling with a 'Ranger' who is trained in these things" ... "Here is a ticket with the transfer fund codes. You leave tomorrow in the afternoon" the commander holds the ticket and transfer fund codes on the table under his hand waiting to see if you accept by taking them from him, .....

"The Ranger's name is Q'voth'zal, ... hes a Pak'ma'ra, you can not miss him. Let him know you room number in a friendly conversion. He will then reply We are neighbors and friends."
Human, 29 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 15:18
  • msg #20

IC: Waiting Around

"And what if another party is willing to help if we share the information or gets in the way especially a telepath this man might have security you and the ranger missed. I'll kick anyones @ss but I can't stop that very easily. Well save knocking them out or killing them.," he replied taking the devices.
Commander Reynolds
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 15:33
  • msg #21

IC: Waiting Around

In reply to Jozef (msg # 20):

"I understand, ... look you do your best and your a smart man you can handle yourself." the commander looks about to make sure no one is listening in. "Do what you have too I will back you up like I always have, use your training, .... and use the other guy to take off some of the heat from you" he finishes his drink "Its up to you?"
Human, 30 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Mon 27 Apr 2020
at 21:00
  • msg #22

IC: Waiting Around

"Okay got it protect they scientist, kick ass if he is threatened, copy his important stuff and act as needed. Use the Ranger and let him take crap as needed. One thing if I succeed can you find me other jobs.," Jozef said shaking the commanders hand while they finish the bottle.
Commander Reynolds
Tue 28 Apr 2020
at 13:47
  • msg #23

IC: Waiting Around

In reply to Jozef (msg # 22):

"I think if you complete this task you will see many more jobs." "Lets take this one step at a time."
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