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13:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid.

Posted by EditorFor group archive 1
Prime, 20 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 14:00
  • msg #27

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Centipede double checked the straps, to make sure he was locked in, then reached crossbody over his chest and gripped them securely. Following DDs order.
Prime, 17 posts
British archaeologist
Ring wielder
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 17:54
  • msg #28

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Barbara had taken both of Frank's admonishments quite seriously, and was doing what she could to prepare, both physically as well as psychologically.     She glanced over at what Sam had done, gripping the straps that way, and did the same.
Alexander Williams
Supporting, 9 posts
RAF Pilot
Isn't afraid of heights
Mon 14 Oct 2019
at 20:59
  • msg #29

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

As Berlin came into view Alex continued to scan the skies, restless and ready to be headed home. They would be descending soon, and then it would be on him to hit their target.

"Aye." Sweat coated his palms as he white knuckled the guns before taking a deep breath and checking the bombing sights. "Descend to 10 Angels." Alex continued to relay flight adjustments on approach.
Prime, 21 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Thu 17 Oct 2019
at 13:27
  • msg #30

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

09:22, Today: Centipede rolled    10 using 2d6+2 ((5,3)).

While strapped in, Centipede looked out his porthole.  If he tried hard, he could make out the tale tell flashes on the ground, and could swear he could see the shells making their way up to the airship.

He called out instructions “ I can see the shells.  Move port, some more. That’s it.  Now starboard. Ok, right here. We may be able to dodge and anticipate some of these.

He continued to call out instructions and hope they would be followed.
GM, 67 posts
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 11:23
  • msg #31

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Your plane leads the formation down into the flak. Several of the bombers and fighters take hits, but the formation stays intact.

You are now over the target. The bombers in the other planes begin loosing their deadly payloads. Long moments pass, and then detonations begin. The bombardiers snap photographs, so that later the damage can be assessed. The tiny click of the cameras is lost in the detonations of the anti-air cannons.

The sound of air guns begins to diminish. The engines are still thrumming loudly enough to deafen, but for the moment they are the only noise. Then the radio crackles.

On an open channel, unencrypted and broadcast to our wide range of frequencies, someone is talking. The Voice speaks English with a German accent.

"Good evening, my English guests. I am Captain Rulf Jaeger of the 1st Luftwaffe Himmelsmeister. I am flying the latest of the Rich's superior technology, far faster and deadlier than your best aircraft. It will be my pleasure  to shoot you out of the sky today .

Far in distance behind the bomber formation you can see a bright, distant light. It is blue and white, and it gets closer. Beams of light streak through the sky and rake across the rear of the formation. It looks a bit like Tracer bullets, but much brighter. Abruptly, one of the bombers at the rear of the formation catches fire and begins to fall.
Prime, 19 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 18:13
  • msg #32

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Barbara had gazed with a growing sense of dread upon the enemy threat, after the German captain spoke, then briefly putting her hand to her mouth in horror as the bomber went down in flames.

Whatever sort of advanced technology this was, laser or otherwise, it had to be dealt with swiftly, before more lives were lost.

She did have one idea, but - Would it work - ?  Up here in the midst of all this?
Devil Dog
Prime, 28 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Fri 18 Oct 2019
at 21:33
  • msg #33

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Frank new that maneuvering the bomber wasn’t possible, and that the best course of action, as insane as it might sound, was to try and fly as close to the ground as possible. If they were shot down, they were more likely to survive, if they made it out at least then they could fly at altitude. He clicked on the radio, ”I’m dropping altitude, going to the deck, even the top of the tree line if I have to. I suggest you all do the same, Good luck.” He then put his harebrained plan into action.

The deck is a slang pilot term for the lowest a plane can safely fly. Tree tops isn’t slang, and it isn’t safe.
Do I need to make a roll?

Prime, 23 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 14:53
  • msg #34

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

As Devil Dog warned the other airmen of his plan, Centipede gripped the straps even tighter, awaiting the feeling of the bottom of his stomach rising to meat his throat.
GM, 73 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 01:16
  • msg #35

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

The bombers that have already dropped their payloads begin to descend. A few remain at altitude, perhaps handling mechanical errors or just seeking a good target. The fighter plane escort break by flights and begin seeking enemy planes to attack. The radio channels, until now dominated by the Germans, are now alive with chatter.

"Rise to..."
"Twenty degrees..."
"On him. Opening fire."
"Got an overheat, have to..."

The anti-aircraft guns have ceased, but the spotlights still scan the sky. German and British planes are lit up for a moment at a time, only to flit out of the beam again. Tracer rounds zip through the air like deadly fireworks. Occasionally a plane will catch fire or explode.

All through it, a single plane is the most visible. Rather than drab grey or green, this one is painted brilliant red. Its engine exhaust is highly reflective. The ammunition it is firing all look like tracers: bright blue-white streaks that cut through the air. Much of the chatter is about that plane.

"Slipped out of my gunsights!"
"Blast, he's fast. Check your..."
"He's got me! I'm hit!"

Several British planes have been cut down now, hit by those deadly bolts.

The Nocturnaly Mission is not an agile plane, but with four engines and a considerably lighter mass, it can dive pretty well. Your plane goes as low as is safe, then much lower. You can see buildings out the portholes, and trees seem to barely miss on either side. The hilly country means that the plane must bob up and down. To the starboard side, you can make out an anti-air position. They catch you in the spotlight and begin frantically to re-aim the quad-cannon, but you are gone before it can come close.

Your tactical objective is completed. Ultimately, your withdrawal will lead you back to the airbase near Essex. Several navy ships are positioned off the coast of Denmark, ready to attack any pursuing aircraft. If you can get to the North Sea you will be safe.
Alexander Williams
Supporting, 10 posts
RAF Pilot
Isn't afraid of heights
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 08:25
  • msg #36

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

This was insanity, but Alex had to trust in their pilot. He hoped it was the right call and doubted they would get shot by ground fire at this altitude. Woodlands and fighters though, those were different matters entirely. Ones he could do little about.

The chatter set him further on edge - good men were dying. Taking out any emplacements in their path may aid some of the others. He rapidly sighted on targets to clear anything that may reach out and attempt to take their bird (or others) from the sky, be it flak cannons or trees.

Though not a spiritual man, he prayed to the gods of war to see them home this night.

Takedown - 04:23, Today: Alexander Williams rolled 9 using 2d6+2 ((3,4)).
Reduce mob size by 1 & take no harm in the doing

This message was last edited by the player at 08:29, Thu 24 Oct 2019.
Devil Dog
Prime, 35 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 13:12
  • msg #37

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Frank called out on the radio, ”Anyone who can physically man a gun, get on it. I got all I can handle with this front heavy bird we’re flying in.”
Prime, 21 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 19:09
  • msg #38

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Well, all right then... 

In the midst of all this, Barbara abruptly said, to everyone in general, no one in particular - "Cheerio, troops!  Not much of a gunner.  I'm going to do what I can.   I'll be back."    Hopefully...

Focusing her will, the ring from which she derived her power began to glow, with its distinct light:  a steady, constant, comforting amber...

Going to become immaterial, and phase outside of the plane.

Prime, 24 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Fri 25 Oct 2019
at 14:41
  • msg #39

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

As Barbara began to glow, Centipede found his footing as the plane leveled out a bit.  “On it, Devil Dog. Good luck Barbara, happy hunting.” He unstrapped his harness and made his way to the periphery of the bomber to man a turret.  He re-strapped and opened fire on any enemy planes he could make out, attacking anyone who tried to get to close.

10:34, Today: Centipede rolled 13 using 2d6+1.  Takedown. - [roll=1572014079.45129.333882]
Takedown - 13
Take no harm
Reduce the mob by one
Impose a condition
The Golem
Prime, 10 posts
Being of Earth
Called forth by the word
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 00:48
  • msg #40

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Avram looked out the window at the enemy planes as the soared and banked. Some where turning towards their plane. Now closer to the ground, he could be of some use. He gestured, making a fist with his hand, then raising it up. From outside, the ground twisted and turned, as if some great beast was moving under the dirt. Then, suddenly a fist of stone shot up into the air. As if a giant made of rock was just under the surface, and punched out with its right hand. Just as a German plane flew by...

15:49, Yesterday: The Golem rolled 9 using 2d6+1.  Smash.


Take no harm himself.

Reduce the mob by 1)

GM, 76 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 13:58
  • msg #41

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

With the turret cannon now chattering, a glowing human flying escort, and their progress marked with a stony ediface, the Mission is evident to most of the Luftwaffe in the air.

The radio crackles and Captain Jaeger chimes in again. "How exciting. A super-powered plane! This will make a good match for the Air-Hero of the Reich." Then he speaks in German. "<All Luftwaffe planes, continue to hit the bombers and fighters. Leave the super-plane to me.>"

The red plane goes into a lazy barrel roll. When it levels, it is in a line behind your plane. The pilot begins a shallow dive to intercept you. The plane begins firing its two forward-facing cannons. Blue-white streaks rip through the air towards you. They hit the earth behind your plane, causing small explosions with every impact.
Devil Dog
Prime, 37 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 16:16
  • msg #42

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Frank just focused on keep the bomber in the air and his people alive.
Prime, 24 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 19:54
  • msg #43

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Sky-born, Amber glanced back at the enemy plane, no longer able to hear Captain Jaeger, but easily guessing his murderous intent, as confirmed by the blue-white bolts that only barely missed.

The mystic light of her ring spread outward, shielding their own plane, and shining in a way she knew wasn't easy on the eyes of the corrupt.

Spending 3 Hold-

 2 to reduce the severity of the attack against us (two levels)
 1 to open up the enemy to attack by an ally, +1 for Centipede's next shot at this enemy

This message was last edited by the player at 19:58, Sun 27 Oct 2019.
Devil Dog
Prime, 40 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 14:31
  • msg #44

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Using the cover Amber had provided, Frank tried to maneuver the plane to give his gunner a better shot.

10:29, Today: Devil Dog rolled 10 using 2d6+2.  Maneuver - Serve and Protect.
Giving any successes I got to Centipede, make that m-fn shot big man!

Prime, 26 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Mon 28 Oct 2019
at 14:53
  • msg #45

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

The voice over radio, the obvious threat and confidence of this enemy, causes Centipede to refocus on him.  Sharp eyes pick out the enemy plane coming to bare down on them and he lines up his gun and opens fire.

10:23, Today: Centipede rolled 12 using 2d6+2.  Attempting Takedown using Smash and the opening that Amber is buying us. . - [roll=1572272619.66769.333882]

Moderate damage and Take no harm in the doing
GM, 84 posts
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 23:44
  • msg #46

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

That's a week. Posting.

Amber's light-shield vastly reduces the velocity of the incoming shots. They slow, but still manage to puncture the field and hit the plane. Rather than tear great flaming holes in the hull, they punch relatively small holes in the dorsal wall.  Golem is hit by a single bolt through his leg.

plane has the minor condition: Punctured. Golem has the moderate condition: shot leg.

Centipede returns fire. The tracer shots from the enemy plane make the bright red vessel easy to spot. He fires a long volley into the centre of the blue-white muzzle flashes. The cannon fire pauses, and it seems like the enemy plane is on fire.

Most of the bombers have emptied their bomb bays and have turned North now. The fighters are spread out across the battlefield, buying time for the larger craft to get ahead. Anti aircraft fire has begun again, although only from isolated sources rather than the Furious upward rain that it had previously been.
Prime, 26 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 03:06
  • msg #47

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

She winced as their plane was struck, realizing her shield had reduced the damage, but not deflected it.   She wasn't especially religious, but as with many people, it was somewhat different in a moment of stress-

Please, god, let everyone be safe from those stray shots!

In the wake of that, Centipede's aim proved true -- gun fire resounding from a distance above and to the fore of her.    It seemed to cease the attack, and glancing back, she could see the enemy craft aflame.
Devil Dog
Prime, 46 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 14:44
  • msg #48

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Frank fought to keep the plane aloft as rounds cut through it like Swiss Cheese. With all his focus on keeping them airborne he didn’t really have time to notice the show behind him.
Prime, 28 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 16:19
  • msg #49

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

11:16, Today: Centipede rolled 6 using 2d6+1.  Takedown. Using Smash. - 6

Seeing that his shots flew true the first time, Centipede sent another volley at the enemy airmen. Whether it was some smoke or optical illusion, or perhaps his heart wasn’t in shooting down a possible helpless enemy, his shots missed their mark.

“We’ve been hit back here! Golem! How are you holding up?”
The Golem
Prime, 11 posts
Being of Earth
Called forth by the word
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 15:56
  • msg #50

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

In reply to Centipede (msg # 49):

Avram notices his leg, almost after the fact. While he does not seem to be in pain, he does have trouble walking. He grabs his wound, trying to push it closed with his hands. He turned to the man called Centipede, and showed him his leg. " this the right way to deal with the wound?" He asked sounding confused.

While Centipede may or may not be skilled in medicine, he would certainly know mud was not supposed to flow out of a man's leg. Nor was the bullets that fell out where suppose to glow and spark. However, that may not be due to Avram and instead due to whatever odd weapon the Nazis where using.
Prime, 30 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 17:01
  • msg #51

P1 Prime: The Berlin Air Raid

Centipede spared a glance from the enemy ace to focus on his ally. “That’s it bud. Hold it closed. See if you can tie it shut and stop the... bleeding. And keep pressure on it. ”

He looked back out into the night to see if any other enemies approached.
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