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P1 Prime: The Days Between.

Posted by EditorFor group archive 1
Prime, 112 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Sat 16 May 2020
at 18:37
  • msg #20

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Nowhere as savvy as Frank where it came to logistics or strategy, Barbara was more than happy to have him analyze and propose an approach.    Once the newcomer asked the question regarding Magos and its definition, she listened pensively to the answer.

She was blunt on the matter: "For anyone that believes the occult is too much of a stretch, please see my detailed report about the enemy, and also the queen's state before that enemy was banished.  And please explain to me -- with contemporary science -- what sort of radiation is capable of animating cadavers -- not as shambling, mindless zombies -- but in a state where they can coordinate well enough to understand and use artillery?"   She held up the hand with the ring:

"There is this too to consider:  what I use seems magical, but apparently accords with science far in advance of what we know. Maybe it's all a matter of universal law, and knowing how to manipulate it. Maybe we should be even more concerned the Nazis call it magic, meaning they don't truly understand what they tamper with? It wouldn't surprise me, they can't possibly have done much testing, in the time they've had."     

"And I'm sorry to point, sir," turning to point at Ljudmil, "but who is this, and why is he here?" looking back at Agent Hamadi.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:40, Sat 16 May 2020.
Prime, 14 posts
Sat 16 May 2020
at 21:19
  • msg #21

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Ljudmil grimaces at Hamadi's answer. He nods in agreement with the British woman's answer, and takes note of the ring around her finger.

"Is bad if Nazis have magic. Maybe don't know how use well. If like Vile and Old Gods, those who give magic ask big price. Wonder what big price Nazis pay.

"I have more question. Is safe to see bomb site? Maybe we find clue."

Devil Dog
Prime, 172 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Mon 18 May 2020
at 13:10
  • msg #22

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Frank spent a lot of time pouring over the maps and the phtotos. He kept coming back to one picture in particular, and he is holding it now as he finally speaks. ”Magic or not, don’t make a heck of a lot of difference. We gotta job to do.” He turned the picture around so that the rest could see it. ”I can free climb this, and pull a couple of you along. It’s made outta dirt and rock, which is big man’s thing,” he nodded to Avram (sp?) and continued. ”We take a fishing boat to the base of the cliffs. We bring along some way to signal the boat when we need a return ride. We rappell down the side.”

He leaned back, ”My only concerns are cover or distraction. If the ratzis see us coming they can pick us off or chew us up from the top of the ridge without ever having to engage us. We gotta do this quiet like.” Finally his eyes fell on Ljudmil, ”Sorry buddy, but us four already been through that hell, and I for one ain’t going back unless it’s to put a bullet in Hitler himself. The rest of us made it outta that by the skin of our teeth and we’re kinda partial to each other. So, bein’ blunt, whata you got that we need?”
This message was last edited by the player at 16:02, Mon 18 May 2020.
Prime, 16 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 14:40
  • msg #23

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Ljudmil considers the American man's words warily. It takes him a few seconds to respond, either due to deciphering his dialect or choosing the right words.

"You need help," he answers with a shrug and the hint of a smirk. "So I come here to help."
The Golem
Prime, 94 posts
Being of Earth
Called forth by the word
Mon 18 May 2020
at 15:46
  • msg #24

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

In reply to Devil Dog (msg # 22):

Avram nodded at Frank's assessment. "If Tunnels are needed...they can be provided."  He offered. "However, there is...not a great deal of air below." He shrugged, wondering if tunneling was even an acceptable option for the others.
GM, 345 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 18:05
  • msg #25

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"Codename Krsnik is an ally from elsewhere in the war," explains Hamadi. "He is... well, he is a sort of magic-user who would not be alive if it weren't for inexplicable phenomena. It seems we are fighting fire with fire."

"We can requisition a boat for a stealthy approach, if you decide that's how you want to proceed."
Devil Dog
Prime, 174 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Mon 18 May 2020
at 23:57
  • msg #26

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Frank spoke up, "When you fight fire with fire, everybody gets burned."
Prime, 17 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 00:05
  • msg #27

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"You have problem with me?" Ljudmil asks the American directly, raising an eyebrow.
Devil Dog
Prime, 176 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Tue 19 May 2020
at 13:47
  • msg #28

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Frank pinched the bridge of his nose. His thoughts were abrupt, Great, a teenage boy who wants to have a dick measuring contest. Frank looked directly at the man and without sarcasm or petulance he said, ”I wasn’t talking to you. When I am talking to you, you will know it because I will be looking at you, as I am right now. Second, my comment was about a tactic which I strongly disagree with, analagas to fighting fire with fire. The saying itself comes from a failure of tactics, not a success. Shakespear took literary license, after all. You cannot actually fight fire with fire, it simply does not work. You fight fire by smothering it with sand or water, or you use dynamite to burn off all the oxygen. Taking a flamethrower to a fight with a guy who has one too just means you both get burned. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind, have you heard that one? See the way to handle a bully isn’t to meet him or her with equal force, it is to meet with overwhelming force. Hence my statement about putting a bullet in Hitler.”

Frank put both hands on the table and leaned in to that his entire face with in the light. ”I am Major Frank LaCombe, United States Marine Corps, First Raider’s Regiment. I believe I am the ranking officer in the room. I fought the Jin at Pearl Harbor. I fought the Ratzis in London. I hate losing. I am more than willing to entertain alternate point of view or plans on how we, as a unit, can accomplish this mission and to do so with all of us coming out of it alive. If you have something constructive to add to the discussion, please do so. If you want a dick measuring contest, please leave, I have no time or inclination for that behavior. Is that understood?”
Prime, 20 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 16:21
  • msg #29

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Ljudmil listens to the American as he says his piece. He makes a confused expression at the very end, before sighing and shaking his head.

Ni treba prilivati olja v ogenj.

"Major Frank LaCombe, United States Marine Corps, First Raider's Regiment," he says, voice calm and expression sincere, "I Ljudmil Svarožič. I die before. Killed by Axis. But I live now. To fight Axis. Sometimes bullets do not work. Sometimes sayings do not make true.

"I not know 'dick measuring contest,'"
he continues, "but I guess meaning. Is not my meaning when ask if you have problem with me. I ask because we are team. If you have problem, we need fix. Before mission. We have saying in Oricevo-'Dober pocitek je pol dela.' Is mean 'well begun is half done.' Maybe not true, but I want us well begun.

"If you say we fly, I fly. If you say we swim, I swim. If you say we tunnel, I tunnel. I help. No problem."


"Ni treba prilivati olja v ogenj" translates to "We should not make a bad situation even worse by an improper remark.

Devil Dog
Prime, 179 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Tue 19 May 2020
at 16:59
  • msg #30

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Franks eyes got large and round. He sat down slowly, not out of fear but respect. He nodded once, ”Revenant.” The word came out in a whisper as if it were an exhalted position. ”I believe you. Glad to have you with us.” Frank turned back to Hamadi, ”What can you do to give us a smoke screen or something of the like?”
Prime, 83 posts
Assassin trained
Peace aimed
Tue 19 May 2020
at 19:35
  • msg #31

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between


He took another sip of his drink and smiled, rolling his head back. Then, still smiling, he used both hands to cover his face. One covering his face and hair, the other covering his nostrils and mouth. Leaving nothing but a familiar set of intense eyes.

He gave Frank a long moment to soak it in, winked, removed his hands, then finished his drink.

Jog any memories?”


Sam continued to sit and scout out the meeting. A new mission. More travel and adventure. Another chance to end the war and fighting and bring about some sort of peace. For someone other than him. That was as good as he could ask for anymore.

He was interested in Krsnik, but figured he’d get a chance to see what he was about in the thick of it all.
Devil Dog
Prime, 180 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Tue 19 May 2020
at 19:42
  • msg #32

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between


He took another sip of his drink and smiled, rolling his head back. Then, still smiling, he used both hands to cover his face. One covering his face and hair, the other covering his nostrils and mouth. Leaving nothing but a familiar set of intense eyes.

He gave Frank a long moment to soak it in, winked, removed his hands, then finished his drink.

Jog any memories?”

It took about three seconds long than it should have. Frank isn’t a dumby he is just very focused. The hint does bring recognition, like Buggs Bunny having a lightbulb appear over his head. ”Oh right! Yea, the rest of them legs. Thanks for being ok know...getting those people out. It made what we had to do a lot easier.”

Then he rapped on the bar to get the barkeeper’s attention, ”How about another for me ‘n one for my buddy here?”

Sure thing pal.

Frank sat back and nodded. ”We a fine pair ain’t we?” He chuckled and shook his head. Then he held up his glass, ”A job well done.”
Prime, 116 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Wed 20 May 2020
at 01:30
  • msg #33

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Barbara had arched her brows at the exchange between DD and codename Krsnik.   Not out of hearing some of the incredible things that were revealed -- nor even that the dialogue grew a bit heated for a bit.  That was all pretty much par for the course.

But rather because it was (by far) the most words she'd ever heard Frank LaCombe say at any one time.   She smiled a little.   As well as being brave, canny, and diversely effective allies, she had become rather fond of the personalities that comprised this troupe.

She had sat for some moments considering what she'd heard.    And then had something she wanted to understand. She addressed codename Krsnik:

"More help is welcome.  What you can do...sounds...interesting, from what little we've now heard.  If yet too vague to understand what it is you do.   For myself, I would really like to know what brought you back to life.  We just faced a threat that did that - brought the dead back.  Magos bomb radiation is a filthy, grotesque way to do it -  is there then a good way?"
Prime, 23 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 04:37
  • msg #34

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"My way good way," Ljudmil says to the British woman. "Not easy explain, even in mother tongue, but I try.

"I come back with Deed and Oath,"
he begins. "Deed is I try save friends, but I die. Vile see deed. Vile is Faeries in English. Serve Old Gods like Perun. Serve Nature. Vile like good deeds, like heroes. See Living as Stories, and good deeds are good stories. Offer choice. Stay dead, or take Oath. Oath is become Krsnik and serve Old Gods. Vile and Old Gods teach all Krsnik magic---talk with Nature, be like Nature, call on Nature. I fly like bird. I swim like fish. I speak with wolf. Krsnik Oath is use power to protect Living. Help them do good deeds, be heroes, live good stories.

"I keep Oath, I stay with Living,"
he finishes. I break Oath---use powers for evil or try make own story, then I die. Because my story over."

Ljudmil returns to the subject of the Magos bomb and the mission.

"If no want visit, I understand. Mission first, no problem. After mission, I want ask Nature by bomb how they feel. Maybe bomb magic not gone. Poison land. Poison living. Maybe bomb magic spread."


I know it's an ominous false cognate, but Vile is prounounced VEE-lay. They are not vile, but good! :-p

Devil Dog
Prime, 181 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Wed 20 May 2020
at 12:51
  • msg #35

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Frank steepled his fingers in a thoughtful presentation. ”The Great Spirit has made you a Medicine Man. You are to be respected. If you die again, I will sing my death song for you.”
The Golem
Prime, 95 posts
Being of Earth
Called forth by the word
Wed 20 May 2020
at 13:19
  • msg #36

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Avram nodded along, trying to follow the conversation. Granted he did not understand all of it, but got the very basic gist. He certainly understood the mission directives.

"Welcome to our part of the war, Krsnik." He said. Granted he might have something in common with the man, but truth be told he was not sure about his own death. After all, only the living can die...
This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Wed 20 May 2020.
Prime, 25 posts
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:31
  • msg #37

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"Thank you," Ljudmil says, bowing his head respectfully to Frank LaCombe for the compliment. "You are to be respected, too."

"All of you,"
he gestures toward everyone in the room, from the heroes gathered to the assistants in the back. "You risk own lives to fight evil. Do good deeds. Live good stories."
Prime, 118 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Thu 21 May 2020
at 22:47
  • msg #38

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

She listened to what was described -- mythological figures and faeries spoken of in real terms.  And had no basis on which to assess any of it, even given some of her own fantastic experiences.   It didn't sound rooted in corrupt forces, rather quite the opposite.  And:

"Look, if you're saying you've got a means to feel out the condition of the affected area -- and to rule out or find any remaining evil, then I'm inclined to push for doing it right away. London has suffered badly enough already." 
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Thu 21 May 2020.
Prime, 28 posts
Fri 22 May 2020
at 02:09
  • msg #39

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"I can try," Ljudmil says in answer to the British woman. "I new Krsnik. I still learn magic, so cannot promise. Can ask animals, no problem. Maybe they have answer, but maybe not."
Devil Dog
Prime, 184 posts
Lakota-Sioux and Proud
US Marine Raider
Fri 22 May 2020
at 12:53
  • msg #40

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Frank shook his head, ”I don’t think we have time for this. If the Ratzis use another of those bombs the Brits might surrender. We have a job to do now, lets focus on that, ok?”
The Golem
Prime, 97 posts
Being of Earth
Called forth by the word
Fri 22 May 2020
at 23:27
  • msg #41

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

Avram nodded, and then gestured over to the woman who seemed to be standing at the edge of the room, along with some others who where doing various tasks for high command. Once she reluctantly came to him, he gestured to the others in introduction.

"Everyone, this is Miriam. She is my w..." He paused, looking at her. He knew what he wanted to say, but was concerned she did not want him to do so. It seemed like reflex for him, but for her...he did not know if she was ready to hear that. "...She is...the reason I am here." He said, correcting himself.

That much was true. He went around the table, introducing her to each member of the team. Most of them would know of her, as Avram would have spoken about her at length if anyone had asked, expect for Krsnik, of course. He had just been introduced.
Miriam Aaronson
Supporting, 54 posts
Sun 24 May 2020
at 19:10
  • msg #42

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

She put a hand, lightly, on Avram's arm.  "Hello to you all.  It is a pleasure. My thanks to you all for your bravery and dedication.  This world is safer because of people like you."   

She smiled slightly, courteously.  However, she still maintained a mostly poker face that hinted at little of anything.
Prime, 121 posts
British archaeologist
Barbara Marie Wells
Sun 24 May 2020
at 19:20
  • msg #43

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"'re right, Frank.  We definitely can't afford another incident of that elsewhere.  This was close to home for me...a good friend was killed, and another probably crippled for life.  But others have lost even more, and we have to prevent it from happening again."

She regarded again the brunette, having been right in her surmise that it was indeed the Miriam of which Avram sometimes spoke.    She's something of a cool character, isn't she? Maybe even detached, like Avram.  But in a different sort of way.  And there's something...awkward, between the two of them...

"A pleasure to meet you too, Miriam. Each of us was given a means by which to make a difference, and we've been trying our damnedest, in that regard."

This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Sun 24 May 2020.
Prime, 34 posts
Sun 24 May 2020
at 21:22
  • msg #44

Re: P1 Prime: The Days Between

"I understand, no problem," Ljudmil replies in response to the scouting discussion. "I go later."

He nods politely to the woman the pale man introduces.

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