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20:24, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

01.03: Outside the Healers (South Side - Arui)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
NPC, 11 posts
Sat 16 May 2020
at 10:47
  • msg #16

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

@Arui & Nathan

Migram stood slowly, wincing as he did--he was over-acting, feigning an injury he couldn't possibly have.   "I told them.  There's an administrative issue.  I'll have to inform Tanis but he's tied up."  Migram's voice was high and nasally whiney.  He was almost snivelling--a far different tone than he'd had before Nathan had arrived.

"I told them to come back tomorrow!  But this Tarti started beaking off.  I asked the boys to  help them leave, but no!  They couldn't go peacefully.  Had to make a show of it!" He worked himself up into a lather.  "Then she savagely beat Mikel!  I want her thrown in jail!  I want to see her hanged!"

OOC:  Tarti - a demeaning contraction of Tarenti...  usually implying low-intelligence and lack of understanding.  Typical response to a different cultural view of things.
Prospect, 29 posts
Sat 16 May 2020
at 19:34
  • msg #17

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Nathan's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene: the bloodied bruiser, the protesting factor, the wary Tarenthi - most likely the one's he sought, knowing his luck. He met her eyes, nodding once in the hope that she might read something into it

"You seem uncommonly beset by furious customers today, Migram", he observed, pleased that his appearance had meant his blade might remain sheathed, "Some larger complication, perhaps?"

"Or have you been bad-mouthing not just these folk?", he added sourly, the slur not going unnoticed, "Besides, you know the penalty for a wounding does not merit death"
Prospect, 23 posts
refresh 2/2. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Sun 17 May 2020
at 12:07
  • msg #18

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Arui wiped of her hatchet and put it away.  "If you run around waving a sword, how do you expect people to respond?" she admonished Mikel.  "it's not a toy you know." She caught the blue coats eye hold her hands in nonthreatening way before she approached Mikel.  "Now let's take a look at that injury.  Here, have a seat on this crate so I can see better." Mikel was resistant at first, but eventually complied.  She moved his hand and examined the wound, and drew in a sharp breath.  "that's a nasty one." Looking at Ivor she said, "there's the wears of a cloth merchant over there, I need some cloth for a bandage.  See if you can find a needle and thread, and some clean alcohol to wash out the wound"  Ivor went to the area and rummaged around for the cloth.  Yvon retrieved the ear and handed it to Arui, and watched the treatment concerned about his friend.  "thank you," she smiled to him.

"What are you doing?!" Migram cried, "you have no right to take our stores!  That's theft!" He looked at Nathan and repeated, "that's theft!  Arrest them!"  Arui pointedly ignored him as she tended to Mikel. Ivor grinned and rummaged louder.  After a short time he returned with the items including a small bolt of cloth into strips to make bandages.  Yvon looked from Migram to Nathan to Mikel not sure what to do next.

Unless she's stopped she would clean, stitch and bandage Mikel's ear to help start healing

07:03, Today: Arui rolled -2 using 4 Fudge dice.  notice (+4). total +2 to create an advantage found medical tools
Prospect, 25 posts
refresh 2/2. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Tue 19 May 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #19

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Arui started to clean the wound but she realized that this was beyond her ability,  She waded up some cloth to soak up the blood, and bound it with bandages.  She cleaned the ear and wrapped it loosly in cloth.  "Wow! that's a lot of blood.  Uhm I think this is going to need a someone better than me." She asked Yvon, "Is there a healer near here?"

"Yeah," He said, "this way." Yvon lead them away.

She gestured to Ivor, "come help with Mikel." Ivor helped Mikel up and stayed close to steady him if he got dizzy, and the four of them left the warehouse.
NPC, 12 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 03:43
  • msg #20

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Yvon slung Mikel's arm around his shoulder and the two guardsmen started out the door.

"Seriously?" Migram said.  "You accuse me of stealing your consignment, then you steal someone else's?" he looked over at Nathan.  "And will the Blues ignore this transgression too?  You're just going to let them go?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:46, Tue 19 May 2020.
Prospect, 30 posts
Tue 19 May 2020
at 09:33
  • msg #21

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Such bluster was not unfamiliar to Nathan and he bowed his head to Migram, "Do not fear, master merchant. We will be investigating fully the situation here. Both the violence and what triggered it."

Straightening his cloak, he followed the Tarenthi towards the exit, calling over his shoulder, "If you could make your records available to me when I return in a few hours; I will ensure your guard's wounds are tended and question all involved"
GM, 410 posts
Fri 22 May 2020
at 05:16
  • msg #22

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

I'm looking for what to write up next...

So... Yvon and Arui is accompanying Mikel to a nearby healer?  And Nathan is with them?     Is this correct?   In which case, I'll continue this thread but rename the thread-title...

From a purely tactical standpoint, this does pull the guards away from the Blue Sails Warehouse...  And Migram will surely be distracted with having to clean up all that blood.

Prospect, 27 posts
refresh 2/2. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Fri 22 May 2020
at 21:05
  • msg #23

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

In reply to Control (msg # 22):

Don't forget Ivor, he's with us.
NPC, 12 posts
Sat 23 May 2020
at 02:41
  • msg #24

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Yvon led them a block away into a cluster of buildings.  There was a tanner, a cobbler and an armorer specializing in leather-works.   The healer's shack was distinct for the bundles of herbs that were tied to the roof over the entrance, left to dry in the wind.

All about, the slightly acidic scent of tanning fluid and fish suffused the air.

Yvon passed by a old man patiently and carefully stitching a half-finished vambrace of intricate leatherwork.  The old man looked up and raised a single eyebrow at Mikel's condition, then simply shook his head and went back to his work.

"Mistress Lye, misstress Lye" Yvon called out. "We've come for you to work your wonders."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:41, Sat 23 May 2020.
GM, 412 posts
Sat 23 May 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #25

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

There was the sound of shuffling feet and a screech of wood protesting against stone, as the door opened.

A woman--shorter than any of them and with an enormous mane of grey and black hair tied back unsuccessfully leaned out of the doorway.  She had flesh that looked like it had dried and withered and dried again.  So many wrinkles that her eyes were mere pinpricks within the folds.  She wore a heavy apron of patchwork leather and held in one hand a bundle of dried pink flowers.

"You!" She harrumphed. "What is it this time?  Fiery loins or infected wounds? You presume too much and you pay too little.  I don't have time for--oh, what in Magra's name?"

She stepped out of the door and peered close at Mikel. "Don't move, you big stupid lout.  How recent?  Do you have the instrument that did this?  And who's paying?  Blue Sails?  Blue Coats?  Ember Blades?"
Prospect, 28 posts
refresh 2/2. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Tue 26 May 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #26

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

This woman had the baring of the elder women of the tribe.  Arui felt a bit intimidated, but she cleared her throat, and spoke respectfully keeping her eyes down, "Elder, it was my ax that struck him.  I will pay for his treatment."  She fidgeted a bit but continued, "Uhm, much of our money is tied in our trade goods. It may take some time to gather the payment."
Prospect, 32 posts
Sat 30 May 2020
at 05:39
  • msg #27

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Nathan leaned against the doorpost, amused at the irritated woman and the now-respectful tone of the tribeswoman. He let her fidget for a few moments then spoke up, "The Crown will pay, whilst the investigation is underway. When judgement is rendered, its tally will be added wherever the blame lies
NPC, 15 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 11:26
  • msg #28

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

The woman looked Nathan up and down then nodded once curtly.  "Bring him in.  Grab one of the furs from the corner and put it on the bed."

To Mikel, she said, "Sit on the bed.  Take off your shirt.  Shut Up. Don't talk."

The inside was cramped, a one room shop stuffed with dried herbs and poultices, powders and ungents.   There was a sturdy cot in one corner, and

Mikel protested.  "It's my ear.  Why do I have to take my shirt off?"

"What did I just say?" The healer shot back.  When Mikel clamped his lips shut, she continued, as she bustled around the cramped inner chamber.

"Do I tell you how to wield a sword? Maybe a should.  I told you, you take a job with the Blades, sooner or later, they'll burn you.  Sweet Magram.  If you keep touching it, it'll get infected--Your ear I mean--Just stop moving!"

She grabbed a stone bowl and moved her lips in a weird chewing gesture as he selected various plants from the ceiling, turn one one or the other just so to check color, coarseness.   She drew a small ritual circle at a little desk in the corner and looked over at the doorway where Nathan and Arui were still standing.  "You're still here?  Why?  Shut up. I don't want to hear it.  He'll be fine.  Now go away.  He's going to whine and scream like a baby.  Too much of a man to want anyone to see that."

Well, that wasn't quite the personality I'd envisioned for her when I began...  Guess she's taken on a life of her own.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:26, Mon 08 June 2020.
NPC, 15 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 11:26
  • msg #29

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Outside the healer's hut, Ivor stood quiet and red-faced, looking vaguely ashamed of himself.

Yvon crossed his arms and glared at the bigger Tarenti.  "I"m going to have to get back." he said after a long silence.  "Everybody gets all nervous the day a ship comes in that's been out for months."

He took a few steps and looked Arui up and down. "You're handy with the axe."  he said grudgingly.  "Blue Sails might be looking for another blade over the next day or two.  Good coin.  And if you're from outside, then you ain't gonna be anyone's puppet."
Player, 30 posts
refresh 2/4. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 22:42
  • msg #30

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

She nodded to Yvon. "Thank you.  I will consider your offer."  She didn't mention that she carried the ax for woodcraft, and only used it because she didn't want to kill Mikel.  If she wanted to kill she would use her bow.
NPC, 17 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 19:17
  • msg #31

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Yvon scrunched up his face for a moment, as if trying to weigh her words, then shrugged.   "It doesn't change anything, mind you." he said after a moment.   "You still wouldn't leave when it it was time."

"I'll leave these two to your care, Master Fist."  He nodded to Nathan.  "I've got to get back to it, before Migram gets into another fight.  The man's more sour today than normal."
NPC, 18 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 19:19
  • msg #32

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Ivor growled low under his breath,. muttered something inaudible. "You're going to have to put me in a cell, guard."  he said.  "That shopkeeper stole our goods.  That's our worth our people's entire winters.  They will die without the provisions it would buy.  I won't let that stand unanswered."

Ivor was a big man, thickly built and looked like he could swat nathan away one-handed.   But he also had to soft jowly features that suggested a softer side, when not enflamed and full of ire.
NPC, 20 posts
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 01:57
  • msg #33

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Yvon waits for a moment, clearly uncomfortable, then shrugs and shakes his head and makes his way back to the Blue Sails Warehouse.

What does Nathan, Arui & Ivor do in the meantime?
Player, 32 posts
refresh 2/4. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 22:17
  • msg #34

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

After Yvon left, and she waited for Mikel to finish with the healer, Arui told Ivor, "I don't think the guards are to blame.  They were only doing their job. It's the owner who owes us a debt.  Why don't you go back to the inn, and tell Tabeta what's happened with our supplies.  I'll see what I can do, but it may take a while.  We both don't need to be here."
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 04:36
  • msg #35

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Ivor scowled at Nathan.   "You know this isn't right.  This is outright ... extortion."   But he took a breath when Arui laid a hand on his arm, comforting, grounding.

"All right." he said, unconvinced.  "But you know she's going to drop her manure, too."
This message was last updated by the GM at 04:36, Fri 19 June 2020.
Player, 34 posts
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 04:51
  • msg #36

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Nathan let out a slow breath, releasing the pent up energy he'd been gathering.  Perhaps magic wasn't going to be necessary.

"The way I see it, this wasn't planned." Nathan said reasonable.  "There's definitely something going on with the Blue Sails, and Migram or the Owner will have to pay for it.  However, by law, I'm required to take you before a arbitrar to hear the facts of the assault."

He turned to Ivor. "I'm going to take her to the Crestron Garrison for holding. It's not likely to go to a magistrate.  But if so, the arbitrar will determine if a bail-security is needed.   Chances are, she'll be in holding only for a day or two.  But a lot of that will depend on Mikel and what he has to say."

OOC: Of course, She's not going to languish for a day or two!  She's going to get snapped up nearly as soon as she's in jail and taken to meet with the others.

This message was last updated by the GM at 04:51, Fri 19 June 2020.
NPC, 25 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 23:45
  • msg #37

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Nathan led Arui back the way they'd come, and was interrupted by a young man running out of the Blue Sails Warehouse.   He'd been cleaning the blood from the front room, but hadn't entirely finished the hob, resulting in a half-blood-covered young boy running up to them.

Nathan stiffened momentarily, but a quick survey of the boy showed that he wasn't stressed or anxious...

"Sir!"  The boy called out.   "Ruffians, sir!  Someone else has fought their way into the Warehouse!  Please sir!  We need the guard!"
MIA, 35 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2020
at 23:52
  • msg #38

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Nathan glanced at the boy, then at Arui...  Where the hell were the other Guards?

Then, a blooming awareness dawned on him, that this entire thing might well be Menkliia's set-up.

"Well, fuck."  he swore under his breath.

"Miss."  he turned to Arui.   "As a member of the Sigiled First, I am empowered to make certain deviations from the law.   If you'll come with me and watch my back, I will discharge you.  You may still have to make payment for damages done but that'd be between you and Milek."

Nathan held out his hand. palm up.  "Do you accept my offer?"
Player, 34 posts
refresh 2/4. physical 0/6
mental 0/6, mana 0/3
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #39

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

City people confused her. If there was a debt to be payed, why hold the person, let them work to pay it, but as a visitor, it was better to play along with these formalities.  She nodded her compliance, and followed the Blue Coat to the garrison.

Suddenly, a blood stained boy ran up to them, but he seemed uninjured himself.  He told Nathan about the ruffians and the Blue Sails.  That place was loosing her confidence by the minute. Nathan made an an offer to free her for her aid in more words than she thought were necessary. When there's trouble, you deal with the trouble.  You can bargain when the trouble is over.  But, she only nodded, and quickly grasped his hand to seal the agreement.  Then she was off, quickly taking up her bow and notching an arrow.  She approached the open door the boy came from. Staying several paces back, she circled around the opening while looking in to get a survey of the situation.

I guess we should take this to the other thread
GM, 476 posts
Tue 30 Jun 2020
at 19:03
  • msg #40

Re: 01.03: The Blue Sails Warehouse  (Arui, Nathan)

Yup.  Moving you to the Blue Sails Warehouse....  Maybe I'll create a separate thread for the front room...  I dunno... I'll let you know when something's up.
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