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11:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds.

Posted by The LegacyFor group 0
Vislae, 22 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 12:48
  • msg #7

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Will try and have some neighbors out this evening. Just been a rough on and off sort of week.
Vislae, 23 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 00:10
  • msg #8

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Going to hop on the Lacuna train for my first one because I like them.

Carol Hall - One might fault this Lacuna for not being creative in the name she's taken but the precision of it is certainly admirable. Her figure is, nominally, that of a woman shaped glimpse into a lavish dark wood hall way furnished with a variety of apparent antiques ranging from suits of baroque armor to standing displays of china, funerary masks and everything else one might imagine. The occasional vague specter of a moving figure glimpsed from time to time in the far distance of the hall. Her own professional calling is something of a historian and clerk for the Gerent, keeping track of the trials and travails of the neighborhood and generally being an incorrigible gossip.

Sublime Routine - Someone that lives and, occasionally, dies by the tick of the clock. They serve as constable and enforcing of all those little rules and rituals that seem to keep life generally running along at an orderly clip even in the Actuality. Notoriously obsessed with their agenda and the finer points of their routine, they're rather sharp with anyone that makes too much of a fuss about anything and puts them behind schedule. A fan of the Changeries, their aspect is somewhat androgynous but uniform in the appearance of something almost like a train network given form and figure complete with small steam locomotives racing from place to place with wide and long tankers of what appear to be either blood or wine.

Two and Three Quarters Faces - An Elderbrin with a fondness for human form but notoriously indecisive to the point where they're often wearing many faces at once as the fancy and whim takes them. More curious for the fact that they're a seasoned cosmetician and general dealer in the many strange and wonderful things one might consider as cosmetics in the City of Notions... Some less physical and more... notional than others like a foundation of reason or familiarity, for instance. Their little shop is run out of a an adapted studio apartment built into the loft of one of the many town houses of Fartown.

Kramer and Kramer (Shush Bhaskara) - A pair of twins that run a small grocery store serving to the needs and tastes of the community. Both seem to have an unseemly familiarity with each other and often complete the other's sentences and thoughts. It's a rather unnerving display but the pair have some of the best selection of conjured raw materials that one can hope for in addition to the more common completed dishes. A fact that has kept them in business with a rabid little sub market that likes to experiment and play with their food.

The pair of them are rather, at least when people think they've met them in the flesh, unremarkable. Dark hair, no particular distinguishing features, average height and build and a passable sense of fashion. The only thing that stands out really is how in sync they are and the concerning fact that no one is really sure it's even them. A fact exasperated by their rumored affiliation with a few weaver groups around Fartown.

Candle Quick - A lover of Flame, one can hardly consider it a shock that she possesses a particular passion and temper that's seen her at the heart of more than on little rumour or scandal at the Vancian Campus and around the neighborhood in question. The real shock is, really, that she is a practicing and accredited member of the Order of the Vance... Let alone a teacher on the Campus. She's also said to know just the best dance hall around though few have taken her up on the offer and shown up to the usual socials again.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Mon 27 Jan 2020.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 23 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 17:55
  • msg #9

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Love it, fluffing them out more.

Kilian:  A lacuna who runs a small spice shop called "Variety".  He offers such spices as existential ecstasy, isolated loneliness, hearth contentment, old flame returns, first crush, exciting accomplishment, really any sort of spice you need for your life.  Killian resembles a tall man through which can be see a bed of ferns in a rain-drenched forest.  He is gregarious and very interested in what people have to say about their lives, recording them avidly in an endless stream of notebooks.

Variety is a two story tower of stone, perfectly round, with a spiral staircase about the outside that leads to the sole entrance on the roof.  The staircase is so shallow as to be more a ramp then stairs, taking two full rotations around the building to reach the top.  The long walk offers the traveler time to appreciate the beautiful stained glass windows that encircle the shop, each depicting the same scene of a bustling city, but each under the light of a different sun.  Sharp eyed viewers will see that while the buildings in each glass are roughly the same, the architecture and inhabitants of each Is altered to best reflect the nature of the sun above.

Dilah Jawo:  A collector of musical woodwind instruments and stray birds, Dilah is a zilat who can control small winds.  Her home is constantly full of musical sounds, chirps, screeches, and bird talk.   Dilah is tall and slight, herself almost a reed in the wind.  Her limbs are so rail thin that it looks like she might snap at any moment, a fragile but graceful thing.  This apparent fragility is merely skin deep though, for while she make look practically anemic, her long limbs possess a surprising strength.  It is rumored that she knows the Secret of a Knife in the Wind, though why the Zilat would need such a thing is anyone's guess.

Mimsy:  A young woman who lives in a house not much bigger than her outstretched arms, she nevertheless seems to be cooking constantly, providing an endless stream of aromas from her window.  People seem to be drawn to her window by these scents, and she rarely doesn't have someone chatting at her window at any hour of the day (and evening).
Mimsy is small and squat, and loves to joke that "no one should ever trust a skinny cook."  Her skin is a dark brown, and she is almost never seen without an apron and a smile.  She likes to experiment with Killian's spices, but abhors their overuse, thinking that the tongue should taste no more than a whisper of such overwhelming sensations.

Despite her jovial appearance and demeanor, the rumors about her are surprisingly grim.  Longtime residents on Ambassador Street speak of her sometimes as "the Thief of Names," a concerning title that belies a much deeper meaning.
The Legacy
GM, 18 posts
Path of the Suns
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 02:45
  • msg #10

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Bhaskara - do you want to go with Kilian, Dilah, Mimsy, and Carthis as your neighbors?  One above, one behind, and one on each side?

And then Everly, I can work up some other neighbors for you to pick from (though yours are fabulous), or we can jump right into notable locations for both of you.  :)
Vislae, 25 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 22:50
  • msg #11

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Think I'm good with mine as otherwise I'll be at it forever and a day.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 22:50, Mon 27 Jan 2020.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 26 posts
Tue 28 Jan 2020
at 00:35
  • msg #12

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

That works for me.

What else would you like me to construct?
The Legacy
GM, 20 posts
Path of the Suns
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 00:36
  • msg #13

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Okay, so the new few things we'll need are:

Points of Interest - such as a park, a business, a curious repeating phenomenon, a landmark, or something of the sort.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 27 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 17:17
  • msg #14

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Point of Interest: Illargo’s Mural

The alleyway that leads to the entrance of Bhaskara's hidden domain is tall and narrow, the neighboring buildings crowding in oppressively from all sides to swallow up most of the light.  The locals tend to give it a wide berth, not for the claustrophobic alley, but because of that which resides within.  Not a person, or even a being, but a work of art which dominates an entire wall of a long abandoned building.  No one knows who Illargo was, but their legacy offers unsettling insights into what must have been their mind.

The mural itself is unassuming, dozens if not hundreds of butterflies in a multitude of sizes and shapes, whose brilliant colors are only just muted by the shadows of the narrow alleyway.  Each has hidden among the patterns of its wings a set of eyes, some human, others entirely too alien.  The artist painted them with such skill that the many irised gazes seem to follow every movement of those who pass by, silently tracking those who brave the shortcut.  Worse, those who live on Ambassador Street whisper stories of those who found that meeting the gaze of any of those eyes causes them to change, becoming a mirror image of the eyes of the beholder.  The truth of such stories is anyone’s guess, as none in recent memory have felt brave enough to try.

Point of Interest:  the Stormgarden

Despite the turbulent sounding name, the Stormgarden is a source of joy and delight for most of the residents of Ambasador Street.  It looks unassuming at first, a small community garden at the very end of the street, a dozen small plots.  Each is lovingly tended by one of the residents, reflecting the personality and aesthetics of numerous locals.  Some are carefully ordered fruit and vegetable plots, while others a fantastically curated beds of magically altered flowers, waving vines, and buzzing insects.

The Stormgarden gets its name from the fact that any who enter it generate their own personal weather event, entirely dependant upon their mood.  Calm and tranquil moods summon gentle mists and light rains, light cascading through in a brilliant display of color.  Darker moods summon darker weather, rain, blowing snow, even hail.

Rumor:  It’s All in the Name

It is always worthwhile to pay attention to names in Satyrine, and names of streets are no different.  Ambassador Street is a curious name for such an isolated place, leading to many gossips to speculate on its origin and purpose.  None know of an Embassy that might lead to the title, but that does not mean there isn’t one.
Vislae, 26 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Fri 31 Jan 2020
at 23:18
  • msg #15

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Getting a lot of things prepared for the weekend right now but will try to have my proposed places of interest up this weekend.
Vislae, 27 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sun 2 Feb 2020
at 04:22
  • msg #16

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Point of Interest: Realty of Echoes

A strange facade greets the eyes when looking upon the place known as the Realty of Echoes. It's exterior walls are pitted and scored black iron, etched with effigies of an infinite variety of ears seeming to belong to an infinite variety of beings. No two ever quite the same suggesting their twin long lost to history and strange twists of the fabric of time rife throughout the Actuality. None the less, it's an almost macabre sight when contrasted against the neatly arranged blue-green lawn and the carefully manicured trees of saffron and fuchsia hue that gracefully over hang the walk way to a no less grim trio of steps to the black oak doors. The inside of the building is no less daunting with it's vaunted ceilings and numerous smooth, angled surfaces. Such grows all the more disturbing when one comes to appreciate the acoustics of the place. Sound becoming trapped and magnified as it rebounds endlessly, becoming more and more distorted before finally being captured by one of the bespectacled and helmeted attendance in a strange little apparatus of brass, wax, and lacquered wood; a reverse gramophone of sorts.

In this place is a thriving business of captured and sold sound (And maybe soul), a form of communicated idea with nothing more than reverberation of air and bone and flesh... and business for such acoustical accompaniments is doing quite well.

Point of Interest: Line 89

Oxidized and green tinted copper arches greet with quaint charm at the entrance to Line 89, it's signage all faded and corroded from exposure to scalding steam and careless touches. The smell of hot water, tea, coffee, and other such scalding fluids mingle on the air and leave one with an almost effervescent feeling as they approach the ticket booths standing like grim guardians to the turn style between them. Past that is then the loitering arrangement of cafes, small shops, and kiosks rising like barnacles against a back drop of the greater, and weathered, train station. Finally, one comes to the boarding area where the locomotives come to rest... A keen eyed and fresh from the Grey mind could not a distinct lack of tracks and only a bed of gravel that each black iron engine comes to rest on but such doesn't seem to bother anyone else for one reason or another.

The train can take one to many places in Satyrine and many places beside, linking onto the half built rail ways of Fartown and passing through the no man's land with seemingly ineffable reliability between the pocket neighborhoods of the devastated City of Notions. Each precisely and unalterably on time every 89 minutes and 89 seconds, a strange distinction but minutes seem to be a little longer than normal on this particular locomotive. It's maintenance is left to a strange few who no one is quite sure if they are real or not in the same vein as the Thah; each clad in gowns of grease stained lavender with limbs of marble hand joints of brass. Their features always hidden away by lingering just beyond the edge of peripheral vision and laving behind strange souvenirs like lost change, watches, and from time to time more alarming things to those who spot them.

Rumors a plenty of dark workings and stolen minutes or tickets paid with time shaved off long lives and short alike.

Point of Interest: Chamber of Suns

Power is a drug quite like any other but some find a more potent vision of such addiction than others. The Chamber of Suns is just such a place... A place where magic is found and twisted to achieve a vision of power and grandeur that is peerless through endless pipes of brass and bronze and arcane apparatus of strange mediums beside; thudding and thundering like veins tied to a heart. An infernal heat burns though this place and ceases at the mind yet there are strange wonders and terrible secrets to be found beneath those first layers most find themselves waylaid upon and with such things the burden of terrible insight into the underlying mechanisms that drive the whole of the Actuality... Or so is the popular rumour among those addled few that have stumbled away from the secretive halls and through the all the more illusive door of the Chamber of Suns.

There are other whispers of darker things; that it is a cradle and the reason for the War. That a crime took place here that couldn't be forgiven by the prosecutors of that War. It's all hearsay, of course, and the truth is likely merely a peddler of a drug to those whose egos demand more of their perceptions of reality.

Rumors: Something Wicked This Way Comes

There's rumour of a devil, though that's hardly new, but a devil all the same. Not a small thing either but something scary and thrilling and old and terrible and charming. The mongers say it's looking for an old colleague and has been snapping up the leads with Faustian bargains a plenty for anyone with a kernel or secret to spare towards that end. It's gotten itself something of a name; the Gambler... and from all descriptions is a rather pretty dandy in the guise of one woman or another.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:36, Fri 13 Mar 2020.
The Legacy
GM, 21 posts
Path of the Suns
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 04:39
  • msg #17

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Most excellent guys!  I am setting aside several ideas from your neighborhoods to weave in later! :)

Last three things:

One or two local issues

PC Bonds

Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 28 posts
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 06:33
  • msg #18

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Rumors: There is a wind on Ambassador Street

There has always been light, within the painting.  The cycle of night and day, the suns rising and setting.  More often than not, the sun within the painting even matches the one over Satyrine.  Yet there has never been weather, the sky has always been crystal clear, the sun and the moon right and unblemished by clouds, and the air tranquil and calm.  Now there is a wind, capricious and ever changing, and no one knows why.

Rumors:  The Music Box

Someone has been leaving a beautiful silver music box, perhaps several, about on the street.  Children have been seen playing with it, giggling with delight as it dispenses not just music, but candy and other treats.  A few discerning adults have grown concerned and investigated, but reported that it did not seem to do anything dangerous.  Instead, it sings a song of a spider trapped in its own web, and unfolds like a beautiful flower to reveal a glistening dew colored web of silk.  Placing a spider within this web, as the song that emerges suggests, causes the flower to snap shut, and the prize is won.  No one knows who the owner of the box is, no one sees who places it, and no one sees who moves it, but rumors are that others have been seen within Fartown.

PC Bonds:  I guess that depends on if Bkaskara knows Everly or not.  Their first character arc is to acquire a weapon, and they will want a Maker to create it for them.  Likely, they will need to perform some task for the Maker, or assist them in some goal.  Anything of that which sings to you Everly?  What would they do if they were owed a favor?  Some item they need acquired, some introduction made?
Vislae, 28 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Fri 7 Feb 2020
at 00:34
  • msg #19

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Rumors: The Calendar Council

Time isn't quite right on Listener's street and no one is quite sure as to how or why that's the case. Some blame the recent influx of new arrivals upsetting the delicate rhyme and reason of the day to day routine while other, older residents whisper that it's the doing of some shadowy little group trying to engineer and tweak things just right to make things perfect for them and no one else. A ridiculous notion, of course, but it still doesn't negate the fact that Time simply isn't working quite right.

Rumors: A Vision of Thrones

A rash of disquieting dreams has plagued the more sensitive sorts of Listener's street including the Gerent's own daughter. Each dominated by pitted thrones of stone and vine in the ruins of what had once been a great hall. Endless ruin stretching into indistinct grey and dominated by great, crowned figures in tattered robes of yellow, red, grey, and green. The seem to wish for something but their words make no sense and their gestures bring no insight. No one is quite sure as to what any of it means but scraps of that same tattered clothe have been found among the possessions of several who have experienced the dream.

PC Bond: An introduction is definitely something that'd speak to Everly; she's trying to solidify her own identity after all and such things can go a long way towards that especially depending on the order in question as more than a few of her questions relate to her perceived involvement in many things. That all being said finding a maker is rather easy matter of putting out a commission lol.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:11, Sat 08 Feb 2020.
The Legacy
GM, 22 posts
Path of the Suns
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 07:58
  • msg #20

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Some good issues to deal with here...

Now, for the PC bonds, that's a good reason to meet, but there are some bonds with mechanics attached in the back of The Key.  Is there one or more that interests you to share?

And as for the Desideratum, do you want to do seeking knowledge or money or association or one of the other common ones?
Vislae, 29 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #21

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Maybe Fated Companions? But otherwise, there's not a lot of the PC bonds that might necessarily tie Bhaskara and Everly together beyond a contractual agreement. There could also on that front be an intermediary through Vivali or the like? Heard Bhaskara was looking for a weaponsmith and pointed them towards Everly?

As to the Desideratum; Everly is definitely seeking knowledge of the self and identity as much as to expand her craft and maybe move away from her eremtic ways as said influence grows.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:18, Mon 10 Feb 2020.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 29 posts
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #22

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Fated Companions for sure.

Bhaskara Listens to the Whispers, and the Whispers are the infinite chittering mouths and tapping feet upon a million threads of silk, vibrations just barely perceptible to their Vislae senses.  The multitude will sing to them about Everly of the Order of Makers, once they meet.

"This one, this one is needed for the great web."
"Befriend her, make her an ally."
"Harduun, ganuranth tymori."
"She must succeed in her quest."
"Help her, so that she will help us."
"The seneschal calls."
"Consume her."
"No. Not to be eaten, not to be devoured, not to be turned, this one we need."
"Tick, tick, time is ticking."
"She will be magnificent, let her grow."


Bhaskara is seeking understanding of what is happening to them as well, and attempting to gain the attention and favor of a being of near infinite power, the Truespider Raajathamos.  To do so, they understand that they will need to grow.  Power seems like a good one?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:34, Mon 10 Feb 2020.
Vislae, 30 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Mon 10 Feb 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #23

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

I think this works nicely. Knowledge and power... And I'm sure Everly's secret companion will have a few choice things to say.
The Legacy
GM, 23 posts
Path of the Suns
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 13:42
  • msg #24

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

All righty then!

From the looks of both of your neighborhoods, it seems that there are more things that trend towards the good or neutral rather than the bad, so I shall award you each one Joy for your neighborhoods.

Each of you now have a wicked key.

Now, as a point, there is supposed to be one Desideratum between you two so there is a single point to start the adventure.  So, do you both seek knowledge, or both seek power at this moment?
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 30 posts
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 14:39
  • msg #25

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Vislae, 31 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Thu 13 Feb 2020
at 15:19
  • msg #26

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Knowledge. Of self or otherwise. :D
Vislae, 32 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 00:36
  • msg #27

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Anything else we need to visit to round things out?
The Legacy
GM, 24 posts
Path of the Suns
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #28

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Sorry for the delay!  Had some household things to take care of, but I hope to have our opening In Character post either tonight or tomorrow morning.  :)
Vislae, 34 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sun 23 Feb 2020
at 19:29
  • msg #29

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Seemed like Bhaskara's post was indicating we weren't together... so I made the presumption despite your lead in post there Legacy.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 4 posts
Thu 12 Mar 2020
at 22:51
  • msg #30

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Hmmm, I am interested about this thread. Hopefully not all the details are taken, and I can offer my own contributions? I assume the neighbors are Bonds or just random people we may like to see out and about, a sort of "Cast of Characters"?

I seem to have added a Point of Interest perhaps with the inclusion of Threadbare Thrifts and Threads in my House thread, a Moth run establishment where people purchase cloth that has been moth eaten, a possible trend among certain types. They also sell silk and silk products, such as silk paper. They might be willing to do a trade in for well conditioned clothing with a set that is of a more tattered nature.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 39 posts
Fri 13 Mar 2020
at 14:10
  • msg #31

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

No reason you couldn't add more, and we can contribute to yours!
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