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10:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds.

Posted by The LegacyFor group 0
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 40 posts
Fri 13 Mar 2020
at 23:28
  • msg #32

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

The Moths' Guest House is a Hidden House then?

What neighborhood is it in?
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 6 posts
Fri 13 Mar 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #33

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

That is a very good question that I left vague on purpose. As far as my back and forth with The Legacy, it seems to be an undefined place that just happens to exist somewhere in Satyrine, but has no definitive location.

Tryvv is kinda couch surfing there.

Since the neighbors I define might give it more solid status on location, we can say it is more located in one area or another, but at The Legacy's whim he could spill me out just about anywhere in Satyrine or elsewhere. Moths don't just hang out in Indigo afterall.

I trust our GM to keep it fair, or fun... whichever is more useful for the story!
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 41 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 00:27
  • msg #34

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

A Hidden House is a specific kind of house that is available to two of the Foundations, Eremetics and Iconoclastics.  So as long as you are one of those Foundations you're good to go as far as the "difficult to find" thing.  Your "no definitive location" idea could work perfectly with that.

It's just harder to write neighbors and neighborhood events for you if you don't have a neighborhood.

I do really like the idea that it's "not your house," as that could potentially mitigate a lot of possible mechanical problems.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:32, Sat 14 Mar 2020.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 7 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 01:10
  • msg #35

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Neither necessarily applies to me, as my foundation is "Connected." I looked over the house sizes, and "Small House," which is available to me, describes it as potentially a room rented out to you... kinda like a condo or rented room in a larger home.

Which is the direction I went with. I talked about the home design of the larger abode with The Legacy, and he approved for the house to be not directly placed anywhere, kinda making it "hidden." But that is kinda up to The Legacy. I may over time have my "home" be more strange as time goes on, but the fact his home is so "normal" inside the strangeness of the House of Moth, with it's eerie quietude...that itself is rather odd.

I have been brainstorming a bit all day for neighbors, so as soon as I can sit at my computer I will jump onto that and the last lingering aspects of Tryvv.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 8 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 01:18
  • msg #36

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

For all I know I am not the only "Tenant" in the house. It could serve as a hotel or Condominium complex of sorts, I suppose. Again, for the sake of it being interesting and fun I cede these decisions to the whim of The Legacy. If this is the way we go with it, I can easily make a neighbor be another resident in the home, and we could say that the House of Moth can be accessed only in a certain area, making it less "hidden" and more "not entirely obvious."

If this is the way we go I can edit things a bit (and add a bit more strange to my apartment just to make things interesting...a minor quirk or two, as Tryvv likes the normalacy).
Vislae, 41 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 01:39
  • msg #37

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

It certainly works, it's just harder to pin it down compared to the other houses though it presents an interesting intersection with the Ever House since Everly's home is technically infinite as well.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 9 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 04:02
  • msg #38

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Neighbor: Mr. Shulks
Tryvv is not the only Itinerant of The House of Moth, as Mr. Shulks lives just down the hall. That statement, however, can be quite deceiving, as "down the hall" can mean up to a mile of corridor, or merely a few steps from Tryvv's apartment door. Mr. Shulks is a brooding, quiet sort, a Vislae of unknown order who mostly looms in shadows eerily, and seems to wear about him the gloom of the house like a robe. He eschews even the dim light in the home, and is entirely unperturbed by the normal moth residents even when they swarm about. Mr. Shulks gives the air that one should know him more familiarly, but the sense always escapes. At least, that is Tryvv's experience. He has not seen Mr. Shulks entertain much, but Tryvv did have him once over for tea. Tryvv can not recall what that was like...

Neighbor: Madame Harlowe
An elaborate armoire in an old burned out Brothel and Burlesque on Lantern Row seems to have a common exit from the House of Moth. despite being burned out and quite obviously haunted by Madame Harlowe herself, Madame Halowe's Harlots is quite operational and draws quite a few patrons seeking Burlesque entertainments (and other fare) at the establishment. Madame Harlowe is quite breathtaking as far as ghosts go (both literally and figuratively), but is good natured, if quite miffed whenever Tyrvv happens to stumble out of her particular armoire. After the first few times that he had interrupted "business," she has set the offending portal into a storage room, and she has been much more pleasant about intrusions from the House of Moth since.

Neighbor: Bervin
Bervin is an Elderbrin who runs a cafe adjacent to Threadbare Thrifts and Threads on Beacon's Way. Unlike most Elderbrin, Bervin is more heard than seen, taking on the shape of music embodied in form. For those who have not 'seen' Bervin before, or another Elderbrin with similar dispositions, the sensation of seeing the formed appearance of a piece of music is quite strange. But nonetheless he is a quite pleasant chap, and his shop, Cafe Allegro (not to be confused with Cafe Allegory three blocks down) draws many who are in the mood for pleasant and calming music while sipping espresso. Except on Tuesdays. Tuesdays is Jazz day.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 10 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 05:27
  • msg #39

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Point of Interest: Torchlanes
The streets along Beacon's Way see dusk earlier than most, for whatever reason. Residents do not pay it any mind, it is just the way things are, and there are certainly a number of Vislae that could be blamed for it. However, the early fading light along the roads has facilitated the need for transit too and from without leaving residents or visitors stumbling in the gloom of the place during an hour when most think it ought to be daytime. The Gerent of the area created the Torchlanes to fulfill that need, a cab and carriage service that takes people to, from, and throughout The Beacon's Way and all the branching streets adjacent. One merely needs to hail a cab, and their torchlit vehicle will whisk sojourners off, using a route that seems to bend the streets to create a shorter path.

Claimed to be the best way to get about, there is an official cab installment on both ends of The Beacon's way, and from there one can order a cab, or try to hail one from the street. Throughout the rest of Satyrine there are installments that take people to the dusky district as well, but the Torchlanes are idiosyncratic to The Beacon's Way, and only rarely are their cab's called for service far from their standard route.

Local Concern: Torch Sputter
Their have been a number of issues with keeping the lamps and torches of The Beacon's Way lit, even when there seems to be nothing wrong with the torch, lantern, or lamp. In particular this has been problematic for the drivers of the Torchlanes, who rely on the lights to lead them along their hastened routes.

Point of Interest: Font of Sero
On Gaslight, a plaza that intersects The Beacon's Way, there is the Font of Sero, a fountain that spills out an unending stream of babbling words and phrases. About the fountain are benches who are huddled in contemplative thought, wondering often aloud what sorts of ideas are being conveyed in the endless stream. This makes the benches entirely unfit for sitting upon, as they are quite incessant in their pondering. despite this inconvenience, it is quite a spectacle, and many Vances come to the Font of Sero seeking some bit of stray lore that might be useful in the composition of their spells, or a theory on arcane lore while conversing with the benches. Others, such as theatrically minded Weavers or Goetics, find the backdrop of the fountain to be a good place to try busking, though Goetics sometimes find this occasionally dangerous, as the murmur of the font can be quite distracting. Others like to view this landmark from afar, the murmur becoming a soft lull that they might find relaxing while drinking at the Cafe Allegory (not to be confused with the Cafe Allegro 3 blocks up).

Point of Interest: Twilight's Veranda
Twilight's Veranda is a large open air performance theatre located on Candle St. No one seems to own it, though nonetheless it earns quite a bit of income as there is frequent patronage. While regular performers can have a performance booked at Twilight's Veranda, it more frequently see's Vislae making use of their magical talent to create impressive displays. Weavers frequently make use of the theatre not just for performance sake, but also to advance and hone their skill live on stage, while the other Orders may occasionally book a performance here as well. Theatre goers may dine while they watch the magical performances, and the fare itself is worthy of praise, though it is a mystery exactly where the meals come from just as much as it is unknown where the money spent to dine or view a performance goes.

Rumor: Twilight's Misfortune
The local Gerent is quite interested in who runs and maintains the Twilight Veranda, and has placed a reward for any who can discover their identity. Why he wants this knowledge is kept quiet, though most suspect it is so he can get a cut of the profits through taxes at the very least!

Local Concern: Pesky Pests
There has been a local infestation of moths that have caused some damage to certain textile sales shops, and have become a bother to various tourists trying to enjoy the scenery of the Dusky District.

Rumor: The Unlit Lamp
Down a ways on Shamlamp Ave. is a Lamp Post that can not be lit, and indeed has laid in utter darkness for years. Most give it a wide berth, especially those carrying a light of some sort, as the rumor is that it will douse if one get's too close to the lamp post, and it is seen as highly taboo to stay too long within the gloom of that lamp during the hours after dusk. Some claim to have seen an ominous figure standing beneath it, but can't seem to remember much else about it. These stories almost always seem to be linked to some misfortune that occurs afterward, though this could be the speaker correlating the events together unnecessarily.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 11 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 05:39
  • msg #40

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Whew! Ok, that covers that... at least for now, supposing that The Legacy has no concerns to raise!

Now for PC Bonds. Any ideas? Since I am late and missed the group development, I do not see any that immediately jump out. Relatives only works if we are distantly related... Shadow Friends could work (But the benefit would likely be lost on us sadly). I do not want to follow the line of "Fated Companions" per se, since I know that is already being used, even if that *is* the easiest to employ.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 42 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 05:42
  • msg #41

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Whats your starting Character Arc?
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 12 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 05:52
  • msg #42

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

fall from grace

I decided to go hard mode. Should be fun.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 43 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 05:58
  • msg #43

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Want to have trouble with the Abnormous?

Perhaps they are the reason everything is going to shit?
This message was last edited by the player at 05:58, Sat 14 Mar 2020.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 13 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 06:13
  • msg #44

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

meaning that the Abnormous is responsible for my woes? No, I already covered that area, though having the Abnormous as an enemy isn't necessarily a bad thing, methinks. I assume that you are looking at Rivalry, though that doesn't seem as...conflicty as being diametrically opposed. Unless I am mistaking your idea.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 44 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 07:21
  • msg #45

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Let's start with the basics, what is your character?
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 14 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 17:01
  • msg #46

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

A Connected Stoneheart of the Order of Weavers who Turns Tales into Reality.

Obviously a lot of Nuance involved here. Fall From Grace isn't an easy Arc to follow for someone with a lot of connections.

For purposes of relevant info pertaining to PC bond possibilities, he has bonds with Moths (a strong theme throughout the character design), Intelligentsia, and Lacuna. His Shadow life was that of a teacher of Literature and Folktales (which now he has discovered are more real than myth).
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 45 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 17:20
  • msg #47

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

It seems like those contradictions are going to be your story, as you lose your connections with one of the three.

I would perhaps suggest a plot line where the Abnormous abduct and possess a Lacuna contact of yours while you are meeting with them, and the greater Lacuna community blames you for the disappearance.  The investigation down the line as you try and clear your good name would bring you into contact with Everly and Bhaskara, who are also investigating the disappearance of an acquaintance.

Gives us a pretty clear Fated Companions hook.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 15 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #48

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

I like the sound of that. The Lacuna are my shakiest connection, and I could see Tryvv drinking away his sorrows at a bar run or frequented by Lacuna, and them somehow blaming him for the disappearance of a person.

I have an idea on who and where, but let me slide it past The Legacy. Otherwise that sounds like a good idea.
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 46 posts
Sun 15 Mar 2020
at 21:55
  • msg #49

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

I'd like to add...

Neighbor: Bervin:
Bervin is an Elderbrin who runs a cafe adjacent to Threadbare Thrifts and Threads on Beacon's Way. Unlike most Elderbrin, Bervin is more heard than seen, taking on the shape of music embodied in form. For those who have not 'seen' Bervin before, or another Elderbrin with similar dispositions, the sensation of seeing the formed appearance of a piece of music is quite strange. But nonetheless he is a quite pleasant chap, and his shop, Cafe Allegro (not to be confused with Cafe Allegory three blocks down) draws many who are in the mood for pleasant and calming music while sipping espresso. Except on Tuesdays. Tuesdays is Jazz day. my neighborhood.

Most of your local events and rumors seem keyed to your street.

I'll write up one or two to give to you today.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:56, Sun 15 Mar 2020.
Vislae, 43 posts
1st Degree Maker
Whispers in the Dark
Sun 15 Mar 2020
at 22:26
  • msg #50

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Point of Interest: Torchlanes
The streets along Beacon's Way see dusk earlier than most, for whatever reason. Residents do not pay it any mind, it is just the way things are, and there are certainly a number of Vislae that could be blamed for it. However, the early fading light along the roads has facilitated the need for transit too and from without leaving residents or visitors stumbling in the gloom of the place during an hour when most think it ought to be daytime. The Gerent of the area created the Torchlanes to fulfill that need, a cab and carriage service that takes people to, from, and throughout The Beacon's Way and all the branching streets adjacent. One merely needs to hail a cab, and their torchlit vehicle will whisk sojourners off, using a route that seems to bend the streets to create a shorter path.

Claimed to be the best way to get about, there is an official cab installment on both ends of The Beacon's way, and from there one can order a cab, or try to hail one from the street. Throughout the rest of Satyrine there are installments that take people to the dusky district as well, but the Torchlanes are idiosyncratic to The Beacon's Way, and only rarely are their cab's called for service far from their standard route.

Kind of plays well with the whole Calendar Council rumor I had  proposed for my own neighborhood so there's a nice affiliation there. The Cab system also makes a good link for the rail way station (Line 89) that was one of my PoIs as well.
Tryvv Lorent
Vislae, 16 posts
Sun 15 Mar 2020
at 22:40
  • msg #51

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

The more connection the better! I confess I looked to everyone else's ideas to help structure mine.
The Legacy
GM, 33 posts
Path of the Suns
Tue 17 Mar 2020
at 08:53
  • msg #52

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Excellent, sounds most intriguing Tryvv!  A lovely strata of light and shadow to play in.  :)
Bhaskara Kohli
Vislae, 49 posts
Sat 21 Mar 2020
at 17:59
  • msg #53

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

I'm stealing my favorite one of these from another game for you, and writing a new one.

Place of Interest:  Iljin's Archway

A simple stone arch between two tall buildings, someone has taken the time to scratch "linger not" into the rough grey.  Passing through reveals a dark alleyway, but one need only pass twenty paces within to be greeted by a brilliant swarm of incandescent butterflies.  They take wing from the walls, alighting in ones and twos on any passersby with a delightful tingling sensation.  Closer inspection with a light source reveals their true purpose, bellies swelling rapidly with crimson.  Fortunately, the insects are sluggish enough that one can pass through the alleyway at a brisk pace and attract less than a handful of them.  Thus far, they have resisted any and all attempts at eradication.

As a rule, most of the locals avoid it but there's a small few who brave it as something like a right of passage and the euphoria that comes with the touch of the Butterflies is rumored to be more addictive than just a spat of light headedness.

Place of Interest:  The Well of Eyes

The Well of Laughter used to be an idle amusement, a small fountain attached to a deep well whose shimmering waters provided a great assortment of emotions to those who partook.  That all changed two weeks ago, when the water lost some of its imbued aspects.  Something was called, a denizen of the Red, and it has infested the well.  It has grown fat, corpulent, swelled to bursting on the rich wealth of emotions upon which to feed.  To some, this many eyed horror is an improvement, for it filters out all the negative emotions that the well used to impart.  Others ward themselves and avoid the square in which it resides, shuddering at the thought of consuming anything having anything to do with the clustered gaze that lies beneath the cobblestones.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:14, Sat 21 Mar 2020.
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 3 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2020
at 22:19
  • msg #54

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Ok in my shotgun approach to character creation I’m going to put out some character bond and neighborhood building stuff.  Jonah it seems is pretty good at getting things to a lesser extent by negotiation and to a greater extent by being physically able to get places. Honestly his skills are lacking in his players opinion, but I think it’s the nature of Vances and most other Vislae the start of the game so we will go with it.  He is, however, not a fighter so keep that in mind.  He is far more of a runner awayer.

As for his house, it is a doorway in an empty lot in Fartown.  The door is at the top of a set of stairs that would lead to what should be a brownstone, but is more of an alley breaking up a row of brownstones.  From the rear the door is invisible but the stairs can be seen.  The area that should be a house is actually heavily trafficked as a shortcut in the neighborhood.

To the left of his house is an artists studio.  The artists name is Laveh and he is a zillat creator.  He specializes in in forming sculptures from captured light and is quite abusive of anyone who comes to his studio In addition to being a raging alcoholic.

To the right of the door/house is a grocer that specializes in herbs that have been grown under different suns.  There is nothing special about the herbs it’s mundane things like chives, parsley, cilantro but all are imported from the other suns.  Chefs claim that one can taste and feel the difference and, while Jonah has made the rounds of the shop he can’t tell the difference.  Of course, he has trouble telling the difference between parsley and cilantro, so...

That’s my start so anyone who feels inspired can just tag on of course.
The Legacy
GM, 64 posts
Path of the Suns
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 06:30
  • msg #55

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

Jonah, what is your house's name? The Nowhere House?  The Door?  Staircase to Nothing?

For a neighborhood feature, how about:

Once Fountain - This fountain on the corner appears only a particular way once.  It has been a stone basin, various kinds of statues, a bronze urn, an elaborate multi-figure memorial, a silver orb, even someone's house!  It seems to change with the setting of the sun, and despite sometimes dramatic changes in size, never seems to infringe upon the road or businesses near it.


Eloquent Haberdashery - A store for men's hats made to order. What most find unique about it is there are no hats on display, only large broadsheets that describe each hat in beautiful poetry.  The proprietor, a lacuna name Ingrid whose form looks out upon a calm blue sea with silver bubbles in it, will only examine a potential customer's poetry to determine if they rate a hat from her shop.

We'll also need a rumor about your neighborhood...
Jonah Ophidon
Vislae, 9 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2020
at 18:37
  • msg #56

Session Zero - Neighborhoods and Character Bonds

I quite like the fountain and, while the haberdashery is probably a place that Jonah wouldn’t go (Not a hat guy)I think it could also be a good addition.  I figure more stuff is likely better or at least leads to more stories.  Perhaps a name for the house could be the Winged Door as the casement around the door is made of bird wings.  Neither I nor Jonah know why the wings.  The wings are stone, but occasionally they move or flap though rarely.

For a rumor...  Perhaps he gerent is rumored to have made a deal with one of the emotion mills to allow them to build a new factory.  The rumor also suggests that a number of houses will be torn down to make space for it though it is unclear which houses and the gerent denies the rumor.
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