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09:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Places & Features of Cainin.

Posted by The DealerFor group 0
The Dealer
GM, 5 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2020
at 02:00
  • msg #1

Places & Features of Cainin

The Territory of Cainin

Cainin is an incorporated territory to the west of the United States. It is west of the American states, with substantial unsettled land between it and the nearest one. It is north of the Mexican border, with a 10-mile demilitarized border between them.

Cainin's southern and eastern borders are clearly mapped, but its northern and western borders are vague. To the north and west are unincorporated territory, which is truly lawless country.

Most of the population is immigrated from the United States, or the first generation born here.

10% Native American, Narawindi Tribe
40% American, white
20% American, Black
10% American, Asian
10% Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese
10% Mexican immigrants
~1% European immigrants, various


Windy Spring

The largest, longest-established town in the territory. The last settlement on the rail-line, so it is effectively the only place that can receive imported goods. Founded as a result of homesteaders needing a place to buy goods and sell crops. At first it was stage-coaches, but eventually the rail-line was built this far. The town began to boom.

In recent days, the town's fortunes have declined significantly. Bandits gathered in the region and began raiding homesteads. Shops were burgled. Travellers were robbed. People were kidnapped, and many were never seen again.

Many townsfolk and the homesteaders around left the territory. Those who could not afford to leave live in fear of bandits.

Windy Springs has a blacksmith, a general store, a gunsmith, a horse trader, a doctor's office, a saloon, a bank, a train station, and a church. It has a disused theatre and a disused wheelwright.


Goldshire is situated in the north-west of the territory. It was formerly called Hyatt's Post, but has changed names. When first founded, it was little more than a trading post for trappers and prospectors. Since then, it has grown significantly.

Goldshire is a den of vice. Most of the small permanent population works in service industries that cater to temporary inhabitants. The town attracts miscreants of all kinds, eager to spend money and avoid official attention. Prospectors and trappers still come here to do business, but they are outnumbered by the con-men, gamblers, and outlaws that pass through.

Goldshire has a saloon, a casino, a brothel, a flophouse, a general store, and a butcher. There are also plenty of travelling salespeople who have set up tents and wagons.


Hardly more than a spot on the map, this ghost village used to be a town. Grand Hallow was founded around the same time as Windy Spring. Farmers and stagecoaches alike would come here to trade. Shops began to open up. For a time, either might have been the economic capital of Cainin. The railway decided things. The line went to Windy Spring rather than Grand Hallow, and most of the trade went with it.

It is now called Grubhallow by everyone who knows it. There are no permanent residents among the abandoned buildings. Tumbleweeds blow in the streets and shutters bang in the breeze.


Boundary is the settlement closest to the demilitarized zone. There was a time when Mexico contested these lands. Immigrants from the south attempted to fill the land, and soldiers arrived to reinforce them. Battles elsewhere were lost, leaving Mexico no choice but to withdraw their claim on this land. Some of the people chose not to leave. These new Mexican-Americans were granted legal immigrant status, but suffered prejudice from their fellow Americans. They congregated in one town to the south. The name had been "Buen Día," but this became mistranslated on the new official map.

Boundary is a small village. Most of the residents are Mexican. Some speak only Spanish, but a majority speak some English and many speak it very well. Most are Catholic, which further irritates those hard-liners who believe these Mexicans are secretly anti-American.

Alcoholic beverages are illegal in Boundary. No-one but the sheriff and their deputies may carry firearms in the villages' grounds. Gambling is illegal in Boundary.

Boundary has a blacksmith, a cantina, a general store, a butcher (kosher by arrangement), a doctor, and a Catholic mission. There is a defunct printer's office, and a defunct gunsmith.

Other Habitations

Fort Conrad

The Federal Government has a small fortress in Cainin. American soldiers are stationed here, ready to engage the enemies of the nation. They patrol the border of the demilitarized zone and keep the fort manned. Travelling peddlers can usually make a good profit bringing food, horses, and supplies here. Careful ones can even sell liquor and other luxuries, although they risk being hanged for smuggling.

The fort offers no services to civilians. No-one except those in the regiment are allowed in the fort. Anyone near the fort without permission may be fired upon.

Corarana and the Reserve

The local Native American tribe, ignorantly called 'Indians' by those who can't be bothered to unlearn incorrect history, are called the Narawindi. They have been assigned a territory by the Federal Government as a 'reserve.' They can leave it freely, but the government provides a stipend to the reserve based on how many members of the tribe, with tribal ancestry, make their permanent residence on this land.

It is not a wealthy land. The northern part of the reserve is essentially badlands. The soil is very dry and acidic. Nothing much grows or lives here.

The southern part of the territory is more arable. The tribe uses this area for subsistence farming, and for hunting and gathering.

The permanent camp of the Narawindi is called Corarana. It sits on a hill, overlooking the reserve. There are strict, even draconian, rules imposed on the reserve and its residents. They are only allowed to build a certain number of permanent structures. Alcohol is forbidden. The tribe can only own a certain number of guns, and only those used for hunting, and only a certain amount of ammunition. If non-natives are found to be living on the reserve, the tribe's stipend will be harshly cut.

There is a butcher, a tailor, and a leatherworker in Corarana.


Tornrange is a coal mine. Had the nearby settlement of Grand Hallow survived, it might have become a village in its own right. Due to the rampant gang activity, no-one wants to live or work here. The place is staffed by a skeleton crew who generally have no other options. Walls and armed guards prevent unauthorized access and reduce the risk of gang attacks. Stagecoaches come here to collect coal supplies and return them to the larger settlements.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:32, Thu 11 June 2020.
The Dealer
GM, 7 posts
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 16:31
  • msg #2

Places & Features of Cainin

Little Houses:
 1: Windy Spring
 2: Grubhollow
 3: Goldshire
 4: Boundary

Burst: Ford Conrad

Moon: Corarana

Circle: Tornrange Coal Mine

Dark Red Line: active railroad. Arrows indicate direction
Light Red Line: railroad under construction
Bright Yellow Line: Stagecoach road
Pale Yellow Line: Disused Road


A1, A2, A3: Sokanani Sea
An inland, freshwater sea. Increasingly a Mexican pond, its use is increasingly being contested by American shipping. Used by the Narawindi for fishing until their activities were restricted to the Reserve.

B2, B3, B4: Migina Swamps
These slow-moving rivers feed off the nearby Nukipana Range and its rainfall. Home to a variety of flora and fauna.

D2, D3, D4: Nukipana Range.
Also called Conrad’s Wall, this territory was essential during the recent war between Mexico and the United States.

F5, F6, F7, G5, G6, G7: Amber Sea
This land is a dry, desolate badland shielded from precipitation by the surrounding mountain ranges.

E3, F3, G3: Tauki Basin
Largely unexplored by humans. This land is believed to house treasure, ghosts, devils, and who-knows-what.

6, D7, D8: Atsidi Foothills.
A rough collection of hills. Reserve land owned by the Narawindi. They have some copper deposits, but the terms of the Reserve do not allow mining.

B6, B7, B8: Mancebo Prairies
A fertile valley formerly contested by Mexico. Populated by mainly by Mexican immigrants. Now a farming region.

A11: Mouth of the Beldade River

C11: Coyote Confluence
Where the two main rivers in this region meet.

D9: Atsidi River

D10: Crow River

H8, H9, H10: Greystone Spur
A portion of the nearby mountain range that juts out. Highest mountain is called Wildpeak.

F9, F10, F11: Aurora basin
Fed by rain falling off the Greystone Spur, this region is some of the best arable land in the territory. Plenty of wild game, and part of a buffalo migration route.

E13, F13, G13, H13: Red Heights
Rocky hills, with some mineral deposits.

E14, E15, E16: Feng Fields
Named after the first Chinese homesteader family in this region

D17, E17, F17: Purity Hills
A coal find here created the Tornridge mine.

B17, C17, D17: Giant’s Gulch

A13: Mouth of the Tejadore River
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:05, Mon 15 June 2020.
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